434 De dif. essen. et hyp. 1–3; Ad Graec.//GNO. III. 1. P. 20–21; 32; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 40–41; Adv. Apoll.//GNO. III.1. P. 165; C. Eun. I.1.479.1; II.1.133.5; III.5.43.1; Ad Eust.//GNO. III.1. P. 14.20. 438 Adv. Maced.//GNO. III.1. P. 90.31–91.4; cp. C. Eun. I.1.231–232; I.1.276.5–6; II. 1.475.1–4; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 55.13–16; Adv. Apoll.//GNO. III.1. P. 133.22–23. 444 См. C. Eun. II.1.166.9–10; II.1.582.6; III.5.57.1; 58.1; 59.3; 60.2–9; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 43.1–20; De beat. VI//PG 44. Col. 1269A. 447 См. C. Eun. I.1.571–573; II.1.149.4–152.3; II.1.353; II.1.476; Ref. conf. Eun. 124.9–125.6; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 44.7–10; De beat. VI//PG 44. Col. 1268B– 1269B; In Cant. XI//GNO. VI. P. 334.7–8; 335.1; 339.7–8; De op. hom. 6; См. также Meredith. P. 95. 451 См. C. Eun. II.1.582.4–585.5; 149.6–150.1; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 44.14–45.1; Ad Graec.//GNO. III.1. P. 22.4–6; Ad Eust.//GNO. III.1. P. 15.1. 453 C. Eun. I.1.276.1–277.1; cp. C. Eun. I.1.208.5–9; 234–235; Adv. Maced.//GNO. III.1. P. 92.16–25. 468 См. Adv. Ar. et Sab.//GNO. III.1. P. 71.1–11; 85.19–23; Ad Eust.//GNO. III.1. P. 5.10–14; cp. C. Eun. I.1.499.4–500.3; II.1.14.6–15.6; о незыблемости в Боге Троицы Лиц см. Ad Graec.//GNO. III.1. P. 24.14–24. 470 De op. hom. 5; Or. Cat. 1; Ad Simpl.//GNO. III.1. P. 64.23–65.8; C. Eun. III.6.29.1–6; Ref. conf. Eun. 58.2. 480 См. De dif. essen. et hyp. 2.1–30; Ad Graec.//GNO. III.1. P. 30.20–32.5; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1, P. 40.5–23; 54.1–4. 486 См. Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 38.13–15; 40.24–41.7; 46.14–16; Ad Graec.//GNO. III.1. P. 19.15–16; 20.27–21.15; 22.13–24; 26.1–4; 29.9–11; 33.2–5; De dif. essen. et hyp. 4.2–21; 83–87; Ep. 5.9; См. также Cross. 2002. P. 280–281. 490 См. Or. Cat. 1–2; C. Eun. I.1.498.2; II.1.353.9; II.1.356.3; II.1.538.8; III.8.25.5–9; De dif. essen. et hyp. 3.5–12; Ad Abl.//GNO. III.1. P. 40.16–20; 54.2; De or. Dom. III//Oehler. S. 264.54. 491 См. C. Eun. I.1.277.8–278.2; De dif. essen. et hyp. 4.38–44; Ref. conf. Eun. 12.4–13.8; De or. Dom. III//Oehler. S. 262.19–28.


Background Infonotes: The Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Durostorum (Dorostorum) – known as Dorostol or Drastar (Drustur) during the periods of the Bulgarian Empire in the Middle Ages – is the precursor of today’s Bulgarian city of Silistra. It was originally founded as an Ancient Thracian settlement on the Lower Danube. In 29 AD, the Romans built there a fortress keeping the settlement’sThracian name of Durostorum (or Dorostorum). After his victories wars over the Dacians north of the Danube, Roman Emperor Trajan stationed the elite Claudius’ 11th Legion – Legio XI Claudia – at Durostorum, and the fortress remained its permanent seat until the demise of the Roman Empire. In 169 AD, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 AD), Durostorum was made a Roman city – a municipium. Between the 2nd and the 4th century AD, it was a major urban and military center of the Roman Province of Moesia Inferior (later divided into Moesia Secunda and Scythia Minor), and amajor Roman stronghold against the barbarian invasions. The earliest 12 Christian saints from the territory of today’s Bulgaria are Roman soldiers executed in Durostorum during the Great Persecution of Emperor Diocletian between 303 and 313 AD, including St. Dasius and St. Julius the Veteran. In 388 AD, today’s Silistra became the seat of a Christian bishopric. Roman general Flavius Aetius (391-454 AD), who is known as “the last of the Romans” for his army’s victory over the Huns in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains in 451 AD, was born in Durostorum. During the barbarian invasions of Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs, and Bulgars the city was ransacked several times. It was rebuilt during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I the Great (r. 527-565 AD). The Slavs settled in Durostorum around 590 AD, and named it Drastar (Drustur). The city became part of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680 – 1018 AD) around 680 AD. Bulgarian Khan (or Kanas) Omurtag (r. 814-831 AD) is known to have built there a large imperial palace known as the Danube Palace of Bulgarian Khans where later Bulgarian Tsar Simeon I the Great (r. 893-927 AD) resided in 896-897 AD. In 895 AD (during the Bulgarian-Hungarian War of 894-896 AD), the Magyars(Hungarians), allies of Byzantium, besieged the Bulgarian army under the personal command of Tsar Simeon I the Great in the fortress of Drastar but were repulsed. The next year the Magyars were decisively defeated by the Bulgarians in the extremely fierce Battle of Southern Buh (in today’s Ukraine) which eventually led their tribes to retreat to the west and settle in the region of Pannoniaessentially founding today’s Hungary.


Cohort. ad Graec. Cohortatio ad Graecos//PG. T. 6. Col. 261–311 (Увещание к эллинам). De resurrect. De resurrectione//PG. T. 6. Col. 593–1605/Ed. J.C.T. Otto. Corpus apologeticarum. Wiesbaden. 1971. T. 3. P. 126–158 (pyc. пер.: Иустин Мучеиик, св. Отрывок ο воскресении//Там же. С. 469–184). Dial. cum Tryph. Dialogus cum Tryphone//PG. T. 6. Col. 481–800 (pyc. пер.: Иустин Мученик , св. Разговор с Трифоном иудеем//Там же. C. 132–362). De monarch. De monarchia//PG. T. 6. Col. 382–390 (pyc. пер.: Иустин Мучеиик, ce. O единовластительстве//Там же. С. 455–164 Ps.-Iust. – псевдо-Иустин Orat, ad Graec. Oratio ad Graecos//PG. T. 6. Col. 229–240 (pyc. пер.: Иустин Мученик , св. Речь кэллинам//Тамже. C. 389–395). . Quaest. et resp. ad orth. Quaestiones et responsiones ad Orthodoxos//PG. T. 6. Col. 1249–1400 (Вопросы и ответы к православным). Ad Euphras. Epistula ad Euphrasiam sophistam (CPG. 1:1089) (Евфрасию Софисту o промысле и вере). Cohort. ad Graec. Cohortatio ad Graecos//PG. T. 6. Col. 241–312 (pyc. пер.: Иустип Мучеиик, св. Увещание к эллинам//Там же. С. 401–449). Ad Zen. et Seren. Epistula ad Zenam et Serenum//PG. T. 6. Col. 1184–1204 (Письмо к Зину и Серину). Conf. Confutatio dogmatum quorundam Aristotelicorum//PG. T. 6. Col. 1492–1564. (Опровержение некоторых догматов Аристотеля). Quaest. ad Graec. Quaestiones Christianorum ad Graecos//PG. T. 6. Col. 1401–1464 (Вопросы христиан к эллинам). Quaest. ad Christ. Quaestiones Garecorum ad Christianos//PG. T. 6. Col. 1464–1489 (Вопросы эллинов к христианам). Jul. Afr. Julius (Sextus) Africanus – Юлий Секст Африкан Chronograph. Cronographiae (Fragmenta)//PG. 10. Col. 63–94 (Хронография). Maximus Conf. Maximus Confessor – Прп. Максим Исповедник Opusc. Opuscula theologica et polemica ad Marinum//PG. T. 91. Col. 9–286. (Послания богословские и полемические к Марину). Schol. in MT Scholia in: Areop. MT//PG. T. 4. Col. 15–132. Scholia in Dionysium Areopagitum (pyc. пер.:Диописий Ареопагит. Сочинения. МаксимИсповедник. Толкования. СПб. 2002).


Hrodberti ecclesiam, quam Priwina cum omni superposito tradidit Deo et S. Petro atque S. Hrodberto in perpetuum usum fructuarium viris Dei Zalzburgensibus habendi. Postmodum vero roganti Priwino misit Liuprammus archiepiscopus magistros de Salzburch muratores 509 et pictores, fabros et lignarios, qui infra civitatem Priwinae honorabilem ecclesiam construxerunt, quam ipse Liuprammus aedificari coepit, officium ecclesiasticum ibidem colere peregit. In qua ecclesia Adrianus martyr humatus pausat. Item in eadem civitate ecclesia S. Iohannis Baptistae constat dedicata, et foris civitatem in Dudleipin, in Ussitin, ad Businiza, ad Bettobiam, ad Stepiliperc, ad Lindolueschirichun, ad Keisi, ad Wiedhereschirichun, ad Isangrimeschirichun, ad Beatuseschirichun, ad Quinque basilicas 510 temporibus Liuprammi dedicatae sunt ecclessiae. Et ad Otachareschirichun, et ad Palmunteschirichun ceterisque locis ubi Priwina et sui voluerunt populi. Quae omnes temporibus Priwinae constructae sunt et conseeratae a praesulibus Iuvavensibus. 12. Pervenit igitur 511 ad notitiam Ludovici piissimi regis, quod Priwina benivolus 512 fuit erga Dei servitium et 513 suum; fidelibus suis quibusdam saepius ammonentibus concessit illi in proprium totum, quod prius habuit in beneficium 514 exceptis illis rebus, quae ad episcopatum Juvavensis ecclesiae viderentur 515 pertinere, scilicet ad S. Petrum principem apostolorum et beatissimum Hrodbertum ubi ipse corpore requiescit; ubi tunc ad praesens rector venerabilis Liuprammus archiepiscopus praeesse dinoscitur 516 . Ea ratione diffinivit domnus senior noster rex easdem res, quae tunc ad ipsum episcopum in ipsis locis conqaesitae sunt, et qui inantea Deo propitio augeri possunt, ut sine ullius hominis contradictione et judiciaria consignatione illibate ad ipsa loca supra dictorum perpetualiter valeant perseverare. Isti fiebant praesentes: nomine 517 Liuprammus archiepiscopus, Erchanbertus episcopus 518 , Erchanfridus episcopus 519 , Hartwigus episcopus 520 , Karolomannus, Hludovicus 521 , Ernust 522 , Ratpot 523 , Werinheri, Pabo, Fritilo, Tacholf 524 , Deotrih, Yuaninc, Gerolt, Liutolf, Deotheri, Wuolfregi, Jezo, Egilolf, Puopo, Adalperht, Megingoz, item Adalperht, Odalrih, Peringer, Managolt.


Epistola canonica ad Basilidem, 1271–90 (cam commentario Balsamonis). 1 . Ad Domitium et Didymum, 1291–4. 2 . Ad Novatianum, 1295–6. 3 . Ad Fabium Antiochenum, 1295–1312. 4 . Ad Cornelium, papam, 1311–14. 5 . Seu 1 de Baptisms, ad Stephanum papam, 1313–16. 6 . Seu 2 de Baptismo, ad Xystum papam, PL., S. 7 . Seu 3 de Baptismo, ad Philemonem, PL., S, 91–94. 8 . Seu 4 de Baptismo, ad Dionysium, PL., Б, 93–96. 9 . Seu 5 de Baptismo, ad Xystum, papam, PL., 5, 95–100. 10 .Ad versus Germanum ep., 10, 1315–26. 11 .Ad Hermammonem, 1325–34. 12 .Ad Alexandrines, 1333–40. 13 .Ad Hieracem ep., 1339–42. 14 .Seu festalis 4, 1341–44. Ad Paulum Samosatenum, latine, 28, 1561–66. Commentarium in Ecclesiasten, 10, 1577–88. In Lucam, XXII, 42–8: 1589–96; græce plenius, 1597–1602. Alia fg., 1597–8; 1601–2. Notitia G., 1233–6. DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA, s, V, 3–4. Ex editione Corderii cum scholiis S. Maximi, paraphrasi Georgii Pachymeræ et notis Corderii. I. De cælesti hierarchia, 119–370. De ecclesiastica hierarchia, 369–584. De divines nominibus, 585–990. De mystica theologia, 997–1064. Epistolæ 1–10, 1065–1120. Epistola 11 a ,. Apollophani, 1119–22; notæ Lanssetii. Liturgia S. Dionysii, 1123;32. Pachymeræ paraphrasis, 3–4. Maximi et Germani Scholia, 4. Lansselii præfatio, 4, 13–14, et notes, 509–26. Corderii onomasticon Dionysii, 3, 1133–76 Corderii observationes generates pro faciliore inlelligentia S. D., 3, 77–96. Corderii Isagoge ad mysticam theologiam S. D., 3, 95–108. Tabula tachygraphica, 4, 1687–88. Cf. 3, 509. II. DlONYSIANA. Vitæ antiquæ (ex Menæis, Symeone Meta- phrasia, Suida, Nicephoro, Michael Syngelo, Methodio, 4, 577–690. Delrio. Vindiciæ Areopagiticæ ex parte, 4, 953–82. Halloix. Vita S. D. A., 4, 695–870; de ejusdem vita et operibus quæstiones 1–4; 4, 869–954. Lanssel. De S. D. A., ejusque scriptis disputatio apologetica, 4, 981–1012. Guerin de S. D.A. martyrio, iombi, , 4, 689–96 J. de Chaumont. Areopagitæ defensio adversus hæreticum calvinistam Carenioni ministrum, latine a P. Nicolai, 4, 1011–26.


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Thessalonica and Corinth: Social Contrasts in Pauline Christianity//JSNT. 1992. Vol. 47. P. 49-74; Oster R. E. Use, Misuse and Neglect of Archaeological Evidence in Some Modern Works on 1 Corinthians (1 Cor 7, 1-5; 8, 10; 11, 2-16; 12, 14-26)//ZNW. 1992. Bd. 83. N 1/2. S. 52-73; Söding Th. Die Trias Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe bei Paulus. Stuttg., 1992; idem. Starke und Schwache//ZNW. 1994. Bd, 85. N 1/2. S. 69-92; idem. Das Wort vom Kreuz. Tüb., 1997; Alcock S. E. Graecia Capta: The Landscapes of Roman Greece. Camb.; N. Y., 1993; Clarke A. D. Secular and Christian Leadership in Corinth. Leiden; N. Y., 1993; Cousar Ch. B. The Theological Task of 1 Corinthians//Pauline Theology/Ed. D. M. Hay. Minneapolis, 1993. Vol. 2: 1 and 2 Corinthians. P. 90-102; Gill D. W. J. In Search of the Social Élite in the Corinthian Church//Tyndale Bull. L., 1993. Vol. 44. N 2. P. 323-337; Blue B. Acts and the House Church//The Book of Acts in Its Graeco-Roman Setting/Ed. D. W. J. Gill, C. Gempf. Grand Rapids, 1994. P. 119-189; Heil C. Die Ablehnung der Speisegebote durch Paulus: Zur Frage nach der Stellung des Apostels zum Gesetz. Weinheim, 1994; Lang F. Die Briefe an die Korinther. Gött., 19942; Noormann R. Irenäus als Paulusinterpret. Tüb., 1994; Riesner R. Die Frühzeit des Apostels Paulus. Tüb., 1994; Spawforth A. J. S. The Achaean Federal Cult I: Pseudo-Julian, Letters 198//Tyndale Bull. 1995. Vol. 46. N 1. P. 151-168; idem. Roman Corinth: The Formation of a Colonial Elite//Roman Onomastics in the Greek East: Social and Political Aspects/Ed. A. D. Rizakis. Athens; P., 1996. P. 167-182; Yeo K.-K. Rhetorical Interaction in I Cor 8 and 10. Leiden; N. Y., 1995; Botermann H. Das Judenedikt des Kaisers Claudius. Stuttg., 1996; Horrell D. G. The Social Ethos of the Corinthian Correspondence. Edinb., 1996; idem. Theological Principle or Christological Praxis?: Pauline Ethics in 1 Corinthians 8. 1 - 11. 1//JSNT. 1998. Vol. 67. P. 83-114; idem. Domestic Space and Christian Meetings at Corinth: Imagining New Contexts and the Buildings East of the Theatre//NTS.


Ср. также: Storr Notitiæ histor. epp. Pauli ad Cor. interpretationi inservientes. Tub. 1788 (также в его Opuscul. academ. 11. p. 244 sqq); Ziegler Einleitung in die Briefe an die Corinthier (в его Theologischen Abhandlungen. Göthing. 1791. 11. S. 1 ff.); H. I. Royaardt De altera Pauli ad Cor. ep. et observanda in illa apostoli indole et oratione. Traj. ad Rh. 1818. 8.; I.F. Räbiger Krit. Untersuchungen über den Inhalt der beiden Briefe Pauli an die Corinthische Gemeinde mit Rucksicht auf die in ihr herrschenden Streitigkeiten. Bresl. 1847; I. С. K. v. Hofmann Die h. Schr. N. T. zusammenhäng. unters. Th. 11. Abth. 2. 3., die Brr. an die Cor. Nördl. 1864. 66., и др. 799 В 144-г. до P. X. Коринф был разрушен Муммием, но восстановлен снова Юл. Кесарем. Имея прекрасные гавани, Кенхрейскую к Азии и Лехейскую к Италии, он скоро снова сделался центром всемирной торговли, равно как литературы и образования. Из всех городов Коринф (по Дион. Хрис. orat. Corinth. 11. 119. ed. Reisk) был впрочем в то же время и επαφροδιτοττη. – Ср. Н. Wilkens Specimen antiquitt. Corinth. Brem. 1747. 4; I. С. I. Walch Antiquitt. Corinth. Ien. 1761. 4; C. Wagner Rer. Cor. Specimen. Darmst. 1824. 801 Павел получил эти известия чрез Коринфян, которые прибыли в Ефес ( 1Кор. 16:17 ), особенно же чрез домашних Хлои ( 1Кор. 1:11 ); кроме сего и еще – чрез письмо к нему самих Коринфян, в котором последние предложили ему несколько вопросов (ср. 1Кор. 7, 1 и др.). Что это письмо Коринфян к Павлу было прежде всего только ответом на недошедшее до нас так называемое раннее послание Павла к Коринфянам, это некоторым образом, судя по 1Кор. 5, 9 . вероятно, но не несомненно (ср. выше § 21). Известия, которые Павел еще прежде получал из Коринфа, побудили было апостола поручить Тимофею озаботиться о нуждах коринфской церкви (ср. 1 Кор; 4, 17; 16, 10; Деян, 19:22), так как Павел хотел послать Тимофея, вместе с Ерастом в Македонию. Но поскольку Тимофей, незадолго до написания первого послания к Коринфянам, будучи уже отослан (он еще ни разу не бывал Коринфе 1Кор. 16:10 ), теперь еще не возвратился к апостолу, то по этому обстоятельству апостол и не мог получить новых сведений.


Regula ad monachos, 967–70. SERAPIONIS, MACARII, PAPHNUTII et alterius MACARII regula ad monachos, 34, 971–78. Regula alia ad monachos, 977–80. Regula tertia 979–82. Regula orientalis ex patrum orientalium regulis collecta a Vigilio diacono, 983–90. ATHANASIUS. Vita S. Antonii, 26, 836–976. PALLADIUS. Historia Lausiaca, 34, 995–1262. ANONYMUS. Paradisus Patrum seu ægyptiorum monachorum historia, 65, 441–56. ANONYMUS. Apophtegmata Patrum, 65, 71–440, 106, 1383–88. APPENDIX ad vitas utriusque Macarii, 34,207–264. EUSEBIUS CÆS, De operibus bonis et malis, 24, 1189–96 et 1195–1208. ATHANASIUS. Epistolæ ad Amunem, 26, 1169–78. Ad Orsisium, 977–80. Ad monachos ægypti, 26, 1185–6, 1189–90. Ad Joannem et Antiochum, 28, 1165–8. Ad Palladium; 1167–70. PSEUDO-ATHANASIUS. Syntagma doctrinæ ad monachos, 28, 833–46. Doctrina et Sermo ad Antiochum ducem, 555–90; 589–93. Vitæ monasticæ institutio, 845–50. Epistolæ 1–2 ad Castorem, 849–72, 871–906. Sermo exhortatorius, 1107–14. Syntagma ad quemdam politicum, 1395–1408. Sermo pro iis qui sæculo renuntiarunt, 1409–20. Doctrina ad monachos, 1421–6. De corpore et anima, 1431–34. Vita sanctæ Syncleticæ, 1487–1558. BASILIUS CÆS. Ascetica, 31, 617–1428. Prævia institutio ascetica, 619–26. Sermo de renuntiatione sæculi, 625–48. Sermo de ascetica disciplina, 647–52. De judicio Dei, 653–76. De fide, 675–92. Moralia, regulæ 1–80, 699–870. Sermo asceticus 1–2, 869–82, 881–8. Regulæ fusius tractatæ 1–55, 889–1052. Regulä brevius tractatæ 1–313, 1051–1306. Ро_епæ in monachos delinquentes, 1305–14, in canonicas, 1313–6. Constitutiones asceticæ, 1315–1428. De humilitate, 525–40. De gratiarum actione, 31, 217–38. Adversus iratos, 353–72. De invidia, 371–86. Quod mundanis adhærendum non sit, 31, 539–64. In illud attende tibi, 197–218. Sermones 1–24 de moribus, ex operibus Basilii a Symeone Metaphrasta collecti, 33, 1115–1382. De informatione ascetica, 1509–14. De consolatione in adversis, 1687–1704. De misericordia et judicio, 1705–14. Consolatoria ad ægrotum, 1713–22.


27 Or. ad Pulch. 27:11, 27:19, 27:21–22, 28:18, 36:25, 40:18, 40:26, 43:11, 43:33–34, 45:5–6, 45:10, 47:24, 47:35, 49:1, 52:4–5, 54:1, 55:15, 56:31, 57:6–7, 57:22, 57:29, 58:2–3, 59:3, 59:24–26, 60:30. 28 Or. ad Pulch. 32:5, 32:27, 32:33, 36:35–36, 37:9, 38:37, 43:7, 43:10, 50:6–7, 54:36, 54:13–14, 56:38–57:1. 30 Or. ad Pulch. 27:10, 28:23, 29:11, 29:12, 32:36, 33:27, 33:30, 33:33, 37:16, 38:23, 39:25, 41:2, 41:10, 42:14, 42:22, 42:24, 46:1, 46:32, 47:5, 49:21, 50:9, 56:11, 56:37, 57:1, 57:9, 58:2, 58:7, 61:11. Также, следуя за Евр. 2, 14 , «плоть и кровь» (Or. ad Pulch. 30:23, 30:32–33, 32:26, 33:9, 35:2–3, 41:8). Само вочеловечение Слова и Его искупительные деяния именуется «домостроительством с плотью» (Or. ad Pulch. 33:20, 33:24, 33:30, 34:16, 40:3, 42:1–2, 43:12, 44:25, 45:10, 47:23–24, 49:18–19). Для свт. Кирилла, который опирается в этом на книгу пророка Иоиля ( Иоил. 2, 28 ), «плоть» означает не что иное, как всего че- ловека: Лоуо? усу ove σρζ, τοντστιν νθpornos κατ ye το εκχε ττο τον πνευμα, τς μον Ιπι πσαν σρκα (Or. ad Pulch. 27:32–33; cp.: Or. ad Pulch. 33:33–34, 38:32, 56:4). Впрочем, можно отметить, как некоторую непоследовательность его богословского языка, что в рассуждении против аполлинариетов «плотью» названа только часть человека, отличная от души (Or. ad Pulch. 58:36, 59:1–2). 31 Or. ad Pulch. 27:12, 29:34, 36:33, 37:16, 38:11, 39:1–2, 40:27, 57:8, 58:33. При этом уточняется, что воспринятое тело имеет разумную душу (Or. ad Pulch. 27– 12, 37:16,58:33). 32 O r. ad Pulch. 27:27, 27:32, 28:18, 29:10, 30:4, 30:33, 33:25, 33:34, 37:11, 38:11, 39:23, 39:34,40:12, 41:7,45:32, 46:3, 47:1,47:36, 53:1, 53:23, 54:37, 56:3, 58:33. Однако подчеркивается, что Христос – не обыкновенный ( απλς, φιλς, κοινς ) человек (Or. ad Pulch. 32:24–25, 33:9, 38:17–18, 38:31, 41:28, 43:1, 43:23–24, 43:31, 49:30, 49:32, 59:16). 33 Or. ad Pulch. 37– 10, 38:32, 39:23, 40:25, 55:5. Также «условия человечества», то της νθρωτττητος μτρος (Or. ad Pulch. 28:27, 29:33, 30:7, 31:35, 39:36–37).


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