View from Knapdale towards Jura Island, Argyll and Bute      Keills Chapel with Celtic cross, Knapdale, Argyll and Bute      Inside Keills Chapel, Knapdale, Argyll and Bute      Our saint most probably labored in the present-day rural district of Knapdale in Argyll and Bute. There many sites are still connected with him. Among notable shrines of the area are: a very early, isolated chapel, called Keills Chapel, which houses a collection of early Christian crosses and one large Celtic cross , probably erected by Maelrubha himself; the splendid Kilmory Chapel, which is the site of a hermitage—it houses a huge collection of Celtic (eighth—twelfth century) crosses, gravestones, medieval and later crosses, some of them decorated and some connected with the Knights Templar; three villages of this area are named after the saint: Kilmory Oib (the settlement is now deserted, although it does have stone ruins, parts of early crosses and a holy well of Maelrubha), Kilmory Ross and Kilmory Knap. This region also has shrines connected with St. Columba, St. Moluog and St. Cormac. Among modern sites commemorating Maelrubha let us mention the village of Poolewe in Ross and Cromarty, where there is a Scottish Episcopal church that bears his name. Kilmory Chapel, Argyll and Bute      Holy Father Maelrubha, pray to God for us! Dmitry Lapa 4 мая 2017 г. Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Saint Triduana of Scotland Dmitry Lapa Saint Triduana of Scotland Commemorated: October 8/21 Dmitry Lapa St.

Archive Ukrainian Orthodox Church solemnly celebrates 1030th anniversary of Baptism of Rus’ 29 July 2018 year 11:28 On July 28, 2018, the commemoration day of the Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles and the 1030 th  anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’, His Beatitude Onufry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the square at the Kiev-Caves Laura of the Dormition. Among his concelebrants were, along with UOC hierarchs and clergy, representatives of the Patriarchates of Alexandria and Jerusalem and Local Orthodox Churches of Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Albania, Poland, the Czech Lands of Slovakia, Romania, and in America. There were thousands of parishioners and pilgrims who came to Kiev for the celebrations from all the regions in Ukraine and from other countries. During the liturgy, the celebrants and faithful led by the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church kneeled down to lift up a fervent prayer for peace in Ukraine. On the eve, Metropolitan Onufry presided over a thanksgiving celebrated on St. Vladimir’s Hill and led a Grand Procession with the Cross, in which delegations from 12 Local Orthodox Churches and some 250 faithful took part. After the post-communion prayer, Metropolitan Antoniy of Borispol and Brovary read out a Message of the Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to the Clergy, Monastics and Laity on the occasion of the 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’. After the service, His Beatitude greeted the UOC faithful on the occasion, saying in particular, ‘The Holy Prince Vladimir has given us an opportunity to follows the path of Christ. We as children of St. Vladimir should guard ourselves against sin however difficult it may be and should walk towards Christ’. On the previous day, Metropolitan Onufry presided over the All-Night Vigil in the Cathedral Square at the Laura. Pilgrims continued praying at the monastery through the night. In the Laura’s refectory church of Ss Anthony and Theodosius, prayers were said and akathistoses were sung at the eight shrines which were brought to the Grand Procession with the Cross, Patriarchia ru reports with reference to the Official Site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Official Site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church / Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year

Conspirators unable to stir up strife between Syrians, Patriarch John X believes Damascus, October 11, 2013 Near the Holy Cross church in Damascus      The Syrian minister of waqf (in accordance with the Muslim law—inalienable property, endowed for religious or charitable purposes) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar Al-Sayyed has confirmed Syria " s commitment to the principles of lasting national unity, indicating that all world religions call to peaceful coexistence, strengthening of universal values, love and forgiveness among people, reports SANA. During the meeting with Patriarch John X of Antioch and All East, which took place in the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he noted that statements and fatwas of takfirists-wahabists do not represent true Muslim thinking and serve the interests of the nation " s enemies. Their approach will not affect the resolution of the Syrian people in their resistance to the broader war being waged against them, he said. Patriarch John X said that Syria was the motherland of all religions and the centre of correct Muslim and Christian thought, and thus it is the symbol of the peaceful coexistence of Christians and Muslims together, reports SANA. He stressed that the conspirators would not be able to stir up strife among the Syrian people who, owing to their consciousness and cohesion, will come out the winners in the crisis. The governor of Damascus Bishr Al-Sabban stated that those who are trying to commit acts of aggression against Syria forget that the Syrian civilization is already over 10 000 years old, and that its people are famous for their national unity, based on respect for all religions, love and peace. The Syrian people, owing to their cohesion and consciousness, will foil the plot of the enemies, he said. The minister of waqf and the governor of Damascus also visited the Holy Cross church in Damascus, in the Al-Kassa neighborhood, where repair work is being carried out after damage was caused by the terrorists. 14 октября 2013 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Tweet Are you Christian? Forget about doing Yoga! The Church would like people to replace Yoga with Prayer June 17, 2015      The Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church reacted to the UN’s decision to designate June 21 as International Day of Yoga in 2014. The Holy Synod’s statement says that the practice of yoga has “no place in the lives of Christians” since it is a fundamental aspect of Hinduism and as such is not considered a “form of exercise” but of worship! Though praised for its calming effect and wellness, Christians are urged to seek the same comfort in God – not hindu practises. After all, the postures of yoga were created as adulation to 330 million Hindu gods. The postures are viewed in the Hindu faith as offerings to gods that in Christianity are considered to be idols. Furthermore, a third of yoga is concerned with emptying the mind – a contradiction to what Christianity teaches. In the Christian faith, there is free choice and transformation through renewal. Furthermore, astral travel that yoga guides people into is a practise that the church continues to frown upon. “For this reason, yoga is totally incompatible with our Christian Orthodox faith and it has no place in the life of Christians,” the statement said, even though it added that the the Church respects religious freedom. 17 июня 2015 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также “I Wore the cross and felt that I couldn’t live without it” Priest George Maximov “I Wore the cross and felt that I couldn’t live without it” Interview with former Krishnaite Andrei Kolobov Priest George Maximov, Andrei Kolobov Today we present to our readers an English translation of Father George’s interview with former Krishnaite Andrei Kolobov. Yoga and other eastern practices Valery Dukhanin Yoga and other eastern practices Valery Dukhanin In their quest for health, wellbeing, or even the development of esoteric powers, many of our contemporaries are turning their attention to various Eastern practices, particularly yoga.

Монах Моисей Святогорец Блаженной памяти старец Георгий, происходивший из Понта, с ранних лет узнал сиротство и одиночество. После гонений и арестов, производимых безбожными властями Грузии, он прибыл в Грецию. Там за свою аскетическую жизнь и крепкую веру этот смиренный и достойный служитель Христов был вознагражден даром рассудительности, мудрости, прозорливости и пророчества. English Edition [News] One of the strongest typhoons on record, Haiyan ripped through central and eastern Philippines last week, killing 4,460 people, according to the United Nations. [News] On Friday, at Rakovica monastery, His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and the memorial service for Serbian Patriarch Pavle of the blessed memory, who reposed on that day in 2009. [News] Dr. Stephen Meyer expressed concerns that proposed textbooks would " leave students in the dark about contemporary mainstream scientific controversies over Darwinian evolution. [Orthodoxy Today] Larisa Khrustalyeva Coming to the starets at his grave every day, I noticed that you could feel a special grace and tranquility. You don’t think about anything, nothing comes to your mind, you don’t worry about anything. There is extraordinary peace in your soul. [Suffering Church] No matter where Al-Qaida goes, it leaves a long, bloody trail of destruction and murder. The Syrian town of Sadad is no exception on the “service list” of organizations, which includes terrorist brutalities. The ancient Christian holy sites humbly accepted this cross also—the now common cross of the entire Middle East… We will tell it like it is: The picture before us (and recorded by our camera) was simple horrifying; by its scale and drama it is incomparable to any single tragedy in the Syrian chronicles of recent years. [News] The Linga portal with the reference to the Spanish radio station Cadena Соре tells about the joys and tragedies of a young man who turned to Christianity from Islam. Српска bepзuja [Вести] 17. новембра 2013. године председник за црквене везе Московске митрополит Волоколамски Иларион боравио у по благослову Светости Московског и целе Кирила срео се с представницима Ирака.

Thousands to walk Via Dolorosa today in Jerusalem with prayer for Ukraine Moscow, April 14, 2017 Photo:      Orthodox believers from Ukraine and various corners of the earth will walk the Via Dolorosa, or Way of Sorrow, bearing copies of famous wonderworking icons of the Mother of God from Ukraine, reports the site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. “Every year, on Holy Friday in Jerusalem they have a cross procession along those streets where the feet of Christ the Savior stepped, Who bore His heavy Cross. The rite of this procession is celebrated every year, headed by His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem and All Palestine,” said Met. Anthony (Pakanich), Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. “The mission ‘The Way of the Lord in Prayer for Ukraine’ is a large-scale procession organized by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This procession is a doubly-special prayer for our much-suffering Ukraine,” the hierarch continued. The idea for the mission first appeared in Eastern Ukraine, where war has continued unabated for three years already. “This is a special prayer that unites Jerusalem and Ukraine. Parishioners of our Eastern dioceses took the initiative for such a procession. His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry blessed this prayer. Icons from all corners of Ukraine are brought to Jerusalem. At the same time, prayers are offered at these icons in northern, southern, eastern, western, and central Ukraine. We, faithful people, place all of our hope in God, and therefore we believe that the Lord, Who suffered during these days in Jerusalem, and the Mother of God, who was present, will certainly help,” said Met. Anthony. Following the procession along the Way of Sorrow, organizers will present the icons to Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem in his residence on the eve of Holy Saturday, with a request for prayer for Ukraine. 14 апреля 2017 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Разделы портала «Азбука веры» Православные молитвы From the times of the Apostles, Christians of all ages, when entering upon a task, began it with prayer, and the end of it they also hallowed with prayerful thanksgiving to the Lord, in Whom we live and move and have our being. And let us do the same, beloved reader. But not having the gift of effectual prayer, let us recall and commit to memory what once was offered to the Lord by the grace of the Holy Spirit out of the inspired heart of the great Russian man of prayer, our father among the Saints, Dimitri, Metropolitan of Rostov and Yaroslav. I am sure that for you, as for me, in offering to your attention «The Tale of The Five Prayers» the work of the great Bishop, it will be both welcome and useful, especially in the view of the wonderful promises which it contains. So hear this tale, my beloved reader. You will not blame me for offering you in this Tale something new — it is not mine, and not new, but only fundamentally and completely forgotten, forgive me that I have disturbed the dust of ages: but this dust is holy… One of the holy fathers, standing in prayer and being in ecstasy, heard the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to the Immaculate and Holy Mother of God, His Mother, saying to her: «Tell me, My Mother, which were the greatest of your sufferings, when you lived in the world, which you suffered for My sake?» The Immaculate One replied: «My Son and God, five times I have endured my greatest suffering for you: First, when I heard from the Prophet Simeon that you were to be killed; Second, when I looked for you in Jerusalem, and did not see you for three days; Third, when I heard that you were seized and bound by the Jews; Fourth, when I saw you on the Cross crucified between the robbers; Fifth, when I saw you placed in the Tomb.» And the Lord said to her: «I tell you. My Mother, whoever reads every day each of your sufferings with My prayer, i.e. «Our Father», for the first suffering I will give the knowledge of his sins and sorrow for them; for the second, I will give the forgiveness of all his sins; for the third, I will restore to him the virtues lost through sin; for the fourth, I will refresh him at death with my Divine Body and Blood; for the fifth, I will appear to him Myself at his death, and receive his soul into eternal life. Amen.»

Archive Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe presides over patronal feast at the Resurrection church in Zurich 24 April 2023 year 12:44 On April 23, 2023, the Second Sunday of Pascha, St. Thomas Sunday, Metropolitan Nestor of Chersonesus and Western Europe, paid an archpastoral visit to the largest community of the Russian Orthodox Church in Switzerland – the Church of the Resurrection in Zürich and celebrated the Divine Liturgy there. Concelebrating with His Eminence were Archpriest Mikhail Zeman, rector of the church; Archimandrite Martin (de Calfisch), abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Dompierre; Rev. Maxim Politov, secretary of the Chersonesus diocese; Archimandrite Kosmas (Bühl) of the Serbian Orthodox diocese of Austria and Switzerland; Rev. Dimitri Mottier, rector of the parish in Sion; hieromonk Eusebius (Reis) of the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Roveredo; deacon Roman Onika, who is accompanying Metropolitan Nestor; protodeacon Vadim Novinsky, and deacon Daniel Schärer of the Church of the Resurrection in Zürich. Liturgical hymns were sung by the parish choir conducted by Nadya Dalvit-Saminskaya. At the Little Entrance, Metropolitan Nestor presented liturgical awards to Archimandrite Martin, Archpriest Mikhail Zeman and Rev. Dimitri Mottier in consideration of their labours for the Church of Christ and in connection with the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’. At the end of the service, Metropolitan Nestor addressed the worshippers with a homily and congratulated them on the patronal feast and on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Archpriest Mikhail Zeman thanked Metropolitan Nestor of behalf of the clerics and parishioners for his archpastoral visit and presented him with a small chest with a particle of the relics of Helvetian saints. Afterwards, the church choir and the parishioners performed a Paschal festive concert. On the previous evening, Metropolitan Nestor celebrated the All-Night Vigil at the Church of the Resurrection. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year

Archimandrite Joachim (Parr) suspended from the priesthood September 28, 2016 Photo:      In a decree dated September 22, 2016 and delivered September 25, Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA (Moscow Patriarchate), suspended Archimandrite Joachim (Parr) from the holy priesthood, according to the Facebook page Mercy House Abuse . Archimandrite Joachim, spiritual father of the St. Mary of Egypt monastic brotherhood, including its Savior " s Desert Skete (Treadwell Abbey) and lower Manhattan " s Mercy House, a mission to the poor and needy which he founded in 1993, was also forbidden to wear the priestly pectoral cross and ordered to return the holy antimens and Chrism used in services at the abbey and at Mercy House. While the official reason for his suspension was not given, various questions about the details of Fr. Joachim " s life and practices at the monastery and mission center have been raised over the past few years. Fr. Joachim is perhaps better known in Russia, following a series of talks at various parishes and Church institutions in 2011 and the publication of several of his works in Russian. For more information, contact the diocesan chancellory at +1 (877) 431-7348. Addendum: In a news article on Pravmir , Igumen Nikodim (Balyasnikov), representative of the Patriarchal parishes, is quoted as stating that Fr. Joachim (Parr) was suspended based upon article 120 of the Nomocanon concerning the revelation of confessions, and violating priestly vows. 28 сентября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Комментарии Valeria 3 февраля 2017, 08:00 Fr. Ioakim is true man! He is true Christian! I have watched him on YouTube for years. He helped spirituality many people (l have seen it with my own eyes). I am russian, living in USA. I feel sorry for hierarchy of my country who made this wrong decision about Fr. Ioakim. But we all remember,when St. John Maksimovich was condemned, he said that was not people " s work, but devil " s. That what we " re seeing now again. I " m going to pray for Father Ioakim, I wish someday I could bow to him, and kiss his holy hand. Valeria P.S. If anybody knows where he is now, could you write me, please, on my email, (

Conflict between Greek Orthodox Church and state growing: gov’t renames St. Andrew’s Hospital Moscow, April 27, 2017 Photo:      Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras has sent an open letter to the Greek Minister of Health Andreas Xanthos, expressing his disagreement with the renaming of St. Andrew’s Hospital in Patras, reports AgionOros . “With great disbelief the residents of Patras have seen the new signboard on St. Andrew’s Hospital, which now bears the name ‘Patras General Hospital,’” he stated. Patras is Greece " s third-largest city and the regional capital of Western Greece, in the northern Peloponnese, 135 miles west of Athens. “The name ‘St. Andrew’ has been inextricably linked with the healthcare since its foundation, and it is known under that name throughout all of Greece,” the bishop emphasized in his epistle. Not only is St. Andrew connected with the hospital, but with the very city and history of Patras itself. “As you know,” Met. Chrysostomos writes, “the holy apostle Andrew the First-Called is the founder of the Church in Patras and the patron of our city. Our city is inseparably linked with his name. The apostle Andrew is the breath and life of Patras (He taught and worked miracles here. Patras is the place of his burial, his precious head, and his cross, on which he suffered martyrdom).” In short, to change the name of the hospital is to deny the city’s history itself. “In this regard, we believe the hospital should be returned to its historical name. This decision will correct this injustice and greatly delight the residents of our city,” the prelate insisted. Met. Chrysostomos also spoke out last year on the state " s decision to open a crematorium in Patras, saying: “God created man in His own image, as a psychosomatic unity. The union between the soul and the body is holy, and it is no coincidence that Apostle Paul calls our body ‘a temple of the Holy Spirit’… “When separated from the soul, the body does not become a corpse, as is the case with dumb animals, but it becomes ‘relics.’ “Cremation of the dead demonstrates nihilism, while burial shows respect for the personality of the deceased… “In the end, cremation of human bodies is a sign of lack of faith in resurrection.” 27 апреля 2017 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Rdr Andreas Moran 27 апреля 2017, 23:15 A sign of the times. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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