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2009. Т. 15. С. 66–96). 68 См.: Samuel V. C. Futher Studies in the Christology of Severus of Antioch//Εκκλησιαστικς Φρος. 1976. T. 58. Σ. 284–296; Samuel V. C. The Christology of Severus of Antioch//Abba Salama. 1973. Vol. 4. P. 145–161. 70 См.: Самуэль В.-Ч. Христология Севира Антиохийского/А. Юрченко, пер.//Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2010. 2. С. 5–83; Samuel V. C. Some Facts about the Alexandrine Christology//The Indian Journal of Theology. 1962. 11. Р. 136–142; Samuel V. C. One nature of God the Word//Greek Orthodox Theological Review (далее – GOTR). 1964–1965. Vol. 10. 2. P. 37–51; Samuel V. C. The Manhood of Jesus Christ in the Tradition of the Syrian Orthodox Church//GOTR. 1968. Vol. 13. P. 152–169; Samuel V. C. A brief history of efforts to reunite the Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian sides//GOTR. 1971. Vol. 16. P. 44–62; Samuel V. C. The Council of Chalcedon: Analysis of a Conflict//Pro Oriente. Vienna, 1972 (Wort und Wahrheit, Supplementary Issue; 1). P. 40–54; Samuel V. C. The Understanding of the Christological Definitions of both (Oriental Orthodox and Roman Catholic) Traditions in the Light of Post-Chalcedonian Theology//Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien. W., 1974 (Supplementary Issue; 2). P. 19–27; Samuel V. C. The Council of Chalcedon Re-examined. Madras, 1977. 71 См.: Mathew J. Christology of Severus of Antioch mainly basing his first Thirty One Cathedral Homilies. Salzburg, 2001. Я. Метью не вьюказывает симпатий в адрес антиохийской христологии и именует Севира «истинным богословом александрийской традиции» (см:. Ibid. P. 120). С. Сеппяля именует Севира «Антиохийским автором с очень Александрийской христологией» (см.: Seppala. Op. cit. Р. 140). 72 П. Т. Фаррингтон – англичанин, около пятнадцати лет назад присоединившийся к так называемой Британской Православной Церкви, входящей в юрисдикцию Коптского патриархата, где позднее принял сан священникА.П. Т. Фаррингтон является автором ряда апологетических статей, в которых он защищает истинность севирианской христологии (см.: Farrington.


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Whence in Latin this word (quærit) receives a preposition and becomes acquirit (acquires), the meaning of which is plain enough; although even without the addition of the preposition quærere is understood as acquirere, whence gains are called quæstus. Chapter 7.– Of the Disruption of the Kingdom of Israel, by Which the Perpetual Division of the Spiritual from the Carnal Israel Was Prefigured. Again Saul sinned through disobedience, and again Samuel says to him in the word of the Lord, Because you have despised the word of the Lord, the Lord has despised you, that you may not be king over Israel. 1 Samuel 15:23 And again for the same sin, when Saul confessed it, and prayed for pardon, and besought Samuel to return with him to appease the Lord, he said, I will not return with you: for you have despised the word of the Lord, and the Lord will despise you that you may not be king over Israel. And Samuel turned his face to go away, and Saul laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and rent it. And Samuel said to him, The Lord has rent the kingdom from Israel out of your hand this day, and will give it to your neighbor, who is good above you, and will divide Israel in two. And He will not be changed, neither will He repent: for He is not as a man, that He should repent; who threatens and does not persist. He to whom it is said, The Lord will despise you that you may not be king over Israel, and The Lord has rent the kingdom from Israel out of your hand this day, reigned forty years over Israel – that is, just as long a time as David himself – yet heard this in the first period of his reign, that we may understand it was said because none of his race was to reign, and that we may look to the race of David, whence also is sprung, according to the flesh, Romans 1:3 the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5 But the Scripture has not what is read in most Latin copies, The Lord has rent the kingdom of Israel out of your hand this day, but just as we have set it down it is found in the Greek copies, The Lord has rent the kingdom from Israel out of your hand; that the words out of your hand may be understood to mean from Israel. Therefore this man figuratively represented the people of Israel, which was to lose the kingdom, Christ Jesus our Lord being about to reign, not carnally, but spiritually.


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“Hey!” A priest swathed in black robes, his black hair knotted at the nape of his neck, strides towards us from a side corridor. Expecting to be ejected on the spot, I explain that I’ve come from England and that I am tracing the steps of my great-grandfather. “Oh yes,” the young man smiles, shaking my hand. “Father Nephon at the Patriarchate told me about you. I’m Father Samuel. Welcome.” At that moment the guard arrives, panting, at the top of the stairs. As Father Samuel leads us away, the guard can only give us a furious look. I give him a triumphant one in return. Father Samuel steers us out on to a terrace where we are dwarfed by the building’s two rear wings. These once housed a boys’ secondary boarding school, the monastery and the seminary, with the attendant infirmary, library, kitchens and dormitories, now closed except to host occasional conferences. The building’s grandeur reveals the scale of 19th-century Orthodox ambitions, which coincided with Ottoman reforms that allowed the Church new freedoms after centuries of oppression. Father Samuel, his black habit flapping round his slender frame, shows us into a classroom. It has a blackboard and rows of oldfashioned lidded desks incised with graffiti, mothballed for 40 years. These rooms once echoed with the shouts of 125 students who studied such arcane subjects as dogmatics, patristics, liturgy, philosophy, theology and biblical studies. Of Halki’s 930 graduates, 343 became bishops and 12 became patriarchs – heads of churches. Basil Anagnostopoulos, now 90, was a seminary graduate who returned in 1950 as professor of patristics, the study of the early Church fathers, until the closure in 1971 forced his early retirement. His former students include parish priests, theology professors and diocesan bishops in Europe and the US, as well as the current Orthodox Archbishop of Australia and the Metropolitan of New Zealand. He recalls that one of his most brilliant students was Demetrios Archondonis, now known as His All-Holiness Bartholomew I, 270th Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, whose jurisdiction covers not only the Rum and parts of Greece, but also the estimated five-million-strong Greek diaspora, mainly in the US, Britain, Australia and Germany. Bartholomew is also the foremost spiritual leader of the world’s 300 million Orthodox faithful, because although there are other patriarchs, he is considered “first among equals”.


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