Arhiva În Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie a fost svârit slujba înmormântrii arhimandritului Chiril (Pavlov) 23 februarie 2017 13:10 La 23 februarie 2017, în catedrala „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” din Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie, Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril a svârit rânduiala slujbei de înmormântare a arhimandritului Chiril (Pavlov), care a fost duhovnicul Lavrei timp de muli ani, decedat la 20 februarie la al 98-lea an al vieii. Sicriul cu corpul nou adormitului printe Chiril a fost instalat la 21 februarie în catedrala „Adormirea Maicii Domnului”. Pe data de 21 i 22 februarie în toate bisericile Lavrei au fost svârite litii pentru cel adormit, accesul credincioilor în catedrala „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” pentru luarea de rmas bun cu stareul adormit a fost deschis ziua i noaptea. Înainte de rânduiala slujbei de înmormântare, Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Chiril a rostit o alocuiune, dedicat pomenirii printelui Chiril: „Preafericirea Voastr! Iubii vldici, prini, maici egumene, frai i surori! Ne aflm alturi de sicriul printelui Chiril (Pavlov), duhovnicul Lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie, duhovnicul adormitului Sanctitii Sale Patriarhul Alexii II, duhovnicul multor i multor arhierei ai Bisericii Ruse, al slujitorilor Altarului i al unui numr enorm de oameni credincioi ortodoci, care veneau în Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie – pentru a se închina moatelor Cuviosului Serghie ca s îi cear sfatul duhovnicesc de la printele Chiril. El a dus marea slujire de duhovnic a mii i mii de oameni i aceast slujire cerea o nevoin special. Nu doar din motivul c a asculta problemele unei persoane întotdeauna este un lucru deloc uor, dar i pentru faptul c el nu doar asculta acele probleme. El ptrundea în interiorul strii duhovniceti a acelui om. În momentul mrturisirii el parc se identifica cu acela ce a venit la el dup un sfat. Aceasta cerea, fr îndoial, o epuizare, o cheltuial enorm de fore interioare i trupeti. Îns printele Chiril niciodat nu cârtea i cu smerenie îi purta slujirea, nu doar mrturisind oamenii, dar i rspunzând la multe-multe scrisori.

Arhiva Cuvântul Sanctitii Sale Patriarhul Chiril la slujba de înmormântare a arhimandritului Chiril (Pavlov) 23 februarie 2017 14:28 La 23 februarie 2017, în catedrala „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” din Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie, Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril a svârit rânduiala slujbei de înmormântare a arhimandritului Chiril (Pavlov), care a fost duhovnicul Lavrei timp de muli ani, decedat la 20 februarie la vârsta de 98 de ani. Înainte de rânduiala slujbei de înmormântare, Sanctitatea Sa Stpânul a rostit un cuvânt de pomenire a printelui Chiril. Preafericirea Voastr! Iubii stpâni, prini, maici egumene, frai i surori! Ne aflm alturi de sicriul printelui Chiril (Pavlov), duhovnicul Lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie, duhovnicul adormitului Sanctitii Sale Patriarhul Alexii II, duhovnicul multor i multor arhierei ai Bisericii Ruse, al slujitorilor Altarului i al unui numr enorm de oameni credincioi ortodoci, care veneau în Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie – pentru a se închina moatelor Cuviosului Serghie i ca s îi cear sfatul duhovnicesc de la printele Chiril. El a dus marea slujire de duhovnic a mii i mii de oameni i aceast slujire cerea o nevoin special. Nu doar din motivul c a asculta problemele unei persoane întotdeauna este un lucru deloc uor, dar i pentru faptul c el nu doar asculta acele probleme. El ptrundea în interiorul strii duhovniceti a acelui om. În momentul mrturisirii el parc se identifica cu acela ce a venit la el dup un sfat. Aceasta cerea, fr îndoial, o epuizare, o cheltuial enorm de fore interioare i trupeti. Îns printele Chiril niciodat nu cârtea i cu smerenie îi purta slujirea, nu doar mrturisind oamenii, dar i rspunzând la multe-multe scrisori. Pentru prima dat m-am întâlnit cu printele Chiril în deprtatul an 1966. Pe atunci înc nu era înconjurat de slava de stare al întregii Rusii, era relativ tânr, puternic la trup, vioi. i când l-am întrebat pe conductorul meu duhovnicesc, pururi pomenitul vldica mitropolit Nicodim, la cine dintre frai s merg pentru spovedanie, el a spus calm: „Mergi la printele Chiril”. Era cu adevrat o slujire special a stareului Chiril pentru întregul nostru popor evlavios, îndeosebi pentru cei care aveau nevoie de sfatul lui duhovnicesc.

Arhiva Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Chiril i-a exprimat condoleanele în legtur cu decesului arhimandritului Chiril (Pavlov) 21 februarie 2017 18:47 Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Chiril i-a exprimat condoleanele sale lociitorului Lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie arhiepiscopului de Serghiev-Posad Feognost, vieuitorilor aezmântului monahal, tuturor rudelor, apropiailor i copiilor duhovniceti ai adormitului întru Domnul arhimandritul Chiril (Pavlov) care în decursul multor ani a fost printele duhovnic al Lavrei. „Cu tristee am aflat vestea despre decesul arhimandritului Chiril – un stare bine cunoscut i venerat în lumea ortodox, duhovnicul timp de muli ani al Lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie i al pururi pomenitului Patriarh Alexie II”, se spune în textul mesajului de condoleane al Patriarhului. Potrivit afirmaiei Sanctitii Sale, bunvoina, capacitatea de a comptimi i de a se bucura împreun atrgeau la arhimandritul Chiril pe muli oameni i el, îndreptindu-le încrederea, cu atenie neîndoielnic se adresa ctre suferinele, dorinele i speranele lor. „Arhimandritul Chiril a avut o via lung, plin de multe evenimente i încercri. Fiind de origine de pe pmântul Reazanului, fiu al unor prini evlavioi, el nu dintr-o dat a venit la credin i la dorina de a sluji Sfintei Biserici. Conform mrturisirii sale, întâlnirea cu Hristos a avut loc în anii Marelui rzboi pentru aprarea Patriei: dup luptele crâncene pentru Stalingrad, în una din casele distruse, locotenentul Pavlov a gsit o Evanghelie, împreun cu ea cptând i credina vie în Dumnezeu”. „Dup terminarea rzboiului el a intrat la studii la seminarul de teologie din Moscova, care pe atunci îi avea sediul la mnstirea Novodevicie”, a amintit Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul, „apoi a absolvit Academia de teologie din Moscova. În îndeprtatul an 1954 a fost tuns în monahism, a fost hirotonit în treapta de ierodiacon, iar apoi – în cea de ieromonah. Toat viaa dumnealui de mai departe a fost legat de Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie”.

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Tweet Нравится Funeral of Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) served at Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Moscow, February 27, 2016 Photo: Pravoslavie.Ru      The funeral for the ever-memorable elder Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) was celebrated on Thursday, February 23 in the Dormition Cathedral at the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, where Fr. Kirill had served for decades as the brotherhood’s confessor. The funeral for the ninety-eight-year old elder who reposed on February 20 was served by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, in addition to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine, and a number of other bishops and clergy, reports the site of the Moscow Patriarchate. A flood of faithful had made their way to the Lavra on Feb. 21 and 22 to bid farewell to the elder at his coffin in the cathedral, while prayers for the newly-departed were offered in all churches of the Lavra. Photo: Pravoslavie.Ru      Before beginning the rite of burial, His Holiness offered some words in honor of Fr. Kirill, noting his service as the spiritual father to Patriarch Alexey II, as well as a number of other bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, and priests and a great number of the faithful. “He carried the great service of confessor for thousands and thousands of people, and this service demanded a special podvig, not just because listening to people’s problems is always difficult, but also because he did not simply listen to these problems. He penetrated deep into the spiritual state of the person,” the patriarch recalled.    Patriarch Kirill noted that he first met Fr. Kirill in 1966, before he was known as the glory of all the Russian Church, but even this the elder’s spiritual father Metropolitan Nikodim recommended the future patriarch to go to Fr. Kirill for confession. “Fr. Kirill was a spiritual father who gave advice not from reasoning, but from spiritual experience. There were instances where he gave no advice, but people were drawn to him because they felt his spiritual strength, for spiritual fatherhood is not just a podvig demanding spiritual understanding, but a prayerful podvig,” Patriarch Kirill continued, emphasizing that Fr. Kirill became such an example of spiritual fatherhood for countless other clergy.

The first community of the Russian Orthodox Church emerges in Andorra admin 06 February 2013 On January 27, 2013, the rector of the Russian Church of the Annunciation in Barcelona, Father Seraphim (Pavlov), celebrated the Orthodox Divine Liturgy at the Catholic Church of St. Julia in San-Julia de Loria in the Principality of Andorra. The next Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the new community on February 24, the website of the Church of the Annunciation in Barcelona reports. Source: DECR Communication Service Tweet Donate Share Code for blog The first community of the Russian Orthodox Church emerges in Andorra admin On January 27, 2013, the rector of the Russian Church of the Annunciation in Barcelona, Father Seraphim (Pavlov), celebrated the Orthodox Divine Liturgy at the Catholic Church of St. Julia in San-Julia de Loria in the Principality of Andorra. The next Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Related articles Davenport, IL Priest Moves Fast to… Fr. John A. Peck After 15 years as an Anglican priest, including six years as the rector of Trinity Church…

Today is the fortieth day since the repose of Russia’s beloved elder, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov). The following recollections of him written by a spiritual daughter were posted by (Russian) on October 8, 2015, the day of St Sergius of Radonezh, on Fr. Kirill’s 96th birthday. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov). Photo: V. Korniushin/      I saw Fr. Kirill lose his inner equilibrium only once. It was the 1990s. He received people coming to Peredelkino (mostly spiritual children and monks) for confession at the baptistery and, it goes without saying that, on a wave of interest in the revival of Church life, such large receptions became the object of idle journalistic curiosity. I remember the day when, quite upset and agitated, Batiushka literally darted across his cell from the window to the door and back again, while on his couch lay some foreign object, like a stray bird of prey, spreading its rustling wings, the new issue of “Komsomol Pravda…” I won’t name the article or author, but I’ll never be able to forget the disbelief and grief of my spiritual father. Actually, the article was meant to be friendly—certainly not in the spirit of those devastating atheist articles that Batiushka’s generation had gotten used to. I am certain that had the article been deadly, it would have evoked nothing but a smile from Fr. Kirill. But it was a bush-league encomium, written by a journalist with an unsophisticated and glib mentality in which the confessor of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra and some Bulgarian faith-healer Vanga existed on the same order of things. In fact, it was a profanation of true ecclesiality. “Come to Peredelkino, and you’ll be happy here!” These eight words betray the general sentiment, and, if I may say, deeper meaning of this journalistic endeavor. “What nonsense! How could they?!” lamented Fr. Kirill, going over to the window, shrugging his shoulders, perplexed. Never before and never since have I seen him so saddened. Father was justifiably agitated: The article received so-called “public resonance,” and a flood of people gushed forth seeking an easy path and miraculous messages.

Адрес: 142304, Россия, Московская область, Чеховский район, с. Якшино Телефон: +7 (49672)-5-27-60 , +7 (916)-509-69-67 Электронная почта: Сайт: Подробнее... Домовой храм преподобного Сергия Радонежского при психиатрической больнице (Троицкое) [ править править код ] В 1907 г. в селе Троицком открылась Московская Окружная Лечебница для душевнобольных с домовой церковью Преподобного Сергия Радонежского. Она занимала третий этаж главного корпуса лечебницы. Центр главного корпуса по сути четырехэтажный, т.к. домовая церковь выполнена в два света, и над нею возвышается купол. На фасаде была помещена икона святого Сергия Радонежского. Кроме храма там располагалась обширная трапезная для богомольцев, церковная библиотека, помещения для духовенства и церковного хора. Особенностью звонницы, обращенной во внутренний двор, была великолепная слышимость колокольного звона на всей территории больничного замка. Домовая церковь была структурным подразделением в составе Лечебницы. Клир церкви – священник и псаломщик входили в штатное расписание лечебницы и получали соответствующее содержание.При этом церковь была одновременно и в епархиальной структуре Православной церкви, входя как отдельный приход в 6-й благочиннический округ Подольского уезда Московской епархии. Адрес: 142370, Россия, Московская область, Чеховский район, село Троицкое, Московская городская психиатрическая больница Телефон: +7 (916) 500-20-54 Электронная почта: Сайт: Подробнее... Святой источник (Прохорово) [ править править код ] Святой источник (Прохорово). От Спасского храма основная автомобильная дорога поворачивает влево, к реке Рожайка, от поворота идем дорогой вниз вдоль коттеджей 400 м до ручья в широком овраге. На его противоположной стороне кладбище, левее - северная часть д. Прохорово. От крайнего дачного дома 3 (Прохорово-4) идем 30 м тропой к ручью с островком и переходим его по двум деревянным мостикам. У тропы, в 5 м от ручья, находится родник в круглом открытом колодце. Забор воды сверху, в нескольких метрах слив из металлической трубы. Рядом вровень с землей устроена купель с деревянными ступеньками.Чеховский_окру...

Юрий Пущаев По традиции авторство большинства псалмов приписывается царю Давиду, хотя про некоторые псалмы говорится, что их написали другие авторы – например, Соломон и даже Моисей. Мы продолжаем серию интервью в преддверии Общецерковной научно-богословской конференции на тему «Современная библеистика и Предание Церкви». О кафедре библеистики Саратовской духовной семинарии рассказывает ее заведующий, кандидат богословия Алексей Сергеевич Кашкин. English Edition [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh The word ‘angel’ comes from the Greek ‘angelos’, which means ‘a messenger’. As far as we are concerned, in the way in which we are related to the angels, they enter into our life as messengers of God. This does not mean that there is not in the angels an essence of their own, their own essential being, and that they are nothing but messengers. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] Archimdrite Kirill (Pavlov) When amidst a distracted and sinful life you suddenly feel a revulsion for sin, and under the influence of bright thoughts you get the desire to change your way of life, it means that your guardian angel has found a serendipitous moment to place before your inner eyes sin as it really is, in all its foulness. [Orthodoxy Today] This is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day. [News] In Kazan, where an aircraft Boeing 737­500 had crashed, taxi drivers took relatives of the crash victims to and from the airport free of charge, report social networks users. [Suffering Church] As Arabs and Christians gather to pray, the service is punctuated by sirens of ambulances carrying casualties of the daily mortar attacks. [Suffering Church] There is no sign of the hundreds of thousands of Christian pilgrims who flock here every November. The only noise disturbing the quiet of the Monastery of Mar Girgis these days is the call for prayers blaring from the nearby mosque. [Churches and Monasteries] In the words of Fr. Kirill, the situation is extremely grave. The whole city of Tacloban was destroyed. Corpses are still lying on the streets. Those who survived have lost everything, while not even food distribution has been arranged, and as a result, the overwhelming majority of survivors have not eaten anything at all for several days now after the typhoon. Starvation threatens them.

Дело в том, что календарная проблема со всей остротой неизбежно встанет перед нашими не столь отдаленными потомками. В григорианском календаре, так же как и в юлианском, каждый четвертый год, который нацело делится на 4 – високосный, в нем 366 дней, в остальных 365. Но в григорианском календаре, в отличие от юлианского, ввели еще и високосные столетия. Например, в XXI веке число столетий равно 20, на 4 делится, поэтому это столетие – високосное, и продолжительность 2000 года 366 дней и по тому, и по другому календарю. Поэтому и даты церковных праздников по григорианскому календарю не изменились. В XXII веке число столетий равно 21 и на 4 не делится, поэтому 2100 год по григорианскому календарю будет иметь 365 дней, а по юлианскому 366, и календари разойдутся еще на один день. Поэтому Рождество по юлианскому календарю останется 25 декабря, а по григорианскому переместится на 8 января. Представьте себе, что вы живете не сейчас, а на рубеже XXI и XXII веков, и вдруг все даты церковные изменятся на один день… Это же просто катастрофа! Так что проблема, хотим мы этого или не хотим, все равно стоит и ее придется решать. Другое дело, что это нельзя делать скоропалительно, навязывая какие-то решения. Необходимо систематическое образование и большая подготовительная, разъяснительная работа. А современным христианам нужно просто жить в сложившихся условиях. Можно не быть в стороне от тех, кто празднует Новый год, на тех же корпоративах, радоваться вместе со всеми, никому не становясь в тягость своим унылым видом, только стараясь выбирать постную еду. Фото: Evgeny Pavlov/Flickr Радость посту совсем не противоречит: преподобный Серафим встречал приходящих к нему словами: «Христос Воскресе, радость моя!» И апостол Павел призывает: «Всегда радуйтесь» (1 Фес. 5:16). Постом или не постом, христиане всегда должны быть радостными. Другое дело, что в этих условиях новогодних праздничных выходных трудно соблюдать пост. Но ведь трудно – не значит невозможно. Да, действительно, всем все можно, а тебе нужно себя ограничивать. Но, если ты понимаешь, что ты ограничиваешь себя ради Христа и ради того, чтобы внутренне подготовиться, настроиться на действительно светоносный праздник Рождества Христова, значит, пожертвуешь чем-то. Деткам, конечно, можно дать какое-то послабление, но надо организовать их пост так, чтобы и они в соответствии с возрастом и силами немного себя ограничили.

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