В ночь с 7 на 8 августа 1689 года в Кремле поднялась военная тревога: по наущению царевны Софьи стрелецкое войско готовило оружие, чтобы идти против ее главного конкурента на престол – Петра. Но среди стрельцов нашлись верные Петру: они-то и помчались ночью в Преображенское, чтобы предупредить царевича о готовящемся восстании. Петр, оценив опасность для своей жизни, без промедления вскочил в седло и в сопровождении нескольких человек помчался в Троице-Сергиев монастырь. Наутро будущий император был в обители преподобного Сергия и просил помощи и защиты у наместника монастыря. В тот же день в Троицу прибыли верные Петру Преображенский и Семеновский полки, а также царица Наталья Кирилловна Нарышкина (мать Петра). Немногочисленные военные силы, которые были в распоряжении Петра в Троице-Сергиевом монастыре, во многом уступали стрелецким войскам, которых готовила в Кремле царевна Софья против Петра, но – не в силе Бог, а в правде – дальнейшие события развивались таким образом, что заговор Софьи против Петра был разоблачен, она потеряла авторитет среди стрельцов, лишилась сторонников, а вместе с тем – возможности занять трон. Под кровом преподобного Сергия, в Троице-Сергиевом монастыре, будущий император России Петр оказался в безопасности. На всю жизнь он запомнил свое чудесное избавление от смерти, а в благодарность преподобному за спасение Петр в первые же годы (1690-е) своего правления начинает строительство по всей Москве православных храмов. Главным стало возведение Сергиевского храма на территории Высоко-Петровского монастыря. Прототипом ему послужила трапезная церковь преподобного Сергия Радонежского в Троице-Сергиевом монастыре. Строительство закончилось к 1694 году, а иконостас и другие внутренние работы по убранству храма завершились к 1697 году. Первоначально Сергиевская церковь была одноглавой, позднее (в 1702-1705 г.г.) были полностью переделаны свод и главок стало шесть. С приходом советской власти монастырь был упразднен, долгое время храм использовался не по назначению и разрушался. В 1930-х годах были уничтожены главы с крестами, а к 1950 году церковь пришла в ветхое и аварийное состояние.

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Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy All Saints Church in Strasbourg celebrates 5th anniversary of its consecration DECR Communication Service, 25/12/2023 On 24 th December, Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Stauropegial Church of All Saints in Strasbourg, France, marking the 5 th anniversary of its lesser consecration . With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’, officiating at the divine service was Metropolitan Nestor of Korsun and Western Europe, Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe. Among his concelebrants were Archimandrite Philip (Ryabykh), rector of All Saints Parish; Protosynkellos Maxim Ilic, rector of the Church of Archangel Michael of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Mulhouse, France; Deacon Roman Onika; clerics of the All Saints Church; and ordained guests. Attending the Liturgy were Mr Vladislav Pavlov, Russia’s Consul General in Strasbourg, and Mr Ilya Subbotin, Counsellor-Minister of the Russian Embassy in France, website of the Korsun Diocese reports . At the Lesser Entrance, the Patriarchal Exarch read out His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s decree awarding Priest Yevgeny Makushkin, a cleric of the All Saints Church, with a pectoral cross. Numerous parishioners and pilgrims were praying at the Liturgy; over one hundred and twenty people partook of the Holy Communion. After the service, Metropolitan Nestor handed over to Archimandrite Philip (Ryabykh), rector of the All Saints Parish, a Patriarchal letter of commendation on the occasion of the parish’s 20 th anniversary celebrated in 2023. In his archpastoral homily, His Eminence noted that the two Sundays preceding Christmas – commemorating the Holy Forefathers and the Holy Church Fathers – help Christians prepare for the Feast of the Divine Incarnation, and added that the holy forefathers serve as a model of strong faith in the True God and His plan for the salvation of humankind.

Persoanele care se intereseaz de problemele patristicii, fr îndoial vor fi interesate de  articolul, dedicat sfântului ierarh Chiril, arhiepiscop al Alexandriei, printe i învtor al Bisericii din secolul al V-lea. În articol, pe lâng datele biografice, detaliat este prezentat trecerea în revist a operelor sfântului ierarh, ediiile contemporane i traducerile lor. O atenie deosebit este acordat opiniilor teologice ale sf. Chiril al Alexandriei i polemicii lui cu eresiarhul Nestor. În continuare dup articolul dat se afl un studiu despre un alt mare printe i învtor al Bisericii – sfântul ierarh Chiril, episcopul Ierusalimului. Continuând tema blocului de articole „Chiril”, merit atenie publicaia despre un stare rus celebru al timpurilor moderne – arhimandritul Chiril (Pavlov), duhovnicul lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a sfântului Serghie; sfântul mucenic Chiril (Smirnov), mitropolitul de Kazan, canonizat în  Ceata noilor mucenici i mrturisitori ai Bisericii Ruse. De asemenea, merit atenie articolele, consacrate nevoitorilor remarcabili ai epocii „veacului de aur” al monahismului rus – cuvioii Chiril  Belozerski i Chiril Novoezerski, precum i mnstirilor fondate de ei în Nordul Rusesc: mnstirile de clugri „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” a sfântului Chiril Belozerski i „Învierea Domnului” a sfântului Chiril Novozerski. În articolele consacrate acestor sfinte locauri este prezentat o informaie detaliat privind istoria mnstirilor, sfintele lor relicte, complexele arhitecturale etc. Continuând tema mnstirilor ruse, trebuie menionat articolul cu privire la  mnstirea veche „Sfânta Treme” a sfântului  Chiril în Kiev. În material  este prezentat, de asemenea, o not informativ i istoric privind motenirea cultural i istoric a mnstirii, în care s-a pstrat o biseric din secolul al XII-lea cu  fresce din perioada premongol i executate la restaurarea din finele secolului al XIX-lea de celebrul pictor rus Mihail Vrubel. Dac e s revenim la problema personalitilor, elucidate în volumul al 34-lea al „Enciclopediei ortodoxe”, atragem o atenie deosebit a cititorului asupra articolului „Kireevski Ivan Vasilievici”, care relateaz despre remarcabilul filozof i publicist rus din prima jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea, operele i opiniile lui, precum i articolul, dedicat fratelui su – Petr Vasilievici Kireevski, un folclorist, traductor i publicist cunoscut, participant la discuiile purtate dintre slavofili i occidentali.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy Primate of the Assyrian Church of the East arrives in Russia DECR Communication Service, 11.11.2022.  On November 11, His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Awa III, Primate of the Assyrian Church of the East, arrived in Russia at the invitation of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’. This is the first official visit of Catholicos-Patriarch to the Russian Orthodox Church. The delegation that is accompanying Mar Awa III includes His Grace Mar Afram Athneil, Bishop of Syria; His Grace Mar Narsai Benjamin, Bishop of Iran, Armenia and Georgia; His Grace Mar Abris Tyari, Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop in Erbil; Very Rev. Chor-Bishop Samano Odisho, representative of the Assyrian Church of the East in Russia;   Rev. Priest Ephraim Alkhass, personal assistant of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Awa III;   Rev.Priest Nikodim Yukhanayev, clergyman of the Diocese of Iran, Armenia and Georgia;  Rev. Priest Peter Pavlov, prior of the Assyrian parish in Krasnodar.  Meeting the high guest and his suite at Vnukovo airport on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill were Bishop Clement of Krasnoslobodsk and Temnikov, co-chairman of the Commission for Dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Assyrian Church of the East; hieromonk Stefan (Igumnov), secretary for inter-Christian relations of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR); hierodeacon Petr (Akhmatkhanov) of the DECR secretariat for inter-Christian relations; representatives of the Moscow parish of the Assyrian Church of the East and of the Russian Assyrian community. That same day, the guests visited the Intercession stavropegic convent where His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Awa III will be accommodated during his stay in Moscow. Mother superior Feofania (Miskina) warmly greeted the high guest and members of the delegation who venerated the honourable relics of St. Matrona of Moscow, saw churches and buildings of the convent and were introduced to the work of the orphanage for girls.

John Anthony McGuckin Men, Alexander (1935–1990) KONSTANTIN GAVRILKIN Bible scholar, theologian, religious writer, and evangelist, Alexander Men was born to a Jewish family, but in 1935 his mother decided to become Orthodox Christian and he was baptized together with her in the Russian Catacomb Church. In his teens, Alexander had a spiritual experience that prompted him to write a book about Jesus: the first draft was finished when he was 15, and The Son of Man, published in 1969, was its final version. Around the same time, Alexander discovered the writings of the Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, who shaped his understanding of history and Christianity. In fact, Solovyov’s idea to write a Christian inter­pretation of the history of world religions was later turned by Alexander Men into the six-volume series History of Religion: In Search of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, published in Russian between 1970 and 1983. When, in 1958, he was expelled from college for his religious beliefs, he was ordained a deacon and in 1960 a priest. He served in a number of parishes in the Moscow region; for the last twenty years of his life as a pastor of the Annunciation Church in Novaia Derevnia. In the 1960s Fr. Alexander became a supporter ofhuman rights activists, some of whom joined the Orthodox Church because of his influence. He also continued to write on the Bible, the history of salvation, and the Orthodox Church, publishing his books in the West under various pseudonyms (E. Svetlov, A. Bogolyubov, and A. Pavlov) with the help of the Catholic publishing house in Brussels, La Vie avec Dieu, which was instrumental in supplying Christians in the Soviet Union with Russian religious literature. In the 1970s and 1980s Fr. Alexander became a recognized spiritual leader of many Soviet intellectuals who were baptized and joined the Orthodox Church despite KGB harassment and political persecution. During the Gorbachev years, Fr. Alexan­der took full advantage of new avenues for evangelization and ministry: he and his fol­lowers founded the Russian Bible Society and the Open Orthodox University in 1990, created a network of Sunday schools, and initiated charitable ministries at vari­ous hospitals.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill visits the Church of St. Abraham of Bolgar DECR Communication Service, 20.05.2023.   On May 20, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’, who is paying his primatial visit to Tatarstan metropolia, came to the church of St. Abraham of Bolgar, Spassky district, Republic of Tatarstan. Coming to the church with His Holiness were Metropolitan Kirill of Kazan and Tatarstan; Metropolitan Dionisiy of Voskresensk, chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate; Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations; Mr. Vladimir Legoida, chairman of the Synodal Department for Church’s Relations with Society and Mass Media; and other members of the delegation. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and his suite were met by Bishop Pakhomiy of Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk; Rev. Viktor Tikhonov, secretary of the Diocese of Chistopol; Archpriest Andrei Zinkov, dean of the Spassky church district; Rev Sergiy Pavlov, rector of the church of St. Abraham of Bolgar; deans and other clergymen of the Diocese of Chistopol; and many parishioners. Also present was Mr. Fargat V. Mukhametov, head of the Spassky municipal district. Patriarch Kirill was met at the entrance to the church by children attending Sunday school. Each of them presented His Holiness with a white rose, Patriarchal press service reports. His Holiness blessed the children and proceeded to the church where he venerated the shrine with a finger of St. Abraham of Bolgar. Bishop Pakhomiy welcomed His Holiness and presented him with an icon of the Kazan Mother of God. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill addressed those gathered, saying that he was happy to pray with them and feel the adamant faith of Orthodox Christians living here. He continued to say: “We have been keeping our faith and are going to church, and it is indeed a miracle of God. The whole history of Russian Orthodoxy is a miracle of God, as no other Local Church had endured so many trials. The atheist government had intended to do away with any religion, Orthodoxy in the first place. I belong to the generation which faced the ordeal in the early 1960s. The leader of our country – I would not even mention his name – promised to build communism by 1980 and began with eradicating religious beliefs. But our generation has confronted this challenge and passed our Orthodox faith to the next generations.

Tweet Нравится Patriarch Kirill to serve funeral of Elder Kirill (Pavlov) who “exuded love” on Feb. 23 Moscow, February 21, 2017 Photo:    Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will serve the funeral of one of the most famous and beloved elders of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), on Thursday, February 23, reports RIA-Novosti . The funeral will take place at the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra where Fr. Kirill became a monk on August 25, 1954 and labored for many decades. The confessor of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra and of Patriarchs Alexei I, Pimen, and Alexei II reposed on Monday evening in the Moscow suburb of Peredelkino in his ninety-eighth year. His funeral will take place in the lavra’s Dormition Cathedral after a late Liturgy. Prayers are being offered for the repose of his soul today in all the churches of the monastery. Photo: Pravoslavie.Ru      Archimandrite Kirill (in the world Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov) commanded a platoon in the defense of Stalingrad in the Second World War, participated in the battles near Lake Balaton in Hungary, and ended the war in Austria. He is sometimes identified with the famous Sergeant Pavlov who participated in the battle of Stalingrad. The elder himself rarely mentioned anything of his life from before taking his vows. Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyanskii, the former head of the patriarchal press service, offered some reflections and recollections of Elder Kirill, whom he personally knew. “His fate is very illustrative of our history—the history of the state and the history of the Church. The war was a turning point that pushed him towards faith, to the desire to serve the heavenly Fatherland,” Fr. Vladimir said. He noted that Fr. Kirill showed up at the Lavra to enter seminary in his military garb, as he had no other clothes. It was at the lavra that Fr. Vladimir met Fr. Kirill, who was appointed as confessor and had the obedience of treasurer.    “He was a wonderful confessor, because he saw in man the possibility of spiritual action, which each man has in different measure,” the priest said. He never burdened anyone with that which he wasn’t willing to do himself. “He advised a gradual ascent, knowing the extent of what man can do for himself, not imposing the impossible.”

Arhiva Condoleanele Patriarhului în legtur cu decesul arhimansritului Chiril (Pavlov) 21 februarie 2017 17:30 Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril i-a exprimat condoleanele în legtur cu decesul arhimandritului Chiril (Pavlov). Înaltpreasfiniei Sale, Înaltpreasfinitului Feognost, arhiepiscopul de Serghiev Posad, egumenul Lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie; frailor mnstirii i copiilor duhovniceti ai adormitului arhimandrit Chiril (Pavlov) Înaltpreasfinia Voastr! Cinstii prini, iubii frai i surori! Cu tristee am aflat vestea despre decesul arhimandritului Chiril – un stare bine cunoscut i venerat în lumea ortodox, duhovnicul timp de muli ani al Lavrei „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie i al pururi pomenitului Patriarh Alexii II. Îmi exprim sincerele condoleane i comptimire vou, vieuitorilor Lavrei, tuturor rudelor, apropiailor i copiilor duhovniceti ai rposatului. Arhimandritul Chiril a avut o via lung, plin de multe evenimente i încercri. Fiind de origine de pe pmântul Reazanului, fiu al unor prini evlavioi, el nu dintr-o dat a venit la credin i la dorina de a sluji Sfintei Biserici. Conform mrturisirii sale, întâlnirea cu Hristos a avut loc în anii Marelui rzboi pentru aprarea Patriei: dup luptele crâncene pentru Stalingrad, în una din casele distruse, locotenentul Pavlov a gsit o Evanghelie, împreun cu ea cptând i credina vie în Dumnezeu. Dup terminarea rzboiului el a intrat la studii la seminarul de teologie din Moscova, care pe atunci îi avea sediul la mnstirea Novodevicie, apoi a absolvit Academia de teologie din Moscova. În îndeprtatul an 1954 el a fost tuns în monahism, a fost hirotonit în treapta de ierodiacon, iar apoi – în cea de ieromonah. Toat viaa dumnealui de mai departe a fost legat de Lavra „Sfânta Treime” a Cuviosului Serghie. Bunvoina, capacitatea de a comptimi i de a se bucura împreun atrgeau la arhimandritul Chiril pe muli oameni i el, îndreptindu-le încrederea, cu atenie neîndoielnic se adresa ctre suferinele, dorinele i speranele lor.

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