About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Pakistani Christian Refugee in Hiding over Blasphemy Charge Calls on UN to Help Source: The Christian Post Samuel Smith 30 July 2019 A Pakistani soldier keeps guard at the Friendship Gate, crossing point at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border town of Chaman, Pakistan, March 7, 2017. REUTERS/Saeed Ali Achakzai/Files A Pakistani Christian refugee accused of blasphemy is facing renewed death threats after his location in Thailand was revealed on social media this month. But he and his family continue to face hurdles in their years-long effort for resettlement with no end in sight. Faraz Pervaiz is again calling on the United Nations, the United States and other foreign countries for help after the address of his family’s Bangkok apartment was posted online July 11, stirring up more death threats and real fear that he could be killed. The same Muslim nationalist organization that  rioted  over the acquittal of Christian mother Asia Bibi last year, Tehreek-e-Labbaik, placed a bounty on Pervaiz’s head over a year ago to the tune of about 10 million rupees (about The incentive for Pervaiz to be killed was raised in January when a radical cleric who sympathizes with the Taliban placed a bounty of 20 million rupees (about on his head. In Pakistan, blasphemy is a crime that is punishable by death or life in prison. Pakistan imprisons more people for blasphemy than all other countries in the world combined,  according to  Lisa Curtis, director for South and Central Asia at the U.S. National Security Council. Read the full article here . Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Pakistani Christian Refugee in Hiding over Blasphemy Charge Calls on UN to Help Samuel Smith A Pakistani Christian refugee accused of blasphemy is facing renewed death threats after his location in Thailand was revealed on social media this month. But he and his family continue to face hurdles in their years-long effort for resettlement with no end in sight. Faraz Pervaiz is again ...


Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy DECR chairman’s presentation at conference dedicated to the second anniversary of Havana meeting On 12 February 2018, the second anniversary of the meeting in Havana between Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Pope Francis , an international conference on the plight of Christians in the Middle East took place in Vienna, Austria. Among the keynote speakers was Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations. The text of his presentation is given below. Dear Conference participants and guests! Today’s conference is dedicated to the second anniversary of the historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. In my presentation I would like to highlight the main reason which prompted the two First Hierarchs into arranging this meeting in Havana in February 2016. The reason is the mass persecution of Christians. The most dramatic situation in which our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, North Africa and a number of other regions have found themselves has become a challenge for world Christianity. This challenge cannot remain unanswered. Today most of the terrorists in Syria and Iraq have been defeated. However, it is too early to say that Christians in these countries are in complete safety. Recently serious damage was done by shelling to Christian churches in Damascus. It was only by a miracle that the Maronite bishop Sammir Nassar did not die. In the Afrin District of Syria Christians have been crying out for help as they find themselves under fire and are afraid of a new invasion of extremists. Hotbeds of persecution are flaring up in other regions of the world as well. The killing of Copts and blowing up of churches in Egypt continues. In Nigeria Muslim tribesmen have killed more than two hundred Christians over the past year. Dozens of Christians have become their victims in this year alone. The escalation of violence against Christians in India has again flared up. Asia Bibi, a Catholic over whom the threat of the death penalty hangs, has already spent more than eight years incarcerated in a Pakistani prison.


They also demanded “serious and effective measures to check the violence in the name of religion” and called on the federal and provincial governments to “review their stand on the blasphemy law”. Tahir Ashrafi, a member of the Council of Islamic Ideology, Pakistan’s top religious body, held police responsible for failing to act to protect the couple before the mob violence occurred. “This case must go to an anti-terrorism court and the culprits must be arrested and punished, including the mullah (who made the blasphemy accusation in mosque) if he’s involved,” he said. Additional reporting by ucanews.com. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog New details emerge in killing of Pakistani Christian couple Natalya Mihailova Shama Bibi was four months pregnant when she and her husband were killed Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Also by this author " Moscow Mufti, “Rash Decisions on the Status of Jerusalem Offend the Feelings of Almost Two Billion Muslims around the World” natalya_mihailova May 11, Interfax – Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Russian Muslims, Moscow Mufti Albir Krganov, believes that…


Kumari " s family has gone to the Supreme Court to get their daughter back. But the case is hotly contested by the Muslim family, who say Kumari " s conversion was voluntary. They say the couple had known each other and exchanged Facebook messages and phone calls before she converted and they married. On Monday, the Supreme Court ordered Kumari kept in a women " s shelter in southern Karachi until it resumes hearing the case on April 18. " Christian and Hindu girls are targeted more and more, " says Father Emmanuel Yousaf, who heads the National Commission for Justice and Peace, an organization born out of the Catholic Bishop " s Conference. Yousaf, in the Punjabi capital of Lahore, said his group was helping Seema Bibi and a number of other Christians who had to leave their villages because of threats from extremists. Some of them were girls who were forcibly converted and others, he said, were falsely accused of acting against Islam for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad or abusing the Quran. There are dozens of cases of minorities being accused of insulting Islam under the country " s controversial blasphemy laws. Often the cases are rooted in disputes with Muslim neighbors or as coercion to convert, and judges often feel intimidated by extremists into convicting accused blasphemers, said Yousaf. " They know where you live and where your children go to school, " he said. Roughly five percent of Pakistan " s 180 million people belong to minority religions, which include Hindu, Christian, Shiite Muslims and Ahmadis, according to the CIA World Factbook. Ahmadis are reviled by mainstream Muslims as heretics. Over recent years, violence against the minorities has increased, as Islamic hard-liners " influence over the country has strengthened. In May 2010 gunmen rampaged through an Ahmadi place of worship in Lahore, killing 93. In February this year, gunmen stopped four buses in northern Pakistan, picked out those with Shiite-sounding names and shot them to death, killing 18. Last year, a provincial governor who criticized the blasphemy laws was killed by his own bodyguard, and the government " s only Christian Cabinet minister — also an opponent of the laws — was gunned down by militants.


Campaigners across the world have helped raise Noreen " s profile, following the successful petition for the release of Meriam Ibrahim, a Sudanese Christian woman who was also sentenced to death for blasphemy last summer. To date, nearly 700,000 people have signed a Voice of the Martyrs petition on Noreen " s behalf. More than 580,000 people have added their signatures to a campaign by Change.org. The woman who started the campaign, Emily Clarke, said “people have not forgotten Asia Bibi even though she was sentenced to death over five years ago.” Another petition, by CitizenGO, has gathered more than 625,000 signatures. Al Jazeera profiled Noreen " s plight and published the court documents of her case. Associated assassinations In 2011, Salmaan Taseer, the governor of the Punjab, and Shahbaz Bhatti, the national minorities’ minister, were shot dead because of their support for Noreen and criticism of what Clarke calls “Pakistan’s barbaric blasphemy laws.” The crime of blasphemy was enshrined into Pakistani law under British rule, but strengthened during the years of military dictator Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. However, in recent years Pakistan, which is 96 percent Muslim, has seen a surge in accusations of insulting Islam, claims an Islamabad-based think tank, the Center for Research and Security Studies. Analysts say that accusations are frequently used to settle scores, or as a front for property grabs. Charges are hard to fight because the law does not define blasphemy, so presenting the evidence can itself sometimes be considered a fresh infringement. If found guilty, defendants can expect the death penalty. But those accused are often lynched, or languish for years in jail without trial because lawyers are too afraid to defend them. “Blasphemy accusations in Pakistan are often used to settle petty vendettas and persecute minority groups,” said Kate Allen, UK Director of Amnesty International in December 2014, as part of a plea for the release of Mohammad Asghar, a 70-year-old British Muslim grandfather also on death row. “Pakistan should get rid of these poisonous blasphemy laws. It’s a complete disgrace that the courts are complicit in these vendettas.”


169 По предположению Кейля, на основании клятвы Сарептской вдовы: ( 3Цар.17:12 ), в ней с несомненностью можно признать по­читательницу истинного Бога, которая, узнавши в пророке израильтянина, называет Иегову его Богом. – Bibi. Comm. Die BB. der Könige, s. 177. 171 По объяснению бл. Феодорита – пророком было предоставлено жрецам Ваала первенство в той мысли, чтобы они «постыжденные» не сказали, будто бы Ваал огорчился за то, что не ему первому воздан дар» (Тв. св. оо. рус. пер. XXVI, ч. I. стр. 462). 173 Св. Григорий Нисский присоединяет к этому и другое основание, заключавшееся в намерении пророка Илии «чрез необычайное соединение в сродство и содействие противоположных по природе стихий с большей необычайностью показать силу своего Бога» (Тв. св. оо. т. 45, ч. VII. М. 1871 г. стр. 18). Отцы и учители церкви указывают еще и на символическое значение как этого предуготовительного действия пр. Илии, так и всего священнодействия. Так, по словам бл. Феодорита, троекратное поливание жертвы «числом своим указывает на достопоклоняемую Троицу» (Тв. св. оо. XXVI. ч. I. стр. 463.). По словам святого Григория Нисского , «пр. Илия своим древним священнодействием ясно предвозвестил нам об имеющем совершиться впоследствии тайнодействии крещения. Ибо троекратно возлитою водою возжигается огонь для того, чтобы показать, что где таинственная вода, там и дух вос­пламеняется, – горящий, огневидный, нечувственных сожигающий и верных освящающий (Т. 45. ч. VIII, стр. 18). Тот же св. отец несколько выше называет кармильское тайнодействие «предзнаменованием самым делом веры во имя Отца, Сына и св. Духа и искупления» (ibid. стр. 16). 175 См. Theologisch Studien und Kritiken, 1871 г. Heft. 4 (1 ст.), где помещен перевод надписи, а ровно у Гретца – Geschichte der Juden. Bd. 2. Theil 1.s. 432, где указан её текст. 178 В 7000 верных, не преклонивших своих колен пред Ваалом, представляется основная мысль позднейшего пророческого возвещения о спасаемом «священном остатке» народа Божия. Küper. Das Prophetenthum d. А. В. s. 123.


Писании, ни в истории. Из св. Писания брали в основание ей Ucx. VII-X ; Anok. XVII, 1–14 . Но против первого (т.е. основания на кн. Исход) еще Августин вооружался, называя объяснение истории египетских казней применительно к состоянию церкви – одною догадкой ума человеческого. В самом деле между казнями нечестивого Египта, служившими к освобождению избранного народа из рабства, и гонениями, воздвигаемыми нечестием язычества против св. Церкви, мало соответствия. Во втором случае (Апокал.) стих 12 (и десять рогов, которые ты видел, суть десять царей, которые еще не получили царства, но примут власть со зверем, как цари, на один час), прямо говорит, что десять царей, имеющие бороться с Агнцем еще не являлись; между тем по толкованию вышеупомянутых лиц в число этих десяти должны быть внесены и Нерон и Домициан, тогда как Иоанн писал свое откровение после открывшегося гонения на христиан при Домициане. – История же представляет, во первых, что многие гонения против христиан были воздвигаемы не императорами, во вторых, гонений местных и всеобщих было более десяти, а всеобщих, по указам императоров, менее десяти. – Уважение к благочестивому преданию составляет отличительную черту в ученых трудах Горского, но это уважение у него далеко было от крайностей. Если предание не выдерживало серьезной критики научной, он нисколько не сомневался отказывать ему в доверии. Так, под его критическим анализом разрешается в легенду известное сказание о семи отроках, спящих в Ефесе. В лекциях Горского встречаем по указанному вопросу очень замечательный этюд такого содержания. «История семи отроков, спящих в Ефесе, по памятникам становится известною в западной Европе через Григория турского (VI в.), который говорит, что узнал ее при помощи сирского переводчика. На сирском языке действительно известно сказание Иакова, саругского (в Месопотамии) епископа (Assem. Bibi. Orient. 1.1, р. 288), который жил во второй половине V века. Между его произведениями или беседами, писанными стихами, есть De pueris Ephesi (Assem., ibid., 335–337), которое переведено в Act.


Christian Mother Asia Bibi Spends 7th Christmas on Death Row in Pakistan Source: The Christian Post    December 25, 2016 Imprisoned Christian mother of of five, Asia Bibi, is facing the death penalty after being accused of blasphemy in 2009 by angry Muslim women, who were upset that she drank from the same drinking water as them. (COURTESY: BRITISH PAKISTANI CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION)      Pakistani Christian mother of five Asia Bibi is spending her seventh Christmas in prison after her death sentence appeal was put on hold in October when a judge abruptly recused himself from hearing her case.    Bibi, 45, was sentenced to death in 2010 on allegations of blasphemy after two Muslim co-workers accused her of insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad, something which she denies. Bibi " s blasphemy allegation stems from an altercation in June 2009 that she had with a group of Muslim women in the town of Sheikhupura in the Punjab province. As the women were picking berries, the Muslim women became enraged when Bibi drank from the same water bowl that they women drank out of. Since Bibi was a Christian, the women considered her unclean. After an argument between the women ensued, the Muslim women went to the police and accused Bibi of saying something along the lines of " My Christ died for me, what did Muhammad do for you? " Bibi was supposed to find out in October at a final appeal hearing at Pakistan " s Supreme Court whether or not she would be executed, but that decision was delayed indefinitely after one of the senior judges, who was set to preside over her appeal, suddenly resigned. Protesters demand release of Asia Bibi, in Lahore, Pakistan, November 21, 2010. (PHOTO: MOHSIN RAZA)      Local media said that Justice Iqbal Hameed recused himself from the case without giving a specific reason. William Stark, a regional manager for South Asia for International Christian Concern, which advocates for persecuted Christians around the world, said in a phone interview with The Christian Post that Bibi " s struggle is " the premier case for why blasphemy laws are a problem. "


Bibi " s case, as it now stands, is in what he calls a " wait-and-see " period. " Hopefully in 2017, the Pakistani Supreme Court will form a new bench and will be able to hear her case, " Stark said. " And, frankly, if the case is actually heard on the merits, the Supreme Court has no other option but to find for her and actually let her go. " Stark told CP that he " s somewhat optimistic for Bibi " s case based on recent court rulings on the rights of religious minorities and conversations he " s had with her attorney, Saif Malook, who is a Muslim. The daughters of Asia Bibi posed with an image of their mother outside their residence in Sheikhupura, located in Pakistan’s Punjab Province. (PHOTO: ADREES LATIF/REUTERS)      If the court rejects her appeal, however, Bibi would be the first woman in Pakistan to be executed for blasphemy. " Asia " s case is very much a lightning rod within Pakistan itself, " Stark said, referencing the 2011 assassination of Punjab Gov. Salman Taseer, a supporter of Bibi who had planned to reform the country " s strict blasphemy law. Taseer had been accused by hardline groups of committing blasphemy himself by criticizing the law, which is supposed to protect Muslim sentiments, but according to human rights groups is often used to settle personal scores and oppress Christians and other religious minorities. " People who get close to it [Bibi " s case] are very scared for their lives, " he added. " It " s a case that really kind of encapsulates the abuse of blasphemy laws generally. And it " s such high profile that even to bring it up you " re inviting controversy. If you " re bringing up Asia Bibi in a public area, it " s not a wise decision. " CP reported in October that Pakistani Christians are worried that justice will not be done. " Every day that passes I fear that she will either be killed in custody and that her death will be masked as a natural death, or that she will finally fail her Supreme Court hearing — as this would be the most popular decision in a country riven with hate, " wrote Wilson Chowdhry, chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association on his group " s website.


Over 540K Sign Petition Urging Pakistan to Release Christian Mother Asia Bibi From Death Row      A global petition in support of Christian mother of five Asia Bibi has reached over 540,000 signatures, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. The group is urging Christians to continue to show their support for the Pakistani woman whose only crime was her faith in Jesus Christ. " Asia " s only crime was affirming her faith in Jesus Christ. Her firm stand for her Christian faith has cost her dearly. Her case is a controversial one, with radical Islamic clerics calling for her to be hanged, " the ACLJ said in an update on its petition. " This controversy, however, does not excuse Pakistan from honoring its international and domestic legal obligations. Asia is still on death row, her fate is still uncertain, and Pakistan " s Supreme Court has yet to reschedule her hearing, " it added. Bibi has been imprisoned for seven years as she waits for her case to be resolved. The mother of five has been on death row since 2010 after a group of Muslim co-workers accused her of insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad, something which she denies. Bibi was supposed to find out in October at a final appeal hearing at Pakistan " s Supreme Court whether or not she will be executed, but that decision has been delayed after one of the senior judges who was set to preside over her appeal suddenly resigned. Local media said that Justice Iqbal Hameed recused himself from the case earlier in October, without giving a specific reason. Protesters demand release of Asia Bibi, in Lahore, Pakistan, November 21, 2010. (PHOTO: MOHSIN RAZA)    The ACLJ noted that the Supreme Court has yet to reschedule her hearing, and the Christian woman " s fate remains uncertain. The conservative law group has also sent letters to Jalil Abbas Jilani, the ambassador of Pakistan to the United States, expressing its dismay with the delay of justice for Bibi. " As we stated before, Asia " s arrest, imprisonment, and death sentence violate international agreements Pakistan has ratified without reservations. Asia has already spent seven years in prison waiting for the final outcome of her case, " the letter to Jilani stated.


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