Today, there are almost no Christians left in Libya. The Christian community in Iraq has decreased in number many times. A terrible tragedy is suffered by our brothers in faith in Syria. The Coptic community in Egypt has decreased in number. The very survival of Christianity is threatened in quite a number of countries in the Middle East – the cradle of Christianity. This issue has become ever more urgent in the light of the tragic events accompanying the intensified activity of the ‘Islamic State’ terrorist grouping, which is threatening now not only countries in the Middle East but also the whole civilized world. Broken loose is the The monstrous power of hatred towards people and terror have broken loose and must be stopped. At the same time, we should not forget that this process was not originally spontaneous. Its growth has been stimulated by a policy that some countries of the West have pursued in recent years in the Middle East region, as well as concrete measures for financing and arming Islamic militants under the guise of ‘fighters for freedom and democratic transformations’. The credibility of Christian witness to the tragedy in the Middle East should consist in telling the truth about it, not repeating trite clichés spread around by the mass media. The voice of churches should be independent from that of leading world powers and rise above the political game-playing. It is a witness that requires the Gospel’s wisdom and courage. To reach out to the world public, the Moscow Patriarchate seeks to use diverse platforms. The problem of persecution against Christians is always present on the agenda of our Church’s leaders when they meet with representatives of the world establishment. The Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly made statements in defence of the Middle East Christians. Quite recently, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent a letter to Iraqi President Fuad Masum, expressing concern for the situation of Christians in the north of that country and a message to Pakistan’s President Mamnoon Hussein asking him to pardon the Christian women Asia Bibi who was sentenced to death on false charges.

841 В греческой мифологии Крон был одним из титанов, сыном Урана и Геи (Hes. Theog. 167–182; Apollod. I. 1. 4). После победы над Ураном он взял в жены свою сестру Рею, детей которой проглатывал, чтобы избежать участи отца, которую ему предсказала Гея. В «Первом Ватиканском мифографе» (ПВМ. II. 1. 2) Крон предстает владыкой и покорителем многих царств. Такая характеристика существенно отличается от обычных мифологических представлений о Кроне (ПВМ. С. 132. Прим. 2). Действительно, с именем Крона связано сказание о золотом поколении людей, которые были благонравны, ибо Крон всюду утверждал справедливость (Ср.: Diod. Bibl. V. 66. 4). 842 Следует пояснить, что у Иоанна Малалы ( Mal. I. III .) указаны названия звезд, которые придумал сын Адама Сиф: «Его сын Сиф имел мудрость от Бога и по велению Бога дал имена всем звездам и пяти планетам, чтобы люди их различали. Первую планету назвал Кроном, вторую – Зевсом, третью – Аресом, четвертую – Афродитой и пятую – Гермесом». 844 В греческой мифологии Семирамида – дочь сирийской богини Деркето, ставшая женой вавилонского царя Нина (Luc. De dea syr. XIV. 39). В античной традиции Семирамида изображалась жестокой завоевательницей (Diod. Bibi. II. 13. 1–14. 4; Jus. Eplt. I. 2. 8–9; Oros. Hist. I. 4. 4–8). Известные висячие сады Семирамиды, построенные в VI в до н. э. Навуходоносором II, не имеют отношения к мифу. 845 В греческой мифологии Рея была дочерью Геи и Урана и матерью богов (Hes. Theog. 135; ПВМ. III. 1. 4), а в поздней античности ее стали отождествлять с фригийской матерью богов оргиастической богиней Кибелой. 846 Греческое имя Πκος в русской транскрипции передается в соответствии с фонетическими изменениями в греческом языке VI в. как «Пик». Однако во всех независимых от Иоанна Малалы источниках это имя пишется через йоту долгую. В римской мифологии Пик, отец Фавна, – лесное божество, дававшее оракулы (Sero. Schol. Verg. Аеп. VIL 190, X. 76; Ovid. Met. XIV. 320). У Плутарха (Plut. Numa. XV) Пик и Фавн, «которых можно было бы сравнивать во всех отношениях с сатирами или панами греков», часто посещали Авентинский холм во времена римского царя Нумы и открыли царю много тайн, так как были «знатоками врачебного искусства и записными колдунами» (Пер.

В Пакистане группа мусульманских радикалов расстреляла из автоматов храм и дома христиан 16 сентября 2021 г. 11:42 В Пакистане группа мусульманских радикалов расстреляла из автоматов христианский храм и соседние дома прихожан, при этом не менее четырех христиан получили ранения, сообщает  christianheadlines. Ранения в числе прочих получила беременная женщина. Нападение случилось в участке Шамсабад района Шеракот в Лахоре. Один из раненых, Асиф Масих (Asif Masih), рассказал, что вернулся домой с работы и тут на улице раздались отчаянные крики и грохот автоматных очередей. «Я стал звать своих детей с улицы домой, и увидел группу вооруженных до зубов людей, беспорядочно стреляющих по церкви на нашей улице, — вспоминает Масих в интервью Morning Star News. — Затем они перенесли огонь на соседние дома христиан». Некоторые из террористов, по его словам, заметили его и открыли по нему прицельную стрельбу, ранив в оба бедра. «Мне с трудом удалось заползти в дом и закрыть дверь, а они продолжали пальбу, — свидетельствует Масих. — Я слышал их угрозы и проклятья в адрес христиан, они клялись всех нас уничтожить в этом районе и спалить нашу церковь». По его словам, свидетели уже опознали нападавших — это мусульмане Дилшад Догар (Dilshad Dogar), Батт Гас Вала (Butt Gas Wala) и Чанд Хенча (Chand Khencha). Они выпустили сотни пуль из АК-47 и другого оружия по домам, где проживают более 300 христианских семей. По его словам, пули пробили двери многих домов и ранили трех женщин — Нирму Биби (Nirma Bibi), Марию Кашиф (Maria Kashif) и Самину (Samina), а также других христиан. «Одна из раненых на шестом месяце беременности, — сокрушается Масих. — Ей в ногу попала одна из пуль, изрешетивших дверь, и родные успели оттащить ее в безопасный угол». Многие христиане принялись звонить по телефону экстренного вызова полиции в 14.30, когда звучала стрельба, но полиция прибыла только в 20.00, поскольку подозреваемые считаются влиятельными людьми со связями, по словам Масиха. Он выступает одним из свидетелей в деле против террористов. «Вся наша улица изрешечена пулями, многие раненые истекали кровью, но полиция в своем первом рапорте не квалифицировала эту расправу как акт терроризма, — возмущается Масих. — Более того, в своем заявлении я упомянул, что обвиняемые часто грозили сжечь церковь и расправиться с нами, но полиция не включила мои показания в рапорт».

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Pakistan Sentences Two Christians to Death for Blasphemy Source: Breitbart A Pakistani court has sentenced two Christians in Punjab to death for the crime of blasphemy, following their arrest in 2015. Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. 18 December 2018 RIZWAN TABASSUM/AFP/Getty Images The two brothers, Qaisar and Amoon Ayub, were  accused  in 2011 of posting material offensive to Islam on their website, and subsequently sent to the Jhelum prison in Lahore in 2015. Qaisar testified that he had shut down the offending website in 2009 but that a Muslim acquaintance of his, Shahryar Gill, had resurrected the site keeping the copyright in Qaisar’s name. On December 13, Judge Javed Iqbal Bosal heard the case in the Jhelum prison for security reason, and there  declared  the brothers guilty and sentenced them to death. The men are both married and Qaisar is the father of three children. The Center for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS), an interfaith organization that offers free legal support to victims of religious intolerance, is representing the brothers and announced that it will appeal the sentence to the Lahore High Court as soon as possible. According to Nasir Saeed, the UK director of CLAAS, the accusation of blasphemy often triggers a violent reaction from Islamic radicals, which often involves threats to judges, upsetting the judicial process. “Because of the threats of the fundamentalists, lower courts pass the responsibility to the High Courts and these take years to prove the innocence of the accused. This is what we saw with the recent case of Asia Bibi,” Saeed said. “I am afraid now Qaisir and Amoon will have to wait years to get justice,” Saeed added. According to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, insulting the Prophet Muhammad is a crime punishable by death, while disrespecting the ‎Quran incurs life imprisonment.

Martin Parsons, head of research at the U.K.-based Christian aid agency the Barnabas Fund, was among the critics of British officials. “It’s unbelievable that these persecuted Christians who come from the cradle of Christianity are being told there is no room at the inn, when the U.K. is offering a welcome to Islamists who persecute Christians,” he charged. A Home Office spokesperson said that all visa applications are considered on individual merits and applicants must prove they meet immigration rules requirements. The Barnabas Fund criticized the decisions at length in an October 2 editorial at its website. It said the concerns about the two Iraqi bishops are “at best spurious.” The fund rejected claims that the bishops did not have enough money to support themselves in the U.K. and might not leave the country. “Anyone who has paid the slightest attention to current world news reports would know that both men have pressing pastoral responsibilities as previously Christian areas held by ISIS are liberated,” the Barnabas Fund said. “The refusal to grant a few days’ U.K. visa to these very senior church leaders is symptomatic of a deeper problem in the U.K. Home Office,” it continued. “In fact they are not the first persecuted Christian leaders to be refused visas for pastoral visits to the U.K., nor is this problem confined to Orthodox Christians.” The organization also noted the denial of a visa to the Iraqi evangelical pastor Majeed Rashid Kurdi, who was to participate in a Barnabas Fund speaking tour in the U.K. The Barnabas Fund has previously objected to U.K. Home Office guidance stating that senior members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood should be presumed to be granted asylum, despite the group’s alleged incitement of violence against Egyptian Christians. The group also questioned why visas had been granted to two Pakistani Islamic leaders who, according to the Barnabas Fund, backed their country’s strict anti-blasphemy law and called for the immediate killings of Christians who have been accused of blasphemy, including Asia Bibi. The two leaders visited four U.K. mosques in July.

A Christian woman, Asia Bibi, is in jail for 7 years on charges of blasphemy.  She was sentenced to death in 2010 for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, which she has denied.  Pakistan’s Supreme Court adjourned her death row appeal on October 13 last year, after one of the 3 judges recused himself from the case.  Christian minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti and Muslim politician Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab Province, were both assassinated in 2011 for advocating on her behalf and opposing the blasphemy laws.  (Source: Reuters) Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Pakistan acquits 112 in arson case against Christians ‎ Natalya Mihailova In March 2013, more than 125 homes in Lahore " s Josep Colony were burned by a mob of more than 3,000 Muslims responding to rumours that a local Christian man, Sawan Masih, had made derogatory remarks about the Prophet Mohammad.  No one was killed in the incident but there was widespread damage ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Also by this author " Moscow Mufti, “Rash Decisions on the Status of Jerusalem Offend the Feelings of Almost Two Billion Muslims around the World” natalya_mihailova May 11, Interfax – Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Russian Muslims, Moscow Mufti Albir Krganov, believes that…

The German leaders endorse the ongoing Israeli genocide against Gaza; they are comfortably protected from any moral conscience by their nostalgic blanket of ‘guilt’ over Nazi crimes 70 years ago. Saudi-funded Jihadi terrorists in Iraq showed their “infinite mercy” by… merely driving thousands of Christians from ancient Mosul. Nearly 2,000 years of a continuous Christian presence was long enough! At least most escaped with their heads still attached. Chaos Everywhere Over one hundred thousand agents of the US National Security Agency are paid to spy on two million Muslim citizens and residents in the USA. But for all the tens of billions of dollars spent and tens of millions of conversations recorded, Islamic charities are prosecuted and philanthropic individuals are framed in ‘sting operations’. Where the bombs fall no one knows, but people flee. Millions are fleeing the chaos. But there is no place to go! The French invade half a dozen African countries but the refugees are denied refuge in France. Thousands die in the desert or drown crossing the Med. Those who do make it, are branded criminals or relegated to ghettos and camps. Chaos reigns in Africa, the Middle East, Central America and Detroit. The entire US frontier with Mexico has become a militarized detention center, a multi-national prison camp. The border is unrecognizable to our generation. Chaos reigns in the markets. Chaos masquerades as trade sanctions: Iran yesterday, Russia today and China tomorrow. Washington, Watch out! Your adversaries are finding common ground, trading, forging agreements, building defenses; their ties are growing stronger. Chaos reigns in Israel. War-obsessed Israelis discover that the Chosen People of God can also bleed and die, lose limbs and eyes in the alleyways of Gaza where poorly armed boys and men stand their ground. When the cheers turn to jeers, will they re-elect Bibi, their current kosher butcher? The overseas brethren, the fundraisers, the lobbyists and the armchair verbal assassins will automatically embrace some new face, without questions, regrets or (god forbid!) self-criticism –if it’s ‘good for Israel and the Jews’ it’s got to be right!

Русский перевод дает: «Иисус же опять скорбя внутренно» 1154 : μβριμμενος, «fremens apud semet ipsum“ (Bibi. Sacr). «взволнованный внутренно», идет ко гробу Лазаря. Все взоры устремлены на Владыку жизни и смерти: «Се, (говорил Симеон Богоприимец) 1155 лежит сей на падение и на востание многим во Израили и в знамение пререкаемо». Последний раз давал Господь Иудеям время покаяться и уверовать. Владыка жизни и смерти предлагал им жизнь или смерть вечные, в знамении великого чуда воскресения Лазаря, к вере или к неверию их. Ин.11:39 . Глагола Иисус: возмите камень. Глагола ему сестра умершего Марфа: Господи, уже смердит: четверодневен бо есть. Ин.11:40 . Глагола ей Иисус: не Рех ли ти, яко аще веруеши, узриши славу Божию? Марфа при великой вере своей не могла ожидать однако такого великого чуда как восстание живого из тлевшего уже трупа. И воскрешение дочери Иаира, и воскресение сына вдовы в Наине были то же самое чудо возвращения творческою силою души в тело, получающее от Творца новую жизнь после его разрушения. Но в чуде воскресения отрока Наинового не было всех тех обстоятельств, которые особенно поражали присутствовавших при воскресении Лазаря, не было толпы злобствующих Иудеев, ожидающих со вниманием знамения и тление не было так заметно. При чуде воскресения дочери Иаира Господь даже нарочно старался умалить значение чуда, говоря при входе в дом: «она не умерла, но спит». Но те чудеса были чудеса исключительно милосердия; это чудо воскресения Лазаря имело особую цель: «да прославится Сын Божий», как указал то Господь ученикам Своим (ст. 4). И здесь Господь говорит Марфе: «узриши славу Божию». Для семьи Лазаря и самого воскресшего радость воскресения была великая, но с одной стороны лишь земная, кратковременная. Но к этой радости обновления земной жизни для Лазаря и сестер его присовокуплялась высшая радость – радование человека, зрящего Господа. «Аз есмь воскрешение и живот», сказал Господь (25 ст.) и вот в очию человека на земле совершается деяние, не могущее оставить в сердце избранных тени сомнения, что они зрят Бога в смиренном образе человеческом. Для самого Лазаря и семьи его радость оживления отходит на второй план, ибо что значит эта кратковременная жизнь, когда впереди радостная жизнь вечная в Боге и у Бога? Посему-то воскресение Лазаря было не только делом милосердия; оно имело высшую цель: да прославится Сын Божий, «да прославится Отец в Сыне». А это прославление Бога всемогущего во Святой Троице покланяемого было изведение человечества из тьмы к свету истины и веры и дарование верующему жизни вечной.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation The Systematic Persecution of Christians is an International Tragedy Source: Assyrian News Chris Philp 24 May 2018 In April last year, a young Nigerian woman, Dorkas Zakka, was murdered along with 12 others in Kafanchan state simply for attending an Easter mass. Local priest Father Alexander Yeycock said that Nigerian military units stood by and did nothing while these murders took place. Last November in Mina, Egypt, a mob surrounded a Coptic Church threatening worshippers inside, many of whom have also been physically attacked. Local Coptic leader Anba Macarius said that the Egyptian authorities have done nothing to bring those responsible to justice. Asia Bibi was sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy in Pakistan in 2010, although the Pakistani supreme court suspended that sentence in 2015. Two Pakistani politicians who advocated on her behalf and opposed Pakistan’s anti-free-speech blasphemy laws were assassinated. In May last year, two churches in Sudan were destroyed on the orders of the Government. In June last year, 33 Christian women in Eritrea were imprisoned by the Eritrean Government simply for taking part in prayer activity. Just two weeks ago, Pakistani man Suneel Saleem was beaten to death by a group of doctors and security guards at the Services Hospital in Lahore when he protested the anti-Christian abuse his heavily pregnant sister had suffered at the hospital. The systematic persecution of Christians is an international tragedy. It is often either ignored or even encouraged by national Governments. According to a petition presented to Parliament last year, attacks on Christians have been taking place in around 50 countries since 2014. In India, 24,000 Christians (many of them converts) were physically assaulted last year. Meanwhile, in the areas of Iraq that have suffered most at the hands of Daesh, both the Christian and Yazidi populations have come close to being wiped out.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Religious Freedom Charity Calls for more Action on Persecuted Christians Source: Premier Following the launch of a review by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and the Bishop of Truro into the persecution of Christians, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) International is urging the government to put the study " s findings into action. Heather Preston 17 May 2019 Mandatory Credit: Photo by Rana Sajid Hussain/REX The preliminary report, ordered by Mr Hunt, found Christians to be the most persecuted religious group in the world and likened their mistreatment to genocide. Commissioned in 2018, the review was triggered by the plight of Asia Bibi – a Christian woman who spent nine years on death row for blasphemy charges in Pakistan.   Speaking to Premier, ADF International’s Executive Director Paul Coleman said: “We’d like to see the UK Government and other Western leaders not only talk about it, but actually put this report in to action and consider these countries where Christian persecution is taking place and consider what can be done.” He added “We’d like to see real efforts being made at a political level and an international level to hold these countries to account where Christian persecution is reaching these extreme levels and to use the influence that countries like the UK and other Western countries have to effect positive change in those regions.” Mr Coleman says the report is helpful in establishing the extreme dangers Christians face across the globe and an encouraging first step in bringing about change. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Religious Freedom Charity Calls for more Action on Persecuted Christians Heather Preston Following the launch of a review by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and the Bishop of Truro into the persecution of Christians, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) International is urging the government to put the study " s findings into action

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