Излож. прав. веры кн. IV, гл. 18, стр. 278). 588 Желающий, впрочем, может найти подробнейшее рассмотрение всех этих мест у святого Афанасия (в слове против. Ариан), у святого Василия Великого (в 4-й книге, против Евномия, “Творения святых Отцов” VII, стр. 144–178), у святого Григория Богослова (в слов. 29 и 30, “Творения святых Отцов” III. стр. 72–95) и у других Отцов, писавших против ариан. А святой Иоанн Дамаскин преподает и подробные пра­вила, как понимать такого рода места (Точн. Излож. прав. веры кн. IV, гл. 18: o речениях, какие употребляются о Христе). 590 См. этот символ и истор. сказание о нем святого Григория Нисского в конце Правосл. Исповед. каф. и Апост. Церкви восточной. “Святой Григорий (Чудотворец), говорит повествователь, составил Богоданное учение (символ), как некое наследие, преемникам своим в рукописи. Живущий в той стране народ, поучаясь ежедневно согласно с сим учением, и доныне не заразился никакой ересью”. (стр. 232–233, Μ. 1838). 593 См. выше примеч. 499; также – Iren. contra haeres. III, cap. 19; Euseb. H. E. V, cap. 28, стр. 315, в русск. перев., изд. Спб. 1848: “не стыдно ли им (еретикам) так лгать на (папу) Виктора, достоверно зная, что он отлучил от общения с Церковью кожевника Феодота, который был вождем и Отцом этого богохульного отступничества и начал прежде всех утверждать, что Христос был просто человек? Если Виктор, по словам их, мыслил так, как учит это злохуление, то зачем бы ему отлучать Феодота, изобретателя такой ереси?” 594 .... τος φοδοις το Θεο ρκομενοι κα προσχοντες τος λγοις ατο επιμελς, στερνισμνοι τε τος σπλγχνοις, κα τ παθματα ατο ν πρ φθαλμν μν. 1 ad Corinth, cap. 2. 595 A­ δελφο, οτως δε μς φρονεν περ ησο Χρστου, ς περ Θεο.... II ad Corinth, n. 1. 596 “Славлю Христа Иисуса – Бога ( τν θεν) моего, который столько умудрил вас: ибо я узнал, что вы.... преисполнены веры в Господа нашего, истинно происходящего от племени Давидова по плоти, Сына Божия по божеству ( θετητα)” (Epist. ad Smyrn. II. 1). “Сам Бог ( Θες) наш Иисус Христос открывается более как сущий в Отце” (ad Roman, в. 3. Conf. ad Trail, n. 7; ad Polyc. n. 8). “Един есть врач плотский и духовный, рожденный и безначальный ( γννητος) во плоти явившийся Бог ( Θες)... Иисус Христос Господь наш” (ad Ephes. n. 7). “Бог ( Θες) наш Иисус Христос был во чреве Марии” (ib. n. 18. Conf. n. 19. 20). “Един есть Бог, открывший Себя чрез Иисуса Христа – своего Сына, который есть Слово Его вечное ( Λγος διος)” (ad Magnes. n. 8). 597 “Вы, будучи подражателями Богу, оживотворившись кровию Бога ( ν αιΘεο), соответственное тому дело вполне совершили..”. (ad Ephes. n. 1). πιστρψτε μο μιμητν εναι το πθους το Θεο μου (ad Roman, n. 14). 598 Муж Апостольской, которому принадлежат эти слова, известен только, как сочинитель послания к Диогнету , откуда мы их и заимствовали. Vid. Epist. id Diognetum cap. 7 et 11, in. Opp. Patr. Apostol. pag. 312–314 et 320. Tubing. 1847.


Ad eundem Х83, см. 4148/1 Ad Aristolaum tribunum 59 (лат.) 323–324 Ad eundem 60 (лат.) 323–326 Ad Iohannem Antiochenum 61 (лат.) 325–328 Ad eundem 62 (лат.) 327–328 Х84, см. 4148/1 Ad eundem Ad Maximum, Iohannem, Thalassium presb. et archimandritas 64 (лат.) 327–330 Ad Mosaeum episcopum Aradi et Antaradi 65 (лат.) 329–330 Iohannis Antiocheni ad Cyrillum 66 (лат.) 329–332 Ad eundem et synodum Antiochenum 332–337 Х38, см. 5000/1 Т. 1. С. 581–583; Т. 3. С. 372–373 Ad Acacium Melitenum 68 (лат.) 337–338 Т. 3. С. 354, 501–502 (fr.) Ad eundem 337–340 Х85, см. 4148/1 Т. 3. С. 373 (fr.), 484–485 Ad Lampronem presb. Alexan drinum Х86, см. 4148/1 Т.3. С. 353, 501 (fr.) Ad Theodosium imperatorem 71 (лат.) 341–344 Т. 3. С. 374 (fr.) Ad Proclum Constantinopolitanum 344–345 Х87, см. 4148/1 Т. 3. С. 375–376(fr.), 485–486 Rabbulae Edesseni ad Cyrillum (fragmenta) 73 (лат.) 347–348 ==6494 Т. 3. С. 355–356, 502 (fr.) Ad Rabbulam Edessenum 74 (лат.) 347–348 Т. 3. С. 354 Attici Constantinopolitani ad Cyrillum 348–352 ==5652 Ad Atticum Constantinopolitanum 352–360 Х88, см. 4148/1 Ad Domnum episcopum Antiochiae 360–361 Х63, см. 5000/3 Т. 3. С. 122–123 Epistula canonica ad Domnum 361–364 Ad episcopos qui sunt in Libya et Pentapoli 364–365 Ad Optimum episcopum 365–372 Ad monachos in Phua constitos (fragmenta) 372–373 X64, cm. 5000/4 Т. 3. С. 525–526 Ad Amphilochium episcopum Sidae X89, cm. 4148/1 Ad Calosyrium 76,1065–1077 Ad Euoptium episcopum Ptolemaidis 76, 385–388 X48, cm. 5000/1 Т. 1. С. 445–446 Ad Carthaginiense concilium 376–377 Ad Euoptium episcopum Ptolemaidis 86 (лат.) 377–384 87 (лат.) 385–390 ==5242 Hypatiae ad Cyrillum 88 (лат.) 389–390; 84, 848 Epistula ad Iohannem Antioche­num X55, cm. 5000/1 Epistula ad eundem X56, cm. 5000/1 Epistula ad eundem pro Theodoro (лат.) T. 3. С. 371 Epistula ad Acacium Beroeensem X54, cm. 5000/1 Epistula ad Maximianum Constantinopolitanum X58, cm. 5000/1 84, 826 Libellus Cyrilli et Memnonis Ephesini ad consilium Ephesinum X26, cm. 5000/1 T. 1. C. 306–307


398 66 Ad Pammachium К Паммахию о смерти Павлины 395/397 68 Ad Castrucium К Кастрицию 397/400 69 Ad Oceanum К Океану 70 Ad Magnum oratorem urbis Romae К Магну, римскому ритору 71 Ad Lucinium К Луцинию 72 Ad Vitalem presbyterum de Salomone et Achaz К Виталию пресвитеру о Соломоне и Ахазе 73 Ad Evangelum presbyterum de Melchisedec К Евангелу пресвитеру о Мелхиседеке 398 74 Ad Rufinum presbyterum de jurgio duarum meretricum et judicio Salomonis К Руфину пресвитеру о суде Соломона между двумя спорившими блудницами 397/400 75 Ad Theodoram viduam К Феодоре вдове 76 Ad Abigaum presbyterum К Абигаю пресвитеру 77 Ad Oceanum de morte Fabiolae К Океану о смерти Фабиолы 397/400 78 Ad Fabiolam de XLII mansionibus Israelitarum in deserto [В память] Фабиолы о 42 стоянках израильтян в пустыне 79 Ad Salvinam К Сальвине 81 Ad Rufinum К Руфину 399 82 Ad Theophilum adversus Ioannem Hierosolymitanum К Феофилу Александрийскому против Иоанна Иерусалимского 397 84 Ad Pammachium et Oceanum К Паммахию и Океану 399 85 Ad Paulinum К Павлину 400/401 86 Ad Theophilum К Феофилу Александрийскому 88 Ad eumdem Theophilum К нему же 400 97 Ad Pammachium et Marcellam К Паммахию и Марцелле 402 99 Ad Theophilum К Феофилу Александрийскому 404 102 Ad Augustinum К Августину 402 103 Ad eumdem Augustinum К нему же 397/403 105 Ad eumdem Augustinum К нему же 403/404 106 Ad Sunniam et Fretelam К Суннии и Фретеле 404/410 107 Ad Laetam de institutione filiae К Лете о воспитании дочери 400 108 Ad Eustochium. Epitaphium Paulae matris К Евстохии. Надгробное слово ее матери Павле 404 109 Ad Riparium presbyterum К Рипарию пресвитеру (о Вигилянции) 403/404 112 Ad Augustinum К Августину 402 114 Ad Theophilum К Феофилу Александрийскому 405 115 Ad Augustinum К Августину 117 Ad matrem et filiam in Gallia commorantes К [некоим] матери и дочери, проживавшим в Галлии 118 Ad Iulianum К Юлиану 406/407 119 Ad Minervium et Alexandrum monachos К Минервию и Александру монахам 120 Ad Hedibiam de quaestionibus XII К Гебидии о 12 вопросах из Нового Завета


Background Infonotes: The Ancient Thracian and Roman city of Durostorum (Dorostorum) – known as Dorostol or Drastar (Drustur) during the periods of the Bulgarian Empire in the Middle Ages – is the precursor of today’s Bulgarian city of Silistra. It was originally founded as an Ancient Thracian settlement on the Lower Danube. In 29 AD, the Romans built there a fortress keeping the settlement’sThracian name of Durostorum (or Dorostorum). After his victories wars over the Dacians north of the Danube, Roman Emperor Trajan stationed the elite Claudius’ 11th Legion – Legio XI Claudia – at Durostorum, and the fortress remained its permanent seat until the demise of the Roman Empire. In 169 AD, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 AD), Durostorum was made a Roman city – a municipium. Between the 2nd and the 4th century AD, it was a major urban and military center of the Roman Province of Moesia Inferior (later divided into Moesia Secunda and Scythia Minor), and amajor Roman stronghold against the barbarian invasions. The earliest 12 Christian saints from the territory of today’s Bulgaria are Roman soldiers executed in Durostorum during the Great Persecution of Emperor Diocletian between 303 and 313 AD, including St. Dasius and St. Julius the Veteran. In 388 AD, today’s Silistra became the seat of a Christian bishopric. Roman general Flavius Aetius (391-454 AD), who is known as “the last of the Romans” for his army’s victory over the Huns in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains in 451 AD, was born in Durostorum. During the barbarian invasions of Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs, and Bulgars the city was ransacked several times. It was rebuilt during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I the Great (r. 527-565 AD). The Slavs settled in Durostorum around 590 AD, and named it Drastar (Drustur). The city became part of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/680 – 1018 AD) around 680 AD. Bulgarian Khan (or Kanas) Omurtag (r. 814-831 AD) is known to have built there a large imperial palace known as the Danube Palace of Bulgarian Khans where later Bulgarian Tsar Simeon I the Great (r. 893-927 AD) resided in 896-897 AD. In 895 AD (during the Bulgarian-Hungarian War of 894-896 AD), the Magyars(Hungarians), allies of Byzantium, besieged the Bulgarian army under the personal command of Tsar Simeon I the Great in the fortress of Drastar but were repulsed. The next year the Magyars were decisively defeated by the Bulgarians in the extremely fierce Battle of Southern Buh (in today’s Ukraine) which eventually led their tribes to retreat to the west and settle in the region of Pannoniaessentially founding today’s Hungary.


Part of the funding will also be used to restore further the Montanesium Fortress, including by installing special lighting. “This will contribute to the wholesomeness of this historical ensemble as a cultural tourism site, " Kabakchieva says. Montana is technically the only major city in Bulgaria which still has its Roman name (even though that has changed throughout the ages – learn more in the Background Infonotes below). It has been estimated that during the Roman period, ancient Montanesium had a population of about 30,000. The partly restored ruins of the Ancient Roman city and fortress of Montanesium, today’s Montana in Northwest Bulgaria. Photo: Montana Regional Museum of History      Ancient Roman artifacts exhibited in the open in the yard of the Montana Regional Museum of History. Photo: Montana Regional Museum of History      Background Infonotes: The early history of today’s northwestern Bulgarian city of Montana is primarily associated with the Ancient Roman military camp and later city and fortress of Montanesium, initially known as Castra ad Montanesium (“castra " meaning “camp " in Latin) from the Roman Antiquity period (1 st -4 th century AD). However, the earliest traces of civilized life on the territory of Bulgaria’s Montana date to the Chalcolithic Age (Aeneolithic, Copper Age), from the 5 th -4 th millennium BC, and have been discovered in the lower archaeological layers on the site of the Montanesium Fortress. During the 1st millennium BC the place was inhabited by the independent Ancient Thracian tribe Triballi, which was allied with the Odrysian Kingdom, the most powerful Ancient Thracian state. From this period, the Montanesium Fortress features preserved sections of the pre-Roman, Ancient Thracian fortress wall, over 1 meter thick, which is located under the Roman fortress’s large fortress tower. The Roman Empire conquered the region of Montana in today’s Northwest Bulgaria around 29 BC (all of Ancient Thrace south of the Danube was conquered by Ancient Rome in 46 AD) setting up a military camp, Castra ad Montanesium, on top of the existing Ancient Thracian settlement.


Notitia FH, 1025–28. HONORIUS, imperator, 395–423. Epistola ad Arcadium de exsilio Chrysostomi (Montfaucon), 52, 539–42, latine. HORMISDAS, papa, 514–23. Epistola ad Possessorem, latine, 86, I, 91–4. HUMBERTUS CARDINALIS, 1061, 120. Contra Nicetam Pectoratum (Canisius), 1021–38. HYGINIUS, papa, 138–142, 5. Epistola et Decretum (Mansi), 1087–94. Notitia ex Libro pontifical), 1087–88. HYPATIA PHILOSOPHA, s. V. Epistola ad Cyrillum in Synodico, c. 216, 84, 848 et inter cyrillianas, 88, 77, 389–90. HYPERECHIUS, 79. Adhortatio ad monachos, 1471–90. Monitum Combefis, 1469–70. I IGNATIUS, s. IX. Acrostichon adversus imagines , 99, 435–8, 475–8. IGNATIUS ANTIOCHENUS ep., s. II, 5. Epistolæ; genuinæ 7 (Hefele). (Ex syriacis Curelon, 961–68, lat.) Ad Ephesios, 643–662, Curet., 963–66. Fg. 953b-58A. Ad Magnesios, 661–74. Fg. 957a-5Sd. Ad Trallianos, 673–86. Fg. 959b-60d. Ad Romanos, 685–96, Curet., 965–68. Ad Philadelphienses, 697–708. Fg. 957d-60A. Ad Smyrnæos, 707–18. Fg. 949–52c. Ad Polycarpum, 717–28, Curet., 96l-64. Fg. 951в-54в. Fg. ex Sacris Parallelis, 949–60. Fg. seu sententiæ 7 S. Ign. quæ in ejus epist. non exstant (G.), 917–50. Epistolæ interpolatæ (Cotelerius), 729–872. Epistolæ supposititiæ (Cotelerius), 873–948. Mariæ proselytæ ad Ignat., 873–880. Ignatius ad Mariam proselytam, 881–88. –  ad Tarsenses, 887–93. –  ad Antiochenses, 892–910. –  ad Heronem, 909–18. –  ad Philippenses, 919–42. – ad S. Joannem ap., latine, 941–44. – ad S. Joannem ap., latine, 943–44. – ad S. Mariam virg., latine, 943–44. В. М. V., responsio, latine, 9–15–46. S. lgnatii elogium Heroni falso adscriptum, latine, 945–48. Liturgia S. Ig. (Renaudot), 969–78. Martyrium Cotbertinum (Hefele), 979–88. Martyrii vetus interpr. (G.), 987–90. Testimonia veterum, 9–32 (31). J. Vossii præfatio, 31–34, J. Cotelerii judicium, 33–36. J. Pearsonii, Vindiciæ lgnationæ 37–472. Le Nourry Dissertatio de epist. S. I. veris, interpolatis et suppositiis, 471–566. Gallandi. Proo_emia ad epist. S. I. et acta martyrii ejusdem, 565–84.


Ign. Ep. ad Antioch. Ep. ad Eph. Ep. ad Magn. Ep. ad Phil. Ep. ad Smym. Ep. ad Tars. Ер. ad Tral. Ignatius Antiochenus episcopus Epistola ad Antiochenos//PG 5, 897–910. – Пер. заглавия: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Антиохийцам. Epistola ad Ephesios//PG 5, 729–756. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., en. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Ефесянам//Писания мужей апостольских. – С. 331–340. Epistola ad Magnesios//PG 5, 757–778. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., en. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Магнезийцам//Там же. – С. 341–351. Epistola ad Philippensis//PG 5, 919–942. – Пер. заглавия: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Филиппийцам. Epistola ad Smyrnaeos//PG 5, 707–718. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Смирнянам//Писания мужей апостольских. – С. 364–369. Epistola ad Tarsenses//PG 5, 887–898. – Пер. заглавия: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Тарсянам. Epistola ad Trallianos//PG 5, 777–800. – Рус. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., en. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Траллийцам//Писания мужей апостольских. – С. 347–351. Ign. Dia c . Vita s. Niceph. Const. Ignatius Diaconus Vita sancti Nicephori Constantinopolitani archiepiscopi//PG 100, 41–160. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий, диак. Житие святого отца нашего Никифора, архиепископа Константина града и нового Рима, списанное Игнатием, диаконом и скевофилаксом святейшей Великой церкви святой Софии//Творения святого отца нашего Никифора, архиепископа Константинопольского. – Минск, 2001. – С. 3–71. Innocent . I Ep. Innocentius I papa Romae Epistula decretalis 7//PL 84, 646D-647B. – Пер. заглавия: Иннокентий I, папа Римский. Письмо-декреталия 7. Ioan . Chrysost. Ad illumin. Ad popul. Antioch. Ad Theodor. Adv. Jud. Adv. oppugnat, vitae monast. Ascetam facetiis uti non debere Contra anom. Contr. eos qui subintroduct. habent virgin. Contra theatra De adorat. crucis De anathem. De Anna De filio prodigo De Lazaro De Legislat. De patient. De poenit. De precat. De pseudoproph. De sacerd. De Sancta Pentecost. De virgin. Eclogae ex diversis homiliis Ep. Hom. in Acta apost. Hom. in Col. Hom. in Ep. I ad Cor. Hom. in Ep. I ad Thessal. Hom. in Ep. I ad Tim. Hom. in Ep. ad Tit. Hom. in Eph. Hom. in Gal. Hom. in Gen. Hom. in Hebr. Hom. in Ioan. Hom. in Magn. Hebdom. Hom. in Matth. Hom. in Phil. Hom. in Ps. Hom. in Rom. In Gen. sermon. In illud: In principio erat Verbum In illud: Mulier alligata est In illud: Propter fornicat. In illud: vidi Dom. In inscript. Act. In Job In kalend. In paralyt. In Pascha Laus Maximi


Григория Чудотворца . Demonstr. – Ириней Лионский , св. Demonstrate praedicationis apostolicae. (Доказательство Апостольской проповеди). Dial, cum Triph. (или Dial.) – Иустин Мученик, св. Dialogue cum Triphono judeo. Диалог с Трифоном Иудеем. Div. Instit. – Лактанций . Invstitutiones divinae. Божественные установления. Ep.ad. Adelph. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula ad Adelphium. Послание к Адельфию. Ep.ad. Epict. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula ad Epictetum. Послание к Эпиктету. Ep.ad Algosiam – Иероним, блж. Послание к Алгазии. Ep.ad Florinum – Иероним, блж. Послание к Флорину. Ep.ad Maxim. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula ad Maximum. Послание к Максиму Философу. Ep.ad monach. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula ad monachos. Послание к монахам. Ep.ad Paulurt. – Иероним, блж. Epistula ad Paulum. Послание к Павлу. Ep.ad Serap. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula ad Serapionem. Серапиону, епископу Тмуисскому, послания I – IV Ер. fest. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula festalis. Праздничные послания. Ер. Magnum. – Иероним, блж. Epistula ad Magnum. Послание к Магну. Ер. – Иероним, блж. Epistulae. Послания. Epist.ad Corinth. – Климент Римский , св. Epistula ad Corinthios. Послание к Коринфянам. Epist.ad Iul. Afric. – Ориген . Epistula ad Julium Africanum. Послание к Юлию Африкану . Epist.ad Hebr. – Ориген. Толкование на Послание к евреям. Epist. ad Pallad. – Афанасий Вел., св. Epistula аа Palladium. Послание к Палладию. Haer. fab. сотр. – Феодорит Кирский . Haereticarum fabularum compendium. Собрание еретических басен. Hist. adv. paganos. – Орозий. Histria adversus paganos. История против язычников. Hist. Arian. – Афанасий Вел., св. Historia Arianorum. История ариан. Hist. eccl. – Феодорит Кирский . Historia ecclesiastica. Церковная история. Hist. eccl. – Евсевий Памфил . Historia ecclesiastica. Церковная история. Hist. eccl. – Созомен. Historia ecclesiastica. Церковная история. Hom. in Hexam. – Василий Вел., св. Homiliae in Hexameron. Проповеди на Шестоднев. Hom. in Luc. – Ориген . Homiliae in Lucam. Проповеди на Евангелие от Луки.


Magnes lapis Indicus ab inventore vocatus. Fuit autem in India primum repertus, clavis crepidarum baculique cuspide haerens, cum armenta idem Magnes pasceret; postea et passim inventus. Est autem colore ferrugineus, sed probatur cum ferro adiunctus eius fecerit raptum. Nam adeo adprehendit ferrum ut catenam faciat anulorum: unde et cum vulgus ferrum vivum appellat. Liquorem quoque vitri ut ferrum trahere creditur; cuius tanta vis est, ut refert beatissimus Augustinus (Civ. 21,4), quod quidam eundem magneten lapidem tenuerit sub vase argenteo, ferrumque super argentum posuerit, deinde subtermovente manu cum lapide ferrum cursim desuper movebatur. Unde factum est ut in quodam templo simulacrum e ferro pendere in aere videretur. Est quippe et alius in Aethiopia magnes qui ferrum omne abigit respuitque. Omnis autem magnes tanto melior est quanto magis caeruleus est. Gagates lapis primum inventus est in Sicilia, Gagatis fluminis fluore reiectus; unde et nominatus, licet in Brittania sit plurimus. Est autem niger, planus, levis et ardens igni admotus. Fictilia ex eo scripta non delentur; incensus serpentes fugat, daemoniacos prodit, virginitatem deprehendit; mirumque, accenditur aqua, oleo restinguitur. Asbestos Arcadiae lapis ferrei coloris, ab igne nomen sortitus eo quod accensus semel numquam extinguitur. De quo lapide mechanicum aliquid ars humana molita est, quod gentiles capti sacrilegio mirarentur. Denique in templo quodam fuisse Veneris fanum, ibique candelabrum et in eo lucernam sub divo sic ardentem ut eam nulla tempestas, nullus imber extingueret. Pyrites Persicus lapis fulvus, aeris simulans qualitatem, cuius plurimus ignis, siquidem facile scintillas emittit: hic tenentis manum, si vehementius prematur, adurit, propter quod ab igne nomen accepit. Est alius pyrites vulgaris, quem vivum lapidem appellant, qui ferro vel lapide percussus scintillas emittit, quae excipiuntur sulpure vel aliis fungis vel foliis, et dicto celerius praebet ignem. Hunc vulgus focarem petram vocant.


638 There was, however, a small number of Roman military colonies founded mostly by Julius Caesar and Augustus, at a time when they had to provide land for an unusually large number of veterans and civilian settlers in a period of crisis. There was also a group of three or four military colonies in southern Asia Minor around the highlands occupied by the turbulent Pisidian mountaineers; these had been established by the generals of Augustus. It happens that the direction of Paul’s travels took him remarkably often through these Roman settlements. He visits Antioch and Lystra in Asia Minor, though Acts does not mention their status, and also two Roman colonies in Macedonia and Achaea, Corinth, and Philippi – where they were more frequent than in Asia Minor – and one of the three colonies on the long coasts of the province of Asia, Alexandria Troas. 639 This recurrence of the colonies in Acts, largely due to the Roman habit of placing their colonies at centres of communication, gives a misleading impression of the part played by colonies in the East. It is precisely because the Roman colony was exceptional that Acts notes the colonial status of Philippi, which was relevant to the story because the disturbances at Philippi involved a point of Roman custom. 640 The population of Roman settlers maintained themselves with some vigour in the eastern colonies, but they formed only a small proportion of the total local population, sometimes constituting a city within a city. The Roman class formed an enclave of which a passing stranger might not be aware in the smaller settlements, though the government was in its hands. In Acts, Antioch, Lystra, and Corinth have as many Hellenes and Jews in their streets as Romans. 641 Elsewhere in the hundreds of Greek and half-Greek cities, large and small, the Roman citizen was a somewhat rare bird. Tribal lists of inhabitants and even lists of annual magistrates from the Greek cities in the Julio-Claudian period frequently contain the names of no recognizable Roman citizens.


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