As in the West, government and media in India are overwhelmingly pro-population control and pro-abortion. However, there is no effective alternative media as now exists in the West. Internet access exists but its availability is extremely limited and of far poorer quality than in the West. So the public receives only the government (International Planned Parenthood) and media line. There is no choice whatever. Pro-life groups appear to be very sparse if they exist at all. Implementing Education Programs Key to Reversing Situation There is hope therefore that the current trend can be at least partially reversed. Indians, both Christian and Hindu, who co-exist remarkably well with each other in Kerala and with the Muslims, could benefit greatly from the formation and implementation of well-developed education programs about the real purposes, flawed arguments and enormous harm of international de-population programs. Education about the realities and harm of abortion are also crucial. The schools especially would be the place to present such factual programs to inform the new generations who would convey that information to their parents and to the wider community. Because of the genuine fervor and internal unity of the Christian Churches and close cooperation among all faiths, such programs could have far more success here in Kerala than in the West. This writer believes that India’s Christians and their fellow citizens of like mind still have a window of perhaps 5 to 10 years before their way of life and all its enormous benefits to India will begin its inevitable wrenching collapse if current trends continue. Follow up reports will provide further insight on this issue as well as report the in-person interviews with Major Archbishop Cardinal Verkay, a small city parish priest, and a protestant pastor in another small community. Note: It is difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of the total number of Christians in all of India. Government, church and media estimates that we have seen vary from 1.8% to a high of 4% as reported in The Hindu newspaper this week.

When I accepted this invitation to the Forum for Christian Communicators, I gave thought to the influence that the mass media has upon the formation of contemporary peoples’ worldviews and their system of values. “In our day journalists are people who have enormous possibilities for extending their influence because they have at their disposal… totally unique informational opportunities,” said His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia at a similar forum in Moscow. The life of our contemporaries is characterized by a powerful integration into the information space and communications infrastructure. Thanks to the development of technology people now find themselves on the crest of a news wave with minimal effort expended – it is enough to pick up one’s cell phone to access news, analysis and expert opinion on the most burning issues of the day from anywhere on the planet. Today we witness the birth of new formats and genres of journalism – video blogs, social networking groups and messenger channels – which are rapidly becoming popular. People today are transferring their attention away from the traditional vehicles of information to the sphere of the Internet and its technology. This development of media infrastructure contains within itself missionary possibilities. And this is why the Church actively uses the same means as modern-day journalists to carry out her mission, preach the word of God and protect traditional Christian values. In Russia, apart from the official church media, there are large-scale Orthodox informational and analytical web portals, there are popular video bloggers from among the clergy and the laity, and social networks and messengers are actively used for the work of theme groups. The traditional Orthodox mass media is also widely represented in the information space – there are Orthodox TV channels which broadcast in the digital and satellite networks, there are religious programmes on secular TV channels, printed editions and Orthodox radio stations. However, if of course we are to calculate the amount of air time given over to Orthodox topics within the context of the general volume of broadcasting on radio or television, we see that it is quite modest.

After these remarks, the DECR chairman answered questions from mass media reporters.   – Your Eminence, did the patriarchs discuss the church situation in Ukraine? And what conclusions have the primates of the two Churches come to?   –  I do not think I should and have a right to disclose now the content of the talk of the two patriarchs, since if they had wished that this talk should have an open format, they would have done it before the press. It did not happen; it was a private talk but it was a fraternal talk.   Of course, some mass media outlets, especially in Ukraine, are very excited; they have begun publishing some information about the meeting. Nevertheless, I think that we will comment on its content only in the case the content of the talk between the two primates begins to be commented on by officials of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. There are two such officials: Patriarch Bartholomew and Metropolitan Emmanuel, who was present at the talk. If any other person starts commenting too, it will most probably be mere conjecture. Probably, some will want to indulge in wishful thinking but I believe we should take a very responsible approach to meetings of this kind and protect our inter-church relations as much as possible against any ungrounded speculations. –  Judging by reports of the Greek mass media, Metropolitan Emmanuel has still commented on the meeting of the primates of the Church of Constantinople and the Russian Orthodox Church. He said that Patriarch Kirill was told about the situation concerning autocephaly in Ukraine. Was it really a comment made by the Constantinople side; does the cited statement correspond to reality?   –  I would like to draw your attention to Metropolitan Emmanuel’s statement that has been voiced in the Greek mass media today. He said that Patriarch Kirill was told about the situation concerning autocephaly in Ukraine. It pointed out that the Patriarchate of Constantinople would not seek to heal the existing schism by creating another schism. I think it is a very sober-minded position.

" I can assure you that during the Olympics or any other major sports events, Russia will strictly stick to the Olympic principles which forbid any kind of discrimination of people on any basis, " Putin said, while not explicitly saying the law would be suspended. “There will be no negative consequences, I hope.” Russian officials have made inconsistent public statements about whether the law will be enforced during the games. Camenker said the media's silence points to the wider issue of bias, even collusion, when one of the parties holds a liberal viewpoint. “Patrick Burke felt that the audience was going to keep a secret on this, or else he wouldn't have” talked about it, he told LifeSiteNews. “He clearly said we're keeping this a secret.” “I think this is indicative of the larger problem we have in the media: They will cover up an enormous amount of stuff,” he said. “We've seen all the stuff they won't report on Barack Obama. They wouldn't talk about” Kermit Gosnell. The media's attendance and sponsorship, he worried, created a “conflict of interest” that skewed reporters' coverage of issues like gay “marriage.” Tax documents show the media are invested in NLGJA's message, literally and figuratively. The group's 990 tax form for 2011 shows NBC Universal Media donated as did Bloomberg LP. Turner Broadcasting Services donated Its featured corporate sponsors that year included Disney Worldwide Services and the Sara Lee Corporation. Each gave The focus on highlighting homosexual concerns also crowds out legitimate human rights abuses, Camenker said. “It's particularly offensive to me, watching the news, given the horrible things that are happening to Christians and Christian churches in places like Egypt right now, where there really is this Nazi-like kind of stuff going on right now,” he said. “The Left just kind of brushes it aside, if you want to talk about real human rights problems.” If Burke is successful in violating the Russian law, he will have assistance from high places. President Obama met with two homosexual activist leaders in St. Petersburg during the G20 Summit last Friday. He had told Jay Leno the law violates " basic morality. "

Rev. Alexander Volkov expressed opinion that the meeting would help positive development of bilateral relations and of dialogue on the issues raised in the joint declaration. Mr. Legoida added that the declaration will always be topical and that people will “read and study it.” It was noted during then press conference that one should not for direct connection between the document and concrete actions of certain people. Rev. Alexander Volkov explained that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was aware of the concern expressed by some believers of the Russian Orthodox Church over the meeting in Havana. It seems that these people have not grasped the event but have just heard certain things in the mass media. While answering questions, Archimandrite Philaret noted that different opinions on the meeting, including negative ones, were expressed. “There is nothing new in it, and often enough negative opinions are expressed by the same people. I believe that answers have been given to the most part of questions. The overwhelming majority of the believers of our Church have positive opinion on the meeting and its results, thus determining the development of events. People who really want the truth and seek it have this opportunity, while no arguments will help those who do not want to hear.’ The Church will continue to explain what really took place in Cuba and try to answer all questions of the believers, Archimandrite Philaret noted. Mr. Legoida added: “I declare with authority that the reaction of the overwhelming majority of the mass media, both the so called traditional and social networks and other ‘new’ mass media, was positive. Indeed, some people were at a loss and asked questions. They receive thorough and qualitative answers. The reactions of the domestic and foreign mass media to the meeting of Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis and to the Joint Declaration were 90% positive according to the monitoring, while some 7, 5% were neutral, and maximum 1,5% were critical. On February 21, the last day of the Patriarch’s visit to Brazil, many believers came to the Cathedral of Ss Peter and Paul in Sao Paolo to attend the Divine Liturgy, Archimandrite Philaret recounted.   “Thousands of people gathered in the huge cathedral to express gratitude to the Russian Church for its actions done for the sake of Syria, Iraq and other countries of the Middle East.

«Открой очи мои, и увижу чудеса закона Твоего. Странник я на земле; не скрывай от меня заповедей Твоих» (Псалтирь 118:18-19) Аннотация Собрание трудов владыки Иоанна о самых разных предметах: чуде, молитве, совести и заповедях, творении мира, доброделании, человеке, науке; о выдающихся людях — Франке, Рылееве, Сковороде, Кутузове, Гоголе и т. д. Книгу «Беседы с русским народом» составили следующие статьи владыки Иоанна (Шаховского): Сила воскресения ХристоваЧто такое культура?Народная правдаЛомоносов — защитник науки и верыРелигиозное сознание в русской литературе. КрыловГармония творения (о Гоголе)Открывшееся сердце (о Рылееве)Последний путь РылееваТоржество человечности (тургеневский образ)О ДостоевскомЗрение веры. Свидетельство КутузоваСущность религии. Вера СувороваЕще о СуворовеО подвиге (и снова о Суворове)Пирогов — хирург и мыслительФилософ человеческой свободы и Божией правды (Сковорода)От марксизма — к истине христианства (памяти Франка)Почему люди не веруют в Бога?Истоки материализмаСлучаен ли мир? Тайна творенияСмирение высокой наукиО милосердии над миромО близости Божией к мируРелигиозная жизньО страданиях верыЧто пережила ЦерковьРусская и общечеловеческая правкаОзарим свой внутренний мирО творении добраТоропись делать доброИщите добраСовесть и заповедиКнига жизниВрата в жизньСлабость и сила человекаЧеловек в мире не одинокСвет мираО рае и КрестеВстреча со ХристомЧто такое чудо?Искания верыМудрость верыБдительность верыИ свет во тьме светитБессмертие человекаВременное и вечноеО молитве Читаемость: Язык: Объём текста: Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin . Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin . Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin . Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin .

Circus Soli principaliter consecratus est a paganis, cuius aedis medio spatio et effigies de fastigio aedis emicat, quod non putaverint sub tecto consecrandum quem in aperto habent. Est autem circus omne illud spatium quod circuire equi solent. Hunc Romani dictum putant a circuitu equorum, eo quod ibi circum metas equi currant. Graeci vero a Circe Solis filia, quae patri suo hoc genus certaminis instituit, adserunt nuncupatum, et ab ea circi appellationem argumentantur. Fuit autem maga et venefica et sacerdos daemonum, in cuius habitu et opera magicae artis et cultus idolatriae recognoscitur. Caput XXIX. DE ORNAMENTIS Ornamenta circi: ova, meta, oboliscus, carcer. Ova honori Pollucis et Castoris adscribunt, qui illos ovo editos credendo de cygno Iove non erubescunt. Fingunt autem Circensia Romani ad causas mundi referre, ut sub hac specie superstitiones vanitatum suarum excusent. Caput XXX. DE METIS Metarum quippe appellatione proprie terminum ac finem mundi designare volunt, ab eo quod aliqui emensus finis est, sive ad testimonium orientis occidentisque solis. Caput XXXI. DE OBELISCO Oboliscum Mesfres rex Aegypti primus fecisse refertur tali ex causa. Quum quodam tempore Nilus violenti inundatione Aegyptum nocuisset, indignatus rex tamquam poenas a flumine exigeret, sagittam in undas misit. Non multum post gravi valitudine correptus lumen amisit, qui post caecitatem visu recepto duos oboliscos Soli sacravit. Oboliscus enim sagitta dicitur, qui ideo in medio Circo ponitur quia per medium mundum sol currit. Medio autem spatio ab utraque meta constitutus oboliscus fastigium summitatemque caeli significat, quum sol ab utroque spatio medio horarum discrimine transcendit. Summo obolisco superpositum est quoddam auratum in modum flammae formatum, quoniam sol plurimum in se caloris atque ignis habet. Caput XXXII. DE CARCERIBUS In Circo unde emittuntur equi carceres dicuntur, ab ea re qua et ille carcer qui est in civitate; quod, ut ibi homines damnati atque inclusi, ita hic equi cohercentur, ne exeant antequam signum emittant. Caput XXXIII. DE AURIGIS

Lacus autem idem et stagnus, ubi inmensa aqua convenit. Nam dictus est stagnus ab eo quod illic aqua stet nec decurrat. Caput XX. DE ABYSSO Cui Graeci ab hieme nomen dederunt, nos ab aestate; illi a tempore quo succrescit, nos a tempore quo siccatur. Amnis fluvius est nemore ac frondibus redimitus, et ex ipsa amoenitate amnis vocatus. Decursus proprie finis cursus, sive aquarum sit seu quarumlibet rerum. Rivi dicti quod deriventur ad inrigandum, id est ad inducendum aquas in agris; nam inrigare inducere est. Gurges proprie locus altus in flumine. Puteus est locus defossus ex quo hauritur aqua, a potatione dictus. Fons caput est aquae nascentis, quasi aquas fundens. Quidam autem fluviorum propriis ex causis nomina acceperunt, ex quibus nonnulli notandi sunt qui in historiis celebres memorantur. Geon fluvius de Paradiso exiens atque universam Aethiopiam cingens, vocatus hoc nomine quod incremento suae exundationis terram Aegypti inriget; γ enim Graece, Latine terram significat. Hic apud Aegyptios Nilus vocatur propter limum quem trahit, qui efficit fecunditatem; unde et Nilus dictus est, quasi ναν λν: nam antea Nilus Latine Melo dicebatur. Apparet autem in Nilide lacu, de quo in meridiem versus excipitur Aegypto, ubi Aquilonis flatibus repercussus aquis retroluctantibus intumescit, et inundationem Aegypti facit. Ganges fluvius, quem Phison sancta Scriptura cognominat, exiens de Paradiso pergit ad Indiae regiones. Dictus autem Phison, id est caterva, quia decem fluminibus magnis sibi adiunctis inpletur et efficitur unus: Ganges autem vocatus a rege Gangaro Indiae. Fertur autem Nili modo exaltari, et super Orientis terras erumpere. Tigris fluvius Mesopotamiae de Paradiso exoriens et pergens contra Assyrios, et post multos circuitus in mare Mortuum influens. Vocatus autem hoc nomine propter velocitatem, instar bestiae tigris nimia pernicitate currentis. Euphrates fluvius Mesopotamiae de Paradiso exoriens, copiosissimus gemmis, qui per mediam Babyloniam influit. Hic a frugibus, vel ab ubertate nomen accepit, nam Hebraice Ephrata fertilitas interpretatur: Mesopotamiam enim in quibusdam locis ita inrigat, sicut Nilus Alexandriam. Sallustius autem, auctor certissimus, asserit (Hist. 4,77) Tigrim et Euphraten uno fonte manare in Armenia, qui per diversa euntes longius dividuntur spatio medio relicto multorum milium; quae tamen terra, quae ab ipsis ambitur, Mesopotamia dicitur. Ex quo Hieronymus (sit. et nom. 202) animadvertit aliter de Paradisi fluminibus intellegendum. Indus fluvius orientis, qui Rubro mari accipitur. Hystaspes fuit Medorum rex antiquissimus, ex quo amnis orientis nomen accepit, qui nunc Hydaspes dicitur. De quo Lucanus ... Qui dum sit fluvius Persarum, dicitur tamen contra orientem decurrere. Araris fluvius orientis. De quo Vergilius (Ecl. 1,63):

Под principalitas иногда разумеют древность, так что получается такой смысл: к Римской Церкви обращаются в делах веры потому, что она имеет большую древности (potiorem principa1itatem) 828 . Правда, немного выше Римскую Церковь св. Ириней назвал antiquissima, но ясно, что здесь это лишь почетный эпитет, так как св. Ириней знал, конечно, что не Римская Церковь была antiquissima в буквальном смысле этого слова: в той же третьей книге «Против ересей» св. Ириней говорит об Иерусалимской Церкви, что от нее вся Церковь получила начало, так что она есть метрополия граждан Нового Завета 829 . Если бы древность Церкви была достаточной и единственной причиной того, чтобы к ней собирались верующие отовсюду, то таким сборным пунктом, без сомнения, должен бы быть Иерусалим 830 . Поэтому следует признать, что хотя potior principalitas относится именно к Римской Церкви, а не к городу Риму 831 однако оно означает то преимущество, какое Римская Церковь имеет именно как Церковь столичного города. Рим был центром тогдашнего мира, и поэтому Римская Церковь , естественно, была как бы сборным пунктом христиан всех мест 832 . Дальнейшие слова – in qua semper ab his, qui sunt undique, coяservama est ea quae ab apostolis traditio – обыкновенно относили к Римской Церкви, так что это место получало такой смысл: в Римской Церкви апостольское Предание хранили верующие всего мира, стекавшиеся по нужде в Рим как в столичный город. Римская Церковь была под постоянном контролем всех остальных Церквей, которые и сами проверяли свое учение в Риме, где была как бы представлена вся Вселенская Церковь 833 . Но теперь большинство и католических ученых стали in qua etc. относить к omnis ecclesia 834 ; притом вторичное qui sunt undique, по предположению некоторых, – ошибка переписчика, который этими словами заменил другие слова, обозначавшие епископов, так что подлинное чтение было таково – ab his, qui (praesunt ecclesiis?) conservata est... traditio 835 , или – ab his qui successionem habent ab apostolis 836 .

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