17 Shanks H. The Exodus and the Crossing of the Red Sea, According to Hans Goedicke. Leading scholar unveils new evidence and new conclusions; search goes on for archaeological support//BAR 1981, 07:05 (Sep/Oct). CD ROM Edition. 23 Bimson J.J., Livingston D. Redating the Exodus. Ibidem. К сожалению, увлеченный поздней датировкой, об этом забывает и доктор прот. Р. Снигирев (Библейская археология. С. 192). 26 Miller J.M. Recent Archaeological Developments Relevant to Ancient Moab//Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 1. Ed. A. Hadidi. Amman, 1982. P. 172. Цит. по: Bimson J.J., Livingston D. Redating the Exodus. Ibidem. 28 Gluek N. The Other Side of Jordan. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA, 1970. P. 141. Первое издание этой книги 1941 года содержало его первоначальную точку зрения. 31 Wood B.G. Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho? A New Look at the Archaeological Evidence//BAR 1990, 16:02 (March/April). CD ROM Edition. 32 Garstang J. Jerico and the Biblical Story. P. 1222. Цит. по: Wood B.G. Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho? Ibidem. 48 Например, Grollenberg L. Atlas of the Bible. Oxford, 1999. P. 31–32, пишет: «Библейские числа не всегда указывают на точно установленное количество предметов, а часто определяют присущие им качества или дополняют указание на их духовную значительность. Так, число 7 означает изобилие, полноту, а 12 – обычно число избранников (как в Израиле было 12 колен, так и в Церкви мы находим 12 апостолов). Число 40 – первоначально округленное число, обозначающее продолжительность поколения, часто характеризует периоды, на которые делится история Спасения человечества: это относится к 40-м годам в пустыне перед вторжением в Обетованную землю, к 40-дневному путешествию Илии к горе Божией, к 40 дням уединения Христа после крещения и к 40-дневному периоду после Воскресения. После обитания среди своего народа в походном святилище Господь избрал постоянным местом своим Иерусалим. По убеждению благочестивых священников со времени Исхода из Египта все древние иудеи жаждали этого храма Соломонова. Постоянное обитание в своей собственной стране было старой мечтой Израиля. Для священников эта мечта не была полностью осуществлена вплоть до того дня, когда Бог превратил свою Скинию в постоянное святилище. На основании расчета своих родословных они внесли в период между Исходом и построением храма число 480 (40 помноженное на 12). Эти годы могут быть истолкованы как приготовление (40 лет) для нового избранничества (12)».


Fri, 21 Dec 2007, 09:06 Анна Данилова Семья > > Детям > > История перед сном Великий духом. О преподобном Савве Сербском Мама, расскажи мне историю. -Хорошо, Марк. Только настоящую историю. Не сказку, ладно? -Ну, тогда такую, чтобы про богатырей и про силу. … Чтобы я тоже сильным стал. -Хорошо, Маркуша. Наверное, в каждой стране есть свой богатырь, свой герой. Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 09:50 Галина Вайгер Семья > > Детям > > Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик. Три раза бегом вокруг квартала Мона положила под ёлку маленький пакетик, в котором была завёрнута салфетка для мамы. И мама, и папа, и другие дети тоже положили под ёлку свои подарки. И Хюльда и Хенрик тоже принесли несколько пакетов, дети это сразу заметили, но мама сказала: — Положите их под ёлку и давайте садиться за стол. Mon, 1 Oct 2007, 21:37 Анне-Катерине Вестли Семья > > Детям > > Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик. Папа делает открытие Прошло рождество, прошёл первый день праздников, за ним — второй. Папе очень нравились праздники. Но на второй день праздников папа забеспокоился. Собственно говоря, до обеда ещё всё было в порядке, потому что папа ходил на прогулку с бабушкой и детьми, но вот к вечеру он стал беспокойно бродить из угла в угол. Mon, 24 Sep 2007, 08:34 Анне-Катерине Вестли Семья > > Детям > > Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик. Будильник Осенью трудно вставать рано. Так считали и папа, и мама, и почти все восемь детей. А как считал грузовик, я не знаю. Рано просыпался только Малышка Мортен. Он сейчас же находил себе какое-нибудь интересное занятие. Mon, 17 Sep 2007, 08:29 Анне-Катерине Вестли Семья > > Детям > > Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик Папа, мама, восемь детей и грузовик. Малышка Мортен исчезает Все по очереди стерегли Малышку Мортена, чтоб он не убегал один к морю. Они решили, что гораздо удобнее стеречь его не в одиночку, а по двое. Мина и Милли стерегли его с семи до десяти утра, Мона и Мадс с десяти до часу, потом за ним некоторое время следил папа. В два часа они обедали, после обеда Мортен спал, и все отдыхали от него до четырёх часов. А с четырёх до семи вечера Мортена стерегли Марта и Мартин.


Oct 15, 2010, 10:00 Family life : In the Family Getting Past Couple Gridlock I was raised Greek Orthodox, and I married a man who was raised Catholic. After one year of marriage, we have been struggling with the following major question: In which religion will we raise our future children? Oct 13, 2010, 10:00 Family life : Abortions Gianna Jensenn: I was born alive during a saline abortion To everyone’s great shock and surprise I did not arrive dead but alive. What’s fantastic about this, about the perfect timing of my arrival is that the abortionist was not on duty yet, so he was not even given an opportunity to continue on with his plans for my life which was death. Sep 28, 2010, 05:42 Family life : In the Family It’s All in the Family We do not exist as entirely discrete individuals. Our lives are deeply enmeshed within the lives of those closest to us – particularly those of our own flesh and blood. This is very much in contradiction to the claims of modernity – which have striven to make the family of little consequence. We separate ourselves from parents and grandparents as a normal course of economic mobility. Extended family becomes restricted to special holidays (if that). The bonds of family are not only stretched, they are broken. Sep 7, 2010, 10:00 Family life : In the Family The Faithful Ones Recently, it was my great joy to attend a kind of celebration so rare in our time that it deserves an entire article devoted to it : the 50th anniversary of the loving marriage between two faithful Christians. Aug 25, 2010, 10:00 Family life : Bringing up children Multiply Blessed and Fully Alive: To Grow in Faith is to Glorify God “Multiple Intelligence Theory” and Learning in the Orthodox Church Parenthood itself is a vocation that glorifies God. Like God the Father and Vinedresser (John 1:15), you can nurture and cultivate the traits in which you see your children growing and thriving. When you do so, you participate in God’s work. Like the Father who lovingly raises each person to the fullness of life, you can invite and inspire your children to grow to their full capacity, in whatever ways work for each.


Oct 4, 2010, 10:00 Parish Toward Better Parish Websites I am not a web design expert. However, like many of us I spend a fair amount of time on the web. I also have little bit of background and experience with describing & communicating complex topics – having been a part of creating a few brochures in my time. If your parish is planning to develop a new website or if a major refresh of your site is on your short term agenda – the following observations may be useful. Oct 1, 2010, 10:00 Parish Volunteerism or Stewardship Over the years, I have seen many of us in the church struggle to get more and more people to participate and “volunteer” to do what needs to be done to keep our churches going. Whether it be helping out once a year at the annual whatever, or being a part of the weekly and monthly life in the Church, we always seem to find ourselves, sooner or later, lamenting the fact that we do not have enough people “volunteering” to do all of the tasks and fill all of the roles that need to be done and filled. Sep 15, 2010, 10:00 Parish Cultivate Your Parish Website An average Internet surfer, potential visitor or local resident certainly isn " t going to go the extra mile to uncover your community " s vitality if they are unimpressed with what they find on your parish Web site. And that " s more than an opportunity for evangelism lost. In today " s online culture, a poor Web site could even affect your parish " s ministry to existing parishioners. Sep 6, 2010, 10:00 Parish How Do Visitors Experience Your Parish? Most of us have wondered how our parish appears to visitors. Do we overwhelm and smother visitors or ignore them? And which is worse? Is a visitor, particularly a non Orthodox, totally lost when joining our parish for Liturgy or vespers? What do they experience? Do they have any idea what is going on? Aug 6, 2010, 10:00 Parish Starting a Parish Lending Library This article is written in the hope that you, with God " s help, will pray for and build a parish/mission lending library for the good of your own community and for your own edification as well. Enough details will be set forth so that you can actually get started with the information given to you.


Oct 6, 2010, 10:00 Orthodoxy in the World An Interview with an Orthodox Christian Chinese My family belongs to the lineage of Albazinians and for a long time has been connected with Orthodoxy. It was very hard time for my relatives when there was no Orthodox Christian church in China but nevertheless they stayed by their faith. I want to pass our Orthodox traditions down to new generations. The mission of Orthodoxy is very generous and kind. Sep 17, 2010, 04:26 Orthodoxy in the World On Orthodox Pastoral Work in the Western World and its Differences with Contemporary Russia The most common attitude of Western people to Orthodoxy (if they know what it is at all), is that it is ‘foreign’, ‘for Greeks and Russians only’. They say: ‘I cannot become Orthodox because I am English/French/Italian/American etc’. Sadly, this attitude is much reinforced by ecumenistic and nationalistic Orthodox bishops and priests who say publicly that Orthodoxy is only for Russians, Greeks etc and that Western people must be Catholics or Protestants. Sep 4, 2010, 10:00 Orthodoxy in the World Back in its place Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia consecrated the icon of Our Saviour on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. This icon had been bricked up for 80 years until it was recovered and restored. Aug 31, 2010, 04:21 Orthodoxy in the World Parallels between Fr. Daniel’s Parish and Missions in North America Many Orthodox Christians have learned of Fr. Daniel Sysoev’s murder. One of the thingst that stood out about Fr. Daniel was his missionary efforts and the missionary impulse of his parish. Like parishes in North America, their parish had started small as well. As a priest in North America who is indebted to the Russian Mission that began in North America in 1794, I thought I would reflect briefly on the Fr. Daniel’s missionary methods in a comparative way. Aug 26, 2010, 10:00 Orthodoxy in the World Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Anyone, however, who has the slightest historical knowledge of Orthodox missions, will know that evangelisation lies at the very heart of the Church " s life. Any local church that has lost its heart and soul for mission is dysfunctional, disobedient to Christ (Matthew 28:19-20) and an occasion for great sorrow. We must not let the heterodox, who copy our own historic methods, undermine our missionary zeal from within.


Oct 6, 2009, 10:00 Contemporary Issues Our " Rule Of Faith " One of the more persistent questions posed to the Orthodox these days concerns our practice of what has become commonly referred to as " closed communion. " Generally, these questions take one of the following forms; " Why can " t my non-Orthodox friends or relatives receive holy communion when they visit my parish church? " (or) ”Why can " t I receive holy communion when I visit my non-Orthodox friends or relatives at their church? " and sometimes even " What gives you the right to judge anyone " s fitness to receive holy communion? " Oct 1, 2009, 10:00 Contemporary Issues Orthodoxy and Same Sex Attraction These are a few stories from homosexuals I have counseled over the past 35 years, first as a Protestant Christian and now as an Orthodox Christian. The Orthodox Church’s spirituality both affirmed and challenged my thinking about homosexuality over the years. This article is based on these experiences. As part of my exploration of how Orthodoxy has actually affected the lives of people living with same-sex attraction issues, several converts to Orthodoxy agreed to participate anonymously in interviews about their struggles with same-sex attraction (SSA) for this article. Sep 17, 2009, 10:00 Contemporary Issues Setting the Prisoners Free: The Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry After having a wonderful and very spiritual, filled visit with my wife, she was in a tragic auto accident and was killed. I was called to the chapel and was told of my beloved wife’s death. I hit the floor with despair. My wife and I were one. She was in this life " perfect. " But even though my physical man grieves, my spiritual side rejoices. For the Lord gave me His little lamb, then He took her. I trust His judgment. He is and always will be my Lord no matter what! Thank you for praying for me your son . . . your letters mean so much. May God Bless You! Aug 31, 2009, 10:59 Contemporary Issues A Theological Crisis Secularism, therefore, is not so much the absence of religion as it is the transformation of religion into something un-theological; it is the stripping of religions of their theology and thus of their identity. And this is because, despite popular opinion, secular society wants religion and needs religion. But it wants religion on its own terms. Many secularists are happy to entertain a belief in a ‘higher power’, and they may be impressed and even moved by religious rites and rituals, but only for as long as this ‘higher power’, these rites and rituals, do not challenge their secular sensibilities, their own internet-assembled philosophy.


1937. N 68. Dec. P. 22-26; idem. The Israelite Conquest of Canaan in the Light of Archaeology//Ibid. 1939. N 74. Apr. P. 11-23; Beer G. Exodus. Tüb., 1939; Garstang J., Garstang J. B. E. The Story of Jericho. L., 1940, 1948 2; Glueck N. The Other Side of Jordan. New Haven, 1940. Camb. (Mass.), 1970 2; Unger M. F. Archeology and the OT. Grand Rapids, 1954; Cassuto U. The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch. Jerusalem, 1961; idem. A Comment. on the Book of Exodus. Jerusalem, 1967; Le D é aut R., Lé cuyer J. Exode//DSAMDH. Vol. 4. Pt. 2. Col. 1957-1995; Noth M. Exodus: A Comment. Phil., 1962; Smith R. H. Exodus Typology in the Fourth Gospel//JBL. 1962. Vol. 81. N 4. P. 329-342; Dani é lou J. Exodus//RAC. Bd. 7. Sp. 22-44; Stuart S. S. The Exodus Tradition in Late Jewish and Early Christian Literature: Diss. Nashville (Tenn.), 1973; Childs B. S. Exodus: A Comment. Phil., 1974; Schmidt W. H. Exodus. Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1974-1999. 6 Bde. (BKAT; 2); Davies G. I. The Way of the Wilderness: A Geographical Study of the Wilderness Itineraries in the Old Testament. Camb., 1979; Herrmann S., Dexinger F., Kuhn H.-W., Schr ö er H. Exodusmotiv//TRE. Bd. 10. S. 732-747; Miller J. M. Recent Archaeological Developments Relevant to Ancient Moab//Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan/Ed. A. Hadidi. Amman, 1982. Vol. 1. P. 169-173; Moberly R. W. L. At The Mountain of God: Story and Theology in Exodus 32-34. Sheffield, 1983; Zertal A. Has Joshua " s Altar Been Found on Mt. Ebal?//BAR. 1985. Vol. 11. N 1 (Jan./Feb.). P. 26-43; Bimson J. J., Livingston D. Redating the Exodus//Ibid. 1987. Vol. 13. N 5 (Sep./Oct.). P. 40-53, 66-68; Durham J. I. Exodus. Dallas, 1987. (WBC; 3); Wood B. G. Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?: A New Look at the Archaeological Evidence//BAR. 1990. Vol. 16. N 2 (Mar./Apr.). P. 44-58; idem. From Ramesses to Shiloh: Archaeological Discoveries Bearing on the Exodus-Judges Period//Giving the Sense: Understanding and Using OT Historical Texts/Ed.


About Forums Russian Contact Lives of Saints Last Updated: Feb 8th, 2011 - 05:50:02 Dear Readers, We are happy to announce plans for a new design for our website Orthodoxy and the World. We will be diverting all our efforts to introduce our new design March 1st, and so will be unable to make new posts at this time. We have many new translations lined up that we hope you will like, so there is much work ahead! Keep us in your prayers, and continue to support our efforts at Orthodoxy and the World. Staff Lives of Saints Messiah " s Foster Father an Impressive Example of Manhood I love my children, but they sometimes push my buttons to the point where I fear I’ll lose my mind. I can " t imagine the depth of love and patience it must take to assume responsibility for a child not your own by blood. Jan 8, 2011, 10:00 Lives of Saints A Convert’s Heritage – Western Saints Those of us whose ancestors are French, Irish, Scandinavian, German, Italian or other British or European nationality, would do well to remember that we too have a rich Orthodox heritage. Unhappily, it has in many cases been buried under a thick layer of Catholic and Protestant history. Nov 6, 2010, 10:00 Lives of Saints Saint Romanos Melodos: The Lyric Poetry and Drama of Great Friday How did the poetry and music of the Church develop and how do they differ from secular arts? No account of this subject would be complete without mention of Saint Romanos Melodos, whom many scholars consider to be not only the preeminent poet of the Byzantine period but the greatest poet of the early Middle Ages in any language. Oct 14, 2010, 09:59 Lives of Saints Heirs of Saint Innocent St. Innocent of Alaska (at the time Fr. John Veniaminov) was an amazing man. In a time when travel was thought to be long when someone went to the next town, he journeyed across the whole continent of Asia, crossed the Bering Sea and came to Sitka, Alaska as the priest in charge of the Alaskan Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church. Sep 30, 2010, 05:34


Bishop Feofan, Bishop Nikolai and Metropolitan Antony in London      The funeral was served the next day, 29 Sep/12 Oct, in the Iveron Chapel located in the New Belgrade Cemetery. Vladyka Nikolai was buried under the Icon of his heavenly patron, Saint Nicholas of Myra, which was placed on the outer wall of the Iveron chapel. The Iveron Chapel in the New Belgrade Cemetery was a replica of the Iveron Chapel in Moscow, built after the Bolsheviks destroyed the chapel of that name in Moscow in 1929. The Iveron Chapel in Moscow had been located in the 17th century Resurrection Gate to Red Square. Construction had been completed in 1931, and the chapel was consecrated by Patriarch Varnava (Rosich, 1880-1937) and Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky) on 5 July of that year. Two large icons had been placed in niches on the outside walls – one of Saint Nicholas of Myra in honor of the Tsar Martyr Nikolai II, and one of Saint Alexei in honor of the Royal Martyr Tsarevich Alexei. The chapel at times was used as ROCOR’s second parish in Belgrade. On 10 August 1936, Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky) was buried in a tomb in the chapel. Another replica of the Iveron Chapel was located in Harbin, Manchuria. 72] Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky), Archbishop Feofan (Gavrilov), and Archbishop Germogen (Maximov, 1861-1945, later Metropolitan of Zagreb of the “Croatian Orthodox Church”) concelebrated at the service, along with thirteen Russian and Serbian priests, and three deacons. “The funeral service was touching and spiritually edifying, and Vladyka Antony could not refrain from crying. Archbishop Feofan preached a sermon about the deceased, and Vladyka Antony said in conclusion, “In the name of the deceased I thank you Russian and Serbian clergy who have accompanied Bishop Nikolai on his journey beyond the grave. I thank you also, laymen, for your ardent prayers. In the course of burying people throughout my life I have noticed that the Lord grants a quiet and peaceful death and an edifying funeral to those who have remembered the dead in their prayers. Death comes to all of us, and sooner or later we all must go. People have gathered at this funeral, not out of a sense of duty, but out of sincere affection, and this gives it spiritual beauty.” "


Dec 8, 2009, 10:00 Liturgical Life The Art of God Incarnate To be deified, to experience theosis, is not to become powerful, as power is normally understood. Christianity is curious in this way. Its understanding of the divine is rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus and as such it has nothing to do with power and achievement. Glimpsing the wonder of creation, remembering the " long lost, " the communing love that is central to life, engenders a profound compassion in the faithful, a compassion that leads to a life of service to the world. Nov 20, 2009, 10:00 Liturgical Life The Seven-Day Commemoration In The Orthodox Church " The Week: A Seven Day Holiday " The two words betrayer and betrayal are resentful and abominable in any language. If on this day we find time to think of our Lord " s betrayal, we ourselves could avoid our daily betrayals. We could avoid, in other words the little betrayals with which we choke off our conscience in order to be accepted by the world, and also bigger betrayals when we betray innocent, just, and good people. We would avoid betraying our faith and our conscience for worldly riches and for daily power for glory. For we all know very well that the betrayed sooner or later are resurrected and become heroes, martyrs and saints. The betrayers, however, remain marked and stained forever. Oct 28, 2009, 10:00 Liturgical Life Let Us Lift Up Our Hearts The fact is we were created to be worshipers. Fr. Alexander Schmemann once wrote that we humans are homo adoramus – the worshipping man. It is in worship that we are most like who we really are. In a constant attitude of worshipping God, keeping the memory of God and His love always before us, our souls are opened to the healing influence of the Holy Spirit. In other words, worship works wonders! Sep 29, 2009, 10:00 Liturgical Life Ten Ways to Participate in Worship, Pay Attention, be Still and Pray These repeated litanies do not contribute to the length of the service, which most Orthodox consider to be a problem But if you begin to participate in the Divine Liturgy and do the things the Liturgy instructs you to do-guess what? The Liturgy gets shorter! You don " t notice the length of the Liturgy, why because you didn " t attend as a mere observer, just waiting for the final blessing to go home.


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