“Weeks Without Abortions” Initiative Saves Babies in Belarus Source: Human Life International by Krista Schmid Thomas Vladislav Valakhovich, director of Human Life International’s affiliate in Belarus Vladislav Valakhovich, director of Human Life International’s affiliate in Belarus, is on a mission to end abortion. Armed with a growing network of 70 volunteers, the pro-life leader launched an initiative aimed at saving babies from abortion called ‘Weeks without Abortions.’ The ‘Weeks without Abortions’ team sets up informational exhibits celebrating life inside clinics and hospitals that provide abortions. According to Mr. Valakhovich, many gynecologists in that region actually support the program denying abortion services during that week. The program’s success is gaining momentum as more clinics host the program multiple times. The pro-life exhibits are working exceedingly well in the nine hospitals and clinics that allow the display. Volunteers also manage more than 30 stands, keeping them filled with pro-life and pro-family educational materials. The program has increased calls for counseling to the HLI affiliate’s crisis pregnancy hotline. With an estimated 27,000 abortions committed in Belarus in 2012, the initiative dovetails well with legislative changes enacted to restrict abortion in 2013. The restrictions also include limiting late termination of pregnancies for social reasons. Pro-life exhibits promoting “Weeks Without Abortion” Initiative in Belarus “One of the changes supports the conscience clause which allows gynecologists the opportunity to refuse to commit abortions. They now have additional support to uphold the sanctity of life and family,” said Mr. Valakhovich. While ending abortion is the primary focus, Valakhovich spearheads programs that support healthy marriage and families with a complete approach to the pro-life issues. HLI in Belarus not only fights against abortion but promotes traditional family values through many programs: daily prayer at abortion clinics, pro-life messages in advertising, lectures, natural family planning courses and counseling, and hotline counseling. He says it’s an opportunity to share the truth about the dangerous contraceptive mentality which leads to abortion and IVF. “I pray our initiatives will continue to save babies and families — and change the decades-old abortion mentality in this post-communist country to one that embraces the sacredness of all human life,” he said. 9 декабря 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии David Brock 9 декабря 2014, 23:00 I would like to contact Vladislav Valakhovich.If you have a postal address for him in Belarus,please send it. Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Poland and Abortion: Facts and Falsehoods Source: The Catholic World Report October 7, 2016 A clergyman and others pray as they take part in Sept. 22 pro-life rally in front of the parliament in Warsaw, Poland. Banners read: " Yes for life. " (CNS photyo/Kacper Pempel, Reuters)      Since the collapse of communism, Polish legislation has become among the most pro-life in Europe. Concurrently, popular support for abortion in Poland has plummeted, and the pro-life movement there is arguably the strongest on the Old Continent. Recently, however, a proposal to block abortion entirely was met with resistance among some in Polish society. The mainstream media in the West, of course, supported this backlash, often using false information. The silver lining is that Poland is still likely to ban eugenic abortions in the near future, thus saving the lives of thousands of unborn Poles with disabilities and once again making the country a model for defenders of life across Europe. Background and numbers Poland is the only democratic country with abortion previously legal-on-demand to adopt restrictive abortion laws. Communists, who encouraged abortion as a form of birth control, legalized the practice on demand in 1956. When Poland threw off Moscow’s shackles in 1989, Polish pro-lifers, emboldened by their staunchly pro-life countryman Pope John Paul II, began to demand that abortion be criminalized. In 1993, Poland’s Prime Minister Hanna Suchocka (who later served as Poland’s ambassador to the Holy See and is now a member of Pope Francis’ Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors) signed into law a bill that banned abortion except for in three circumstances: when the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life or health, when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, and in the case of “fetal malformation.” Unlike in other countries with relatively pro-life legislation, only the doctor performing the abortion is prosecuted; there are no legal consequences for the mother. These laws make Poland one of Europe’s most pro-life countries: abortion laws are more stringent only in Malta (where abortion is completely banned) and Andorra and the Republic of Ireland (in both countries, it is banned except when the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life).


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Romania’s pro-life generation: largest-ever March for Life kicks off Saturday Source: LifeSiteNews.com By tefana Totorcea This year, almost 40 Romanian cities will see the fourth edition of the March for Life, the biggest yet both in participation and reach. This year’s theme is “Adoption, the noble choice”, promoting adoption, as the natural solution to protect children born by mothers in difficulty, whose families cannot assume the responsibility of raising a child. The main organizer and nation-wide coordinator is pro-life student organization Studenti pentru Viata. “We have established this association because we wanted to help young women in situations of crisis and offer young people formation for family life. I started doing this on my own when I was only 16 and the results showed me that this is the most important form of social responsibility,” says Alexandra Nadane, President of Studenti pentru Viata Association. It is for the first time that this global pro-life event brings together so many people and cities in Romania, also enjoying the blessing of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who reinforced its support for it in a release on Thursday stating: “The Christian family where children, be they born or adopted, are welcome and lovingly nurtured, educated in Christ and supported to follow a useful path in their lives, is blessed by God with the joy of paternal love and the gift of salvation and eternal life.” This social effervescence was brought about by a real media buzz. Romania’s March for Life has professional video and promos. It was the first time that the event has had a press conference that was transmitted live on an online TV channel which later registered over 150,000 views. After Studenti pentru Viata President Alexandra Nadane appeared on the TV and radio channels of the Romanian Orthodox Church, over ten more cities joined in the event. Many Romanian cities have also organized related events such as pro-life movie screenings, adoptive parents’ support groups, art exhibitions, conferences and roundtables in what has been named as The Pro Life Week.


Twenty years ago, the national debate over abortion was quite literally a street fight. Many people, particularly within the generation born after Roe v. Wade , still associate the anti-abortion movement with screeching protesters, the murders of doctors who performed procedures, and, more recently, the firebombing of clinics in Washington state and California. Certainly, that " s how I saw it, until I met Wilkinson. She and her peers refer to themselves as part of the " pro-life generation, " and there are more of them than you might imagine. While Americans in general have been inching toward the anti-abortion camp over the past two decades, the shift in opinion among millennials is more pronounced. According to a Gallup poll, 23% of young adults now say that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances — higher than in any other demographic. Many other millennials are uncomfortable identifying themselves exclusively as anti-abortion, but only 27% now identify as exclusively pro-abortion rights, according to another poll, conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, which also found that 35% of millennials believe abortion is morally unacceptable. The anti-abortion movement is no longer one relegated to the few and fanatical. It " s a war being waged in statehouses, in America " s highest courts, and in student conference rooms like this one. And with abortion rights and access being whittled away across the country, anti-abortion activists must be recognized as the widespread, vital force they are. Today " s anti-abortion shock troops are young people of no particular background or religion, organized in a diverse mosaic of groups that include the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, Pro-Life Quakers, Secular Pro-Life, Pro-Life Pagans, the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, and Feminists for Life (whose motto is " Refuse to choose. Women deserve better " ). In other words, Wilkinson is not the new voice of the anti-abortion movement but one of many new voices.


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