Вопрос: Каковы были тогда указания для гинекологов? Болеслав Пьеха: В законе, который тогда действовал, говорилось об условиях, когда аборт допустим. Их было много. Одним из наиболее весомых условий считалась трудная материальная ситуация, в которой оказалась женщина. Для того чтобы без колебаний совершать аборт, в то время была разработана целая система. И врачам, и матерям внушалось, что ребенок, находящийся в утробе матери, еще не человек. Чтобы как можно эффективнее дезориентировать людей, вместо слова «ребенок» употреблялись такие лексемы, как «ткань», «трофобласт», «зигота», «плод», «эмбрион». И мы делали это целенаправленно, так как эти слова не несли в себе эмоционального заряда, и, стало быть, их употребление не рождало отрицательной этической оценки. Таким же путем «обрабатывалась» и мать: ей говорилось не о том, что она «прерывает беременность, убивая ребенка», а о том, что она соглашается на «удаление ткани, плода и т.д.». Вопрос: Когда Вы (гинекологи) начали называть вещи своими именами? Болеслав Пьеха: Понятие «зачатый ребенок» стало появляться в середине 1980-х годов, когда на волне движения «Солидарности» общество стало смелее. Я тогда сотрудничал с психологами, состоящими в организациях движения в защиту жизни. Первый фильм, на просмотр которого меня пригласили, потряс меня и моих коллег. Это было в 1984 году, я работал тогда в отделении гинекологии в г. Рыбник, где появлялось на свет тогда четыре с половиной тысячи детей, а абортов были тысячи. Общественность pro-life организовала тогда для нас – трех врачей гинекологов – закрытый просмотр при рыбницком костеле. Гинекологи смотрели «Безмолвный крик» Натансона. Вопрос: Помните ли Вы, какова была реакция на изображение ребенка, которого убивали? Болеслав Пьеха: Помню. Вообще-то каждый из нас представлял это именно так, как было показано в фильме. Но в нас тогда действовали тщательно заложенные механизмы вытеснения нелицеприятной правды, и мы старались не думать об этом. А фильм показал, что то, о чем мы предпочитали не размышлять, можно проиллюстрировать и что вот они, голые факты. После просмотра фильма наступила тишина. Гинекологи были сконфужены. Участники движения в защиту жизни, присутствующие в аудитории, отнеслись к нам очень корректно. Не прозвучало никаких обвинений в адрес гинекологов. И именно это, по-видимому, потрясло нас тогда больше всего и высвободило нашу совесть. Эти тактичные активисты борьбы за жизнь позже помогли мне сформироваться так, как помогают ребенку…


The Coalition for Family Values will be encouraging our current and future affiliates throughout the world to lobby their own governments to follow the Russian example. While the LGBT agenda has seemed like an unstoppable political juggernaut in North America and Europe, the vast majority of the people of the world do not accept the notion that sexual deviance should be normalized. It is time that these voices are heard on the world stage before the so-called elites of the Western powers impose their inverted morality on everyone through the manipulation of international law, which they clearly intend to do. The LGBT agenda has already gone too far, but it is still advancing. We are asking the family-friendly nations of the world to erect a barrier to that agenda in their own countries and in the international community, which can perhaps strengthen and embolden the pro-family movement in the Western nations to roll back that agenda in our own countries. The future of the natural family is the future of humanity itself. We must not allow the culture of desolation to supplant the culture of life in our societies. Let us pray for healing for those who choose the LGBT path, and (within reason) respect their right to be wrong in their private lives. But let us not allow the LGBT political movement to transform the world in its own distorted image. Caveat: This statement is not to be construed as a blanket endorsement of the Russian Federation, but an acknowledgement that its policies regarding family values are trending in the right direction. The great lesson of Christianity is that repentance brings renewal, and every person or nation which turns from sin receives the blessing of God. We praise Russia not because it has achieved perfection in all things, but because it has turned from the evil of communism and is beginning to embrace Christian values once again. By encouraging the good, we hope to see further positive changes. 25 февраля 2014 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Pro-life Democrats ‘Fed Up’ with Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism’ Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, has threatened to withdraw support from candidates who would exclude pro-life Democrats from the party. Pravmir.com team 02 February 2020 Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images “We’ve had enough,” Ms. Day  told  Catholic News Agency (CNA) this week following an encounter with presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg who said he would be willing to live without the support of pro-life voters in order to maintain his total support for abortion-on-demand. As Breitbart News  reported , Buttigieg told Ms. Day that there is no room for the pro-life position in the Democrat Party and that he would never support any restrictions on abortion. “I am pro-choice, and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision,” Buttigieg said in a Fox News town hall in Iowa when questioned by Day regarding the party’s diversity and inclusion of pro-life people. In her interview with CNA, Day expressed her dismay over the Democrats’ utter subservience to the abortion industry, noting that pro-life Democrats are simply “fed up.” These presidential candidates “are so afraid of the abortion lobby” that they will make no room for pro-life Democrats, she said, because “they’re afraid that they’re going to lose all their money and support.” “I just wanted to know if he [Buttigieg] thought there was room for us in the party. And he doesn’t,” she said. Ms. Day said that pro-life Democrats need to show more muscle when dealing with the party leadership. “We need pro-life Democrats all over the country to go to these candidates and ask the question: Do you want pro-life Democrats in the party? Because if not, we won’t vote for you,” she said. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Pro-life Democrats ‘Fed Up’ with Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism’


Australian March for Babies turns violent: U.S. pro-life activists, MPs assaulted by pro-abort mob Melbourne, Australia, October 12, 2013      American pro-life activist Bryan Kemper says he is bruised and sore, but recovering, after a mob of pro-abortion counter-protesters attacked him and his team of pro-life activists during the March for the Babies in Melbourne, Australia. Kemper, the founder of Prolife Stand True Ministries, told LifeSiteNews.com today that he was thrown to the ground and repeatedly kicked. Several other members of his team were also roughed up. Pro-life Victoria Member of Parliament Bernie Finn also told the press that he was “belted in the head” and pelted with eggs, and that fellow pro-life MP Andrew Elsbury was thrown to the ground and stomped on. “What we saw today was literally a public mugging on the streets of Melbourne and Victoria Police let it happen,” Finn fumed. “We had people being assaulted, being kicked, being stomped on and they sat back and watched.” Trouble began brewing even before the march began, said Kemper. When the pro-life activists tried to begin the march, they were blocked by the mob of about 200 pro-abortion protesters. “So we all sat in protest and started praying,” he said. “Then the police let them start attacking us.”      The pro-abortion protesters steal the pro-life signs from the stage set up by the March for Babies organizers. After this the pro-lifers tried to begin marching again, but the counter-protesters pushed back, preventing them from doing so. The standoff continued for over an hour, before the pro-lifers decided to change their route. But that was when things started to get really ugly. “As we got to the stage the pro-aborts took over our stage and starting stealing banners and signs,” said Kemper. “That is when I was knocked to the ground and kicked and stepped on.” “Eventually we got our stage back and finished but many of our people were assaulted. But we never gave up and I gave my speech.” “The police were useless,” Kemper said.


The Pro-life movement does care for both the woman and her child before and after birth. Crisis pregnancy centers established around the country help women find jobs, apartments or housing with a volunteer if she is homeless, give her help with medical expenses, transportation to medical facilities, provide layettes for newborns, baby furniture, clothing for siblings and a host of other necessities. It is interesting to note that pro-life endeavors such as these crisis pregnancy centers, receive no funding from any government agency.   Only the abortionists and their allies like Planned Parenthood are government funded.  In fact, there are government functionaries, like the Attorney General of New York, who seek to close some crisis pregnancy centers under the pretense of deceptive advertising since they refuse to counsel abortion as an alternative. However, these same functionaries do not seek to hold abortuaries to the same high standard of truth when they offer so-called “counseling” which consists solely of “selling” abortion to their clients. The Pro-life movement is made up of the wealthy and is financed by the Roman Catholic Church. Statistics on income distribution reveal that most pro-lifers are in the middle, lower-middle and lower income brackets while most abortion advocates are in the upper-middle and upper income brackets including millionaires. Pro-aborts boast such financial giants as Ted Turner and Donald Trump along with myriad media celebrities. On the other hand, pro-life ranks are filled with blue collar workers, housewives and religious. The Pro-life movement is not financed by the Roman Catholic Church, not do pro-life agencies receive government funding as do so many pro-abortion organizations. The Pro-life movement is financed solely, totally and completely by the sacrificial offerings of its pro-life members. If abortion were illegal. what about victims of rage. incest and women whose lives are endangered by their pregnancy? Abortion is performed today for cases of rape, incest or danger to the life of the woman in less than 3% of the 1.5 million annual abortions. In cases where a woman’s life is in actual danger from a pregnancy as in the case of an ectopic or tubal pregnancy or cancerous uterus, there has always been a medical, legal and spiritual recognition of the necessity to save the mother’s life even when that salvation led, tragically, to the death of the child. No laws were necessary to legalize life-saving medical intervention.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Pro-life, pro-abortion groups react after Joe Biden is declared winner of presidential election Source: The Christian Post Pravmir.com team 08 November 2020 AP Photo Pro-life and pro-abortion groups reacted Saturday to projections that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to win the White House. Celebrating the news, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League hailed Democratic vice presidential nominee,  Sen. Kamala Harris , as a champion for abortion. “BREAKING:  @KamalaHarris  just made history as the first woman, first Black woman, and first Asian American woman elected as vice president! She’s always been a champion of reproductive freedom, and we can’t wait to have her fighting for all of us.  #ReproFreedomVoter ,” NARAL posted on  Twitter  Saturday afternoon. The pro-life group National Right to Life noted in a statement to The Christian Post on Saturday that both Biden and Harris were endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the nation. “In their release endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden, NARAL pointed out that a Biden/Harris presidency would ‘expand access’ to abortion. Biden would be the abortion president. He has pledged to promote abortion on demand and reverse pro-life laws and policies,” National Right to Life said. “As the nation waits for final tabulations, recounts, and official certifications of vote totals, Biden has claimed that he would represent all Americans as president. However, he and his administration would fail to protect the most vulnerable among us: the unborn child.” Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Pro-life, pro-abortion groups react after Joe Biden is declared winner of presidential election Pravmir.com team Pro-life and pro-abortion groups reacted Saturday to projections that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump to win the White House. Celebrating the news, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League hailed Democratic vice presidential ...


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Guatemala’s president declares his country will become Latin America’s pro-life capital Pravmir.com team 15 December 2021 JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFP via Getty Images The President of Guatemala has declared that his country will officially become the pro-life capital of Latin America early next year, reports the Christian Post . Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei announced his intention to make Guatemala Latin America’s pro-life capital during a speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., last week. Giammattei delivered remarks at an event hosted by the Institute for Women’s Health, a pro-life organization founded by former Trump administration Department of Health and Human Services official Valerie Huber, and the International Human Rights Group. In his speech at the Institute for Women’s Health event, Giammattei elaborated on his passion for the pro-life movement and announced that Guatemala would be declared the pro-life capital of Ibero-America on Mar. 9, 2022: “Every individual deserves to have their lives protected, from conception to natural death. … It is totally false that abortion is a human right. Any effort to try to impose abortion in a country is undue interference in international affairs.” “We seek to protect life and to prevent interference,” he added. “We do not approve of abortion because of my faith but also my profession as a medical doctor. Life should be protected from conception.” Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Guatemala’s president declares his country will become Latin America’s pro-life capital Pravmir.com team The President of Guatemala has declared that his country will officially become the pro-life capital of Latin America early next year, reports the Christian Post. Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei announced his intention to make Guatemala Latin America’s pro-life capital during a speech ...


Much of this encouraging change in attitudes towards abortion results from the Church’s work to educate Polish society about abortion. About 90% of Polish students attend religious education classes. Polish catechists have made it a priority to educate young people about abortion. I know many young Poles – some of whom aren’t even churchgoers – who have told me they are pro-life because they saw the documentary The Silent Scream in religion class. Second, many Polish pro-life NGOs have sprung up since the 1990s, and they have worked tirelessly to educate Poles about abortion. I sometimes hear American pro-lifers saying that it is ineffective to spread the pro-life cause by showing images of mangled fetuses. The Polish example indicates otherwise. Fundacja Pro (“The Pro Foundation”) has since 2005 organized pro-life exhibits in the centers of cities across Poland. These exhibits show images of aborted children juxtaposed with pictures of the Armenian genocide or ethnic cleansing in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. Millions of Poles saw these exhibits, and many say the experience changed their perception of abortion. Finally, the Church and pro-life organizations have provided alternatives to abortion. Since 2006, 58 “Windows of Life,” where mothers can anonymously leave unwanted infants who are taken into the care of nuns and given up for adoption, have been opened across Poland. Ninety children have been saved in this way, and consequently the incidence of infanticide in Poland has dropped from 47 in 2000 to just four in 2014. The current conflict While pro-lifers in North America and most of Europe envy Poland’s legislation, their Polish colleagues believe that much remains to be done in their country. According to Polish law, if a civic legislative initiative receives 100,000 or more signatures, the Parliament can vote on it. In 2007-2015, Poland was ruled by the Civic Platform party, which started out as a center-right Christian democratic grouping, but it increasingly caved into the demands of the left-liberal media. Civic Platform presented itself as a defender of the status quo on abortion, and every time pro-lifers introduced upwards of 100,000 signatures for a civic bill that would completely ban abortion, the ruling party voted against sending the initiative to the parliamentary committees.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Record Number of Pro-Lifers March for the Right to Life for Preborn Babies Source: Basilica.ro Thousands of pro-life campaigners marched in Denver and Chicago calling for an end to abortion. Mihail Mere-Albe 21 January 2020 Photo courtesy of Liveaction.org The marches are part of a nationwide effort to draw attention to the  more than 600,000 abortion procedures  carried out in the US each year and call for laws that support women and protect unborn babies. These two marches took place just two weeks before the national  March for Life  in Washington, which  attracted hundreds of thousands of pro-life marchers  last year. A record-breaking 9,000 people  attended  the March for Life in Chicago, Illinois which had the theme  ‘Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman!’ . Over 8,000 people gathered for the Celebrate Life rally in Denver, Colorado carrying signs that read,  “Civil rights begin in the womb” and “I am the pro-life generation.” Participants were given the chance to sign a petition to support a policy on the 2020 Colorado ballot, which seeks to protect unborn babies by ending the practice of late-term abortion in the state. Translated by Liveaction.org Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Record Number of Pro-Lifers March for the Right to Life for Preborn Babies Mihail Mere-Albe Thousands of pro-life campaigners marched in Denver and Chicago calling for an end to abortion Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Italian Abortion Lobby Seeks Gag Order for Pro-Life Groups Source: Breitbart Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. 17 May 2018 Italy’s abortion lobby has appealed to the mayor of Rome to have pro-life posters removed in the lead-up to the city’s annual March for Life. The posters and billboards that have provoked the wrath of abortion groups declare that “Abortion is the number one cause of femicide in the world.” According to the BBC, the  campaign  has generated “widespread anger and led to appeals to the mayor to get the posters removed.” Rome’s mayor, Virginia Raggi, has already shown her willingness to cave to pressures from pro-abortion groups and had a large pro-life billboard taken down in April, despite the fact that the group posting it had paid for the space and obtained all the necessary permissions. The billboard announced: “You are here because your mom didn’t abort you.” Rome’s city hall has never removed pro-abortion advertising and presumably would never do so. Pro-life groups in different parts of the world have decried the bias among social media guardians as well as purportedly neutral government officials in stripping pro-life citizens of their right to free expression while favoring abortion promoters like the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF). One of those calling for the removal of the new posters is a public official, the president of one of Rome’s municipalities, Francesca Del Bello. “They are offensive for all women, especially those who have known the difficult experience of abortion or violence,” she said in a statement cosigned by two other public servants, Lucrezia Colmayer and Cecilia D’Elia. The international pro-life and pro-family group CitizenGo initiated the poster campaign to coincide with the annual Italian March for Life to be held in Rome this Saturday, in remembrance of Italy’s passage of Law 194, which legalized abortion on May 22, 1978.


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