Эти цифры были обнародованы руководителем Службы здравоохранения Ирландии (HSE). Они показывают, что в период с января по ноябрь 2023 года врачи общей практики в Ирландии провели 9218 абортов. Между тем, в ирландской правозащитной лоббистской пролайферской группе «Pro-Life Campaign» подчеркнули, что эта цифра не включает ни одного аборта, сделанного в больницах, поэтому общее число абортов в Ирландии в 2023 году точно превышает 10 000. Как отмечает издание, это значительный рост по сравнению с 2022 годом, когда было проведено 8876 процедур прерывания беременности. В период с 1 января 2019 года по 30 ноября 2023 года 405 врачам была оплачена первая и вторая консультации по аборту. " Сейчас мы наблюдаем тревожную тенденцию, когда каждый год число абортов резко растет начиная с 2019 года, и особенно в последние два года. Активные меры, которые правительство может предпринять для снижения числа абортов, должны открыто обсуждаться в государственных СМИ " , - убеждена представитель Pro-Life Campaign Эйлис Малрой. " Влияние телемедицины, вероятно, оказывает серьезное воздействие на увеличение числа абортов. К сожалению, до сих пор никто не поднял голос против этого радикального отхода от первоначального закона об абортах, который, как заверял общественность тогдашний министр здравоохранения Саймон Харрис, не будет разрешать производить медикаментозные аборты самими пациентками в домашних условиях с помощью телемедицины (то есть под наблюдением врача онлайн). Правительство больше не должно прятать голову в песок и отказываться прислушаться к голосам тех, у кого есть обоснованные и практические предложения, как снизить стремительный рост абортов " , - добавила она. " Сейчас у нас эпидемия абортов, эпидемия потерь " , - считает депутат нижней палаты ирландского парламента Кэрол Нолан. " Тысячи женщин становятся жертвами жесткой пропаганды абортов как якобы единственно возможного решения в случае незапланированной беременности или сопутствующих проблем при полном отсутствии альтернатив. Мы продолжим освещать этот вопрос, чтобы женщины и их семьи получали всестороннюю поддержку в виде комплексного медицинского обслуживания, которое поможет им в выборе иного пути, помимо абортов " , - уверенна депутат.


Russian Orthodox spokesman: Abortion is ‘the most terrible Holocaust in humanity’s life’ by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman July 6, 2012 Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin. When talking about abortion, a scourge that takes the lives of at least 1.2 million Russians each year, Russian Orthodox spokesman, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin minces no words. “Abortions are the most terrible Holocaust in humanity’s life,” said Fr. Chaplin, during a pro-life and pro-family rally on Moscow’s Gogolevsky Boulevard on Sunday, according to the Russian news service RIA Novosti. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church. “Abortions have killed more people than all world wars. So, I hope they will be morally unacceptable in Russia,” Fr. Chaplin added. “I am glad that there are representatives of different generations, social strata and spiritually ready to stand up for Holy Russia. Orthodoxy - not only prayer but also a civil action, as mentioned by Patriarch Kirill - we need to pray, think and act, to live in [a] Russia where abortion is morally unacceptable,” Fr. Chaplin said. The rally, which attracted approximately 70 people, was reportedly also held to denounce the illegal “gay parades” organized by homosexual activists in recent years in Moscow and St. Petersburg. City authorities have repeatedly refused to issue permits for such events, which in other countries have been characterized by lewd gestures and signs, and even public sex acts. Rally participants held icons and signs saying “Stop killing children,” “Abortion - the brutal murder of a child,” “Thou shalt not kill,” and “Moscow is not Sodom.” One individual held a sign noting the link between communism and abortion: “Lenin - Infanticide number one. World’s first abortion was legalized in Soviet Russia by decree 19 November 1920.” Another held a poster with an angel pointing at the viewer and asking: “Do you keep her virginity until marriage?” According to Russia Today, a similar rally was held simultaneously in Kazan, the capital of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan. LifeSiteNews 7 июля 2012 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Campaign Launches to Pass 20-Week Abortion Ban in Late-Term Abortion Capital Albuquerque, October 7, 2013 In a historic effort to become the first city in America to ban late-term abortions beginning at 20 weeks after fertilization, the campaign “ABQ Voters For Late-Term Abortion Ban” launches today. On November 19, the citizens of Albuquerque will cast their votes on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance, which is supported by 54% of the people, according to a recent ABQ Journal poll. A grassroots coalition gathered 27,000 signatures in just 20 days to place this ordinance on the ballot. “While putting forth this ordinance has been a local grass-roots effort, this election has important national implications. We believe that the good people of Albuquerque will rise to the occasion and do the right thing to protect these babies who are just a few short weeks or, in some cases, days from birth,” stated Tara Shaver, Chairperson of ABQ Voters For Late-Term Abortion Ban. New Mexico is one of only nine states that allow post-viability abortions. It lacks abortion laws that provide even basic safety standards or informed consent, making its abortion policies more akin to those found in Communist China and Korea than in the rest of America. The largest late-term abortion clinic in the U.S. – one of only four in the nation – operates in Albuquerque. The campaign will attract the national spotlight to Albuquerque and will focus on raising awareness through an intensive “Get Out the Vote” effort primarily aimed at people of faith. It will help voters navigate the mechanics of casting their “for” votes in support of the proposed ordinance. Each week, women come to Albuquerque from all over the world to have abortions in their fifth month of pregnancy and beyond. Shelley Sella has done abortions as late as the 35th week of pregnancy in Albuquerque. She understands that the grisly process on nearly full-term babies has little public support, stating that the delivery of a dead baby that was killed with a lethal injection to the heart “sounds barbaric.” “Albuquerque has the opportunity to be the first city in the nation to ban late-term abortions. Because the grisly procedures are done on women from every state, we are calling on all national pro-life groups to help us make this happen,” said Shaver. While the Albuquerque effort is a local one, it has the support of several national pro-life organizations, including Operation Rescue. ABQ Voters For Late-Term Abortion Ban is now accepting contributions to its Political Action Committee to fund the campaign. Donations can be made by visiting LateTermAbortionBan.com . LifeNews.com 11 октября 2013 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


While calling this number a huge defeat for the " biotech industries and the Malthusian lobbies [such as the International Planned Parenthood Foundation] " the organisers also state that abortion is not a human right recognised in international law, and that they have many prominent and authoritative global political figures supporting them on this point. These include such people as: • Anna Zaborska, former chair of the Women " s Committee of the European Parliament. • Christine Boutin, president of the French Christian Democrat party. • Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus. • The Honourable Javier Borrego, former judge to the European Court of Human rights. • Gregor Puppinck the Executive Director of the European Centre for Law and Justice. At this stage, national authorities in all the member states involved have three months to certify that the number of signatures collected is valid and that there has been no forgery or falsifying of signatures of any kind. Once that is complete, the European Commission is required to meet the organisers of the initiative within three months, whereupon discussions will be had about the exact nature of issues raised and how best to respond to them. The European Commission is not obliged to propose any new legislation as a result of this, but it is quite clear that substantial pressure has been brought to bear. The One of Us organisers said in a statement: " The organisers of the Initiative will now continue, before the European Commission and Parliament, to advocate for the respect of the human being, from the beginning of their life. " Christian Today 12 ноября 2013 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 30,000 pro-lifers rally in Dublin: tell Irish PM, ‘Keep your promise. No abortion in Ireland.’ 30,000 pro-lifers rally in Dublin: tell Irish PM, ‘Keep your promise. No abortion in Ireland.’ Tens of thousands thronged the streets of Dublin outside the country’s parliament on Friday night to demand that the Fine Gael/Labour coalition government keep a campaign promise to keep Ireland abortion-free.


Planned Parenthood Loses Its Funding in New Hampshire and Alabama/Православие.Ru Planned Parenthood Loses Its Funding in New Hampshire and Alabama Following the Center for Medical Progress " s release of several damaging videos, public outcry has been calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, which it has been demonstrated not only murders the unborn in abortion, but further profits from illegally selling fetal body parts. Amidst this controversy, two states, New Hampshire and Alabama, have removed funding from the dubious organization. New Hampshire cuts Planned Parenthood’s in taxpayer funding after body parts scandal Concord, NH, August 5, 2015      The state of New Hampshire has deprived Planned Parenthood of in taxpayer funding following revelations that the group may engage in the illegal harvesting and sale of aborted babies " body parts. The Executive Council, a state board that oversees the executive branch, voted to redirect family planning grants to three community health centers. The 3-2 decision cost the group nearly one-third of its public funding, according to WMUR-TV. Councilors singled out revelations contained in undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in their decision to defund the abortion provider. " You can " t divorce what " s going on nationally from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England,” said Councilor David Wheeler, a Republican, “and we need a real investigation.” Christopher Sununu, the son of former governor John Sununu, also cited the investigation as pivotal to his tie-breaking vote. While he has previously voted for Planned Parenthood funding, he said that “investigations into potential criminal activity on both a federal and multi-state level have convinced me to withdraw that support.” “This is not about pro-choice or pro-life. I am pro-choice,” the younger Sununu said. His shift drew swift criticism from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. “Today really represents a shift for Councilor Sununu away from focusing on what’s at stake for his constituents and instead deferring to the national political climate, " PPNNE policy director Jennifer Frizzell said. (The group similarly criticized Maine " s U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, another Republican who favors abortion-on-demand, for voting to defund Planned Parenthood on Monday.)


The St John Chrysostom Order awarded to a great philanthropist, Fr Nicolae Tnase Source: Basilica News Agency November 24, 2015      Rev. Fr. Nicolae Tnase, parish priest of Valea Plopului (the Valley of the Plopar), Prahova County, was awarded by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, the St. John Chrysostom Order, on Tuesday, November 24, 2015. Fr Nicolae also received the rank of oikonomos-stavrophore. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel congratulated Fr Nicolae for all his work: We congratulate Fr Nicolae Tnase for his special philanthropic activity at the Valea Plopului parish, and also for his extended missionary ministry both here and abroad, because he is often invited to bear witness for the benefit of the Church and society to the Orthodox faith and teachings, especially on family, and on children as a gift from God. May the good God, through the intercessions of St. John Chrysostom, grant him a similar spiritual zeal and love for the salvation of people, especially for the support of the suffering and of those in need. This is a moment of appreciation, joy and encouragement. When an award is granted, we show gratitude, but also a hope for continuation. Gratitude is shown for the work already carried out, and hope for the continuation of the work for the benefit of the Church and the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. “”This day is special and surprising at the same time. This moment, as His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel has said, hihglights a past stage and the beginning of a new one in which we hope to continue the philanthropic ministry of the Church for the benefit of the Christians in the parish, and not simpy preaching to the people what today is necessary”, Fr Nicolae Tnase said. Fr Nicolae Tnase is a parish priest of Valea Plopului village in Prahova County, Romania. By his efforts, twenty-nine churches were built in the village. Beginning in 1990, Fr Nicolae started his ministry by preaching against abortion. In 1994, Fr Nicolae Tnase founded the Pro Vita (For Life) Association for the support of born and unborn children. The mission of the Association is to protect the dignity of human life, and particularly of children, both born and unborn. The main objectives of the association are: Basilica News Agency 25 ноября 2015 г. Смотри также Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Planned Parenthood Killing Babies Outside the Womb?/Православие.Ru Planned Parenthood Killing Babies Outside the Womb? August 4, 2015      A leading pro-life activist says the fifth undercover video depicting Planned Parenthood’s alleged profiting off the sale of aborted baby parts is the clearest evidence yet of criminal activity, and she also says it’s possible that abortion providers are delivering babies alive and killing them outside the womb to preserve the value of their parts for sale. Jill Stanek is national campaign chairwoman for the Susan B. Anthony List. She is a former registered nurse who confronted then-State Sen. Barack Obama over his refusal to support legislation requiring life-saving measures to be directed to babies who survive abortions. Stanek was also one of the leaders of the sit-ins at the office of House Speaker John Boehner this year to demand a vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. On Tuesday, the Center for Medical Progress released the fifth in a series of undercover videos. This one prominently featured conversations with Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. Farrell and the investigators hold lengthy discussions about obtaining intact fetus cadavers for research and how to word the transaction on any forms. “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items,” says Farrell in the video. She also refers to creative billing for research firms for “additional time, cost (and) administrative burden.” “This is the clearest video to date demonstrating that not only is Planned Parenthood involved in illegal baby parts trafficking for profit but also, to do that, they clearly often manipulate abortions, which is also illegal, to get baby parts in the most intact position that they can get them,” Stanek said. Another critical moment in the video is when Farrell shows investigators a massive online order for intact cadavers.


Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Modern Medicine’s “Seek and Destroy” Mission Modern Medicine’s “Seek and Destroy” Mission This change in basic ethical reasoning can be seen in the routine screening of older women by a procedure called amniocentisis. This is done in order to “identify” Down’s Syndrome and other afflicted children in utero so that they might be destroyed before birth. BREAKING: Aborted baby’s heart was beating as we harvested his brains: worker in new Planned Parenthood video BREAKING: Aborted baby’s heart was beating as we harvested his brains: worker in new Planned Parenthood video A former procurement technician who helped harvest organs at Planned Parenthood said she saw a baby boy " s heart beating outside his body before the child " s body parts were extracted. Planned Parenthood " Baby-Parts " Scandal Goes Global European Parliament asked how it will respond to " atrocities " Planned Parenthood " Baby-Parts " Scandal Goes Global European Parliament asked how it will respond to " atrocities " The Alliance Defending Freedom, a pro-life organization of thousands of lawyers who fight on behalf of life, religious rights and more, revealed that a member of the European Parliament has submitted questions to the European Commission about what that group will do with Planned Parenthood. Комментарии ChiRho 11 октября 2016, 16:00 No doubt we will still see millions of people that consider themselves Christian vote for this monster. Why is it that we can " t tell the difference in the sin of using bad language, and that of infanticide? We can " t tell the difference in the sin of homosexuality, and the sin of judging? We can " t tell the difference between self defense and conspiring to murder an innocent person. We can " t tell the difference between hurting someone " s feelings and allowing mentally unstable, perverted, grown men to go in the bathroom with little girls. We can " t comprehend the difference between what a politician says in front of a camera to get elected, and what they do when they have power. Where has basic sense gone? © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


Tweet Нравится Moscow Patriarchate supports U.S. moves to defund abortion—V. Legoida Moscow, February 14, 2017 Photo: BBC      The Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church and Society and Media Vlaidmir Legoida has stated that the steps taken in the US to ban funding of abortions from the state budget are welcomed by the Moscow Patriarchate, and resonate with its own initiative to remove abortion from Russia’s obligatory medical insurance. The US House of Representatives passed a bill in late January that forbids allocating budget funds for abortion and the granting of tax creds to employers who buy their employees insurance that includes abortion. Additionally, on January 23, President Trump signed an executive order abolishing the financing of international NGOs that provide or pay for abortions. Legoida noted that the Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church in the US has supported these measures, according to the site of the Moscow Patriarchate. These measures “attest to the general Christian view of the sanctity and inviolability of human life from the moment of conception,” said the representative. This view is also reflected in the Russian Church’s aim to remove abortion from the medical insurance system, “supported by hundreds of thousands of people through online voting.” Legoida also noted that the pro-life movement in Russia has found the support of conservatives in America, as was stated during a recent meeting with Brian Stephen Brown, President of the World Congress of Families and President of the National Organization for Marriage in the USA. 14 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Moleben of repentance for sin of abortion approved by Russian Orthodox Church Moleben of repentance for sin of abortion approved by Russian Orthodox Church The “Moleben of Repentance for Forgivenes for the Sin of Killing a Child in the Womb” has been sent to the Moscow Patriarchate’s publishing house for inclusion in prayer books.


     The West Virginia state Senate has passed a bill that would outlaw dismemberment abortions by a vote of 24-9. The Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act (S.B. 10) would ban the practice of dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion, which accounts for approximately 95 percent of all abortions in the second trimester. The bill prohibits abortionists from “causing the death of an unborn child, purposely to dismember a living unborn child and extract him or her one piece at a time from the uterus.” However, it does not apply to removing babies who have already miscarried. The Senate version of the proposed law does not impose any criminal sentence on abortionists who dismember unborn children illegally, but those doctors could lose their medical licenses. The bill now goes to the House of Delegates, where it enjoys wide legislative report on both sides of the aisle. " Praise God from whom all blessings flow! " said West Virginians for Life on Facebook just minutes after the vote. " Now on to the House Health Committee. " Dr. Anthony Levantino gave gruesome testimony to the U.S. House in 2012, in which he described the common second-trimester procedure that requires the abortionist to extract the baby " s body parts by removing them one at a time. " Dismemberment abortion is a barbaric practice that we wouldn’t do to a criminal,” State Senator Dave Sypolt, R-Preston, told the Charleston Gazette-Mail . If the bill becomes law, West Virginia will become the third state in the nation to outlaw dismemberment abortion. The practice is already illegal in Kansas and Oklahoma, although judges have halted the laws " enforcement in both states. Lawmakers have introduced similar dismemberment abortion bans in Idaho, Missouri, Minnesota, and Nebraska, and bills are expected to be filed in Kentucky, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and South Carolina, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights. The law is the second major pro-life victory in West Virginia in as many years. Last March, legislators enacted a statewide Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, restricting abortion to, by overriding Democratic Governor Earl Ray Tomblin " s veto. LifeSiteNews.com 18 февраля 2016 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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