Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf FLORENSKY, PAVEL A FLORENSKY, PAVEL A., priest, theologian, scientist (1882-ca. 1946). Florensky, very popular in post-Soviet Russian Christian circles, is known primarily as a multidisciplined theoretician and metaphysician who maintained his identity as a Christian and priest in academe and society at large in the face of Soviet persecution. His primary theological works included a number of journal articles and the book The Pillar and Foundation of Truth. His contributions to the humanities and science remind one of Leonardo da Vinci: Fictions in Geometry, astronomical calculations of a geocentric conception of the universe, The Doctrine of Dielectrics, monographs on the history of art with a focus on wood carving, Moscow Soviet Arts School professor of perspectival painting, musician, inventor of ‘dekanite’ (non-coagulating machine oil), etc. Just as with Vladimir Soloviev and Sergius Bulgakov (qq.v.), Florensky’s metaphysics centers on sophiology-to the extent that he speaks of Sophia (Wisdom) as a fourth divine hypostasis (person), and it appears to function as a mediating principle between God (q.v.) and creation, among other things. For this position his entire theology has been called into question (Georges Florovsky [q.v.]) and described as unfounded in Eastern tradition and overly speculative. Florensky was repeatedly imprisoned by the Soviets in the Solovki concentration camp, insisting that he renounce his priesthood. (When he occupied a chief post on the Commission for Electrification and attended the Supreme Soviet for National Economy, he always wore his cassock.) After his last ten-year term of imprisonment, he “disappeared” in the Soviet Union in 1946 and was unofficially reported dead to the European emigre community. It is assumed that he was one of the millions of silent martyrs (q.v.) who died under Stalin. Читать далее Источник: The A to Z of the Orthodox Church/Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson - Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 462 p. ISBN 1461664039 Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


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Ср.: Nastasi D. Imperial Claims in the Romanian Principalities//The Byzantine Legacy in Eastern Europe/Clueas L., ed. (Eastern European Monographs, 230). [Boulder (CO), 1988]. P. 200. 586 Ср.: Второе послание митрополита Киприана прп. Сергию Радонежскому (РИБ VI, кол. 181; англ. пер.: Meyendorff J. Byzantium and the Rise of Russia. P. 297 [ Мейендорф И. Византия и Московская Русь. С. 541]); ср.: Rhalles Potles. V. 5. P. 305; Соколов П. Русский архиерей из Византии. Киев, 1913. С. 536. Большинство авторов полагают – на мой взгляд, ошибочно, – что Антоний занимал кафедру до 1391 года. 587 Он странствовал по Палестине, Сирии, Малой Азии, Грузии и Балканам, рукополагая «епископов». О его жизненном пути см.: Loenertz R. – J. Cardinal Morosini et Paul Paleologue Tagaris, patriarches//REB 24 (1966). P. 224–256; Nicol D.M. The Confessions of a Bogus Patriarch: Paul Tagaris Palaiologos, Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople in the Fourteenth Century//JEH 21 (1970). P. 289–299 (переизд. в: Idem. Byzantium: Its Ecclesiastical History and Relations with the Western World. London, 1972). 592 Ср.: Obolensky D. A Byzantine Grand Embassy to Russia in 1400//BMGS 4 (1978). P. 123–132 (переизд.: Idem. The Byzantine Inheritance of Eastern Europe. London, 1982). 593 Более подробно об истории этих событий см.: Istoria Bisericii Romani. Vol. I. P. 144–162, 171–190; Арсений [Стадницкий], en. Исследования и монографии по истории Молдавской Церкви. СПб., 1904; Obolensky D. A Late Fourteenth–Century Byzantine Diplomat: Michael, Archbishop of Bethlehem//Byzance et les Slaves. Melanges Ivan Dujcev/Dufrenne S.P. ed., 1970. P. 299–315 (переизд.: Obolensky D. The Byzantine Inheritance of Eastern Europe); Stanescu E. Byzance et les pays roumains aux IXe–XVe ss.//Actes du XIV Congres International des Etudes Byzantines 1. Bucharest, 1974. P. 419–420. О связях с Галицией см. также: Meyendorff J. Byzantium and the Rise of Russia. P. 249–251 [ Мейендорф И. Византия и Московская Русь. С. 505–506]. 594 Obolensky D. Byzantine Commonwealth. P. 331. [Оболенский Д. Византийское Содружество наций; Шесть византийских портретов. С. 353]. 596 Ср.: Иванова К. Болгарская переводная литература X–XIV вв. в контексте Slavia orthodoxa//Studia Slavica Mediaevalia et Humanistica Ricardo Picchio dicata/Colucci М., Dell’Agata G., Goldblatt H., eds. Roma, 1986. Vol. II. P. 362. См. также: Бегунов Ж. Академик H.K. Никольский о Григории Цамблаке//Ibid. Vol. I. P. 19–21.


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Metropolitan Hilarion takes part in international academic conference in Minsk April 6, 2013 On 5 April 2013, an international academic conference on ‘Role of the Edict of Milan in the History of the European Civilization and Topical Issues of Church-State Relations Today’ was held at the Institute of Theology of the Belarusian State University. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, rector of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute for Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies, chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, took part in the conference with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and at the invitation of Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch for All Belarus. The conference was preceded by an enlarged meeting of the Council of the Institute of Theology, chaired by His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret. Members of the Council unanimously resolved to honour Metropolitan Hilarion the degree of doctor honoris causa of the Institute of Theology of the Belarusian State University “for his outstanding contribution to theology and education and for strengthening inter-Christian and inter-Faith cooperation.” The doctor honoris causa was greeted by Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk and by Mr. Sergei Ablameiko, rector of the University, who especially noted that the Belarusian State University had long known Metropolitan Hilarion as a gifted theologian and church historian, author of monographs dedicated to life and teaching of the Church Fathers and author of the works on dogmatics.” The conference opened with the report of the DECR chairman who cordially thanked Metropolitan Philaret and the Council for the honour. Addressing Metropolitan Philaret, Metropolitan Hilarion said, “You became the head of the Minsk diocese thirty-five years ago and began your ministry in the most atheistic Republic of the Soviet Union. Now, thanks to your selfless work, Orthodoxy has revived in the Belarusian land and has become its strong spiritual and moral force.”


Paulos Gregorios. A Light Too Bright: The Enlightenment Today: An Assessment of the Values of the European Enlightenment and a Search for New Foundations. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992. 261 p. (SUNY series in religious studies.) Includes bibliographical references (p. 237 –252) and index. Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971–1989. 5 v. Contents: 1. The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100–600). 2. The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600–1700). 3. The Growth of Medieval Theology (600–1300). 4. Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300–1700). 5. Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (Since 1700). Poppe, Andrzej. The Rise of Christian Russia. London: Variorum Reprints, 1982. 346 p. in various pagings. (Variorum reprint; CS157.) Reprint of articles originally published, 1965–1981. Pospielovsky, Dimitry. Russian Church Under the Soviet Regime, 1917–1982. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1984. 2 v. (535 p.) Bibliography: p. 501–516. -. Soviet Studies on the Church and the Believer’s Response to Atheism. Basingstoke, England: Macmillan, 1988. xxxii, 325 p., p. of plates (A History of Soviet atheism in theory and practice, and the believer; v. 3.) Bibliography: p. 307–315. Pritsak, Omeljan. The Origin of Rus’. Cambridge, MA: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1981-, v. 1-. (Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute monograph series.) Bibliography: v. 1, p. 725–835. Religious World of Russian Culture. Andrew Blane, editor. The Hague: Mouton, 1975. 359 p. (Russia and Orthodoxy; v. 2.) (Slavistic printings and reprintings; 260/2.) English, French, German, or Russian. Essays dedicated to Fr. G. V. Florovsky. Riasanovsky, Nicholas Valentine. A History of Russia. 5th ed. NY: Oxford University Press, 1993. xx, 711 p., 24 p. of plates. Bibliographical references: p. 613–628. Runciman, Steven. The Byzantine Theocracy. NY: Cambridge University Press, 1977. viii, 197 p.


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According to Russian texts, the principal landmarks of Indian history were the travels of Alexander the Great and the mission in India of Apostle Thomas. The section purports to elucidate the cultural milieu and the common style of historico-cultural thinking as prerequisites for understanding the image of ancient India in the specific region of medieval Europe. This is followed by transgression into the history of the creation and genre specifics of the literary works which disseminated some or other information about ancient India in Russia; no differentiation between the realistic and mythological interpretation is made at this stage, the task being to reveal the principal nerve of Russian comprehension of India. The information that a Russian reader could obtain from these sources is systematized according to the principles of modern regional science, i. e. starting with geography and natural characteristics and ending with religious traditions. This done, the information is suject to historical criticism, followed by an evaluation of what a Russian could surmise from all those numerous facts. The dualistic image was the main element of this vision of India: unlike his modern counterpart, the medieval reader conceived India as two mutually complimenting yet opposed regions – one of the Brahmans (or Rahmans, as they were known in Russia) and the other of Indians. The sources of this differentiation are traced on the basis of certain elements in the antique characteristic of that country and its special structuralization in medieval consciousness. Thus, the conception in the Russian texts of the Rahmans as a freedom-loving group opposed to the Macedonians is related to the historical information concerning Alexander " s campaign and to the available knowledge of Indian republics. f A major place in the monograph is reserved for the material related to the identification of Indian hymnosophists (nagomud-retsy in Russian). Among the treatises dealing with this subject are the essay On the Races of India and the Brahmans by Palla-dius, the story Alexandria and The Chronicles by Georgi Amartolr whose account of the life of Indian ascetics was rewritten to become A Narrative of the Rahmans and Their Amazing Life, as well as apocryphal Visit of Zosima to the Rahmans. A comparative analysis of data on historical religions and ascetic orders of ancient India led to the conclusion that nucleus of the prototype of this image of the Rahman comprized some characteristics of ancient Indian mystics, the Axjivikas above all.


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