Лит.: Langton E. Good and Evil Spirits. L.; N. Y., 1942; Stamm J. J. Die Theodizee in Babylon und Israel//Jaarbericht Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Gezalschap (Genootsenap) «Ex Oriente Lux». 1944. Vol. 9. P. 99-107; Eichrodt W. Man in the Old Testament. Chicago, 1951; Kuschke A. Altbabylonische Texte zum Thema «Der leidende Gerechte»//ThLZ. 1956. Bd. 81. S. 69-76; Williams R. J. Theodicy in the Ancient Near East//Canadian J. of Theology. 1956. Vol. 2. P. 14-26; Schlier H. Principalities and Powers in the New Testament. L.; Freiburg, 1961; Schmid H. H. Wesen und Geschichte der Weisheit. B., 1966; idem. Gerechtigkeit als Weltordnung. Tüb., 1968; Berger P. L. The Sacred Canopy. N. Y., 1969; Pentecost J. D. Your Adversary the Devil. Grand Rapids, 1969; Crenshaw J. L. Popular Questioning of the Justice of God in Ancient Israel//ZAW. 1970. Bd. 82. S. 380-395; idem. The Problem of Theodicy in Sirach//JBL. 1975. Vol. 94. P. 47-64; idem. A Whirlpool of Torment: Israelite Traditions of God as an Oppressive Presence. Phil., 1984; Schmidt L. De Deo. B., 1976; Towner W. S. How God Deals with Evil. Phil., 1976; Russell J. B. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. L.; Ithaca, 1977; idem. Satan: The Early Christian Tradition. Ithaca, 1981; Albertz R. Der sozialgeschichtliche Hintergründe des Hiobbuches und der Babylonische Theodizee//Die Botschaft und die Boten: FS f. H. W. Wolff/Hrsg. J. Jeremias, L. Perlitt. Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1981. S. 349-372; Buccellati G. Wisdom and Not: The Case for Mesopotamia//JAOS. 1981. Vol. 101. P. 35-47; Miller P. D. Sin and Judgement in the Prophets. Chico (Calif.), 1982; Lindström F. God and the Origin of Evil: A Contextual Analysis of Alleged Monistic Evidence in the Old Testament. Lund, 1983; Theodicy in the Old Testament/Ed. J. L. Crenshaw. Phil., 1983; Murphee W. A. Can Theism Survive without the Devil?//Religious Studies. L., 1985. Vol. 21. P. 231-244; Brandenburger E. Das Böse. Zürich, 1986; Surin K. Theology and the Problem of Evil. Oxf., 1986; Levenson J. D. Creation and the Persistence of Evil. San Francisco; L., 1988. Johnston J. The Edge of Evil. Dallas, 1989; Williams D. D. The Demonic and the Divine. Minneapolis, 1990; Twelftree G. H. Demon, Devil, Satan//Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels/Ed. J. B. Green et al. Downers Grove; Nottingham, 1992. P. 163-172; Page S. H. T. Powers of Evil: A Biblical Study of Satan and Demons. Grand Rapids; Leicester, 1995; Pagels E. The Origin of Satan. N. Y., 1995r; Routledge R. «An Evil Spirit from the Lord» - Demonic Influence or Divine Instrument?//EvQ. 1998. Vol. 70. N 1. P. 3-22; Boyd G. A. Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy. Downers Grove, 2001; Mansini G. Apologetics, Evil, and the New Testament//Logos: A J. of Catholic Thought and Culture. St. Paul (Mn), 2001. Vol. 4. N 4. P. 152-168.


Азбука веры Православная библиотека блаженный Аврелий Августин The City of God Пожертвовать Вход блаженный Аврелий Августин The City of God Источник The City of God (Book XI) The City of God (Book XIII) Скачать epub pdf The City of God (Book XII) Augustine first institutes two inquiries regarding the angels; namely, whence is there in some a good, and in others an evil will? And, what is the reason of the blessedness of the good, and the misery of the evil? Afterwards he treats of the creation of man, and teaches that he is not from eternity, but was created, and by none other than God. Chapter 1.– That the Nature of the Angels, Both Good and Bad, is One and the Same. It has already, in the preceding book, been shown how the two cities originated among the angels. Before I speak of the creation of man, and show how the cities took their rise so far as regards the race of rational mortals I see that I must first, so far as I can, adduce what may demonstrate that it is not incongruous and unsuitable to speak of a society composed of angels and men together; so that there are not four cities or societies – two, namely, of angels, and as many of men – but rather two in all, one composed of the good, the other of the wicked, angels or men indifferently. That the contrary propensities in good and bad angels have arisen, not from a difference in their nature and origin, since God, the good Author and Creator of all essences, created them both, but from a difference in their wills and desires, it is impossible to doubt. While some steadfastly continued in that which was the common good of all, namely, in God Himself, and in His eternity, truth, and love; others, being enamored rather of their own power, as if they could be their own good, lapsed to this private good of their own, from that higher and beatific good which was common to all, and, bartering the lofty dignity of eternity for the inflation of pride, the most assured verity for the slyness of vanity, uniting love for factious partisanship, they became proud, deceived, envious.


Литература Августин, Исповедь. Пер. М.Е. Сергеенко. М.: ГЕНДАЛЬФ, 1992. Августин, «О Граде Божием», в Творения блаженного Августина , епископа Иппонийского. Ч. 3–5. Изд. 2-е. Киев: Типография И.И. Чолокова, 1905–1910. Катехизис Католической церкви. М.: Духовная библиотека, 2002. Ф. Крик, Жизнь как она есть: Ее зарождение и сущность. Пер. Е.В. Богатыревой. М.: Институт компьютерных исследований, 2002. И. Кант, Лекции по этике. Общ. ред. А.А. Гуссейнова. М.: Республика, 2000. К.С. Льюис, Любовь. Страдание. Надежда. М.: Республика, 1992. А. Макинтайр, После добродетели. Пер. В.В. Целищева. М.: Академический проект; Екатеринбург: Деловая книга, 2000. Дж. Э. Мур, Принципы этики. Пер. Л.В. Коноваловой. М.: Прогресс, 1984. Т. Нагель, «Каково быть летучей мышью», в: Д. Деннет, Д. Хофштадтер Глаз разума: Фантазии и размышления о самосознании и о душе. Пер. М. Эскиной. Самара: Бахрах-М, 2003, сс. 347–360. А. Плантинга, Бог, свобода и зло. Пер. В.В. Целищева. Новосибирск: Наука, 1993. Платон, Собрание сочинений в 4 т. Общ. ред. А.Ф. Лосева , В.Ф. Асмуса, А.А. Тахо- Годи. Т. 1. М.: Мысль, 1994. Дж. Сёрл, «Сознание, мозг и наука» (пер. А.Ф. Грязнова), в Путь. Международный философский журнал, 1993, 4, сс. 3–66. Дж. Сёрл, Открывая сознание заново. Пер. А.Ф. Грязнова. М.: Идея-Пресс, 2002. Б. Уильямс, «Случай Макропулос: Размышления о скуке бессмертия» (пер. Т. Панченко, Д. Ханова), в: Проблема человека в западной философии. М.: Прогресс, 1988, сс. 420–443. Д. Чалмерс, Сознающий ум: В поисках фундаментальной теории. Пер. В. В. Васильева. М.: УРСС, 2013. Adams, Μ.М. (1975) Hell and the God of justice. Religious Studies 11,433–447. Adams, Μ.M. (1999) Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Adams, R.M. (1992) Must God create the best? In M. Peterson (ed.), The Problem of Evil: Selected Readings, 275–288. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. Alston, W. (1996a) Some (temporarily) final thoughts on evidential arguments from evil. In D. Howard-Snyder (ed.), The Evidential Argument from Evil, 311–332. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Alston, W. (1996b) The inductive argument from evil and the human cognitive condition. In D. Howard–Snyder (ed.), The Evidential Argument from Evil, 97–125. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Armstrong, D. (1978) Naturalism, materialism, and first philosophy. Philosophia 8, 261–276. Aulen, G. (1969) Christus Victor. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Baier, K. (2000) The meaning of life. In E.D. Klemke (ed.), The Meaning of Life, 2nd edn., 101–132. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bergmann, M. (2001) Skeptical theism and Rowe’s new evidential argument from evil. Nous 35, 278–296. Chignell, A. (1998) The problem of infant suffering. Religious Studies 34, 205–217. Chisholm, R. (1990) The defeat of good and evil. In M.M. Adams and R.M. Adams (eds.), The Problem of Evil, 53–68. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


     “It was not my intention to offend, rather, it was and is, to express the teaching of the Catholic Church. I regret if offence has been taken by individuals, and will work with the Commission to resolve this matter,” he said. In 2011 Archbishop Porteous wrote a column in which he argued that discrimination, though cast in a negative light in modern society, can be an important quality, and even a virtue that reflects wisdom and prudence. “[Discrimination used to be] considered a natural process to make decisions, judgements and distinctions on the basis of distinguishing between objective good and evil, between right and wrong,” he wrote at that time. The bishop’s words reflect a passage in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that calls for an end to “unjust discrimination” against homosexuals, implying that there can be a “just discrimination.” It’s “ironic,” he wrote, that efforts to eliminate discrimination “run the risk of proposing an unjust discrimination against religion.” “The future of our society depends upon our ability to discriminate between good and evil, right and wrong and what is or is not acceptable behaviour for our society,” he wrote. In 2013 the Archbishop faced accusations from the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner that he may be found to have violated state law if he restricted altar serving to boys. Wissam Abdallah 15 ноября 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии ChiRho 16 ноября 2015, 22:00 " Martine Delaney, the homosexual activist behind the complaint, says the pamphlet “offends and humiliates” same-sex partners and the children they look after by indicating that “same-sex relationships are [merely] friendships,” that “same-sex attracted people are not whole,” and that the “children of same-sex couples are not healthy or virtuous.” -And? I " m offended when everywhere I look homosexuals are promoted as virtuous, superior, and normal. I " m offended that almost all major companies have embraced the homosexual agenda in fear of lawsuits or in greed for profits. I " m offended that homosexuals wear illicit themed jokes on their clothing in public intended to provoke that are additionally highly inappropriate for children to see. I " m offended that I can " t watch TV without mandatory gay characters on every show (and now commercials) intended to brainwash children and the weaker minded through normalization of perversion. The only thing Archbishop Porteous did wrong was to semi-apologize for offending the perpertually offended. There " s a difference in attempting to be a peaceful person and not start fights, and backing down against evil and allowing it to spread and gain power. We need more leaders are speak the Truth and are willing to fight for God " s laws and people. His people are thirsty for this.


N 2. P. 245-269; Mathewes Ch. T. Evil and the Augustinian Tradition. Camb., 2001; Rorty A. O., ed. The Many Faces of Evil: Historical Perspectives. L., 2001. P. 37-92; Deme D. The «Origin» of Evil according to Anselm of Canterbury//Heytrop J. 2002. Vol. 43. N 2. P. 170-184; Reichberg G. M. Beyond Privation: Moral Evil in Aquinas " s De Malo//Review of Metaphysics. 2002. Vol. 55. P. 751-784; Sweeney E. Vice and Sin (Ia IIae, qq. 71-89)//The Ethics of Aquinas/Ed. S. J. Pope. Baltimore, 2002. P. 151-168; Westberg D. Good and Evil in Human Acts//Ibid. P. 90-102; Uscatescu Barr ó n J. Das Wesen des Schlechten als privatio boni: Zur Frage seiner Bestimmung//Perspektiven der Philosophie. 2004. Jb. 30. S. 125-187; Newhauser R. In the Garden of Evil: The Vices and Culture in the Middle Ages. Toronto, 2005; Haas A. M. Das Syndrom des Bösen in der mittelalterlichen Mystik// Idem. Mystik als Aussage: Erfahrungs-, Denk- und Redeformen christlicher Mystik. Fr./M., 2007. S. 322-354; Kent B. Evil in Later Medieval Philosophy//J. of the History of Philosophy. 2007. Vol. 45. N 2. P. 177-205. Общая тенденция к смене онтологической и богословской т. зр. в философских рассуждениях на антропологическую и антропоцентрическую проявилась и в анализе понятия «зло». С одной стороны, З. рассматривалось как космический феномен, неизбежная негативность мира, «темная сторона» бытия. Поскольку такое понимание З. вступало в явное противоречие с распространенной в Новое время идеей совершенства природного мира, мн. авторы пытались различными способами согласовать факт существования З. с положением о совершенстве и благости вселенной и ее Творца. Однако в этих попытках все более сильными становились уже не догматические и богословские мотивы, а философские и рациональные подходы к прежней богословской проблематике. Создание рациональных теодицей различного вида стало кульминацией рационального анализа проблематики З., при к-ром нередко Бог из живого и личностного Творца мира превращался в регулятивный Первопринцип.


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s Condolences Over Mass Killing Of Christians In Libya His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent condolences to the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and His Holiness Patriarch Tawadros II over the murder of over twenty Coptic Christians in Libya.      His Excellency Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi President Arab Republic of Egypt Your Excellency, dear Mr. President, Please, accept my deep condolences over the atrocious murder of Coptic Christians, Egyptian citizens, in Libya. The crime committed by extremists deserves everyone’s condemnation. Radicals’ attempts to justify violence by religious motives provoke utter rejection. Following the path of terror, these devil’s servants try to disrupt the balance, maintained for centuries, of good neighborly relations between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East. I am convinced that the tragedy that has befallen the Egyptian people will leave nobody indifferent. A priority task of the whole world community today is to combine the efforts to oppose the inhuman ideology and give a resolute rebuff to this evil. Terrorism has no future, because people will never put up with violence, no matter what slogans it might use as a cover. I offer my condolences to the relatives and friends of those killed, I prayerfully empathize with all Egyptian people and wish them fortitude and spiritual strength in opposing extremism and terrorism. With respect and condolences, +KIRILL PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA His Holiness Theodoros II Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark in All Africa and the Middle East Your Holiness, With deep pain in my heart I have learnt about the terrible murder of over twenty Christians of your flock in Libya. No goal can justify this horrible crime. Using religious rhetoric as a cover, extremists commit atrocities unprecedented in their cruelty, seeking to sow panic in people’s hearts and to bring a split into the good relations between Christians and Muslims, which prevailed in the Middle East for centuries. It is my conviction that it is especially important today for the whole world community to unite and undertake most resolute actions to oppose extremism and terrorism. We as Christians should together bear witness to the Risen Lord Jesus Who has conquered evil and death. Then futile will be all attempts of those who serve the devil using the holy name of God to justify their criminal actions. In this grave hour, I stand in prayer with the Egyptian people. My sincere condolences go to your Holiness, the clergy and flock of the Coptic Church, and the relatives and love ones of those who were killed. May the Lord give rest to the souls of the deceased in the dwellings of the righteous. With love in Christ, + KIRILL PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA 20 февраля 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


The Panagia Malevi icon is believe to be one of the seventy painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. The icon was found in its current place illumined by divine light. Three unsuccessful attempts were made to move the icon, so a church was built over it in 1116. The history of the icon and the Malevi Monastery can be read here . 14 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Miracle at Docheiariou Monastery: man mute from birth begins speaking before wonderworking icon Miracle at Docheiariou Monastery: man mute from birth begins speaking before wonderworking icon A miracle that occurred early in December at Docheiariou Monastery on Mt. Athos has been recounted by a monk who witnessed that event. " Where she goes she brings peace and love " An interview about the wonder-working icon of St. Anna " Where She Goes She Brings Peace and Love " An Interview About the Wonder-Working Icon of St. Anna Frederica Mathewes-Green, Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalski) St. Anna was indeed our ambassador of good will. We know that she is the grandmother of Christ, and she traveled to be everyone’s grandmother. Wonder working Icon of the Theotokos thwarts thieves Wonder working Icon of the Theotokos thwarts thieves Three people with covered faces broke into the church after smashing the external security cameras. Комментарии Anthony 14 февраля 2017, 20:00 Prophetic words spoken by Pater Nektarie when he asks for prayers to help rid us Greeks in Cyprus of our passions and the turks. Ayios Paisios Ayioreitis said the same thing. When we rid ourselves of our passions, and build spiritual bases (monasteries) then the turk and english militaries will also leave our island. And that " s right. Evil is like a parasitic magnet that simply attracts more evil. Therefore if we manage to rid our hearts of evil passions then those blood stained nations that embody evil ie the english and turks will no longer be able to occupy our land. Evil cannot abide in holiness. © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


Являются ли аргументы против бытия Бога столь же убедительными? Некоторые так и думают. Однако, как мы уже видели, эти аргументы исходят из допущений, вызывающих серьезные сомнения. Насколько серьезен вызов со стороны этих сомнений – решать каждому из вас. Одолев пару глав вроде настоящей, студенты часто поднимают руки в отчаянии: «Если уж специалисты не могут прийти к общему мнению о силе этих доводов, то что тут могу решить я?» Хороший вопрос. А вот хороший ответ: используйте те самые навыки критического мышления, которые вы применяете, пытаясь определить, за кого из кандидатов следует вам голосовать на выборах или какой автомобиль стоило бы вам купить. В обоих случаях вы столкнетесь с аргументами за и против каждой из альтернатив. Но ведь это не значит, что вас непременно разобьет интеллектуальный паралич, в большинстве случаев ничего подобного не происходит. Напротив, вы решаете, какие факторы, на ваш взгляд, являются наиболее существенными, и действуете соответственно. Точно так же мы советуем вам поступать и здесь. Отложив в сторону личные предпочтения и пристрастия, попытайтесь сами разобраться в разных аргументах и оценить их силу. Какой из них кажется вам наиболее убедительным? Придя к ответу на этот вопрос, вы составите обоснованное и мотивированное суждение по весьма важному предмету. Рекомендуемая литература Adams Marylin, Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999 Adams Robert and Marylin (eds.), Bergmann Michael, The Problem of Evil (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990) Skeptical Theism and Rowe’s New Evidential Argument from Evil, Nous 35: 278–296 Hasker William, The Necessity of Gratuitous Evil, Faith and Philosophy 9 (1992): 23–44 Hick John, Evil and the God of Love (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978) Howard-Snyder Daniel and Paul Moser (eds.), Divine Hiddenness (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002) The Evidential Argument from Evil (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996) Plantinga Alvin, Good, Freedom, and Evil (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977)


Archive Archbishop Michael of Prague: Baptism of Russia is the most important event in history of Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian nations 29 July 2021 year 09:10 “Allow me as member of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Land and Slovakia to congratulate you on behalf of the Plenitude of our Church on the anniversary of the joyful and the most important event in the history of the Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian nations - the Baptism of Rus’”, said Archbishop Michael of Prague addressing His Beatitude Onufriy, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine after the Divine Liturgy, which was celebrated on the 28th of July 2021, at the cathedral square of the Kiev-Pechersk Laura of the Dormition. “Today we solemnly mark the commemoration day of the Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles, who baptized Rus’ 1033 years ago and led his people to the faith in true God”, he emphasized, “In the history of our fraternal nations there are a strikingly great number of parallels. Our St. Prince Rostislav Equal-to-the-Apostles invited holy brothers Cyril and Methodius to Great Moravia. The enlighteners of the Slavs translated the liturgy and Holy Scriptures into the language understandable to all Slavs. Centuries later, thanks to St. Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostle the works of the holy brothers and their disciples brought forth their fruits in Rus’. The seeds cultivated in Great Moravia became a mighty tree in Rus’, and the crown of this tree spreads above the Slavic peoples to this day. The adoption of the faith of Christ has become for our people not only a spiritual blessing but also the beginning of enlightenment and development of statehood and magnificence”. Noting that today the Lord sends trials to the Ukrainian people and the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Michael said, “But in these trials the true faith of Christians is tempered and strengthened”. The hierarch also mentioned that in the churches of the Orthodox Diocese of Prague, a prayer is always lifted up for the peace and unity of the Church in Ukraine and for strengthening mutual understanding between people. Addressing His Beatitude Onufriy, Archbishop Michael noted, “Your Beatitude, dear Metropolitan, tirelessly and from my heart I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that He may preserve, protect and strengthen the holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church governed by Your Beatitude lawfully and in accordance with canons. May the All-Good Lord give us power, patience and wisdom and protect the Orthodox Ukrainian people and His Holy Church. Undoubtedly, the Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles intercedes for her before God. We believe that the day will come when no evil will or evil power will breach the peace and quiet of our life because God and His entire heavenly host are with us!” DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Even the neutral position of the Catholic weekly “Our Sunday Visitor”, which gave equal place on its pages to both proponents and opponents of the Vietnam War, was pointed out to the public as a clear example of the decay of not just Catholicism, but national consciousness as well.   In the view of the editors of “Orthodox Russia”, opposition to the Vietnam War began to resemble an obsession. As an illustration, it describes the disgraceful behaviour of the Catholic priest Philip Berrigan who, with three companions, received access to their documents in an official storage place, seized other documents regarding conscription, and demonstratively poured blood over them. Berrigan was arrested shortly thereafter, and sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment. Another case in point concerns an incident with Cardinal Spellman. “Before us we see the infernal horror of what masquerades as the new “universality” of the Church in its rejection of all that is grounded on any ideals and realities that do not coincide with the task of unifying the universe in its current state, including communism. There are no more higher values, no absolutes in the new world. There is not Christ Himself. There is only one objective: PEACE, which reduces to one all that there is in the world.” In conclusion it may be said that the war in Vietnam was viewed by the ROCOR from the position of global resistance to global communism, which had enslaved Russia and was now attempting to establish its supremacy over the whole world. The approach of the Church to world events, including wars, should be determined primarily by its teachings and the ensuing comprehension of good and evil. The Church supports the actions of the government if it coincides with the Church’s conception of resisting evil and protecting good, and is not based on transient conjunctural perceptions. Throughout the war in Vietnam the ROCOR supported the government of the USA because in that war it was the avant-garde in the struggle against communism, and not because it was the government of the country housing its Senior Hierarch and Synod of Archbishops. Translated by Alyona Kojevnikova in an abriged form from Vestnik Sviato Tikhonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, 3 (2015): 88-100 Dmitry P. Anashkin ROCOR Studies 21 ноября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Комментарии John-Otto Liljenstolpe 2 февраля 2017, 04:00 I would be interested in reading articles by ROCOR Scripture scholars to understand how they squared ROCOR " s holy war position on the Vietnam War with our Lord " s teaching that we are to love our enemies among much else set forth in the New Testament. Joseph Bell 6 декабря 2016, 09:00 Every good Orthodox knows that the movie The Deer Hunter is, artistically, the last word on the conflict in Viet Nam and that co-writer and director Michael Cimino is one of us. Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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