Диакон Владимир Василик Его приемная всегда была полна народом, это были почтенные протоиереи и архимандриты, простые миряне, убеленные сединами старушки и молодые люди. Для всех них владыка находил время и возможность побеседовать, наставить на путь истинный, дать нужный совет в должное время… English Edition [Theology] Alexei Ilyich Osipov The methodical development of imagination is based in the experience of one of the pillars of Catholic mysticism, the founder of the order of Jesuits and great Catholic saint Ignatius of Loyola (sixteenth century). His book Spiritual Exercises enjoys great authority in Catholicism. Ignatius himself said of his book that if one reads it, it could replace the Gospels. He tells the reader to imagine the crucified Christ, to attempt to penetrate the world of Christ’s feelings and sufferings, to mentally converse with the Crucified One, etc. All this contradicts in principle the basics of spiritual ascetic labor as it has been given to us in the lives of the saints of the Universal Church. [News] On October 2, 2010, the website of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) posted a summary of The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation held at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. [News] At the 2010 fall clergy retreat of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, which took place on October 15, the day following the patronal feast of the Protection Cathedral in Chicago, Metropolitan Jonah of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) was present among the guest speakers. [News] On October 5, 2010, His Eminence Archbishop Feodor of Mukashevsk-Uzhgorod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church visited the Diocese of San Francisco and Western America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. [News] On 21 October 2010, “One Thousand years of Pilgrimage in Russian” exhibition opened at the Cathedral of the Dormition in the Laura of the Caves in Kiev with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine.


Саму РПЦЗ не признают Поместные Православные Церкви, а OCA и приходы Московского Патриархата находятся в евхаристическом общении с другими Церквями. Кроме трех " русских " юрисдикций, существуют приходы иных Православных Церквей: Болгарской, Сербской, Румынской и др. Всего в США около 2 млн православных, многие из них - русские. Имеется также множество неканонических юрисдикций, в которых неискушенному человеку трудно разобраться. Эта пестрая картина дополняется коренными американцами, австралийцами и европейцами, перешедшими в Православие. В частности, видный иерарх РПЦЗ, архиепископ Берлинский и Германский Марк (Арндт), ключевая фигура, стоящая на позициях воссоединения,- коренной немец. Наличие обращенных из других конфессий - безусловно положительное явление, но нередко бывает и так, что протестант, перейдя в Православие, приносит с собой свой образ мышления. Влияние инославного, инородного и иноязычного окружения дополняется тем, что местное законодательство, в отличие от российского, не приспособлено к жизни православных приходов. Так, например, в США приход с легкостью может отделиться от своего епископа и перейти к другому, или сменить юрисдикцию. Не стоит сбрасывать со счетов и то, что прихожане Зарубежной Церкви находятся в ином информационном пространстве, не содержащем никаких положительных сведений о России. Образ врага, который рисуют западные СМИ, не может не влиять и на самих русских. Невозможность реально оценить условия и обстоятельства жизни за границей уменьшает наше взаимопонимание. Мы сами плохо представляем себе, как живут эмигранты, но и они через несколько лет после отъезда зачастую имеют мифическое представление о ситуации в России. Степень врастания в американское и западноевропейское общество наглядно иллюстрирует следующий факт: почти все невольные изгнанники были абсолютно уверены, что вернутся в Россию, как только представится эта возможность; многие после войны так и поступили, хотя знали, какой опасности себя подвергают. Теперь же, после долгожданного крушения коммунизма, количество вернувшихся исчисляется единицами.


187 См.: Diekamp F. Analecta patristica. Texte und Abhandlungen zur griechischen patristic//OCA. Roma, 1938. S. 14–15. 192 Gregorii Palamae. Capita physica, theologica, moralia et practica. 136//PG. T. 150. Col. 1216D-1217A. 194 Gregorii Palamae. Capita physica, theologica, moralia et practica. 103//PG. T. 150. Col. 1172C. 195 В соответствии с восточной аскетической традицией свят. Григорий говорит о возможности для человека «сделаться Богом по благодати» (Григорий Панама, свят. Триады. С. 238. Триада II. Ч. 3, 52). 202 Согласно В. Н. Лосскому , апофатический путь «приводит нас к полному незнанию, – это путь совершенный и единственно по своей природе подобающий Непознаваемому, ибо всякое познание имеет своим объектом то, что существует, Бог же вне пределов всего существующего. Чтобы приблизиться к Нему, надо отвергнуть все, что ниже Его, то есть все существующее» (Лосский В. Н. Очерк мистического богословия Восточной Церкви. С. 21). 204 В. Н. Лосский на вопрос «Какова же роль «катафатического» или положительного богословия?» отвечает: «В противоположность негативному пути, который возводит к соединению, этот путь к нам нисходит как лестница «богоявлений», или богопроявлений в тварном мире. Можно даже сказать, что это один и тот же путь в двух своих противоположных направлениях: Бог нисходит к нам в Своих энергиях, которые Его являют, мы восходим к Нему в «соединениях», в которых Он остается природно непознаваемым» (Лосский В. Н. Очерк мистического богословия Восточной Церкви. С. 32–33). 205 Этот аспект учения о мистическом богопознании у свят. Григорий Нисского получил наименование «эпектасис» ( π κτασις – устремление вперед). Этот термин, восходящий к словам ап. Павла (см.: Флп.3:13–14 ), применительно к богопознанию означает постоянное стремление познавать Бога, непознаваемого по природе. По свят. Григорию, «никакой предел не пресечет приращения в восхождении к Богу, потому что и прекрасному не отыскивается никакого предела, и никаким пресыщением не пресекается усиливающееся вожделение прекрасного» (Gregorii Nysseni. De vita Moysis. 2. Рус. пер.: Григорий Нисский , свят. О жизни Моисея Законодателя//Григорий Нисский, свят. Экзегетические сочинения. С. 85).


Нина, Россия 21 марта 2012, 17:52 Хотелось бы ответить Andrew из США. Вы называете себя русским, но о России нынешней и о русских, ее населяющих отзываетесь не очень лестно. Очень хорошо, что Вы знаете язык ваших предков и переживаете за судьбу России, но Вы-гражданин другой страны и Америка, а не Россия - Ваша Родина.А потому не Вам нас судить.За богоотступничество 1917 года наш народ расплатился своей кровью , вспомнить хотя бы о том, что именно русские вынесли на своих плечах Вторую мировую. Тогда за Россию воевали плечом к плечу и коммунисты, и атеисты и верующие. Вы упрекаете русских, за то, что мало помогли сербам. А кто-нибудь помог больше? Вы лучше вспомните о том, что именно Ваши соотечественники бомбили сербские города и потворствовали геноциду сербов. А еще о том, что только российские миротворцы должным образом исполняли свой долг в Сербии, не отдавая на поругание албанцам ни сербов, ни сербских святынь. Говорите , от наркомании вымирают русские?Так стоит вспомнить и о том, что за время американского вторжения в Афганистан наркотрафик из этой страны увеличился в 40 раз. А сербы - наши братья. И Косово - это наша боль, так же как и Чечня, где русских вырезали не менее жестоко и цинично. Andrew, OCA, USA 20 марта 2012, 16:47 Спасибо, Максим, за добрые и мудрые слова! Я очень рад, что хоть с кем-то из русских у меня получилось согласие. Я молюсь за то, чтобы вы, живущие в России, поняли наконец, что не одни только враги России живут за границей. Мы, (русские за границей) вас тоже любим, и молимся за вас уже 100 лет почти. ..Как вы считаете, работают наши молитвы о России?... Поэтому, не глядите на нас из подлоба. Даже если национальность наша в документах - " american " . У нас разные источники информации о сегодняшнем мире. Тем, которые у вас, мы не верим. Вы - не верите нашим. Поэтому давайте критически смотреть и на ваши и на наши мирские брехушки. А будем верить только нашими сердцам, Богу нашему и Церкви нашей. Тем более, что во главе Русской Церкви сейчас Богом поставлен такой прекрасно-образованный и мудрый Христианин как Патриарх Кирилл. То что он сделал и делает для Православия, никто до него не сделал. Берегите его, русские, и слушайте!


Interview: The Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Archpriest Eric G. Tosi During the last week of August 2011, His Grace, Bishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West and Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary, visited the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, was to have joined them, but due to the repose of His Eminence, Archbishop Dmitri, he remained in the US. Below, Father Eric shares his impressions of the visit with oca.org. OCA.ORG: Father Eric, could you explain the context of the trip to the Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia? FR. E: It is customary that the Primate of an autocephalous Church visit the Sister Orthodox Churches after his election and enthronement. Metropolitan Krystof, the Primate of the Czech-Slovak Church, was among those who extended invitations to Metropolitan Jonah to make a fraternal visit and to share the Eucharist. While Metropolitan Jonah remained in the United States, due to the repose of retired Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas, Bishop Benjamin and I represented the OCA on the official visit. Also participating was Mr. Barry Migyanko, Bishop Benjamin’s assistant. Such fraternal visits are important for the OCA in order to develop and strengthen contacts with the Sister Orthodox Churches. The Czech-Slovak Church is especially close to the OCA, as many of the OCA’s faithful – including Barry and me – trace their ancestry to the Carpathian area of central Europe, much of which is in today’s Slovakia. In addition, we are finding that there is much in common between our two churches. Both are minority churches in our respective countries. Both are multi-national, the OCA embracing parishes in the US, Canada, and Mexico, while the Czech-Slovak Church embraces faithful in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And both are multi-ethnic, with the OCA serving faithful of virtually every ethnic origin, while the Czech-Slovak Church, in addition to serving faithful of Czech and Slovak origin, also serves faithful of Moravian, Carpatho-Rusyn, Bohemian, Lemko, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Serbian, Romanian, and other backgrounds. And both Churches have substantial numbers of converts to the faith. While our visit focused on Bohemia and Moravia, we did meet with a bishop and clergy from Slovakia.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation OCA young adults participate in Syndesmos festival in Poland Source: OCA Natalya Mihailova 27 August 2015 Five young adults representing the Orthodox Church in America are among the forty-plus participants from around the world attending the international Orthodox youth festival, “Attaining Conciliarity,” at the Monastery of the Annunciation’s Academy here during the last week of August 2015. In the Warsaw Seminary chapel are [from left] Victor Lutes, Janine Alpaugh, John Shimchick, and Joseph Green. Sponsored by Syndesmos, the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth and hosted by the Orthodox Church of Poland , the gathering marks the first time since 1998 that youth from the OCA are participating in such an event. In early 2015, each OCA diocese had been asked to select a young adult to participate in the festival.  Representing the Archdiocese of Washington is Victor Lutes, while Janine Alpaugh, William Kopcha and Joseph Green are representing the Dioceses of New York and New Jersey, New England and the South respectively.  Also representing the Diocese of New York and New Jersey is John Shimchick, who had visited the Church in Poland several years ago. Archpriest Dr. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY, is the keynote festival speaker.  His topic is “The Conciliar Model of the OCA: The Dream of Saint Tikhon.”  Also slated to address the gathering is Archpriest Vladimir Misijuk of Bialystok, Poland, who will speak on “Attaining Conciliarity: The Task of our Daily Life.”  Father Vladimir is an alumnus of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary and former Syndesmos General Secretary. “Since its establishment in Paris, France in 1953 as a way to connect Orthodox youth and young adults the world over, Syndesmos has worked closely with youth in North America, Western Europe and the traditional ‘Orthodox homelands,’” said Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director .  “This was especially crucial in the late 20th century as the only means to connect Orthodox youth in eastern and central Europe with their counterparts elsewhere.  While still a university student, the late Father John Meyendorff was among Syndesmos’ founders, while other Influential members of Syndesmos as young adults and beyond include the late Father Alexander Schmemann, the late Patriarch Ignatius of Antioch, Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow, Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, and countless others. The OCA has a strong tradition of supporting Syndesmos through its general secretariat, elected vice-presidency and board membership and by providing interns and staff members.  In 2009, I had the honor of serving as a Syndesmos intern.”


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation 18th All-American Council web site goes “live” Source: OCA Natalya Mihailova 24 July 2014 A special site dedicated to the 18th All-American Council [AAC] of the Orthodox Church in America went “live” on the OCA web site at http://18aac.oca.org on Tuesday, July 22, 2014. A special site dedicated to the 18th All-American Council [AAC] of the Orthodox Church in America went “live” on the OCA web site at http://18aac.oca.org on Tuesday, July 22, 2014. “The web site features a plethora of information designed to assist in preparing the faithful, and especially AAC delegates and observers, for the gathering, slated to convene in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015,” said Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary.  “Among the various resources found on the site is a video message and introductory message by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.  AAC-related documents, resources, and study materials will be added regularly, while a special section offering information on Atlanta’s attractions also will be made available. “And for the first time, registration for the AAC, as well as the hotel, will be handled through a secure, dedicated section of the web site, beginning January 1, 2015,” he added.  “In the fall, a section dedicated to the AAC youth component, detailing its program, costs and related information, will be featured.” Among the site’s current and future features are “In the coming months, the OCA web site will announce new updates, resources and information posted on the AAC site as they become available,” Father Eric added.  “In the meantime, we hope that all of the Church’s faithful will rely on the AAC web site for the latest with regard to the 18th AAC in a Church-wide effort to put the Council’s theme—‘How to Expand the Mission’—into action.” Tweet Donate Share Code for blog 18th All-American Council web site goes “live”


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation OCA Holy Synod Meets for its Regular 2022 Spring Session Source: OCA Pravmir.com team 24 March 2022 Photo: oca.org On March 15th to 18th the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America met for its regular Spring 2022 Session in the Greater Washington, D.C. area. The meetings took place in three locations: Saint Mark Church in Bethesda, MD on Tuesday, March 15, Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, DC on Wednesday, March 16, and the remaining meetings at the Bethesdan Hotel in Bethesda, MD. On the evening of Monday the 14th, the Holy Synod hosted a reception inviting the local clergy of the various parishes of the Orthodox Church in America within the greater Washington area. Photo: oca.org On Tuesday the 15th His Grace  Bishop Alexis  was  elected as Bishop of Sitka and Alaska . At the same session, and at the request of His Eminence  Archbishop Paul  who is  facing serious health issues , His Beatitude  Metropolitan Tikhon  informed the Synod that he appointed His Grace  Bishop Daniel  of Santa Rosa and Auxiliary of the Diocese of the West as administrator of the Diocese of the Midwest for a period of thirty days. On Wednesday, March 16 the Holy Synod attended the Presanctified Liturgy at Saint Nicholas Cathedral presided by His Grace Bishop Gerasim . At the conclusion of the service, His Beatitude awarded the Order of Saint Innocent, gold class,  upon the Honorable Alex M. Azar II  for his many years of service in the public and private sectors, and especially in his efforts against the pandemic. Photo: oca.org The Holy Synod also approved the two resolutions of the  Metropolitan Council  regarding the  relocation of the Chancery to Washington, DC  and the relocation of the  Archives  of the Orthodox Church in America. Next June, His Beatitude and Priest Alessandro Margheritino, OCA Secretary, will relocate to the Greater Washington area and set up temporary Chancery offices. The Holy Synod also approved the decision to relocate the Archives to  Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary  pending the approval of a contract by the Holy Synod and Metropolitan Council this coming summer. While the Archives will be housed at Saint Vladimir’s, ownership of the archival treasure of the Church will be retained by the Orthodox Church in America.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation OCA represented at celebration of 1000th anniversary of St. Vladimir’s repose Source: OCA Natalya Mihailova 31 July 2015 Christ the Saviour Patriarchal Cathedral here was the site of the celebration marking the 1000th anniversary of the repose of Saint Vladimir of Kyiv, Equal to the Apostles, on Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Photo: http://oca.org At the invitation of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’, representatives of the world’s Local Orthodox Churches concelebrated at the Divine Liturgy and participated in a variety of events marking the occasion. Representing the Orthodox Church in America was His Eminence, Archbishop Irenee of Ottawa and Canada, who was accompanied by Archpriest Nazari Polataiko, Secretary of the OCA Archdiocese of Canada, and Deacon Nicolas Svetlovsky of Saint Seraphim Church, Rawdon, QC, Canada. Two days earlier—on Sunday, July 26—Archbishop Irénée celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the OCA’s  Representation Church of the Great Martyr Catherine , where he was warmly welcomed by Archimandrite Alexander, Dean and OCA Representative to the Russian Orthodox Church—and a “fellow Canadian.”  In the afternoon, the OCA and other delegations attended the official opening ceremonies at the city’s Tsaristyno Part and Estate, where they were greeted by Patriarch Kirill.  After participating in the blessing of a newly built chapel dedicated to Saint Vladimir, Moscow’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin hosted a reception for the delegations in the historic Catherine’s Palace. On Monday, July 27, Archbishop Irenee, Father Nazari and Deacon Nicolas venerated the relics of Saint Tikhon of Moscow, Enlightener of America, and Saint Matrona of Moscow at the Donskoy and Pokrovsky Monasteries respectively.  They then joined the delegations from the other Local Orthodox Churches at the Patriarch’s working residence, where Patriarch Kirill spoke of the anniversary’s significance.  In response, His Eminence, Metropolitan Apostolos, who headed the delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, relayed official greetings from His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.  At an official reception that evening, greetings on behalf of the Local Orthodox Churches were read, with Archbishop Irénée addressing Patriarch Kirill on behalf of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.


While in Tikhvin, Metropolitan Herman, Archbishop Job and members of the OCA delegation were guests at a dinner in their honor hosted by the governor, mayor and other officials. Father Sergei Garklavs was presented with keys to a house in the city of Tikhvin as a sign of gratitude for the years he served as the Tikhvin Icon’s guardian. Patriarch Aleksy also awarded Fathers Sergei and Alexander Garklavs the Order of Saint Sergius for their efforts in returning the icon. In commemoration of the icon’s return, the Garklaves presented an icon of Saints Tikhon and John Kochurov holding a model of Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral to the Dormition Monastery. Metropolitan Herman, Archbishop Job, and members of the OCA delegation attended the Vigil on Saturday, July 10 at Saint Petersburg’s massive Cathedral of Saint Isaac. Earlier in the day, they prayed before the relics of the Blessed Xenia of Saint Petersburg and visited a number of other churches. The following morning, they concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Vladimir in the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, after which Metropolitan Vladimir once again thanked Metropolitan Herman for the return of the Tikhvin Icon, and presented with a large hand-painted copy of the Tikhvin icon which will hang in a prominent location at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America. Metropolitan Vladimir wished Metropolitan Herman and the delegation a safe journey back to the US. Metropolitan Vladimir also presented to Mr. John Mindala, OCA photographer, the order of St. Alexander Nevsky in recognition of his efforts to produce high quality prints and images of the Tikhvin icon for use by the Orthodox Church in America and Russian Orthodox Church. Other members of the OCA delegation included Protopresbyter Robert Kondratick, OCA Chancellor; the Very Rev. David Brum; Archimandrite Zacchaeus [Wood], OCA Representative to the Moscow Patriarchate; Archdeacons Alexei Klimitchev and Isidore [Brittain]; and Messrs. Peter Ilchuk, Alexis Liberovsky, Jason Vansuch, and Joel Wilson. Also attending the various services associated with the icon’s historic return was a group of three-dozen pilgrims on a trip especially arranged byF.O.S. Tours for the Orthodox Church in America, led by Mr. David Lucs.


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