Услышав слова Василия, объяснявшего Евангелие в храме ап. Иоанна Богослова, о том, что „Один и Тот же Сын Божий и бывает жертвой, и вместе с Отцом приемлет жертву”, они сделали вывод, что Василий вводит две Ипостаси, ибо „принести жертву — значит одно, а принять ее — другое”.    Этот богословский спор принял вскоре массовый характер. К мнению Никифора Василаки присоединились некоторые иерархи, а также кандидат на антиохийский патриарший престол диакон Сотирих Пантевген, впоследствии упорно защищавший это мнение. Защитником православного учения, заключенного в общепринятых словах молитвы, явился епископ Николай Мефонский, написавший в опровержение мнений Сотириха и его последователей несколько превосходных полемически-догматических сочинений.    Для изучения Соборов 1156—1157 гг., кроме весьма поверхностных сообщений современных историков Иоанна Киннама и Никиты Акомината (Хониата), основным источником являются так называемые „Соборные акты”. В наиболее полном издании „актов” (у Mai) имеются: 1) данные по истории Собора; 2) Диалог Сотириха, явившийся для Собора обвинительным документом при обсуждении и осуждении его мнения (Mai, Sp. R., pp. 3—15); 3) свидетельства из творений св. Отцов в защиту Православного учения (Mai, pp. 26—55); 4) общее соборное определение (70 р.) и 5) четыре определения — анафематизмы (pp. 55—58).    Из анализа соборных актов (например по наиболее исправному Патмосскому кодексу — изд. 1890) следует, что фактически имели место два Собора, собиравшиеся один после другого более чем через год. Первое соборное заседание датировано 26 января 1156 г., а второе и третье — 12 и 13 мая 1157 г.    По причине описок, имеющихся в Ватиканском кодексе, среди исследователей возникли разногласия относительно даты Соборов. Ряд авторов полагал, что оба Собора — январский и майский — состоялись в одном и том же 1156 г. Эта дата (1156 г.) попала и в различные энциклопедии, учебники и т. п. издания. Немецкий ученый Дрэзеке впал в другую крайность, отнеся заседание второго Собора к 1168 г. Его ошибочные вычисления в свое время принял и проф. А. П. Лебедев. Ошибка Дрэзеке была указана Васильевским, а позднее разобрана Курцем. Правильная дата второго Собора — 1157 г. -была принята ранее Капгером, Гефеле, Ф. И. Успенским и другими.


8. Preobrazhenskiy (1991) – Vasiliy (Preobrazhenskiy), bishop. Besedy na Yevangeliye ot Marka [Conversations on the Gospel of Mark]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, no. 10, pp. 44–46. (In Russian). 9. Voronov (1987) – Voronov L., archpriest. Slovo Bozhiye v zhizni Tserkvi [The Word of God in the Life of the Church]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1987, no. 3, pp. 70–75; no. 4, pp. 61–67. (In Russian). 10. Deruga (1989) – DerugaV. (V.N.Dyshinevich) Slovo Bozhiye dlya belorusskogo naroda (k 470-letiyu izdaniya Biblii) [The Word of God for the Byelorussian people (to the 470th anniversary of the edition of the Bible)]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1989, no. 4, pp. 70–72; no. 5, pp. 74. (In Russian). 11. Zhila (1989) – Zhila S., archpriest. Problema glossolalii v russkoy pravoslavnoy ekzegetike [The problem of glossolalia in Russian Orthodox exegesis]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1989, no. 10, pp. 71–74; no. 12, pp. 73–74. (In Russian). 12. Zen’kovskiy (1991b) – Zen’kovskiy V., archpriest. Vera i razum v svete bibleyskogo Otkroveniya [Faith and Reason in the Light of Biblical Revelation]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1991, no. 3, pp. 70–74. (In Russian). 13. Zen’kovskiy (1991a) – Zen’kovskiy V., archpriest. Khristianskaya vera i sovremennoye znaniye [Christian faith and modern knowledge]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1991, no. 2, pp. 70–72. (In Russian). 14. Vendland (1990) – Ioann (Vendland), metropolitan. Bibliya o mirozdanii [The Bible about the Universe]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1990, no. 6, pp. 74; no. 7, pp. 74–75; no. 8, pp. 73–74. (In Russian). 15. Shakhovskoy (1989–1991) – Ioann (Shakhovskoy), archbishop. Sputniki Damasskoy dorogi [Satellites of the Damascus road]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1989, no. 10, pp. 38–39; no. 12, pp. 35–36; 1990, no. 1, pp. 50–51; no. 3, pp. 51; no. 4, pp. 46–47; no. 5, pp. 42–43; no. 8, pp. 52–54; no. 9, pp. 59–60; no. 11, pp. 50–51; no. 12, pp. 50–51; 1991, no. 3, pp. 49–51; no. 4, pp. 44–45; no. 5, pp. 49–50. (In Russian).


A=Athens, Εθνικ Βιβλιοθκη 2092 (olim Thessalonica, Γυμνσιον 23). 176 Sixteenth century, paper, i+485 pages. The manuscript is written throughout by a single copyist. It contains two major sections, namely, a collection of Palamite documents in the first half and a collection of anti-Latin writings in the second half. I. Palamite section: Apodictic Treatises (pp. 1–47) 177 Against Bekkos (pp. 48–52) Ep 1 Akindynos (pp. 52–59) Ep 2 Akindynos (pp. 59–60) 5      Ep 1 Barlaam (pp. 60–73) 178 Ep 2 Barlaam (pp. 73–86) Triads (pp. 86–212) 8.      Phakrases, Dialogue (pp. 213–219) 9.      Contra Gregoram 1–4 (pp. 219–276) Reply on Basil (pp. 276–279) Capita 150 (pp. 279–314) Hagioretic Tome (pp. 314–318) Synodal Tome 1351 (pp. 323–347) 179 II. Anti-Latin section: Mark Eugenikos of Ephesus, Oratio ad Eugenium papam quartum (pp. 351–353), ed. L. Petit, PO 17:336–341. Idem, Capita syllogistica contra Latinos (pp. 353 – 370), ed. L. Petit, po 17:368–415. Ibid., Syllogistic Chapters Against the Heresy of the Akindynists and Against the Latins (pp. 370– 377), ed. W. Gass, Die Mystik des Nikolaus Cabasilas vom Leben in Christo (Greifswald, 1849; repr. Leipzig, 1899), pp. 217–232. Ibid., Πρς τος ν τ συνδ ττε. inc. Τοτο τ γιον σμβολον παιτομεν μς …; des. … δοξσωμεν τ πντιμον και μεγαλοπρεπς νομα το πατρς και το υο και το γου πνεματος (p. 377), unedited (?). 180 Gregory (George) of Cyprus, De processione Spiritus sancti (pp. 378–396), ed. Dositheos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Τμος γπης (Jassy-Moldavia, 1698), pp. 387ff.=pg 142:269–300. Barlaam the Calabrian, Antilatin Treatises 1–6 and 20 (pp. 396–443), unedited. 181 Scholarios, First Treatise on the Procession of the Holy Spirit, excerpts (pp. 443–451), ed. L. Petit et al., Œuvres 2:5–71.22. (The text breaks off in mid-sentence. 182 ) Matthew Monotropos, Adversus Latinos (pp. 455–471), unedited. 9.      Nikephoros Blemmydes, Reply to John Doukas (pp. 471–473), ed. A. Heisenberg, Nicephori Blemmydae curriculum vitae et carmina (Leipzig, 1896), pp. 110ff.


Adversus Andronicum Camaterum, 395–614. Epigraphæ de Sp. S., 613–724. Refutatio libri Photii de Sp. S.. 727–861. Refutatio libri Georgii Cyprii, 863–926. De pace ecclesiastica (de unione ecclesiarum), fg., 925–42. Epistola ad Joannem papam, latine, 943–50. De depositione sua, orationes 1–2, 949–1010. Apologia, 1009–20. De libris suis et scriptionum suarum consensione, 1019–28. Testamentum, 1027–32. CONSTANTINUS MELITENIOTA. De processione Sp. S. orationes 1–2, 141, 1031–8, 1039–1274. GEORGIUS METOCHITA. Contra Maximum Planudem, 141, 1275–1318. Contra Manuelem Cretensem, 1307–1406. De processione Sp. S., 1405–20. De unione Ecclesiarum, 1419–22. De dissidio. Ecclesiarum, 1421–24. GEORGIUS CYPRIUS (GREGORIUS). Expositio fidei contra Veccum, 142, 233–46. Confessio, 247–52. Apologia, 251–70. De processione Sp. S., 269–300. Epistola ad Andronicum imperatorem 267–70. JOANNES CHILAS. Epistola ad imperatorem, 142, 245–46. De processione Sp. S., 135, 505–508. Contra schismaticos; 503–4. Aliud, fg., 505–6. MAXIMUS PLANUDES. Syllogismi de processione Sp. S., 161, 309. Interpretatio S. Augustini de Trinitate seu de processione Sp. S., 147, 1113–30. ANONYMUS. De Spiritus S. processione ex Augustino, 161, 1131–1166. GEORGIUS PACHYMERES: De processione Sp. S., 144, 923–30. BARLAAM. De primatu papæ, 151, 1255–80. De unione, 1255–71. De primatu ecclesiæ Romanæ et processione Sp. S., 1271–82. Epistola ad Demetrium Cydonium de processione Sp. S., 1301–9. Ad Alexium Calochetum pro unione, 1309–14. Probatio per Scripturas de processione Spiritus S. ex Filio, 1314–30. Oratio pro unione coram Benedicto papa XII, 1331–42. ALEXIUS CALOCHETUS. Epistola ad Barlaam, 151, 1282–3. DEMETRIUS CYDONIUS. Epistola ad Barlaam de processione Sp». S., 151, 1283–1301. Aliud de processione Sp. S., 154, 863–958. NILUS CABASILAS. De dissidio Ecclesiarum, 148, 683–700. De primatu Рарæ, 699–730. CONSTANTINUS HARMENOPULUS. De fide orthodoxa, 150, 29–42. JOANNES V PALÆOLOGUS. Professio fidei. 154, 1297–1308. MANUEL CALECAS. Adversus Græcos, lib. 1–4, 152, 11–258.


Sancti dono adscribunt, quod hominem emundet et de die in diem meliorem et sanctiorem faciat; et ab eo opere vires nostrae propriae prorsus excluduntur”. § 58, 60: “Homo… ad conversionem suam prorsus nihil conferre potest. – Etsi autem Dominus hominem non cogit, ut convertatur (qui enim semper Sp. Sancto resistunt…, hi non convertuntur), attamen trahit Deus hominem, quem convertere decrevit”. §§ 63, 64: “Quando vero jam homo est conversus et illuminatus ejusque voluntas renovate est: tunc homo vult bonum (курсив подлинника), quatenus renatus et novus homo est... Et in posterum tantum boni et tamdiu bonum ooperator quantum et quamdiu a Sp. Sancto impellitur… Haec antem agitation Sp. Sancti non est coactio; sed homo conversus sponte bonum operator”. § 65: “Ex bis consequitur, quam primum Sp. Sanctus per verbum et sacramenta opus suum regenerationis et renovationis in nobis inchoavit, quod revera tune per virtutem Sp. Sancti cooperari possimus et debeamus… Hoc vero ipsum, quod cooperamus, non ex nostris carnalibus et naturalibus viribus est: sed ex novis illis viribus et donis, quae Sp. Sanctus in conversion in nobis inchoavit. § 83: Conversio enim hominis talis est immutatio per operationem Sp. Sancti, in hominis intellectu, voluntate et corde, que homo (operatione, videlicet, Sp. Sancti) potest oblatam gratiam apprehendere. Et quidem omnes illi, qui operationi et motibus Sp. Sancti (quae per verbum fiunt) contumaciter et perseveranter repugnant, non accipiunt, sed contristant et amittunt Sp. Sanctum. ibidem. 5 Confess. et expos. Christ. Fidei; cap. IX; “In regeneration intellectus illuminatur…, et voluntas ipsa non tantum mutatur per Sp. Sanctum, sed etiam instruitur facultatibus, ut sponte velit et possit bonum… Regeneratos in boni electione et operatione non tantum agree passive (docemus), sed active. Aguntur enim a Deo, ut agant ipsi, quod agunt”. Can. Dordrecht., cap. III et IV, art. XI: “Spiritus regenerantis efficacia ad intima hominis penetrat…, voluntati novas qualitates infundit, facitque eam ex mortua vivam, ex mala bonam, ex nolente volentem, ex refractaria morigeram, agitque et roborat eam”; art.


1989k      ’The Incarnation as the Basis of Dogma’ in Robert Morgan (ed.) The Religion of the Incarnation: Anglican Essays in Commemoration of Lux Mundi , Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, pp.85-98; reprinted as ‘Beginning with the Incarnation’ in On Christian Theology , pp.79-92 1989l      ’On Being Creatures’, 4 th Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture, Westminster Abbey; reprinted in On Christian Theology , pp.63-78 1989m      ’Resurrection and Peace’, Theology 92 (November), pp.481-490; reprinted in Robin Gill (ed.), Readings in Modern Theology , London: SPCK, pp.306-16; reprinted in On Christian Theology , pp.265-275 1989n      ’Trinity and Ontology’, in Kenneth Surin (ed.) Christ, Ethics and Tragedy , Cambridge: CUP, pp.71-92; reprinted in On Christian Theology , pp.148-166 1989o      ’The Unity of Christian Truth’, New Blackfriars 70.824 (February), pp.85-95; reprinted in On Christian Theology , pp.16-28 Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries 1989p      ’Eastern Orthodox theology’, in David Ford (ed.) The Modern Theologians , Oxford: Blackwell, pp.152-170; revised in the 2 nd edn, 1997 and the 3 rd, 2005 Sermons and Speeches 1989q      ’Penance in the Penitentiary’, address given in Grendon Prison, March; printed in New Life 7, pp.25-34; reprinted in Theology 95 (March/April 1992), pp.88-96 Book Reviews 1989r      Review of Peter Brown, The Body and Society: Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity , New York: Columbia University Press, 1988, and Elaine Pagels, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent: Sex and Politics in Early Christianity , New York: Random House, 1988, Theology 92 (July), pp.338-341 1989s      Review of Jean Zizioulas, Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church , London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1985, Scottish Journal of Theology 42.1, pp.101-105     1990 Articles and Lectures 1990a      ’The Finality of Christ’, in Mary Kelly (ed.) Christology and Religious Pluralism: In Memoriam Charlotte Klein , London: Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, pp.21-38; reprinted in On Christian Theology , pp.93-106


25. Petrov (1988) – Sergiy (Petrov), metropolitan. Blagovestnicheskoye puteshestviye svyatogo apostola Andreya Pervozvannogo po Skifii v svete Svyashchennogo Pisaniya i Svyashchennogo Predaniya o deyaniyakh apostol’skikh [The Blagovestnik journey of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called according to Scythia in the light of Holy Scripture and the Sacred Tradition about the deeds of the apostles]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1988, no. 7, pp. 70–76. (In Russian). 26. Solov’yev (1989) – Solov’yev A.Tolkovaya Bibliya Lopukhina [The Explicit Bible of Lopukhin]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1989, no. 9, pp. 75. (In Russian). 27. Sorokin (1987) – Sorokin V., archpriest. Slavyanskiy tekst knig Novogo Zaveta i znacheniye yego issledovaniya dlya pravoslavnogo bogosloviya [The Slavic text of the books of the New Testament and the significance of his study for Orthodox theology]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1987, no. 1, pp. 68–73; no. 2, pp. 66–69. (In Russian). 28. Strel’tsov (1989) – Strel’tsov V. O molitve po Svyashchennomu Pisaniyu [About the prayer for the Holy Scripture]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1989, no. 8, pp. 74. (In Russian). 29. Stroganov (1986) – Stroganov V., priest. «Mekhi novyye» Chetvertogo Yevangeliya [ " New bellows» of the Fourth Gospel]. Bogoslovskiye Trudy, 1986, vol. for the 300th anniversary of MDA, pp. 166–173. (In Russian). 30. Tikhon Zadonskiy (1986) – St. Tikhon Zadonskiy. Tolkovaniye Yevangeliya ot Luki [Interpretation of the Gospel of Luke]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1986, no. 10, pp. 41–44; no. 11, pp. 35–37; no. 12, pp. 43–45. (In Russian). 31. Shadrin (1989) – ShadrinV.Dukhovno-proobrazovatel’nyy aspekt 103-go psalma [Spiritual and educational aspect of the 103rd Psalm]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1989, no. 6, pp. 74; no. 7, pp. 71–74. (In Russian). 32. Yurkov (1991–1992) – YurkovA.Novozavetnaya geografiya Palestiny [The New Testament geography of Palestine]. Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii, 1991, no. 11, pp. 69–73; 1992, no. 1, pp. 70–74; no. 2, pp. 53–55; no. 4, pp. 44–49; no. 5, pp. 50–53. (In Russian).


McClure J. Bede and the Life of Ceolfrid//Peritia, 3. 1984. Pp. 71–84. McClure J. Bede’s Old Testament Kings//Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society: Studies presented to J.M. Wallace-Hadrill/Eds. P. Wormald, D. Bullough, R. Collins. Oxf., 1983. Pp. 76–98. McClure J., Collins R. Introduction//Bede. The Ecclesiastical History of English People/Transl., eds. J. McClure, R. Collins. Oxf., 1994. McCready W.D. Bede and the Isidorian Legacy//Mediaeval Studies, 57. 1995. Pp. 41–73. McCready W.D. Bede, Isidore, and the Epistola Cuthberti//Traditio, 50. 1995. Pp. 75–94. McCready W.T. Miracles and the Venerable Bede. Toronto, 1994. McNamara J. Bede’s Role in Circulating Legend in the Historia Ecclesiastica//Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History, 7. 1994. Pp. 61–70. Meyvaert P. Bede, Cassiodorus, and the Codex Amiatinus//Speculum, 71. 1996. Pp. 827–83. Meyvaert P. Bede’s Capitula Lectionum for the Old and New Testaments//Revue Bénédictine, 105. 1995. Pp. 348–80. Meyvaert P. Bede’s Text of the Libellus Responsionum of Gregory the Great to Augustine of Canterbury//Studies in Primary Sources Presented to Dorothy Whitelock. Camb., 1971. Pp. 15–33. Meyvaert P. Benedict, Gregory, Bede and Others. L., 1977. Miller M. Bede’s Roman Dates//Classica et Mediaevalia, 31. 1976. Pp. 239–52. Miller M. Bede’s Use of Gildas//English Historical Review, 90. 1975. Pp. 241–61. Miller M. Starting to Write History: Gildas, Bede, and Nennius//Welsh History Review, 8. 1977. Pp. 456–65. Mitchell B. Bede’s Account of the Poets Caedmon: Two Notes//Iceland and the Medieval World: Studies in Honour of Ian Maxwell/Eds. G. Turville-Petre, J.S. Martin. Melbourne, 1974. Pp. 126–31. Newlands C.E. Bede and Imags of saint Cuthbert//Traditio, 52. 1997. Pp. 73–109. Nicholson J. Feminae gloriosae: women in the age of Bede//Medieval Women: Dedicated and Presented to Professor Rosalind M. T. Hill on the occasion of her seventieth birthday/Ed. D. Baker. Oxf., 1978. Pp. 15–29. O " Hare C. The Story of Caedmon: Bede’s Account of the First Old English Poet//American Benedictine Review, 43. 1992. Pp. 345–357.


138 Actes de Zographou, no. 53, l. 6–9. See also Boilov, Blgarite vv Vizantijskata imperija, pp. 82–3; Pavlikianov, Ο Σλβοι στν θωνικ μον Ζωγρφου, pp. 115–16. 139 I. Sreznevskij, ‘Svedenija i zametki o maloizvestnyh i neizvestnyh pamjatnikah’, Zapiski Imperatorskoj akademii nauk (Appendix to vol. 34) (St Petersburg, 1879), pp. 24–8; Actes de Zographou, pp. 165–8, Slavic act no. 3; G. Ilinskij, Gramoty bolgarskih carej (Moscow, 1911; repr. London, 1970), pp. 21–33, no. 3; Ivanov, Blgarski starini, pp. 587–90; A. Daskalova-M. Rajkova, Gramoti na blgarskite care (Sofia, 2005), pp. 37–40. 140 Ilinskij, Gramoty bolgarskih carej, p. 22, no. 3, l. 18–21; Actes de Zographou, p. 166, Slavic act no. 3, l. 25–9; Daskalova-Rajkova, Gramoti na blgarskite care, pp. 37–8. 141 Ilinskij, Gramoty bolgarskih carej, pp. 22–3, no. 3, l. 38–48; Actes de Zographou, pp. 166–7, Slavic act no. 3, l. 50–65; Daskalova-Rajkova, Gramoti na blgarskite care, pp. 38–9. 142 Ilinskij, Gramoty bolgarskih carej, p. 23, no. 3, l. 48–60; Actes de Zographou, p. 167, Slavic act no. 3, l. 65–80; Daskalova-Rajkova, Gramoti na blgarskite care, pp. 39–40. 143 Cf. Actes de Zographou, no. 36, l. 12–16. Cf. also Ph. Malingoudis, Die mittelalterlichen Inschriften der Hämus-Halbinsel. I. Die bulgarischen Inschriften (Thessaloniki, 1979), p. 87; V. Gjuzelev, Bulgarien zwischen Orient und Okzident. Die Grundlagen seiner geistigen Kultur vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahnhundert (Vienna-Köln-Weimar, 1993), p. 107; K. Pavlikianov, The Medieval Aristocracy on Mount Athos (Sofia, 2001), p. 164; Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit, I–XII, ed. E. Trapp (Vienna, 1976–95) (hereafter PLP), no. 26861. 144 For Philotheos, see PLP, no. 11917; Pavlikianov, The Medieval Aristocracy on Mount Athos, pp. 95–6. 145 Actes de Zographou, no. 46; H. Gelzer, ‘Sechs Urkunden des Georgsklosters Zografu’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 12 (1903), 499–500 and 507–8, no. 1. 147 Actes de Zographou, no. 46, l. 19–22; Gelzer, Sechs Urkunden des Georgsklosters Zografu, pp. 499–500, 507, no. 1, l. 14–16 (verses 21–4). Cf. also J. Darrouzès, Les regestes des actes du Patriarchat de Constantinople. I. Les actes des patriarches. Fascicle 5. Les regestes de 1310–1376 (Paris, 1977), pp. 546–7, no. 2653.


The Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer, trans. J. E. Bamberger OCSO, Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1981. Evagrius Scholasticus Ecclesiastical History, trans. M. Whitby, Translated Texts for Historians, 33, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000. Gregory Akindynos Discourse before Patriarch John XIV , trans. (Spanish) J. N. Cañellas in C. G. and V. Conticello (eds.), La théologie byzantine et sa tradition, vol. II, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002. Gregory of Nazianzus Epistle 101, trans. L. Wickham in St Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Christ, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2002, pp. 155–66. Oration 2, In Defence of His Flight To Pontus, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 204–27. Oration 14, On the Love of the Poor, trans. B. E. Daley, SJ, Gregory of Nazianzus, London and New York: Routledge, 2006, pp. 75–97; also trans. M. Vinson, St Gregory of Nazianzus. Select Orations, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2003, pp. 39–71. Oration 21, On the Great Athanasius, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 269–80. Oration 31, The Fifth Theological Oration, On the Holy Spirit, trans. L. Wickham in St Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Christ, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2002, pp. 117–47; NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 318–28. Oration 38, On Theophany, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 345–52. Oration 40, On Holy Baptism, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 360–77. Oration 42, The Last Farewell, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 385–95. Oration 43, Panegyric on St Basil, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 395–422. Oration 45, The Second Oration on Easter, NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 422–34. Gregory of Nyssa Against Eunomius, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 5, pp. 33–248. Great Catechism, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 5, pp. 473–509. Homilies on Ecclesiastes, ed. and trans. P. Alexandre in Grégoire de Nysse, Homélies sur l’Écclésiaste, SC 416, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1996. Homily on the Beatitudes, trans. A. Meredith in Gregory of Nyssa, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, pp. 91–9; see also H. R. Drobner and A. Viciano (eds.), Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Beatitudes. An English Version with Commentary and Supporting Studies. Proceedings of the 8th Intl. Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Leiden, Boston and Cologne: Brill, 2000.


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