All priests of the Russian tradition also wear a silver (sometimes gold) cross over the phelonion or cassock. Greek and other Orthodox clergy only wear the pectoral cross (usually a jeweled or enameled cross) if they have been awarded this as a mark of special honor. The jeweled cross is also reserved for very senior priests in the Slavic Orthodox tradition. The bishop wears, in and out of church, a jeweled medallion or panagia over the chest of his cassock, normally featuring an icon of the Virgin Mary. Archbishops and metropolitans are denoted by a second engolpion (meaning “that which is worn on the breast”) featur­ing Christ, or a jeweled pectoral cross along­side the panagia. In the liturgy the bishop also wears the mitre which is modeled on the ancient Byzantine imperial crown. In some Slavic traditions the mitre can be awarded as a sign of honor to an archpriest or higumen. The bishop’s mitre is surmounted by a cross, while a mitred- archpriest’s is not. A bishop will also carry a pastoral staff, usually T-shaped, symbol­izing authority to govern. From early medi­eval times a code of vestment colors was developed to reflect the liturgical seasons: gold or white for normal Sundays, green for feasts of the Spirit, red for the Lord’s festi­vals, purple for Holy Week, and white for Pascha. Plate 77 A convent workshop in Romania. The monastics support themselves from their own labors. Photo by John McGuckin SEE ALSO: Divine Liturgy, Orthodox; Epis­copacy; Epitrachelion; Phelonion; Sticharion REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Chrysostomos, A. (1981) Byzantine Liturgical Dress. Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Cope, J. (1986) “Vestments,” in J. G. Davies (ed.) A New Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship. London: SCM Canterbury Press. McGuckin, J. A. (2004) “Vestments,” in The Westminster Handbook to Patristics Theology. London: Westminster/John Knox Press. Mayo, J. (1984) A History of Ecclesiastical Dress. New York: Holmes and Meier. Pavan, V. (1992) “Liturgical Vestments,” in A. Di Berardino (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Early Church, vol. 2. Cambridge: James Clarke. Pocknee, C. E. (1960) Liturgical Vesture: Its Origins and Development. London: A. R. Mowbray Читать далее Источник: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity/John Anthony McGuckin - Maldin : John Wiley; Sons Limited, 2012. - 862 p. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное

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166 R.M.Grant, «The Appeal to the Early Fathers», JTS 11 (1, 1960), pp.13–24, перепечатано в: R. M.Grant, After the New Testament: Studies in Early Christian Literature and Theology (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1967). Более полный обзор см. в: J.Pelikan, The Christian Tradition, Vol.2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974), pp.8–36, «The Authority of the Fathers». 167 Oscar Cullmann, Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr, trans. F.V.Filson (New York: Meridian Books, 1964), pp.158–162. 168 Среди современных редакторов таких серий – Крэмер (J.Gramer), Лицман (H.Lietzmann), Стааб (K.Slaab), Рейс (J.Reuss) и другие. Собрания толкований в английском переводе: Johanna Manley, ed., The Bible and, the Holy Fathers for Orthodox: Daily Scripture Readings and Commentary (Menlo Park: Monastery Books, 1990), и, под ee же редакцией: Grace for Grace: The Psalter and the Holy Fathers (Menlo Park: Monastery Books, 1992). 170 ed., «The Seven Ecumenical Councils», in The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol.14 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991), pp.374–375. Примерно тысячу лет спустя, в связи с Реформацией и опасностью протестантской миссионерской активности, патриарх Иеремия III в окружном послании 1723 года запретил православным христианам даже чтение Писания! Очевидно, это не общая позиция Православной церкви, а пастырская мера, предпринятая с целью защитить верующих во времена, когда церковь не имела свободы и средств для обеспечения своих членов систематическим христианским образованием. 171 Symeon the New Theologian: Discourses, trans. C.J. de Catanzaro, опубликованы в серии The Classic of Western Spirituality (New York: Paulist, 1980). B этих и некоторых других случаях содержание серии не соответствует ее назнанию. См. особ. речи 13, 15–18 и 28–34. Подробнее о св. Симеоне см. главу 7 и Приложение II. 172 В числе прочих назову: R.P.C. Hanson, Allegory and Event (London: SCM Press, 1959); G.W.H. Lampe and K.J.Woolkombe, Essays on Typology (Naper-ville: Allenson, 1957); G.A.Banois, The Face of Christ in the Old Testament (Crestwood: St.Vladimir " s Seminary Press, 1974); и исследования Панагопулоса. См. также руководства по патристической экзегезе, указанные ранее, в сноске 152.

3 Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas (New York: Random House, 2003), 32. Pagels is talking about the so-called Nag Hammadi texts, discovered near the Egyptian village of Nag Hammadi in 1945. In fact, the entire ‘Nag Hammadi library’, as it is sometimes called, totalling somewhat more than 1,000 papyrus pages, tumbled out of a single broken um about two feet high at the time of its discovery, and the standard, modem English translation occupies a single paper­back volume that sits comfortably in the palm of one hand. That English edition is: James M. Robinson (general editor), The Nag Hammadi Library in English (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1990). For the story of the discovery, including the height of the um, see Bart D. Ehrman, Lost Christianities (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 52; also W. C. van Unnik, Newly Discovered Gnostic Writings: A Preliminary Survey of the Nag Hammadi Find (London: SCM Press, 1960), 10. For the number of pages, see Christoph Markschies, Gnosis: An Introduction, tr. J. Bowden (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2003), 49. 4 Stephen Prothero, American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2003), 7 – 8. 5 For an account of the Council and the question of the authenticity of the list, see the still authoritative B. F. Westcott, A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, 6th edn. (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1980; repr. of 1889 original), 431 – 9. The list of New Testament books is identical to the contents of the traditional New Testament except that it omits the book of Revelation. 6 Bart Ehrman, ‘Christianity Turned on Its Head: The Alternative Vision of the Gospel of Judas’, in R. Kasser, M. Meyer, and G. Wurst (eds.), The Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos (Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2006), 77 – 120, at 118. See also Ehrman, Lost Christianities, whose chapters include titles such as ‘The Arsenal of the Conflicts: Polemical Treatises and Personal Slurs’ and ‘Additional Weapons in the Polemical Arsenal: Forgeries and Falsifications’.

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