PlanEpist Maximi monachi Planudis epistulae, ed. P.A.M.Leone. Amsterdam 1991. [ca 1300] PlanId Maximi Planudis Idyllium, rec. Ph.Pontani. Università di Padova, Ist. di studi biz. e neogreci, Quaderni 7. Padova 1973. [ca 1300] PlanOv Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libri XV graece versi a Maximo Planude, ed. J.F.Boissonade. Paris 1822. [ca 1300] PlanSprich Die Sprichwörtersammlung des Maximus Planudes, erläutert von E.Kurtz. Leipzig 1886. [ca 1300] PLaur Dai Papiri della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, ed. R.Pintaudi. I–IV. Firenze 1976–1983. PLBatXXV Papyri, ostraca ... in the Leiden Papyrological Institute, ed. F.A.J.Hoogendijk and P.van Minnen. Leiden 1991. Plethon Pléthon, Traité des Lois, ed. C.Alexandre. Paris 1858. [seitengleicher ND in R.Brague, Pléthon. Traité des Lois. Paris 1982] [s.XV] PLond Greek Papyri in the British Museum. I– . London 1893– " > Greek Papyri in the British Museum. I– . London 1893– (siehe auch PAphr). PlusDial Johannes Plusiadenos, Dialexis. PG 159,960–1024. [s.XV] PMich Michigan Papyri. I– . Ann Arbor 1931– . PMonac Die Papyri der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Griechische Papyri I–III. Stuttgart 1986. PNaqlun I T.Derda, Deir El-Naqlun: The Greek Papyri. Warszawa 1995. PoemApost G.Schirò, Un poemetto bizantino inedito per gli apostoli Pietro e Paolo. Atti Ist. Veneto, Cl. Scienze mor. e lett. 115 (1956/7) 187–209. [ca 1200] PoemAstr E.Miller, Poèmes astronomiques de Théodore Prodrome et de Jean Camatère. Notices et extraits XXIII 2. Paris 1872. [s.XII] PoemMor E.Miller, Poème moral de Constantin Manassès. Annuaire Assoc. ét. gr. 9 (1875) 23–75. [s.XIII?] PoesSal A.Acconcia Longo, Un nuovo codice con poesie salentine (Laur. 58,25) e l’assedio di Gallipoli del 1268–69. RSBN N.S.20–21 (30–31) (1983–1984) 123–170. [s.XIII] PoetItal G.Luongo, Due preghiere in versi di un poeta italobizantino. Annali fac. lett. Univ. Napoli 22 (1979–1980) 77–176. [s.XII] PoetOtr Poeti bizantini di Terra d’Otranto nel secolo XIII, ed. M.Gigante. Napoli 1979 (Index 217–242). [s.XIII]

Handbook of Patristic Exegesis. The Bible in Ancien Christianity. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2004. V. 1. 668 p. V. 2. 827 p.; Simonetti M. Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church. An Historical Introduction to Patristic Exegesis. Edinburg, 154 p. О методах представителей Александрийской школы см. сведения в фундаментальном исследовании: Саврей В. Л. Александрийская школа в истории философско-богословской мысли. 3-е изд. М., 1008 с. Подробный список современных западных исследований по святоотеческой экзегезе библейских книг, см. в издании: Sieben H.J. Exegesis Patrum. Saggio bibliografico sull’esegesi biblica dei Padri della Chiesa. Roma, 1983. 150 p. Конкретные примеры святоотеческой экзегезы можно найти в книге: Поликарпов Д. , прот. Толкования святых отцов и учителей Церкви и богослужебные песнопения на мессианские места Библии: Книги законоположительные и исторические. СПб., 1914. с. 435 Подробнее о понимании богодухновенности церковными авторами см. серию статей Д.С. Леонардова: Леонардов Д.С. Учение о богодухновенности Священного Писания мужей апостольских//Вера и разум. 1898. 5. С. 286–302; Леонардов Д.С. Учение о богодухновенности Священного Писания апологетов II века//Вера и разум. 1901. 9. С. 55911 ;580. С. 722–750; 13. С. 25–54; Леонардов Д.С. Теория богодухновенности в александрийской школе: Теория Климента Александрийского //Вера и разум. 1906. 1. С. 172 ;30. С. 70–94; 3. С. 132–150; 4. С. 375–404; Леонардов Д.С. Теория богодухновенности в александрийской школе: Теория Оригена //Вера и разум. 1907. 4. С. 443–465; 5. С. 583–600; 6. С. 764– 774; 9. С. 330–348; 12. С. 765–788; 18. С. 711–736; Леонардов Д.С. Учение свт. Иоанна Златоуста о богодухновенности Библии//Вера и разум. 1912. С. 3444 ;376. С. 429–448; 5. С. 606–627; 7. С. 69–93; 8. С. 185–205; 9. С. 319–342; 10. С. 464–480; 11. С. 604–626; 12. С. 737–758. 436 Kannengiesser Ch. Handbook of Patristic Exegesis. The Bible in Ancien Christianity. V. 1. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2004. P. 167. 438 Об использовании данного метода свт.

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E. The Paul of Acts: Essays in Literary Criticism, Rhetoric, and Theology. Tüb., 1999; Mitchell M. M. The Heavenly Trumpet: John Chrysostom and the Art of Pauline Interpretation. Tüb., 2000; Cirillo L. L " antipaolinismo nelle Pseudoclementine: Un riesame della questione//Verus Israel: Nuove prospettive sul giudeocristianesimo/Ed. G. Filoramo, C. Gianotto. Brescia, 2001. P. 280-303; Clark A. C. Parallel Lives: The Relation of Paul to the Apostles in the Lucan Perspective. Carlisle, 2001; Das Ende des Paulus: Historische, theologische und literaturgeschichtlische Aspekte/Hrsg. F. W. Horn. B.; N. Y., 2001; Löhr H. Zur Paulus-Notiz in I Clem 5. 5-7//Ibid. S. 197-213; Osborn E. Irenaeus of Lyons. Camb. etc., 2001; idem. Tertullian, First Theologian of the West. Camb., 20032; idem. Clement of Alexandria. Camb., 2005; Berding K. Polycarp and Paul: An Analysis of Their Literary and Theological Relationship in Light of Polycarp " s Use of Biblical and Extra-Biblical Literature. Leiden etc., 2002; idem. John or Paul?: Who Was Polycarp " s Mentor?//Tyndale Bull. L., 2008. Vol. 59. N 1. P. 135-143; Hartog P. Polycarp and the NT: The Occasion, Rhetoric, Theme, and Unity of the Epistle to the Philippians and Its Allusions to NT Literature. Tüb., 2002; Mount Ch. Pauline Christianity: Luke-Acts and the Legacy of Paul. Leiden etc., 2002; Padovese L. L " antipaulinisme chrétien au IIe siècle//RechSR. 2002. T. 90. N 3. P. 399-422; Barrett C. K. Pauline Controversies in the Post-Pauline Period// Idem. On Paul: Essays on His Life, Work, and Influence in the Early Church. L.; N. Y., 2003. P. 155-177; Bovon F. The Apostolic Memories in Ancient Christianity// Idem. Studies in Early Christianity. Tüb., 2003. P. 1-16; idem. Paul as Document and Paul as Monument// Idem. New Testament and Christian Apocrypha: Collected Studies II/Ed. G. E. Snyder. Tüb., 2009. P. 307-317; Burnet R. Épîtres et lettres, Ier-IIe siècle: De Paul de Tarse à Polycarpe de Smyrne. P., 2003; Roetzel C. J. Paul in the II Century//The Cambridge Companion to St.

5  See R. Hugh Connolly, «On the Meaning of «Epiclesis " », Downside Review (January 1923): 28–43, written in reply to John Walton Tyrer, The Eucharistic Epiclesis (Liverpool: Longmans, Green, 1917); R. Hugh Connolly, «The Meaning of πκλησις: A Reply», Journal of Theological Studies 25 (1924): 337–364, written in reply to John Walton Tyrer, «The Meaning of πκλησις», ibid., 139–150. The two latter articles present a very detailed list of the contexts of the usage of πικαλεν/πικαλεσθαι and πικλησις in early Christianity. See also Odo Casel, «Zur Epiklese», Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft 3 (1923): 100–102; and idem, «Neue Beiträge zur Epiklese-frage», Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft 4 (1924): 169–178; and Johannes Betz, Die Eucharistie in der Zeit der griechischen Väter, Bd. I/1 (freiburg: Herder, 1955), 320–342. 6  It is noteworthy that in the Byzantine Eucharistic liturgies of BAS and CHR the verb πικαλεσθαι is used in both senses. In the ekphonesis before the Our Father it has the sense of «naming»: «And make us worthy, Master, with confidence and without fear of condemnation, to dare call You [πικαλεσθαι], the heavenly God, Father», while in the prayers of the clergy before the Great Entrance (i.e., in the so-called «prayers of the faithful», though the actual prayer of the laity is a litany read simultaneously with these) and after it (after the Great Entrance – only in CHR, before – in both BAS and CHR) it has the sense of «calling forth». 7  Greek text in Claude Jenkins, «Origen on I Corinthians, [part] III», Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908): 502. On Origen as a witness to the Eucharistic theology and practice of his time see Harald Buchinger, «Early Eucharist in Transition? A Fresh Look at Origen», in Jewish and Christian Liturgy and Worship: New Insights into Its History and Interaction, ed. Albert Gerhards and Clemens Leonhard (Leiden: Brill, 2007), 207–227, and the literature indicated there. 8  ET from Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn, The Acts of Thomas, 2 nd ed. (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 77.

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