S. Eutychius Cp. Patriarcha. Sermo de Paschate et de sacrosanct Eucharistia//PG 86b: 2391–2400. Flavius Justinianus Imperator. Edictum contra Origenem//M. Amelotti, L. M. Zingale. Scritti teologici ed ecclesiastici di Giustiniano. Milan: Giuffre, 1977: 68–118 (TLG). Gennadius Patriarcha I Constantinopolitanus. Fragmenta in epistulam ad Romanos (in catenis)//K. Staab. Pauluskommentar aus der griechischen Kirche aus Katenenhandschriften gesammelt. Münster: Aschendorff, 1933: 352–418 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Comparatio vitarum (=carmen morale 8)//H. M. Werhahn. Gregorii Nazianzeni Σγκρισις βων [Klassisch-philologische Studien 15. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1953]: 22–29 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Ad Graecos ex communibus notionibus//F. Mueller. Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 3. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1958: 19–33 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De fide ad Simplicium//PG 45: 135–146. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Ad Theophilum adversus Apollinaristas//F. Mueller. Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 3. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1958: 119–128 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Antirrheticus adversus Apollinarium//Ibid.: 131–233 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Apologia in hexaemeron//PG 44: 61–124 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Contra Eunomium//W. Jaeger. Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vols. 1. 1 – 2. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1960: 1. 1: 3–409; 2. 2: 3–311 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De Beatitudinibus. Oratio VI//PG 44: 1194–1302. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De creatione hominis sermo alter [Sp.]//H. Hörner. Gregorii Nysseni opera, suppl. Leiden: Brill, 1972: 41–72 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De creatione hominis sermo alter (recensio C) [Sp.]//H. Hörner. Gregorii Nysseni opera, suppl. Leiden: Brill, 1972: 41a 72a (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De creatione hominis sermo primus [Sp.]//H. Hörner. Gregorii Nysseni opera, suppl. Leiden: Brill, 1972: 2–40 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De hominis opificio//PG 44: 123–256. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De infantibus praemature abreptis//H. Hörner. Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 3. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1986: 67–97 (TLG).


S. 329-340; Zandee J. The Terminology of Plotinus and of Some Gnostic Writings, Mainly the Fourth Treatise of the Jung Codex. Istanbul, 1961; Krause M. Das literarische Verhältnis des Eugnostosbriefes zur Sophia Jesu Christi//Mullus: FS Th. Klauser. Münster, 1964. S. 215-223; idem. Zur Bedeutung des gnostisch-hermetischen Handschriftenfundes von Nag Hammadi//Essays on the Nag Hammadi Texts: In Honour of Pahor Labib/Ed. M. Krause. Leiden, 1975. P. 65-89; idem. The Christianisation of Gnostic Texts//NT and Gnosis: Essays in Honour of R. M. Wilson/Ed. H. B. Logan, A. J. M. Wedderburn. Edinb., 1983. P. 187-194; idem. Die literarischen Gattungen der Apokalypsen von Nag Hammadi//Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East/Ed. D. Hellholm. Tüb., 19892. P. 621-637; Quispel G. Gnosticism and the NT//VChr. 1965. Vol. 19. N 2. P. 65-85; Grant R. M. Gnosticism and Early Christianity. N. Y.; L., 19662; Bianchi U. Perspectives de la recherche sur les origines du gnosticisme//Le Origini dello Gnosticismo: Colloquio di Messina 13-18 aprile 1966. Leiden, 1967. P. 716-746; Rudolph K. Der gnostische «Dialog» als literarisches Genus//Probleme der koptischen Literatur/Hrsg. P. Nagel. Halle, 1968. S. 85-107; Scholer D. M. Nag Hammadi Bibliography: 1948-1969. Leiden, 1971; idem. 1970-1994. Leiden, 1997; idem. Leiden, 2009; Schenke H.-M. Das sethianische System nach Nag-Hammadi Handschriften//Studia Coptica/Hrsg. P. Nagel. B., 1974. S. 165-173; idem. The Phenomenon and Significance of Gnostic Sethianism//Rediscovery of Gnosticism: Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Gnosticism at Yale. March 28-31, 1978/Ed. B. Layton. Leiden, 1981. Vol. 2: Sethian Gnosticism. P. 588-616; Wisse F. The Nag Hammadi Library and Heresiologists//VChr. 1971. Vol. 25. N 3. P. 205-223; idem. Gnosticism and Early Monasticism in Egypt//Gnosis: FS für H. Jonas/Hrsg. B. Aland. Gött., 1978. P. 431-440; idem. Stalking Those Elusive Sethians//Rediscovery of Gnosticism. Leiden, 1981. P. 563-576; idem. After the Synopsis: Prospects and Problems in Establishing a Critical Text of the Apocryphon of John and in Defining its Historical Location//The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years/Ed.


W. Watts/Ed. J. W. Watts, P. R. House. Sheffield, 1996. P. 86-101; Bosshard-Nepustil E. Rezeptionen von Jesaia 1-39 im Zwölfprophetenbuch: Untersuch. z. literarischen Verbindung von Prophetenbüchern in babylonischer und persischer Zeit. Freiburg (Schweiz); Gött., 1997; Macintosh A. A. A Crit. and Exegetical Comment. on Hosea. Edinb., 1997; Schart A. Die Entstehung des Zwölfprophetenbuchs: Neubearbeitungen von Amos im Rahmen schriftenübergreifender Redaktionsprozesse. B.; N. Y., 1998; Fernández Marcos N. The Septuagint in Context: Introd. to the Greek Version of the Bible/Transl. W. G. E. Watson. Leiden etc., 2000; Redditt P. L. The Production and Reading of the Book of the Twelve//Reading and Hearing the Book of the Twelve/Ed. J. D. Nogalski, M. A. Sweeney. Atlanta, 2000. P. 11-33; Tov E. Scribal Practices and Approached Reflected in the Texts of Judaean Desert. Leiden, 2004; Beck M. Der «Tag YHWHs» im Dodekapropheton: Studien im Spannungsfeld von Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte. B.; N. Y., 2005; Brooke G. The Twelve Minor Prophets and the Dead Sea Scrolls//Congress Volume: Intern. Organisation for the Study of the OT. Congr., 18th. Leiden 2004/Ed. A. Lemaire. Leiden, 2006. P. 19-43; Guillaume Ph. A Reconsideration of Manuscripts Classified as Scrolls of the Twelve Minor Prophets (XII)//JHebrS. 2007. Vol. 7. P. 2-12; The Minor Prophets in the NT/Ed. M. J. J. Menken, S. Moyise. L.; N. Y., 2009; Shepherd M. B. The Twelve Prophets in the NT. N. Y., 2011; Weissenberg H., von. The Twelve Minor Prophets at Qumran and the Canonical Process: Amos as a «Case Study»//The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls/Ed. N. David, A. Lange e. a. Gött., 2012. P. 357-376; Glenny W. E. Hosea: A Commentary Based on Hosea in Codex Vaticanus. Leiden; Boston, 2013; Dines J. M. The Minor Prophets//The T(?)T Clark Companion to the Septuagint/Ed. J. K. Aitken. L.; N. Y., 2015. P. 438-455; Harper J. L. Responding to a Puzzled Scribe: The Barberini Version of Habakkuk 3 Analysed in the Light of the Other Greek Versions.


B., 1971. Bd. 66. N 3. S. 117-130; Scholer D. M. Nag Hammadi Bibliography: 1948-1969. Leiden, 1971. P. 56-58; Klijn A. F. J., Reinink G. J. Patristic Evidence for Jewish-Christian Sects. Leiden; Camb., 1973. P. 3-19, 74-77; Simon M. Réflexions sur le Judéo-Christianisme//Christianity, Judaism, and Other Greco-Roman Cults: Studies for M. Smith at Sixty/Ed. J. Neusner. Leiden, 1975. Pt. 2. P. 53-76; Perkins Ph. Irenaeus and the Gnostics: Rhetoric and Composition in Adversus Haereses Book One//VChr. 1976. Vol. 30. N 3. P. 193-200; Wengst K. Häresie und Orthodoxie im Spiegel des ersten Johannesbriefes. Gütersloh, 1976; idem. Probleme der Johannesbriefe//ANRW. 1998. Tl. 2. Bd. 25. Hlbd. 5. S. 3753-3772; Hall S. G. Aloger//TRE. 1978. Bd. 2. S. 290-295; Schnackenburg R. Die Johannesbriefe. Freiburg i. Br., 19796. S. 19-20; Weiss H.-F. Das Gesetz in der Gnosis//Altes Testament - Frühjudentum - Gnosis: Neue Studien zu «Gnosis und Bibel»/Hrsg. K. W. Tröger. B., 1980. S. 71-88; Brown R. E. The Epistles of John. Garden City (N. Y.), 1982; Brox N. «Doketismus»: Eine Problemanzeige//ZKG. 1984. Bd. 95. S. 301-314; Heldermann J. Die Anapausis im Evangelium Veritatis: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des valentinisch-gnostischen Heilsgutes der Ruhe im Evangelium Veritatis und in anderen Schriften der Nag-Hammadi-Bibliothek. Leiden, 1984; P é trement S. Le Dieu séparé: Les origines du gnosticisme. P., 1984; Wright B. G. Cerinthus «Apud» Hippolytus: An Inquiry into The Traditions about Cerinthus " s Provenance//The Second Century. Abilene (Tex.), 1984. Vol. 4. N 2. P. 103-115; MacRae G. W. Studies in the New Testament and Gnosticism. Wilmington, 1987; Puech H. C., Blatz B. Andere gnostische Evangelien und verwandte Literatur//Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung/Hrsg. W. Schneemelcher. Tüb., 19875. Bd. 1. S. 285-329; Skarsaune O. The Proof from Prophecy: A Study in Justin Martyr " s Proof-Text Tradition. Leiden, 1987; Crossan J. D. The Cross That Spoke: The Origins of the Passion Narrative.


чудотворца. 56 Γρηγορου Θεολγου. Λγος 39, Εις τα για φτα 13, PG 36: 349 Α; Γρηγορου Παλαμ, Λγος 58, Εις την γννησιν Κυρου 5, " λληνες Πατρες της Εκκλησας, т. 2, с. 462. 57 Отец Эмилиан имеет в виду серию проповедей, произнесенных в храме святителя Николая в Трикале в 1970 и 1971 гг. 59 Первый тропарь третьей песни первого канона на утрене праздника Преображения Господня 6/19 августа: «Во всего Адама облекся, Христе, очерневшее изменив, просветил еси древле естество, и изменением зрака Твоего благосодеял еси», из Минеи. 60 Третья стихира на Хвалитех на утрене Святых отец Седьмого Вселенского Собора 11/24 октября, из Минеи. 61 Κυπριανο Καρχηδνος, Επιστολ 73. 21, PL3: 1123Β (=CSEL, т. III, 2, Wien 1871, с. 795, στιχ 3–4): “salus extra ecclesiam non est”. 67 W.Jaeger, Gregorii Nysseni Opera, De vita Moysis, t. VII. I, Leiden 1959, Γρηγορου Νσσης, Εις τον βον Μωυσως 2, с.96– 97 (далее – Γρηγορου Νσσης, Εις τον βον Μωυσως). 68 W.Jaeger, Gregorii Nysseni Opera ascetica, De virginitate, t. VII. I, Leiden, 1963, Γρηγορου Νσσης, Περι παρθενας 4, стих. 17–18 (далее- Γρηγορου Νσσης, Περ παρθενας). 69 Διαταγαι ’Αποστλων 2, 27, ΒΕΠΕΣ, т. 2, с. 35– 36, 39 и далее (далее – Διαταγαι ’Αποστλων); Ιγνατου ’Αντιχειας, Σμυρναοις 9, 1, ΒΕΠΕΣ, т. 2, с. 281, стих. 29–30. (далее – Ιγνατου ’Αντιχειας, Σμυρναοις). 70 Ιγνατου ’Αντιχειας, Σμυρναοις 8,315, стих. 8; ω. Δ. Ζιζολα, μητροπολτου Περγμου, ντης τς Εκκλησας ν τ θεα Ευχαριστα και τ πισκπφ κατ τος τρεις πρτους αινας. θηναι 1990. 71 Κυπριανο Καρχηδνος, Περ τς ντητος Καθολικς Εκκλησας, 6, PL 4: 503 A (=CSEL, т. III. 1. Wien 1868, σ. 214). 73 W. Jaeger, Gregorii Nysseni Opera, In ecclesiasten Homiliae, t. V, Leiden 1962, Γρηγορου Νσσης, Εκκλησιαστς 2, с. 299, стих. 3–9. 75 W. Jaeger, Gregorii Nysseni Opera, De Beatitubinibus, t. VII. II, Leiden 1992, Γρηγορου Νσσης, Εις τος μακαρισμος 8, стих. 11–14. 79 Νικολου Καβσιλα, Εις θεαν λειτουργαν 50, 22– 23, Φιλοκαλα τν Νηπτικν και ’Ασκητικν, " λληνες Πατρες τς Εκκλησας, т. 22, Θεσσαλονκη 1979, с. 2422–244. (далее – Νικολου Καβσιλα, Εις θεαν λειτουργαν).


of the Vth Intern. Symp. of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 19–23 Jan., 2000/Ed. E. G. Chazon. Leiden, 2003. P. 133–149; Nitzan B. Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry. Leiden; N. Y.; Köln, 1994; idem. The Textual, Literary, and Religious Character of 4QBerakhot (4Q286–290)//The Provo Intern. Conf. on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues/Ed. D. W. Parry, E. Ulrich. Leiden, 1999. P. 636–656; Schuller E. M. Prayer, Hymnic and Liturgical Texts from Qumran//The Community of the Renewed Covenant: The Notre Dame Symp. on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Notre Dame, 1994. P. 153–171; eadem. Some Contributions of the Cave Four Manuscripts (4Q427–432) to the Study of the Hodayot//DSD. 2001. Vol. 8. N 3. P. 278–287; eadem. Some Reflections on the Function and Use of Poetical Texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls//Liturgical Perspectives. Leiden, 2003. P. 173–189; eadem. Prayer at Qumran//Prayer from Tobit to Qumran/Ed. R. Egger-Wenzel, J. Corley. B.; N. Y., 2004. P. 411–428; Dimant D. Men as Angels: The Self-Image of the Qumran Community//Religion and Politics in the Ancient Near East/Ed. A. Berlin. Bethesdah (Maryland), 1996. P. 93–103; Eshel E. 4Q471: A Self-Glorification Hymn//RevQ. 1996. Vol. 17. N 65/68. P. 175–203; eadem. Prayer in Qumran and the Synagogue//Gemeinde ohne Tempel/Hrsg. B. Ego, A. Lange, P. Pilhofer. Tüb., 1999. S. 323–334; Charlesworth J. H., ed. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations. Töb.; Louisville, 1997. Vol. 4A: Pseudepigraphic and Non-Masoretic Psalms and Prayers; 1999. Vol. 4B: Angelic Liturgy: Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice; Flint P. W. The Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls and the Book of Psalms. Leiden, 1997; idem. Psalms and Psalters in the Dead Sea Scrolls//The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls/Ed. J. H. Charlesworth. Waco (Tex.), 2006. Vol. 1: Scripture and the Scrolls. P. 233–272; Falk D. K. Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

http://pravenc.ru/text/Кумранская ...

ÉVAGRE LE PONTIQUE, Traité pratique ou le Moine, 2 tomes, introduction, texte critique, traduction et commentaire par A. et Cl. Guillaumont, (SC 170–171), Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1971. – Sur la prière, dans La Philocalie, I, présentée par O. Clément, notes et traduction de J. Touraille, Paris, DDB/J.-C. Lattès, 1995, p. 98–111. I. Hausherr, Les leçons d’un contemplatif. Le Traité de l’Oraison d’Évagre le Pontique, Paris, Beauchesne, 1960. (L’œuvre est attribuée à Nil de Sinaï.) GRÉGOIRE LE GRAND, Dialogues, tome I, introduction, bibliographie, cartes par A. de Vogüé (SC 251), Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1978. – Dialogues, tome II, livres I-III, texte critique et notes par A. de Vogüé, traduction par P. Antin (SC 260), Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1979. – Dialogues, tome III, livre IV, texte critique et notes par A. de Vogüé, traduction par P. Antin, (SC 265), Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1980. GRÉGOIRE DE NYSSE, Adversus Macedonianos, De Spiritu Sancto, dans W. JAEGER, Gregorii Nysseni opera, III, 1, Leiden, 1958, p. 89–115. – La Création de l’homme, introduction et traduction par J. Laplace, notes par J. Daniélou (SC 6), Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2002. – Contra Eunomium, dans W. JAEGER, Gregorii Nysseni opera, I et II, Leiden, 1960. – De instituto christiano, dans W. JAEGER, Gregorii Nysseni opera, WIII, 1, Opuscula ascetica, Leiden, 1952, p. 40–89. – De professione christiana ad Harmonium, dans W. JAEGER, Gregorii Nysseni opera, VIII, 1, Opuscula ascetica, Leiden, 1952, p. 129–142. – Discours catéchétique, texte grec de E. Mühlenberg, introduction, traduction et notes R. Winling (SC 453), Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 2000. – Écrits spirituels: La Profession chrétienne, Traité de la perfection, Enseignement sur la vie chrétienne (De instituto christiano), présentation de M. Canévet, traduction de J. Millet, M. Devailly, Ch. Bouchet, (PDF 40), Paris, Migne, 1990. – In Hexaemeron explicatio apologetica, PG 44, 61–124. – Sur l’âme et la résurrection, présentation et traduction par J. Terrieux, coll. «Sagesses chrétiennes», Paris, Éd.


S. Gregorius Nyssenus. In Ecclesiasten//In Inscriptiones Psalmorum: In Sextum Psalmum: In Ecclesiasten Homiliae/J. McDonough, P. Alexander (eds.). Leiden: Brill Academic, 1986 (Gregorii Nysseni opera, Vol. 5) (TLG), PG 44: 615–754. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. In Hexaemeron explicatio apologetica//PG 44: 61–124. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Ιn psalmorum inscriptiones//PG 44: 431–616. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. In sanctum pascha (vulgo In Christi resurrectionem Oratio III)//E. Gebhardt (ed.). Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 9. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1967: 245–270 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Oratio catechetica magna//E. Mühlenberg (ed.). Discours Catéchétique. Introduction, traduction et notes par Raymond Winling [Sources chrétiennes 453. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2000]: 136–338 (TLG), PG 45: 9–106. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Oratio Funebris de Placilla//PG 46: 877–892. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Oratio funebris in Meletium Episcopum//A. Spira (ed.). Gregorii Nysseni opera, vol. 9. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1967: 441–457 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Refutatio confessionis Eunomii//W. Jaeger (ed.). Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 2. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1960: 312–410 (TLG). Gregorius Thaumaturgus. In Origenem oratio panegyrica//H. Crouzel (ed.). Grégoire le Thaumaturge. Remerciement à Origène suivi de la lettre d’Origène à Grégoire [Sources chrétiennes 148. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1969]: 94–182 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Ad Gregorium Nyssenum (orat. 11)//PG 35: 832–841 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Ad Julianum tributorum exaequatorem (orat. 19)//PG 35: 1044–1064 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Ad patrem (orat. 12)//PG 35: 844–849 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Adversus Eunomianos (orat. 27)//J. Barbel (ed.). Gregor von Nazianz. Die fünf theologischen Reden. Düsseldorf: Patmos–Verlag, 1963: 38–60 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Apologetica (orat. 2)//PG 35: 408–513 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Carmina de se ipso//PG 37: 969–1029, 1166–1452 (TLG). S. Gregorius Theologus. Carmina dogmatica//PG 37: 397–522 (TLG).


Eusebius. De laudibus Constantini//I. A. Heikel (ed.). Eusebius Werke. Vol. 1 [Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 7. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1902]: 195–259 (TLG). Eusebius. Fragmenta in Lucam//PG 24: 529–605 (TLG). Eusebius. Historia ecclesiastica//G. Bardy (ed.). Eusèbe de Césarée. Histoire ecclésiastique. 3 vols. [Sources chrétiennes 31, 41, 55. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1: 1952; 2: 1955; 3: 1958 (repr. 3: 1967)]: 1: 3–215; 2: 4–231; 3: 3–120 (TLG). S. Eusebius Caesariensis. Praeparatio evangelica//K. Mras (ed.). Eusebius Werke, Band 8: Die Praeparatio evangelica [Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 43. 1 & 43. 2. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 43. 1: 1954; 43. 2: 1956]: 43. 1: 3–613; 43. 2: 3–426 (TLG). S. Eutychius Cp. Patriarcha. Sermo de Paschate et de sacrosanct Eucharistia//PG 86 b: 2391–2400. Flavius Justinianus Imperator. Edictum contra Origenem//M. Amelotti, L. M. Zingale (eds.). Scritti teologici ed ecclesiastici di Giustiniano. Milan: Giuffre, 1977: 68–118 (TLG). Gennadius Patriarcha I Constantinopolitanus. Fragmenta in epistulam ad Romanos (in catenis)//K. Staab (ed.). Pauluskommentar aus der griechischen Kirche aus Katenenhandschriften gesammelt. Münster: Aschendorff, 1933: 352–418 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Comparatio vitarum (=carmen morale 8)//H. M. Werhahn (ed.). Gregorii Nazianzeni Σγκρισις βων [Klassisch–philologische Studien 15. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1953]: 22–29 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Ad Graecos ex communibus notionibus//F. Mueller (ed.). Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 3. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1958: 19–33 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. De fide ad Simplicium//PG 45: 135–146. S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Ad Theophilum adversus Apollinaristas//F. Mueller (ed.). Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vol. 3. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1958: 119–128 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Antirrheticus adversus Apollinarium//Ibidem: 131–233 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Apologia in hexaemeron//PG 44: 61–124 (TLG). S. Gregorius Nyssenus. Contra Eunomium//W. Jaeger (ed.). Gregorii Nysseni opera. Vols. 1. 1 & 2. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1960: 1. 1: 3–409; 2. 2: 3–311 (TLG).


The Bible in Aramaic. Leiden, 1968. Vol. 4A; Ginsburg C. D. The Song of Songs and Coheleth: Transl. from the Original Hebrew, with a Comment., Historical and Critical. N. Y., 1970r; Vajda G. Deux commentaires karaïtes sur l " Ecclésiaste. Leiden, 1971; Johnson R. F. A Form-Critical Analysis of the Sayings in the Book of Ecclesiastes: Diss. Emory, 1973; Leanza S. L " esegesi di Origene al libro dell " Ecclesiaste. Reggio Calabria, 1975; Sawyer J. F. A. The Ruined House in Ecclesiastes 12: A Reconstruction of the Original Parable//JBL. 1975. Vol. 94. P. 519-531; Knobel P. S. Targum Qohelet: A Linguistic and Exegetical Inquiry: Diss. Yale, 1976; Fox M. V. Frame-Narrative and Composition in the Book of Qohelet//Hebrew Union College Annual. Cincinnati, 1977. Vol. 48. P. 83-106; idem. Qohelet and His Contradictions. Sheffield, 1989; Hyvärinen K. Die Übersetzung von Aquila. Lund, 1977; Sheppard G. T. The Epilogue to Qôhéléth as Theological Commentary//CBQ. 1977. Vol. 39. P. 182-189; Lauha A. Kohelet. Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1978; Savignac J., de. La sagesse du Qohéléth et l " épopée de Gilgamesh//VT. 1978. Vol. 28. N 3. P. 318-323; Seybold K.  //TDOT. 1978. Vol. 3. P. 313-320; Loader J. A. Polar structures in the Book of Qohelet. B.; N. Y., 1979; Monti D. V. Bonaventure " s Interpretation of Scripture in His Exegetical Works: Diss. Chicago, 1979; Witzenrath H. H. Süss ist das Licht: Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu Koh 11, 7 - 12, 7. St. Ottilien, 1979; Gilbert M. La description de la vielliesse en Qohelet XII 1-7 est-elle allegorique?//Congress Volume: Vienna, 1980/Ed. J. A. Emerton. Leiden, 1981. P. 96-109. (VTS; 32); Murphy R. E. Qohelet Interpreted: The Bearing of the Past on the Present//VT. 1982. Vol. 32. N 3. P. 331-337; idem. Ecclesiastes. Dallas (Tex.), 1992. (WBC; 23A); Schoors A. Kethib-Qere in Ecclesiastes//Studia P. Nater oblata. Leuven, 1982. Vol. 2: Orientalia Antiqua/Ed. J. Qaegebeur. P. 214-222; idem. The Peshitta of Koheleth and Its Relation to the Septuagint//After Chalcedon: Stud.


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