In conclusion, I want to tell you the main thing: if your child, a boy or girl, says to you, “Mama, papa, I want to devote myself to God and leave for a monastery,” do not hinder him and don’t go against this desire that was placed in him by God. You commit the greatest sin if you prevent him—an even greater sin than if you destroyed a church. And I’ll tell you why. If you destroy a church, we will gather money and build it anew. But if you thwart your child in his sacred calling, this evil cannot be mended. It is a great honor and great blessing for a family to give its child to God to become a monk or nun. Metropolitan Jeremiah of Gortynos and Megalopolis Translated by Jesse Dominick St. Elizabeth Convent 6 марта 2017 г.  This prayer comes from the Order of Preparation for Communion.  Strictly theologically speaking, virginity is indeed man’s natural condition, as the condition of Adam and Eve before the Fall is considered man’s natural condition, with his fallen nature being below or against nature, and with the possibility of rising above nature in Christ. The Fathers unanimously teach that virginity reigned in Eden before sin. Note that Met. Jeremiah is speaking of what is “natural” for man in his sub-natural state.   Ladder of Divine Ascent  15:7  This is referencing the priest’s exclamation in the Anaphora, “Let us lift up our hearts,” to which the people reply, “We lift them unto the Lord.”  Met. Jeremiah is a Greek bishop. In the Russian tradition nuns sometimes also wear a klobuk.  Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Royal Lady, Pious Nun—Princess Ileana–Mother Alexandra Royal Lady, Pious Nun—Princess Ileana–Mother Alexandra Today is the repose day of Romania’s beloved Princess, and America’s beloved abbess, Mother Alexandra (Hapsburg). Tonsure performed at the Lugansk convent during artillery shelling Tonsure performed at the Lugansk convent during artillery shelling By the mercy of God, after the tonsure ceremony was over, the cannonade calmed down and did not disturb the silence in the city for the rest of the day and for the following night. The Christian Life is Monastic Life Nathan Duffy The Christian Life is Monastic Life Nathan Duffy To a culture whose core values are self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction, and self-sovereignty, Orthodox monastic life appears as an affront and a scandal. What could be more contrary to our individualistic society which prizes comfort, ease, and “freedom” above all other concerns than a life of utter self-abasement, strict obedience, and striving after Holy suffering for Christ’s sake? Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Митрополит Саратовский и Вольский Лонгин Как пережить экономический, политический, социальный кризис? Как научиться принимать катаклизмы такого рода по-христиански — с упованием на Господа? Должен ли кризис чему-то нас научить? Эти вопросы мы задали Митрополиту Саратовскому и Вольскому Лонгину. English Edition [News] The Church of the Holy Royal Martyrs has been built in the town of Hua Hin, 200 kilometres (124.3 miles) from Bangkok, not far from the Klai Kangwon palace – the Thai summer royal residence. [News] Texas choir Conspirare won a prestige music award for the program of Russian Orthodox music The Sacred Spirit of Russia. [News] The head of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem has asked the Russian state to try to prevent the alleged planned expropriation by Israel of some of Russian-owned property in that country. [News] The Church official pointed to numerous incidents of destruction and arson against Orthodox churches, seizure of churches by groups of the self-proclaimed “Kiev Patriarchate,” and threats against UOC priests and believers. [Coming to Orthodoxy] Olga Lunkova I was born to a Muslim family. Both of my grandmothers were believers and prayed the namaz. My father’s mother was particularly pious—she prayed several times a day according to the Muslim custom, and she taught me the Muslim prayers. [News] The architectural design of the church will resemble the Hagia Sophia Cathedral. [News] In February 2015 the administration of the Rookwood cemetery (Sydney, New South Wales) where in December 2014 vandals desecrated 76 gravestones, is to begin talks on restoration of the monuments. [News] The Christians of Iraq have formed volunteer corps in order to free the Nineveh Valley – most of residents of which traditionally have been Christians — from ISIS. [News] Representatives of the Orthodox community have asked the law-enforcement agencies’ officers to protect the shrines and have prayed to God so that He might bring the arsonists of churches to their senses.

     The family-physician of the last Russian emperor and his family Dr. Eugene Botkin is to be canonized by the Moscow Patriarchate. The announcement was made today at a press conference in Moscow by the Department for External Church Relations " Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. " The Council of Bishops has decided to celebrate among the saints Dr. Eugene Botkin, " the Metropolitan said. Eugene Botkin, son of the famous doctor Sergei Botkin, who had been a court physician under Emperors Alexander II and Alexander III, served as court physician for Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and, while in exile with the family, sometimes treated the haemophilia-related complications of the Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Botkin accompanied the emperor and his family into exile to Tobolsk and later Ekaterinburg. The faithful doctor, aged 53 years, was shot along with the Russian royal family and three other retainers in the early morning hours of July 17th, 1918 in Ekaterinburg. In 1981, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) canonized the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife, five children, and four faithful retainers - including Botkin - as new martyrs. In 2000, the Moscow Patriarchate canonized the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, including his wife and five children as passion bearers. Paul Gilbert Royal Russia 3 февраля 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Cathy Bastek 31 марта 2016, 00:00 I live in America but my grandmother was from Russia and she told me of a story when she was little how she was an orphan because her mother and father died from influenza so her uncle who was a doctor took her to live with him and his family. They did some traveling and she talked about going to Mongolia,also said he was gunned down at the palace steps. Could this be Doctor Eugene Botkin? Any information would be helpful to help us with this puzzle.My grandmothers name was Anna Schapersniko from Ushrog, Russia.She came to America in 1913. Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Tweet Нравится Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II monument consecrated in Vladivostok Moscow, December 21, 2016 Photo:      On December 18, 2016, the eve of the feast of his heavenly patron St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a monument to the holy Royal Martyr Tsar Nicholas II was unveiled and blessed by the Holy Protection Cathedral in the far eastern Russian city of Vladivostok, reports the site of the Russian Orthodox Church. The bust of the Tsar-Martyr was blessed by Met. Benjamin of Vladivostok in celebration of the 125th anniversary of the visit of then-Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich to the city, which is being widely celebrated throughout the region as part of the annual “Royal Days” festival of Orthodox culture in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. Photo:      A delegation of the Military Orthodox Mission arrived from Moscow for the opening with a wonder-working and myrrh-streaming icon of Tsar Nicholas, as well as a handful of soil from Ganina Yama, where the bodies of the Royal Martyrs and their faithful servants were impiously disposed of. The soil was placed in a special box near the bust after the procession to the monument and the prayers for its installation. Addressing those gathered, Metropolitan Benjamin stated: “The opening of the monument to St. Nicholas is a great event for both Vladivostok and for all of Russia. Thanks to the visit of the then-tsarevich to our city, the Russian Empire looked to the East… It is important that in Russia people always loved the tsar, because he was chosen by God and dedicated his life to the service of the Fatherland.” The bronze bust of the last emperor of Russia was created and installed at the initiative of the organizing committee for perpetuating of the memory of Tsarevich Nicholas’ visit to Vladivostok with the assistance of the Orthodox Military Mission. 21 декабря 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Fundraising begins to install monument to Nicholas II in Diveyevo Fundraising begins to install monument to Nicholas II in Diveyevo The date of unveiling of the monument was not chosen at random—2017 will mark the 100th anniversary since the tragic events of 1917.

В результате 6-го крестового похода зап. христиане впервые за долгое время получили контроль над основными святынями Иерусалима и значительной частью владений, к-рые были утрачены в 1187 г., однако безопасность этих территорий оставалась под угрозой. Иерусалимское королевство было значительно ослаблено длительным противостоянием местной знати с имп. Фридрихом II. А. В. Стрелецкий 7-й крестовый поход (1248-1254) В авг. 1244 г. Иерусалим был взят хорезмийцами, к-рые заключили договор с егип. султаном ас-Салих Айюбом (1240-1249). 17 окт. войска Иерусалимского королевства были разбиты объединенной египетско-хорезмийской армией в битве при Форбии (Ла-Форби, ныне дер. Харбия близ Газы). Тем не менее шансы на успешный исход новой экспедиции, целью к-рой являлось освобождение Св. земли, были достаточно велики. Владения Айюбидов не составляли в тот период единого гос-ва и были ослаблены династическими конфликтами. Штурм Дамиетты кор. Людовиком IX Святым. Миниатюра из «Больших хроник Франции». 1332–1350 гг. (Brit. Lib. Royal. 16 G VI. Fol. 409v) Штурм Дамиетты кор. Людовиком IX Святым. Миниатюра из «Больших хроник Франции». 1332–1350 гг. (Brit. Lib. Royal. 16 G VI. Fol. 409v) Очевидной стала необходимость нового крестового похода; его организатором стал франц. кор. Людовик IX Святой (1226-1270). Папа Римский Иннокентий IV (1243-1254) во время работы Лионского I Собора (1245) буллой «Afflicti corde» объявил о начале экспедиции. Одним из источников финансирования нового крестового похода должен был стать налог в размере 1/12 доходов клира. Проповедь похода была поручена кард. Эду де Шатору, назначенному папским легатом. Значительная часть европ. рыцарства не откликнулась на призыв папы. Германия и Италия были вовлечены в конфликт между имп. Фридрихом II и Иннокентием IV (попытка Людовика IX примирить императора и папу Римского оказалась неудачной), Венгрия еще не оправилась от монг. вторжения 1241 г. Участию в походе англ. кор. Генриха III (1216-1272) помешало восстание в Гаскони (1252) против наместника гр. Симона де Монфора. Тем не менее о готовности присоединиться к 7-му крестовому походу объявили братья короля Альфонс, гр. Пуатье, Роберт I, гр. Артуа, и Карл Анжуйский (король Сицилии в 1266-1282), а также гр. Уильям II Солсбери. Во главе экспедиции встал франц. кор. Людовик IX. В походе также приняли участие его жена кор. Маргарита Прованская и ее сестра Беатриса, к-рая состояла в браке с гр. Карлом Анжуйским. На организацию экспедиции были выделены значительные средства (не менее 950 тыс. ливров). Король убедил франц. духовенство пожертвовать на крестовый поход 1/10 доходов, увеличил размер штрафов, налагаемых судом, конфисковал имущество франц. евреев и обложил налогами города. В 1246 г. король заключил договор о поставках кораблей из Генуи и Марселя. По всей видимости, общая численность крестоносной армии составляла ок. 15 тыс. чел. ( Strayer J. R. The Crusades of Louis IX//A History of the Crusades. 1969. Vol. 2. P. 493-494).крестовые ...

Лит.: Skinner J. A Critical and Exegetical Comment. on Genesis. Edinb., 19302; Kraeling E. G. The Origin of the Name «Hebrew»//AJSL. 1941. Vol. 58. N 3. P. 237-253; Bottéro J. Le problème des   à la 4e recontre assyriologique internationale. P., 1954. (Cah. de la soc. asiatique; 12); Greenberg M. The Hab/piru. New Haven, 1955; Los F. J. The Table of Peoples of the Tenth Chapter of Genesis//Mankind Quarterly. 1967. Vol. 7. P. 144-152; Malamat A. King Lists of the Old Babylonian Period and Biblical Genealogies//JAOS. 1968. Vol. 88. N 1. P. 163-173; Koch K. Die Hebräeer vom Auszug aus Ägypten bis zum Grossreich Davids//VT. 1969. Vol. 19. P. 37-81; Winnett F. V. The Arabian Genealogies in the Book of Genesis//Translating and Understanding the Old Testament: Essays in Honor of H. G. May/Ed. H. T. Frank and W. L. Reed. Nashville, 1970. P. 171-196; Cazelles H. The Hebrews//Peoples of Old Testament Times/Ed. D. J. Wiseman. Oxf., 1973. P. 1-28; Thompson T. L. The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives: The Quest for the Historical Abraham. B.; N. Y., 1974. (BZAW; 133); Matthiae P. Ebla in the Late Early Syrian Period: The Royal Palace and the State Archives//BiblArch. 1976. Vol. 39. P. 94-113; Pettinato G. The Royal Archives of Tell-Mardikh-Ebla//Ibid. P. 44-52; Archi A. The Epigraphic Evidence from Ebla and the OT//Biblica. 1979. Vol. 60. P. 556-566; Ishida T. The Structure and Historical Implications of the Lists of the Pre-Israelite Nations//Ibid. P. 461-490; Grau J. The Gentiles in Genesis: Israel and the Nations in the Primeval and Patriarchal Histories: Diss. Ann Arbor (Mich.), 1980; Ross A. P. The Table of Nations in Genesis 10: Its Structure//Bibliotheca Sacra. 1980. Vol. 137. P. 340-353; idem. The Table of Nations in Genesis 10: Its Content//Ibid. 1981. Vol. 138. P. 22-34; Loretz O. Habiru-Hebräer: Eine sozio-linguistische Studie über die Herkunft des Gentiliziums   vom Appellativum habiru. B.; N. Y., 1984; Oded B. The Table of Nations (Genesis 10): A Socio-cultural Approach//ZAW. 1986. Bd. 98. S. 14-31.

Tweet Нравится Tbilisi honors memory of 100,000 Georgian martyrs Tbilisi, November 15, 2016      Thousands of believers gathered on Metekhi Bridge in the center of the Georgian capital on the day of commemoration of the 100,000 Georgian martyrs slain by the Khwarezmians in Tbilisi in 1227. A Moleben was served on the bridge, reports Sputnik-Georgia .      “Today is a special day. Today is the day of the memory of the 100,000 Georgian martyrs, whose life and actions were exceptional. As we know, they accepted martyrdom under Jalal-ad-Din. May the Lord strengthen and soothe Georgia by their prayers,” stated His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch Ilia II.           In 1227 Georgia was attacked by Khwarezm Sultan Jalal-ad-Din. On the first day of the battle in Tbilisi the Georgian army valiantly warded off the enemy’s attack, but the Persians living in Tbilisi opened the city gates at night, allowing enemy troops to enter. According to the testimony of the chroniclers, they were the “darkest days in Georgian history”—Christians were brutally massacred, babies were killed, women were raped, and mothers were killed with their children. By the order of Jalal-ad-Din, icons of the Savior and Mother of God were carried out of the Sion Cathedral and laid on the middle of the bridge over the Mtkvari River and citizens were driven to the bridge and ordered to walk on them, trampling the sacred objects. Those who turned from Christianity and defiled the holy icons were promised to be kept alive, while the rest were beheaded. 100,000 Georgians, for the sake of the icons, sacrificed their lives. Translated by Jesse Dominick 16 ноября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 100,000 Martyrs of Tbilisi by the Mongols Commemorated on October 31 100,000 Martyrs of Tbilisi by the Mongols Commemorated on October 31 One hundred thousand Georgians sacrificed their lives to venerate the holy icons. One hundred thousand severed heads and headless bodies were carried by the bloody current down the Mtkvari River. 1000th anniversary of Nikortsminda church to be celebrated in Georgia 1000th anniversary of Nikortsminda church to be celebrated in Georgia According to Igumen Dionysius Bordzikula of the Nikorstminda Diocese, the millennial jubilee of the church occurred in 2014, but at that time funds were not found to commemorate it in a fitting manner. Holy Royal Martyr Queen Shushanik (†475) Holy Royal Martyr Queen Shushanik (†475) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Saint Shushanik was the wife of the Georgian prince Varsken, the ruler of Hereti. Having been raised in a pious Christian family, she was deeply penetrated with love and the fear of God. Комментарии Sunil bedi 17 ноября 2016, 07:00 I l houner the sentiment of tbilisi People . God always be with Georgia " people © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Ser. 4. 1871. Vol. 5. P. 1-20; Warren F. E. The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church. Oxf., 1881 (2nd ed.: Ed. J. Stevenson. Woodbridge, 1987); Stokes W. The Irish Passages in the Stowe Missal//Zschr. f. vergleichende Sprachforschung. B., 1882. Bd. 26. S. 497-519; McCarthy B. On the Stowe Missal//Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 1885. Vol. 27C. P. 135-267; D " Arbois de Jubainville H. Le jeûne du mercredi et du vendredi chez les Irlandais du Moyen-Âge//Revue Celtique. 1888. Vol. 9. P. 269-271; Probst F. Die abendländische Messe vom 5. bis zum 8. Jh. Münster i. W., 1896. S. 28-99; Lawlor H. J. Note on an Irish Monastic Office//Hermathena. 1899. Vol. 10. P. 212-225; Bishop E. Spanish Symptoms//JThSt. 1906/1907. Vol. 8. P. 278-294 (repr.: Liturgica historica. Oxf., 1918. P. 163-202); Дженнер Х. Кельтский обряд//ПБЭ. 1908. Т. 9. Стб. 443-485; Gougaud L. Celtiques (liturgies)//DACL. 1925. T. 2. Col. 2969-3022; O " Rahilly Th. F. The History of the Stowe Missal//Ériu. 1926/1928. Vol. 10. P. 95-109; Kenney J. F. The Sources for the Early History of Ireland. N. Y., 1929. Vol. 1; Hennig J. A Feast of All Saints of Europe//Speculum. 1946. Vol. 21. N 1. P. 49-66; idem. Studies in the Liturgy of the Early Irish Church//The Irish Ecclesiastical Record: A monthly j. Ser. 5. 1951. Vol. 75. P. 318-333; idem. Sacramentaries of the Old Irish Church//Ibid. 1961. Vol. 96. N 1. P. 23-28; idem. The Function of the Martyrology of Tallaght//Mediaeval Studies. 1964. Vol. 26. P. 315-328; idem. Old Ireland and Her Liturgy//Old Ireland/Ed. R. E. McNally. Dublin, 1965. P. 60-89; Bieler L. The Hymn of St. Secundinus//Proc. of the Royal Irish Academy. Sect. C. 1952/1953. Vol. 55C. P. 117-127; Pepperdene M. W. Baptism in the Early British and Irish Churches//Irish Theological Quarterly. 1955. Vol. 22. P. 110-123; King A. A. Liturgies of the Past. L., 1959. P. 186-275; Murphy G. Eleventh or Twelfth Century Irish Doctrine Concerning the Real Presence//Medieval Studies Presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S.

DECR chairman sends Christmas and New Year greetings to statesmen and public figures in the far abroad Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev)      Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations (DECR) has sent messages of Christmas and New Year greetings to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, King Philip VII of Spain, Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, President of Austria Heinz Fischer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel, President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos Calderon, President of Poland Andrzei Duda, Head of the Bulgarian Royal Family Tsar Simeon II, Head of the Prussian Royal House Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia, and others. The messages states: Kindly accept my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ and the New Year. As the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian says, the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ (1 Jn 2:20). The event we are celebrating these days has become a turning point for many generations of people as it has heralded the beginning of a new era. Today all the true followers of Christ are faced with the task to preserve and multiply in their personal life and in the society around them the intransient ideals of evangelical love and sacrifice, the virtues of mercy and compassion for our neighbours and to promote peaceful and mutually respectful relations between countries and peoples. In these radiant days, I wish you spiritual and physical strength, God’s help and success in your good works. Respectfully, /+Hilarion/ Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Chairman Department for External Church Relations Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) DECR Communication Service 13 января 2016 г. Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Смотри также Комментарии Новые материалы Выбор читателей Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Панченко, Масиель Санчес 2010 Панченко К. А., Масиел Санчес Л. К. Иордания//ПЭ. 2010. т. 25. с. 519–538. [Panchenko K. A., Masiel’ Sanchez L. K. Iordaniia (Jordania)//Pravoslavnaia Entsiklopedia (Orthodox Encyclopedia). 2010. Tom 25. p. 519–538.] Степанянц 2003 – Степанянц, Μ. Т. Метафора «золотая середина» как ключ к пониманию общего и частного в философии морали//Вопросы философии. 2003. 3. С. 42–48. [Stepaniants М. Т. Metafora «zolotaia Seredina» как kliuch к ponimaniiu obshchego i chastnogo v filosofii morali (The metaphor of the «golden mean» as the key to understanding the general and the particular in the philosophy of morality)//Voprosy filosofii (Questions of philosophy). 2003. 3. p. 42–48.] Филимонов 2013 – Филимонов В. А. Царский путь и когнитивная карта математики//Актуальные проблемы преподавания математики в техническом ВУЗе. 2013. 1. С. 118–122. [Filimonov V. A. Tsarskii put’ i kognitivnaia karta matematiki (The royal path and the cognitive map of mathematics)//Aktual’nye problemy prepodavaniia matematiki v tekhnicheskom vysshem uchebnom zavedenii (Actual problems of teaching mathematics in a technical university). 2013. 1. p. 118–122.] Царский путь 2006 – Царский путь: к 400-летию дома Романовых/Сост. в. м. Москалев. Царицын, 2006. [Tsarskii put’: k 400-letiiu doma Romanovykh (Royal road: to the 400th anniversary of the Romanovs’ house)/Sostavil V. M. Moskalev. Tsaritsyn, 2006.] Aharoni 2011 – Aharoni Y. et al. The Carta Bible Atlas. Jerusalem, 5 2011. Bauer 1979 – A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature/Ed. W. Bauer, F. w. Gingrich, F. w Danker. Chicago – L., 21979. BDB 1987 – А Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament/Ed. F Brown, S. Driver, C. Briggs. Oxford. 1996. Biblia partistica 1982 – Biblia partistica. Supplement. Philon dAlexandrie. p., 1982. HALOT – Koehler-Baumgartner Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (электронное издание). Janeras 2001 – Janeras S. Le Trisagion: une formule breve en liturgie compare//Comparative liturgy fifty years after Anton Baumstark (1872–1948)/Ed. R. F. Taft, G. Winkler. R., 2001. (OChA. 205). p. 495–562.

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