42 So the unity of the Church is defined in the Augsburg Confession. See Ch.Androutsos, Symbolics from an Orthodox Perspective, 1930 (2ed.), p.96 44 I.Karmiris, Summary of the Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church (in Greek), 1960, p.80. Karmiris brings out the relationship between Eucharist and unity even more clearly and emphatically in his article “The Body of Christ, Which is the Church” (in Greek) in Ekklesia 39 (1962), p.365f., where he writes: “The Divine Eucharist is the centre of the unity of Christians with Christ in the body of the Church. For it is through this par excellence that the Church is revealed as the Body of Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit, and the ‘present’ age and world is joined with that which is to come, the earthly Church with the heavenly. In the Divine Eucharist is contained the whole Body of Christ...” 45 See ibid., and inter alia M.Siotis, The Divine Eucharist. The N.T. Information about the Divine Eucharist in the Light of the Interpretation of Church Writers (in Greek), 1957, p.69; P.Trembelas, Dogmatics..., III, 1961, p.154. Cf. G.Florovsky, “Le Corps du Christ”, p.36f.; J.Meyendorff, The Orthodox Church, p.22f.; as also G.Bebis, “The Divine Eucharist According to Patristic Interpretation” in Ekklesia 36 (1959), pp.143–145 46 See P.B.Schultze, “Eucharistie und Kirche in der russischen Theologie der Gegenwart” in Z.L.T., 77 (1955), pp.257–300 and E.Lanne, “Die Kirche als Mysterium in der orthodoxen Theologie” in Holböck – Sartory, Mysterium Kirche in der Sicht der theologischen Disziplinen, II, 1962, pp.891–925 47 Unfortunately, we do not have access to the works of these two theologians written in Russian, and have, therefore, drawn our information about their theory mainly from the following articles (as far as we know, only articles exist): 1).N.Afanassieff, “L’Apôtre Pierre et l’évêque de Rome” in Theologia 26 (1955), p.464f.; 2).eiusdem “La Doctrine de la Primauté à la Lumière de l’Ecclésiologie” in Istina 4 (1957), pp.401–20; 3).eiusdem “The Church which Presides in Love” in The Primacy of Peter in the Orthodox Church, ET 1963, pp.57–110; 4).eiusdem “Le Concile dans la Théologie orthodoxe russe” in Irénikon 35 (1962), p.316f.; 5).eiusdem “Una Sancta” in Irénikon 36 (1963), p.436; 6).A.Schmemann, “Unity, Division, Reunion in the Light of Orthodox Ecclesiology” in Theologia 22 (1951), p.242f.; 7).eiusdem “The Idea of Primacy in Orthodox Ecclesiology” in The Primacy of Peter (as above); 8).eiusdem “Theology and Eucharist” (in Greek) in Theology, Truth and Life (ed.Zoi Brotherhood), 1962, and 9).eiusdem “Towards a Theology of Councils” in St.Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly, 6 (1962), pp.170–184


Ansprache an Bischof Maxim von Argentinien und Südamerika, in: StdO 1972,6,6–8. Grußansprache vor dem Präsidium der Europäischen Kirchenkonferenz, in: StdO 1972,7,2–3. Auf der Entlassungsfeier der Moskauer Geistlichen Lehranstalten, in: StdO 1972,8,3–4. Ansprache an Bischof Anatoli, in: StdO 1972 ,11 ,3f. Grußbotschaft an die Moskauer Geistl. Lehranstalten, in: StdO 1973 ,l,6f. Botschaft zum 50. Jahrestag der UdSSR, in: StdO 1973,2,3–5. Brief an Metropolit Nikodim, in: StdO 1973 ,2 ,36f. Botschaft an Papst Schenudah III., in: StdO 1973,7,2–3. Votum an den neugeweihten Bischof Viktorin, in: StdO 1973,8, 5–7. Erklärung zu den Ereignissen in Mozambique, in: StdO 1973 ,9,4f. Schreiben an Generalsekretär Dr. Philipp Potter, in: StdO 1973, 11,3. Schreiben an den Zentralausschuß des Weltkirchenrates, in: StdO 1973,12,3–8. Interviews über seine Finnlandreise, in: StdO 1974 ,8 ,2–3 ;3–7 . Botschaft an das Oberhaupt der Alexandrinischen Kirche, in: StdO 1974,9,4–7. Zu Fragen der Ökumene und des Friedens vor Kirchenvertretern sozialistischer Länder, in: StdO 1974,10,2–6. Die Ökumene der Gegenwart in orthodoxer Sicht. Vortrag an der finnischen Universität Joensuu, in: StdO 1974,10,25–35. Sendschreiben an die im kirchlichen Schisma lebenden Glieder der «Russischen Kirche im Ausland», in: StdO 1974,11,2–4. Botschaft an die Vollversammlung der Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen «Nyborg VII», in: StdO 1974,2–5. Botschaft an den XXI. Internationalen Altkatholikenkongreß, ebda 5–6. Die Verantwortung der orthodoxen Landeskirchen für ihren Dienst in der modernen Welt. Vorlesung anläßlich seiner Promotion zum Ehrendoktor der Sifioter G.A., in: StdO 1975,5/6,12–18. Botschaft (30. Jahrestag des Sieges), in: StdO 1975,7,2–5. Erklärung zum Abschluß der Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa, in: StdO 1975,10,3-f. Telegramm an die Teilnehmer der Vollversammlung des Weltkirchenrates in Nairobi, Kenia, in: StdO 1976 ,2 ,5f. Interview (Nowosti), in: StdO 1976,3,3–4. Ansprache (30 Jahre kirchliches Außenamt), in: StdO 1976,8,2–6.


Ansprache auf der Budapester Beratung der Christlichen Friedenskonferenz, in: StdO 1966,2,23–25. Eröffnungsansprache vor der Kommission «Ökonomie und Entwicklungsländer», in: StdO 1966,9,44–48. Rede für die Kommission «Ökonomie und Entwicklungsländer» der Christlichen Friedenskonferenz (8.7.1966), ebda 48–50. Der Dialog mit den römischen Katholiken über das gegenwärtige christliche Sozialdenken, in: StdO 1966,10,40–52. Rede an Bischof Michail von Tichvin, in: StdO 1967,2,8–11. Rede auf der dritten Friedenskonferenz katholischer Geistlicher in der SSR, in: StdO 1967,3,36–38. Grußwort an den Klerus und die Gläubigen der Gemeinden von Mariä Schutz und Fürbitte und des hl. Nikolaus in Helsinki, in: StdO 1967,6,9. Ansprache auf dem Empfang für Patriarch Kyrill, in: StdO 1967, 9,8–11. Gedanken zur Interpretation eines Textes (Joh 15,3), in: StdO 1967,9,35–42; in: Versöhnung (Witten 1967) (Studienheft 5) 93–101. Ansprache an den Arbeitsausschuß (Christliche Friedenskonferenz), in: StdO 1967,10,30–33. Schlußansprache in Sagorsk, ebda 33–35. Slovo v Pavlovskom sobore g. Gat iny (28.1.1968), in: MP 1968, 6,38–42. Intervju Šveckoj gazete, in: MP1968,8,50. Telegramm an den Generalsekretär des WRK E.C. Blake, in: StdO 1968,3,6. Ansprache zur Eröffnung der Konsultation von “Glaube und Kirchenverfassung“ in Sagorsk, in: StdO 1968,5,43–51. Festvortrag zum 50. Jubiläum des wiedererrichteten Patriarchats in der Russischen Kirche, in: StdO 1968,7,13–38. Die Aufgaben der Theologie der Gegenwart, in: StdO 1969,2,55–61. Ansprache auf der Religionskonferenz in Sagorsk, in: StdO 1969, 3 ,41–46. Gratulation für Jan Kardinal Willebrands, in: StdO 1969,7,48. Botschaft an das Friedensseminar in Genf, in: StdO 1969,10,4. Botschaft an die Bruderschaft des Panteleimon-Klosters auf dem Athos, in: StdO 1970,1,7–10. Otvety na voprosy korrespondenta gazety «Paeze sera” g-na Alberto Skandole, in: MP1970,3,2–4. Otvety na voprosy redaktora urnala “Christianskaja Mirnaja Konferencija d-ra Irzi Svobody, in: MP 1970,4,47.


Bishop Stephen (Lasko) was appointed by the Church in Albania in 1965 to be Metropolitan Theophan’s successor. In 1971Bishop Stephen led his flock into the newly formed Orthodox Church in America (OCA), within which it became a distinct diocese. This move finally resolved the canonical status of the majority of Albanian parishes in America. In 2013, the Albanian diocese of the OCA, under the leadership of Bishop Nikon of New England, had about a dozen parishes. Meanwhile, Bishop Mark’s diocese continued its existence within the Patriarchate of Constantinople. After the fall of the extremely atheistic Communist government in Albania in 1990, this very small group of parishes helped significantly with the restoration of the Church in Albania, which had been virtually destroyed by the Communists. In 2013this jurisdiction was led by Bishop Ilia (Katre), who began his tenure in 1982. The Bulgarian Orthodox in America Bulgarian immigration to America became significant after 1903, when several thousand Bulgarians arrived as the result of an insurrection in Macedonia. Being quite scattered, they generally attended Russian churches, although as early as 1907 the first Bulgarian parish was established in Madison, Illinois. Gradually, other parishes were formed, and apparently, in 1909, a small Mission was organized for them within the Russian Missionary Diocese. However, in the 1918 listing of the parishes of the Russian Diocese in America there is only one parish that is designated as “Boulgarian” – in Toronto, Ontario. In 1922, the five Bulgarian parishes in North America came under the care of the Mother Church in Sofia, Bulgaria. Bishop Andrey (Velichky) became the first bishop for this diocese in 1938. In 1949, the Russian Church in Exile oversaw the establishment of several parishes for recent Bulgarian immigrants. In 1976, most of the parishes of this Bulgarian Church in Exile joined the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), becoming a constituent diocese of the OCA. Its hierarch, Bishop Kyrill (Yonchev) (1920–2007), became the OCA’s Bishop of Pittsburgh (r. 1976–2007). At that time the Bulgarian diocese consisted of about 15 parishes. In 2013, it had about 20 parishes under the leadership of Bishop Alexander (Golitzin) of Pittsburgh (b. 1948), who was consecrated as Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese of the OCA in 2012.


Glückwünsche an Metropolit Nikodim, ebda 6f. Izvestija vom 2.7.1967: Svetlana Allilueva. An den lutherischen Erzbischof von Finnland, in: StdO 1979,3, 3–4. Predigt am Sonntag der Vergebung, in: StdO 1979,3,27–30. Achter Jahrestag der Inthronisation des Patriarchen: Denkrede, in: StdO 1979,9,3–7. Grüße zur V. buddhistischen Generalkonferenz für den Frieden, in: StdO 1979,11,45–47. Karfreitagspredigt vor dem hl. Grablinnen, in: StdO 1980,3, 27–28. Erklärung zum 35. Jahrestag des Sieges über den Faschismus, in: StdO 1980,8,3–4. Ansprache vor einer Delegation vietnamesischer Katholiken, in: StdO 1980,9,39–41. Ansprachen auf dem Festakt der Moskauer Geistlichen Akademie, in: StdO 1980,11,4–10. An den Ehrenpräsidenten des Weltkirchenrates, in: StdO 1981,1, 37–38. An die III. Kirchenversammlung der Patriarchatsgemeinden in den USA, in: StdO 1981,3,2–3. Botschaft an den Vorsteher der Kirche von Jerusalem, in: StdO 1981,5,6–7. Botschaft an die Theologen des Vierten Sagorsker Gesprächs in Güstrow, in: StdO 1981,8,3–4. Betrachtung über die christlichen Tugenden, in: StdO 1981,8, 27–29. Votum für das unveräußerliche Menschenrecht auf Frieden, in: StdO 1981,10,3–4. «Der Hirte bedarf des ständigen Studiums der Heiligen Schrift”, in: StdO 1981,10,14–16. Wort über die Schutzheiligen der Familie, in: StdO 1981,10,21. Ansprache im Dom zu Turku (Finnland), in: StdO 1982,4,42–44. Die Rettung des Lebens – ein Auftrag an alle religiösen Kräfte (Weltkongreß religiöser Friedenskräfte), in: StdO 1982, 7,3–23. Wir leben in der Nachfolge des Auferstandenen (Ansprache am 9.5.1982 nach der Liturgie zum Weltkongreß religiöser Friedenskräfte), in: StdO 1982,9,29–33. Rede vor der Zweiten Sondertagung der UNO-Vollversammlung für Abrüstungsfragen, in: StdO 1982,10,39–43. Patriarchenbotschaft an die christlichen Demokraten in der DDR, in: StdO 1982,12,29–32. Wort zu den tragischen Ereignissen in Beirut, in: StdO 1983, 1,18. Grußschreiben zum Luthergedenkjahr, in: StdO 1983,8,2–3. Traditionsverständnis unter orthodoxem und reformiertem Aspekt (Debrecen IV), in: StdO 1983,11,35.


Agitatus enim aer auram facit; unde et Lucretius (5,503): . Aquarum naturae diversitas multa est: aliae enim salis, aliae nitri, aliae aluminis, aliae sulphuris, aliae bituminis, aliae curam morborum adhibentes. Nam iuxta Romam Albulae aquae vulneribus medentur. In Italia fons Ciceronis oculorum vulnera curat. In Aethiopia lacus est quo perfusa corpora velut oleo nitescunt. Zamae fons in Africa canoras voces facit. Ex Clitorio lacu Italiae qui biberint vini taedium habent. In Chio insula fontem esse quo hebetes fiant. In Boeotia duo fontes; alter memoriam, alter oblivionem adfert. Cyzici fons amorem Veneris tollit. Boeotiae lacus furialis est, de quo qui biberit ardore libidinis exardescit. In Campania sunt aquae quae sterilitatem feminarum et virorum insaniam abolere dicuntur. In Aethiopiae fonte Rubro qui biberit lymphaticus fit. Leinus fons Arcadiae abortus fieri non patitur. In Sicilia fontes sunt duo, quorum unus sterilem fecundat, alter fecundam sterilem facit. In Thessalia duo sunt flumina: ex uno bibentes oves nigras fieri, ex altero albas, ex utroque varias. Clitumnus lacus in Umbria maximos boves gignit. Reatinis paludis aquis iumentorum ungulas indurari. In Asphaltite lacu Iudacae nihil mergi potest, quidquid animam habet. In Indis Siden vocari stagnum, in quo nihil innatat, sed omnia merguntur. At contra in Africae lacu Apuscidamo omnia fluitant, nihil mergitur. Marsidae fons in Phrygia saxa egerit. In Achaia aqua profluit e saxis Styx appellata, quae ilico potata interficit. Gelonium stagnum Siciliae tetro odore abigit proximantes. Fons est in Africa circa templum Ammonis, qui humoris nexibus humum stringit: favillas etiam in cespitem solidat. Fons Iob in Idumaea quater in anno colorem mutare dicitur: id est pulverulentum, sanguineum, viridem et limpidum; ternis mensibus in anno tenens ex his unum colorem. In Trogodytis lacus est; ter [in] die fit amarus et deinde totiens dulcis. Fons Siloa ad radicem montis Sion non iugibus aquis, sed in certis horis diebusque ebullit. In Iudaea quondam rivus sabbatis omnibus siccabatur. In Sardinia fontes calidi oculis medentur, fures arguunt; nam caecitate detegitur eorum facinus. In Epiro esse fontem in quo faces extinguntur accensae et accenduntur extinctae. Apud Garamantes fontem esse ita algentem die ut non bibatur, ita ardentem nocte ut non tangatur. Iam vero in multis locis aquae manant perpetim ferventes, tanta vi ut balnea calefaciant. Quaedam enim terrae sunt quae multum sulphuris et aluminis habent. Itaque cum per venas calentes aqua frigida venit, vicino sulphuris calore contacta excandescit, nec talis ab origine effluit, sed permutatur dum venit. Sulphur enim alumenque secum ferunt aquae; utramque materiam igne plenam minimisque motibus incalescentem. Caput XIV. DE MARI


Obrašenie к uastnikam sessii Sovešatel " nogo komiteta prodoloenija rabot ChMK v Sofii, in: MP 1966,12,49 . Otvety na voprosy korrespondenta Agentstva Peati Novosti, in: MP 1967,1,4–5. Otvety na voprosy korrespondenta ital. gazety «Corriere della sera» v Moskve, in: MP 1967,3,2–3. Paschalnoe poslanie..., in: MP 1967,4,1. Poslanie к 40-letiju Patriaršich Prav. obšin v Finljandii, in: MP 1957,5,6. Re na prieme v est’ d-ra Ju.K. Blejka, in: MP 1967,5,8–9. Poslanie Predstojatel’ju Konstantinopol’skoj Cerkvi, in: MP 1967,6,3–4. Otvety na voprosy pol’skogo urnalista J. Stojnovskogo, in: MP 1967, 6,4–7. Obrašenie к uastnikam Zasedenija raboego komiteta ChMK in: MP 1967,8,3–4. Ob otnošenii к Mitropoli’emu okrugu v Amerike – Patr. Afinagoru, in: MP 1967,9,2. Poslanie s svjazi s 50-letiem Velikoj Oktjabr’skoj Soc. Revolucii, in: MP 1967,11,1–4. Rozdestvenskoe poslanie..., in: MP 1968,1,1–2. Obmen poslanijami.. Pape Pavlu VI., in: MP 1968,2,1–2. Paschal‘noe poslanie..., in: MP 1968,4,1–2. Obrašenie к III Vsechristianskomu Mirnomu Kongressu, in:MP 1968,5,1–2. Pis’mo d-ru I. Gromadke, in: MP 1968,5,5. Privestsvennoe slovo... vo vremja priema predstavitelej bogosl. Konsul’tacii Vsemirnogo Soveta Cerkvej, in: МР 1968,5,9. Poslanie predsedatelju Central’nogo Komiteta VSC g-nu M.M. Tomasu, in: MP 1968,10,1–2. Poslanie D-ru I. Gromadke, in: МР 1968,10,2. Rozdestvenskoe poslanie..., in: МР 1968,12,1. Otvetnoe poslanie Nikolaju VI Pape i Patriarchu Aleksandrijskomu i vsej Afriki, in: MP 1968,12,4. Interv’ju korrespondentu gazety «Golos Rodiny», in: MP 1969 ,2 ,2–3. V ustremlenii к sotrudniestvu i miru. Privetsvennoe slovo, in: MP 1969,2,39,40. Paschal’noe poslanie..., in: MP 1969,4,1–2. Poslanie v svjazi s poloeniem na Svjatoj Gore... g-nu G. Papadopulosu, in: MP 1969,5,2–3. Poslanie к prazdnovaniju 1100-letiju so dnja bl. koniny Sv. Ravnoap. Kirilla, in: MP 1969,6,1–2. Poslanie... Patr. Bolgarskomu Kirillu..., in: MP 1969,6,3–4 Poslanie Moskovskim Duchovnym Školam..., in: MP 1969,8,4.


J. Suaresii Dissertatio de operibus S. N., 1310–68. J. Suaresii Liber chronologicus de vita S. N., 1367–1434. Notitia Fessler, 9–24. Notitia Allatii, 25–56. Index anaiyticus, 1503–26. NILUS CABASILAS, Thessalonicensis, metr., s. XIV, 149. De dissidio ecclesiarum, lib. 1, 683–700. De primatu рарæ, lib. 2, 699–730. Notitia Allatii, 671–84. NILUS, CP. patr., 1379–87, 151. Encomium in Gregorium Palamam græce (editio Hieros., 1837), 655–78. NILUS DOXOPATRIUS, s. XII, 132. In Athanasium [contra Arium]. , 25, CCLXXVIII-XXX. Notitia Patriarchatuum (Le Moyne), 32,1083–1114. Notitia Oudin, 1073–84. NILUS EPARCHUS (­ Nilus abbas). Versus alphabetici (Boissonade), , 117, 1177–80. NONNUS abbas, s, V, 38. Collectio historiarum S. Gregorii Naz. in orationibus 4, 5, 43 et 39 (Montagu), 36, 985–1072. NONNUS PANOPOLITANUS episc, s. V, 43. Paraphrasis in Joannem, , 749–4120 [cum textu evangelico in imis paginis) (Heinsius). Index græcitatis, 921–42. D. Heinsii exercitationes, 941–1200, quarum Index græcitatis, 1199–1214. latinitatis, 1213–28. Dionysiacorum argumenta (gallice), 1227–32. Fragmenta (græce-gallice), 1231–84. Comitis a Marcello præfatio gallica de Nonno et Dionysiacis, 679–748. Notitia FH., 664–78. NOTARA. Vide LUCAS N. O O_ECUMENIUS Triccæ ep., s. X, 118–119. Commentarii (Donatus-Hentenius). In Acta Apostolorum, 118, 43–308. In Romanos, 307–636. In I Cor., 635–906. In II Cor., 905–1088. In Gal., 1089–1166. In Eph,, 1165–1256. In Philip., 1255–1326. In Coloss., 119, 9–56. In I Thess., 57–106. In II Thess., 105–134. In I Tim., 133–196. In II Tim., 195–240. In Tit., 241–262. In Philem., 261–272. In Hebr., 271–452. In Jacob., 451–510. In I Petr., 509–578. In II Petr., 577–618. In I Joan., 617–684. In II Joan., 683–696. In III Joan., 697–704. In Jud., 703–722. Anonymi ex o_ecumenio in Apoc. (Montfaucon), 721–726. Donati Veronensis epistola, 118, 9–12. Præatio Hentenii, 11–26. Notitia Oudin, 9–10. Index anaiyticus, 119, 1301–10 mutatione facta ab ima col. 1301]. OLYMPIODORUS, s. VII, 93.


Ign. Ep. ad Antioch. Ep. ad Eph. Ep. ad Magn. Ep. ad Phil. Ep. ad Smym. Ep. ad Tars. Ер. ad Tral. Ignatius Antiochenus episcopus Epistola ad Antiochenos//PG 5, 897–910. – Пер. заглавия: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Антиохийцам. Epistola ad Ephesios//PG 5, 729–756. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., en. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Ефесянам//Писания мужей апостольских. – С. 331–340. Epistola ad Magnesios//PG 5, 757–778. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., en. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Магнезийцам//Там же. – С. 341–351. Epistola ad Philippensis//PG 5, 919–942. – Пер. заглавия: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Филиппийцам. Epistola ad Smyrnaeos//PG 5, 707–718. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Смирнянам//Писания мужей апостольских. – С. 364–369. Epistola ad Tarsenses//PG 5, 887–898. – Пер. заглавия: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., еп. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Тарсянам. Epistola ad Trallianos//PG 5, 777–800. – Рус. пер.: Игнатий Богоносец , сщмч., en. Антиохийский. Послание святого Игнатия к Траллийцам//Писания мужей апостольских. – С. 347–351. Ign. Dia c . Vita s. Niceph. Const. Ignatius Diaconus Vita sancti Nicephori Constantinopolitani archiepiscopi//PG 100, 41–160. – Pyc. пер.: Игнатий, диак. Житие святого отца нашего Никифора, архиепископа Константина града и нового Рима, списанное Игнатием, диаконом и скевофилаксом святейшей Великой церкви святой Софии//Творения святого отца нашего Никифора, архиепископа Константинопольского. – Минск, 2001. – С. 3–71. Innocent . I Ep. Innocentius I papa Romae Epistula decretalis 7//PL 84, 646D-647B. – Пер. заглавия: Иннокентий I, папа Римский. Письмо-декреталия 7. Ioan . Chrysost. Ad illumin. Ad popul. Antioch. Ad Theodor. Adv. Jud. Adv. oppugnat, vitae monast. Ascetam facetiis uti non debere Contra anom. Contr. eos qui subintroduct. habent virgin. Contra theatra De adorat. crucis De anathem. De Anna De filio prodigo De Lazaro De Legislat. De patient. De poenit. De precat. De pseudoproph. De sacerd. De Sancta Pentecost. De virgin. Eclogae ex diversis homiliis Ep. Hom. in Acta apost. Hom. in Col. Hom. in Ep. I ad Cor. Hom. in Ep. I ad Thessal. Hom. in Ep. I ad Tim. Hom. in Ep. ad Tit. Hom. in Eph. Hom. in Gal. Hom. in Gen. Hom. in Hebr. Hom. in Ioan. Hom. in Magn. Hebdom. Hom. in Matth. Hom. in Phil. Hom. in Ps. Hom. in Rom. In Gen. sermon. In illud: In principio erat Verbum In illud: Mulier alligata est In illud: Propter fornicat. In illud: vidi Dom. In inscript. Act. In Job In kalend. In paralyt. In Pascha Laus Maximi


The authorities have failed to take measures for the protection of Christians. Almost a year ago, a 15 year-old Christian girl was kidnapped in North Sudan. Her mother said that she had repeatedly appealed to the police to open the case and to begin a search for her daughter. But as a reply she heard only demands that she should first embrace Islam and only after that seek help from the Islamic police. On June 8, 2011, armed extremists fired at a Catholic church during the mass. Radicals are standing behind the persecution of Christians in another African country, 150 million-strong Nigeria. Today this most densely populated country in Africa is experiencing another bloody crisis. The country is actually divided into two halves – the Muslim North and the Christian South. In the North Nigeria, there are 27 million Christians out of the 70 million population and they are subjected to systematic elimination by radical groups. Since the sharia was introduced in the 12 northern states in 2000, thousands of people have been killed in numerous clashes in recent years. In the captured areas, sharia courts are established and sharia ‘justice’ is administered. Militants of the local extremist organizations, the most notorious among them being the Boko Haram group, have regularly attacked Christian settlements. In summer 2011, radicals burnt to the ground Christian churches and houses and robbed Christian households. In August 2011, 24 Christians were killed in an attack of armed Islamists on Christian villages in the central part of the country. In early November 2011, over 150 people were killed in terror actions at the towns of Maiduguri and Damaturu. Almost all the Christians had to flee from these regions. During the Christmas night of December 25, 2011, another monstrous act of terror was committed. The number of Christians killed in Nigeria’s city of Jos exceeded 80. In addition, over 200 people were injured in 9 explosions that shook the city. On January 22, bombs blasted again in two Christian churches in Nigeria. One of them is the Catholic parish in Bauchi state in northern Nigeria. An increasing number of Christians have to flee from North Nigeria to other parts of the country. About 35 000 Christians have fled from North Nigeria during the last weeks after Boko Haram issued an ultimatum demanding that Christians should leave the territories with the predominant Muslim population. In 2011, the Boko Haram militants killed at least 700 people in North Nigeria. In total, over 13 000 people, most of them Christians, have been killed in the last 10 years in interreligious clashes.


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