Many in the international community also need to become more literate religiously – whatever their personal views. Deani and Pe are not just museums; they are places committed to worshipping God. As Kosovo Albanians begin to understand the reason for the monastic life, much of the prejudice and fear which is based on ignorance will slowly evaporate. The Orthodox monasteries and the municipalities of Pe and Deani have to start creating the basis for healthy community relations. There is no other alternative. The Soul of Europe is ready to help facilitate this process. When this begins to happen, Kosovo can really declare what is written in its constitution – that minorities are welcome. Many governments withholding recognition will begin to change their minds. Serbs living in these monasteries and elsewhere south of the river Ibar will no longer feel abandoned and under constant threat. Even tourism in Pe and Deani could benefit the local economy, as these holy sites become what the Declaration said they should be – places of intercultural dialogue. Reverend Donald Reeves MBE is the founder of the Soul of Europe. The Soul of Europe works as catalysts and mediators to ensure a peaceful resolution to conflicts, particularly in the Balkans. Reverend Donald Reeves MBE 27 апреля 2012 г. ... Комментарии Chris 3 августа 2012, 12:00 there is no justification for threats and violence from either side and my comment was not to justify knowledge is only what i read and hear from the people living in the country and as far as i am aware it is fairly accurate...but the people of this region have been oppressed for too long...the facts should speak for themselves and as a result around seven million people now live outside Kosova...while only two million remain in country....this cannot be overlooked and a peaceful future without oppresion or violence should be sought for this tiny corner....Milosevic made it clear he could not deal with this and sought to remove the inhabitants of this land from 1989 onwards....

Maria Kamenetskaya’s “Between Summer and Fall” is a piercing, funny and ultimately loving ode to the functionally dysfunctional family as it ages. Older parents meet with grown children at the dacha (one daughter in law can’t attend because she has gotten her lips augmented). They plant apple trees awkwardly, but in a spirit of détente. Arkady Babchenko is the new Russian master of the memoir. His work is both confessional in tone and bereft of self-pity. Somehow he makes the Russian Army’s disciplinary battalion—a dank, festering, abusive and debased atmosphere, as hopeless as any of the gulags—approachable and eminently readable. His unembellished style and ironic humor draws the reader in, as if standing close to him, a specter over his shoulder who knows somehow he got out because he is writing this story and not rotting outside Grozny. Anyone following Russia’s current army reforms must read Arkady Babchenko’s story “The Diesel Stop.” Already known for his journalism and first book “One Soldier’s War,” it is not lost on readers that he uses the same adroit translator here, Nick Allen. Babchenko recovered from his lifeless humiliation and addiction to war through writing about it. He has said in interviews that the process of writing transformed him into a new person. Ah, there it is again, the transformation of character. Most of us cannot become Russian writers in hopes of changing our lives. But could reading more Russian writers help us reach that place called an examined life? Start with Rasskazy, or Stories. As editors Mikhail Iossel and Jeff Parker point out, Russia’s greatest contribution to the world over time is not oil or gas or arms. “Rather it’s been the successive generations of Russian writers capable of examining life’s emotional and intellectual restlessness, its complexity and intensity. Here’s to the interior life. Russia Beyond the Headlines Nora Fitzgerald 25 ноября 2010 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также International academic conference to take place on Solovki in September International academic conference to take place on Solovki in September On September 15-21 on the Solovki islands the theoretical and practical conference, " Solovki in the literature and folklore (the 15th-21st centuries) " will take place.

Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)      Also numbered among the ascetics of piety of the Pskov-Caves Monastery is Righteous Matthew of Isborsk. Isborsk is an ancient town not far from Pechory, with its later settlement, Maly, located nearby. Righteous Matthew was bed-ridden for forty-five years, and reposed in 1905, after bringing much spiritual help to those who came to him. The Pskov-Caves Monastery remains an important place of pilgrimage for the Orthodox faithful in Russia and the world over. Thousands have found there healing and transformation, good counsel and support, through the prayers of its saints and holy elders. 28 июня 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Mean Old Fr. Nathaniel Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Mean Old Fr. Nathaniel Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) During those atheistic years, soviet workers who came to the monastery expected to find any sort of reactionary, sly money-grubber, ignorant and not quite human; what they did not expect was what they actually saw—slightly peculiar but very interesting, educated and clever, extraordinarily brave and inwardly free people who knew things that the guests had never even guessed. After but a few minutes it would be clear to them that they had never met anyone like these monks in their whole lives. About Archimandrite John Krestiankin Archpriest Mikhail Pravdoliubov About Archimandrite John Krestiankin Archpriest Mikhail Pravdoliubov On February 5, 2006, Russia " s beloved elder, Archimandrite John (Krestiankin), reposed in the Lord. The Pravdoliubov family, full of priests and even new martyrs, lived in Ryazan Province, where Fr. John served for many years as a priest in various parishes. This family has produced even more priests, one of whom serves in the Resurrection Church in Moscow, and has written his recollections of a life-long relationship with the wise spiritual instructor. Fr. Abbakum and the Pskov Religious Affairs Commissioner Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Fr. Abbakum and the Pskov Religious Affairs Commissioner Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) That is just how it was. From early morning, at his post by the Holy Gates, Fr. Abbakum, demanded that every person entering the monastery read the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, composed by the fathers of the first and second Ecumenical Councils in the fourth century. His calculation was ingeniously simple: every church-going Orthodox person knows this text by heart. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

Наталья 10 апреля 2012, 13:17 Унываю последнюю неделю, ленность не только пойти в храм, а вообще шевелиться. Почитаю проповеди в надежде дух поднять, но наоборот вижу только свою никчемность, негодность. От этого становится совсем плохо. Вот дошла до вашей проповеди и ободрилась, по крайней мере самоедство отошло, что мало молюсь, недостойно пощусь, недостойно причащаюсь. Спасибо, Вам. Ваши проповеди вселяют в нас немощных надежду и утешают. Fr. Vladimir Eremine 9 апреля 2012, 22:31 But we see more in our churches than what we can hear – for example, how space of the church building is utilized by communities of the faithful, how laypeople are positioned with respect to the clergy, what type of accommodations like pews or lack of them. We know that at some point Christians were allowed to use basilicas as houses of worship. It might have not been an ideal type of the building to use for the Eucharist as we read about it in the Gospels – one room, one table and so force, but it was what it was. Churches in Europe or Theodorofski Icon Cathedral in St. Petersburg (now lovely restored) preserve the basilica’s basic structure. The majority of churches in Russia and eastern Europe, however, reconceptualized the basilica after Jerusalem’s temple erecting iconostases and thus separating the faithful from the clergy. This trend reached its culmination in Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, where we actually see a church inside a church. My question to you, father Andrew, how did this wild imagination broke so vividly with ancient tradition of the Mystical Supper? Thinking back from the point of view of the Christ the Savior, we plausibly can think that our Lord was periodically emerging from and disappearing into some inner room, while apostles were patiently standing in a different room or even outside like our babushkas during the Mystical Supper. Татьяна 9 апреля 2012, 15:04 Большое спасибо! Очень дух поддерживающая статья. Леван 7 апреля 2012, 00:35 Спаси Господи! надежда 6 апреля 2012, 15:24

10 – 12. 1348 James Drummond, Philo Judaeus I, p. 13: «Again and again, as we read him (Philo), we wish that he and Paulus could have known one another; and yet we doubt whether he could ever, with Paul, have broken loose from the bondage of the past, and committed himself trustfully to a new and more glorious future». Это гораздо вероятнее чем напрасная и тенденциозная догадка M. Friedlander’a, будто «Филон с радостью приветствовал бы первохристианское движение, если бы он был осведомлен о последнем» (Der Antichrist in den von christlichen judischen Quellen, S. 61). 1349 Больше – в этом смысле мы разумеем и предуготовление Филоном почвы для Евангелия, о чем с разумительной сдержанностью говорит и Prof. C. F. G. Heinrici в «Theologische Literaturzeitung» 1900, 24, S. 660. Но скорее будет верно замечание Prof. R. A. Lipsius’a (в Bibel – Lexicon von D. Schenel I, S. 90), что Филон уравнял путь для христианской философии, однако в этом отношении он был для последней предвестником неудач, ибо, стараясь слить вместо личного Бога религии и чистое единство или бесконечное бытие философии, александрийский мистик лишь попал в безисходные противоречия, из которых принципиально не могли выпутаться ни он сам, ни его (христианские) подражатели и продолжатели. 1350 Cp. C. F. G. Heinrici, Erklarung der Korinthierbriefe II, S. 581: «Die alexandrinischen Versuche zur Erueuerung des Judentums fuhrten zum Einmunden in den Hellenismus, Paulus Predigt legt einen neuen Grund, auf dem die sittlichen Guter der alttestamentlichen Religion und der antiken Philosophie eine Lebensfahigkeit gewinnen, welche sie fur sich nicht besassen». 1351 Ср. кн. С. Н. Трубецкой, Учение о Логосе в его истории I, стрн. 161: «различие между ранним (?) христианством и религией (?!) Филона было весьма значительным, более значительным даже, чем различие между христианством и ортодоксальным палестинским иудейством, которое стояло с ним на одинаковой почве в своем положительном отношении к Ветхому Завету». Даже J.

It was a wonderfull and unforgettable event to which hundreds of clergy and many thousands of laymen came from all over the world! The importance of St. John for the people of the twentieth century cannot be underestimated. Those who knew him personally or have read about his life and miracles have learned of the tremendous spiritual power embodied in this frail little man. God was drawn to the burning, loving heart of Vladyka John, which became a vessel of His grace. He entrusted the Saint with heavenly secrets and the ability to transcend physical laws, making him a point of contact between Himself, the Creator, and us, His creatures. There can be no doubt that Vladyka John has been sent by God as a gift of holiness to the people of the last days. At a time when imitation has become the norm in all aspects of life, when the authentic spirit of the Christian Faith has been so hidden that most are oblivious of its very existence, he can be seen as a model of genuineness. Vladyka John has set the right " tone " of true apostleship in the modern world. As more people are drawn into the Orthodox Church of Christ before the final unleashing of evil, may they look to him as their loving guide and a pastor who knows no death. He is a kind of " measuring stick " that indicates who and what is real in our confusing times. The unit of measure is nothing other than pure Christian love, which he possessed and distributed in abundance. With this love, the intense struggle of spiritual life becomes worth the effort. By the prayers of Saint John may God bless and save us. Amen! Bishop Alexander (Mileant) 2 июля 2012 г. Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Terence.A 9 июля 2017, 02:59 I am a catholic and I am very devoted to St.

Katya Svyatitskaya 31 октября 2011, 10:30 It will be great if you can translate this book in to English. I think our Prist Igor Filyanovskiy can help to do that when you will start that. We have a lot of english speeking parish members, who will be happy to read that wonderful book and try to undestend and fill russian orthodoxy more deeply. Марина 27 октября 2011, 22:52 Мы с мужем дарим книгу своим знакомым, зная, насколько интересно повествование. Вот слова одной из них( воцерковленной христианки): " оторваться не могу, даже дом-2 перестала смотреть " . Я в ответ: " придется просить о.Тихона писать продолжение, чтобы ты к дому-2 так и не смогла вернуться " . Спасибо за книгу, отец Тихон. Низкий поклон. Любовь 26 октября 2011, 11:08 Благодарю вас, о. Тихон, за книгу! мы с супругом местами смеялись, местами я готова была заплакать. Спаси вас Господи за живое изложение, остроумие, блестящий юмор и иронию! Пишите, пожалуйста, пишите! Ольга 25 октября 2011, 14:43 Здравствуйте! Пожалуйста очень хочеть прочитать эту книгу, как можно получить электронный вариант Валентина 24 октября 2011, 04:46 О Тихон низкий ВАМ поклон за Вашу книгу,которая не только познавательна и интересна,но и просто необходима,как глоток свежего воздуха.Она нас грешных многому,просто и по отечески учит.Пусть на ВАС всегда пребудет БЛАГОДАТЬ ДУХА СВЯТАГО,и ПОКРОВ ЦАРИЦЫ НЕБЕСНОЙ укрывает ВАС от всех невзгод и перепитий мирских.Многая ВАМ лета. Ольга 23 октября 2011, 00:03 Необычайно интересная книга! На днях попала в руки, невозможно оторваться! Читается на одном дыхании! Сколько радости, любви и света в каждой строчке! Потрясающе легкий и красивый язык! Отец Тихон, спаси Вас Господи! Зоя 22 октября 2011, 22:00 Хочется выразить огромную благодарность о.Тихону за эту книгу. В ней столько теплоты и добра. Я читала ее по-немногу, что бы растянуть удовольствие. До этого я практически не читала православной литературы, о чем очень сожалею. Эта книга открыла для меня совершенно другой мир, заставила пересмотреть свои взгляды на некоторые вещи.

Сети богословия Тема недели: Почитание мощей в православии Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Мнение Мнение Статья Статья Статья Новые материалы 1 января Religious Leaders Call For Sniper Withdrawal In Nagorno-Karabakh 2 декабря 2011 19:08 – 1 января 1970 03:00 События The leading religious leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia have called for a withdrawal of snipers from the front lines in the disputed breakaway Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh to stop bloodshed amid more reported casualties in the conflict zone, RFE/RL’s Armenian Service reports. Russian Patriarch Kiril read out a statement that he made jointly with Catholicos Karekin II, the supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic Church; and Azerbaijan’s top Shi’a Muslim leader, Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, at the end of a meeting in Yerevan on November 21 held as part of a summit of top clerics from post-Soviet countries. Armenian and international mediators have repeatedly called for a bilateral withdrawal of snipers to reduce deadly cease-fire violations reported along the Armenian-Azerbaijani “line of contact” in Karabakh on a regular basis and blamed by both sides on each other. The military authorities in Armenia and Karabakh reiterated their readiness to withdraw snipers from the frontline positions following the reported deaths of two Armenian soldiers near Karabakh on November 19-20 by what Stepanakert described as sniper fire from Azerbaijani army positions. They stressed, however, that they cannot withdraw unilaterally. At the same time, the military in Armenia vowed to retaliate to discourage further sniper activity in the conflict zone. Karabakh’s ethnic Armenian army reported seven killed or wounded in the Azerbaijani army in the past week, describing the casualties as resulting from their troops’ “punitive actions.” Azerbaijan has confirmed only one death. Talking to the media over the weekend, Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian underscored that the responsibility for future losses in the Azerbaijani army lies with Azerbaijan’s authorities.

Archive DECR secretary for interreligious relations takes part in the forum in Elista 8 October 2022 year 10:45 On October 6, 2022, an interregional reflection-action conference on ‘Nikolay Palmov: Personality and Time’ was opened in Elista. It was devote to the 150th birthday of Nikolay N. Palmov, an historian of the Church, the founder of Kalmyk studies, an educator and the founder of the museum and archive work in Kalmykia. The conference was organized by the Palmov National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia with the support of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, the diocese of Kalmykia, the Kalmykia National Archives and the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Kalmykia Academic Center. The conference was attended by historians, regional ethnographers, archaeologists, archivists and librarians, professors and students of educational institutions. Archbishop Justinian of Elista and Kalmykia greeted the participants in the plenary session. He spoke about the topicality of Palmov’s academic legacy and his unique contribution to Kalmyk historical studies. He also recalled that Nikolay Palmov, a son and grandson of Orthodox priests, rose as a scholar in the church milieu. He called upon the participants to resort to Nikolay Palmov’s works more often as they have remained relevant today. A message of greeting was sent to the attendees by the Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk. It was read out by Rev. Dimitry Safonov, executive secretary of the Interreligious Council in Russia, who came to Elista with a blessing of the DECR chairman. Then Father Dimitry delivered a paper on ‘Nikolay Palmov as a historian of the Church’ with an analysis of Palmov’s academic studies in church history, archaeology and heortology and historical liturgics.  On the side-lines of the conference, the DECR secretary for interreligious relations had a meeting with the senior administrator of the Central Khurul  " Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni’ to inform him about the work of the Interreligious Council in Russia and the experience of Orthodox-Buddhist relations. On the same day, the work of the conference was summed up at the RIA Kalmykia Press Center. In his remarks, Father Dimitry Safonov stressed that Nikolay Palmov as an Orthodox scholar, who devoted his last fifteen years to studies in the history of the Kalmyk people and culture, is a unique example of selfless service for both ecclesiastical scholarship and the Kalmyk people. He called upon scholars to joint their efforts for preparing and publishing a collection of Nikolay Palmov’s ecclesiastical studies. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year

Сети богословия Тема недели: Почитание мощей в православии Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Мнение Мнение Статья Статья Статья Новые материалы 1 января London: Symposium on Teaching and Studying Religion 12 декабря 2011 14:31 – 1 января 1970 03:00 События A symposium entitled “Teaching and Studying Religion: Choices and Challenges” will be held in London at the British Sociological Association on 15 December 2011. The organisers write: Religion is not a neutral subject. As with other significant constituents of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, or class, the subject of ‘religion’ as a topic for study is not straightforward. And yet, we study it, deconstruct it, analyse, and measure it, recognising as we do that definitions are bound to be contested, fluid, and sometimes slippery. What are the particular challenges and choices this presents in different disciplines, in different places and times? And what are the ethical, political and methodological implications of this? To find out more about how participants from a variety of disciplines and contexts have engaged with the choices and challenges of teaching and studying religion, join us on 15 December at the British Sociological Association Meeting Room in London, for a BSA Socrel symposium, chaired by Abby Day (Department of Religious Studies, University of Kent and Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex) and Anna Strahan (Department of Religious Studies, University of Kent). We are grateful to the Higher Education Academy for funding. It won’t be your usual ‘stand-and-deliver’ event. Our presenters have worked hard to condense their work into short summaries that will be distributed to all participants in advance of the day. All participants will be expected to read the summaries and come prepared for a full day of engaging in vibrant exchanges across disciplines, countries, methods and other conventional boundaries. The keynote lecture will be given by Adam Dinham, Director of Goldsmiths Faith and Civil Society Unit and Programme Director for the ‘Religious Literacy Leadership in Higher Education’ programme. Другие публикации на портале: © 2007-2024 Портал Богослов.Ru. Издатель: БОГОСЛОВ.RU Адрес издателя: 141300 Московская область, город Сергиев Посад, территория Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Все права защищены. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл ФС77-46659 от 22.09.2011 При копировании материалов с сайта ссылка обязательна в формате: Источник: Портал Богослов.Ru . Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов публикаций. Редакция открыта к сотрудничеству и готова обсудить предложения.

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