Larisa Ragulina 11 октября 2013, 21:41 tak slozhilas zhisn, chto chtobi prokormit detei i mat j uzhe mnogo let rabotaiu v Italii. katoliki uzhe davno otmenili i objzatelniu ispoved,i post perd prichastiem. strashno smotret kak posle obilnogo, do poluobmoroka obeda izrjdno politogo vinom oni prespokoino podhodjt k prichastiu. PRAVOSLAVNIE o chem diskussij? ved ponjtno dlj chego i KTO podsovivaet podobnie predlozhenij. nashi otzi i dedi pronesli neismennimi vse kakoni cheres strashnie godi gonenii, chto zhe mi?. ne dopustite Алексей Зюков 11 октября 2013, 16:58 часть 7 - последняя (Писания преподобного отца Кассиана Римлянина. М., 1882. С. 605. (; «Писания к семи последним, посланным к Иовиниану, Миневрию, Леонтию и Феодору, собеседованиям отцов, обитавших в пределах Нижнего Египта» Двадцать третье собеседование аввы Феоны (третье). О словах апостола: доброе, которого хочу, не делаю, а злое, которого не хочу, делаю, Глава 21 В этом случае, человек получает ориентир, руководство к действию, понимание того, что же делать, чтобы приступить. Алексей Зюков 11 октября 2013, 16:57 Часть 6 Вот что пишет преподобный Иоанн Кассиан Римлянин († 435): «Впрочем, мы не должны устраняться от причащения Господня из-за того, что сознаем себя грешниками; но еще более и более, с жаждою нужно поспешать к нему для врачевания души и очищения духа, однако с таким смирением духа и верою, чтобы, считая себя недостойными принятия такой благодати, мы больше желали лекарства для наших ран. А иначе и один раз в год нельзя достойно принимать причащение, как некоторые делают, которые, живя в монастырях, достоинство, освящение и благотворность небесных таинств оценивают так, что полагают, будто принимать их должны только святые, непорочные; а лучше бы думать, что эти таинства сообщением благодати делают нас чистыми и святыми. Они больше высказывают гордости, нежели смирения, как им кажется; потому что когда принимают их, то считают себя достойными принятия их. А гораздо правильнее было бы, чтобы мы с тем смирением сердца, по которому веруем и исповедуем, что мы никогда не можем достойно прикасаться Святых Тайн, каждый день принимали их для врачевания наших недугов, нежели, превознесшись суетным убеждением сердца, верить, что мы после годичного срока бываем достойны принятия их.»

Siendo perfecto Dios, Cristo el Salvador es también perfecto Hombre. Él, como Hombre nació, cuando a María, Su Madre se le cumplieron los días de alumbramiento. Y gradualmente crecía y se fortalecía en Espíritu (Luc. 2:40.) Como Hijo de María, vivía sujeto a Ella y a Su desposado. Como Hombre recibió el bautismo de Juan en el Jordán, recorrió ciudades y lugares con Su sermón salvífico, ni una sola vez hasta Su resurrección tuvo la necesidad de testificar a alguien sobre Su Humanidad. Durante Su predicación salvadora pasó tormentos y agobios; experimentó sed, hambre, necesidades de descanso y sueño, sensaciones dolorosas y sufrimiento físico. Viviendo la vida física, dada al hombre, el Señor vivió también la vida psíquica como Hombre. Él confortó Sus fuerzas espirituales con ayuno y la oración. Como Hombre, experimentó sensaciones humanas – alegría, ira, dolor, expresándolas exteriormente, «se estremeció en el espíritu,» expresando indignación, derramando lágrimas, como por ejemplo ante la muerte de Lázaro. El Evangelio nos muestra la fuerte lucha espiritual en el jardín de Getsemaní en aquella noche antes de ser llevado a la Pasión: Mi alma esta triste hasta la muerte, – determina a los discípulos su estado del alma. La voluntad racional humana y consciente de Jesucristo coloca inmutablemente todas las aspiraciones humanas en subordinación a la voluntad Divina, en Sí Mismo. Esta imagen es dada en forma evidente y conmovedora en las Pasiones, que comenzaron en el Getsemaní Padre mío, si es posible, pase de Mí este cáliz, pero no sea como Yo quiero, sino, como Tú (Mat. 26:39). No sea Mi voluntad, sino la Tuya (Luc. 22:42.) En cuanto a la veracidad de la completa naturaleza humana del Salvador, los Santos Padres hablan de esta manera: San Cirilo de Alejandría «si es que la naturaleza recibida no hubiera tenido inteligencia humana, entrando en lucha con el diablo – hubiera sido el mismo Dios; y Dios hubiera sido el ganador de la victoria. Y si Dios hubiera sido el victorioso, entonces yo, como ajeno a esta victoria, no hubiera recibido ninguna ganancia y ni gozarme de ella, como orgulloso de un trofeo ajeno.»

Die Rede des Metropoliten von Wolokolamsk Antonius während der abschließenden Sitzung des VII. Kongresses der Führer von traditionellen und Weltreligionen Kommunikationsdienst der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen, 15.09.2022. Die abschließende Sitzung des VII. Kongresses der Führer von traditionellen und Weltreligionen fand am 15. September statt. Als der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen des Moskauer Patriarchats der Metropolit von Wolokolamsk Antonius die Mitglieder der Sitzung ansprach, sagte er: Euer Exzellenz! Hochgeschürzter Qassym-Schomart Toqajew! Eure Heiligkeit!  Geehrte religiöse Führer und Mitglieder! Der Kongress ist ein für die eurasische Region einzigartiger Platz, den interreligiösen Dialog zu führen. Seit 2003 finden die Versammlungen des Kongresses regelmäßig statt und versammeln die prominenten Persönlichkeiten aus der ganzen Welt. Ich möchte allen Veranstaltern des Kongresses unseren Dank für diese wichtige Initiative aussprechen, besonders persönlich dem Präsidenten der Republik Kasachstan, Qassym-Schomart Toqajew. Zum zentralen Thema des Kongresses der Führer der traditionellen und Weltreligionen ist die Festigung des Friedens zwischen den Religionen, Staaten und Völkern geworden. Heutzutage wird dieses Problem immer aktueller. Gott Jesus Christus sagt im Evangelium, dass selig sind, die Frieden stiften, denn sie werden Gottes Kinder heißen (Mat. 5.9). Die Gläubigen müssen sich nicht aus den in der Welt existierenden Problemen zurückziehen, sondern die aktive Position vertreten, mit der Friedensstiftung und Verständigung helfen, die Leidenden trösten. Im Abschlussdokument gibt es eine Reihe von wesentlichen Thesen. Vor allem sind das die Worte über die Schlüsselrolle der geistigen und ethischen Anhaltspunkte, die verderblichen Erscheinungen zu überwinden, die zu Spaltungen und Konflikten führen. Sehr wichtig ist der Gedanke an die Notwendigkeit, die kulturelle und religiöse Vielfalt zu erhalten, wo die Völker und Religionen durch gemeinsame Werte vereinigt werden, indem sie ihre Identität erhalten.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation All About Vestments: “The Opinionated Tailor” Speaks to St. Juliana Society Virginia Nieuwsma 19 April 2013 April 15, 2013 Lenten vestments at St. Vladimir’s Meetings of the St. Juliana Society for St. Vladimir’s future clergy wives are often punctuated by laughter and animated conversation, and Monday evening’s gathering at the residence of Fr. Chad and Mat. Thekla Hatfield was no exception. Lively guest Khouria Krista West, host of  “The Opinionated Tailor” podcast,  offered a mini-seminar on both the care, and the spiritual symbolism, of clergy garments. Krista has worked as an ecclesiastical tailor for over fifteen years and has created nearly 1000 sets of vestments through her Portland-based business. Her interest in the history and traditions of Eastern Orthodox liturgical vesture led her to Greece in 2004 to participate in a museum conservation course hosted by the Greek Ministry of Culture, and Lenten vestments at St. Vladimir’s since then she has continued to research multiple aspects of this field, including natural dyestuffs and early Byzantine textile history. “I’m here to tell you eleven things about vestments,” announced Kh. Krista. “It was originally a nice, tidy list of ten, but then there was one I just had to add, so eleven it is!” Khouria noted that as a fellow clergy wife (her husband Fr. Alban is rector of St. George Antiochian Church in Portland, OR), she understood that there were some very practical issues related to vestments and as such, she offered this list: Khouria Krista ended her talk with a quote from St. John of Damascus, who said that sight is the “queen of the senses.” In Orthodoxy, she concluded, there is a richness that can be a source of joy and celebration throughout our lives, and in this, vestments play an important part. RELATED LINKS: Read Khouria’s biography

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Archbishop Anastasios: Forgiveness Is the Effective Vaccination to Overcome Hatred Source: Aurelian Iftimiu 01 May 2021 Photography courtesy of Nicolae In his  Easter message , His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania refers to the vaccine brought by Christ to the world to overcome hatred, namely the voluntary offering of forgiveness. “Forgiveness, hence after, has become an essential chromosome of the life of the conscious Christian,” Archbishop Anastasios stressed. His Beatitude pointed out that sometimes we do not use the medicine that Christ left us, because “often many of us try to avoid this basic evangelical principle and command.” “We insist upon our rights and we call for the maintenance of our dignity and we magnify the danger posed by those who fight against us. Despite this, there is no greater freedom than forgiveness.” The Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Albania noted that “it is not enough for us to be personally set free from the side effects of hatred.” “It is imperative for us to contribute continually to the decrease of the tensions around us, to the de-escalation of polarization, of conflicts, and the various mutations of hatred.” Blessed are those who achieve, through their word and life, the mitigation of discord, oppositions, and hostilities by cultivating reconciliation. Blessed are those who are inspired by the forgiveness which rose from the grave of Christ. It was Him Who first took the initiative to give His life “as a ransom for many” (Mat. 20:28). For they are indeed shown as “children of the Resurrection”. Archbishop Anastasios highlighted that infects the life of humankind in the family, in the religious and political life, in the relations of nations, creating unpredictable conflicts. “And today, within the murky atmosphere created by the pandemic, a peculiar hatred often appears in many environments, with various mutations, from the simplest of symptoms –indignation, antipathy, aggressiveness, to the most serious symptoms – polarization, violence, discord.”

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Assembly of Bishops Announces 10th Anniversary Meeting Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America team 02 September 2021 Photo: The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America announced that its 10th Annual Assembly of Bishops Meeting will be held October 2-5, 2021 in Washington D.C. The Assembly will also be hosting a charity networking event to hear the voices of the youth and young adults while assembling hygiene kits for those in need. The event will kick-off at 5:00 PM EDT and will be open to the public. The Assembly of Bishops is made up of all the active, canonical Orthodox bishops in the United States of America, of every jurisdiction. For the last decade, members of the Assembly have gathered annually to discuss and decide important matters affecting the life, growth, and unity of the Orthodox Church, its ministries, finances, and philanthropic concerns. This year’s agenda will feature proposals to introduce new channels to connect with the Orthodox faithful and several new ministries and committees to support Orthodox youth and volunteer programs. Reflecting on the upcoming meeting, Archbishop Elpidophoros, Chair of the Assembly, stated,  “After a year and a half of painful separation, we look forward to gathering in person with all of our brother hierarchs in this country. We are especially eager to worship together with all the local faithful. This year, our main focus is the youth. And continuing our ‘year of the youth’ activities, in constant dialogue with youth and young adults, we want to answer together the Lord’s call to serve those in need (Mat 25:31-46). Therefore, we invite all of those who are able to assemble care kits to be distributed by the International Orthodox Christian Charities, one of the Assembly agencies. We sincerely hope you will join us, your spiritual fathers, during our 10 th  Anniversary celebration.”

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Stratford, CT: St. Nicholas Church Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Archpriest George Lardas’ Priesthood Natalya Mihailova 20 February 2014 February 20, 2014 Wednesday, February 5 marked the 25th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of Archpriest George Lardas rector of  St. Nicholas Church  in Stratford, CT, where Fr. George has been serving for fourteen years now. To celebrate, on the nearest Sunday, February 9, the parish threw him a reception, organized by Maria Peavy, wife of parish’s starosta Lev Peavy, and parish Deacon Paul Giatas. The sisterhood, led by Head Sister Joan Hudobenko, decorated the parish hall and prepared a bountiful trapeze. In addition to the parishioners, many guests came for the reception. Archpriest Peter Paproski (rector of the neighboring St. John the Baptist Carpatho-Russian Church) led the congregation in singing “Many years.” In attendance were also Fr. George’s relatives: his uncle, artist Jack Lardis, and children, Xenia and John. The parish treasurer, Anastasia Milligan, prepared special cards for Fr. George and Mat. Ann and created a certificate to go with the parish’s gift. Parishioners, along with Fr. George’s relatives and neighboring Orthodox, collected funds to provide Fr. George with a new ryassa and cassock. Fr. George’s wife, Matushka Ann, received a beautiful bouquet of roses called “Twenty-five years of matushka-hood.” Then Fr. George cut and the parish children distributed a beautiful cake. In conclusion, Fr. George thanked everyone for their prayers, love, and support, and encouraged everyone to come for the parish’s 85th anniversary celebration, which will take place on the first weekend in November. Photo credits: George Peavy, Elena Blessig, Xenia Lardas. Source:  Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Stratford, CT: St. Nicholas Church Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Archpriest George Lardas’ Priesthood

Shmuel Khan era un comandante della squadra assira di Targavar e prestava servizio sul confine persiano-turco. Durante la prima guerra mondiale, nel settembre 1914, difese Urmia contro i curdi. Nel suo distaccamento c " erano 250 assiri e con loro c " era un distaccamento di 60 cosacchi. All " inizio dell " assedio, il comandante cosacco fu ucciso da un cecchino e Shmuel Khan prese il comando del distaccamento unito. I combattimenti durarono quasi tre giorni e l " attacco curdo fu respinto. Successivamente prese parte alla spedizione di ritorsione dei distaccamenti russi, i curdi furono respinti. Comandò quindi la terza centuria di cavalleria assira separata [un centinaio di uomini] come parte delle unità assire che combattevano nell " esercito russo. Shmuel Khan morì il 3 marzo 1918 (secondo il calendario giuliano, allora usato dagli assiri; 16 marzo secondo il calendario gregoriano) insieme al Catholicos assiro Mar Shimun XXI. Durante la prima guerra mondiale, Sua Santità il Catholicos ebbe contatti con l " imperatore Nicola II tramite il granduca Nicola Nikolaevich e trasmise parole di sostegno all " imperatore nella guerra con l " Impero Ottomano. Il popolo assiro viveva allora nell " impero ottomano e lottava per l " autonomia. Nicola II ha risposto con parole di gratitudine per il sostegno e ha espresso la speranza che il popolo russo liberasse i cristiani turchi dall " oppressione. Quando scoppiò la guerra civile russa nel 1918, il popolo assiro stava ancora resistendo ai turchi, ma i paesi dell’Intesa fecero pressioni sul Catholicos affinché negoziasse con i curdi. Il Catholicos Mar Shimun è stato invitato ad un ricevimento con il leader curdo Simko Shikak. Shmuel Khan lo ha accompagnato. Era il sabato prima della Quaresima: aveva avvertito il Catholicos che potevano esserci provocazioni, e aveva ragione. Quasi tutti gli assiri presenti al ricevimento furono fucilati, furono uccise più di cento persone e tra loro c " erano il Catholicos e il mio bisnonno. Nel 2014, un monumento al Patriarca Mar Shimun XIX è stato inaugurato sul terreno della Chiesa della Beata Vergine Maria ( " Mat Maryam " ) a Mosca.

Anche il figlio di Shmuel Khan, Avimalek, è legato alla Russia: studiò qui, divenne ufficiale e comandò un " unità di cavalleria assira di duecento cavalieri che combattevano sul lato russo del fianco meridionale del fronte del Caucaso in Persia. Sua nipote Florence è mia mamma. Dato che i miei antenati vivevano in Russia, apprezzo particolarmente la cultura russa. La personalità dell " imperatore Nicola II, che ebbe contatti con il mio predecessore, e la sua famiglia mi interessano molto. Tra gli scrittori russi, L. Tolstoj è di particolare importanza. Nei suoi romanzi analizza la spiritualità della Russia, del credente russo medio, e lo trovo molto interessante. Parrocchie assire in Russia - Oggi, la vita degli Assiri in Russia è incentrata sui parroci della Chiesa assira, la principale delle quali è la chiesa moscovita della Beata Vergine Maria ( " Mat Maryam " ). La Sua visita nel 2023 è stata programmata per festeggiare il 25° anniversario di quella parrocchia. Qual è il suo significato nella vita degli assiri a Mosca? - La parrocchia moscovita della Chiesa assira iniziò a prendere forma nel 1996, quando il metropolita iracheno Mar Gewargis (in seguito Sua Santità il Patriarca Catholicos Mar Gewargis III, ora emerito) pose la prima pietra della chiesa. Tuttavia, i vescovi e i sacerdoti erano venuti prima, e la comunità ecclesiale stessa si è formata all’inizio degli anni ’90. La parrocchia è stata fondata ufficialmente nel 1998. Il mio predecessore, Sua Santità il Patriarca Catholicos Mar Dinkha IV, ha consacrato questa chiesa dedicata alla Santissima Madre di Dio durante la sua visita a Mosca. Durante tutti questi anni la parrocchia è cresciuta, portando avanti la vita liturgica, sviluppandosi e migliorando. Successivamente, altre comunità assire apparvero in diverse parti del paese: la parrocchia del megalomartire Giorgio a Krasnodar, la parrocchia a Rostov sul Don. Il significato della parrocchia di Mosca è estremamente importante: è una rappresentazione della Chiesa assira dell " Est in Russia, che unisce molte persone appartenenti al nostro popolo che vivono nella Federazione Russa. Oltre ai servizi regolari, è un vero centro della comunità assira in Russia.

Assyrian parishes in Russia - Today, the life of Assyrians in Russia is centred around the parushes of the Assyrian Church, the main of which is the Moscow church of the Blessed Virgin Mary ( " Mat Maryam " ). Your visit in 2023 was timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of that parish. What is its significance in the life of Assyrians in Moscow? - The Moscow parish of the Assyrian Church began to take shape back in 1996, when Metropolitan Mar Gewargis of Iraq (later His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Gewargis III, now retired) laid the foundation stone of the church. However, bishops and priests had come before, and the church community itself was formed in the early 1990s. The parish was officially established in 1998. My predecessor, His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Dinkha IV, consecrated this church dedicated to the Most Holy Mother of God during his visit to Moscow. During all these years the parish has been growing, living a liturgical life, developing and improving. Subsequently, other Assyrian communities appeared in different parts of the country: the parish of the Great Martyr George in Krasnodar, the parish in Rostov-on-Don. The significance of the Moscow parish is extremely important: it is a representation of the Assyrian Church of the East in Russia, uniting many representatives of our people living in the Russian Federation. In addition to regular services, it is a true centre of the Assyrian community in Russia. - In 2024, Assyrians living in Russia will celebrate two more anniversaries - the 10th anniversary of the consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious in Krasnodar and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the village of Urmia in the Krasnodar region. What are these places? - These are significant places for us, and there are plans to solemnly mark those dates. The Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious was built in 2008 and solemnly consecrated in 2014 by His Holiness Catholicos Mar Dinkha IV. I accompanied His Holiness on that visit and also participated in the consecration. Now, an Assyrian parish lives and develops around that church.

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