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  2006   696. “Toward the Origins of the Opisthambonos Prayer of the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgies,” in press in OCP 72/1 (2006). 697. Review of Michael Plekon, Living Icons. Persons of Faith in the Eastern Church, with a Foreword by Lawrence S. Cunningham, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana 2002, pp. xii + 337, in press in OCP 72/1 (2006). 698. “The Byzantine Imperial Communion Ritual,” in Pamela Armstrong (ed.), Ritual and Art: Essays for Christopher Walter (London: The Pindar Press) in press. 699. “Prefazione” to Antoine Gebran, Il Venerdì santo nel Rito siro-maronita in press. 700. “Introduction” to The Greek-Melkite Church at the Council, in press. 701. “The Byzantine Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom,” in Prex eucharistica, III: Studia (Spicilegium Friburgense, Fribourg) in press since 20 June 1992! 702. “Prothesis,” in E. Farrugia (ed.), Dictionary of the Christian East (Rome: EOC) (Английскаяверсия 574), in press. 703. “Introduction” to The Synaxarion of Evergetis (Belfast: The Queen’s University) in press. 704. “John Chrysostom and the Byzantine Anaphora that Bears his Name,” in Mary Gerhart & Fabian E. Udoh (eds.), Textual Sources for the Study of Christianity (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) (репринт 518) in press. 705. Personal profile to appear in Jesuites fin de siècle, in press in several languages. The Catalan and Spanish versions have already appeared (nos. 631, 633 above). 706. “Was the Eucharistic Anaphora Recited Secretly or Aloud? The Ancient Tradition and What Became of It,” paper read at the St. Nersess Seminary 40th Anniversary Symposium. Liturgy in Context: Worship Traditions of Armenia and the Neighboring Christian East, New York, September 25-28, 2002, in press in the Congress Acta. 707. “Il problema dell’ ‘uniatismo’ e ‘la purificazione delle memorie’: anamnesi, non amnesia,” (Italian version of no. 634), in Temi e problemi delle Chiese orientali (Brescia: Ed. Quireniana) in press. 708. “Cathedral vs. Monastic Liturgy in the Christian East: Vindicating a Distinction,” in press in BBGG series 3, 62 (2006).

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