Gay students desecrate a university chapel in Madrid Madrid, Spain, March 11, 2011 Some 70 college students stormed into the chapel of Madrid’s Complutense University on March 10, shouting insults against the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI and priests. Several females from the group stood on the altar, undressed from the waist up. Another female student who was in the chapel praying at the time told the Spanish daily ABC that two of the young women on the altar “boasted about their homosexual tendencies.” The group of students stormed into the chapel with a megaphone and pushed the chaplain out of the way. They proceeded to shout insults against the Catholic Church and her teachings. The group also placed posters in the pews and on the bulletin board at the entrance to the chapel. The entire incident was caught on film. Another student interviewed by ABC asked, “what would have happened had this taken place in a mosque? These people should know that Catholics will never respond to a provocation with another provocation just to defend themselves.” “Nobody will silence us by acting with hostility, mockery, intimidation or any other illegitimate pressure that offends the religions sensibilities of everyone,” she continued. “Moreover, acts like these are punishable by law. How easy and cowardly it is to do something like this anonymously!” University administrators condemned the act and said an investigation will be carried to identity those responsible. They reiterated the university’s commitment to respect for freedom of worship and belief and urged students to be tolerant of each other’s religious sentiments. “The neutrality of the government in religious matters means no specific belief can be imposed or subjected to persecution. “Tolerance and respect are absolutely indispensable,” they said. ABC reported it was not the first time the chapel has been the target of anti-Christian acts. Last week the doors and walls of the chapel were painted with anti-Catholic graffiti. The Archdiocese of Madrid released a statement condemning the desecration of the chapel and filed a formal complaint with the university. “These actions are an attack on freedom of worship and a profanation of a sacred place, which carries with it canonical penalties for any baptized parties who took part.” The archdiocese called it “shameful that in a democratic society where there is supposed to be respect for others, for religious institutions and for the right to celebrate one’s faith in public,” a group of young people would tarnish the good name and hard work of the Complutense University. Catholic News Agency 14 марта 2011 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Фома Аквинский. Сумма теологии. Фома Аквинский. Сумма против язычников.   Шабалина Анастасия. «Вера как действие: энактивистский подход к религии». Barsalou L., Santos A., Barbey A., Simmons W. K. Embodiment in Religious Knowledge//Journal of Cognition and Culture. 2005. 5 (1-2). Р. 14-57. Rosen R. Life Itself: A Comprehensive Inquiry into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life. Columbia University Press, 1991. Князева Е.Н. Энактивизм: новая форма конструктивизма в эпистемологии. М., СПб.: Центр гуманитарных инициатив, 2014. Enaction: Toward a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science/Edited by John Robert Stewart, Olivier Gapenne and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010.   Шпаковский Михаил. «”Дьявольский” аргумент против достоверности религиозного опыта». Swinburne R. The Existence of God. Дэвис С.Т. Бог, разум и теистические доказательства. М.: Наука, Вост. лит., 2016. Plantinga A. Warranted Christian Belief. Oxford, 2000. Alston W. Perceiving God, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991. Gutting G. Religious Belief and Religious Skepticism. Notre Dam, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1982.   Сысоев Матвей. «Религиозный опыт: к пантеизму через панпсихизм». Спиноза Б. Этика, доказанная в геометрическом порядке. Byerly T.R. The awe-some argument for pantheism//European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 2019. 11 (2). Coleman S. Personhood, consciousness, and god: how to be a proper pantheist//Int J Philos Relig. 2019. 85. Levine M.P. Pantheism: A Non-Theistic Concept of Deity, Cambridge University Press, 1994. Rescher N. Process Metaphysics: An Introduction to Process Philosophy, New York: SUNY Press, 1996. Strawson G. Mind and Being: The Primacy of Panpsychism.//Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2016.   Dvorak Petr. «”Mystical Theology” in Aquinas». Фома Аквинский. Сумма теологии. Фома Аквинский. Сумма против язычников.   Бутаков Павел. Бог во френдзоне. J.L. Schellenberg Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason. Cornell University Press, 2006.

About 35,000 New Martyrs included in database of St. Tikhon " s Orthodox University/Православие.Ru About 35,000 New Martyrs included in database of St. Tikhon " s Orthodox University Moscow, July 8, 2014      The martyrs for the faith in the 20th century included in the database of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities (Moscow) number currently about 35,000 people, reported rector of the university Archpriest Vladimir Vorobiev on Tuesday to RIA-Novosti . “Information not only on canonized New Martyrs is being gathered for the database, but also on all those who suffered for Christ and for the faith. There are around 35,000 such individuals at the moment. These are not just their names but also all information that could be found: biographical information, details from investigations, photographs, their works of authorship, letters,” said Fr. Vladimir. According to him, this database is a part of a larger work that is being carried out at the university. “We have a department of contemporary history of the Russian Orthodox Church. The history of the 20th century is the principal area of work,” the archpriest added. The first wave of repressions against clergy (1918-1920) alone swept away about 9,000 lives. Over 10,000 clergymen were found guilty during the confiscation of church treasures campaign, launched in 1921. 2,000 of them were executed by shooting. During industrialization the authorities led a campaign of recasting bells. From 1930 to 1934 the number of churches decreased by nearly one third. Naturally, the clergy could not be silent seeing this. In summer 1937, the order was issued to shoot within several months all confessors of faith, kept in communist camps and prisons. Throughout 1937 and 1938, 200,000 believers were repressed, half of them being executed. 11 июля 2014 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Living in the Spirit. Sermon on the feast of St. Hilarion in Sretensky Monastery. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Living in the Spirit. Sermon on the feast of St.

Zuzek I. Kormchaia Kniga: Studies on the Chief Code of the Russian Canon Law. Orientalia Christiana Analecta. Rome, 1964. Неопубликованные диссертации и труды конференций Bouteneff P. The History, Hagiography, and Humor of the Fools for Christ. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1990. Durkin A. A Guide to Guides: Writing About Birds in 19th-century Russia. Unpublished paper presented at conference of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Nov. 16, 1996. Ely C. D. The Origins of Russian Scenery: Volga River Tourism and Russian Landscape Aesthetics. Unpublished paper presented at conference of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Nov. 16, 1996. Geraci R. Window on the East: Ethnography, Orthodoxy, and Russian Nationality in Kazan, 1870–1914. Ph. D. diss. University of California at Berkeley, 1995. Hedda J. E. Good Shepherds: The St. Petersburg Pastorate and the Emergence of Social Activism in the Russian Orthodox Church, 1855–1917. Ph. D. diss. Harvard University, 1998. Herrlinger P. The Religious Identity of Workers and Peasant Migrants in St. Petersburg, 1880–1917. Ph. D. diss. University of California at Berkeley, 1996. Kizenko N. The Making of a Modern Saint: Ioann of Kronstadt and the Russian People, 1855–1917. Ph. D. diss. Columbia University, 1995. Manchester L. Secular Ascetics: The Mentality of Orthodox Clergymen’s Sons in Late Imperial Russia. Ph. D. diss. Columbia University, 1995. Shevzov V. Popular Orthodoxy in Late Imperial Rural Russia. Ph. D. diss. Yale University, 1994. Voinov V. The Western Idea of Democracy Through the Prism of the Russian Religious Mind. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, March 1997. Albany, New York. Русские журналы и другие периодические издания «Биржевые ведомости», 1899–1912 «Богословский вестник», декабрь 1907 «Душеполезное чтение», январь – март 1870 «Душеполезный собеседник», 1880–1917

Armstrong D. What Is a Law of Nature? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Heathcote A., & Armstrong D.M. Causes and Laws//Noûs. 1991. 25(1). Р. 63–73. Bird A. Nature’s Metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Broadbent A. Causes of causes. Philosophical Studies. 2012. 158(3). Р. 457–476. Cartwright N. Causal Laws and Effective Strategies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983. Cartwright N. The Dappled World: A Study of the Boundaries of Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Cartwright N. Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Dowe P. Physical Causation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Dowe P., & Noordhof P. Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World. London: Routledge, 2004. Tooley M. Causation: A Realist Approach. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Анализ классических подходов : Garrett D. Hume’s Theory of Causation//Ainslie D. C., Butler А. (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Hume’s Treatise. Cambridge, 2015 Clarke D. Causal Powers and Occasionalism from Descartes to Malebranche//Descartes Natural Philosophy, edited by Stephen Gaukroger, John Schuster, and John Sutton, London: Routledge, 2000, Р. 131-148. Nadler S. ‘No Necessary Connection’: The Medieval Roots of the Occasionalist Roots of Hume//The Monist. 1996. 79. Р. 448–466. Анализ контрфактической теории каузации : Collins J., Hall N., Paul L.A. Causation and Counterfactuals, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2004. Bennett J. On Forward and Backward Counterfactual Conditionals//Preyer G., Siebelt F. (Eds.), Reality and Humean Supervenience. Maryland: Rowman and Littleeld, 2001. Словарные и энциклопедические статьи Broadbent A. Causation //Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Обзорные работы Mumford S., Rani L.A. Causation: A Very Short Introduction . Oxford University Press, 2013. В данной работе процессуальная философия рассматривается как в исторической перспективе, так и с аналитической точки зрения. Автор предлагает ясное изложение основных положений современной процессуальной философии, с примерами из истории философии. Проводится последовательное сопоставление процессуальной философии с традиционными подходами, рассматриваются аргументы в пользу противоположных позиций. Также автор рассматривает применимость процессуальной философии к решению конкретных философских проблем.

Russian Orthodox University and the Moscow Patriarchate " s pilgrimage centre to prepare Orthodox guides Moscow, August 16, 2013 Russian Orthodox University and the Moscow Patriarchate " s pilgrimage center according to a cooperative agreement will be giving short-term professional training to prepare Orthodox tour guides, in a class called, " Fundamentals of Orthodox culture " . The " Fundamentals of Orthodox culture " course consists of two modules--theoretical and practical ones--and includes 72 hours of lecture, seminar and practical work as well as independent preparation that increases the load to 100 hours. Separate educational modules devoted to Holy sites of Moscow, Russia, Greece, and Byzantine empire, and spiritual centers of Europe will be developed as part of the course. The main emphasis of the program is the practical mastery of the methodology of pilgrimages and organizing excursions. A graduation document will be given out upon completion of the program. The best trainees will be offered job at the Moscow Patriarchate " s pilgrimage center. Theses courses for Orthodox guides are the first joint project of the Russian Orthodox University and the Moscow Patriarchate " s pilgrimage center. The university and the center are also planning to hold jointly an annual conference dedicated to development of pilgrimages, and publishing theme guides on the holy shrines of Moscow and other Russian cities. " There is a very high interest among tourists who come to the capital to visit the Moscow churches and monasteries, famous worldwide. Our university has taken part in the life of important Moscow shrines; each of them is an object of special attention to pilgrims, tourists, scientists, historians, local historians, and ordinary Muscovites who consider that it is their duty to know the history of their native city well, " said the rector of ROU Igumen Peter (Eremeev). " An acute problem of modern pilgrimages is a shortage of Orthodox guides. To be more precise, a shortage of highly skilled specialists in this field who have a relevant training and education. The full practical experience of pilgrimage organization that the pilgrimage center has gained will be shared with our trainees in professional development courses for Orthodox guides, " comments the director general of the Moscow Patriarchate " s pilgrimage center Hieromonk Nikodim (Kolesnikov). The courses for Orthodox guides will begin on October 15, 2013. Lectures and practical workshops will be held in buildings of ROU and the pilgrimage center. Registration for the courses: + 7 915 400 6 400, 20 августа 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Рекомендуемая литература Davis Stephen, Logic and the Nature of God (Grand Rapids, Mich., Eerdmans, 1983) Christian Philosophical Theology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) MacDonald Scott (ed.), Being and Goodness (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991) Morris Thomas, Our Idea of God: An Introduction to Philosophical Theology (Downers Grove, II. University Press, 1994) Plantinga Alvin, Does God Have a Nature? (Milwakee: Marquette University Press, 1980) Rowe William, Can God be Free? (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004) Swinburne Richard, The Coherence of Theism (Oxford: Oxford university Press, 1979) Weirenga Edward, The Nature of God (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989) Глава 2. Атрибуты Бога: вечность, знание и провидение Многие находят утешение в мысли, что Богу известно, вплоть до мельчайших подробностей, всё, что таит в себе будущее. Бога нельзя захватить врасплох, а значит, мы можем быть уверены – что бы ни случилось, Бог предвидел это событие и отвел ему надлежащее место в Своем высшем, всесовершенном замысле. Некоторым мысль о том, что Бог предвидит и все же допускает неисчислимое множество причин людских мук и несчастий, внушает в лучшем случае тревогу, а в худшем – нравственное отвращение. Однако многим другим вера в то, что Бог заранее знает постигающие нас бедствия и причиняемое нам зло, как раз и дает силы все это претерпеть. Тем не менее вера в то, что Богу в полной мере и в мельчайших деталях известно будущее, какое бы утешение она ни приносила, порождает ряд сложных философских проблем. Мы, например, привыкли считать будущее открытым – а ведь это и означает, что будущие события не существуют и будущие факты не «предопределены» заранее. Действительно, во многих наших действиях и решениях, касающихся повседневной жизни, мы, очевидно, исходим из открытости будущего в описанном выше смысле. Сегодня вы мучительно размышляете о том, стоит ли соглашаться на предложенную вам работу или принимать предложение о браке. Но разве стали бы вы ломать себе над этим голову, если бы знали, что результат уже установлен и то, что вы сделаете или чего не сделаете, уже есть свершившийся факт?

«Аарон» «Детем благословение» Acknowledgements In connection with the present critical edition of Simeon Polockij " s Vertograd mnogocvemnyj I owe a debt of gratitude to the following persons and institutions: to the State Historical Museum in Moscow and the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad for providing me in 1966 with microfilms of the three manuscripts of the Vertograd, to Professor Hans Rothe for his unstinting support of this project, demonstrated principally by agreeing to publish the edition in the series of which he is the general editor; to the British Academy for funding a visit to the USSR in spring 1991 during which collaboration with Soviet colleagues was negotiated; to Academician Dmitrij LichaCev for his willingness to endorse the project, and to Professor Lidija Sazonova for agreeing to contribute her years of experience of Polockij to the project and become co-editor of the critical edition; to the School of Modem Languages at the University of St Andrews for providing the Macintosh computer on which the text has been produced; to the Committee on Research in Arts and Divinity at the University of St Andrews for funding research trips and small purchases in connection with the project; to the University Library at the University of Aberdeen for granting me an extended loan of their copy of Matthias Faber, Concionum opus tripartitum, without which the Commentary to the Vertograd would have been impoverished; to the Bodleian Library at Oxford University for providing me with microfilms of their copies of Hortulus Reginae sive Sermones Meffreth and Jacobus Marchantius, Hortus pastorum, which were also crucial to the Commentary; and to Alison Aiton of the Department of Russian at St Andrews University for her constant help in solving the many wordprocessing problems that have arisen. Anthony Hippisley Д.С.Лихачев, Предисловие Переход от средневековой культуры к культуре Нового времени вопреки распространенному мнению – процесс длительный и сложный, вовсе не сосредоточившийся на одних катаклизмах Петровского времени. Велик соблазн отнести этот переход к нескольким годам конца XVII века и начала На самом деле многосторонний процесс изменений начался в Смутное время и продолжался весь XVIII век, то есть охватил не менее, чем два века.

Norris F. W., Faith Gives Fullness to Reasoning: The Five Theological Orations of Gregory Nazianzen. Supp. to Vigilae Christianae, vol. 13. N. Y.: Brill, 1991. Norris R. A., God and World in Early Christian Theology: A Study in Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertulian and Origen. L.: Adam & Charles Black, 1965. O’Hear A., An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990. Osborne E. F., The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957. Palmer G. E. H., Sherrard P., Ware K., eds., St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth, The Philokalia: The Complete Text. 4 vols. L.: Faber, 1979–1995. Pannenberg W., Jesus – God and Man. L.: S. С. M. Press, 1968. Toward a Theology of Nature: Essays on Science and Faith. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993. Peacocke A., Theology for a Scientific Age: Being and Becoming – Natural and Divine. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993 (русский перевод – Артур Пикок, Богословие в век науки. М.: Библейско-богословский институт св. апостола Андрея, 2004). Pelikan J., Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1993. Penrose R., The Emperor’s New Mind. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1989. Singularities and Time-Asymmetry, в General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, eds. S. W. Hawking and W. Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979, 581–638 (русский перевод – P. Пенроуз, Сингулярности и ассиметрия по времени, в Общая теория относительности. М.: Мир, 1983,233–293). Penrose R., with Shimony A., Cartwright N., and Hawking S., The Large, the Small and the Human Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 (русский перевод – P. Пенроуз, Большое, малое и человеческий разум. М.: Мир, 2004). Petrosky T., Prigogine L, Thermodynamic Limit, Hilbert Space and Breaking of Time Symmetry, в Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 11, 2000, 373–382. Plass P. C., Timeless Time in Neoplatonism, в Modern Schoolman 55, November 1977, 1–19.

720 См. S.Byrskog, «A New Perspective on the Jesus Tradition: Reflections on James D.G.Dunns Jesus Remembered,» JSNT 26 (2004) 469–470: «Необходимо серьезно принять во внимание, что в I веке на устную традицию оказывал сильнейшее влияние мир традиции письменной, придававший ей начало абстрактного мышления и рефлексии над прошлым». 721 Например, С. F. D. Moule, «Jesus in New Testament Kerygma,» in idem, Essays in New Testament Interpretation (Cambridgë Cambridge University Press, 1982) 37–49 (this essay was first published in 1970); J. Roloff, Das Kerygma und die irdische Jesus (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1970). 722 G. N. Stanton, Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament Preaching (SNTSMS 27; Cambridgë Cambridge University Press, 1974). 724 Ε. Ε. Lemcio, The Past of Jesus in the Gospels (SNTSMS 68; Cambridgë Cambridge University Press, 1991). 726 См. особенно: R. A. Burridge, What Are the A Comparison with GraecoKoman biography (SNTSMS 70; Cambridgë Cambridge University Press, 1992). 730 См. B.A. Misztal, Theories of Social Remembering (Philadelphiä Open University, 2003) 132–139. 731 H. Riesenfeld, «The Gospel Tradition and Its Beginnings,» в его же, The Gospel Tradition (Oxford: Blackwell, 1970) 1–29. 732 В. Gerhardsson, Memory and Manuscnpt: Oral Transmission and Written Transmission in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity (Lund: Gleerup, 1961) 335; он же, The Reliability of the Gospel Tradition (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2001) 22–23, 41–65. Сам термин («die Isolierung der Jesustradition»), по-видимому, впервые был использован в 1926 году Г. Киттелем (цит. по: Gerhardsson, The Reliability, 64) 734 Это наблюдение ведет к интересному сравнению и вопросу: почему в раввинистическом иудаизме, в отличие от раннего христианства, не возникли жизнеописания раввинов? См. J. Neusner, Why No Gospels in Talmudic (Brown Judaic Studies 135; Atlantä Scholars, 1988). 735 B. Gerhardsson, Memory and Manuscnpt: Oral Transmission and Written Transmission in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity (Lund: Gleerup, 1961) 123–126; R. Riesner, Jesus als Uhrer (WUNT 2/7; Tübingen: Mohr, 1981) 440–443.

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