Mit dem Grußwort sprach die Mitglieder des Kongresses der Präsident der Republik Kasachstan K.K. Tokaew an, der über “das gemeinsame Interesse an der Erhaltung des Friedens und der Festigung des Dialogs zwischen den Zivilisationen” sagte und betonte, dass “In der Epoche der Veränderungen und Unbestimmtheit das heutige Treffen an Bedeutung gewinnt”. Das Staatsoberhaupt unterstrich: “In gegenwärtigen schwierigen Gegebenheiten ist es besonders wichtig, dass die religiösen Führer, die am Tisch sitzen, der ganzen Welt das Beispiel des guten Willens liefern, der jegliche Missverständnisse überwindet. Darin, meiner Meinung nach, besteht die Hauptmission und Besonderheit unseres Kongresses.” Er wies auch darauf hin, dass “durch Gewalt, Bedrohungen oder Sanktionen es unmöglich ist, die entstehenden Widersprüche aufzulösen. In solchen Momenten ist es besonders wichtig, sich an die humanistischen Ideale zu erinnern. Zweifellos sind die traditionellen Religionen ihre Haupterhalter”. Weiter gab es die Reden des Römischen Papstes Franziskus und Oberimams der al- Azhar Universität Scheichs Ahmad al-Tayyib. Der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen des Moskauer Patriarchats der Metropolit von Wolokolamsk Antonius, der an der Spitze der Delegation der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche auf dem Kongress steht, las die Botschaft des Heiligsten Patriarchen von Moskau und ganz Russland Kyrill, in dem insbesondere betont wird: “ Der von einigen Führern der Welt gewählte Weg von Diktatur, Gegnerschaft und Konfrontation führt die Menschheit zum Tod. Und in diesen Gegebenheiten kann der Glaube selbst die Leute ernüchtern, sie zum Weg des Dialogs und der Zusammenarbeit zurückbringen, denn in den traditionellen Religionen bleiben die grundlegenden Moralprinzipien des Menschseins unerschütterlich.” In seiner Rede wies Metropolit Antonius auf die besondere Verantwortung der religiösen Führer für die Schicksale der Leute in der heutigen schwierigen Periode der Weltgeschichte hin. Er unterstrich, dass das Paradigma der gegenwärtigen Massenkultur, die von den Vertretern der säkularen gottlosen Weltsicht angeboten wird, zur “Erhebung der menschlichen Laster und Abweichungen von den Werten der gesunden menschlichen Gesellschaft führt, die von Schöpfer inspiriert und jahrtausendelang erhalten wurden”, und “die heutigen Ereignisse auf der Weltbühne, die die Gefahr von Hunger und Weltkrieg umfassen, sind nicht anderes als die Folge der Nachgiebigkeit dem menschlichen Laster”. Die beste Antwort auf die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart ist “der Dialog der Religionen, die breite Entwicklung der religiösen Ausbildung, die Einheit der Gläubigen auf der Grundlage der Allgemeinheit der Moralprinzipien”, ist sich der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen sicher.

     The Egyptian military has started rebuilding destroyed Christian churches and properties, years after the Muslim Brotherhood tore the buildings down. On Christmas Eve, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi apologized to the nation’s Christian population and reiterated his pledge to rebuild the churches. He initially made the promise when he took office in 2013. “In this occasion, I want to exhort you all, let no one come between us,” he declared. “Nothing can harm us, not our economic conditions or political conditions. Unless we diverge, we can overcome anything.” He added: “We have taken too long to fix and renovate [churches] that were burned … This year everything will be fixed. Please accept our apologies for what happened … God willing … by next year there won’t be a single church or house that is not restored.” The military began reconstructing the churches destroyed in August 2013 after the government removed protesters staging sit-ins for then-President Mohamed Morsi. Then-defense minister al-Sisi vowed to fix the churches. Muslims joined efforts to raise money to build a new Coptic Church just north of Cairo in April. Coptic Orthodox Bishop Benyamin started a fund to build a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. He asked his parishioners to reach people near and far to donate towards the church. Islamic leaders in the area heard about the fund and asked Muslims to also donate money. “Most of our people are afraid,” explained Father Mina Adel, a priest at the Church of Two Saints in Alexandria. “Not a few are leaving – for America, Canada and Australia. Dozens of families from this church alone are trying to go too.” Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the country’s highest Muslim Sunni authority, and other Christian churches developed the Family House in 2011 after “the deadly 2011 bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria.” The group opened a specific donation account in October 2013 to raise money for the churches. Safwat Al-Bayadi said the organization only raised “EGP 9 million and since the initiative started, which is a very small amount of money in relation to the damages.” Some estimate the work will cost million.

Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, extended Christmas greetings to the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church during a recent visit to his cathedral. Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria “said that the relationship between Muslims and Christians in Egypt, which dates back thousands of years, serves as a role model of coexistence,” according to a paraphrase of his remarks in Egypt’s leading newspaper. The Sunni leader, who has the reputation of being a leading moderate voice in the Muslim world, emphasized the “enduring reality” of tolerance despite a recent terrorist attack on a Cairo church. The nation of 94.7 million is nearly 90% Sunni Muslim and 10% Coptic Christian. Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024

Darren Aronofsky " s Noah faces ban in Muslim countries March 7, 2014 Flood of objections … Darren Aronofsky " s Noah. Photograph: Sportsphoto Ltd/Allstar      Darren Aronofksy " s Noah could be banned across large swaths of the Middle East and parts of north Africa for contravening Islamic rules on the depiction of prophets, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The fantasy epic, which stars Russell Crowe as the biblical patriarch, has already been refused a licence by censors in Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Egypt could well follow suit, with Jordan and Kuwait also expected to outlaw the film on religious grounds. " Al-Azhar renews its rejection to [sic] the screening of any production that characterises Allah " s prophets and messengers and the companions of the Prophet [Muhammad], " said one of Egypt " s leading Sunni Muslim institutes in a statement. " Therefore, al-Azhar announces the prohibition of the upcoming film about Allah " s messenger Noah – peace be upon him. " The institute, which is influential but does not have the final say on censorship, added that the movie " contradicts the stature of prophets and messengers ... and antagonises the faithful " . Noah is currently due to open in Egypt on 26 March, two days ahead of its US debut. The film has already caused controversy amid reports that US fundamentalist Christian groups were dismayed at Aronofksy " s decision to produce a loose adaptation of the Bible story rather than a literal retelling. Studio Paramount, which is desperate to court religious filmgoers, last week issued a statement making clear that the movie is not intended as a direct translation. Aronofsky famously gave up final cut on Noah in return for a budget. But he nevertheless appears to have convinced executives to show his version of the film in cinemas, rather than the reported half a dozen alternative cuts put together by the studio in an attempt to keep churchgoers happy. " The controversy is all about the unknown and about the fear of people trying to exploit a Bible story, " Aronofsky told Variety this week. " It will all disappear as soon as people start seeing the film. " The director of Black Swan and The Wrestler hinted he was likely to return to smaller, more intimate movies after the travails he has faced bringing Noah to cinemas. " I love big movies and small movies and television, " said the film-maker. " I love storytelling, but I " m not going to make another [nine-figure-budget film] tomorrow. I need a break. " Noah, starring Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson and Ray Winstone, hits UK cinemas on 4 April. 10 марта 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

The Islamization means trying to colonize the country through laws that are more favorable to Muslims, but Egyptian Christians resist. In fact, not only Christians resist, but the majority of Muslims stand with them. We have seen as much in these days, where Muslims joined hands and created a chain to defend the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo against any assault from the Brotherhood. Similarly, during the Spring of early 2011, we saw Muslims and Christians holding aloft both the Gospel and the Koran as a sign of their indissoluble union. A West that dotes on the Muslim Brotherhood What is really incomprehensible is the esteem and respect that the West lavishes on the Muslim Brotherhood. In the Middle East they are criticized everywhere. They were banned from politics for so long in Egypt, by the various regimes. They are believed responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat October 6, 1981, who despite being a sympathizer of the Brotherhood, had the courage to make a historic speech in the Knesset on November 20, 1977 and sign a peace agreement with Israel at Camp David on 17 September 1978. And they killed him for it. Even Al Azhar, which is the official voice of the Sunni Islam world has turned against the Muslim Brotherhood and has ruled against Morsi. Representatives of Al Azhar have agreed to enter into the new transitional government, as have some Christians. From here we see that Muslims and Christians are now united in their opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood. These can at most attract about one million people to a protest, including wives and children, blocking traffic. Christians and Muslims gather tens of millions of people, all in peaceful demonstrations. And the Egyptian people took to the streets on June 30, were not fanatics. This is why I cannot understand the position the U.S. president, Barack Obama, who recently spoke against the army, but he never said anything against the Muslim Brotherhood. I get the impression that Obama does not know what to do. For those who really understand the situation on the ground, his position makes no sense at all.

152 . Ibn Taymiyya. See Laoust, Shreiner. 153 . Ibn al-Wazir. Tabaq al-Halwa (The Pleasant Plate) (Arabic). Ms. Br. Museum, entry for 1115 H. (1703). 154 . Idris, H. R. «Contributions à l’histoire de l’Ifriqiya» (Riyad an-Nufus d " Al-Maliki). REI (1935). 155 . Isaac b. Samuel of Acre. Osar Hayyim (Treasure Store of Life) (Hebrew). Ms. Ginzburg 775 fol. 27b. Lenin State Library, Moscow. 156 . al-Jili. Al-insan al-kamil (The Perfect Man) (Arabic). Cairo, 1970. 157 . Karpat, K. H. «The Ctatus of the Muslim under European rule: The eviction and settlement of the Cerkes». JIMMA 1, no. 2, 2, no. 1 (1979–1980). 158 . Kattan, N. Adieu Babylone. Montreal, 1975. 159 . Kedourie, E. Arab Political Memoirs and Other Studies. London, 1974. 160 . Kepel, G. Le Prophet et Pharaon: Les mouvements islamistes dans l " Egypte contemporaine. Paris, 1984. 161 . Kerr, R. Pioneering in Morocco. London, 1894. 162 . Khadduri, M. War and Peace in the Law of Islam. Baltimore, 1955. 163 . Khalid, H. «Jihad in the Cause of Allah» (1968). See al-Azhar 164 . Khomeini, S. R. Principes politiques, philosophiques, sociaux et religieux. Translated and edited by J. -M. Xavière. Paris, 1979. 165 . Koran. See Arberry. 166 . Laftin, J. The PLO Connections. London, 1982. 167 . Landau, J. M. Jews in Nineteenth-Century Egypt. London, 1969. 168 . Landau, J. M. «Ritual Murder Accusations and Persecutions of Jews in Nineteenth-Century Egypt». Sefunot 5 (1961). 169 . Landau, J. M. «Ritual Murder Accusations in Nineteenth-Century Egypt». In Middle Eastern Themes: Papers in History and Politics. London, 1973. 170 . Landshut, S. Jewish Communities in the Muslim Countries of the Middle East. London, 1950. 171 . Lane, E. The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. 2 vols. London, 1836 (1 vol. London, 1963). 172 . Laoust, H. Le Traité de droit public d’lbn Taymiyya, Beirut, 1948. 173 . Leared, A. Morocco and the Moors. 2d ed. London, 1891. 174 . Lebel, R. Les Voyageurs Français du Maroc. Paris, 1936. 175 . Lemprière, W. Tours from Gibraltar to Tangier, Salle, Mogodore, etc. London, 1793.

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298 . al-Waqidi. Kitab al-Maghazi (The Book of Expeditions) (Arabic). Edited by M. Jones. 2 vols. London, 1966. 299 . Watt, W. M. «Muhammed». In The Cambridge History of Islam, edited by P. M. Holt, A. K. S. Lambton, B. Lewis. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1970. 300 . Weill, G. «Le Juif des sables», NC 13–14 (1968). 301 . Wellsted, F. R. Travels in Arabia. London. 1838. 302 . Weyl, J. Les Juifs protégés francas aux Échelles du Levant et en Barbarie sous les règnes de Louis XIV et Louis XV. (D " après des documents inédits terés des archives de la Chambre de Commerce de Marseille). REJ 12 and 13 (1886). 303 . Wilkie Young, H. E. «Notes on the City of Mosul». Ed. E. Kedourie MES 7, no. 2 (1971). 304 . Wilson, C., ed. Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt, 5 vols. London, (1882). 305 . Wolff, J. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara in the Years 1843–1845. Edinburgh, 1852. 306 . Wolff, J. Researches and Missionary Labours (1831–1834). London, 1835. 307 . Wyman Bury. C. Arabia Infelix, or the Turks in Yamen. London, 1915. 308 . Yodfat, A. H., and Arnon-Ohanna, Y. PLO: Strategy and Politics. London, 1981. 309 . Zahra, M. A. «The Jihad» (1968). See al-Azhar. 310 . Zwemer, S. M. Law of Apostacy in Islam. Cairo, 1925; reprint, New Delhi, 1975. Addendum: 311 . Gibb, H. A. R. and Bowden, H. Islamic Society and the West: A Study of the Impact of Western Civilization on Muslim Culture in the Near East. Vol. 1:2 Parts: Islamic Society en the Eighteenth Century. Oxford, 1950/1957. 312 . Ashtor, E. The Jews of Moslem Spain. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1973/1979/1984. Список сокращении АОН – Acta Orientalia Hungarica (Budapest) – Венгерские документы по ориенталистике (Будапешт) AS – Arabian Studies (Cambridge) – Исследования по арабистике (Кембридж) BAIU – Bulletin, Alliance Israélite Universelle (Paris) – Бюллетень Всемирного еврейского союза (Париж) BIJS – Bulletin of the Institute of Jewish Studies (London) – Бюллетень Института изучения еврейства (Лондон) BSOAS – Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) – Бюллетень Школы изучения Востока и Африки (Лондон)

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ABU DHABI//The Coptic Pope thanked the President, Sheikh Khalifa, and UAE leaders for supporting stability in Egypt, at the end of a five-day visit to six of the emirates. “The rulers support the Egyptian government in many ways, and this has helped Egypt to be better after the revolution of June 30 last year,” said Pope Tawadros II, leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. This included financial support, the building of schools and clinics and investment projects in industry and agriculture, he said. The pope also discussed building understanding between religions in Egypt and urged Egyptians to vote in this month’s presidential election. “We will find a new expression for the right relations between Muslims and Christians, and I hope that many problems will be solved and all Egyptians will enjoy safety and justice,” Pope Tawadros said. The two religious communities could build on a long history of cooperation between the Coptic church and Al Azhar, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning in Cairo. “From time to time, some problems may take place, but we try to solve the problems,” he said. The pope also discussed the effect on Christians of instability in Iraq and Syria. “The Church in Syria has faced quite a few problems, including but not limited to the abductions of the nuns in Maaloula and raids on churches,” he said, and the solution now lay in agreement among “external parties”. Syrian rebels thought to be from the Al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Al Nusra abducted the group of Greek Orthodox nuns from their convent and held them for three months, until they were freed this month as part of a prisoner exchange. Pope Tawadros met UAE officials and visited members of the Coptic community here after arriving in Abu Dhabi on Friday, when he toured the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. He met with the rulers of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah and Umm Al Qaiwain on his visit, which also included a sermon at St Antony Coptic Orthodox Church in Al Mushrif and a lecture at Al Raha Beach.

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