L’assemblée a ensuite écouté les interventions du pape François et de l’imam suprême de l " université Al-Azhar, le cheikh Ahmad At-Tayeb. Le métropolite Antoine de Volokolamsk, président du Département des relations ecclésiastiques extérieures du Patriarcat de Moscou, chef de la délégation de l’Église orthodoxe russe, a lu le message de Sa Sainteté le patriarche Cyrille de Moscou et de toutes les Russies : « La voie de la dictature, de la concurrence et de la confrontation, choisie par certains grands de ce monde, mène l’humanité à sa perte. Dans ces conditions, seule la foi est capable de rendre aux gens leur calme, de les remettre sur le chemin du dialogue et de la coopération, car les principes fondamentaux de la morale humaine restent intangibles dans les religions traditionnelles ». Dans son allocution, le métropolite Antoine a évoqué la responsabilité des dirigeants religieux dans les destinées humaines et dans la période difficile que traverse l’humanité. Il a souligné que le paradigme de la culture de masse, proposé par les adeptes d’une vision du monde séculariste et athée menait à « la prédominance du vice et des déviances sur les valeurs d’une société humaine saine, inspirées par le Créateur et préservées pendant des millénaires. » Les événements en cours aujourd’hui sur la scène internationale, la menace de famine et de guerre mondiale, ne sont rien d’autre que la conséquence de la complaisance pour le vice ». La meilleure réponse aux défis de la modernité est « le dialogue des religions, le développement de l’enseignement religieux, la cohésion des croyants sur la base des valeurs morales communes » a assuré le président du DREE. Pendant l’assemblée plénière, les participants ont aussi pu entendre le discours du rabbin ashkénaze d’Israël David Lau, et le message vidéo du secrétaire général de l’ONU, Antonio Guterres, après quoi a eu lieu la cérémonie de remise du « Prix international d’Astana pour la contribution au dialogue interreligieux » et de la médaille d’honneur du Congrès. Le métropolite Antoine de Volokolamsk faisait partie des récipiendaires.


Из Каира, из знаменитого университета Al Azhar, незамедлительно пришел ответ. Говорит Али Саман, председатель Комиссии за межрелигиозный диалог: " Будущее диалога между Римской церковью и мусульманским миром зависит от слов, которые Бенедикт XVI произнесет во время своего визита в Турцию " . Во многих епархиях Италии молятся за то, чтобы все прошло без инцидентов Сегодняшнее пребывание в Анкаре будет посвящено встречам с турецкими властями. Папа посетит мавзолей Ататюрка, встретится с президентом страны Ахметом Неджетом Сезером и главным муфтием Али Бардакоглу. Завтра он совершит перелет в Измир, чтобы побывать в Эфесе в " доме " Девы Марии, и вечером прилетит в Стамбул. Последние два дня будут посвящены переговорам и литургическим церемониям с Варфоломеем I, с которым он подпишет совместную декларацию. " Это историческая и символическая веха на пути примирения между двумя Церквами " , – так охарактеризовал визит Патриарх Варфоломей I. А тем временем во многих епархиях Италии молятся за то, чтобы все прошло без инцидентов. Об этом сообщает " Newsru.com " По материалам:  СМ.ТАКЖЕ сюжеты: Визит Бенедикта XVI в Турцию, осень 2006 персоналии: Папа Римский Бeheдukm XVI ЩИПКОВ ЛЕКТОРИЙ «КРАПИВЕНСКИЙ, 4» TELEGRAM НОВОСТИ 28.04.2024 Щипков. " Незавершённый нацизм. Часть 8 /Русофобия " Передача " Щипков " на телеканале " СПАС " , 25.04.2024 Может ли гениальный физик-математик быть грубым и некультурным человеком? Обучение равно воспитанию? Авторская программа Василия и Николая Щипковых " Брат-2 " 21.04.2024 Щипков. " Незавершённый нацизм. Часть 7 /Экономика нацизма " Передача " Щипков " на телеканале " СПАС " , 14.04.2024 Щипков. " Незавершённый нацизм. Часть 6 /Комплекс превосходства " Передача " Щипков " на телеканале " СПАС " , 11.04.2024 Российские спортсмены под нейтральным флагом: унижение или единственный шанс? Олимпиада-2024 Авторская программа Василия и Николая Щипковых " Брат-2 " 07.04.2024 Щипков 303. " Незавершённый нацизм. Часть 5 /Нацизм и либерализм " Передача " Щипков " на телеканале " СПАС " ,


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Christians and the Egyptian Revolution: a positive contribution and future inquiries Egyptian Christians had to consider some fundamental questions. To some degree they were forced to choose between the need for bread and dignity on the one hand, and religious fulfillment in obeying the patriarch on the other hand. It was a precious opportunity to push people to question everything around them and, eventually, stand for their liberty. Minas Monir 06 March 2011 “In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the LORD at its border.” Isaiah 19:19. It seems this prophecy that Isaiah wrote around 500 years BC while Jews were captured in Babylon, had a resonance in Egypt on february 6th when Christians celebrated services in the heart of Tahrir square. In a fabulous scene not often witnessed in Egypt, Muslims formed a barrier around them to protect Christians as they prayed. This mirrored the gesture of Christians protecting Muslims at prayer in the same square during the 18 days of demonstrations. This clearly showed that freedom of speech, honorable life, and bread are justifiable demands for every Egyptian who lived under such a regime for more than 3 decades regardless of their religious or ideological background. Yet there was some tension between these demands and the people’s religious leaders. On the ground, the former Egyptian regime employed media and religious institutions to abort this revolution a few weeks before it took place. The Patriarch of the Copts, Shenouda III, and Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Azhar, appeared on TV frequently to show their solidarity with the former regime and its head, Mubarak. Instructions for Copts in services not to go out and stay home were made by the Holy Synod spokesmen three days before the revolution broke, on January 25th.


Egypt model of religious moderation and coexistence, Lebanon’s Aoun tells Pope Tawadros II Source: Ahram online The Lebanese President " s visit to the papal seat at Cairo " s Saint Mark " s Cathedral shortly followed his meeting with Egypt " s President Sisi Egypt is a model of religious moderation and coexistence, Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun told Egypt " s Coptic Pope Tawadros II Monday during a meeting in Cairo. Lebanon " s President Michael Aoun (L) and Egypt " s Coptic Pope Tawadros II (R) during a Monday Cairo meeting (Photo Courtesy of Coptic Orthodox Church page on Facebook) In an official statement, a spokesperson from the Coptic Orthodox Church’s said Aoun gave a short speech during his visit with an official delegation to the papal seat at Cairo’s Saint Mark’s Cathedral, expressing his happiness to visit Egypt.  “We live in difficult times, especially with the world around us aggravated by a sectarianism that was able to destroy many areas. Our visit is an emphasis on the spirit of fairness and love,” Aoun said in a speech. Aoun added that despite the internal divisions Lebanon still faces, the country preserves relationships between various sects. He described the small Levantine state as a “model for the global civilisation.”  Pope Tawadros praised strong relations between Egypt and Lebanon, welcoming Aoun to his “second country: Egypt.”  “We pray for the stability of Lebanon, the Lebanon that is mentioned in the bible. All the arts, literature, poetry, and beautiful aspects of humanity… we remember in Lebanon,” the Pope said. Tawadros added that he hoped Aoun’s visit would strengthen ties between Egypt and Lebanon, saying that cooperation between the two countries enriches diversity, unification, and interdependence.  The Coptic Pope told Aoun he maintained “good relations” with Grand Imam Ahmed El-Tayeb of Egypt’s Muslim institution Al-Azhar, adding that “love and respect for the other is what builds nations.” Tawadros said he also enjoys good relations with Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, the cabinet and its Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, as well as other Christian sects in Egypt. 


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Are You a True Christian? Navigation Egypt’s Coptic Pope concerned over risks of attacks John McManus 10 August 2013 August 8, 2013 A bishop in Egypt’s Coptic Church says Pope Tawadros II has cancelled weekly public meetings due to concerns over possible attacks on his congregation. Bishop Angaelos, who heads the Church in the UK, says in one incident the flag of al-Qaeda was raised on church property while worshippers hid inside. Several human rights groups have criticised Egypt’s authorities for failing to protect Christians. Some Islamists say the Church backed the removal of President Morsi. Two weeks ago Bishop Angaelos told the BBC that he didn’t mind what kind of government led Egypt – even an Islamist one – as long as individual rights were respected and the country was able to flourish. Now the bishop has revealed that the Church’s leader, Pope Tawadros II, has cancelled some public events at St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo because of the worsening security situation. Pope Tawadros is concerned about the risk of potential attacks on the Coptic congregation. Egypt’s Christians have long been a target for disaffected Islamists, many of whom now openly accuse the Church of playing a role in the recent removal of President Mohammed Morsi. When the chief of the army, General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi went on television to announce that President Morsi had been removed from power, Pope Tawadros and Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Cairo’s ancient seat of Muslim learning, both made statements. Pope Tawadros said that the “roadmap” mentioned by the general had been devised by honourable people, who had Egypt’s best interests at heart. Some Islamists took this as a sign that the Church had conspired in their leader’s overthrow. The events that Pope Tawadros has cancelled are thought to be Bible lectures, where he takes questions from the congregation gathered inside St Mark’s Cathedral.


Dhimmitude: A Climate of Hate and Contempt Bangladesh: A mob of some " 60 extremists " raided a predominantly Christian village. According to the Barnabas Aid group, " they plundered the residents " livestock and other possessions and threatened to return to burn down homes. The attackers then moved on to nearby Bolakipur and targeted a Christian seminary. Battering down the doors, they forced their way into the building and severely beat the rector and a number of students. The previous day, two church leaders from Tumilia were beaten and robbed. " Egypt: " Unknown persons " kidnapped a 7-year-old Christian girl in Dakhaleya Province in northern Egypt. The girl, Jessica Nadi Gabriel, was attending a wedding ceremony with her family when she was seized and torn away. Her father later revealed that the 7-year-old girl " s abductors called him demanding a ransom of 650,000 Egyptian Pounds (nearly USD). Two weeks earlier, a 6-year-old Coptic boy who was kidnapped and held for ransom, was still killed and discarded in the sewer—even after his family paid the Muslim kidnapper the demanded ransom. Also, a Coptic Christian man named Milad, living in Tanta, said that " unknown persons " invited him and his family to renounce Christianity and submit to Islam and convert. According to widely-read Egyptian newspaper, Youm7, " They also snatched at the crucifix he was wearing around his neck, and threatened to kidnap his children and wife if he refused to convert to Islam. " As they wore the trademark white robes and long beards, the man identified them as members of the Salafi movement in Egypt. Meanwhile, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson was urging the Coptic pope to forbid the Copts from protesting against Muslim Brotherhood rule -- even though they, as Christians, would suffer under it most -- while Al Azhar, the world " s oldest Islamic university, based in Cairo, called on new Catholic Pope, Francis I, to declare that " Islam is a peaceful religion. " Iran : According to a June 19 Morning Star News report, " Six more Christians were sentenced for practicing their faith last week, while Iran " s presidential election of a moderate politician was not expected to soften the regime " s persecution of religious minorities. " The same six Christians had been arrested earlier in February 2012, when police raided their house-church meeting. Officials rejected their appeal for release on bail; they are being held in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz, which houses hardened criminals and often lacks heating or health facilities, and where officials routinely deny medical treatment to prisoners.


Tweet Нравится The Degradation of Christian Women under Islam Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2013 SOURCE: Gatestone Institute by Raymond Ibrahim Meanwhile, in Egypt, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson was urging Christian Copts not to protest Muslim Brotherhood rule, even though they would suffer under it most. Al Azhar, the world " s oldest Islamic university, called on the new Catholic Pope, Francis I, to declare that Islam is a religion of peace. The degradation of Christian women living in the Islamic world continued in the month of June. In Syria, after the al-Qaeda linked rebel group conquered Qusair, a city of the governate of Homs, 15-year-old Mariam was kidnapped, repeatedly gang raped according to a fatwa legitimizing the rape of non-Sunni women by any Muslim waging jihad against Syria " s government, and then executed. According to Agenzia Fides, " The commander of the battalion " Jabhat al-Nusra " in Qusair took Mariam, married and raped her. Then he repudiated her. The next day the young woman was forced to marry another Islamic militant. He also raped her and then repudiated her. The same trend was repeated for 15 days, and Mariam was raped by 15 different men. This psychologically destabilized her and made her insane. Mariam became mentally unstable and was eventually killed. " In Pakistan, Muslim men stormed the home of three Christian women, beat them, stripped them naked and tortured them, and then paraded them in the nude in a village in the Kasur district. Days earlier, it seems the goats of the Christian family had accidentally trespassed onto Muslim land; Muslims sought to make an example of the Christian family, who, as third-class citizens, must know their place at all times. The rest of June " s roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and country in alphabetical order, not according to severity: Attacks on Christian Worship: Churches and Monasteries


The pontiff put up the message via Twitter on Saturday; French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin is making a two-day visit to Erbil in Iraq’s Kurdish north, where thousands of refugees have been living since their expulsion from Mosul. Last week, the final communique of a conference organized by Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam’s most prestigious center of learning, urged Christians in the Middle East to “stay rooted in their homelands and to weather this wave of terrorism we are all suffering,” Agence France-Presse noted. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Pope Francis Expresses Solidarity With Christians Driven From Middle East Natalya Mihailova The Roman Catholic Church " s Pope Francis has released a video message urging spiritual resistance and expressing solidarity with Iraqi Christians and other minorities who had been driven out of Iraq earlier this year by the Islamic State militant group Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Also by this author " Moscow Mufti, “Rash Decisions on the Status of Jerusalem Offend the Feelings of Almost Two Billion Muslims around the World” natalya_mihailova May 11, Interfax – Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Russian Muslims, Moscow Mufti Albir Krganov, believes that…


The Synod members also heard a report by the DECR chairman concerning the participation of the ROC delegation in the 7 th Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions held in Kazakhstan on September 14-15, 2022. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church led by DECR chairman Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk took part in the Congress. The delegation included, among others, Metropolitan Kirill of Kazan and Tatarstan. Among the participants in the conference were other hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church as well, namely, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, head of the Metropolitan area in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Metropolitan Veniamin of Minsk and Zaslavl, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus; and Bishop Savvaty of Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan. This year the Congress focused on the Role of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in the Spiritual and Social Development of Humanity in the Post-Pandemic Period. During the opening session, Metropolitan Anthony read out a message of greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill http://mospat.ru/en/news/89631/ . The DECR chairman also delivered an address http://mospat.ru/en/news/89632/ during the opening session http://mospat.ru/en/news/89633/ and spoke at the final session of the Congress http://mospat.ru/en/news/89645/ . On September 13, upon the arrival of the delegation in Kazakhstan http://mospat.ru/en/news/89629/ , Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk met with His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem http://mospat.ru/en/news/89630/ to discuss a wide range of issues pertaining to the relationships between the two Churches. Besides, on the side-lines of the Congress, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk and the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church met with Pope Francis http://mospat.ru/en/news/89636/ ; President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev http://mospat.ru/en/news/89637/ ; the chairman of the Muslim Board of the Caucasus, Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade http://mospat.ru/en/news/89639/ ; Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University Sheikh Ahmed El Tayeb http://mospat.ru/en/news/89648/ ; the head of Iran’s Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour http://mospat.ru/en/news/89649/ ; and the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Maulen Ashimbayev http://mospat.ru/ru/news/89641/ .


Since March at least five churches have been destroyed, tens of Christians killed and hundreds injured. There have been no trials of Islamists who incited these attacks. Meanwhile, Christian protesters met the most gruesome attack ever seen in Egyptian streets when military vehicles drove into the crowd of Coptic Christian demonstrators on 9th October 2011. More than 20 Copts were crushed under army vehicles or shot by the military police that night. Subsequently, there were arrests of more than two thousand people who were held without charge under the emergency law. On the legislative level, the ambiguous, and sometimes incongruous, approach undertaken by the government during this transitional period meant that Egypt was unprepared to hold a constitutional referendum and parliament election processes. Most notably, the inability to implement a law that prohibits using religious slogans in elections led Islamists to polarize Egyptians to two opposing camps: those for and those against Islamic law. The religious and politically unaware Egyptians decided to stand for religion and this automatically brought a striking victory for the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist parties in the parliamentary elections. This contentious approach, which grinds against the goals of the revolution, has ensured that a renewed demonstration on January 25th this year is an ineluctable event. A new scene Although the attitude of the new regime is bringing Egyptian society back to the time of Mubarak, the political scene has changed considerably. In preparation for the coming protests, we now know that Islamists are satisfied enough with their electoral success that do not need to join the coming uprisings. This means that the momentum of the protests will not face the governmental executive body, but also the new legislative body of those who won the majority of the parliament seats. Other institutions will no longer be able control their followers as before. This includes two religious bodies: the Coptic Church and Egypt’s official Islamic body, al-Azhar . One of the fruitful outcomes of this revolution was to restore the Copts’ place in the Egyptian street without being marked as Christian. The Coptic patriarchate, which is the state church that has been loyal to the regime for the last 60 years, has been taming the increasing Coptic wrath against sectarian violence. This does not work anymore and Copts today joined their Muslim fellows in the street protests. The speech of Patriarch Shenouda III against the Coptic community’s rejection of his decision to receive SCAF members in the congregation for the Christmas liturgy did not work this time, at least on the rising new generation who believe in separating politics from religion.


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