Der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen beteiligt sich am Gipfeltreffen der religiösen Führer in Rom, das dem Thema vom Klimawandel gewidmet ist Am 4. Oktober 2021 beteiligte sich der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen des Moskauer Patriarchats der Metropolit von Wolokolamsk Hilarion mit dem Segen Seiner Heiligkeit des Patriarchen von Moskau und ganz Russland am Gipfeltreffen der religiösen Führer in Rom, das die 26. Session der UN- Klimakonferenz einleitet. Auf dem Gipfeltreffen, das von den Botschaften Großbritanniens und Italiens beim Heiligen Stuhl veranstaltet wurde, waren die Oberhäupter und Vertreter der christlichen Kirchen, des diplomatischen Korps dabei. Die Rede richteten an die Teilnehmer im Einzelnen der Römische Papst Franziskus, der Patriarch von Konstantinopel Bartholomäus, der Erzbischof von Canterbury Justin Welby, der Oberimam der Al-Azhar- Universität (Ägypten) Ahmad Muhammad at-Tajeb, der Stellvertreter des Generalsekretärs des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen Erzpriester Johann Sauka, der Außenminister Italiens Luigi Di Maio, der Vorsitzende der 26. UN-Klimakonferenz Alok Scharma. Stellvertretend für Seiner Heiligkeit den Patriarchen von Moskau und ganz Russland Kyrill begrüßte Metropolit Hilarion die Gäste und unterstrich, dass laut dem im Jahre 2013 vom Bischofskonzil angenommenen Dokument “Stellung der Russischen Kirche zu den aktuellen Problemen der Umwelt” die Russische Kirche “ es für ihre Pflicht hält zur Stärkung des Gefühls von der solidarischen Verantwortung für den Schutz des Schaffens Gottes in den Leuten, die zu verschiedenen sozialen, ethnokulturellen, berufsmäßigen und Altersgemeinden gehören, beizutragen und ihre Arbeit in diesem Bereich zu unterstützen”. Laut dem Hierarch, sei einer der Gründe der heutigen ökologischen Situation das Streben der einigen Leuten von anderen Leuten zu profitieren, sowie auch die ungerechte Bereicherung. Der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen forderte die religiösen Führer auf, die gemeinsame Verantwortung für die Gegenwart und Zukunft der Menschheit auf sich zu nehmen und für die Wahrung des Planeten und die Vorbeugung der globalen Umweltkatastrophe zu arbeiten. Kommunikationsamt der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen Print-Veröffentlichung Teilen: Page is available in the following languages Feedback

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Are You a True Christian? Navigation Egypt Unites in Condemning Church Attack Source: Assyrian International News Agency Waleed Abu al-Khair 10 January 2015 This week " s attack on the Church of the Virgin Mary in Minya, Upper Egypt, which killed two security guards, has been met with condemnation by Muslim and Christian Egyptians alike. The sun rises over the Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt " s Assiut. [Waleed Abu al-Khair/Al-Shorfa] The two guards charged with protecting the church — one of whom was Muslim and the other Christian — were killed by masked gunmen a day before the Coptic celebration of Christmas. “Terrorism does not discriminate between Muslims and Christians and proof of that is the latest terrorist attack on the Church of the Virgin Mary” where one of the victims was a Muslim police officer, said Rev. Sameh Iskandar from Mar Mina Church in Giza. “Most churches are guarded by Muslim members of the police and this is not the first time they have given their lives to protect these places,” Iskandar said. Following the incident, Bishop Makarios al-Haddad of Minya restricted Christmas celebrations to prayers. Egypt is united in its stance against such attackers, who “have no other goal but to destabilise Egyptian society and destroy its foundation, which has been preserved since ancient times”, Rev. Iskandar said. On the evening of January 6th, 2015 which marks the Coptic celebration of Christmas Eve, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi surprised revellers by attending midnight mass at the Cathedral of al-Abassiya. Al-Sisi embraced Pope Tawadros II, pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, briefly interrupting prayers to address worshippers with a short speech, which he began with holiday greetings saying that he came to pay his respects to fellow Egyptian citizens. Just days before the incident, as the Ministry of Religious Endowments was celebrating the birth of Prophet Mohammed, President al-Sisi called on Al-Azhar clerics to confront erroneous ideas and concepts that distort the principles of religion, Al-Khaleej newspaper reported.

Archive Metropolitan Hilarion attends a meeting of the Council of Religious Leaders in Astana 11 October 2018 year 10:37 On October 10, 2018, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR), attended the third meeting of the Council of Religious Leaders, which was established at the 2012 Congress of the Traditional and World Religions. The council membership consisted of seventeen most authoritative religious leaders, who came for the 6 th  Congress of Traditional and World Religions. The meeting was chaired by K-Zh. K. Tokaev, head of the Congress secretariat and chairman of Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Among the participants were also His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmierio; Mohammad el-Tayeb, sheikh of the al-Azhar University; Mr. Ali Erbas, head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, Turkey; and others. Metropolitan Hilarion delivered a speech of greeting: ‘Esteemed participants in the meeting of the Council of Religious Leaders, I would like to cordially greet you on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russian – the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church which unites millions of believers who live in various countries – in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Modavia and a number of other countries and which also has a large diaspora in many countries of the world. I am very glad to lead a delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the 6 th  Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which is held every three years in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is not for the first time that I am here, at the hospitable capital city of Kazakhstan. I would like to express wholehearted gratitude to the President of the country, Nursultan Alichevich Nazarbaev for the initiative to hold these congresses and for the attention given to their participants. Kazakhstan, just as Russia, represents an example of peaceful coexistence and successful cooperation of religious traditions. President Nursultan Nazarbaev says that Kazakhstan has two wings: traditional Islam, to which a majority of the population belongs, and Orthodoxy, to which several millions of believers belong, and they all live in peace and harmony thanks to a great extent to the policy of the state with regard to religious traditions promoting it in all possible ways.

Likewise, Ibn Taymiyya confirms that “the ulema of the Muslims from all four schools of law–Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki, Hanbali, and others, including al-Thawri, al-Layth, all the way back to the companions and the followers–are all agreed that if the imam destroys every church in lands taken by force, such as Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Syria … this would not be deemed unjust of him,” adding that, if Christians resist, “they forfeit their covenant, their lives, and their possessions.” Elsewhere he writes, “Wherever Muslims live and have mosques, it is impermissible for any sign of infidelity to be present, churches or otherwise.” Echoing the words of the jurists that the church is “worse than bars and brothels” and “houses of torment and fire,” in August 2009, Dar al-Ifta, an Al Azhar affiliate, issued a fatwa likening the building of a church to “a nightclub, a gambling casino, or building a barn for rearing pigs, cats or dogs.” In July 2012, Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, a prominent figure in Egypt’s Salafi movement, issued a fatwa forbidding Muslim taxi-drivers and bus-drivers from transporting Coptic Christian priests to their churches, which he depicted as “more forbidden than taking someone to a liquor bar.” Regardless, one need only examine the Conditions of Omar–an influential document Muslims attribute to 7th century Caliph Omar, purportedly ratified with a conquered Christian community–to appreciate the plight of the church under Islam. Among other things, conquered Christians had to agree: Not to build a church in our city… and not to repair those that fall in ruins or are in Muslim quarters;…. Not to clang our cymbals except lightly and from the innermost recesses of our churches; Not to display a cross on them [churches], nor raise our voices during prayer or readings in our churches anywhere near Muslims; Not to produce a cross or [Christian] book in the markets of the Muslims;…. [I]f we change or contradict these conditions imposed upon ourselves . . . we forfeit our dhimma [covenant], and we become liable to the same treatment you inflict upon the people who resist and cause sedition.

Με ευλογα του Μακαριωττου Πατριρχη Ιεροσολμων Θεοφλου Γ την Σιωντιδα Εκκλησα εκπροσπησε στο φρουμ ο αρχιμανδρτης Μελτιος Μπασλ, εκπρσωπος της ιερς μονς Αγας ννης (των Αγων Ιωακεμ και ννης) στον τπο γεννσεως της Παναγας στην Παλαι Πλη της Ιερουσαλμ. Ο αρχιεπσκοπος Σεβαστεας Θεοδσιος εκ μρους του Πατριαρχεου Ιεροσολμων απστειλε βιντεοσκοπημνο μνυμα προς τους συμμετχοντες στη συνντηση. Επσης αναγνσθηκαν χαιρετισμο εκ μρους του προδρου του Συνοδικο Τμματος εκκλησιαστικς ευποιας και κοινωνικο ργου επισκπου Βερεγις Παντελεμονος, του επικεφαλς της εκκλησιαστικς επαρχας Ρωσας και Νοβοναχιτσεβν της Αρμενικς Αποστολικς Εκκλησας, του επικεφαλς της Πνευματικς Συνελεσεως μουσουλμνων της Ρωσας κ.. Μεγλο ενδιαφρον προκλεσε η παρμβαση του διευθυντ του Ινστιτοτου των χωρν Ασας και Αφρικς του Πανεπιστημου Λομονσοφ Α. Μσλοφ με ττλο «Νες μελτες των θρησκειν στην Ασα και ζητματα ταυττητας της κοινωνας». Κατ την ολοκλρωση της τελετς ενρξεως υπεγρφη συμφωνα μεταξ της Ενσεως για τη συνδρομ στη διαφλαξη των παραδοσιακν πνευματικν αξιν «Χριστιανικς κσμος» και του Φιλανθρωπικο ιδρματος «Ρουσρ». Στο φρουμ, το οποο θα ολοκληρωθε στις 28 Οκτωβρου συμμετχουν εκπρσωποι κοινωνικν οργανσεων της Ρωσας και λλων χωρν. Την πρτη ημρα της εκδηλσεως πραγματοποιθηκε θεματικ συζτηση με ττλο «Η κοινωνικ διπλωματα και ο διαπολιτισμικς διλογος» με συντονιστ τον σμβουλο του Τμματος του Γραφεου του Προδρου της Ρωσικς Ομοσπονδας επ εσωτερικς πολιτικς Π. Κοστιλιφ. Ο ιερας Δημτριος Σαφνοφ στην εισγησ του «Επκαιρα ζητματα του διαθρησκειακο διαλγου, που υλοποιεται απ τη Ρωσικ Ορθδοξη Εκκλησα» προβη σε επισκπηση των βασικν κατευθνσεων αυτο του ργου. Κλυψε αναλυτικ το διλογο με τις ισλαμικς κοιντητες και ειδικτερα με τον Οργανισμ Πολιτισμο και Ισλαμικν Σχσεων του Ιρν, το Πανεπιστμιο Al-Azhar κ.. Επσης ο εισηγητς ενημρωσε για τις πιο πρσφατες συναντσεις του Αγιωττου Πατριρχη Κυρλλου και του προδρου του ΤΕΕΣ μητροπολτη Βολοκολμσκ Αντωνου με εκπροσπους του ισλαμικο κσμου, επισημανοντας τσεις και προοπτικς στην ανπτυξη του διαθρησκειακο διαλγου.

The wave of attacks followed clashes between the military and Morsi supporters that left more than 800 dead. But what did the Christians have to do with that? Nothing. The  leader of the military , like nearly every top government official in Egypt, is a devout Muslim. Yet, in the town of Al Nazla, a local mosque broadcast through its loudspeakers the lie that it was Christians who were attacking the protesters. Hundreds of villagers stormed the local church shouting “Allahu akbar” and “Islam is the solution,”  according to local residents . A Brotherhood spokesman  dismissed the wave of attacks  as being perpetrated by “foolish boys” and alleged a conspiracy against his organization. But the  Facebook page  of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is rife with false accusations meant to foment hatred against Copts, including the absurd claim that the Church has declared “war against Islam and Muslims” and justified the attacks by saying: “After all this, people ask why they burn the churches.” Then came a threat: “For every action there is a reaction.” The Muslim Brotherhood has been inciting violence against the Copts in an effort to scapegoat the religious minority for the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi. The  FJP Facebook page  is filled with the rhetoric the Brotherhood leaders have been using in their speeches at the sit-ins: “The pope of the Church is involved in the removal of the first elected Islamist president. The pope of the Church alleges Islamic Sharia is backwards, stubborn, and reactionary.” It’s true that Pope Tawadros and most Coptic Christians supported Morsi’s removal. But they were a fraction of the larger coalition against him. After all, Christians make up just 10 percent of the population in a country where millions of people turned out to call for the removal of the Egyptian president. In raw numbers, far more Muslims opposed Morsi than Christians. Of the leaders who stood with al-Sisi as he announced the ouster of Morsi, the pope was joined by the grand imam of Al Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb, a respected Sunni cleric.

Archive Пн DECR chairman addresses final session of the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions 15 September 2022 year 20:02 The 7th Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions concluded its work in Nur-Sultan on September 15, 2022. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan led the closing ceremony; Maulen Ashimbayev, chair of the Senate of the Parliament and head of the Congress secretariat acted as moderator. The Final Declaration of the Congress was read out. Addressing the participants were highly respected representatives of religious communities, including Pope Francis; Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR); Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar University; and Yitzhak Yosef, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel. They shared their opinion on the Declaration and named the main outcome of the Congress attending which were over one hundred delegations from different countries. The Moscow Patriarchate was represented also by Metropolitan Veniamin of Minsk and Zaslavl, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus; Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, head of the Kazakhstan metropolitan district; Metropolitan Kirill of Kazan and Tatarstan; Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), DECR deputy chairman; and Rev. Dimitry Safonov, DECR secretary for interreligious relations. Metropolitan Anthony underscored in his address that the faithful are called “to hold an active position, help peace building, participate in the settlement of conflicts, and preach the values of compassion, accord, and love.” Besides, the hierarch reminded religious leaders of the necessity to be firm in their witness about the value of human life, saying that this witness would be more convincing if brought together. DECR chairman pointed out that the final document of the Congress “is based on the recognition of the fact of creation of human beings and all things by God, of Divine Providence and God-given laws of life and rules of morality.” He expressed appreciation of some items of the Declaration pertaining to the role of religious leaders in overcoming pernicious effects of certain developments, in preserving cultural and religious diversity, in developing religious education as an instrument for preventing extremism, and in surmounting injustice and inequality among countries and peoples.

Accepter Le site utilise des cookies pour vous montrer les informations les plus récentes. En continuant à utiliser le site, vous consentez à l " utilisation de vos métadonnées et cookies. Politique des cookies A Rome, le président du DREE a participé au Sommet des leaders religieux sur le changement climatique Le 4 octobre 2021, avec la bénédiction de Sa Sainteté le patriarche Cyrille de Moscou et de toutes les Russies, le métropolite Hilarion de Volokolamsk, président du Département des relations ecclésiastiques extérieures du Patriarcat de Moscou, a pris part à un Sommet des leaders religieux. Cette réunion, tenue à Rome, précède la 26 e session de la Conférence de l’ONU sur le changement climatique. Les chefs ou les représentants des Églises chrétiennes, des grandes religions et du corps diplomatique participaient à l’événement, organisé par les ambassades de Grande-Bretagne et d’Italie auprès du Saint-Siège. Sont intervenus devant l’assemblée : le pape François de Rome, le patriarche Bartholomée de Constantinople, l’archevêque de Canterbury Justin Welby, l’imam suprême de l’université Al-Azhar (Égypte), Ahmed Mohammad Al-Tayeb ; l’archiprêtre Ioan Sauca, secrétaire général intérimaire du Conseil œcuménique des églises ; Luigi Di Maio, ministre des Affaires étrangères d’Italie ; Alok Sharma, président de la 26 e session de la Conférence de l’ONU sur le changement climatique (COP26). Saluant l’assemblée au nom de Sa Sainteté le patriarche Cyrille de Moscou et de toutes les Russies, le métropolite Hilarion a souligné que, conformément au document du Concile épiscopal de 2013 « La position de l’Église orthodoxe russe sur les problèmes d’écologie actuels », l’Église russe « considère comme un devoir de contribuer à éduquer un sentiment de responsabilité solidaire pour la sauvegarde de la création divine chez les personnes de toutes les catégories sociales, ethnoculturelles et professionnelles, indépendamment de leur âge, ainsi que de soutenir leurs initiatives dans ce domaine. » Selon le hiérarque, la situation écologique actuelle a pour cause le désir des uns de se faire du profit au détriment des autres et de s’enrichir injustement. Le président du DREE a appelé les leaders religieux à prendre sur eux la responsabilité collective de l’humanité présente et à venir, travaillant à préserver la planète et à empêcher une catastrophe écologique globale. Publication imprimée Partager: Page is available in the following languages Retour d " information

Pope Tawadros II suspends public catechesis for security reasons July 18, 2013 Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – The Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Tawadros II canceled yesterday, for the third consecutive time, the weekly meeting of public prayer and catechesis he held every Wednesday afternoon in the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo. On announcing the cancellation of the meeting, the Secretary General of the Council of Churches in Egypt Fr. Bishoy Helmy justified the cancellation on behalf of the Patriarch by making explicit reference to the current difficult moment the country is facing, affected by the violence that followed the overthrow of Morsi’s government and the beginning of a new phase of political transition under the protection of the army. “Since June 30” explains to Fides Agency the Coptic Catholic Bishop of Minya Botros Fahim Awad Hanna “Pope Tawadros avoids appearing in public, not so much because he fears for his life, but because he does not want people to gather for fear that some fool could throw a few bombs. At the moment there are those who accuse Christians of being responsible of the popular uprising of 30 June”. According to Egyptian sources consulted by Fides, the Ministry of the Interior has given order to increase the levels of protection around Pope Tawadros and the Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed al Tayyeb. Both the Patriarch and the Imam had appeared at the side of General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on July 3, when the strong man of the Egyptian army had exposed the transition plan for the next phase to the deposition of Islamist President Morsi. In the clashes that followed Morsi’s arrest, 6 Copts were killed by gangs of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis. In the transitional government presented on Tuesday, July 16, there are 3 Copts ministers out of 33: environment Minister Laila Rashed Iskandar, tourism Minister Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour and scientific research Minister Ramsi George. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 18/07/2013). Source:  Fides Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

Среди современных католических теологов и исламоведов, стремящихся решить вопрос о месте ислама в истории божественного домостроительства, не существует единого мнения. Одни, в основном это исламоведы, в большей мере склонные выделять сходные аспекты в двух монотеистических религиях, видят в исламе одно из ответвлений библейской традиции (Д. Массиньон, Дж. Базетти-Сани, Абд ал-Джалил). Другие, – как правило, это профессиональные теологи, – подчеркивая, прежде всего, существенные различия между двумя вероучениями, считают ислам скорее «естественной религией» (Карл Ранер, Э. Шиллёбекс, Ив Конгар), которая сформировалась вне иудео-христианской традиции, хотя и многое заимствовала у нее. Иоанн Павел II (1978–2005) и диалог с исламом Несмотря на враждебность, имевшуюся у мусульман к Римско-Католической Церкви в лице ее предстоятеля, папа Иоанн Павел II (1978–2005) проявлял жесты доброй воли по отношению к исламу и говорил о близости многих положений двух религий. 1989г.: Ватикан начинает отдельные встречи с представителями Всемирного общества исламского вызова (World Islamic Call Society), одной из наиболее влиятельных в исламском мире международных организаций, центральный офис которой находится в Триполи (Ливия). 1994 г.: Иранский Департамент по межрелигиозному диалогу встречается с коллегами из Ватикана. 1995г.: Комитет по католическо-мусульманским связям (Catholic-Muslim Liaison Committee) начинает обсуждения текущих дел между Ватиканом и четырьмя крупными мусульманскими организациями. 1998 г.: Ватикан и университет Аль-Азхар (al-Azhar) в Каире заключают соглашение о проведении годовых собраний, на которых обсуждались бы актуальные проблемы и перспективы отношений обеих сторон. Европейский Собор Римско-Католической Церкви в Ватикане в 1999 г. был посвящен обсуждению проблемы положения католичества в Европе в грядущем XXI в. Практически все священнослужители, представлявшие многие страны Европы, говорили о том, что ислам в Европе набирает все большее число сторонников. Отношение христиан в Европе ко все более набирающего силу исламу неоднозначно. Есть определенные радикальные круги, которые видят единственный путь сдерживания укрепления позиций мусульман в Европе в ужесточении отношения к представителям «чуждого» вероисповедания.

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