And if the soul is able by its own imprudence to create for itself a new misery, which was not unforeseen by the Divine Providence, but was provided for in the order of nature along with the deliverance from it, how can we, even with all the rashness of human vanity, presume to deny that God can create new things – new to the world, but not to Him – which He never before created, but yet foresaw from all eternity? If they say that it is indeed true that ransomed souls return no more to misery, but that even so no new thing happens, since there always have been, now are, and ever shall be a succession of ransomed souls, they must at least grant that in this case there are new souls to whom the misery and the deliverance from it are new. For if they maintain that those souls out of which new men are daily being made (from whose bodies, if they have lived wisely, they are so delivered that they never return to misery) are not new, but have existedfrom eternity, they must logically admit that they are infinite. For however great a finite number of souls there were, that would not have sufficed to make perpetually new men from eternity – men whose souls were to be eternally freed from this mortal state, and never afterwards to return to it. And our philosophers will find it hard to explain how there is an infinite number of souls in an order of nature which they require shall be finite, that it may be known by God. And now that we have exploded these cycles which were supposed to bring back the soul at fixed periods to the same miseries, what can seem more in accordance with godly reason than to believe that it is possible for God both to create new things never before created, and in doing so, to preserve His will unaltered? But whether the number of eternallyredeemed souls can be continually increased or not, let the philosophers themselves decide, who are so subtle in determining where infinity cannot be admitted. For our own part, our reasoning holds in either case. For if the number of souls can be indefinitely increased, what reason is there to deny that what had never before been created, could be created? Since the number of ransomed souls never existed before, and has yet not only been once made, but will never cease to be anew coming into being.

Bart Ehrman, Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 15, 261, n. 17. 129 Harry Y. Gamble, ‘The New Testament Canon: Recent Research and the Status Quaestionis’, in Lee Martin McDonald and James A. Sanders (eds.), The Canon Debate (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2002), 267 – 94, at 280 – 1; McDonald, ‘The Gospels in Early Christianity’, 173; Ehrman, Lost Christianities, 16. 130 Harry Y. Gamble, The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning (Philadelphia, 1985), 35; McDonald, ‘The Gospels in Early Christianity’, 173. 131 See Peter van Minnen, ‘The Akhmim Gospel of Peter’ in Thomas J. Kraus and Tobias Nicklas (eds.), Das Evangelium nach Petrus. Text, Kontexte, Intertexte (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007), 53 – 60. 132 Paul Foster, ‘Are there any Early Fragments of the So-Called Gospel of Peter?, New Testament Studies, 52 (2006), 1 – 28. 133 J. K. Elliott, The Apocryphal New Testament (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), 151. See page 150 for a list of features it borrows from each of the four. Bmce M. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), 172, also says the author ‘shows acquaintance with all four canonical Gospels’. One attempt to argue otherwise is that of J. D. Crossan, Four Other Gospels (Minneapolis: Winston Press, 1985); id., The Cross that Spoke (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988). 134 Ehrman, Lost Christianities, 18, writes: ‘This fragmentary Gospel is far more virulently anti-Jewish than any of those that made it into the New Testament’; see also Elliott, Apocryphal New Testament, 151. 135 See Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ‘The Gospel of Peter: Introduction’, in New Testament Apocrypha, rev. edn., 2 vols., tr. Robert McLachlan Wilson (Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 1991), i. 216 – 22 at 220. 136 Joseph Verheyden, ‘Some Reflections on Determining the Purpose of the “Gospel of Peter” ’, in Das Evangelium nach Petrus, 281 – 99 at 298 – 9. He quotes approvingly Kathleen Corley’s assessment, ‘the Gospel of Peter should be considered a late novelistic account of the crucifixion and the empty tomb’ (K. E. Corley, ‘Women and the Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus’, Forum, 1 ns (1998), 181 – 225 at 211).

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It is against this backdrop that the United Nations organized an unprecedented series of nine international conferences, between 1990 and 96, to build what it called a “new global consensus” on the norms, values and priorities of international cooperation for the new era, the post-cold war era, the era of globalization, the 21st century. New paradigms and a new ethic, expressing themselves by means of a new language, were then adopted: sustainable development, quality of life for all, consensus-building, gender equality, reproductive health, safe abortion, sexual orientation, good governance, global governance, participatory democracy, partnerships, facilitation, capacity-building, cultural diversity, principle of non-discrimination and so on. Analysis reveals that the language of the Judeo-Christian revelation is absent from the new semantic system: mother, father, spouse, truth, charity, purity, creation, eternity, glory, praise, thanksgiving, suffering, paternal house, maternal womb, conception (of a child) etc. In fact the new postmodern language occupies the space of the Judeo-Christian language: it is quietly, softly “totalitarian”. This substitution reveals the largely post-Judeo-Christian character of the new global ethic, which is a key driver of secularization in the world today. The new ethic is pessimistic at its root: it is founded on the problems of humanity, such as environmental degradation, human rights abuses, corruption, inequality, discrimination, poverty, “unwanted pregnancies”. It radically lacks a positive and sound worldview. The new ethic confronts every individual person, every family, every community, every enterprise, every nation, every culture, every confession and religion with a decision to make: either to passively conform and submit to the ideological dictates of the experts of global governance, or to discern, resist, remain true to oneself and respond faithfully to one’s vocation. The 1994 Cairo UN Conference on Population was a critical building block in the construction of the “new global consensus”. A major Copernican turn, to use Emmanuel Kant’s expression, then took place in global demographic policies. UN and western population controllers had until then used a so-called demographic approach – an approach that was institutional, top-down, coercive, quantitative, focusing on numbers and their decline. Under the influence of the transnational agents of the western sexual revolution, chief among which the IPPF, global governance shifted in Cairo to the so-called rights approach, allegedly bottom-up, qualitative, focusing on people’s “needs and rights”.

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