«Похищение у египтян», подразумевающее оттачивание наших интеллектуальных способностей — является необходимым средством (наряду со всем образованием, которое проводится с помощью надлежащей «пайдейи»), посредством которого мы научаемся пользоваться словами, чтобы на самом деле использовать их для передачи Слова Божия. Таким образом, мы сможем увидеть действие Бога повсюду, чтобы считать своим все доброе, где бы мы его ни обнаружили, следуя за словами ап. Павла: «что только истинно, что честно, что справедливо, что чисто, что любезно, что достославно, что только добродетель и похвала, о том помышляйте. Чему вы научились, что приняли и слышали и видели во мне, то исполняйте, и Бог мира будет с вами» (Флп 4. 8). Это служит подлинным признаком человеческого существа для гуманизма ранних отцов Церкви и «пайдейи», благодаря которой он достигается .   Irenaeus Lugdunensis. Adversus haereses. IV 20. 7. Ср.: Behr J. Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity. Oxford, 2013. P. 198–203. Быт. 1. 26 по Септуагинте — по тому варианту библейского текста, который, несомненно, читали святые отцы. Тропарь 6-го гласа на «Слава» стихир «на хвалите» канона на утрени Великой Субботы. Несмотря на все острые дебаты последнего столетия, неоспоримая уверенность раннего предания о том, что св. Иоанн, любимый ученик Господа, написал свое Евангелие в Эфесе, вновь обрела аргументированную поддержку — см.: Hill C. The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church. Oxford, 2004; Bauckham R. Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony. Grand Rapids (WI), 2006. P. 412–462. Ignatius Antiochenus. Epistula ad Romanos. 6–7. Idem. Epistula ad Smyrnaeos. 4. 2. Idem. Epistula ad Ephesios. 20. 1. νθρωπος γρ γ στιν πσχουσα ( Barnaba. Epistola catholica. 6. 9). См: Behr J. Becoming Human: Meditations on Christian Anthropology in Word and Image. Crestwood (NY), 2013; Idem . The Mystery of Christ: Life in Death. Crestwood (NY), 2006. Irenaeus Lugdunensis. Adversus haereses. I 10. 3; см: Behr J. Asceticism and Anthropology in Irenaeus and Clement.


Hemmerdinger В. Essai sur 1 " histoire du texte de Thucydide. Paris, 1955, pp. 33—39). Можно отметить, что древнейшей из сохранившихся датированных минускульных рукописей является Четвероевангслие [Порфирия Успенского] из собрания Публичной библиотеки в Санкт-Петербурге. Его имеющий чрезвычайно важное значение колофон, написанный монахом Николаем, впоследствии настоятслем Студийского монастыря, датирован 7 мая 6343 г. (=835 г.). Эта рукопись создала исследоватслям множество проблем. С точки зрения палеографии почерк рукописи представляется слишком зрслым и хорошо развитым, чтобы относиться к началу минускульного периода. Тем не менее среди сохранившихся списков не имеется каких бы то ни было предшественников этой рукописи. Изложение проблемы см. в работе DiuerA. A Companion to the Uspenski Gospels. - Byzantinische Zeitschrift, XLTX, 1956, pp. 332-335. " минускул " происходит от лат. minuscuhis — " очень маленький " . Минускульные буквы стали называть так, поскольку, как правило, они были меньше заглавных и унциальных букв. Кроме отдсльных свидетсльств античных авторов (подборку которых см. в работе BaloghJ. Voces paginarum. - Philologus, LXXX, 1927, pp. 84— 109, 202—231; имеется также и отдсльное издание), необходимо принять во внимание текст Деян 8:30, согласно которому Филипп " услышал " , как евнух-ефиоплянин читал пророка Исайю, что указывает именно на чтение вслух для самого себя. Ср. также заключение Второй книги Маккавейской: " то я и кончу здесь мое слово. Если я изложил его хорошо и удовлетворитсльно, то я сего жслал; если же слабо и посредственно, то я сдслал то, что было по силам моим. Неприятно пить особо вино и тотчас же особо воду, между тем вино, смешанное с водою, сладко и доставляет удовольствие: так и состав сочинения приятно занимает слух читатсля при соразмерности " (15:37-39). См. также: Hen-drickson GL Ancient Reading. - Classical Journal, XXV, 1929, pp. 182—196; ChaytorHJ. The Medieval Reader and Textual Criticism. - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, XXVI, 1941 — 1942, pp.


Patriarchate of Moscow " s publishing house releases liturgical Holy Gospel/Православие.Ru Patriarchate of Moscow " s publishing house releases liturgical Holy Gospel Moscow, March 23, 2014 The publication continues the series of new Church Slavonic books with computer typesetting. It is based on the text of the liturgical Gospel, which was printed in 1905 by the Moscow Synodal Printing House, reports Tserkovny Vestnik ( " Church Bulletin " ). The structure of the book corresponds to the traditional editions of altar Gospels. The large print of the Gospel " s main text is easy to read. Advantages of computer formatting allowed for the placement of text on the pages conveniently and beautifully. The church calendar, which includes the order of Gospel readings, feasts and saints throughout the year, is supplemented with names of the saints, who have been canonized in recent years, with Gospel readings appointed for their feast-days. A list of Gospel readings for the general services to the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church in the 20th century is added to the section, where common Gospel readings according to categories of saints are indicated. The Gospel is printed in the traditional Church Slavonic script (Triodion) in two colors. The book comes in a durable hardcover format. The text is richly adorned with elegant bloomers, ornate letterings and ornaments. The size of the new edition (14х20х5 centimeters) allows it be used also as a lesser altar Gospel. 26 марта 2014 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Gospel of St. Luke translated into more Northern Siberian languages Gospel of St. Luke translated into more Northern Siberian languages The Institute for Bible Translation (IBT) published the first book in a series of Northern Diglott translations of the Gospel of Luke in the languages of the native nations of the Russian North and the Far East (Koryak, Itelmen, Chukchi, Nanai, Evenk, Even). The Gospel according to St. Luke published in the Nanai language The Gospel according to St. Luke published in the Nanai language At the request of Metropolitan Ignatius of Khabarovsk and Amur Diocese the Institute for Bible Translation IBT has released a new edition of the Gospel of Luke in Nanai language accompanied by a parallel Russian Synodal translation, reports the IBT website. Gospel of Matthew translated into Dargin language Gospel of Matthew translated into Dargin language The present publication is being issued together with the audio-recording of the translation on CD. Thus, the Dargwa (Dargin people) will have an opportunity not only to read, but also to hear the Gospel, which will ease their perception of the text. Such a multi-media publication is the first of such kind among the Dagestani projects. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru


Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf PAIDEIA PAIDEIA. Paideia is derived from the Greek for child, pais, and in the Hellenistic era evolved into the general term for upbringing, though with the particular sense of formation or education; or it may be simply translated as “culture.” By the 1st c. the word signified intimate acquaintance with the classics of Greek thought and literature: poets, playwrights, orators, historians, and philosophers. Just as the “classical education” of Renaissance humanism or 19th c. Eton were both based on this product of pre-Christian Hellenism (q.v.), paideia was the passport to the higher reaches of Greco-Roman society and the badge of cultivation. Everyone who wanted to be anyone, whether Jew or Greek, Syrian, Egyptian, or “Barbarian,” strove to obtain it. Christian writers, too, take up the term and its contents, particularly Justin Martyr and the great Alexandrians, Clement and Origen (qq.v.). These men adopted the term, embraced the philosophers, and sought at the same time to cast the biblical word of God (q.v.), the Christ of the Gospels, in the role of the supreme “Pedagogue,” the author and meaning of the classical paideia. This move opened up the higher reaches of Roman imperial society to the Church and, at the same time, inaugurated the ongoing struggle of Christian theology (q.v.) with the methods and presuppositions of the philosophers. Basil the Great (q.v.) therefore fought for the Christians’ right to paideia against the attempts of Emperor Julian (360–363) to close the schools to the Church. At the same time, however, monasticism (q.v.) presented itself as the true paideia and monks as the real “philosophers.” This divorce or tension between love of classical antiquity and the ascetics’ suspicion of philosophy’s pretensions, continued throughout the Byzantine era (q.v.). It is expressed in the frequent contrast, beloved of the monks, between the “outer” and “inner” wisdom, i.e., the book knowledge gained through reason and the revelation of Christ in the heart of a believer schooled in humility (q.v.). Читать далее Источник: The A to Z of the Orthodox Church/Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson - Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 462 p. ISBN 1461664039 Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


Archive Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk sums up the Search for Scriptures theological conference 13 November 2021 year 18:26 On November 12, 2021, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, who is in the USA with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and at the invitation of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada, attended the plenary sessions of the academic-theological conference on “Search for Scriptures”, which took place at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in New York. The conference gathered leading American specialists in the New Testament studies, including Professor Emeritus Carl Holladay, Kendler School of Theology, the Emory University; Professor of Biblical Studies Craig Keenner, Asbury Theological Seminary; Professor of New Testament Studies Gregory Sterling, Yale School of Divinity; Professor Emeritus Edit Humphrey, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; Prof Garwood Anderson, dean of the Nashotah-House Theological Seminary; Mr John Barnet, Associate Professor at the Chair of the New Testament, St. Vladimir’s Seminary; Associate Professor Bruce Beck, the Holy Cross Seminary in Brooklyn, MA; Prof of Religion and Philosophy James Walles, dean of the Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Ten. Each of the scholars who came to St. Vladimir’s Seminary presented a paper. Many speakers pointed to the importance of dialogue between the Orthodox Church and representatives of the contemporary biblical scholarship, which for the most part ignores the patristic tradition of interpreting Holy Scriptures while in Orthodoxy precisely this tradition is considered normative. Summing up the conference, Metropolitan Hilarion noted that the four canonical Gospels are the main and only sources from which information about the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ should be drawn. Neither the apocryphal Gospels, nor any other “alternative sources” can be perceived as containing reliable information about Him. And the most authoritative interpretations of the Gospels is that which has formed within the Church and has been approved by it. At the same time, Orthodox theologians should not ignore the achievements of contemporary Bible studies in those aspects that do not contradict the Orthodox doctrine. Dialogue between representatives of the Orthodox Church and contemporary biblical scholarship is important for the both sides, Metropolitan Hilarion emphasized. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


The Gospel according to St. Luke published in the Nanai language December 6, 2012 A t the request of Metropolitan Ignatius of Khabarovsk and Amur Diocese the Institute for Bible Translation IBT has released a new edition of the Gospel of Luke in Nanai language accompanied by a parallel Russian Synodal translation, reports the IBT website. In the preface to the new edition the head of the Priamurskaya Archdiocese Native Nations Affairs Commission hieromonk Nikanor (Lepeshev) notes that " the far Eastern natives’ first written language appeared due to the efforts of the Orthodox Church. The sacred Gospel texts and Christian prayers were the first books written and published in native languages. The first translations of the Scriptures into the native languages were made in the XIX century by Orthodox missionaries. For this purpose they created alphabets for the Evenki (Tungus), Evens (Lamuts), Nanai (Golds).” The previous edition of the Gospel of Luke in Nanai was published in 2002. The new edition of the Bible in the the language of the local natives, who are bilingual, will serve as an educational tool for the clergy; it can become a link in a bilingual environment and a tool for the study of the Nanai language for those of its carriers who have partially lost their native language. The Institute for Bible Translation together with the Khabarovsk and Amur diocese is planning to release an audio version of the translation and to continue to translate the other books of the Scripture into the Nanai language. In the past before the revolution some translations of the Gospels were made with the blessing of St. Innocent (Veniaminov). Among those translations was the Gospel of Matthew in Nanai (Goldsk) made by Fr. Procopius Protodiakonov (1884), which has undeniable value as a monument of scientific and cultural history. It is however not suitable for ordinary readers. Therefore the choice of the Diocese when ordering the reissue of the Gospel in Nanai was made in favor of the Institute for Bible Translation Version. Pravoslavie.ru 7 декабря 2012 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Professor finds Ethiopian Queen " s Gospels/Православие.Ru Professor finds Ethiopian Queen " s Gospels July 20, 2011 Steve Delamarter, the George Fox University professor who digitizes Ethiopian religious manuscripts and returned one to Ethiopia last year, has found another prize: an illustrated copy of the four Christian Gospels that belonged to Queen Zewditu, who ruled Ethiopia from 1916 to 1930. Working through the manuscript, Delamarter was surprised to find an extensive colophon, or notation, that the book was created for the queen, who was the daughter of King Menilek II and was succeeded by her cousin and co-regent who became known as Haile Selassie. The colophon suggests the book was made during the 11th year of her reign. Two seals, made with ink-covered stamps, were stamped at the bottom of a right-hand page. Kesis Melaku Terefe, a priest in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, translated the words of each seal. The smaller one on the left is the seal of a government official, the Minister of the Pen, and includes the admonition, " Let the Hearer Hear. " The one on the right reads " Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Queen of Queens of Ethiopia, Zewditu, daughter of Menilek. " The text is handwritten in Ge " ez, the ancient liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. A colorful illustration accompanies each Gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are rendered in rich shades of orange, green and blue. The manuscript is owned by Gerald Weiner, a collector who lives in Chicago who has decided to return the book to Ethiopia. Delamarter will take it with him this fall when he makes his 12th trip to Ethiopia. Zewditu " s book and a few other religious texts and artifacts are on display from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays through July 30 at George Fox University " s Portland Center, 12753 S.W. 68th Ave., and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays from Aug. 1-18 at the Murdock Learning Resource Center on the Newberg campus. Delamarter is founder and director of the Ethiopian Manuscript Imaging Project, which has digitized the contents of hundreds of rare books from collections outside of Ethiopia and created copies for Ethiopian libraries. Nancy Haught The Oregonian 22 июля 2011 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


The Relationship of Luke and John: A Fresh Look at an Old Problem//JThSt. N. S. 1995. Vol. 46. P. 71-98; Anderson P. N. The Christology of the Fourth Gospel: Its Unity and Disunity in the Light of John 6. Tüb., 1996; Beyond the Q Impasse: Luke " s Use of Matthew: A Demonstration by the Research Team of the Intern. Inst. for Gospels Stud./Ed. A. J. McNicol etc. Valley Forge (Pensylv.), 1996; Goodacre M. S. Goulder and the Gospels: An Examination of a New Paradigm. Sheffield, 1996. (JSNT. Suppl.; 133); Berger K. Im Anfang war Johannes: Datierung und Theologie des vierten Evangeliums. Stuttg., 1997; Bauckham R. John for Readers of Mark//The Gospels for All Christians/Ed. R. Bauckham. Grand Rapids, 1998. P. 147-171; Neirynck F., Verhayden J. The Gospel of Matthew and the Sayings Source Q: A Cumulative Bibliography 1950-1995. Leuven, 1998. 2 vol. [Bibliogr.]; Wilckens U. Das Evangelium nach Johannes. Gött., 199817; Грилихес Л., свящ. Археология текста: Сравн. анализ Евангелий от Матфея и от Марка. М., 1999; Dungan D. L. A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition and the Interpretation of the Gospels. N. Y., 1999; The Critical Edition of Q: Synopsis Including the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mark and Thomas with English, German, and French Transl. of Q and Thomas/Ed. J. M. Robinson etc. Minneapolis; Leuven, 2000; Thatcher T. The Riddles of Jesus in John: A Study in Tradition and Folklore. Atlanta, 2000; Кассиан (Безобразов), еп. Христос и первое христианское поколение. М., 20014; он же. Лекции по Новому Завету: Евангелие от Марка. П., 2003; он же. Лекции по Новому Завету: Евангелие от Луки. П., 2004. С. 249-278; Felton T., Thatcher T. Stylometry and the Signs Gospel//Jesus in Johannine Tradition/Ed. R. T. Fortna, T. Thatcher. Louisville (Ky.); L.; Leiden, 2001. P. 209-218; Иванов А. В. Руководство к изучению книг Священного Писания Нового Завета. СПб., 2002; Für und Wider die Priorität des Johannesevangeliums. Hildesheim, 2002; Иисус и Евангелия: Словарь/Ред.: Дж.


Holy Week in Hymns. Holy and Great Friday (with audio) The services of Passion Week are a musical feast for the ears and the soul. Russian liturgical tradition is rich in special melodies for certain hymns of this most important week of the liturgical year, and if the services are also sung by a good choir, they are that much more memorable. The Sretensky Monastery in Moscow is fortunate to have a world famous male choir singing at all of these beautiful services. We would like to share some highlights of this singing with our English language readers, and have therefore provided the English texts to match the hymns. While Church Slavonic is the consistent language used in Russian and other Slavic services, our English texts vary by translation. We have chosen to provide texts (excluding the Old Testament readings, which were taken from the Septuagint) from the classic Lenten Triodion translated by Mother Mary and Archbishop Kallistos Ware, which was re-printed by St. Tikhon’s Seminary Press. Some of these MP3 files come from compact disc recordings of the Sretensky Monastery Choir , while others are live recordings from the actual services of previous years.      On Holy Friday, we recall Christ’s crucifixion with the Service of the Twelve Gospels. At this service the priest reads the twelve Gospels describing Christ’s Passion and Crucifixion, intertwined with other elements of the Matins service. After the sixth Gospel reading the Beatitudes are sung, with special troparia verses chanted by the presiding priest.    Troparion, Tone 8 Скачать (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 2:02 мин. Размер 1.2 Mb ) Егда славнии ученицы на умовении Вечери просвещахуся, тогда Иуда злочестивый сребролюбием недуговав омрачашеся, и беззаконным судиям Тебе праведнаго Судию предает. Виждь имений рачителю, сих ради удавление употребивша! Бежи несытыя души, Учителю таковая дерзнувшия: Иже о всех благий, Господи слава Тебе. The glorious disciples were illumined at the Supper during the washing of the feet, but ungodly Judas was darkened by the disease of avarice, and he delivered Thee, the righteous Judge, to lawless judges. See, O lover of money, how for money’s sake he hanged himself. Flee from the greed which made him dare to do such things against his Master. O Lord, who art good towards all men, glory to Thee ( three times ). The Service of the Twelve Gospels


Fete to hail first Malayalam Bible The 200th anniversary of the first translation of the Bible into Malayalam will be celebrated by the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in Thiruvananthapuram on Tuesday. Church historians say Philipose Ramban, a scholar from Kayamkulam, translated the Bible from Syriac into Malayalam in 1811 to help the faithful get a better understanding of the scripture. Claudius Buchannan, a missionary who toured South India in the early 19th century, persuaded the Ramban to translate the holy book. The Orthodox Church authorities in Travancore gave Buchannan, during his visit to Kerala, a copy of the Bible in Syriac, known in local parlance as Suriyani. Buchannan told them to translate the Syriac text into Malayalam and gave guidance to some local Syriac and Tamil scholars to undertake the task. For centuries, Syriac had been the liturgical language of Christians in Kerala, who believe that St. Thomas the Apostle preached the Gospel in Kerala. D. Babu Paul, former Additional Chief Secretary and scholar of Christian literature, says the Ramban had worked hard for the translation as he had no model before him to follow. “Four Gospels translated by the Ramban made up the first version of the Bible, which appeared in the book format in Malayalam. The translation was completed in 1811 and printed in ‘Kallachu’ (lithographic printing) at a press in Bombay (now Mumbai),” Dr. Paul says. Ramban Bible The book, composed in a hybrid language of Malayalam and Tamil, was titled Visudha Veda Pustakam. The faithful used to call it the Ramban Bible for long. Before the Malayalam version, the Bible had been translated into Tamil and Bengali, historians say. It took two more decades after the appearance of the Ramban Bible for Malayalam to get a comparatively complete version of the scripture. Dr. Paul says the missionary-scholar Benjamin Bailey produced another Malayalam version of the Bible in the 1840s with the help of Chandu Menon, a tahsildar in the Madras State service. Herman Gundert, German scholar, who compiled the first lexicon in Malayalam, translated the New Testament in the 1850s. “One major difficulty in translating the Bible in the earlier centuries was the absence of an accepted prose literary form in Malayalam. People of various communities used to speak varying dialects in different places. There was a deep influence of Tamil in the early translations,” Dr. Paul, author of a comprehensive work on Biblical literature, says. A book containing a collection of studies regarding the contribution of the Ramban, edited by M. Kurian Thomas and titled Kayamkulam Philipose Remban - Vayakthium Sambhavanaum, will be released by Perumbadavam Sreedharan, Chairman, Kerala Sahithya Akadami, at VJT Hall Thiruvananthapuram, at 11. 30 a.m. on Tuesday. — PTI The Hindu 25 сентября 2012 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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