Tweet Нравится All Bible commentaries gathered on mobile iOS app Moscow, October 11, 2016      Optina Monastery has completed work on the “Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures” mobile app for iOS, reports the monastery’s website . The “Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures” project was begun in 2010 on the basis of the official website of the Orthodox Optina Monastery (in Russian: “Pustyn”, that is, “Hermitage”). The aim of the project is to collect into one place all known commentaries on every verse of the Holy Scriptures. “Now happy users of iPhone (and soon also of iPad) will be able to have commentaries on nearly every verse of the Holy Scriptures that they want near at hand in off-line mode,” a message on the monastery’s website reads. New commentaries daily appear on the website which allows for keeping the application base up to date. The latter is available here . “The commentaries include not only texts of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, but also those of other authors, both ancient and modern, whose comments agree with Orthodox Tradition,” the message specifies. According to information from the project authors the same application will be made for Android in the near future as well. Let us keep the following words said by Venerable Ephraim the Syrian in our memory: “When you notice that you get bored with reading Divine Scriptures and that you listen to spiritual instructions with reluctance, then know that your soul has become extremely sick. For this is the beginning of evil-mindedness and those who have had it reaped the fruit of death.” Translated by Dmitry Lapa 13 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также A new App for smartphones and tablets by the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia A new App for smartphones and tablets by the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia A must have for every Chinese speaking Orthodox Christian and for all those who want to learn more about the Orthodox Church. Being Separate in a Connected World Fr. Chris Makiej Being Separate in a Connected World Fr. Chris Makiej Beloved in Christ, we have to see ourselves as being different than the world around us! As Christians we are called to be “in the world, but not of the world.” (John 15:19). The Scripture says “come out and be separate…” (2 Cor. 6:17). Greek Church Goes Digital Greek Church Goes Digital The Greek Orthodox Church is entering the digital age by enabling the request of various church documents, like baptism certificates, online. Комментарии Alexey Khlopoff 14 октября 2016, 02:00 Are these going to be available in the English language? © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Comment: Metr. Nikodim’s end, at the feet of the Pope, is symbolic…” Answer: I totally agree. But Metr Nikodim is dead and actually largely forgotten. Personally, I do not even know anyone who prays for him – perhaps they do that in the Vatican. But the real meaning of the Cuba meeting was not about old-fashioned ecumenism. It was firstly to ward off a World War in Syria, secondly to defeat Uniatism in the Ukraine, thirdly to prepare the world to see the leader of the Orthodox Church as the Russian Orthodox Church before the meeting in Crete, and finally it was part of a very successful pastoral visit by Patriarch Kirill to the Russian Orthodox flock in Latin America, including meeting three local Presidents (completely unreported by the secular media). And I think that was successful. Syria is all the talk and the Saudis and Turks have been warned off invading Syria to the fury of the neocons, the Uniats are also furious, as are the American diplomats who stand behind the scenes at the Phanar, whereas the Orthodox flock in Latin America is delighted. I think we may now at last see great Orthodox missionary developments in this very, very neglected part of the Orthodox world. Comment: Do we really believe that the Vatican and the (Jesuit) Pope, those examples of strict hierarchical organisation based on careful cultivation of all levers of power and manipulation, have no influence on the Ukro-Nazi Uniats who are burning and stealing Orthodox Churches? Or on the Ustashoid Catholic church in Croatia ?.…Some complaints or discontent of the faithful papist flock after the Cuban meeting should be interpreted cautiously; most likely they are simply down to the effectiveness of Jesuit tactics… Answer: I think the Uniats really are very disillusioned. Of course, apart from them, we can ignore the sincerity or insincerity of expressions of discontent elsewhere. They are not our problem. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Daniel 11 мая 2017, 19:11

10 Stanton, New People, 85, notes that he uses a social-sciences approach because the social historical approach requires more specific knowledge about the work " s particular social setting, but that when such information is available, «social history should normally take precedence over sociological insights.» For concerns in this matter, see, e.g., Holmberg, Sociology and New Testament, 145–57 (pointed out by Meier, Marginal Jew, 1n. 15); Brown, Death, 1:21; Winter, Paul Left Corinth, xiii. 11 Boers, Mountain, 144 n. 1, rightly complains that commentaries overlap considerably and that fresh readings more than collections of secondary citations are needed. For recent surveys of scholarship, see Schnelle, «Recent Views»; Smith, «Studies since Bultmann»; Morgen, «Bulletin Johannique»; Scholtissek, «Survey of Research»; idem, «Neue Wege.» 12 For the development and stance of Johannine research from 1955 to 1977, see Schnackenburg, «Entwicklung.» 13 Besides the obvious Metzger, Commentary, those interested in Johannine text-critical questions must consult Ehrman, Fee and Holmes, Text, and may consult a variety of other discussions (e.g., Delobel, «Papyri»). 14 Contemplation of the divine was known in both Platonist piety (e.g., Maximus of Tyre Or. 11.7–12) and Jewish merkabah mysticism. 16 For work in this area, one may consult the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, a new series that Tom Oden is editing for InterVarsity Press. 17 Feldman, «Palestine» argues that the designation came into vogue only after 135 B.C., but is not averse to using the term (e.g., in Feldman, «Hellenism»). I note this in response to the occasional reviewer who has alleged that my or others» terminology likely betrayed a modern political agenda rather than following convention. 18 Reconstructing a probable milieu by finding ideas in a variety of early Jewish sources functions as «a kind of criterion of multiple attestation,» » as Donaldson notes (Paul and Gentiles, 51). Читать далее Источник: The Gospel of John : a commentary : Volumes 1-2/Craig S. Keener – Massachusetts : Baker Academic, 2003. – 1636 pages.

Times toughest for KiM Serbs since 2004 pogrom Belgrade, January 223, 2013 Photo: M. Jelesijevic/Tanjug Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije has said that the position of the Serb people in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) has not been this difficult ever since the March 2004 pogrom. “Eight full years have passed since the horrible event, and we still see that part of the Albanian community is ready to commit the most serious crimes, including the barbaric desecration of graves,” Teodosije said. Commenting on the latest spate of violence in which several dozen gravestones were either destroyed or damaged at Orthodox cemeteries in KiM, the Bishop said that “the feelings at seeing images of broken tombs and crosses set on fire are terrible.” “This is the image of Kosovo-Metohija 14 years after the war and a warning to Europe, which this year is celebrating 1,700 years since the Edict of Milan, which granted freedom to Christianity,” he said. Teodosije stressed that “after so many centuries, Europe must not allow crosses to burn and Christian shrines and tombs to be destroyed again.” “These rampages have given pain to the souls of the Serbs " and all Christians who see these images, but they are bringing far greater civilizational and moral shame on the Kosovo Albanians,” said the Bishop of Raska-Prizren. When the bones of the deceased have no peace in this country, many Serbs are wondering, he said, “what kind of future is awaiting them among people who have no qualms about destroying graves.” He pointed out that all the international representatives had condemned the violence, particularly Head of the EU Office in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar. “I can see from the words these people say how appalled they are at seeing the brutal scenes taking place at our cemeteries. KFOR and police increased their presence around our facilities and as far as can be seen, there is a firm stance about the need to prevent further violence against Christians sanctities from happening again,” said Teodosije. According to Teodosije, the SPC priesthood in Kosovo is safe, “even though the two nuns and two old women in the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God in Djakovica spent a sleepless night while bullies were letting out piercing screams only thirty meters away, wishing to enforce the decision of their leaders to destroy this sacred place.” During the March 17, 2004 Albanian violence, remembered as the " Crystal Night in Kosovo " , at least eight people of Serb nationality were killed and two went missing. According to currently available data, a total of 4,012 Serbs were expelled from their homes in KiM, six towns and nine villages were ethnically cleansed, while 935 homes and 35 Serbian religious sites, including 18 cultural monuments, were burned down or seriously damaged. Tanjug 23 января 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

This poem does not appear to originate in Faber, despite the fact that the poems immediately preceding and following it are taken from the same text in Faber. Жид 3. Taken from Faber, ibid. See commentary on Жид above. Жизнь 3. Published in Bylinin. Житие Христово. Taken from Faber, In Festo Nativitatis Christi, No. 4 «Praecipui fines, ob quos Verbum саго factum», sect. 3 «Exemplum». 11. 1–8 cf Faber: «Unde S. August, lib. de vera relig. capite 16. ait: «Tota vita Christi morum disciplina fuit. Satellites voluptatum divitias pemiciose appetebant: pauper esse voluit.»» 11. 9– 10 cf Faber: ««honoribus et imperiis inhiabant: Rex fieri noluit.»» 11. 11–12 cf Faber: « " carnales suos filios magnum bonum putabant: tale coniugium prolemque contempsit.»» 11. 13–14 cf Faber: ««contumelias superbissime horrebant: omne genus contumeliarum sustinuit.»» 11. 15–18 cf Faber: ««iniurias intolerabiles esse arbitrabantur: quae maior iniuria, quam iustum innocentemque damnari?»» 11. 19–20 cf Faber: «’dolores corporis execrabantur: flagellatus atque cruciatus est.«» 11.21–22 cf Faber: «»ignominiosissimum mortis genus crucem putabant: crucifixus est.«» 11. 23–24 cf Faber: «»Omnia quae habere cupientes non recte videbamus, carendo vilia fecit; omnia quae vitare cupientes a studio deviabamus veritatis, perpetiendo deiecit.» Haec ille.» Житие наша – пара. Published in PLDR and Рапепко. Жребий. Taken from Faber, In Festo Matthiae Apostoli, No. 8 «Documenta Evangelii [on the Gospel for the day, viz. Matt. 11.25–30]», sect. 4 «Non temere scrutari Dei iudicia»: «Videbatur autem (nostro sensu) eligendus Ioseph, quia cognomento Iustus, ab insigni videlicet sanctitate et iustitia: rursum quia, ut multi volunt, Christi propinquus, et frater S. Iacobi Maioris erat, quia prior nominatur: sed aliter sors cecidit et electus est Matthias, (quae vox sonat donum Dei) ut sciamus ex Dei dono, non ex meritis nostris dari nobis gratiam.» For the account of the election of Matthias, see Acts 1.15–26. Злая, грехом наносимая.

“the media of music, lyrics and visual images, separately and especially in combination, have a profound influence on society and its individual members for both good and ill from the beginning of record history.” “Certain music and music videos promote negative thought and behavior by suggesting, advocating or encouraging violence, vandalism, rape, murder, drug abuse, suicide, human sacrifice, degradation of women, children and human life, bestiality, sadism, masochism and other perversions.” “Such indecent and negative material too often targets youth in the impressionable teen and even pre-teen years.” “Such material is almost universally available to anyone regardless of age with sufficient money.” (Copy of legislative proposal, 101st Congress, 2nd Session, with concurrent resolution attached by Howard C. Nielson, member of Congress, 42390-1). In principle, whichever way a person treats rock music, one cannot deny its domineering influence on the worldview and behavior of the young. Video-rock, their concerts and journals are powerful sermons that are hungrily absorbed by teenagers. Excerpt from “Rock Music from a Christian Viewpoint” by Bishop Alexander Mileant. Bishop Alexander (Mileant) 17 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Maggie 25 ноября 2016, 01:00 I grew up in music and became a musician, in both classical, and also within folk traditions. I was in college in the 60 " s, so truly understand what the Bishop is saying. He is very, very right. The stuff they call music does affect the young, and is utter garbage today and has been for many years. Sort of like what has happened to art as well. Does it affect people " s minds. You bet it does. It affects their hearts, souls, mind and bodies in ways you would not imagine. If music which can be such a God-given blessing and provide one with a glorious talent doesn " t give honor and glory to God it is worthless as far as I am concerned. And the bishop is right on about who the young take as their examples. Certainly not saints I will tell you! Look carefully at that picture above. It speaks volumes. Oh to see all those youngsters in a Church and loving our God. Now that would be something to see. Keep up the wonderful commentary dear Bishop. You are wise, and correct.

They don " t even attempt to hide or disguise their completely perverted and chaotic world views. Imagine a supposed leader of world Christianity taking representatives of the enemies and persecutors of Christians in the Middle East into the Vatican and providing shelter, while belittling and doing little or nothing for suffering Christians victims of Muslim violence! The Lutherans, Anglicans and other " Christians " in their " churches " have done nothing to help suffering christians and like the above example, they have bowed down before the very oppressors or Christians and destroyers of the original artifacts of Christianity in the Middle East. Who are these people really, if not servants of the devil dressed as clergy? Only Orthodoxy and in particular the Russian Orthodox Church have stood firm in Christianity and morality. Nowadays, this fact is out in broad daylight for anyone, even the most confused, to see! " By their fruits, yee shall know them... " Sally Iloff 2 февраля 2016, 05:00 I am always curious how many profanity people can write to justify personal guilt concerning the Orthodox Church?! Once one devil servant and one strange Pope discussed that after beating Communism the next important for the West ideology is to beat the Orthodox Church. Today the devil followers continue to straggle righting the Orthodox Church across the world. The statue of this strange Pope recently was removed from a public square in North Secular France. No more comments. Bringing everything other to this picture is form of justification and rationalizations what the secular psychology identifies as conflict of unconscious with reality! Rob 22 января 2016, 18:00 The secular West is not just post-Christian (as it proudly proclaims itself) it hates, despises and ridicules Christians. All of us look to Russia and to Putin as a beacon of hope. All of us feel a deep shame for the actions of the strange elites who forced this crazy world upon us. I can see a time in the not too distant future when Russia will have to open her arms to all the beleaguered Christians of the world.

Commentary Supplement As was anticipated, certain additional sources have been identified during the course of work on this edition (see vol. I, p. lv). The following notes indicate those sources, and any further relevant information, for poems in vols. I and II. Entries in Russian are supplied by Lydia Sazonova. Благо творити . Based on Faber, In Festo Ascensionis Domini, No. 5 «Cur in die Ascensionis Christi fiat mentio Iudicii», sect. 5 «Ad consolationem discipulorum», the final words of the sermon: «Quare, fratres mei charissimi, et desideratissimi, rogo vos per diem ilium iudicii, quern hodie nobis annuntiarunt Angeli; ita vos geritote, ut venientem iudicem cum desiderio expectare, et cum gaudio videre possitis, Amen.» Блудница 2 . Taken from Polyanthea , «Meretrix»: «In favo mellis duo sunt; scilicet mel & cera: in facie meretricis similiter duo scilicet decor & gratia: hoc est pulchritudo oris, & dulcedo sermonis. Cera succendit ignem, mel praebet dulcedinem: Sic pulchritudo meretricis igne libidinis inflammat carnem, blandimento lenocinantis sermonis subvertit mentem. Stillat mel ex cera, dum meretrix verba sua mollit, & facit dulcia, Lib. De nuptiis carnalib, vitandis» (p. 738). Блудница 3 . Taken from Polyanthea , ibid., the passage immediately following: »Erasmi Roterodami. Quemadmodum echeneis sive remora piscis perpusillis (est autem magnae limaci similis) quamvis magnam navim velis ac remis incitatam subito sistit: Ita scortulum aliquoties adamatum, ingentes animi ad honesta impetus retinet alligatque» (ibid.). Богатство 5 . Taken from Meffreth, Feria 6 Post Oculi. The image is based on the text for the sermon: «Omnis qui biberit ex aqua hac, sitiet iterum Si autem biberit ex hac aqua, quam ego dabo ei, non sitiet in aeternum loan. «Vbi nota, quod haec aqua est multiplex. Prima est temporalis auaritiae, de qua intelligitur illud verbum, Omnis qui bibit &c. quia auaritia sitim non satiat, sed accendit» (Pars hyem ., p. 271). Богатство Бог отъемлет .Takenfrom Polyanthea, «Divitiae». 11. 1–6 cf Polyanthea: " Pater optimus & integer, cum filium viderit amore meretricis alicuius deperire, si admonitiones eius audire neglexerit, illam meretricem de medio auferens, in exilia longinqua detrudit.» 11. 7 –16 cf Polyanthea: «Talis est etiam abundantia pecuniarum. Curam igitur de nobis gerens verus pater, & optimus Dominus, volens nos ab hac laesione liberare, aufert nobis pecunias, quarum amore mens nostra corrumpitur. [D. Chrysostomi] Homil. 33. epist. ad Hebraeos» (p. 346).

Texas senator booed off stage at In Defense of Christians hosted summit September 12, 2014 Sen. Ted Cruz walked off the stage and left an event hosted by a Christian organization mid-speech after being booed on Wednesday night following comments praising Israel. The Texas Republican senator and tea party icon was a keynote speaker at a Washington summit hosted by In Defense of Christians, a group that focuses on persecuted Christian and minority communities in the Middle East. According to several reports and a video taken by EWTN News Nightly and obtained The Daily Caller, Cruz upset many in the crowd by offering strong support for Israel, saying at one point: “Christians have no greater ally than Israel”—a comment that drew boos. In a subsequent statement to Breitbart News, Cruz said the crowd showed “a shameful display of bigotry and hatred.” The video appears to catch the moments just before Cruz left the stage. “I will say this: I’m saddened to see that some here, not everyone, are so consumed with hate,” he said at the outset of the video, his comments prompting continued booing and yelling out from some members of the crowd. “I will say this: If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you, and God bless you,” he said, walking off stage to scattered applause and boos. Cruz told Breitbart that he intended to show how the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, as well as other terrorist groups, threatened both Jews and Christians in the region. “I told the attendees that those who hate Israel also hate America,” he said. “That those who hate Jews also hate Christians. And that anyone who hates Israel and the Jewish people is not following the teachings of Christ. These statements were met with angry boos.” “Anti-Semitism is a corrosive evil, and it reared its ugly head tonight,” he added later. In a statement released Wednesday evening, IDC President Toufic Baaklini blamed a select “few politically motivated opportunists” for the incident. “[A] few politically motivated opportunists chose to divide a room that for more than 48 hours sought unity in opposing the shared threat of genocide,” he said in the statement. “Tonight’s injection of politics when the focus should have been on unity and faith, momentarily played into the hands of a few who do not adhere to IDC’s principles,” Baaklini later added. “They were made no longer welcome.” In a subsequent statement released Thursday evening, Baaklini partially blamed Cruz for his comments directed at some in the crowd. “Sen. Cruz abruptly ended his remarks accusing some participants of being ‘consumed with hate,’” Baaklini said, in reference to the comment the senator made moments before he left the stage. “That was as unfortunate as the inappropriate reaction by a small number of attendees.” Politco 13 сентября 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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