His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s Condolences Over Mass Killing Of Christians In Libya His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent condolences to the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and His Holiness Patriarch Tawadros II over the murder of over twenty Coptic Christians in Libya.      His Excellency Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi President Arab Republic of Egypt Your Excellency, dear Mr. President, Please, accept my deep condolences over the atrocious murder of Coptic Christians, Egyptian citizens, in Libya. The crime committed by extremists deserves everyone’s condemnation. Radicals’ attempts to justify violence by religious motives provoke utter rejection. Following the path of terror, these devil’s servants try to disrupt the balance, maintained for centuries, of good neighborly relations between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East. I am convinced that the tragedy that has befallen the Egyptian people will leave nobody indifferent. A priority task of the whole world community today is to combine the efforts to oppose the inhuman ideology and give a resolute rebuff to this evil. Terrorism has no future, because people will never put up with violence, no matter what slogans it might use as a cover. I offer my condolences to the relatives and friends of those killed, I prayerfully empathize with all Egyptian people and wish them fortitude and spiritual strength in opposing extremism and terrorism. With respect and condolences, +KIRILL PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA His Holiness Theodoros II Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark in All Africa and the Middle East Your Holiness, With deep pain in my heart I have learnt about the terrible murder of over twenty Christians of your flock in Libya. No goal can justify this horrible crime. Using religious rhetoric as a cover, extremists commit atrocities unprecedented in their cruelty, seeking to sow panic in people’s hearts and to bring a split into the good relations between Christians and Muslims, which prevailed in the Middle East for centuries. It is my conviction that it is especially important today for the whole world community to unite and undertake most resolute actions to oppose extremism and terrorism. We as Christians should together bear witness to the Risen Lord Jesus Who has conquered evil and death. Then futile will be all attempts of those who serve the devil using the holy name of God to justify their criminal actions. In this grave hour, I stand in prayer with the Egyptian people. My sincere condolences go to your Holiness, the clergy and flock of the Coptic Church, and the relatives and love ones of those who were killed. May the Lord give rest to the souls of the deceased in the dwellings of the righteous. With love in Christ, + KIRILL PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA 20 февраля 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Протоиерей Артемий Владимиров Подлинная человеческая любовь отличительным своим достоинством имеет верность и постоянство! Эти качества красной нитью проходят через все лучшие произведения русской литературы — от древнего «Плача Ярославны» до вдохновенных страниц «Войны и мира», семейной хроники, выросшей в роман-эпопею вселенского масштаба. Денис Каменщиков 8 июля в России отмечается День семьи, любви и верности. Что такое христианская семья? Ее часто называют домашнею Церковью, тем самым как бы указывая на то, что брак установлен Богом и имеет огромное значение в деле нашего спасения. Протоиерей Димитрий Смирнов Ночной бой русских мужиков в центре России за свои дома, семьи, достоинство, честь... Обращение прот. Димитрия Смирнова. English Edition [Orthodoxy Today] Dmitry Rebrov For me, this is not simply a theoretical theological question, but a living wound, for we are talking about the Church of Christ! I cannot understand the thinking of these people. You ask why they left into schism? I cannot answer you because I don’t understand myself. [News] For the past few months, it has been possible to find podcasts of audio files that have appeared on Pravoslavie.ru. [Orthodoxy Today] " It would be next to impossible to ensure that every act of euthanasia was truly voluntary. We are concerned that vulnerable people - the elderly, lonely, sick or distressed - would feel pressure, whether real or imagined, to seek early death. " Doctors have no illusions about the pressures that can be felt by vulnerable people. Српска bepзuja [Вести] Од Еулекса бити затражено да хитно спречи Срба кроз промене података у личним документима, каже министар за Косово и [Ucmopuja] Душан Ковачев од неистина аутономаштва да „САП била некаква оаза различитости култура, и Истина Пошто нису били у да створе корисну, лепу и напредну културу „новог доба“ су прокламовали, комунисти су олако уништавали Тако су током шездесетих година ХХ века уништили и цркву у Новом Саду, храм припадао том народу у Европи.


Рейтинг: 9.8 Голосов: 1050 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Валентинв Богза 19 апреля 2020, 21:18 ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕС! Всем православным христианам и особенно батюшкам ЗДОРОВЬЯ, МИРА, ТЕРПЕНИЯ И ВЕРЫ В ТАКОЕ НЕПРОСТОЕ ВРЕМЯ! ХРАНИ ВАС ГОСПОДЬ! Елена 2 мая 2019, 11:00 Спасибо, дорогие батюшки! Христос Воскресе! Феврония 3 мая 2016, 17:19 Сил хватило только на крестный ход, а потом пошла домой. Очень хотелось посмотреть трансляцию пасхальной службы из Москвы. И что же? Пришлось не службу слышать, а комментарии. Причем столь подробные, будто у нас никто вообще ничего не понимает. " ...в правой руке он держит кадило " ... (!). м.быть, договариваться каналам? И по Первому, например, давать комментарий, а по второму каналу - просто трансляцию? Ведь в храме во время службы нельзя разговаривать, а почему службу он-лайн можно " тонировать " объяснениями? Простите, но не могу скрыть разочарование. Простите. Татьяна-Васильевна Борачук 1 мая 2016, 10:18 Христос воскрес! В любви лучах Исчезнет скорби мрачный холод, Пусть радость царствует в сердцах И тех, кто стар, и тех, кто молод! Заветом благостных Небес Звучит нам песня Воскресенья, Любви, и счастья, и прощенья, - Христос Воскрес! (В. Ладыженский) mila toll 16 апреля 2015, 07:15 Христос Воскресе Воистину Воскресе ! радуюсь и все время в голове поется Христос Воскресе....и по английски тоже очень красиво звучит... Christ is Risen from the death....... я конечно абсолютно недостойна но радость радость и легко на сердце Господи Слава Тебе Спасибо Тебе !Матушка Богородице спасибо Тебе! Игорь Третьяков 28 апреля 2014, 16:20 А ЕСЛИ В ОТПУСКЕ ТО ПОСЛЕ СВЕТЛОЙ ПАСХАЛЬНОЙ СЕДМИЦЫ КОГДА РЕКОМЕНДУЕТСЯ НАЧИНАТЬ РУТИННЫЕ ДОМАШНИЕ/СПОРТИВНЫЕ И ТД ЗАНЯТИЯ? Нина 22 апреля 2014, 00:09 Христос Воскрес! Истина жизни-это спасение во Христе! Лариса Воронина 21 апреля 2014, 12:35 Был очень трудный пост. Благодарю Бога за то, что мы дожили до Пасхи! Господи, храни Россию! Христос Воскресе! ТаняСем 21 апреля 2014, 09:54


3. «Даруй нам, милосердый Господи, так вкушать Плоть возлюбленного Сына Твоего Иисуса Христа и так пить Кровь Его в этих святых Тайнах, чтобы мы постоянно обитали в Нем, а Он в нас, чтобы наши грешные тела очистились Его Телом и наши души омылись Его драгоценной Кровью» (из молитвы ко св. причащению, находившейся пред началом анафоры) 261 . Необходимо, однако, заметить, что, благодаря исключению из текста литургии всякого намека на пресуществление, почти все молитвы англиканского чина Вечери Господней оказались запечатленными характером известной неопределенности: они вполне допускали возможность не только католического понимания объективного телесного присутствия Христа в Евхаристии, но и понимания лютеранского – в смысле соприсутствия (consubstantiatio). Изменения, сделанные в 1549 году, вскоре стали казаться реформаторам недостаточными. В 1552 году, при ревизии Книги общих молитв чин литургии подвергся коренной переработке, в результате которой католическое и даже лютеранское понимание, как правило, исключались, уступив место крайне-протестантскому, и именно цвинглианскому, взгляду на таинство причащения. 1. Из молитвы «освящения» были опущены слова: «Своим Святым Духом и словом благоволи благословить и освятить эти Твои дары... дабы они соделались для нас Телом и Кровию возлюбленного Твоего Сына». Их заменили следующим прошением 262 : «Услыши нас, милосердый Отче, смиренно молим Тебя, и даруй, да будем мы, принимая эти Твои творения хлеба и вина, согласно святому установлению Сына Твоего, Спасителя нашего Иисуса Христа, в воспоминание Его смерти и страданий, участниками Его преблагословенного Тела и Крови» (Hear us, о merciful Father, we most humbly beseech thee, and grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ " s holy institution, in remembrance of his death and passion may be partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood) 263 . 2. Из молитвы «приношения» было устранено выражение о «достойном» принятии Тела и Крови Христовых, а вместе с ним и намек на субстанциальное 264 присутствие их в таинстве. Соответствующее место стало читаться (и теперь читается) так: «И здесь мы приносим и представляем Тебе, Господи, самих себя, свои души и тела, в разумную, святую и живую жертву пред Тобою, смиренно умоляя Тебя, дабы все мы, участники этого святого приобщения, исполнились Твоей благодати и небесного благословения» (And here we offer and present unto thee, о Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto thee, humbly beseeching thee, that all we, who are partakers of this Holy Communion, may be fulfilled with thy grace and heavenly benediction) 265 .


Patriarch Kirill: the Lord visited Fr. Kirill with illness, which he bore with humility and meekness Moscow, February 22, 2017 Photo: Pravmir.ru “In the last years of his life the Lord visited Fr. Kirill with an illness, which he bore with humility and meekness, showing an example of fortitude of spirit, patience, and wholehearted hope in God,” in the words of Patriarch Kirill. His Holiness expressed his condolences to the deputy abbot of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Archbishop Feognost of Sergiev Posad, the monastery brotherhood, and all the family and friends of the newly-departed Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), who served many years as the confessor of the monastery. The letter has been published on the site of the Moscow Patriarchate. Fr. Kirill died on Monday evening, February 20, at ninety-eight years of age. His funeral will be celebrated tomorrow, February 23, in the Dormition Cathedral at the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra by Patriarch Kirill. The primate offered his sincere condolences in the letter for the repose of the “well-known and revered elder in the Orthodox world.” He recounted Fr. Kirill’s life, growing up in the Ryazan region, and coming to faith after finding a Gospel book after the brutal WW2 Battle of Stalingrad, which opened his eyes to the reality of God. Fr. Kirill studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary and then the Theological Academy, and became a monk in 1954 at the lavra, where the remainder of his life was centered. “Goodwill, and the ability to empathize and rejoice with others attracted many to Archimandrite Kirill, and he, justifying their trust, attended to their sorrows, aspirations, and hopes with unwavering attention,” the letter reads. Patriarch Kirill recounts how he gained the respect of his contemporaries through his years of service to God and the Church, diligently celebrating the Divine services, and lovingly and modestly always attending to his spiritual children. “In the last years of his life the Lord visited Fr. Kirill with an illness, which he bore with humility and meekness, showing an example of fortitude of spirit, patience, and wholehearted hope in God. I pray to the Lord of life and death our Lord Jesus Christ for the repose in the mansions of Heaven of His faithful servant, the newly-departed Archimandrite Kirill,” writes His Holiness. “His soul shall dwell with the blessed, and his memory shall be from generation to generation,” he penned in conclusion. 22 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Eastern church shuns France " s asylum offer/Православие.Ru Eastern church shuns France " s asylum offer Beirut, August 6, 2014      The Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch and the Levant has strongly criticized France’s offer to grant Iraqi Christians political asylum, describing the move as an attempt to empty the region from the adepts of Christ. In a statement Wednesday, the church said “helping the people of the Levant, Christians and Muslims, can be done by uprooting terrorism from their land and stop nurturing the takfiri groups.” The church charged that Muslim extremists persecuting Christians were being supported logistically and militarily by states through undeclared alliances. “We are keen to emphasize that the difficult phase through which the Levant is going does not justify attempts to portray the conditions of the Christians in the Orient similar to that of religious and racial minorities in other parts of the world,” the statement said. “The best way to help the Christians of the Levant as well as Muslims is through pushing for peace through dialogue and political solutions, and curbing all reasons that fuel extremism, notably the injustice done to the Palestinian people. " It stressed that the only place to be for Christians was their home and land. The French government said it was willing to facilitate asylum to Iraqi Christians who fled persecution by the Al-Qaeda-inspired jihadist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS). After seizing control of Mosul and other areas in northern Iraq in mid-July, ISIS, which renamed itself the Islamic State, ordered those Christians who had not yet fled to either convert to Islam, pay a religious tax levied on conquered non-Muslims or face death. In a related development, Future Movement MPs expressed solidarity with Iraqi Christians Wednesday and called for providing them with aid similar to that given to Syrian refugees. “We came here to express our solidarity with our Christian brethren in Iraq who were persecuted and displaced at the hands of terrorist groups that committed the ugliest crimes against them, amounting to crimes against humanity,” MP Atef Majdalani said, after a meeting with Chaldean Archbishop Michel Kassarji.


St. John Chrysostom says concerning this incident: " Such reckless hatred, such evil passion! Let it be so, that you cursed yourselves. But why do you bring a curse on the children? " This curse, which the Jews called upon themselves, was soon fulfilled. In 70 AD, during the siege of Jerusalem, the Romans crucified a huge number of Jews around the city. It was also fulfilled in the later history of the Jews, scattered since then in many countries—in those countless " pogroms, " to which they were subjected, in fulfillment of the prophecies of Moses in Deuteronomy (Chapters 28:49-57; 64-67). Then released he (Pilate) Barabbas unto them; and when he has scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified. In other words, confirming the verdict of the Sanhedrin, Pilate gave them soldiers to carry out the death sentence through crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, Pilate could not divulge himself of his responsibility by washing his hands neither before the impartial opinion of humanity, nor before God’s judgment. The expression " washing my hands of it " since then has become a saying. In a little more than a year the punishment of God befell Pilate for his cowardice and unjust condemnation of Him, Who he himself called Righteous. He was banished to Gaul and there, after two years, exhausted from melancholy, torn by pangs of conscience and despair, he ended his life by suicide. (In 1961, in the location of ancient Caesarea, a plaque was found with the name of Pilate carved in Latin: " Caesareanis Tiberium Pontius Pilatus Prefectus Iudaeae debit, " that is " : Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea, gave the inhabitants of Caesaria (this theatre named for) Tiberius). Pilate here is called " prefect, " which applies to a military leader. The title of procurator referred to civil leaders. It is possible that Pilate served in both positions. Bishop Alexander (Mileant) Fr. Alexander.org 17 апреля 2014 г. Рейтинг: 9.9 Голосов: 11 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты


331 Из литературы по Мк 10:28–31 можно выделить, в частности: S. Légasse, «Tout quitter pour suivre le Christ,» AsSeign 59 (1974) 43–54; G. Theissen, «Wir haben alles verlassen,» NovT 19 (1977) 161–196; D. Malone, «Riehes and Discipleship,» BTB 9 (1979) 78–88. 337 Глагол «будет предан» (πααδοθσεται) здесь, как и в Мк 9:31 , не имеет при себе деятеля (с грамматической точки зрения). Обсуждая Мк 9:31 , мы отметили, что такое построение фразы помогает раскрыть многогранность божественного замысла о страданиях Мессии. Cp.: Haenchen 361; Gnilka 2, 97; N. Perrin, «Towards an Interpretation,» 23–24, 28–30. 342 Виктор Антиохийский 383 отмечает: «Иисус предсказывает свои страдания ученикам, чтобы они знали, что Он знал о них заранее, и что Он пошёл на них сознательно и добровольно. Вот почему Он говорил о своих страданиях так часто, как пишет Марк». Ср. Феофилакт 604–605; Зигабен 80; Lagrange 275; Taylor 437; Gnilka 2, 97. 344 Полнота и точность предсказаний о Страстях в Мк 10:33–34 , конкретность формулировок и специфика синтаксиса, а также выраженность христологических представлений даже породили гипотезу, что здесь перед нами древний христологический гимн, созданный на основе Страстей. См. подробнее R. McKinnis, «An Analysis of Mark 10,32–34 ,» 98–100. 345 Из литературы по Мк 10:35–45 можно выделить, в частности: A. Feuillet, «La coupe et le baptême de la Passion,» RB 74 (1967) 356–391; C. K. Barrett, New Testament Essays (London, 1972) 20–27; J. Roloff, «Anfänge der soteriologischen Deutung des Todes Jesu,» NTS 19 (1972) 38–64; S. Légasse, «Approche de l’épisode préévangelique des Fils de Zébédée,» NTS 20 (1974) 161–177; J. Rademakers, «Revendiquer ou servir?,» AsSeign 60 (1975) 28–39; V. Howard, «Did Jesus Speak about His Own Death?,» CBQ 39 (1977) 515–527; W. J. Moulder, «The Old Testament Background and the Interpretation of Mk. 10.45 ,» NTS (1977) 120–127; E. Best, Following Jesus (1981) 123–133. 349 Согласно одной гипотезе, настоящее время (πνω, βαπτζομαι) здесь является следствием влияния арамейского оригинала, который не проводит грань между настоящим и будущим. Но это неубедительно: в последующем за ст. 39 тексте те же самые глаголы использованы с чёткой дифференциацией между настоящим и будущим.


Virginmartyr Apollinaria of Egypt Commemorated on January 5 Saint Apollinaria was a daughter of Anthemias, a former proconsul of the Byzantine Empire during the minority of Theodosius the Younger (408-450). Disdaining marriage, she requested her parents’ permission to make a pilgrimage to the holy places of the East. Arriving in Alexandria from Jerusalem, she slipped away from her servants and changed into monastic garb. She hid in a marsh, where she practised asceticism for several years in strict fasting and prayer. An angel appeared to her in a dream and told her to go to the monastery of Sketis, which was under the spiritual direction of Saint Macarius of Egypt (January 19), and to call herself Dorotheus. Saint Macarius accepted her as one of the brethren, and she quickly distinguished herself by her ascetical life. Saint Apollinaria’s parents had another daughter who was possessed by demons. They sent her to Sketis to Saint Macarius, who brought the afflicted girl to Dorotheus (Apollinaria). By her prayers, the maiden received healing. After she returned home, the maiden was attacked by a violent demon, who made her appear pregnant. The demon spoke through the girl’s lips, saying that Dorotheus had forced himself on her. Her outraged parents sent soldiers to the monastery to find the one who had defiled their daughter. Saint Apollinaria took the blame and accompanied the envoys to the home of her parents. There she revealed her secret to her parents, healed her sister, and returned to Sketis. She died shortly thereafter in the year 470. Only after the death of Dorotheus was it revealed that “he” was actually a woman. The saint was buried in a cave in the monastery church of Saint Macarius of Egypt. Troparion — Tone 4 Your lamb Apollinaria,/calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice:/“I love You, my Bridegroom,/and in seeking You, I endure suffering./In baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in You, and I died so that I might live with You./Accept me as a pure sacrifice,/for I have offered myself in love.”/Through her prayers save our souls, since You are merciful. Kontakion — Tone 2 Having found your holy relics as healing for our souls, We faithful call out to you with a loud voice:/“O reknowned Virgin Martyr Apollinaria,/Intercede to Christ God for us all!” The Orthodox Church in America 12 января 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Then the emperor and the false patriarch Theodotus attempted to trick those who remained faithful to Orthodox teaching. They promised that the emperor would give them their freedom and permit the veneration of the icons on one condition: that they take Communion from the pseudo-patriarch Theodotus. For a long time the saint had doubts about entering into communion with a heretic, but other prisoners begged him to go along with them. Acceding to their entreaties, Saint Nicetas went into the church, where icons were put out to deceive the confessors, and he accepted Communion. But when he returned to his monastery and saw that the persecution against icons was continuing, he then repented of his deed, returned to Constantinople and fearlessly denounced the Iconoclast heresy. He ignored all the emperor’s threats. Saint Nicetas was again locked up in prison for six years until the death of the emperor Leo the Armenian. Enduring hunger and travail, Saint Nicetas worked miracles by the power of his prayers: through his prayer the Phrygian ruler released two captives without ransom; three shipwrecked men for whom Saint Nicetas prayed, were thrown up on shore by the waves. Saint Nicetas reposed in the Lord in 824. The saint’s body was buried at the monastery with reverence. Later, his relics became a source of healing for those coming to venerate the holy confessor. Troparion — Tone 4 You were a firm pillar and an undaunted guardian of sacred tradition, O Nicetas;/you were adorned with holy dispassion and became an illustrious confessor of the Faith./Accept the prayers of those who cry to you,/interceding for them with Christ our God. Kontakion — Tone 2 You acquired a heavenly mind and life,/shining as brightly as the sun in the splendor of your deeds!/Father Nicetas, you enlighten those in the darkness of life guiding them all to God./Pray without ceasing for us all! скрыть способы оплаты Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях


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