Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR, monk, theologian, St. (580–662). Maximus is arguably the greatest of Byzantine theologians and was also a writer on exegesis, liturgy (q.v.), doctrine, and ascesis (q.v.). Trained for court service in Constantinople (q.v.), where he served until ca. 614 as Imperial Secretary to Emperor Heraclius, he left the capital in his early thirties for the monastic life. Never ordained, he spent years in several different monasteries, including on Cyprus where he became acquainted with Sophronius (later Patriarch of Jerusalem), who seems to have introduced him to ascetic literature. He arrived finally in Byzantine North Africa in 626. From there, and later from Rome, he led the battle against the Monothelite Formula (see Christology) proposed by Heraclius as a device for ending the schism over the Council of Chalcedon (qq.v.). His activities peaked with the convocation of the Lateran Synod by Pope Martin I (qq.v.) at Rome in 649. Arrested together with the pope, Maximus paid for his opposition with torture and death in exile in 662, as Martin had earlier. His theology, a synthesis of real genius and spiritual depth, prevailed nineteen years later at the Sixth Ecumenical Council (q.v.) at Constantinople. It combined the insights of the ascetic tradition with the triadology and anthropology of the Cappadocians, the Christologies of Cyril of Alexandria and Leo of Rome with that of Justinian and the Fifth Ecumenical Council, and the thought of late Neoplatonism through Dionysius the Areopagite (qq.v.). Its heart lay in the defense of created freedom (q.v.) and change (kinesis) as positive, and the vision of Christ as the one in whom that freedom and growth are accomplished. Created freedom was fulfilled once and for all in the economy (q.v.) of the Incarnate Word, and now and to come in the appropriation of Christ-which appropriation is the human vocation and glory. His thought provided a later basis for the defense of the holy icons by Joh n of Damascus, for the fiery advocacy of mystical experience by Symeon the New Theologian, and of deification as real and presently available by Gregory Palamas at the close of the Byzantine era (qq.v.). Due to the difficulty of the Greek, most of his writings-other than the Centuries on Charity-are not available in English. Читать далее Источник: The A to Z of the Orthodox Church/Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson - Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 462 p. ISBN 1461664039 Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


26 апреля 2017 г. Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также An Orthodox Response to John Calvin on Icons: Icons and Idolatry Gabe Martini An Orthodox Response to John Calvin on Icons: Icons and Idolatry Gabe Martini Are all religious depictions idolatry? This is a question that plagued the Roman Empire near the end of the eighth century, and again in the ninth. An Ineffable Fragrance Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki An Ineffable Fragrance Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki It is impossible to describe how exquisite and noble are the These people—although they bear the traces of harsh struggles, although their bodies are so withered and emaciated—have a fragrance and grace imprinted on their wondrous souls. Early Christian Worship and the Bones of Martyrs Gabe Martini Early Christian Worship and the Bones of Martyrs Vincent Gabriel In the veneration of both icons and relics, we experience the union these great men and women shared with Christ on earth decades or even centuries ago—a unity that transcends time and continues through eternity. Christ unites himself to us, both body and soul, and the bones of martyrs shine with the uncreated grace of God while their souls are at rest, working miracles even after their death. Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна


675 Plaut mil. glor. II, 4, 19: scio crucem futurum mihi sepulcrum. Horat. Epist. I, 16, 48: non pasces in cruce corvos. Смотр. еще Herod. III, 12. Cic. Tusc. Q. 1, 43. Suet. Octav. 13. Ner. 49. Juven. sat. XIV, 77. Lucan. 6, 544. Artemid. oneir. 2. 53. Plin. 36, 24, 3. Quintil. decl. 6.9: cruces succiduntur percussos sepeliri carnifex non vetat (пред днем рождения императора). Philo in Flacc. II, 529. 684 Ibid. ст. 33–34. Такой удар иногда практиковался римлянами в тех случаях, когда почему-нибудь было необходимо скорее окончить жизнь распятых. Так, по приказанию судьи Фабиана, Марк и Марцеллин, целые сутки провисевшие на крестах, были умерщвлены таким ударом копья в бок. Смотр. Martyrol. 18 Jun. Иногда с этою же целью прокалывали распятых в подмышках, после чего быстро следовала смерть. Orig. comment. in Matth. 27, 54. См. Friedlieb, s. 167. 685 Stroud. Physical cause of the Death of Christ, 1847. Смотр. В. Ганн. «Последний день страданий Господа». Перев. А. О. Вишневского». 1887, стр. 236. 686 См. Friedlieb. Archäol. d. Leid., s. 167–168. B pericardium’e есть особая парообразная жидкость, которая, при понижении температуры тела, и особенно если раскрыть околосердечную сумку, сгущается и получает вид воды. При обыкновенном состоянии организма она имеется в очень незначительном количестве; но страдания, предшествовавшие смерти Иисуса Христа и особенно тот ужасный зной, который жег Его тело на Голгофе, по исследованию врачей, могли способствовать накоплению этой жидкости в pericardium’e Иисуса Христа в таком количестве, что истечение ее было ясно видно Иоанну. Фридлиб ссылается здесь на исследования двух врачей Грунер. – Car. Frid. Ferd. Gruner: Comment. antiqu. med. de Jesu Christi morte vera non simulata. Hal. 1805. Christ. G. Gruner: Vindiciae mortis Jesu Christi verae. Ibid. 692 Погребение казненных в фамильных гробницах и по иудейскому обыкновению без особого на то разрешения не допускалось. См. Sanhedr. XVII, 5. 705 Так, при погребении Ирода было 500 носильщиков для этих благовоний. Antiqu. XVII, 8, 3, Bell. jud. I, 33, 9.


The Lives of the Georgian Saints Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze The Lives of the Georgian Saints Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Since the time of the ancient Greek historians, Georgia has been viewed as an enigma hidden behind impenetrable mountains and a complex language. Little has been written about this small country and its saints. Now, Pravoslavie.Ru presents the entire collection of the Lives of the Georgian saints which has been translated for the first time into English. These lives encompass the seventeen hundred years of Orthodox Christianity in Georgia. The stories of ascetics and bishops, warriors and noblemen are intertwined with the tumultuous history of the Georgian land. Holy Martyr Sukia and His Sixteen Companions (ca. 100–130) Commemorated April 15/28 Holy Martyr Sukia and His Sixteen Companions (ca. 100–130) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze The holy martyrs Sukia, Andrea, Anastasi, Talale, Teodorite, Ivkirion, Iordane, Kodrate, Lukiane, Momnanos, Nerangios, Polievktos, Iakob, Poka, Domentian, Bictor, and Zosime were Georgian noble lords who served the Albanian government (in the southeastern Transcaucasus) in the 1st century a.d. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste On the following morning, the soldiers were again taken to Agricola. This time the pagan tried flattery. He began to praise their valor, their youth and strength, and once more he urged them to renounce Christ and thereby win themselves the respect and favor of their emperor. A Church Built on the Blood of Martyrs Fr. Dionysy Pozdnayev A Church Built on the Blood of Martyrs Fr. Dionysy Pozdnayev On the eve, there were already proclamations pasted along the streets calling the pagans to kill the Christians, and threatening with death anyone who dared to hide them. During the night, the boxers appeared with burning torches in all parts of Peking, attacking Christian homes, grabbing the misfortunate Christians and torturing them, trying the force them to renounce Christ. Holy Monk-martyrs Shio the New, Davit, Gabriel, and Pavle of Gareji (†1696–1700) Commmorated June 1/14 Holy Monk-martyrs Shio the New, Davit, Gabriel, and Pavle of Gareji (†1696–1700) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze The holy monk-martyrs Shio the New, Davit, Gabriel and Pavle labored in the Davit-Gareji Wilderness at the end of the 17th century. St. Shio was from the village of Vedzisi in the Kartli region. © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Archive Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada presides at the Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Russian Cathedral in New York City on the day of its patronal feast 20 December 2021 year 18:22 On Sunday, December 19, 2021, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, and at the invitation of His Grace Matthew Bishop of Sourozh and Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA & Canada, His Beatitude  Metropolitan Tikhon  presided at the Divine Liturgy at New York City’s Saint Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral on the day of the Cathedral’s patronal feast. Concelebrating with His Beatitude were Archpriest George Konyev, Chancellor of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Archpriest Alexander Golubov, Igumen Nikodim, Dean of the Cathedral and Secretary of the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes of the USA, and Priest Alessandro Margheritino, Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America. Metropolitan Tikhon’s delegation included Deacon Peter Ilchuk, Executive Secretary to the Metropolitan. After the Divine Liturgy, Igumen Nikodim shared the greetings of Bishop Matthew who welcomed His Beatitude, and noted his regrets for not being able to participate in the celebration. Metropolitan Tikhon offered his greetings to both His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and Bishop Matthew, thanking them for the opportunity to celebrate the Divine Liturgy on such beautiful and joyous day in which we honor the beloved Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. His Beatitude also thanked Father George and the Cathedral’s clergy for their hospitality and love. In his homily at the end of the Divine Liturgy , His Beatitude pointed out that, “In today’s Gospel, we read that the crowds gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ and ‘sought to touch him, for power went out from him and healed them all.’ Perhaps, hearing this, we wish that we, too, could have seen Jesus with our eyes, touched him with our hands, and have received healing for the wounds of our bodies, our souls, our hearts. But of course, the Lord is always present to us, not just spiritually, in our inner being, but physically, through the saints.” Metropolitan Tikhon then remarked that, “Wherever there is sanctity, there is Jesus Christ. And in some cases, in accordance with God’s providence, the holiness of a person is so great that, even after his death, his body remains with us, visibly full of God’s healing grace, always making Christ’s power present in our lives. This is the case with Saint Nicholas.” At the conclusion of the liturgical celebration, His Beatitude and his delegation were welcomed to the parish hall to share a festal meal with the Cathedral’s community in honor of their patron saint. During the meal, Metropolitan Tikhon and Bishop Matthew were able to speak on the phone and exchange greetings of the feast. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Russian monastery on Mt. Athos commemorates deceased soldiers of WWII Holy Mount Athos, May 11, 2015      On May 9, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism, a litia for repose of the deceased Orthodox soldiers was served at the Russian St. Panteleimon’s Monastery on Mt. Athos. According to the report by the Afonit.info website, a memorial service was celebrated in the monastic chapel of rest, where monks departed this life who served in the Great Patriotic War (Second World War) are especially commemorated. According to Schema-Archimandrite Jeremiah (Alekhin), Abbot of the St. Panteleimon’s Monastery, in 1941 fascism threw a challenge to the whole of the human race. Nazism is the greatest evil invented by the demonic mind in order to destroy all of what is good and pure in the world, to profane and annul the basics of the Christian love. That is why the war into which the Russian people entered in 1941 was a great heroic deed that cannot be overestimated. The Russian Orthodox Church then called upon all its faithful members to stand up staunchly to defend not the Soviet government, nor the Communist regime or atheism, but to defend their motherland which was baptized in the Dniepr [River] by Holy Prince Vladimir, defended from the German invaders by Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, and called upon for struggle with Mamai by Holy Prince Dimitry Donskoy. We should not forget that the Victory Day in 1945 virtually coincided with the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Such coincidences cannot be meaningless. So it is appropriate to address you on this day with the Paschal greetings: Christ is Risen! Happy Victory Day! Schema-Archimandrite Jeremiah knows what fascism is like by his own experience and well knows the price of victory. In 1941 he was forcibly taken to Germany where he underwent backbreaking labor, starvation, and inhuman living conditions. In captivity, 28-year-old Yakov Alekhin learned to pray. According to him, prayer comes to a man in trouble, when it seems that hope itself is dying; then prayer becomes the only thread of salvation from despair. There he decided to become a monk, should the Lord vouchsafe to keep him alive. Father Abbot recalls the generosity of common German people, how German women gave them bread through the barbed wire. Fr. Jeremiah says he will remember the taste of that bread forever. In his view, the monstrous ideology made the German people instruments of infernal, misanthropic aims. But this nation is kind-hearted by nature. According to Schema-Archimandrite Jeremiah, Victory Day is not the day marking the victory over the German nation, but the victory over the evil, hatred, diabolical pride, and death. 13 мая 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Archive His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s condolences over the tragedy in Beirut 4 August 2020 year 23:45 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent condolences to the President of the Lebanese Republic, Mr. Michel Aoun, and to His Beatitude Patriarch John X of the Great Antioch and All the East over the death of people in the explosion at Beirut’s port. His Excellency Mr. Michel Aoun, President Lebanese Republic Your Excellency, dear Mr. President, It grieved me deeply to learn about the explosions that thundered on Tuesday at Beirut’s port, killing and injuring many people and causing considerable damage to the city’s buildings and infrastructure. Please accept my profound condolences. I sincerely empathize with those who have lost their relatives and friends and ask to convey to them my words of consolation and support, and to the injured – my wishes of the soonest recovery. At this time of hardships may the Merciful Lord grant strength to the doctors who are selflessly fighting to save the lives of the victims, to the staff of the rescue services and to all those who are working hard, striving to overcome the aftermaths of the tragedy, and may He grant peace, welfare and tranquillity to Lebanon. With deep condolences, +KIRILL PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of the Great Antioch and All the East Your Beatitude, Beloved Brother and Concelebrant at God’s Altar, On behalf of the archpastors, clergy, monastics and laypeople of the Russian Orthodox Church I offer you my deep condolences over the tragedy that occurred in Beirut. My heart grieved as I learned about the calamity which inflicted new wounds on your long-suffering Christ-loving flock. I am praying to our Lord Jesus Christ that He may grant recovery to the injured, repose to the souls of the victims, consolation to their relatives and friends in this sorrow, and peace, welfare and tranquillity to Lebanon. With brotherly love in the Lord, +KIRILL PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


For three days no one was permitted to take down the body of the martyr, and a column of cloud protected it from birds and beasts of prey. A church was later built on the hill where the holy martyrs suffered. The trinity of venerable passion bearers glorified the true God worshipped in the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. The church was dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity. The altar table was built on the stump of the sacred oak on which the martyrs died. Soon their relics were found to be incorrupt. In 1364 Patriarch Philotheus of Constantinople (1354-1355, 1364-1376) sent a cross with the relics of the holy martyrs to Saint Sergius of Radonezh (September 25). The Church established the celebration of all three martyrs on April 14. The holy martyrs were of immense significance for all the Western frontier. Vilnius’s monastery of the Holy Trinity, where the holy relics are kept, became a stronghold of Orthodoxy on this frontier. In 1915 during the invasion of the Germans, these relics were taken to Moscow. The relics of the holy passion-bearers were returned to the Vilnius Holy Spirit monastery in 1946. The commemoration of their return (July 13) is solemnly observed at the monastery each year. Troparion — Tone 4 You who have rejected earthly honor and glory,/Valiant and honorable combatants,/You firmly and courageously suffered torments for the faith,/You have died for the life of all for the Master./Therefore Christ also gloriously encircles you with a cloud column from heaven/And honors and crowns you with crowns from the throne of glory:/Standing before Him with the angels, pray to save our souls. Kontakion — Tone 3 Released from the fatherly delusions O Saints, you were led to Christ:/By the diligence of all your souls you put human cleverness to death./And so attaining the victory of true honor,/Unceasingly pray to our Master for us all. The Orthodox Church in America 20 апреля 2017 г. Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты


It is especially important for people who have studied theology. How often, as historical examples tell us, people who have seemingly reached the heights of mental knowledge of God, having studied everything, having read everything, become terrible cynics and lead others into yet greater destruction. May it not be so with us, dear brothers and sisters; may we be along with the apostles simple, faithful, sincere, and, of course, to the best of our ability, students and preachers of the risen Christ; may we be bearers of the good news of the all-conquering Gospel truth. Christ is Risen! Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov) Translated by Jesse Dominick Pravoslavie.ru 23 апреля 2017 г. Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The Stubborn Apostle Fr. Daniel Sisoyev The Stubborn Apostle Fr. Daniel Sisoyev Paradoxically Thomas’ disbelief only emphasizes the faith of the apostle and helps us to believe. This disbelief only confirms for us the fact of Christ’s victory over death. Now we know that we die not forever, that we do not need to fear the grave. Its predatory mouth will release all its prisoners, for God has promised us eternal life in the flesh. And it’s not simply a promise, for Christ, the Firstborn of the dead, is already risen, to carry out from the grave with Him all of mankind. The Good Unbelief of Thomas Monk Moses of the Holy Mountain The Good Unbelief of Thomas Monk Moses of the Holy Mountain Faith, we would say, comes with difficulty, hazard, risk and daring. This is why He blessed those who believe without tangible evidence. The strongest evidence is the confirmation of our hearts. The hard-to-believe Thomas is our brother, he is weak, but definitely sympathetic. St. Thomas Sunday Archbishop Dmitri (Royster) St. Thomas Sunday Archbishop Dmitri (Royster) The following is a brief reflection on the Gospel reading for the Sunday after Pascha, John 20:19-31 Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю:


Venerable Amphilochius of Pângrai      Holy Venerable Amphilochius from Pângrai was born in 1487, in ara de Sus, Moldavia. He began his monastic life in his youth at Moldovia Monastery, wherefrom he came to Pângrai in 1508. There all the members of the community elected him abbot, so that he led them for fifty-six years. Hieromonk Anastasios from Moldovia, who knew him well, speaks about his life: “He chose to live in monasticism ever since he was a child, having been esteemed by all the people of his time for his good deeds. He was a very good writer, fasting, patient and striving to live a spiritual life.” Due to his efforts, Christ our Lord and St. Demetrius, the protector of the monastery, commanded the ruling prince Alexandru Lapuneanu (1552-1561; 1564-1568) to build a new church at Pângrai in place of the old wooden one which the Turks had burned down. The church was consecrated by Metropolitan Gregory of Suceava in 1560. In 1566, the saint gathered all his spiritual sons around, gave them his last advice, appointed Hieromonk Teodorit as igumen in his stead and retired to his first monastery, Moldovia. There Blessed Amphilochius became a hermit by the name of Enoch and lived for four more years. In 1570, having known beforehand the time of his death, he received Holy Communion and fell asleep in the Lord. His disciples buried him. On March 6, 2008 the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church canonized Venerable Simeon and Amphilochius, to be celebrated on September 7/20. Through the prayers of the venerable Saints Simeon and Amphilochius, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us. Amen. Troparion, tone 3: Oh, Venerable Fathers Simeon and Amphilochius, you who did enlighten the Carpathian woods through your prayers and filled the whole valley of Bistria with a spiritual aroma, close advisers of the ruling princes and radiant torches of the monastics and pious faithful, pray to God for us, who celebrate with love your holy commemoration. 20 сентября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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