Переводы: (лат. сб.) Dionysiaca: Recueil donnant l " ensemble des trad. latines des ouvrages attribués au Denys l " Aréopagite/Éd. Ph. Chevallier. P., 1938, 1950. Vol. 1-2; (на совр. европ. языки) см.: DSAMDH. 1954. T. 3. S. 263-264; Ritter A. M. Über die Mystische Theologie und Briefe//Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. Stuttg., 1994. S. 147-148; (на груз. яз.) Commentaria theologica hiberico-graeca «De angelicis virtutibus»/Textum hibericum (ab St. Ephrem Mtsire confectum) ed., cum graec. comment. compar., invest. instr. A. Tschumburidze. Tbilisi, 2001; (на слав. и рус. яз.) Дионисий Ареопагит. О церковной иерархии (с коммент.)//Писания святых отцев, относящиеся к истолкованию православного богослужения. СПб., 1855. С. 1-260; он же. Письма 1-6, 8//ХЧ. 1825. 19. С. 239-266; он же. Письма 10 и 7//Там же. 1838. 4. С. 281-290; он же. Письмо 9//Там же. 1839. С. 3-18; он же. О божественных именах/Пер. игум. Геннадия (Эйкаловича). Буэнос-Айрес, 1957; он же. О мистическом богословии. Послание к Титу/Пер. свящ. Л. Лутковского//Мистическое богословие. К., 1991 (опубл. пер. Посланий 1 и 5); он же. О таинственном богословии и Послание к Титу-иерарху (славян. текст и рус. пер.)// Прохоров Г. М. Памятники переводной и русской литературы XIV-XV веков. Л., 1987. С. 158-299; он же. О Божественных именах. О мистическом богословии. СПб., 1994; он же. О небесной иерархии/Пер. Н. Г. Ермаковой под ред. Г. М. Прохорова. СПб., 1996; он же. О церковной иерархии. Послания/Пер. Г. М. Прохорова под ред. В. Лурье. СПб., 2001; Вост. отцы и учители Церкви V века: Антология/Сост. иером. Иларион (Алфеев). М., 2000 [пер. «Ареопагитик» под ред. Г. М. Прохорова: с. 257-416; библиогр.: с. 251-252 (список ранних переводов на рус. яз.)]; Лосев А. Ф. Имя: Избр. работы, переводы, беседы, исслед., архивные мат-лы. СПб., 1997 (О таинственном богословии); Ареопагитики (фрагменты)/Пер. С. С. Аверинцева//Антология мировой философии. М., 1969. Т. 1. Ч. 2. С. 606-620; Дионисий Ареопагит. О таинственном богословии/Пер. В. В. Бибихина//Историко-философский ежегодник, 90. М., 1991. С. 227-232; Псевдо-Дионисий Ареопагит. О небесном священноначалии (главы 3-9)/Вступ. ст., подгот. древнерус. текст и пер. А. А. Смирнова, коммент. А. И. Макаров и А. А. Смирнова// Громов М. М. , Мильков В. В. Идейные течения древнерусской мысли. СПб., 2001. С. 782-902.

http://pravenc.ru/text/ Ареопагитик ...

Tweet Нравится Second phase of emergency cleaning work wraps up in Georgian cave monastery after fire Moscow, April 4, 2017 Photo: Blagovest      As previously reported , a candle left burning in the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Vardzia Monastery cave complex on the night of October 31, 2016 resulted in soot partially covering a unique twelfth-century fresco. The second phase of the cleaning process, which began soon after the fire, has now been completed, reports Blagovest . The twelfth-thirteenth century monastery complex in southeastern Georgia is one of the country’s most unique landscapes. It was one of the most beloved residences of the great Queen Tamar (+ 1213). Given the high degree of damage, it was decided to carry out the work in several stages. “At present, the first and second stages of work have been finished, including the full cleaning of the wall paintings from soot. The third and final stage is scheduled,” reads a message from the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. During the work, the temperature inside the church is being controlled, and everything is being extensively recorded in writing and in photographs. The work began with an assessment of the situation by a group of restorers and wall-painting-preservation specialists from the Academy of Arts, in collaboration with London’s Courtauld Institute of Art. A number of tests were conducted, and a detailed plan was laid out, which is nearing completion. 4 апреля 2017 г. Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также allocated to restore Georgian Katskhi Monastery allocated to restore Georgian Katskhi Monastery The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of Georgia has recently decided to allocate 1 million lari to a comprehensive restoration project at the Nativity of the Savior Monastery in the village of Katskhi, 125 miles northwest of Tbilisi.


Tweet Нравится Health of Patriarch Ilia improving after gall bladder infection January 2, 2017      Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II of Tbilisi and All Georgia’s health is generally improving following a flu brought on by a gall bladder inflammation, reports Sedmitza . “I have no right to speak about the concrete clinical details, but I can confirm that the general condition of heath of the primate of the Georgian Orthodox Church Ilia II is improving, although not all risks have been removed,” says the Georgian Minister of Health David Sergeenko. Initially the patriarch was advised to go to Germany for a possible surgery, in the event that the inflammation did not die down, but he declined, according to Interfax-Religion . Instead, the German expert who cared for Patriarch Ilia over the past two years during his planned procedures in one of the best clinics in Berlin arrived in Georgia to personally examine the bishop. Chief Physician of surgery at the Helios Berlin-Buch clinic Martin Shtrik has stated that at this point he sees no need for surgery in Patriarch Ilia’s case. According to his personal physician Tsisana Shartava, Vladyka’s health is stable and he is resting in his home under surgeon supervision, with daily exmainations. “The patriarch feels good, and his treatment is working, according to many indicators,” Shartava stated . 2 января 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Patriarch Ilia to celebrate 47th mass baptism Patriarch Ilia to celebrate 47th mass baptism Patriarch Ilia has been the beloved leader of the Georgian Orthodox Church since the 1970s and is perhaps the most trusted public figure in the ancient Orthodox nation. Many parents have been overjoyed to have children and entrust them to the spiritual care of their pious archpastor. Georgia’s Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II turns 83 Georgia’s Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II turns 83 He is a descendant of the influential eastern Georgian mountainous clan with family ties with the former royal dynasty of Georgia - Bagrationi. In 1967 he was consecrated as the bishop of Tskhumi and Abkhazeti, and was elevated to the rank of metropolitan in 1969. Georgian Patriarch successfully operated on in Germany Georgian Patriarch successfully operated on in Germany Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia, who is currently undergoing another course of medical treatment in Germany, has been operated on. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Holy Catholicos Sarmean (†774) Memory 21 August (3 September) The chronicles listing the generations of chief shepherds of Georgia reveal that St. Sarmean was leader of the Georgian Apostolic Church from the year 767 (or 760, according to some sources) until the year 774. These were years of Arab-Muslim rule in Georgia. The Arabs persecuted the Christians, oppressed those who served in the Church, and tried in every way to convert the country to Islam. Despite the frightful abuses that the faithful endured and the transformation of the city into a residence for the emir, many Tbilisi churches continued to function. Sarmean was a firm defender of Orthodoxy. Once, however, on Cheese-fare Thursday at Shio-Mgvime Monastery, a group of strangers bearing gifts arrived at the monastery. He served Holy Communion to them without ever inquiring into their faith. Later he learned that they were Jacobites. His carelessness was revealed to him in a dream that same night. When he awoke the next morning, Catholicos Sarmean summoned the bishops, confessed his mistake, burned the gifts that the Jacobites had given him before their eyes, and departed for an isolated cave, where he wept over his sin with bitter tears. But the All-merciful Lord sent a sign to St. Sarmean to inform him that his transgression had been forgiven. The bishops sent him a message from Mtskheta: “O Great Sovereign Patriarch Sarmean! Rejoice! We, your spiritual children, believers in your holiness, the entire council of bishops, wish to inform you that St. Shio has appeared and told each of the five of us that the Lord has remitted your sin. Makehaste and summon us to the monastery, that we may give thanks to get her to our Holy Father Shio!” Holy Catholicos Sarmean, divinely endowed with humility, faith, love, and the fear of God, led his flock wisely to the end of his days and reposed peacefully in the year 774. O Great Sovereign Patriarch, Holy Catholicos Sarmean, have mercy on thy children and all those who believe in thy blessedness! Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze 31 августа 2007 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Тбилиси, 1976; Сумбат Давитис-дзе . История и повествование о Багратионах/Пер., введ., примеч.: М. Лордкипанидзе. Тбилиси, 1979; Летопись Картли/Пер.: Г. Цулая. Тбилиси, 1982; Жизнь царицы цариц Тамар/Пер., введ.: В. Дондуа; примеч., исслед.: М. Бердзнишвили. Тбилиси, 1985; Джуаншер Джуаншериани. Жизнь Вахтанга Горгасала/Пер., введ., примеч.: Г. Цулая. Тбилиси, 1986; Анонимный груз. «Хронограф» XVI в.: [ Жамтаагмцерели . Столетняя летопись]/Пер.: Г. Цулая. М., 2005; Обращение Грузии/Пер.: Е. Такаишвили; ред., исслед., коммент.: М. Чхартишвили. Тбилиси, 1989; Житие царя царей Давида/Пер.: свящ. И. Зетеишвили//Символ. 1998. 40. С. 275–300; Картлис Цховреба: История Грузии/Сост.: М. Абашидзе, З. Алексидзе и др. Тбилиси, 2008; на арм. яз.: Картлис Цховреба: Древнеарм. перевод груз. ист. хроник/Сост., исслед., словарь: И. Абуладзе. Тбилиси, 1953 (на груз. и арм. языках); Rewriting Caucasian History: The Medieval Armenian Adaptation of the Georgian Chronicles/Transl., comment., introd. R. Thomson. Oxf.; N. Y., 1996 (на груз. и арм. языках); Kartlis Cxovreba: The Georgian Royal Annals and Their Medieval Armenian Adaptation/Ed. S. Rapp. Delmar (N. Y.), 1998 (на груз., арм. и англ. языках); на др. яз.: Chronique géorgien [Kartlis Cxovreba]/Trad. in fr. M. Brosset. P., 1831; Das Leben Kartlis: Eine Chronik aus Georgien, 300–1200/Übertr. aus dem Georg., hrsg. G. Pätsch. L., 1985; The Georgian Chronicle: The Period of Giorgi Lasha/Ed. S. Qaukhchishvili; transl.: K. Vivian; pref. A. Bayer. Amst., 1991; Mokcewaj Kartlisa=Nawrocenie Kartli/Przel., przyp. D. Kolbaja; wstep. M. Lordkipanidze. W., 1995; Matiane Kartlisa/Ed. Sh. Dzidziguri et al.; transl. A. Chanturia. Tbilisi, 1996. Лит.: Григолиа К. Очерки по истории источников. Тбилиси, 1954. Т. 1: «Новая Картлис Цховреба» (на груз. яз.); он же. О чем поведала «Картлис Цховреба»/Пер. с груз.: Б. Гассю. Тбилиси, 1973; Гелашвили Г. Сумбат Давитис-дзе и «Матиане Картлиса»//Шромеби (Тр. Тбилисского гос. ун-та). Тбилиси, 1960. Т. 93. С. 239-256 (на груз.


Гранстрем 1980 – Гранстрем Е. Э. Иоанн Златоуст в древней русской и южнославянской письменности (XI–XV вв.)//ТОДРЛ. 1980. T. 35. P. 345–375. [Granstrem E. E. Ioann Zlatoust v drevnei russkoi i iuzhnoslavianskoi pis’mennosti (XI–XV vv.) (John Chrysostom in ancient Russian and South Slavic writing (XI–XV centuries))//Trudy otdela drevnerusskoi literatury (Works of the department of Ancient Russian litterature). 1980. T. 35. P. 345–375.] Altendorf 1957 – Altendorf H. D. Untersuchungen zu Severian von Gabala. [Машинопись]. Tübingen, 1957. ertorickaja 1994 – ertorickaja T. Vorläufiger Katalog Kirchenslavischer Homilien des beweglichen Jahreszyklus. Aus Handschriften des 11.–16. Jahrhunderts vorwiegend ostslavischer Provenienz. Opladen, 1994 (Abhandlungen der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 91. Patristica slavica 1). De Aldama 1965 – Repertorium pseudochrysostomicum/Ed. J. A. de Aldama. P., 1965 (Documents, études et répertoires publiés par l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes 10). Deroche 2015 – Deroche V. Pas la planche: un fondement patristique inattendu de la polémique iconodoule sur les images chez Sévérien de Gabala//MYRIOBIBLOS, Essays on Byzantine literature and culture/Ed. Th. Antonopoulou, S. Kotzabassi, M. Loukaki. Boston – B. – München, 2015 (Byzantinisches Archiv 29). P. 99–102. Granstrem, Tvorogov, Valeviius 1998 – Granstrem E. E., Tvorogov O. V., Valeviius A. Johannes Chrysostomos im altrussischen und südslavischen Schrifttum des 11.–16. Jahrhunderts. Opladen, 1998 (Abhandlungen der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 100. Patristica slavica 4). Kim 2014 – Kim S. [Рец. на:] Enrico Gabidzashvili. Translated works of ancient Georgian literature. Bibliography. Vol. 3. Homiletic (Tbilisi, 2008). 580 pp. (in Georgian)//Collectanea christiana orientalia. 2014. Vol. 11. P. 267–327. Kim – Kim S. Severian of Gabala as an eyewitness to life at the imperial court in fifth century Constantinople//StP: Papers presented at the seventeenth international conference on Patristic studies held in Oxford 2015. Leuven (в печати).


Officials confirm damage to Georgian Tiri monastery in occupied territory/Православие.Ru Officials confirm damage to Georgian Tiri monastery in occupied territory Tbilisi, July, 16 2015 The Tiri Monastery sits in the occupied territory near Tskhinvali (South Ossetia). Photo by Ministry of Culture of Georgia.      Georgia " s Ministry of Culture has reacted to recent cases of " uncontrolled” activity at the Tiri Monastery, confirming " damage” has been caused to frescoes of the Georgian cultural heritage site., which is located in the occupied Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) area. The Ministry said the plastering activity – reported on July 11 - had damaged frescoes at the Monastery, located five kilometers from the breakaway region " s capital Tskhinvali. Results of the defacing work, said to have occurred without the knowledge of the de-facto South Ossetian Republic Ministry of Culture and the local eparchy, were now due for assessment and monitoring by " Georgian or international” experts, while Georgia’s Foreign Ministry and State Minister for Reconciliation were also informed about the developments. The Tiri Monastery features fragments of 15th Century frescoes and Georgian inscriptions. Georgia " s Ministry of Culture said uncontrolled activities had recently taken place at other sites of cultural heritage including those located in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. 17 июля 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Act of vandalism committed on the territory of a church in Belgrade Act of vandalism committed on the territory of a church in Belgrade The incident took place at night. The vandals broke down the church gate, reports the press service of the Serbian Orthodox Church. A monument to Stalin dismantled in Georgia A monument to Stalin dismantled in Georgia The local administration states that the monument was set up illegally and no permit was granted for setting up such a monument. Croatia: Vandals Desecrate Serbian Orthodox Church Temple In Karlovci Croatia: Vandals Desecrate Serbian Orthodox Church Temple In Karlovci Sacred and other objects were stolen, the inventory scattered and material damage was done, Gornji Karlovac Diocesan said in a statement. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Venerable Hieromartyr Gabriel the Lesser (†1802) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Venerable Hieromartyr Gabriel the Lesser (†1802) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Saint Gabriel the Lesser was a major figure in the eighteenth- century Georgian Church. Few details of his life are known, but it is evident that the education he received was quite good for the period. Striving toward the monastic life but still living in the world, Gabriel tried in every way to close himself off from the vanity of the world. He kept a small sewing shop in Tbilisi and distributed most of his profits to the poor. The Lives of the Georgian Saints Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze The Lives of the Georgian Saints Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Since the time of the ancient Greek historians, Georgia has been viewed as an enigma hidden behind impenetrable mountains and a complex language. Little has been written about this small country and its saints. Now, Pravoslavie.Ru presents the entire collection of the Lives of the Georgian saints which has been translated for the first time into English. These lives encompass the seventeen hundred years of Orthodox Christianity in Georgia. The stories of ascetics and bishops, warriors and noblemen are intertwined with the tumultuous history of the Georgian land. Venerable Ioane of Shavta, Bishop of Gaenati, and Evlogi the Prophet and Fool-for-Christ (13th century) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Venerable Ioane of Shavta, Bishop of Gaenati, and Evlogi the Prophet and Fool-for-Christ (13th century) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze The great Georgian hymnographer, philosopher, and orator St. Ioane of Shavta labored in the 12th and 13th centuries, during the reign of the holy queen Tamar. Few details of his life have been preserved, but we know that he received his education at Gelati Academy, where he studied theology, ancient and Arabic history, philosophy, and literature. He was later tonsured a monk and labored at Vardzia Monastery. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю:


певч. практике//Доклады 1-го междунар. симп. по традиц. многоголосию. 2003. С. 442-457 (на груз. и англ. яз.); Асанидзе М. К вопросу о «чрели» и «кило» в древнегруз. профессиональной музыке//Вопр. музыкознания. 1991. Вып.: Древнегруз. профессиональная музыка. С. 112-121 (на груз. яз.); Асланишвили Ш. С. К вопр. о старинных груз. нотных знаках: Система нотных знаков в древних груз. рукописях (X-XII вв.)//Там же. С. 22-60 (на груз. яз.); Долидзе Д. Литург. особенности песнопений всенощного бдения в груз. богослуж. практике: (На мат-ле певч. сб. «Вечерня» и «Утреня», сост. Э. Кереселидзе)//Там же. С. 193-202 (на груз. яз.); она же. К исслед. песнопения Причащения в иерусалимской и савваитской богослуж. практике: (На мат-ле древнегруз. литург. памятников)//Вопросы музыкознания. 1999. С. 91-99 (на груз. яз.); Шуглиашвили Д. О единстве ветвей груз. церк. пения//Вопр. музыкознания. 1991. Вып.: Древнегруз. профессиональная музыка. С. 122-131 (на груз. яз.); он же. «Унисонное» многоголосие груз. пения//Проблемы духовного и светского многоголосия: Доклады междунар. науч. конф. 2001. С. 101-118 (на груз. и англ. яз.); он же. Груз. певч. школы и традиции//Докл. 1-го межд. симп. по традиц. многоголосию. 2003. С. 427-441 (на груз. и англ. яз.); Хвтисиашвили М. Первые итоги исслед. груз. Пассиона//Вопр. музыкознания. 1997. С. 78-96 (на груз. яз.); Chkheidze T. Compositional Peculiarities of the Georgian Christian Liturgy//Bull. of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi, 1997. Vol. 155. N 3. P. 487-490; Чхеидзе Т. К проблеме взаимоотношения словесного и муз. текстов в груз. песнопениях: (На примере анализа тропарей 4-го гласа)//Вопросы музыкознания. 1999. С. 100-135 (на груз. яз.); она же. Праздничный тропарь и его композиционные особенности//Там же. 2001. С. 275-286 (на груз. яз.); Ониани Е. Общие невменные формулы по Тропологию Микаэла Модрекили (X в.)//Там же. 1999. С. 77-90 (на груз. яз.); она же. К вопр. о проявлении христ. символики в груз. невменной системе//Там же. 2001. С.


The article appearing on Opposing Views claims that the baptized babies were spun around “like rag dolls.” A similar article appearing on Euro News gives us its own sample of secularist, anti-Christian editorializing, which is too outlandish to warrant any response: “Georgia’s low birth rate is a product of the country’s taboo on sex before marriage for women … Many young women feel they need to repress their desires and succumb to societal norms until they are married. As such, many wed at a young age – unions which are more about sex than anything else. A marriage certificate is often considered nothing more than a licence to have sex.” Indeed, one can wonder why the babies are being baptized in this manner, rather than by the typical full-body submersion, but to claim that Patriarch Ilia is carelessly flinging babies about, causing fear, panic, and controversy, is nothing more than a blatant and fallacious attack on a man who represents traditional values so hated in the West. 23 января 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Patriarch Ilia of Georgia becomes Godfather to 800 children Patriarch Ilia of Georgia becomes Godfather to 800 children Patriarch Ilia had pledged to baptize the third and later children of parents who have been married in the Church, in a bid to improve the nation’s poor demographic situation. Infant Baptism Fr. John Whiteford Infant Baptism Fr. John Whiteford How can an involuntary child “put on Christ” if he had no say in the baptism? In what sense and in what way is baptism salvific if the child is unable to answer God with a good conscience? Fr. John Whiteford discusses the topic of infant baptism. 659 babies become new godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II 659 babies become new godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II On January 19, 2016, the feast of Holy Theophany, the 42nd mass baptism of infants took place at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi. 659 infants became new godchildren of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia. Комментарии FrDmitry Wieber 2 февраля 2017, 20:00 God save and have Mercy on His Holiness Patriarch Ilia II! Joanna 24 января 2017, 06:00 Shame on this paper for printing not the truth and taking aim at a holy man who dedicates his life to God and his flock. They have no conscious . © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


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