CCCXCIV. 305. Слово в день совершившагося столетия Императорскаго Московскаго Университета (1854)// Он же. Слова и речи. Т. 5. 1849-1867. Серебряков Н.С . Концепция «двухкниг» в христианской традиции//The Third International Conference " Science and Religion " , dedicated to the light memory of the Academician Iveri Prangishvili, Tbilisi, 04-05.11.2014. Reports. Tbilisi, 2014. P. 29-38 Комментарии ( 14): А.Л. Чернявский, Москва 07 сентября 2017г. 19:28 Независимость науки от религии объясняется не тем, что авторитет " книги природы " ставится выше авторитета Библии. Просто в Новое время стало понятно, что существуют два разных вида знания: научное знание и знание, полученное в откровении (и интерпретируемое в богословии). Первое отвечает на вопрос " как все здесь устроено " , а второе - " зачем, какой в этом смысл " . Научное знание в принципе не может ответить на второй вопрос, наука изучает " конечные вещи " . Но в сфере этих конечных вещей она действительно не зависит от знания, полученного в откровении. Противоречие между двумя этими видами знания возникает из-за буквализма в понимании Библии. А последний возникает из-за ошибочного понимания откровения не как прорыва в недоступную научному познанию " высшую реальность " , а как некой информации, в том числе и о конечных вещах. Михаил, Пятигорск 08 сентября 2017г. 13:04 Дело в том, что Библия не самодостаточна. Она может быть правильно понимаема только в свете Св. Предания Церкви. Тогда никакого буквализма в понимании не будет. Однако тогда тогда и для современной науки никакого места не останется. Они в корне противоречивы. Священное Предание никогда не может быть подменено " научным преданием " . Иначе это будет являтся отступлением от Божественного Откровения. Симеон Долгоозерный 08 сентября 2017г. 22:03 //Однако тогда тогда и для современной науки никакого места не останется. Они в корне противоречивы.// Святитель Лука (Войно-Ясенецкий) - " весь противоречивый такой " , да? Михаил, Пятигорск 09 сентября 2017г.

Tweet Нравится Patriarch Ilia of Georgia becomes Godfather to 800 children Moscow, January 20, 2017      The feast of Theophany is one of the twelve great feasts of the Orthodox liturgical year, celebrated with great fervency and pious traditions throughout the Orthodox world. In recent years the ancient Orthodox nation of Georgia has added its own unique celebration. It first took place on January 19, 2008, and again this year in Tbilisi’s Holy Trinity Sameba Cathedral a mass Baptism was celebrated, with Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II becoming the Godfather of around 800 newly-baptized children, reports Sputnik-Georgia , with a video of the event. “I congratulate all on this sacred feast and may the grace of this bright day come down upon all people. Our whole family is very happy and joyous that our third child has become a Godchild of the patriarch of all Georgia himself and I would like to thank him for it,” said Mariam Lomsadze, the mother of one of the children newly-entered into the Orthodox ranks. Patriarch Ilia had pledged to baptize the third and later children of parents who have been married in the Church, in a bid to improve the nation’s poor demographic situation. The number of abortions in Georgia was cut in half from 2005 to 2010, with the birth rate rising by 25%. This was the forty-seventh such mass Baptism, the patriarch’s Godchildren now numbering more than 32,000. 20 января 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 659 babies become new godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II 659 babies become new godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II On January 19, 2016, the feast of Holy Theophany, the 42nd mass baptism of infants took place at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi. 659 infants became new godchildren of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia. Ilia II: “May God grant that everybody should see in his or her neighbor a brother and not an enemy” Ilia II: “May God grant that everybody should see in his or her neighbor a brother and not an enemy” His Holiness informed his flock that a street in Tbilisi where St. Gabriel’s house is situated would be named after him. Also a parcel of land nearby has been allotted where a Church of Venerable Gabriel will be built. Patriarch Ilia II asks media to stop traumatizing people with crime news Patriarch Ilia II asks media to stop traumatizing people with crime news At the Holy Trinity Cathedral Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia addressed his flock with a Sunday sermon, singling out the journalists and “the establishment”, asking them to stop spreading death propaganda. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Georgia Diversifies Funding for Religion Tbilisi, Georgia, January 28, 2014 The Anchiskhati Basilica of St Mary is the oldest surviving church in Tbilisi, Georgia. Georgia has announced plans to extend 4.5 million lari (upwards of million) to four religious minorities to compensate for the repression of their religious rights under Soviet rule. The payment, planned as a one-time disbursement, will mark the first time that religions or Christian denominations other than the dominant Georgian Orthodox Church have received state financing and, to some, suggests a step toward shaking up the country " s religious pecking order. The 4.5 million lari will be divided “proportionally” between the Roman Catholic Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church and Muslim and Jewish groups, elaborated State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality Paata Zakareishvili. The government is still working on a concrete formula for the handout, he added. “The Georgian government has long been compensating the damages to the Georgian Patriarchy and the Orthodox Church, but there were other religious groups that suffered no less,” Zakareishvili said. The Patriarchy, one of Georgia " s key power centers, has welcomed the planned payments, saying that the initiative shows a desire to restore justice. Zakareishvili claims that the payments will apply to 90 percent of Georgia’s religious faithful, but other religious minorities have expressed disappointment for not being included in the arrangement. Malkhaz Songhulashvili, the former leader of Georgia’s Evangelical Baptists, argued that the funding only creates a second tier of privileged religious groups. “If the state just has to sponsor religious groups, than it should be done on parity bases,” Songhulashvili told Overall, religious minorities and rights groups have long complained of discrimination in favor of the Georgian Orthodox Church, Georgia " s dominant religious institution, which receives state financing under a 2002 agreement with the government. The government often has taken flak from human-rights groups for failing to ensure that other religious groups have the same opportunities for the expression of their faiths. With that, no doubt, in mind, Prime Minister Gharibashvili used his January 27 announcement about the payments to religious minorities as an opportunity to correct the critics. The funding serves as " proof " that “We equally respect different religions, " he said on January 27. 29 января 2014 г. Смотри также Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Рейтинг: 9 Голосов: 273 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Людмила М. 17 июня 2016, 14:41 Сто тысяч мучеников Тбилисских,Пресвятая Богородица ,св.равноапостольная Нина все святые молите Бога о нас!И сохранити люди православные на теплой земле Иверской и Российской ! valeriy 16 июня 2016, 16:10 Дорогая Тамара, спасибо !!!!!!!!valeriy Lali Bu 14 ноября 2015, 00:12 Дорогая Тамара, спасибо за Ваше творчество, за свет, тепло и доброту... Нино, Виктор 18 марта 2015, 21:50 Общеизвестно, что христианское мировозрение основывается на любви к ближнему. «Возлюби ближнего своего как самого себя», велит Владыка и насколько приятно, когда наталкиваешся на личность, служащую из всех заповедей, величайшей. Думаем, к такому числу людей и относится Тамара. В своих статьях она разжигает в людях добродетель, тепло, любовь. Она стремится между двумя православными народами восстановить, построить политиками разрушенный мост. Разбросанные в её очерках зёрна, пропитанные Божьей благодатью, - служат именно сеянию добра. Так давайте же все вместе будем делать добро, добро и ещё раз добро. С любовью Нино и Виктор. Manana Tuaeva 28 ноября 2014, 17:45 tamar, plachu!tbilisi - moi rodnoi, liubimii, teplii gorod, prochla vashu stathiu i eshe silhnee poliubila ee, spasi vas bog i pokroviteli tbilisi! Тамара Манелашвили 16 ноября 2014, 20:04 НИЗКИЙ ПОКЛОН ВСЕМ ЧИТАТЕЛЯМ ОТ МЕНЯ ... ДА ХРАНЯТ ВАС ГОСПОДЬ, ПРЕСВЯТАЯ БОГОРОДИЦА, СТО ТЫСЯЧ МУЧЕНИКОВ ТБИЛИССКИХ, ВСЕ СВЯТЫЕ ВСЕГДА И ВЕЗДЕ НА ДОРОГАХ ВАШЕЙ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ...... Турок_Православный 16 ноября 2014, 10:23 Мои предки из Грузии. Мы турки-месхетинцы, депортированные оттуда по приказу Сталина в 45-м. Эх, Грузия, страна моих предков..Мира Тебе и процветания!!! Слава Господу нашему Иисусу Христу! Слава Богородице!!! Alekseylipatov 15 ноября 2014, 13:11 Спасибо вам Тамара за то что делаете такие чудесные зарисовки в истории Грузии. Человек который даже впервые приедет сюда подумает что его окружают одни родственники. Это благодатный край.

Georgia Celebrates Svetitskhovloba Honoring Historical Cathedral and City Source: October 14, 2015      Georgia’s ancient capital city and its World Heritage monument are being celebrated nationwide today. Each year on October 14 Georgia celebrates the Svetitskhovloba holiday, where Orthodox Christian pilgrims and visitors flock to the country’s ancient capital city Mtskheta, just outside Tbilisi , to mark the annual day of the city and its unique cathedral. The public holiday celebrates the cultural and religious significance of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral – one of the three Mtskheta monuments in the UNESCO World Heritage List – and the city around it. Delivering the traditional celebratory sermon from the Svetitskhoveli today, Georgia’s Patriarch Ilia II announced churches across Georgia would now be open for prayers daily around the clock. Mtskheta is a site of three UNESCO World Heritage monuments including, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral      While church-goers will be focused on religious celebrations, the holiday will also feature wide-ranging cultural occasions in the city including an exhibition of folk craftsmanship items, sports competitions and concerts of folk and pop music by local and countrywide bands. The festive activities in Mtskheta will conclude with a special fireworks show in the evening. The ancient capital of the East Georgian Kingdom of Kartli from the 3 rd Century BC to the 5 th Century AD, Mtskheta was also where Christianity was granted the status of official religion in 337. The location was given the title of Holy City by Georgia’s Orthodox Church last year. At the heart of Mtskheta sits Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, built in the 11 th Century AD. According to legend the large cathedral was the burial site of Christ " s mantle, while it was also a final resting place for a number of historical Georgian monarchs and noblemen. Accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994, Svetitskhoveli is the second largest church in Georgia after the recently built Holy Trinity Cathedral in capital Tbilisi. Mtskheta is also the location of two other World Heritage monuments – the Jvari and Samtavro monasteries. 15 октября 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Menaion of St. Dimitry of Rostov translated into Georgian for the first time/Православие.Ru Menaion of St. Dimitry of Rostov translated into Georgian for the first time Tbilisi, February 15, 2013 The Rector of St Barbara " s Church in Tbilisi, Archpriest Teodor Gogoladze has completed his work on a translation of the first (September) volume of the Menaion ( " The lives of Saints " ) of St. Dimitry of Rostov, according to the Blagovest-info webs " This is the first translation into the Georgian language of the fruit of many years of work of the outstanding figure of the Russian Orthodox Church. A translation of work by St. Dimitry of Rostov requires not only thorough knowledge of the Russian and Church Slavonic languages, but also profound knowledge, insight into the spirit and peculiarities of that epoch of Russian history, " writes the editor of the publication, doctor of philology and head of the Patriarchate " s press, Gvantsa Koplatadze in his foreword. The volume of the Menaion has already appeared on counters of Church shops in Georgia; in all, twelve volumes will be published. In his interview to the weekly The Patriarchate " s bulletin, Fr. Teodor stressed that translation into the Georgian language of the Menaion completely and in every detail corresponds to the original. " Saint Ephraim Mtsire, a tenth century Georgian writer, translator and philosopher, created the theory of translation, and his principles are at the foundation of world literature in translation. In one of his works, Ephraim Mtsire writes that translation must necessarily be carried out from the language of the primary source (origin), must not allow abridgements or additions and must correspond to the text of origin. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of the language into which a work is translated. Following these principles, with God’s help I did not omit any paragraph, any detail, included in the Menaion of St. Dimitry of Rostov, " said the priest. Translation for 18 февраля 2013 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Tweet Нравится Georgian women, doctors to build church as repentance for abortion Moscow, December 13, 2016 Photo:      A group of Georgian women who have had abortions and doctors who have performed abortions have decided to build a new church as an act of repentance, reports . The group recently met with His Holiness Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II of Georgia to receive his blessing for their penitential undertaking. He blessed them and wished them luck in building their new church near Tbilisi by the Haddonstone Forest, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. “Under the conditions of the atheistic regime many didn’t comprehend how great a sin abortion is, considering it a normal occurrence. After a large part of our population began a Church life, mothers and gynecologists, troubled by their sin of abortion, began to have the desire to build a church in the name of the Holy Trinity as a sign of contrition,” notes a message from the Patriarchate. 40,000 abortions were officially registered in Georgia in 2012, while in 2014 the number dropped to 33,000. 13 декабря 2016 г. Рейтинг: 7 Голосов: 3 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 21st century miracle in Georgia: A church where childless couples find mercy 21st century miracle in Georgia: A church where childless couples find mercy Thousands of couples visit the temple to ask for a child and many of them later return to express gratitude. The number of those whose dreams came true is quite high and they try to comfort others, saying they should believe in miracles as they really happen in this church. 659 babies become new godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II 659 babies become new godchildren of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II On January 19, 2016, the feast of Holy Theophany, the 42nd mass baptism of infants took place at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi. 659 infants became new godchildren of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia. A miracle-working icon of the Holy Theotokos is discovered in Georgia A miracle-working icon of the Holy Theotokos is discovered in Georgia And such speedy and wonderful miracles began to occur from it that the icon has already been given the names of “Quick to Hearken” and “Queen”. Комментарии Rudolph Carrera 27 декабря 2016, 05:00 What a beautiful act. Новые материалы Выбор читателей © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Burial of brother of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II takes place in Mtskheta Mtskheta, October 3, 2014      The body of newly departed Monk George was buried on October 2 in the courtyard of the Samtavro Convent in the historic city of Mtskheta (one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world) near Tbilisi, reports Novosti Gruzia (“ News Georgia ”). The Georgian prime minister Irakli Garibashvili and members of the cabinet of ministers were present at the burial. The elder brother of the catholicos-patriarch reposed at his home in Mtskheta on September 30. Recently he was often ailing. The Russian Orthodox Church has conveyed its condolences to the head of the Georgian Church in connection with his brother’s repose. “On behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and personally from myself I am asking you to accept our sincere condolences on the repose of your brother, Monk George,” reads the letter, sent by Metropolitan Ilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the External Church Relations’ Department (of the Moscow Patriarchate), to the head of the Georgian Orthodox Church. “We believe that the labours for the good of the Church that Brother George performed over many years, and the labor of monasticism that he took up by the end of his life, will be rewarded by our All-Merciful Savior and Lord Jesus Christ in the incorruption of the eternal life. We are praying so that the Lord might give rest to newly departed Monk George in His eternal abode,” the letter reads. Viktor Shiolashvili was born on December 11, 1929, in Sno village of Georgia’s Kazbeki district. He was the sixth child in the large family of George Shiolashvili and Natalia Kobaidze. He was married to Mariam Chochoshvili. They had two children, five grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. From 1970 Viktor Shiolashvili served at the catholicos-patriarchate (of Georgia). After the repose of his spouse on September 4, 2013, he was tonsured a monk with the name George and then served at the St. George’s Monastery in Mtskheta (near Tbilisi). 6 октября 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Tweet Нравится allocated to restore Georgian Katskhi Monastery Moscow, February 1, 2017 Photo:      The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of Georgia has recently decided to allocate 1 million lari to a comprehensive restoration project at the Nativity of the Savior Monastery in the village of Katskhi, 125 miles northwest of Tbilisi. The project includes the construction of an outdoor terrace, the restoration and veneering of the fountain, the rehabilitation of the access road to the Church, the installation of an external water supply system and sewage, the construction of a viewing deck on the mountain slope and an open balcony for tourists, and the allocation of space for a parking lot, reports Blagovest . According to the Ministry of Infrastructure, the projected is supported by the World Bank. Completion is scheduled for April 2017. A tourist center is also to be built across from the monastic complex. It is hoped that the improved infrastructure will attract more tourists and help improve the local socio-economic situation. The Katskhi Monastery was built between 988 and 1014. The church is known for its hexagonal design and ornate decoration. It was closed by the Soviet government in 1924 and reopened in 1990. Medieval icons and manuscripts surviving from the monastic center of Christian are preserved in Tbilisi museums. Katskhi is also known for its unique pillar monastic complex. 1 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Georgia’s Tsilkani Mother of God complex given status of cultural monument of national significance Georgia’s Tsilkani Mother of God complex given status of cultural monument of national significance The complex currently serves as the episcopal cathedral in the Mtskheta district village of Tsilkani, consisting of the church and protective wall. Katskhi Pillar Partially Rehabilitated Katskhi Pillar Partially Rehabilitated Katskhi pillar is a natural limestone monolith located in Imereti, Western Georgia, and was listed among the most bizarre looking churches in the world. Mtskheta among the 20 most beautiful heritage sites of UNESCO Mtskheta among the 20 most beautiful heritage sites of UNESCO The former capital of Georgia referred to as the spiritual heart of the country, has three picturesque, cliff top medieval churches. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Вы смогли озвучить все мои чувства и мысли которые я не мог воспроизвести словами. Родился не в России, живу на другом континенте, но полностью считаю себя русским. Россия мой дом, всё просто и понятно. Хочу защищать это и сохранить. Донести до всех. Правда неспорима. 10.12.2015 - 11:42 Хорошая статья, спасибо. : Хорошая статья, спасибо. Испытываю те же чувства, что и описанные автором во втором абзаце. Но при этом порой задумываюсь, а что чувствуют граждане других государств? Не думают же они , что их страна идёт по пути неправды? Или они сами себя обманывают? Тогда где гарантия, что и я не занимаюсь самообманом? 19.04.2016 - 12:34 Отвечаю Василию Игоревичу: : Отвечаю Василию Игоревичу: Граждане других государств? " Не думают же они , что их страна идёт по пути неправды? " , - спрашиваете Вы. Именно так, многие из иностранцев именно так и думают - что их страны идут по пути неправды. Многие болгары, греки, сербы с которыми я общаюсь, даже французы, американцы, англичане, финны, норвежцы и многие другие, с кем приходилось общаться, - все они! - говорят, что только Россия осталась оплотом Православия и Правды, а их-то страны как раз идут в фарватере американской лжи. И мы не занимаемся самообманом, говоря о России то, что Россия осталась единственным островом спасения в этом погибающем под натиском Зла мире. 10.05.2016 - 12:35 Так сложилось, что я не живу : Так сложилось, что я не живу в России второй год, но это была и будет моей Родиной. И недавно проходила викторина, почему каждый иностранец должен побывать в России. Думаю, Ваша статья дала как нельзя точный ответ на этот вопрос. Мне приятно читать то, что во скольких местах Вы ни были, Вы остаетесь верны своей Родине, месту, которое дало Вам жизнь. Мне было приятно читать Вашу статью. Спасибо за теплые слова. А про то, что надо создавать условия жизни для людей... Во всех странах мира есть деньги, но нет условий для обычного народа, уж время такое... 29.07.2020 - 20:22 ia jivu v tbilisi ia gruzinka : ia jivu v tbilisi ia gruzinka nikak ne mogu poexat v rassii no vsem serdcem obajaiu rassiu kajdi vecher tixo malius chtobi rassia bila silnee vsem bog pamojet svitomu russ ia vse vremia smotriu rassiskie kanali ia dva raza pabival v rassii i xachu echo paiti no paka net vazmojnosti ia lubliu rassia tebia matushka Добавить комментарий

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