Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy The DECR chairman completes his trip to the USA  On July 15, 2021, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relation of the Moscow Patriarchate, completed his visit to the USA made with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, to take part in the International Religious Freedom Summit which took place in Washington. At the New York airport, Metropolitan Hilarion was seen off by Russia’s General Consul in the USA Mr. S.K. Ovsyannikov and Hegumen Nikodim (Balyasnikov), a cleric of the St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral. On July 11, Metropolitan Hilarion concelebrated the Divine Liturgy together with His Beatitude Tikhon, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, at the St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York and then had negotiations with the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America. On July 12, the feast of Ss Peter and Paul, Metropolitan Hilarion celebrated the festive Liturgy together with the First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, at the Synodal residence of the Russian Church Outside Russia in New York. On the same day, the DECR chairman, in his capacity of rector of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute of Post-Graduate Studies, met with the president of St. Vladimir’s Seminary in New York, Archpriest Chad Hatfield. On July 14, the DECR chairman spoke at the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington. On the sidelines of the summit, he met with the former ambassador for international religious freedom Mr. Samuel Brownback, president of the Open Doors human right organization Mr. David Curry, vice-president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association V. G. Gamm, congressman Jim Slattery, German Bundestag member Waldemar Herdt, organizer of the National Prayer Breakfast in the USA Doug Burley, president of the Trans World Radio media company Mr. Lauren Libby, and leader of the Pulse Christian organization Nick Hall. On the same day, Metropolitan Hilarion visited the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist of the Russian Church Outside Russia in Washington where he was received by its rector Archpriest Victor Potapov, and visited the Embassy of the Russian Federation where he met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in the United States, Mr. A. I. Antonov.

Accepter Le site utilise des cookies pour vous montrer les informations les plus récentes. En continuant à utiliser le site, vous consentez à l " utilisation de vos métadonnées et cookies. Politique des cookies A Kiev, les services spéciaux perquisitionnent chez un hiérarque de l’Église orthodoxe ukrainienne défenseur des droits des croyants Service de communication du DREE, 27.02.2024.  Le 22 février 2024, des représentants du Service de sécurité ukrainien ont effectué une perquisition au domicile du métropolite Théodose de Tcherkassy et de Kanev, l’empêchant de célébrer come prévu la Divine Liturgie pour la fête de saint Tikhon, patriarche et confesseur. Les représentants des services secrets n’ont rien trouvé d’illégal, mais Mgr Théodose a été notifié qu’il était soupçonné, entre autres, d’avoir illégalement défendu en public le monastère de femmes de Tcherkassy, investi par des assaillants le 20 novembre 2023. A la suite de ce coup de force des services spéciaux, les secours sont intervenus auprès du métropolite Théodose. Les médecins ont constaté une forte crise d’hypertonie, le patient risquant un AVC, rapporte le service de presse du diocèse de Tcherkassy (Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine). Il a été proposé de l’hospitaliser. Le service de presse diocésain précise également que la perquisition a eu lieu après un long entretien par vidéoconférence le 21 février du métropolite Théodose avec le directeur du Comité parlementaire de Grande-Bretagne chargé des questions de liberté religieuse au niveau international, Julia Johns. Ce comité se compose de plus de 170 membres du parlement. Le métropolite a informé son interlocutrice que l’adoption d’un projet de loi interdisant l’Église orthodoxe ukrainienne était en préparation à la Rada suprême. Il a parlé des spoliations d’églises, des poursuites pénales contre les métropolites, des résolutions des autorités locales annulant les droits de propriété des associations religieuses de l’EOU sur leurs terrains, des sanctions appliquées contre l’épiscopat de l’Église orthodoxe ukrainienne, de l’expropriation des bâtiments historiques et des monastères, etc.

Accettare Il sito utilizza i cookie per aiutarvi a visualizzare le informazioni più aggiornate. Continuando ad utilizzare il sito, l " utente acconsente all " uso dei metadati e dei cookie. Gestione dei cookie I servizi di sicurezza perquisiscono il vescovo ortodosso ucraino che difende i diritti dei credenti Servizio di comunicazione del DECR, 27.02.2024. Il 22 febbraio, rappresentanti del Servizio di sicurezza dell " Ucraina (SBU) hanno effettuato una perquisizione nel luogo di residenza del metropolita Feodosij di Cherkassy e Kanev, che attualmente sta a Kiev, interrompendo così la prevista celebrazione della liturgia nel giorno della commemorazione del Santo Patriarca. Tikhon. Durante la perquisizione, i rappresentanti dei servizi speciali non hanno trovato nulla di illegale, ma hanno detto al metropolita Feodosij che, oltre ad altre accuse contro di lui, è sospettato di difesa pubblica illegale del convento di Cherkassy sequestrato dai predoni il 20 novembre 2023. L " uso della forza da parte della SBU e l’impossibilità di celebrare la Divina Liturgia hanno provocato uno stato di pre-ictus del metropolita Feodosij e una crisi ipertensiva acuta diagnosticata da un medico d " urgenza, riferisce il servizio stampa della diocesi di Cherkassy della Chiesa ortodossa ucraina. Si è verificata la questione del ricovero in ospedale. Il servizio stampa diocesano riferisce che la perquisizione è stata eseguita il 22 febbraio, il giorno dopo un lungo colloquio online del metropolita Feodosij di Cherkassy e Kanev con Julia Jones, direttrice del comitato parlamentare britannico per la libertà di religione internazionale. Questa commissione è composta da più di centosettanta parlamentari. Durante il colloquio, il metropolita Feodosiuj ha informato la signora Jones del disegno di legge di messa al bando della Chiesa ortodossa ucraina preparato per l " approvazione dalla Verkhovna Rada ucraina, dei fatti relativi ai sequestri di chiese, ai procedimenti penali contro i metropoliti, alle decisioni delle autorità locali di cancellare i diritti delle organizzazioni religiose della Chiesa ortodossa ucraina sui terreni, sulle sanzioni contro i vescovi e sulla restituzione inversa (espropriazione) di edifici storici di chiese e monasteri, oltre a molte altre cose.

Accettare Il sito utilizza i cookie per aiutarvi a visualizzare le informazioni più aggiornate. Continuando ad utilizzare il sito, l " utente acconsente all " uso dei metadati e dei cookie. Gestione dei cookie Si è conclusa la visita di lavoro del presidente del Decr negli USA Il 15 luglio 2021 si è conclusa la visita negli Stati Uniti del presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni ecclesiastiche esterne del Patriarcato di Mosca metropolita Hilarion di Volokolamsk, che con la benedizione di Sua Santità il Patriarca di Mosca e di tutta la Rus " Kirill ha partecipato al Summit Internazionale sulla libertà religiosa  a Washington. All " aeroporto di New York, il metropolita Hilarion è stato salutato dal Console Generale di Russia a New York S. K. Ovsjannikov e il chierico della cattedrale patriarcale di San Nicola  igumeno Nikodim (Baljasnikov). L " 11 luglio il metropolita Hilarion ha celebrato la Divina Liturgia con Sua Beatitudine il metropolita Tikhon di tutte le Americhe e del Canada presso la cattedrale di San Nicola di New York, dopodiché il presidente del Decr ha avuto un colloquio con il Primate della Chiesa ortodossa in America Il 12 luglio, festa degli apostoli Pietro e Paolo, il metropolita Hilarion ha celebrato la Divina liturgia festiva con il Primate della Chiesa ortodossa russa fuori dalla Russia, metropolita dell " America orientale e di New York, nella residenza sinodale della Chiesa russa fuori dalla Russia a New York. Lo stesso giorno, il metropolita Hilarion di Volokolamsk, presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni ecclesiastiche esterne del Patriarcato di Mosca, rettore della Scuola di dottorato e alti studi teologici “Santi Cirillo e Metodio”, ha incontrato il rettore  del seminario di San Vladimir a New York, arciprete Chad Hatfield. Il 14 luglio, il presidente del Decr ha tenuto un discorso al Summit internazionale sulla libertà religiosa a Washington. A margine del vertice, ha incontrato l " ex ambasciatore per la libertà religiosa Sam Brownback, il presidente dell " organizzazione per i diritti umani Open Doors David Curry, il vicepresidente della Billy Graham Evangelical Association W.G. Gamm, il membro del Congresso degli Stati Uniti Jim Slattery, il membro del Bundestag tedesco Waldemar Gerdt, l " organizzatore della National Prayer Breakfast negli Stati Uniti Doug Burley, il presidente della società di media Trans World Radio Lauren Libby, il presidente dell " organizzazione cristiana Pulse Nick Hall. Lo stesso giorno, il metropolita ha visitato la cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista della Chiesa ortodossa russa fuori dalla Russia a Washington, dove è stato ricevuto dal suo rettore, arciprete Viktor Potapov, e ha anche visitato l " Ambasciata della Federazione Russa, dove ha incontrato l " Ambasciatore straordinario e plenipotenziario della Russia negli Stati Uniti d " America A. I. Antonov.

Archive Tenth theological talks between the Russian Orthodox Church and the German Bishops’ Conference take place in Germany 23 June 2018 year 19:55  June 19-22, 2018 – Тне 10 th   theological talks between the Russian Orthodox Church and the German Bishops’ Conference (Roman Catholic Church) took place in Marienrode, Hildesheim, Germany. The delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church included Archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk, administrator of the diocese of Berlin and Germany of the Moscow Patriarchate; Metropolitan Philip of Poltava and Mirgorod (Ukrainian Orthodox Church); Bishop Serafim of Bobruysk and Bykhov (Belarusian Exarchate); Rev. Alexy Dikarev of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations; Mr. Yevgeny Pilipenko, Doctor of Theology, professor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies; and Mr. Andrei Yefimov and Mr. Alexei Smulov, professors of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University of the Humanities. The German Bishops’ Conference was represented by a delegation consisting of Bishop Dr. Gerhard Feige of Magdeburg; Dr. Nikolaus Schwerdtfeger, Auxiliary Bishop in Hildesheim; Dr. Thomas Löhr, Auxiliary Bishop in Limburg; Prof. Dr. Josef Freitag (Lantershofen); Dr. Johannes Oeldemann, Director of the Johann Adam Möhler Institute in Paderborn; Dr. Dagmar Stoltmann-Lukas, head of the Diocesan Department for Ecumenical Relations of the diocese of Hildesheim; Dr. Markus-Liborius Hermann of the Mission Department of the German Bishops’ Conference, Erfurt; and Dr. Claudia Kunz of the Secretariat of the German Bishops’ Conference,  Bonn. Invited to the meeting were Rev. Yevgeny Murzin of the Information Department of the diocese of Berlin and Germany; Subdeacon Nikolay Ton, secretary of the Orthodox Bishops’ Assembly in Germany; and Dr. Dorothee Kaes of the Secretariat of the German Bishops’ Conference, Bonn. The 10 th  theological talks between the Russian Orthodox Church and the German Bishops’ Conference focused on the Mission and Evangelization in Today’s World.

Delegations of Local Orthodox Churches Arrive in Kiev for the Celebration of Baptism of Rus The guests will take part in a prayer service, a cross procession and festive divine services in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Photo: Official delegations of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia arrived in Kiev to celebrate the Day of the Baptism of Rus. The guests will take part in a prayer service on Vladimirskaya Gorka, a cross procession and festive divine services in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church arrived in the capital of Ukraine on July 26, 2021. Bishop Stefan of Remesiana and Bishop Hierotheos of Toplich, vicars of His Holiness Patriarch of Serbia, were met at the airport by Bishop Viktor Baryshevsky, Bishop Dionysius of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, vicars of the Kiev Metropolitanate, and Priest Vasily Pryts, an employee of the Ukrainian Department for External Church Relations (DECR), reports . On the same day, a representative of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, Archbishop Michael of Prague, arrived in Kiev. At the airport, the hierarch was greeted by the vicar of the Kiev Metropolis, Bishop Nikolai of Vasilkovsky and an employee of the DECR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Father Nikita Kozlov. The delegation of the Antiochian Patriarchate, headed by Bishop Ephraim of Seleucus, secretary of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Antioch, arrived for the celebrations on July 27, 2021. At the airport, the guests were greeted by the vicar of the Kiev Metropolis, Bishop Tikhon of Gostomel and an employee of the DECR UOC, Father Vitaly Gorzov. On July 27 and 28, 2021, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates the 1033 anniversary of the Baptism of Rus and the day of remembrance of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. The festivities will begin on July 27 with a thanksgiving prayer service on Vladimirskaya Gorka in Kiev. After the prayer service, the All-Ukrainian cross procession to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra will take place. At the end of the procession, an all-night vigil will begin at the monastery. On July 28, on the square in front of the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra, the Divine Liturgy will be held.

Faithful “from near and far” gathered during the Memorial Day weekend at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery here for the 111th annual Pilgrimage May 22 through 25, 2015. Throughout the weekend, liturgical celebrations, including Hierarchical Divine Liturgies on Saturday and Sunday, were held.  The main Pilgrimage Liturgy was celebrated at the bell tower chapel on Monday, at which His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, presided.  Concelebrating with him were His Eminence, Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania; His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of New York and New York and New Jersey; His Grace, Bishop Thomas of the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America; and His Grace, Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Moscow Patriarchate.  Numerous clergy from the Orthodox Church in America and other jurisdictions, also concelebrated. Faithful also were afforded the opportunity to venerate the Hawaiian Myrrh Streaming Icon of the Mother of God of Iveron, which was welcomed at the monastery entrance arch on Friday afternoon, marking the official opening of the Pilgrimage, and present throughout the weekend.  And as always, faithful prayed before the graves of their loved ones in the monastery cemetery. Many took advantage of tours of the Metropolitan Museum of the Orthodox Church in America and the Guzey Icon Repository offered by Archpriest John Perich, curator.  Father John also made it possible for pilgrims who so desired to share in writing or video their personal stories and anecdotes about life in the Church as a “living history.” Not to be forgotten during the weekend were those departed who served in the military and who gave their lives on the field of battle.  Archpriest Theodore Boback celebrated a Panikhida at All Saints Bell Tower for all departed Orthodox military chaplains and veterans on Monday. “I couldn’t help notice that there were many young people present this year,” said one pilgrim from New York.  “Having attended the Pilgrimage for over four decades, it was most heartening to see the ‘next generation’ present to carry on this century-old tradition.”

Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf ST. VLADIMIR’S ORTHODOX THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ST. VLADIMIR’S ORTHODOX THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. In 1905 Archbishop Tikhon (q.v.), later Patriarch of Moscow, recognized the need for indigenous American clergy and decided to establish a permanent seminary. Opened in 1905 in Minneapolis, it was transferred in 1913 to Tenafly, New Jersey, and during the eighteen years of its existence produced two generations of priests who, at a difficult moment in the life of the Church, assured the continuity of Orthodoxy in America and its progressive integration into American life. The Russian Revolution of 1917 inaugurated a deep crisis for Orthodoxy in America. Deprived of material support from Russia, isolated from the mother church (q.v.), suffering from internal divisions, the Church here could no longer financially support the seminary, and in 1923 it closed its doors. Fifteen years later, after a long period of recovery and reorganization, the question of theological education was raised again. At the Sixth All-American Church Sobor meeting in New York in October 1937, Dr. Basil M. Bensin, one of the first instructors at the Minneapolis school, proposed reopening the seminary. A working agreement was established with Columbia College, and in 1939 a temporary home for the school was found on the campus of General Theological Seminary. The aftermath of World War II brought unexpected growth and development to the seminary. The arrival from Europe of several renowned scholars-including George P. Fedotov (q.v.), formerly a professor at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute (q.v.) in Paris (1951); Nicholas S. Arseniev, from the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Warsaw (1977); Eugene V. Spektorsky, formerly of the University of Kiev (1950); and Nicholas O. Lossky (q.v.), formerly of the University of St. Petersburg (1965)-made possible further development of St. Vladimir’s as a graduate school of theology, an “academy” to use the old Russian nomenclature. Soon the school moved to new quarters rented from Union Theological Seminary.

The  Holy Synod of Bishops  of the Orthodox Church in America, meeting under the presidency of His Beatitude  Metropolitan Tikho n via teleconference, on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, issued the following communique: At numerous points in recent years, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has reiterated its commitment to the unity of Orthodox Christians in North America, in fulfillment of the charge given to the Orthodox Church in America in the  Tomos of Autocephaly , the witness of the canonical tradition, and the command of the Lord Himself, who wills that His followers be united together in a bond of love as He and His Heavenly Father are. This Sunday, October 3, prior to the meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops that will begin next week in Washington, DC, the Executive Committee of the Assembly will concelebrate the Divine Liturgy at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Washington. With one accord, the Holy Synod rejoices that His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon will concelebrate the Divine Liturgy with the heads of the Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States and members of the Executive Committee: His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Christian Archdiocese of North America, His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, and His Grace Bishop Saba of the Georgian Apostolic Orthodox Church in North America; together with His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa, Secretary of the Assembly. The Holy Synod also gives thanks to God and confirms the decision of His Beatitude to accept the invitation from the Moscow Patriarchate to travel with a delegation in November to Moscow, in order to celebrate the seventy-fifth birthday jubilee of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. In doing so, the Holy Synod reaffirms the fundamental relationship between the Orthodox Church in America and the Russian Orthodox Church, and the warm ties that these two Churches share.

The Exhibition of the Metropolitan Museum/Repository of the Orthodox Church in America well received at the 20th AAC Source: OCA Photo: Hundreds of delegates and visitors attending the  20th All-American Council  held at the Hilton Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, MD, were able to experience many of the Sacred Treasures of the Orthodox Church in America, housed at  Saint Tikhon’s Monastery , South Canaan, PA. Presented by the Curator, Archpriest John J. Perich, The Exhibition featured numerous sacred and ecclesiastical items from over 225 years of the Church in North America, emphasizing the AAC theme, “Becoming Vessels of Grace” . Featured in conjunction with this Council Exhibition was a new online publication of the Department of Christian Education of the OCA, entitled, “Luminaries – Those Who Walked in Christ’s Light”, highlighting many of the notable personages from our historical past, along with many of their personal items. Sacred Relics and Treasures included the Chalice and Panagia of  Saint Innocent of Alaska , Gospel of Saint Innocent with preface by  Saint Jacob Netsvetov , the Mantia of  Saint Patriarch Tikhon (Bellavin)  from his enthronement, the vestments and Mitre of  Saint Nicolai of Zhica , vestments of  Saint Alexis of Wilkes-Barre ,  Saint John of San Francisco ,  Saint Raphael of Brooklyn , and many other items from  Metropolitan Leonty , Archbishop Arseny, Archbishop John of Chicago, Archbishop Kirprian, Archbishop Gregory of Sitka and Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas. According to the Curator, the Museum/Repository continues to expand its holdings, having undergone an extensive renovation through the work of the Monastery Abbot, Archimandrite Sergius and himself, as a labor of love. Presently, the Museum now includes a Music Center, where the Iconographic Arts, Historical Vessels, and the rich Musical Heritage of the Church serve to enlighten and edify future generations of the Orthodox Church in America.  The Museum/Repository continues to accept ecclesiastical and historical items from throughout North America. They also have special traveling exhibitions which have been provided to museums, churches and universities.

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