Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church On 17 May 2018, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, after the Divine Liturgy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, His Holiness Patriarch and Catholicos Abune Mathias I. Taking part in the meeting which took place in the Red Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, were also members of the official delegation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church: Abune Enthons, Archbishop of West Harerge Diocese; Abune Philipos, Bishop of South Omo Diocese; Abune Aregawi, Bishop of South Gonder Diocese; Melake Genet Abba Kidane Mariam, personal assistant to His Holiness Abune Mathias I; Melake Selam Abba Kiross Weldeab, head of the Media Service; and Musie Hailu, head of the Service of the Patriarchal Protocol. The Russian Orthodox Church was also represented by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR); Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), DECR vice-chairman; Hieromonk Stephan (Igumnov), DECR secretary for inter-Christian relations; Hieromonk Ioann (Kopeykin), pro-rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute for Post-Graduate Studies; and Mr. Vakhtang Kipshidze, vice-chairman of the Synodal Department for Church’s Relations with Society and Mass Media. Greeting cordially the high guest and the delegation that accompanied him, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said in particular, “It is your first visit to our Church, to our country. You have an opportunity to learn about the religious life of our people. The last time the head of the Ethiopian Church visited us 22 years ago, in 1996. It was Abune Paulos, your predecessor of blessed memory. I also recall the visit of His Holiness Patriarch Tekle Haimanot in 1978 and the visit of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen of Moscow and All Russia to Ethiopia in 1974.”

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Accettare Il sito utilizza i cookie per aiutarvi a visualizzare le informazioni più aggiornate. Continuando ad utilizzare il sito, l " utente acconsente all " uso dei metadati e dei cookie. Gestione dei cookie La teologia della libertà. Il cristianesimo e il potere temporale dall’editto di Milano ai giorni nostri Lectio Magistralis del metropolita Hilarion di Volokolamsk, Presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni esterne del Patriarcato di Mosca, in occasione dell " apertura dell " anno accademico presso la Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale 17 ottobre 2014. Eminenza Reverendissima Gran Cancelliere, Eccellenze, chiarissimi professori, docenti e discenti di codesta Pontificia Facoltà Teologica, è per me un grande onore tenere questa lezione all " inizio del vostro anno accademico. Prima di tutto vorrei augurare a tutti voi successo nel nuovo anno accademico, come pure augurare pace e prosperità al popolo italiano. Nel mio intervento vorrei riferirmi ad eventi del lontano passato, ma anche ad avvenimenti del tutto recenti. Il discorso tratterà dell’epoca dell’editto di Milano e di fatti che ricordano quest’epoca, ma che avvengono nel nostro tempo, sotto i nostri occhi. Lo scorso anno, è stato solennemente celebrato in tutto il mondo cristiano il millesettecentesimo anniversario della promulgazione dell’editto firmato a Milano nel 313 dagli imperatori della parte occidentale e orientale dell’impero romano, Costantino e Licinio. L’editto di Milano è, in sostanza, il primo documento statale ufficiale dell’impero romano grazie a cui la «Chiesa cattolica» riceve non soltanto il diritto di esistere, ma anche il riconoscimento da parte dello Stato e della società. Se fino ad allora i cristiani erano perseguitati e sterminati, se essi potevano esistere soltanto nelle catacombe e nella più profonda clandestinità, grazie all’editto di Milano per la prima volta i cristiani, al pari dei pagani, ricevettero il diritto di professare e predicare apertamente la propria fede, di costruire chiese, di aprire scuole e monasteri. Una grande conquista dell’epoca costantiniana fu il riconoscimento della Chiesa in qualità di partecipante a pieno titolo ai processi sociali, riconoscimento che le consentì non soltanto di organizzare liberamente la propria vita interna, ma anche di esercitare un’influenza sostanziale sulla vita dello Stato e della società.

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Archive Patriarch Kirill meets with Chairman of Cuban State Council and Council of Ministers 3 November 2018 year 19:28 On November 3, 2018, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, met with the head of the Republic of Cuba, Chairman of the State Council and Council of Ministers Miguel Mario Diaz-Canel Bermudez.  Mr. Diaz-Canel was accompanied by his spouse Lis Cuesta Peraza; Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, and other representatives of the Cuban authorities – Minister of Communications Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella; Minister of Energy and Metal Mining Industry Raul Garcia Barreiro; Minister of Industry Alfredo Lopez Valdes; First Deputy Minister of Transportation Eduardo Rodriguez Davila; as well as Luis Alberto Rodriguez Lopez-Calleja, an adviser to the Chairman of the State Council and Council of Ministers; Mr. Rogelio Sierra Diaz, deputy minister of the foreign affairs; and Mr. Gerardo Penalver Portal, Cuban ambassador to Russia. Participating in the meeting were also Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations, Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, DECR secretary for inter-Orthodox relations, and Deacon Andrey Titushkin, DECR secretariat for the far abroad. Present at the meeting was also A. Guskov, Russian ambassador to Cuba. Addressing the high guest with words of cordial greeting, His Holiness said, ‘I know that it is your first visit outside Latin America, and we appreciate very much that you have made it to Russia’. Stating that the relations between the two countries, which are over 200 year old, had acquired a special nature after the victory of the revolution in Cuba, His Holiness stressed, ‘This warmth in the relations and special sympathy for each other have a continuation today too, when the political situation has changed so much, when the theme of the Cuban revolution no longer defines one hundred percent the sympathy toward Cuba. In our country, there are people who have different political views but the sympathy for Cuba remains the same’.

Center for Pediatric Prosthetics and Rehabilitation is opened at the ROC Representation in Damascus Source: DECR Photo: On March 6, 2022, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), took part in the opening ceremony of the Center for Pediatric Prosthetics and Rehabilitation at the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus, Syria. The Centre has been created with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and with the support of His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East, the Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation; the Foundation for the Support of Christian Culture and Heritage; and ‘Poznanie” and Kirche in Not Charity Foundations. Attending the ceremony were Dr. Muhammad Abdul Sattar Assayed, Minister of Endowments of the Syrian Arab Republic; Mr. Hussein Makhlouf, Minister of the Local Administration and Environment; H.E. Alexander V. Yefimov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Syrian Arab Republic: Marie Al-Bitar, deputy of the People’s Council of the Syrian Arab Republic and head of the Parliamentary Committee for relations with the Orthodox Church; Colonel General Michel Farah, head of the medical services directorate of the Ministry of Inferior; Mr. Adel al-Olabi, Governor of Damascus; Bishop Moussa of Daraya, senior auxiliary bishop of the Patriarch of Antioch; Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, DECR vice-chairman; Hegumen Arseny (Sokolov), representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of Antioch; Rev. Alexander Karzan, secretary to the DECR chairman; Mr. Nikolay V. Sukhov, director of the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Damascus; Mr. Rimal al-Saleh, head of Aluafa Charity Foundation; Dr. Jihad Muhammad Haddad, head physician of the Center for Pediatric Prosthetics and Rehabilitation at the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus; Mr. Hassan Raya, director of the Centre; Mr. Ivan A. Parfenov, deputy general director of “Poznanie” Charity Foundation; and Vycheslav Yu. Li, assistant to the DECR chairman.

Exhibition ‘Moscow – the Holy Land of Prince Sergey Alexandrovich and Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna’ was opened in Moscow Source: DECR On November 2, 2015, a large-scale exhibition ‘Moscow – the Holy Land of Prince Sergey Alexandrovich and Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna’ was opened at the State Museum of History. It is timed to the end of the year marking the 150th birthday of Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna and the 110th anniversary of the tragic death of Prince Sergey Alexandrovich. The exhibition is organized by the Elizabeth-Sergey Educational Society foundation, Russian Ministry of Culture, State Museum of History and ROSIZO state museum-exhibition center in cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church and Patriarchate of Jerusalem with the support of the Russian Ministry of Culture and the Moscow city department of national policy, interregional relations and tourism. Taking part in the ceremony were Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations (DECR), Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, a DECR vice-chairman, and Mr. V. Legoida, head of the synodal information department. Among the attendees were also Moscow Mayor S. Sobyanin, Russian Minister of Culture V. Medinsky, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Bogdanov, Deputy Minister of Culture Ms. A. Manilova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow A. Gorbenko and other city officials. There were also S. Stepashin, president of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), and Ms A. Gromova, chair of the supervisory board of the Elizabeth-Sergey Educational Society, a foundation for promoting the revival of the traditions of mercy and charity. Present at the opening were also representatives of state museums, archives and church museums as well as private collectors in Russia. In his address, Mr. Medinsky reminded the audience that Sergey Alexandrovich, an uncle of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, was one of the founders of the Museum of History and presided over its patron board for many years. ‘We remember the wife of the prince, Elizabeth Feodorovna, as an outstanding benefactor, leader of many charitable initiatives, founder of the Ss Martha and Mary Convent, who fully dedicated herself to the tasks of charity. For this, already in her lifetime, she was nicknamed the White Angel of Moscow’, the minister said.

Growing Orthodox Presence in Timor-Leste Photo by Irene Archos Timor Leste, is a small country of 1.2 million occupying half the island of Timor. While Timor West is predominantly Muslim and has made headlines in recent years for the aggressive attacks on its Christian minority population, Timor Leste is predominantly Catholic. This is due to its history of colonization under the Portuguese. In fact, it has only recently gained independence from Portugal 1975 and even more recently 2002 from Indonesia, which still governs a large part of its borders. In the last couple of years, however, the Catholic population of Timor Leste has experienced a great awakening for Orthodoxy. Since 2017, thousands have converted to Russian Orthodoxy. Father Fotie, an ordained ROCOR priest from Jordanville who shepherds a tiny parish in upstate New York, has been instrumental in bringing many Timor Leste Catholics into the fold. He has thus far made two missionary attempts, each time chrismating a couple of hundred to the faith. This is unexpected in a country that has been historically 90% Catholic. Father Fotie attributes the conversions to the “might power of Grace in the Orthodox Church as the one true faith.” Father Kirill Shkarbul, a Russian Orthodox priest serving in Taiwan, began the Orthodox Mission in Timor Leste only three years ago. Over his several visits he was able to chrismate 160 faithful. It was he who invited Father Fotie to help with the effort. “ Our hope,” explains Father Fotie, “was that a sufficient nucleus could be gathered there to form the work into a mission under the Russian Orthodox Church.” Father Fotie’s most recent trip occurred in February of this year, just before the break of the COVID pandemic. The missionary work in Timor Leste had begun under the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion. This opportunity arose as a result of Father Kirill Shkarbul’s initial invitation to officiate for the Blessed Nativity service on January 7 th . From February 2019,  Father Kirill visited Timor-Leste a total of four times with each visit lasting on average between 14 to 20 days.  When he was not there, he sent four different lay missionaries to the island for follow-up work.

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