Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy Metropolitan Hilarion: Through common efforts we will manage to overcome the pandemic Answering questions from an RT TV Company correspondent, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk shared his judgements on such socially painful problems as the continuing pandemic and information campaign against vaccination from the coronavirus. -   Your Eminence, your Instagram account is still blocked. What can you say about it?  -   I think the account has been blocked because some group of people has swamped with complaints the leaders of the Instagram social network. I presume these were opponents of the vaccination, the so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’ who are now very aggressive. They are trying to attack me in many directions, for instance, they have sent questions full of aggression against ‘The Church and the World’ program, which I have presented for twenty years now at the Russia 24 TV channel. Therefore, I have no doubt that the present attack, too, comes from them. And why the Instagram leaders do not appropriately react to this attack is still unclear.  First, we received from Instagram quite a standard notice in English. It stated that the account was blocked and it may be due to this or that reason, while the enumeration also included an indication that we allegedly failed to react to some warnings; except that nobody had sent us any warnings.  And today we have received from Instagram a demand that I should sent a photo of my passport. I did it - no actions in response so far.  -   You said that the account is blocked because of complaints from ‘anti-vaxxers’. Why do they so much want that you should be blocked ?  -   I presume it were they who sent these complaints because I can see: the only so aggressively mooded a group now is precisely the ‘anti-vaxxers’. And why are they so aggressive, why are their actions so well-coordinated is perhaps a question that is worth of a thorough investigation.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy Metropolitan Hilarion: To reveal Christ to people is our most important missionary task Interview of Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate to Italian Corriere della Sera daily. -   Your Eminence, in the preface to your book about Fyodor Dostoevsky, you write about the Russian author as an apostle and prophet. In your opinion, is there in Dostoevsky’s works anything special that can help the Orthodox and Catholics come closer together? -   I think Dostoevsky’s value for us, Christians, lies in his continued attempts to lead the reader of his works to Christ. I will give you an example. Recently I visited one of the Moscow universities. There were a few hundreds of professors and students. I asked, “Who of you have read Dostoevsky?” All to the last one raised hands. Then I asked, “And who of you has read the Gospel?” About a quarter of the audience raised hands. Many people in the world get to know Russia, Orthodoxy, Russian culture fr om Dostoevsky’s works - he is translated into all the tongues that have written language. Did Dostoevsky wished it or not but he has become an apostle of Christ. He bore witness to Christ even in the Soviet time when religious literature was prohibited in the USSR. He can also be called a prophet because he warned against coming disasters. He was the only cultural worker who discerned in the socialist revolutionary ideology its demonic nature. Many of our people thought that socialism comes to replace capitalism, while Dostoevsky showed socialism comes to replace Christianity. He revealed the anti-Christian and demonic essence of that ideology which promised people happiness without God. He said it is impossible to build happiness apart from God, and he saw in the person of Jesus Christ the greatest moral example for the whole humanity.

Accettare Il sito utilizza i cookie per aiutarvi a visualizzare le informazioni più aggiornate. Continuando ad utilizzare il sito, l " utente acconsente all " uso dei metadati e dei cookie. Gestione dei cookie Metropolita Hilarion: i conflitti in corso in Medio Oriente e Ucraina sono parti di uno stesso piano strategico  In un’intervista all’agenzia stampa russa RIA Novosti, il presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni ecclesiastiche esterne del Patriarcato di Mosca, metropolita Hilarion, parla delle ragioni della diffusione delle ideologie radicali islamiste e delle sue possibili soluzioni, del rapporto tra i conflitti militari in Medio Oriente e l " escalation di violenza in Ucraina, del destino dei leader cristiani rapiti in Siria.   - Come può descrivere la crescente diffusione di ideologie islamiste radicali e la violenza verso le persone di altre fedi in Medio Oriente? A che cosa porterà questo fenomeno? Chi ne trae vantaggio?   - L " ascesa dell " estremismo sotto slogan religiosi, cui assistiamo ultimamente, è una seria sfida per la comunità mondiale. La destabilizzazione in corso in Medio Oriente è una conseguenza non solo del conflitto civile, ma anche il fatto che le principali potenze mondiali hanno in questa regione seri interessi politici ed economici. Alcuni paesi fomentano la lotta interreligiosa, e ciò porta a conseguenze disastrose per la regione. Ma nessuno scopo politico può giustificare che si armino assassini, rapitori ed estremisti. La destabilizzazione di tutto il Medio Oriente, che è sostenuta dal di fuori, provoca il fatto che i cristiani in diversi paesi vengono a ritrovarsi di fronte alla minaccia della distruzione totale. Siamo particolarmente preoccupati per il fatto che, a seguito di tale confronto, i cristiani stanno lasciando in massa il Medio Oriente, e le proporzioni di questo esodo sono in aumento ogni mese. I cristiani, che rappresentano la popolazione nativa della regione, sono costretti sotto pena di morte a fuggire dalle loro case. E anche nei campi profughi non possono sentirsi al sicuro, e si trovano ad affrontare discriminazione, minacce e rapimenti.

Archive Metropolitan Hilarion: The Russian Orthodox Church originated in Kiev, not in Moscow, not in St. Petersburg 14 January 2019 year 13:04 Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, gave an interview to the TV channel RT.  – What can the Moscow Patriarchate do to support the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? – First of all, we are praying for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, for Ukraine and for the Ukrainian people. At every Liturgy we offer special petitions and prayers to God that He helps our Ukrainian brothers and sisters survive at this difficult time of persecution by the Ukrainian political authorities. I deliberately call it persecution because what is happening in Ukraine is evidently an intervention of the state in the internal affairs of the Churches. It was the state which initiated the process of granting autocephaly to two schismatic groups, unified with the view of receiving this document from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. It is the Ukrainian authorities which now insist that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church should change its name. However, according to the international norms, a Church itself should choose its name; it is not for the state to grant the Church a particular name. Yet, this is what is happening in Ukraine. We also note that many representatives of the Ukrainian authorities are considering measures aimed at transferring the property from the canonical Church to the newly created church organization. It concerns, in particular, the two great monasteries – the Kiev Caves Lavra and the Pochaev Lavra. Each of these monasteries has several hundred monks. Besides, the Kiev Theological Academy is located in the Kiev Caves Lavra. So, it is impossible to imagine what will happen to these monks and to the students of the Theological Academy, if these properties will be transferred to the newly created church organization which has not many, but just a few monks. It is not clear at all who will be living in these monasteries and what fate awaits the monks once they are expelled from their abodes. We hope very much that it will not happen, that, as Mr. Poroshenko said many times, each person will be able to choose to which church to go and that there will be no violent seizures of monasteries, churches or other properties.

Archive Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Hilarion speaks at the opening of the V All-Russian Theology within the Scientific and Educational Expanse conference 2 December 2021 year 16:28 The V All-Russian (with international participation) Theology within the Scientific and Educational Expanse: The Theory, History and Practice of Inter-religious and Inter-cultural Dialogue within a Situation of Global Challenges conference opened in Moscow on 1st December 2021. The conference is being held with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The basic events of the conference are taking place in Moscow on the 1st and 2nd December at the federal institutes of the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhi) (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economic and Public Administration (RANEPA) and the Higher School of Economics (HSE). All preventative measures as recommended by the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Protection and Human Rights Wellbeing aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus disease have been taken. The conference is also taking place online with the use of video conference link technology. More than three hundred and fifty people were registered for the conference. Greetings fr om the Russian president Vladimir Putin were read by senior official of the Presidential Administration for Home Policy A. V. Tretyakov. In the greetings it was noted in particular that “theology performs an important mission in forming peoples’ outlook on life, enables inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue and plays a role in countering the terrorist threat.” Greetings fr om His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill were read by the chairman of the Department of External Church Relations, the rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Institute for Post-graduate Studies and the president of the Scientific and Educational Theological Association the metropolitan of Volokolamsk Hilarion. “An important event,” the greetings states, “was the holding of a federal competition for grants in the field of theology. The Congress of Theological Journals and the Forum of Young Theologians also took place within the framework of the current year’s conference. I would like especially to note the work of the Scientific and Educational Theological Association, which at present brings together seventy leading Russian universities and colleges.”

Metropolit Hilarion: die Wiedervereinigung ist unmöglich, wenn eine der Seiten die andere für “heterodox” hält Metropolit Hilarion erzählte im Interview der Ausgabe “Коммерсантъ” von den Perspektiven der Wiedervereinigung der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche mit den Altgläubigen. - Vor fünfzig Jahren fand das Landeskonzil der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche statt, wo die Entscheidung getroffen wurde die “Beteurung” auf die alten Ritualen abzubrechen, die von dem Großen Moskauer Konzil vom Jahre 1667 angeordnet wurden. Was hat für die Altgläubigen nach dem Konzil 1971 geändert? - Die Entscheidungen des Landeskonzils der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche vom Jahre 1971 sind von großer Bedeutung. Sie kennzeichnen die feste Entschlossenheit der Russischen Kirche den Dialog mit den Altgläubigen zu führen, der natürlich die Überwindung der jahrhundertelangen Trennung zum Ziel hat. Es ist ein sehr schwieriger und langsamer Weg, den wir alle gehen werden. Aber die Entscheidungen des Konzils halfen die gegenseitige Entfremdung entspannen. Die Möglichkeiten sind entstanden den Dialog aufzunehmen, sich an gemeinsamen Projekten, Ausstellungen, Festen zu beteiligen. Jetzt entwickelt sich die Zusammenarbeit in vielen Bereichen des gesellschaftlich- kulturellen Lebens. Zum Beispiel, beteiligen sich die Vertreter der Russischen Orthodoxen Altgläubigen Kirche mit Metropoliten Kornelius an der Spitze jährlich am Weltkonzil des Russischen Volkes und an den anderen Foren, die von der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche veranstaltet werden. Einige von den Vertretern der altgläubigen Gruppen haben die geistlichen Hochschule der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche abgeschlossen oder setzen fort dort zu studieren. Die Pilgerfahrten der Altgläubigen entwickeln sich zu den gesamtrussischen Heiligtümern, die sich in den orthodoxen Kirchen oder Klöstern befinden. Es gibt zahlreiche Beispiele der geschäftlichen Zusammenarbeit von den Orthodoxen und Altgläubigen auf dem lokalen Niveau. - Vor einiger Zeit haben Sie gesagt, dass man in der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche keine Hindernisse für die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche und die Russische Orthodoxe Altgläubige Kirche sieht sich im Schoß der einigen Kirche wiederzuvereinigen. Unter welchen Bedingungen kann das passieren?

Metropolit Hilarion: Konstantinopel vergreift sich am fremden Eigentum Während des Besuchs von Ungarn sagte der Patriarch von Konstantinopel Bartholomäus, dass die Kathedrale der Diözese von Budapest und Ungarn- die Mariä- Entschlafens-Kathedrale- “ in den betrüblichen und unklaren Tagen des kommunistischen Regimes wegen der dunklen und bösartigen Manipulationen und unerträglichen Druckes von der Sowjetmacht gewaltsam geraubt und ganz illegal und nicht kanonisch dem Moskauer Patriarchat untergeordnet wurde, das bis heute über sie lästerlich verfügt”. Auf Bitte von RIA Nowosti  kommentierte der Vorsitzende der Abteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen des Moskauer Patriarchats der Metropolit von Wolokolamsk Hilarion, als er über die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Kirche erzählte. - Eure Eminenz, vor kurzem haben Sie Budapest besucht, wo Sie auf der Eröffnung der eucharistischen Tagung auftrat. Und im Anschluß an Sie fand sich der Patriarch von Konstantinopel Bartholomäus auf derselben Tagung. In seiner Predigt nach dem Gottesdienst, den er in der katholischen Kathedrale hielt, erwähnte er über die “Besitzergreifung” der Mariä- Entschlafens-Kathedrale in Budapest vom Moskauer Patriarchat. Wie können Sie diese Worte kommentieren? - Die Mariä- Entschlafens-Kathedrale in Budapest hat nie zum Patriarchat von Konstantinopel gehört. Er wurde Ende des XVIII. Jahrhunderts von der Gemeinde gebaut, die überwiegend aus den Griechen und Walachen bestand. Die Gottesdienste in dieser Kathedrale wurden auf Griechisch gehalten. Aber gehörte sie nicht zum Zuständigkeitsbereich des Patriarchat von Konstantinopel, das auf dem Territorium von Österreich-Ungarn verboten wurde, sondern zum Zuständigkeitsbereich der unabhängigen Metropolie von Karlovci, die später zum Bestandteil der vereinigten Kirche von Serbien wurde. Zwar versuchte Konstantinopel in der 20er Jahren des XX. Jahrhunderts sein eigenes Exarchat in Ungarn aufzubauen, aber er existierte nur auf dem Papier. In Ungarn selbst gibt es keine Spüre dieses Exarchats, keine Rechtsgrundlagen wurden dafür in der Gesetzgebung von Ungarn geschaffen.

Metropolit Hilarion: zusammen können wir die Pandemie durchstehen Als der Metropolit von Wolokolamsk auf die Fragen des Reporters von der Fernsehanstalt antwortete, teilte er seine Meinungen von für die Gesellschaft solchen akuten Problemen wie die andauernde Pandemie und die informationskampagne gegen den Impfschutz gegen Coronavirus mit. - Gebieter Hilarion, Ihr Instagram-Konto wird immer noch gesperrt. Was können Sie darüber sagen? -Ich meine, dass mein Konto gesperrt wurde, weil eine Gruppe von Menschen die Verwaltung des sozialen Netzwerkes Instagram mit den Klagen überhäuft hat. Ich nehme an, dass das die Gegner des Impfschutzes, sogenannte “Impfgegner” waren, die jetzt sehr aggressiv sind. Sie versuchen mich in vielen Richtungen anzugreifen, zum Beispiel schicken sie mir die sehr aggressiven Fragen in die Sendung “Kirche und Welt”, wo ich auf dem Fernsehkanal “Russland 24” schon für 12 Jahre gesprochen habe. Ich habe keine Zweifel daran, dass dieser Angriff von ihnen ausgeht. Aber warum reagiert die Verwaltung von Instagram auf diesen Angriff in entsprechenden Weise nicht, ist mir noch nicht klar. Zuerst bekamen wir Standardbenachrichtigung von Instagram auf Englisch. Es wurde gesagt, dass das Konto gesperrt wurde und das mit solchen und solchen Gründen verbunden sein kann, wobei die Aufzählung auch den Hinweis darauf einschloss, dass wir quasi auf einige Mahnungen nicht reagieren. Aber niemand hat uns die Mahnungen geschickt. Und heute haben wir von Instagram die Mahnung bekommen, dorthin das Foto von meinem Pass zu schicken. Ich habe das getan- es gibt noch keine Antwort darauf. - Sie haben gesagt, dass das Konto wegen der Klagen von “Impfgegner” gesperrt wurde. Warum wollen sie so sehr, dass Sie gesperrt werden? - Ich nehme an, dass das sie waren, die diese Klagen geschickt haben, weil ich sehe: jetzt die einzige so aggressiv gesinnte Gruppe “Impfgegner” sind. Aber warum sie so aggressiv sind, warum sie so im Einklang handeln, ist es die Frage, die man sehr tief untersuchen sollte.

Metropolitan Hilarion: Actions of the Uniates have caused great damage not only to the Ukraine and her citizens, but also to the Orthodox-Catholic dialogue Source: DECR Today once again it has been all the more obvious what the Orthodox knew – that the Unia was and, unfortunately, remains a special project of the Catholic Church aimed at undermining canonical Orthodoxy. Greetings by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk to the Participants of the 4th European Orthodox-Catholic Forum (Minsk, 2 – 6 June 2014) Your Eminences and Graces, Esteemed Fathers and Brothers, Dear organizers and participants of the conference! On behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus and myself personally I would like to cordially greet all of the participants of the 4th European Orthodox-Catholic Forum, this year dedicated to the very relevant topic of religion and cultural pluralism: the challenges to the Christian Churches in Europe. I would like to note with satisfaction that our meetings have become quite regular. The format of interaction decided upon in 2008 has proved to be of use since it allows us to react swiftly to events happening in the world. Previous sessions were devoted to such problems as the family, the Church and state, the economic crisis and poverty. In the modern-day world there is not only an intensive dialogue of cultures but also cultures penetrate one another. These dynamic processes enable, on the one hand, the formation of a single world commonality, while on the other they enable a new means of examining the unique nature of various cultures. The demographic situation is changing, and intensive migration continues afoot. The aim of building a tolerant society often leads to the opposite of that of the desired effect. The Christian identity of Europe is under threat. These problems make themselves felt ever more acutely in everyday life and demand a serious theoretical analysis. However, in the present situation we cannot limit ourselves merely to the discussion of theoretical issues. We have to interact on a practical level too.

Metropolitan Hilarion: If the Project for Ukrainian Autocephaly is Carried Through, it will Mean a Tragic and Possibly Irretrievable Schism of the Whole Orthodoxy Source: DECR Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relation, has given an interview to the Greek newspaper Ethnos tis Kiriakis. –   Your Eminence, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has published for the first time some historical documents that prove that the Ukrainian Church has never withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical throne. We would like to hear your opinion on this problem. –   The official site of the Patriarchate of Constantinople has published only two documents about a move of the Metropolis of Kiev to the Moscow Patriarchate as its part, and it is not done for the first time, they are well known in our country and have been published since the 19 th  century. Its preface abounds in inaccuracies and ungrounded conclusions. But we are glad to have a possibility for a discussion, though distant, and ready to broaden the academic outlook of our opponents. Now it is at least clearer what reasoning they wish to rely on. The first articles of leading Russian historians on the canonical unity of the Russian Church and transfer of the Metropolis of Kiev to the Moscow Patriarchate have been published in a recent issue of the Department for External Church Relation’s journal  Church and Time.  Recently a new issue has come out with a substantial article by Mikhail Zheltov entitled ‘The Historical-Canonical Foundations of the Unity of the Russian Church’, which gives a detail account of the events of the year 1686 and demolishes ungrounded opinions of some biased researchers. These publications will continue so that the attentive reader could have an opportunity for making an objective evaluation of the arguments put forwards by the both sides. We will translate these academic materials into Greek as well. By the end of this year, we plan to publish a substantial study that includes hundreds of sheets of archive documents – many of them will be really publish for the first time. Some of them are already available on the Orthodox Encyclopaedia portal. Naturally, it is impossible to relate this body of testimonies in a brief interview. I can only say that allegations about a ‘temporary nature’ of the Metropolis of Kiev’s transfer to the Moscow Patriarchate come from a tendentious and scientifically unscrupulous interpretation of the documents signed by Patriarch Dionysios in 1686. Believe me we are ready for an objective and fundamental discussion. Moreover, we have proposed a serious dialogue on this matter to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, a joint conference. So far no response. After all, the case in question is very important as it concerns many millions of Orthodox Ukrainians.

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