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But more specific evidence than this favors the substantial reliability of the passion narratives. Theissen argues for the most part (and sufficiently) persuasively that the pre-Markan passion narrative as a whole was in use by 40 C.E. in Jerusalem and Judea. 9534 Thus, for example, Mark preserves names (such as those of the sons who identify the second Mary and Simon, Mark 15:21,40,47; 16:1 ) that serve no recognizable function in his own narrative– but that may well have been recognizable to those who passed on the traditions behind his early Jerusalem source ( Mark 15:40, 43 ). 9535 Place names such as Nazareth, Magdala, and Arimathea would mean nothing to audiences outside Palestine 9536 (we should add here that the Galilean names may have meant little to most of the Jerusalem church as well, who may have preserved them for the same reasons that Mark did). Although one normally identifies local persons through their father " s name, most persons in the Passion Narrative (which identifies more people «than elsewhere in the synoptic tradition») are identified by their place of origin instead. This practice makes the most sense in the church " s first generation in Jerusalem, when (and where) it consisted of people from elsewhere. 9537 Mark presumes his audiencés prior knowledge of Pilate and (more significantly) Barabbas and other insurrectionists. That Barabbas " s name is preserved when Pilate had numerous confrontations with such revolutionaries whose names are lost to us suggests that this particular insurrectionist " s name was preserved in connection with the Passion Narrative. 9538 Finally, some central characters in the account remain anonymous, probably to protect living persons who could face criminal charges in Jerusalem, fitting other ancient examples of protective anonymity. 9539 Taken together, these arguments seem persuasive. 9540 Evidence does suggest that Mark edited his Passion Narrative, 9541 but this no more denies the authenticity of the prior tradition than frequent rewriting of sources by any other ancient author, including other writers of the Gospels; thus, for example, the Passion Narrative in Matthew and Luke may agree against Mark at points (e.g., Mark 14:72 ). 9542 Independent tradition drawn on by Matthew, Luke, and John preserves the name of the high priest, but Mark may follow the oldest passion account in omitting his name for political prudence, though Pilate, now deposed and despised, could easily be named in this period. 9543 Brown suspects that Mark may have acquired some of his style from frequent recitation of the passion narrative; 9544 further, Mark may have rephrased the narrative in his own words, especially where his sources were ora1. One should see most fully the 1994 essay by Marion Soards, 9545 who makes a strong case both that Mark uses a source and that we probably cannot separate the tradition from the redaction.

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      Marky ho habary Giri   Bu kitap Isany döwründe ýaan Mark atly adam tarapyndan ýazyldy. Ol IsaMesihi resuly Pawlus bilen täze ýygnaklary düýbüni tutmakda (Res 13-nji bap), resul Petrus bilen Ho Habary ýaýmakda (1Pet 5:13) arman-ýadaman zähmet çekenleri biridir. Mark Isany durmuyny, eden ilerini we wagyzlaryny ilkinji bolup ýazga geçiren adam diýen pikir Mukaddes Ýazgylary öwrenýän alymlary arasynda örän ýörgünlidir. Olary çaklamalaryna görä, Mark bu kitaby Rim äherinde tussaglykda saklanan Pawlusa kömek beren döwründe, ýagny b.e. 55 — 65-nji ýyllary ýazypdyr. Kitapda arameý dilini sözlerine, ýahudy halkyny däp-dessurlaryna düündiri berilýär. eýle düündiriler bu kitaby ýahudy däl halklar üçin ýazylandygyny aýdy görkezýär. Mark ony Rimdäki ýygnak üçin ýazypdyr, sebäbi ol döwürde ýygnagy agzalary ýahudy we ýahudy däl halklary wekillerinden ybaratdy. Marky esasy maksady Isany Mesihdigini, ýagny Hudaýy pygamberler arkaly wada berlen Patyadygyny mälim etmekden ybaratdy. Ol öz kitabynda Isany ilkibadan Mesih, ýagny Hudaýy Ogly diýip atlandyrýar. Mark Isany il içinde görkezen gudratlary, adamlary haýrana galdyran mugjyzalary barada aýat hökmünde ýazýar. Mark eýle gudratlary we mugjyzalary Hudaýy güýji arkaly amala aýandygyny nygtap, adamlary kem-kemden Isany kimdigine düünilerini görkezýär. Isa Öz ägirtlerinden: «Siz Maa kim diýýärsiiz?» diýip soranda, Petrus «Sen Mesihsi» diýip jogap berýär (Mar 8:29). eýle-de Mark Mesih bolmagy die ygtyýarlylyk däl, eýsem hyzmat we özüi gurban etmeklikdigini hem görkezýär. Ol Isa Mesihi ýönekeý adamlary söýüp, olara hyzmat ediini, olary ugrunda Özüni gurban etmäge-de taýyndygyny beýan edýär. Isa Mesih eýle diýýär: «Ynsan Ogly hem Özüne hyzmat edilmegi üçin däl-de, eýsem, bagalara hyzmat etmek üçin, köpleri ugrunda janyny gurban edip, olary azat etmek üçin geldi» (Mar 10:45). Isa Özüni Ynsan Ogly diýip atlandyrýardy. Mark Isa Mesihe iman edip, Onu güýjüne ynanan islendik adamy keselden gutulýandygyna, jynlardan azat bolýandygyna we ebedi ýaaýa eýe bolýandygyna aýatlyk edýär. Ýöne ol Isa Mesihe eýermegi asat däldigini hem aýdýar. Isany hakyky ägirtleri öz Halypalary ýaly adamlara hyzmat etmeli, ejir çekmäge we Ol kimin özüni gurban etmäge-de taýyn bolmaly.

L., 1973; Weeden T. J. The Heresy That Necessitated Mark " s Gospel//ZNW. 1968. Bd. 59. N 3/4. S. 145-158; idem. Mark: Traditions in Conflict. Phil., 1971; Linton O. Evidences of a 2nd-Cent. Revised Edition of St Mark " s Gospel//NTS. 1968. Vol. 14. N 3. P. 321-355; Tilesse G. M., de. Le secret messianique dans l " Évangile de Marc. P., 1968; Achtemeier P. J. Toward the Isolation of the Pre-Markan Miracle Catenae//JBL. 1970. Vol. 89. N 3. P. 265-291; idem. The Origin and Function of the Pre-Marcan Miracle Catenae//Ibid. 1972. Vol. 91/2. P. 198-221; Linnemann E. Studien zur Passionsgeschichte. Gött., 1970; Kuhn H. W. Ältere Sammlungen im Markusevangelium. Gött., 1971; Tiede D. L. The Charismatic Figure as Miracle Worker. Missoula, 1972; Hamerton-Kelly R. Pre-Existence, Wisdom, and The Son of Man: A Study of the Idea of Pre-Existence in the NT. L. etc., 1973; Räisänen H. Die Parabeltheorie im Markusevangelium. Helsinki, 1973; Dormeyer D. Die Passion Jesu als Verhaltensmodell: Literarische und theologische Analyse der Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte der Markuspassion. Münster, 1974; idem. Das Markusevangelium als Idealbiographie von Jesus Christus, dem Nazarener. Stuttg., 1999; Farmer W. R. The Last Twelve Verses of Mark. L.; N. Y., 1974; Hull J. M. Hellenistic Magic and the Synoptic Tradition. L., 1974; Kelber W. H. The Kingdom in Mark. Phil., 1974; idem., ed. The Passion in Mark: Studies on Mark 14-16. Phil., 1976; idem. The Oral and the Written Gospel: The Hermeneutics of Speaking and Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul, and Q. Phil., 1983; Schenke L. Die Wundererzählungen des Markusevangeliums. Stuttg., 1974; Theissen G. Urchristliche Wundergeschichten: Ein Beitrag zur formgeschichtlichen Erforschung der synoptischen Evangelien. Gütersloh, 1974; idem. Lokalkolorit und Zeitgeschichte in den Evangelien: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition. Gött., 1989; Koch D. A. Die Bedeutung der Wundererzählungen für die Christologie des Markusevangeliums.

2318 Cf. Talbert, Gospel, who relates men who achieved immortality (26–31) to theoi andres, while noting that not all theoi andres became immortal (35–38). Aune, «Problem,» 19 criticizes him severely on his differentiation of «eternals» and «immortals.» 2319 See Tiede, Figure, 99 (cf. 14–29, on Pythagorean conceptions; 71–97, Heracles), Gallagher, Divine Man, 173; Shuler, Genre, 18; Blackburn, «ΑΝΔΡΕΣ,» 188–91; Kingsbury, Christology, 34; Martitz, «Υις,» 8:339–40; Betz, Jesus, 64. 2323 Georgi, Opponents, 122–64, especially explores the Hellenistic Jewish use of the motif; cf. also 390–409. 2324 Tiede, Figure, 101–240 (ch. 2, «Images of Moses in Hellenistic Judaism»). Moses was «divine» in the sense that he was affected by the deity (Josephus Ag. Ap. 1.279). 2328 Ibid., 238. It should be admitted, however, that many extant apostolic fathers aim at a philosophical rather than popular audience, whereas the Gospels do not. 2330 Stern, Authors, 2:221–23, citing Philopseudeis 16; Alexander Pseudopropheta 13; Tragodopodogra 171–73. 2337 So also Kee, Origins, 62; cf. similarly Betz, Jesus, 64. For a survey of especially OT theology of healings (in their ancient Near Eastern and Greek contexts), see esp. Brown, Healer. 2338 Boring, Sayings, 201–2, is wrong to suggest that Mark opposes charismatic excesses in Q; Mark draws on Q at places (e.g., in his abbreviated introduction; in Mark 3:22–30 ); but he rightly points out that as a charismatic, Mark could oppose charismatic excesses (203). Kümmel, Introduction, 93, rightly observes against Weeden that Mark does not deny Jesus» role as a wonder-worker; the signs are clearly positive (Rhoads and Michie, Mark, 105; Kingsbury, Christology, 76–77), even if they must be read in view of the cross. 2339 Vander Broek, «Sifz,» 131–89. Lane, " Theios Aner? 160, thinks the view might be attributable to the crowds. Weeden, Mark, 52–69, thought Mark " s opponents followed a theios aner Christology like Paul " s opponents in 2Corinthians; «opponents» may be too strong, and theios aner too ambiguous (although they may hold «a triumphalist theology characterized by … miraculous acts,» vii).

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