Anstehende Aufgaben und Vorhaben - Erste Akzente Es stellt sich sicher abschließend die Frage, was vom neuen Patriarchen und der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche unter seiner Leitung erwartet werden kann. Zwar ist es sicher völlig falsch, wenn von gewissen westlichen „Experten " und manchen nichtorthodoxen Presseorganen behauptet wurde, das Moskauer Patriarchat habe in den letzten zehn Jahren der Amtsführung von Patriarch Aleksij II. eine Stagnation oder Lähmung erfahren: In diesen letzten Jahren hat nicht nur der verstorbene Patriarch selbst - buchstäblich bis zum letzten Tag seiner Amtszeit! - seinen geistlichen Dienst in Form von Gottesdiensten, Predigten, Pastoralbesuchen und Begegnungen mit kirchlichen wie politischen und gesellschaftlichen Amtsträgern erfüllt, in diesen zehn Jahren sind auch so bedeutende Dokumente wie die „Sozialkonzeption " (auf dem Bischofskonzil 2000) oder die Formulierung der Menschenrechte in orthodoxer Sicht in der „Deklaration über die Rechte und Würde des Menschen " (auf dem Bischofskonzil 2008) verabschiedet worden - nicht zuletzt unter wesentlicher Mitwirkung des Kirchlichen Außenamtes und seines Leiters, des jetzigen Patriarchen Kirill. So wird man erwarten können, dass einige Aufgaben unter seiner Führung nun zwar nicht in anderem Sinne, aber in anderer Weise angegangen werden. So hat der neue Patriarch unmittelbar nach seiner Wahl Ängste konservativer Kreise beruhigt, wenn er sagte, es werde „keine Reformen geben, die von oben übergestülpt werden und die Menschen traumatisieren " . Treffend dürfte die Charakterisierung sein, die das Vorstandsmitglied des Russischen Weltvolkskonzils Aleksandr Dugin abgab: „In der Kirche beginnt eine neue Etappe, allerdings nicht ideologisch. ... Patriarch Kirill wird die Kirche in die Gesellschaft hineinführen, damit sie dort für orthodoxe Werte eintritt: Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche wird gegen den Postmodernismus antreten, die liberale Kultur und den liberalen Individualismus " .  Ein von ihm als äußerst wichtig erachtetes Feld seiner Tätigkeit ist für Patriarch Kirill sicher die Intensivierung der Beziehungen innerhalb der Weltorthodoxie.

Al ricevimento erano presenti anche i chierici che hanno concelebrato con Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill durante la liturgia. Il primate della Chiesa ortodossa russa ha dato un cordiale benvenuto a Sua Santità il Catolicos Basile Mat Tommaso Matteo III, sottolineando che i rapporti tra la Chiesa ortodossa russa e la Chiesa malankarese hanno le profonde radici storiche. “Insieme apparteniamo alla grande tradizione spirituale dell’Oriente cristiano. I rapporti fra le nostre Chiese si sono notevolmente sviluppate grazie alle personalità storiche come il metropolita Nikodim (Rotov) di Leningrado e di Novgorod e il metropolita Paolo Mar Gregorio (Varghese), uno straordinario vescovo e teologo”, ha detto Sua Santità, rivolgendosi all’illustre ospite. Il Patriarca Kirill ha ricordato che per la prima volta incontrò il metropolita Mar Gregorio nel 1968 a Uppsala, durante la IV Assemblea generale del Consiglio ecumenico delle Chiese. “Già allora lui si è mostrato come un teologo straordinario e leader religioso. Mi ricordo particolarmente il suo contributo al lavoro della V Assemblea generale che ebbe luogo a Nairobi nel 1975”, ha detto Sua Santità, testimoniando che da allora i rapporti tra la Chiesa ortodossa russa e la Chiesa malankarese hanno cominciato a svilupparsi attivamente. Sua Santità ha altamente valutato il livello delle relazioni fraterne che da sempre sono esistiti tra la Chiesa ortodossa russa e la Chiesa dell’India e ha espresso la speranza che la collaborazione bilaterale tra le due Chiese si svilupperà ulteriormente. “Apprezziamo il nostro passato comune che arricchisce reciprocamente, ma vogliamo che anche il presente e il futuro siano non meno significativi per le nostre Chiese”, ha aggiunto il Patriarca kirill. “Certamente, siamo aperti a diverse attività congiunte e vorrei ripetere il mio invito per i vostri studenti a studiare nelle nostre scuole teologiche”. Il Primate della Chiesa russa ha sottolineato anche l’alto livello dei rapporti statali tra la Russia e l’India.

Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill incontra il Primate della Chiesa ortodossa serba 15.03.2024 Presidente del Dipartimento Il Presidente del Decr è arrivato in India 22.02.2024 Nel  15° anniversario dell " intronizzazione di Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill, è stata celebrata una liturgia solenne nella Cattedrale di Cristo Salvatore 01.02.2024 Il Presidente del DECR ha incontrato il Primate della Chiesa ortodossa di Antiochia 30.01.2024 Il Presidente del DECR ha incontrato un rappresentante della Chiesa d’Inghilterra 28.03.2024 Il metropolita Antonij di Volokolamsk ha incontrato i rappresentanti della Chiesa copta 28.03.2024 Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill incontra il Primate della Chiesa ortodossa serba 15.03.2024 Sua Santità il Patriarca di Serbia Profirije è arrivato a Mosca 15.03.2024 Si è conclusa la visita del Presidente del DECR in Libano 11.03.2024 Il Presidente del DECR ha visitato la metropolia dei Monti Libanesi 10.03.2024 Il metropolita Antonij di Volokolamsk ha incontrato il Primate della Chiesa malankarese 27.02.2024 Il metropolita Antonij ha partecipato alle celebrazioni del 1950° anniversario del martirio di San Tommaso in India 26.02.2024 Ha avuto luogo l’incontro tra il presidente del Decr e i rappresentanti della Chiesa dell " India responsabili dei rapporti con la Chiesa ortodossa russa. 25.02.2024 Il metropolita Antonij incontra il nuovo Primate della Chiesa cattolica siro-malabarese 24.02.2024 Il metropolita Antonij di Volokolamsk partecipa ai festeggiamenti nel seminario di Kottayam. 24.02.2024 Il metropolita Antonij è intervenuto durante la riunione del Sinodo della Chiesa dell " India 24.02.2024 Il Presidente del Decr è arrivato in India 22.02.2024 Nel  15° anniversario dell " intronizzazione di Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill, è stata celebrata una liturgia solenne nella Cattedrale di Cristo Salvatore 01.02.2024 Il Presidente del DECR ha incontrato il Primate della Chiesa ortodossa di Antiochia 30.01.2024 Il Presidente del DECR ha incontrato un rappresentante della Chiesa d’Inghilterra 28.03.2024

“I think that by developing cooperation in this sphere we can try to establish the foundation for joint projects aimed at rendering assistance to those affected by the tragic hostilities in the Middle East,” Patriarch Kirill said. As he noted, thanks to the working group established in 2017 by the Presidential Council for Cooperation with Religious Organizations, in Russia there has appeared an opportunity to carry out collaborative work to render aid to the population of Syria. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and His Eminence Cardinal Parolin also discussed the situation in Ukraine. As Patriarch Kirill emphasized, the Church must become a factor of reconciliation and must not be involved in the conflict. “The Church ought to play no other role but peacemaking when there is a conflict between people,” he said and noted that it was a principled stand taken by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate concerning the current situation in Ukraine. “Great many people deeply appreciate the peacemaking position of the Church. It is with satisfaction that we note similarity in our Churches’ positions on the role of the Church in the conflict in Ukraine,” His Holiness concluded. The Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, conveyed to the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church greetings from Pope Francis and expressed his hope for further development of relationships between the two Churches. Cardinal Parolin agreed that the meeting in Havana had opened doors to a new stage in the history of the two Churches’ relations and emphasized that the bringing of St. Nicholas’s holy relics to Russia, which had become a result of the historic meeting in Havana in February 2016, had a great impact on their relationships. The Secretary of State noted the solidarity of the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church concerning the situation in the Middle East. As he pointed out, the plight of Christians and other religious minorities there must arouse conscience of the entire world community and urge the Churches to make their contribution to the improvement of the humanitarian situation in the region.

“Il vostro rappresentante il vescovo Antonije ha ottenuto molte cose buone anche come pastore. Era molto amato dalla gente qui. Pregheremo per il riposo del nostro defunto fratello vescovo Antonij e crediamo che il Signore lo riceverà nelle sue dimore celesti " , ha concluso Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill. Nel corso del dialogo fraterno che è seguito, i due primati hanno discusso in spirito di amore e di comprensione reciproca un ampio spettro di questioni riguardanti la cooperazione interecclesiastica e la testimonianza congiunta della Santa Ortodossia, nonché l " attuale situazione nel mondo ortodosso. Successivamente Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill ha salutato tutti i membri della delegazione della Chiesa ortodossa serba, compresi i vescovi di Alta Karlova Gerasim, di Valjevo Isihije, di Remesiana Stefan, di Jegra Nektarije e di Toplica Petr, nonché il ministro del lavoro e della previdenza sociale della Serbia Nikola Selakovic, venuto a rappresentare il presidente serbo Aleksandar Vui ai funerali del vescovo di Moravica Antonije.   Come dono in ricordo della visita, il Patriarca Kirill ha regalato a Sua Santità il Patriarca di Serbia Profirije due encolpion e una croce; ai vescovi che lo accompagnavano degli encolpion; all " arciprete direttore del gabinetto del Patriarca di Serbia Giorgio Stoislavlevic una croce decorata. Il Patriarca di Serbia Profirije ha donato al capo della Chiesa russa due encolpion e una croce decorata. Al ricevimento erano presenti a nome della Chiesa ortodossa russa il cancelliere del Patriarcato di Mosca, il metropolita di Voskresensk Grigorij, il direttore della segreteria amministrativa del Patriarcato di Mosca, l " arcivescovo di Odintsovo e Krasnogorsk Foma, i vicepresidenti del DECR, l " arciprete Nikolaj Lischenyuk e l " arciprete Igor Yakimchuk, il capo del servizio di protocollo del DECR l’igumeno Feofan (Lukjanov) e il rappresentante del segretariato del DECR per le relazioni interortodosse A. Yu. Khoshev. Stampa la pubblicazione

In the course of the talk, Patriarch Kirill expressed deep concern over the discrimination against the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which arose as a result of the interference of previous leaders of the Ukrainian state in church affairs. “Quite recently, as you may know, important events took place as Ukraine has changed her president, and we hope that the state policy in the field of human rights will change, since the previous authorities openly embarked on the path of discrimination against people on religious grounds”, Patriarch Kirill said. He draw Ms. Mijatovic’s attention to the fact that in Ukraine under the previous President Peter Poroshenko, two laws were adopted which fringe upon the rights of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Thus, in December 2018, the head of the state signed the law that provides for the renaming of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Speaking about this legislative act, His Holiness recalled the fundamental principle of relations between a secular state and religious organizations, which presupposes the non-interference of state authorities in their internal affairs. In particular, a state should give a religious group an opportunity for naming itself as it believes necessary. “In Ukraine a law was adopted that prohibits the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from calling itself Ukrainian”, His Holiness continued, “In spite of the fact that the Church consisted fully of Ukrainian nationals, they tried to present it as a Church of the Russian Federation, although its whole administration is located in Ukraine and it enjoys full autonomy from the Church in Russia”. Patriarch Kirill also mentioned the law adopted by the Ukrainian Supreme Rada last November. It concerns the procedure for changing the jurisdiction of religious communities, which ultimately can deprive the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of all her churches. Speaking about the new rules prescribed by this law, His Holiness said, “Any resident of a settlement, be he Orthodox or atheist (what is more, he may not even live in this settlement) is given the right to come to the community’s assembly and demand that its Orthodox parish should change its jurisdiction”. Such situations have led to protests of ordinary parishioners who were against the transfer of their churches to a different jurisdiction, and protesting people were often subjected to bodily attacks. “This completely unlawful practice existed in Ukraine before these elections”, he said.

Patriarch Kirill also spoke of the need to review the draft document on Calendar, noting that the topic of ‘a more accurate determination of the date of Pascha’ is not at all relevant for the Orthodox Church and can only sow discord among many believers’. No less concern, His Holiness said, is caused by the draft document on Impediments to Marriage, which only contains a bare list of canonical impediments and fails to reflect the Church’s position on the institution of family in the modern world. As one of the very important areas of work Patriarch Kirill singled out the topic of Autocephaly and the Manner of Granting it, proposing that the Council approve the fundamental agreement already reached by the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Commission that the establishment of new autocephalous Churches should be a pan-Orthodox action requiring consensus of all the Local Orthodox Churches in each particular case. His Holiness also stressed the need for a preliminary examination of the Council’s draft document on the Orthodox Diaspora. Among the points of detailed consideration in Patriarch Kirill’s address was the issue of the venue of the Council, which had already been raised in the address of His Holiness Patriarch Irenaeus of Serbia. ‘As we can see, many problems are to be solved together in order to make possible the convocation of a Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. I am sure that the real reason for which many documents are still lacking agreement does not lie at all in the existence of opposite opinions of Churches but in the ineffective methodology of preparing the Council’, Patriarch Kirill stressed. In this connection, he shared the experience of the work of the Inter-Council Present of the Russian Orthodox Church in the form of open discussions enabling any church member concerned to express his or her position. ‘I believe, it is in this way, openly, the preparation of the Council should proceed if we really care for its success’, the Primate of the Orthodox Church said, stressing the importance of having the Council’s draft documents published and overcoming a lack of reliable information that provokes suspicion among many believers.

At the same time, Patriarch Kirill drew the attention of his interlocutor to the fact that when believers began appealing for the legal protection of their rights, in absolute majority of the cases, the court took the side of the complainants. His Holiness stressed, “Despite the strong political pressure, courts fulfilled their function honestly. All that concerns the gross violation of religious rights came from the legislative and executive authorities but was rejected by the people. And the results of the presidential elections in Ukraine have shown that the people had not welcomed the policy which used to be imposed by the previous authority”. Patriarch Kirill said that he would convey to the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights the documented materials on the violations of the rights of believers in Ukraine. “When it comes to human rights and violence towards believers, it falls under my mandate, I will deal with it very attentively”, Ms. Mijatovic stressed. She mentioned a number of issues on which she would like to cooperate with the Russian Orthodox Church. These include protection of women’s rights, opposing domestic violence, social support for the disabled, development of the civil society. “If we have the same goal, namely, the welfare of all people on the planet, then we are already moving in the right direction. As a commissioner for human rights, I will carefully listen to your opinion. I hope that we will have an opportunity for meeting again when I come to the Russian Federation”, Ms. Mijatovic said. “Today, the Russian Church is actively developing its social work including in the areas you have just mentioned”, Patriarch Kirill said in his turn, “We are actively working with the homeless. Our know-hows are in demand today in many cities, and we gladly share our inventions. Among them, in particular, “Salvation Bus” for help to the homeless during winter frosts. There are special church centers in which we warm, feed, and cloth them, and help them find jobs. I cannot say that all of these people but many of them get on their feet”.

Tweet Нравится ‘Western laws now clash with moral nature of man’ – Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill Source: November 21, 2016 In an exclusive interview with RT, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, shared his ideas on the difficult situations of Christians in the Middle East, the US presidential election, and European multiculturalism. RT: Your Holiness, first of all, let me congratulate you on your upcoming birthday. Thank you for taking the time to discuss these important –even global ­–issues with us. Let us talk about Christian affairs outside of Russia – specifically, about the Middle East and Northern Africa. As everyone knows, the dramatic events associated with the armed conflicts raging in the Middle East, especially in Syria, pose a threat not only to government leaders, individuals, secular regimes, etc., but to the Christian faith itself.Several months ago, you had a historic meeting with Pope Francis, during which you called upon the international community to stop the extermination and expulsion of Christians from these regions. Do you believe that enough is being done to stop this? Have you noticed any improvement since the time you made that statement? Or do you believe the situation has deteriorated? Patriarch Kirill: I have on many occasions been forced to raise my voice – on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church – in defense of those whom I would call the persecuted Christians of the Middle East. Of all the minorities in the region, it is Christians who have been suffering the most. The statistics show an appalling dynamic: there used to be 1.5 million Christians in Iraq – now there is less than 150,000. There used to be half-a-million Christians in Syria, and now they have vanished without a trace, whether they were killed or fled the country. But the Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity, and of Christian culture. Which is why killing Christians or driving them out of the region isn’t just a crime against religion and against human rights and freedoms: it is a civilizational disaster. Because once Christian communities vanish from those countries, life there will change in every respect. Prior to the current crisis, the governments in those countries, including secular governments, had to reckon with the presence of Christians and devise their policies in a way that would ensure some kind of sectarian balance. Now there’s no need to maintain a balance. And who knows what may happen to the remaining Christian population in those countries.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church On 17 May 2018, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, after the Divine Liturgy His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, His Holiness Patriarch and Catholicos Abune Mathias I. Taking part in the meeting which took place in the Red Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, were also members of the official delegation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church: Abune Enthons, Archbishop of West Harerge Diocese; Abune Philipos, Bishop of South Omo Diocese; Abune Aregawi, Bishop of South Gonder Diocese; Melake Genet Abba Kidane Mariam, personal assistant to His Holiness Abune Mathias I; Melake Selam Abba Kiross Weldeab, head of the Media Service; and Musie Hailu, head of the Service of the Patriarchal Protocol. The Russian Orthodox Church was also represented by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR); Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), DECR vice-chairman; Hieromonk Stephan (Igumnov), DECR secretary for inter-Christian relations; Hieromonk Ioann (Kopeykin), pro-rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute for Post-Graduate Studies; and Mr. Vakhtang Kipshidze, vice-chairman of the Synodal Department for Church’s Relations with Society and Mass Media. Greeting cordially the high guest and the delegation that accompanied him, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said in particular, “It is your first visit to our Church, to our country. You have an opportunity to learn about the religious life of our people. The last time the head of the Ethiopian Church visited us 22 years ago, in 1996. It was Abune Paulos, your predecessor of blessed memory. I also recall the visit of His Holiness Patriarch Tekle Haimanot in 1978 and the visit of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen of Moscow and All Russia to Ethiopia in 1974.”

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