Patriarch Kirill on Ukrainian crisis Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill also takes to heart the disorders in Kiev and believes that the Church can only participate in resolving the crisis through prayers, and not through its presence at the barricades. “What is happening in Ukraine cuts me to the heart. For me, Ukraine is a home country, my native people, these are my people and my flock”, the Patriarch said in an interview with TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev from the Russia TV channel. “I pray for Ukraine, I pray for these people. I understand that there is a threat of a split of the nation, a threat of another round of civil confrontation,” the head of the ROC noted. “A resolution is the liberation of passions” and its main goal is the change of elites, he said. “And when clergymen appear on the barricades goading the people, it is not a church message,” he said adding that in any circumstances the church should serve peace and unity.The patriarch urged Ukrainians to dialogue that would help resolve existing problems. Patriarch Kirill on commercialization of Christmas in the West Ousting of the true meaning of Christmas from the public space, including its substitution by other names, has dangerous consequences, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill believes. “This is a political action, a purposeful ousting of Christian values including Christian-oriented holidays from the life of people. This is a spiritual disarmament of the masses. It is an incredibly dangerous trend”, the Patriarch said. He said that today, the West, concerned by protecting human rights and freedoms, violated the right to openly practice the Christian faith. The Primate mentioned cases, when, for example, TV presenters or nurses were prohibited from wearing a cross. “Of course, Christian values in Europe are, certainly, preserved in the life of the people. I have an experience of communication, including with Western Europeans, who keep it all in their hearts. But the general political trend, the overall direction of the elites’ activities is, undoubtedly, anti-Christian and anti-religious in nature”, he stated.

... Wir würdigen den Kirchenführer, der eine wichtige Rolle im Bereich des interreligiösen Dialogs und der internationalen Beziehungen spielt, und wir beten, dass der Patriarch der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche auch in Zukunft offene, mutige und mitfühlende Worte für die Welt findet und sich für alle Menschen, die ja nach dem Bilde Gottes geschaffen sind, einsetzt " , heißt es in dem Brief vom 28. Januar 2009 weiter. Mit großer Freude hat auch der Vorsitzende des Rates der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), Bischof Wolfgang Huber, auf die Wahl von Metropolit Kirill zum Patriarchen der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche reagiert. Er erinnere sich sehr gerne an die „vielfältigen brüderlichen Begegnungen und Gespräche " in der Vergangenheit, schreibt Huber in seiner Gratulation. Die Christen der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche und der EKD seien seit Jahrhunderten auf vielfältige Weise miteinander verbunden, „in guten und in bösen Tagen " , so der Ratsvorsitzende. „Seit nunmehr fünfzig Jahren ist zwischen unseren Kirchen in verschiedenen historischen, politischen, gesellschaftlichen Kontexten und auch in manch schwieriger ökumenischer Situation ein gegenseitiges verlässliches Vertrauen gewachsen. " Der Präsident der Wiener Stiftung „Pro Oriente " , Johann Marte, betonte die „weltbürgerliche Offenheit " des neuen Vorstehers der Russischen Kirche: „In Fragen der Ökumene ist Patriarch Kirill durchaus für Überraschungen gut " , so Marte. Man könne davon ausgehen, dass die bisherige „Politik der Entspannung " zwischen den Kirchen fortgesetzt werden wird, „da Kirill eine Persönlichkeit ist, die über den russischen Tellerrand hinaussieht, die gesamte Christenheit im Blick behält und damit auch die Probleme, die wir nur gemeinsam lösen können " , sagte Marte. Im bisherigen ökumenischen Gespräch habe man ihn stets als „kraftvolle Persönlichkeit mit großem Weitblick " und als „hervorragenden Theologen " kennen gelernt. Die Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erklärte in ihrem Glückwunschschreiben an Patriarch Kirill: „Wir glauben und hoffen, dass der neue Vorsteher der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche auch in Zukunft die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Deutschland stärken wird " .

Also present at the reception were representatives of clergy, who concelebrated with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the liturgy. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church cordially greeted His Holiness Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Mathews III, stressing that the relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Malankara Church have deep historical roots. “Together we belong to the great spiritual tradition of the Christian East. The relations between our Churches made good progress, thanks to such history-making figures as Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod and Metropolitan Paulos Mar Gregorios (Varghese), an outstanding hierarch and theologian”, His Holiness said addressing the high guest. Patriarch Kirill recalled that he first met Metropolitan Mar Gregorios in 1968 in Uppsala at the Fourth General Assembly of the World Council of Churches. “Already back then he proved to be an outstanding theologian and religious leader. To me, especially memorable was his contribution to the work of the Fifth General Assembly which took place in 1975 in Nairobi”, His Holiness pointed out, stressing that the relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Malankara Church have been actively growing ever since. His Holiness highly praised the brotherly relations which have always been there between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of India. His Holiness also expressed hope that the bilateral cooperation between the two Churches will progress successfully in the future. “We value our common past which has enriched both of our Churches, but we would like to see the present and the future to be no less meaningful for our Churches”, Patriarch Kirill added, “And, of course, we are open to many kinds of common work, among them I would like to repeat my invitation for your students to be trained in our schools”. The Primate of the Russian Church also pointed out the high level inter-state relations between Russia and India. “Russia and India are civilizations of great culture, with enormous intellectual, human and cultural potential. Russia and India today are are real partners who do not seek to profit fr om each other, nor seek to exploit each other’s weaknesses, but interact in policies and economy in total honesty. That is why we have a positive factor for development, including bilateral religious relations”, Patriarch Kirill stated.

Today again we are experiencing a difficult time when senseless people seek to divide us, to deprive us of peace and accord by sowing enmity and hatred among brothers. These people, on the basis of momentary moods and egoistic aspirations, make dangerous decisions having long-term and sometimes even indelible consequences. But wise people understand that their life and good works can become a part of God’s design for the salvation of the world. That is why they always keep eternity in mind and look mentally to history, learning lessons from it and finding answers in it to the most important problems of today. We all need to look for these answers, overcoming the negative information noise produced by the mass media. And we can find them also in the examples of great personalities who made a beneficial influence on the development of our people and who are canonized by the Church. Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles is one of them as he laid the saving faith of Christ in the foundation of the life of the peoples in historical Rus’. May the Merciful Lord the Lover of Mankind, through the intercession of St. Vladimir, help us to stand steadfast in Orthodoxy, guarding ourselves, just as His apostles did,   by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love (2 Cor. 6:6). Amen. +Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Patriarch Kirill: St. Vladimir’s Choice Changed the Whole Course of Our History Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia Message by Patriarch Kirill on the occasion of the millennium of the demise of the Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers.

Sua Eminenza ha sottolineato l " antichità dei rapporti tra le due Chiese. Rapporti di particolare fiducia iniziarono ad intensificarsi ai tempi del metropolita Paul Mar Gregory (Varghese) e del metropolita Nikodim (Rotov), di beata memoria. Successivamente, diversi eventi chiave hanno contribuito al rafforzamento di queste relazioni, in particolare lo scambio di visite dei Primati. Nel 1976, il Catholicos Basilio Mar Tommaso Matteo I venne in Russia. Un anno dopo, il Patriarca Pimen lo visitò in India. Nel 2006, il patriarca Kirill, allora presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni ecclesiastiche esterne, si recò a Delhi, Chennai e Kottayam per venerare i santuari cristiani relativi a San Tommaso. Il presidente del DECR ha osservato che gli scambi accademici tradizionalmente svolgono un ruolo centrale nelle relazioni bilaterali, compresa la formazione degli studenti della Chiesa malankarese nelle scuole teologiche russe. Un esempio lampante è la formazione seguita dal futuro primate Basilio Tommaso Matteo III negli anni " 70 presso l " Accademia teologica di Leningrado, il cui rettore era allora l " arcivescovo Kirill di Vyborg, oggi Patriarca di Mosca e di tutta la Rus’. Il metropolita Antonij ha ricordato con piacere la sua prima visita alla Chiesa malankarese nel 2023, esprimendo la speranza che la partecipazione della delegazione della Chiesa ortodossa russa alle celebrazioni a Kottayam possa diventare una nuova pietra miliare nello sviluppo delle relazioni bilaterali. Il metropolita Antonij era accompagnato nella sua visita in India dallo ieromonaco Stefan (Igumnov), segretario del DECR per la relazioni intercristiane, e dal diacono Nikolaj Vasin, suo segretario. Stampa la pubblicazione Condividere: Patriarca Dichiarazione di Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill in relazione alla ripresa delle ostilità nel Nagorno-Karabakh 19.09.2023 Hanno avuto luogo le trattative di Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill con il Primate della Chiesa malankarese 06.09.2023 Dichiarazione di Sua Santità il Patriarca Kirill in occasione della condanna del metropolita Ionafan di Tulcin e Bratslav da parte del tribunale ucraino 07.08.2023

Patriarch Kirill: “Royal Passion Bearers from their Golgotha Entrusted Caring for Spiritual Life of People to Us” Photo: Press Service of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill July 16, 2018. Pravmir . His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, officiated a Divine Liturgy at the Monastery dedicated to the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church in Alapaevsk. The monastery was build near the mine where the Holy Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna and Nun Barbara were killed. At the end of the service, His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill, delivered a sermon: Your Beatitude! Your Excellence and Your Eminence! Dear fathers, brothers, and sisters! I congratulate you all on the Lord’s Day! By historical circumstances, we had the opportunity to celebrate a Divine Liturgy here and consecrate the church in honor of the Theodore Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos which is associated with the Romanov dynasty: this church was built next to the site of the death of the Holy Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna, Nun Barbara, and other representatives of the royal family. Looking at this place, this nearly buried mine, it is hard to imagine that fear and terror that engulfed the innocent people who were brought to this precipice to be thrown down. And the executioners had no hesitation! But the people in front of them were not criminals, but people who did not violate any law and who did not pose any threat, because they refused all political struggle and any claim to power. The only reason Elizabeth Feodorovna stayed in Russia and did not go abroad where she would live safely with her relatives, is that she could not leave the country that had become her second Motherland. Having established Sts Martha and Mary Convent and having taught many Russians to unite their Orthodox faith with real good deeds, she could not leave the Russian Church which she served faithfully and loyally. Leaving Russia was beyond her strength. There was no politics in it, but only her strong religious feeling and love for the country that had truly become her second Motherland.

“Let us also beseech Thee, our Savior, Who, through the right-believing Grand Prince Vladimir, have chosen our people as Thine inheritance, and in the Font of Baptism has granted us the Holy Spirit, to keep Thy Holy Church from all schism and discord, establish it in the oneness of Faith, and guard it in peace, we all pray Thee, hear and have mercy.” His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said a prayer to the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles. Then the patriarch blessed the church banners depicting the Holy Prince Vladimir which will be handed over to all the dioceses of the Russian Church. “This church banner has been made with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in the sixth year of his primatial ministry in memory of the 1000 th anniversary of repose of the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, and blessed by His Holiness in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the year 2015 after the Christ’s birth” – the inscription on each church banner reads. Many years was proclaimed for “Our Great Lord and Father Kirill, the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, for the President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, whose name day is today, for the most reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, for our country protected by God, its rulers, its army and its peoples, for this holy assembly, for the teachers and strugglers after piety, for all who live out their Orthodox Faith in our land through preaching, writing, and leading diligent and God-pleasing life, and for all Orthodox people”. Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna addressed His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on behalf of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church: “Your Holiness, from your baptismal font you have been spiritually connected with the Holy Prince Vladimir and, becoming the first hierarch of our land, you have been continuing his heroic deed. May the Lord through your labors and archpastoral prayers give peace to our land and prosperity to our nation! And may He keep and bless you for many years!”

The participants in the meeting discussed the life of compatriots. After the tragic events of the October Revolution, many people left Russia and some of them settled in the territory of present-day Macedonia. The Russian population there today numbers forty-eight thousands. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia expressed his appreciation for the good attitude of the leadership and people of Macedonia to the Russian people residing in their country. Among the topics raised at the meeting was the situation of Orthodoxy in Macedonia. According to His Holiness, the re-establishment of the canonical status of the Macedonian Orthodox Church will be an essential factor for preserving the national, cultural and religious identity of the country. Therefore, it is important to solve this problem through the fraternal dialogue with the Serbian Orthodox Church. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia noted the alarming changes in the life of the European states that are deviating from the traditional understanding of family as a union between man and woman, as well as from the traditional understanding of personal and family morality. “The institution of marriage is been rapidly destroyed,” the Primate of the Russian Church said. “However optimistic the various propaganda clichés might sound and however frequently we might be told that nothing bad is going on, the vast majority of the Europeans see a great danger in it.” Patriarch Kirill noted that the voices of the majority are often not heard. According to His Holiness, one may wonder whether people today, including those living in the European continent, can be free in expressing their opinions that differ from the views of political and financial elites. “Many Europeans are aware of the fact that it can lead the civilization to a catastrophe,” Patriarch Kirill said. “As a believer, I am deeply convinced that the only law of life, without which there is no life at all, is a moral law, implanted by God in human nature,” His Holiness continued and noted that the Church should say to the modern society what it can and can’t do in order not to break the God-given law of life.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy Address by Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia at the meeting of Russia-Islam Strategic Vision Group On the 19th of May, 2023, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus " , who is making a Patriarchal visit to Tatarstan, took part in a meeting of Russia-Islam Strategic Vision Group held at the Kazan City Hall and addressed the audience. Address by Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia at the meeting of Russia-Islam Strategic Vision Group Kazan, 18 th May 2023 Dear Rustam Nurgaliyevich, Dear Muslim religious leaders,  dear participants in the forum,  I greet you with all my heart, happy to be here with you today, on the blessed Kazan land, and take part in this important meeting. Russia has long-standing relations with the Muslim world. Since the Russia-Islam Strategic Vision Group was set up, the Russian Orthodox Church has been actively engaging in its work. Our meeting takes place in Kazan. The capital of Tatarstan, perhaps like no other place in Russia, is a visual symbol of fruitful cooperation between people of different faiths for the good of their country and nation. In this city, mosques stand next to churches; Muslim and Orthodox theology is flourishing. Here Christians and Muslims work together for the benefit of the entire society. I would like to thank esteemed Rustam Nurgaliyevich Minnikhanov, head of the Republic of Tatarstan, for organising this important event. Traditionally, the head of the Kazan Metropolia acts as representative of the Russian Church in the Russia-Islam Strategic Vision Group. Metropolitan Feofan of blessed memory did much in that capacity, and now his successor, Metropolitan Kirill of Kazan and Tatarstan, who is present here, is one of the Group members. As we look at what is going on in the world, we cannot but see that Western interference in the affairs of other countries, in particular, the Middle East has had sorrowful consequences.

E.N.  Poplavskaya, Director of the parochial school at the Dormition Cathedral in London, said that flowers occupied a special place in St.Elizabeth " life.  From childhood, her parents taught the young Princess Ella (that was her name in the family) and her sisters and brothers to deeds of mercy.  Every Saturday, the children visited the sick in hospitals.  Ella always came with bouquets of flowers, knowing that they could ease the suffering of the sick and bring joy to them. On May 20, 1901, while in Russia, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna organized a flower festival, for the first time in Moscow, which showed her high artistic taste and desire to fill the world with beauty and harmony.  The festival was not just a wonderful event giving the opportunity to contemplate the beauty of God’s world, but also allowed to raise substantial funds for charitable needs. Flower Day caused a lively response among the population and began to be held at least four times a year.  The most popular White Flower Day in pre-revolutionary Russia was aimed at fighting tuberculosis.  Pink Flower Day was dedicated to the fight against child mortality.  Purple Flower Day called for assistance in providing cheap and free housing to the poor. In this regard, it is no coincidence that flowers were chosen as the theme of the diocesan exhibition of children " s drawings in order to remind participants and guests of the works of mercy that every Christian is called to perform. The exhibition is open in the library of the Dormition Cathedral and will last until December 4. Admission is free. Print publication Share: Patriarch His Holiness Patriarch Kirill: Patriarch of Constantinople is not a free man 07.01.2024 Christmas Message from Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Rus’ 06.01.2024 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill had phone conversation with Metropolitan Ioann of Belgorod and Stary Oskol 02.01.2024 Patriarch Kirill met with the DECR Chairman and the Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe 09.04.2024 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrates moleben in Donskoy Monastery at the shrine with St.

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