Craig S. Keener 5. A Jewish Context AT LEAST SOME IN THE JOHANNINE circle of believers assumed that members of their circle were Jewish, whether by birth or by conversion to faith in Jesus (3 John 7). This should not surprise us in a circle associated with the name of John son of Zebedee, who could be viewed as one of the «pillars» of the Jewish mission ( Gal 2:7–9 ). A Gospel that structures its chronology around Jerusalem festivals, engages in polemic with a Jewish elite as its main competitor, and exploits a variety of Jewish symbols cannot be understood apart from early Judaism. Granted, the author provides some explanatory asides that provide minimal information for new Gentile converts; but a long-term Jewish audience would understand more, and those who remembered Jerusalem before 70, whether from frequent pilgrimages from Galilee or rarer ones from Asia, would comprehend the details of the Gospel most fluently. The trend of recent scholarship has been away from a non-Jewish Hellenistic milieu and toward a Jewish matrix for early Christianity. 1410 Part of this trend may be due to NT scholars» increasing familiarity with Judaism. As Jewish scholar David Flusser points out, «Nobody who knows the ancient Judaism to which Jesus belonged can deny that Jesus» faith and thought were Jewish.» 1411 The Dead Sea Scrolls have also had a major impact in the recognition that the supposedly Hellenistic features of John can be explained from a Palestinian milieu. 1412 In few places in the study of the New Testament has this shift in perspective proved as dramatic as in the case of the Fourth Gospel, the Jewishness of which has come to be increasingly recognized in recent decades. 1413 Many scholars now acknowledge that the thought-world of John is thoroughly Jewish, 1414 and by the mid-1970s Bishop Robinson followed Lightfoot in regarding this Gospel as the most Hebraic book in the NT after Revelation. 1415 The Dead Sea Scrolls exercised a major impact on Johannine scholarship. 1416 Enough similarity has been found that some have even postulated a direct connection, or (not unreasonably, if not demonstrably) that the Johannine community includes some former Essenes. 1417 One commentator is undoubtedly right in saying that, had the Qumran Scrolls been discovered a century earlier, the shape of Johannine scholarship in the intervening period would have looked quite different. 1418

Craig S. Keener Modern sources Abecassis, «Miracle»   Abecassis, A. «The Jewish Miracle.» Sidic 21, no. 2 (1988): 4–8. Abegg, «Calendars»   Abegg, Martin G. Jr. «Calendars, Jewish.» Pages 180–83 in Dictionary of New Testament Background. Edited by Craig A. Evans and Stanley E. Porter. Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity, 2000. Abegg, «Hope» Abegg, Martin G. «Messianic Hope and 4Q285: A Reassessment.» JBL 113 (1994): 81–91. Abegg, «Introduction to 4Q285» Abegg, Martin. Introduction to 4Q285. Pages 291–92 in The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation, by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg Jr., and Edward Cook. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1999. Abegg, «Introduction to 4Q369» Abegg, Martin. Introduction to 4Q369. Pages 328–29 in The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation, by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg Jr., and Edward Cook. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1999. Abegg, «Liturgy» Abegg, Martin G., Jr. «Liturgy: Qumran.» Pages 648–50 in Dictionary of New Testament Background. Edited by Craig A. Evans and Stanley E. Porter. Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity, 2000. Abegg, «Messiah» Abegg, Martin G. «The Messiah at Qumran: Are We Still Seeing Double?» DSD 2 (1995): 125–44. Abelson, Immanence Abelson, Joshua. The Immanence of God in Rabbinical Literature. 2d ed. New York: Hermon, 1969. Aberbach, «Hzqyhw» Aberbach, Moses. «Hzqyhw mlk yhwdh wrby yhwdh hšny 3 : hqšrym mšyhyym [Hezekiah King of Judah and Rabbi Judah the Patriarch–Messianic Aspects].» Tarbiz 53 (1984): 353–71. Aberle, «Zweck» Aberle, M. von. «Über den Zweck des Johannesevangelium.» Theologische Quartalschrift 42 (1861): 37–94. Abogunrin, «Debate» Abogunrin, Samuel O. «The Synoptic Gospel Debate: A Re-examination in the African Context.» African Journal of Biblical Studies2 (1987): 25–51. Abogunrin, «Search» Abogunrin, Samuel O. «The Modern Search of the Historical Jesus in Relation to Christianity in Africa.» Africa Theological Journal 9 (1980): 18–29. Abrahams, Studies 1 Abrahams, I. Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels. 1st series. Prolegomenon by Morton S. Enslin. Library of Biblical Studies. 1917. Repr., New York: Ktav, 1967.

Библиография Источники Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета в русском переводе с параллельными местами. М., 1988, 1376 с. Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета на церковнославянском языке с параллельными местами. М., 1993, 1658 с. Ветхозаветные апокрифы. Пер. прот. А. В. Смирнова. СПб., 2001, 407 с. Законы царя Хаммурапи. Сост. Гусаков А. Г. Б/м, 41 стр. Иосиф Флавий. Иудейские древности. М., 1996, 864 с., илл. Abegg М., Flint Р., Ulrich Е. The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible. The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time into English. San-Francisco, 1999, xxvii + 649 p. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Ed. R. Kittel. edition. Deutsche Bibelgesel- lschaft, lxxii + 1574 S, Martinez F. C., Tigchelaar E. j. C. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Vol. 1–2. Leiden- Boston-Koln, xxiii -+- 627 pp. and 628–1361 pp. Miller F. P. The Great Isaiah Scroll. Septuaginta. Ed. A. Rahlfs. Duo volumina in uno. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, lxx + 1184 + 940 S. The Greek New Testament. Edited by Kurt Aland. 3rd ed. United Bible Societies, 1997, 926 p. Современная литература Амусин И. Д. Кумранская община. М., 1983. Амусин И. Д. Рукописи Мертвого моря. М., 1960, 1961, 272 стр., илл. Амусин И. Д. Новейшие открытия и публикации рукописей из района Мертвого моря/Штоль Г. Пещера у Мертвого моря. М., 1965, с. 3–26. Антонины Б. Экзегезис книг Ветхого Завета. М., Беляев Λ. А. Христианские древности. СПб., 2001. Бикерман Э. Хронология древнего мира. М., 1975. Бранн М., Хволъсон Д. Еврейская литература/Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона. Электронное переизд. словаря 1890–1907 гг. М., 2002. Владимиров А. Кумран и Христос. М., 2002, 766 с., илл. Волнин А. К. Мессия по изображению пророка Исаии. Опыт библейско- богословского и критико-экзегетического исследования пророчеств Исаии о лице Мессии. Киев, 1908, 476 стр. Глаголев С. С. Предисловие к статье «Израильтяне»/Иллюстрированная история религий, под ред. проф. Д.П.Шантепи де ля Соссей в 2-х тт. Т. 1, [М„] 1992, С. 247–264.

Общие работы: D. Barthélemy, Etudes d " histoire du texte de I´Ancien Testament (OBO 21) Freiburg/Göttingen 1978; G. Brooke/B. Lindars, Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings, Atlanta 1992; B. Chiesa, Textual History and Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Old Testament, в: J. Trebolle Barrera/L. Vegas Montaner (под редакцией), The Madrid Qumran Congress (StTDJ 11/1) Leiden 1992, 257–272; F.M. Cross, The Development of the Jewish Scripts, в: G.E. Wright (под редакцией), The Bible and the Ancient Near East: Essays in Honor of W.F. Albright, Garden City 1961, 133–202; он же, The History of the Biblical Text in the Light of Discoveries in the Judaen Desert: HThR 57, 1964, 281–299; он же/S. Talmon, Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text, Cambridge MA 1975; F.E. Deist, Towards the Text of the Old Testament, Pretoria 1978; C. Dohmen/G. Stemberger, Hermeneutik der Jüdischen Bibel und des Alten Testaments (Studienbücher Theologie 1, 2) Stuttgart 1996; S. Kreuzer, Altes Testament: 2. Textkritik, в: Proseminar I. Altes Testament, Stuttgart, 1998; J. Gnilka/H.P. Rüger, Die Übersetzung der Bibel-Aufgabe der Theologie, Bielefeld 1985; M. Greenberg, The Use of the Ancient Versions for Intrepreting the Hebrew Text, в: J. Emerton (под редакцией), Congress Volume Göttingen 1977 (VT. S 29) Leiden 1978, 131–148; PH. Kelley/D.S. Mynatt/T.G. Crawford, Die Masora der Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Stuttgart 2003; J. Maier, Zwischen den Testamenten (NEB Ergänzungsband 3 zum AT) Würzburg 1990; M.J. Mulder, The Transmission of the Biblical Text, в: он же (под редакцией), Mikra: Text, Translation, Reading and Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Philadelphia 1988, 87–132; H. Graf Reventlow, Epochen der Bibelauslegung I, München 1990; M. Sæbø, From Pluriformity to Uniformity. Some Remarks on the Emergence of the Masoretic Text: ASTI 11, 1977/78, 127–137; S. Talmon, The Old Testament Text, в: PR. Ackroyd/C.N. Evans (под редакцией), The Cambridge History of the Bible I, Cambridge 1970, 159–199; он же, Aspects of the Textual Transmission of the Bible in Light of Qumran Manuscripts, в: он же, The World of Qumran From Within, Jerusalem/Leiden 1989, 71–116; E. Tov, Der Text der Hebräischen Bibel. Handbuch der Textkritik, Stuttgart, 1997. [рус. пер.: Э. Тов, Текстология Ветхого Завета, М.: ББИ, 2001] 9 ; J. Trebolle Barrera, The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible, Leiden 1998; E. Ulrich, Horizons of Old Testament Textual Research at the Thirtieth Anniversary of Qumran Cave 4: CBQ 46, 1984, 613–636; он же, Multiple Literary Editions: Reflections Toward a Theory of the History of the Biblical Text, в: D.W. Parry/S.D. Ricks (под редакцией), Current Research and Technological Developments on the Dead Sea Scrolls (StTDJ 20) Leiden/New York/Köln 1996, 78–105; E. Würthwein, Der Text des Alten Testaments, Stuttgart 5 1988; он же/K. Aland, Handschriften der Bibel: NBL 2, 1991, 31–41.

Largest Ever Dead Sea Scroll Collection to Be Unveiled at Texas Seminary/Православие.Ru Largest Ever Dead Sea Scroll Collection to Be Unveiled at Texas Seminary By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter June 29, 2012 A worker of the IAA, Israel Antiquities Authority, points at a fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls in a laboratory in Jerusalem, Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2010. Israel " s Antiquities Authority and Google announced Tuesday they are joining forces to bring the Dead Sea Scrolls online, allowing both scholars and the general public widespread access to the ancient manuscripts for the first time. (Photo: AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner) Visitors at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's exhibition, " Dead Sea Scrolls & the Bible: Ancient Artifacts, Timeless Treasures " in Forth Worth, Texas, will be able to view the largest Dead Scroll fragments to ever be placed on public display starting July 12. " The chance to view portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls usually requires an overseas trip to a Near East nation, such as Israel or Jordan, " said Bruce McCoy, the exhibition director. The elaborate display will include the Genesis 37-38 fragment, which is owned by the Kando family of Bethlehem and is considered to be the largest Dead Sea Scroll segment held by a private collector. Five other major fragments will also be on display, including Genesis 33, 1 Kings 13:22-22, Isaiah 28:23-29, Amos 7:17- 8:1 and Joel 3:9-10. These fragments account for only the latest additions to the impressive ancient artifact display – passages from Nehemiah, Ezekiel, and Jonah are all also featured, and with the help of the Green Collection and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Southwestern's total display has reached 21. In addition, other rare and interesting artifacts that will be present at the MacGorman Performing Arts Center will include the Isaiah scroll, the Habakkuk Commentary, the Manual of Discipline, and the full Copper Scroll, which were all found at the archaeological site in Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.

Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Israel to Begin 3-Year Search for More Dead Sea Scrolls Israel to Begin 3-Year Search for More Dead Sea Scrolls The archaeologists plan to survey hundreds of desert caves near the Dead Sea, where the world " s oldest biblical manuscripts were discovered in 1947. Archaeologists spotlight first Solomon’s Temple-era artifacts ever found on Temple Mount Archaeologists spotlight first Solomon’s Temple-era artifacts ever found on Temple Mount Carried out in rare cooperation with Muslim authorities, series of digs in recent years at flashpoint site yielded unprecedented proof of biblical-time activity, scholars say. Ancient city unearthed where David battled Goliath Ancient city unearthed where David battled Goliath Archaeologists believe they have found evidence of King David’s footprints in a mysterious two-gated city from 3,000 years ago, mentioned in the Bible’s story of David and Goliath. 2,500-Y-O Judah Soldiers " Handwriting Discovery Proves God " s Word Is True, Answers in Genesis Says 2,500-Y-O Judah Soldiers " Handwriting Discovery Proves God " s Word Is True, Answers in Genesis Says If history has taught anything, it " s that eventually research and science will confirm Scripture. We have an imperfect and incomplete understanding of history and science, but God " s Word was ultimately written by the God who was there and who never lies. Archaeology Discovery: 4,200-Y-O Canaanite Burial Ground Found Near Bethlehem Archaeology Discovery: 4,200-Y-O Canaanite Burial Ground Found Near Bethlehem " It is highly likely that the term trafim mentioned in the Bible indeed refers to figurines of this kind, " Mazar said. " Evidently the figurine belonged to one of the residents of the city of Rehov, which was then ruled by the central government of the Egyptian pharaohs. " Archaeologists Identify First Century House Where Jesus May Have Lived Archaeologists Identify First Century House Where Jesus May Have Lived Archeologists in Nazareth say a first century house discovered in the 1880s could be the home of Mary and Joseph where Jesus was brought up. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Tweet Нравится Archaeologists discover mysterious new Dead Sea scrolls Jerusalem, December 30, 2016      New scrolls have been found on the territory of the Cave of Skulls in the mountainous area not far from the Dead Sea. Archaeologists discovered the scroll fragments, although the language in which the ancient texts are written is unknown to linguists, reports TsarGrad . So far it has been established that they are not related to the Aramaic language group which the other Qumran manuscripts are written in. “We’re trying to compare the fragments with other known texts found in the Judean Desert,” one of the researchers told journalists. “So far it’s only clear that we have found manuscripts of an unknown origin.” The new Dead Sea scroll fragments were lying haphazardly—probably looters had come across them before. Moreover, archaeologists also discovered wooden combs, beads, ceramic vessels and fragments and fabric fragments at the same place. Interestingly, the first scrolls were found quite accidentally. A Bedouin shepherd tells about how he threw a rock into some caves near Qumran and heard an unusual cracking sound. It turns out that the rock fell into a pitcher in which were found the Dead Sea Scrolls. They managed to find 870 scrolls in the Judean Desert from 1947 to 1956, some of which are analogous to the world famous Ten Commandments. Moreover, some of the scrolls were found in their original size, while some were found in fragments or completely destroyed over time. Translated by Jesse Dominick 31 декабря 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 25 New " Dead Sea Scrolls " Revealed 25 New " Dead Sea Scrolls " Revealed More than 25 previously unpublished " Dead Sea Scroll " fragments, dating back 2,000 years and holding text from the Hebrew Bible, have been brought to light, their contents detailed in two new books. A Bit Of Ancient History Dead Sea Scrolls In Tax Court A Bit Of Ancient History Dead Sea Scrolls In Tax Court The Dead Sea Scrolls were one of the most fascinating discoveries of the twentieth century. They provided new grist for generations of biblical scholars like the recently deceased Geza Vermes who translated the Scrolls into English. Not surprisingly the name of Dr. Vermes never came up in US tax litigation, but not so the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were the subject of tax litigation in the early sixties when the First Circuit upheld a decision of the Tax Court. 2,000 years after they were written, Dead Sea Scrolls go online 2,000 years after they were written, Dead Sea Scrolls go online The oldest known biblical manuscripts will be available online in a high-resolution format thanks to a partnership between Google and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Tweet Нравится 25 New " Dead Sea Scrolls " Revealed Source: Live Science October 13, 2016 This scroll fragment preserves parts of the Book of Leviticus, in which God promises to reward the people of Israel if they observe the Sabbath and obey the 10 commandments. Credit: copyright The Schøyen Collection, Oslo and London, MS 4611      More than 25 previously unpublished " Dead Sea Scroll " fragments, dating back 2,000 years and holding text from the Hebrew Bible, have been brought to light, their contents detailed in two new books. The various scroll fragments record parts of the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Samuel, Ruth, Kings, Micah, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Joshua, Judges, Proverbs, Numbers, Psalms, Ezekiel and Jonah. The Qumran caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered had yet to yield any fragments from the Book of Nehemiah; if this newly revealed fragment is authenticated it would be the first. Scholars have expressed concerns that some of the fragments are forgeries . [ See Photos of the Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments ] These 25 newly published fragments are just the tip of the iceberg. A scholar told Live Science that around 70 newly discovered fragments have appeared on the antiquities market since 2002. Additionally, the cabinet minister in charge of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), along with a number of scholars, believes that there are undiscovered scrolls that are being found by looters in caves in the Judean Desert. The IAA is sponsoring a new series of scientific surveys and excavations to find these scrolls before looters do. The Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in a series of 11 caves by the archaeological site of Qumran in the Judean Desert, near the Dead Sea. During that time, archaeologists and local Bedouins unearthed thousands of fragments from nearly 900 manuscripts. Some of the Bedouin sold their scrolls in Bethlehem through an antiquities dealer named Khalil Iskander Shahin, who went by the name " Kando. " Shahin died in 1993 and his son William Kando now runs his business and estate.

Is Our Copy of the Bible a Reliable Copy of the Original? Introduction Many skeptics believe that the Bible has been drastically changed over the centuries. In reality, the Bible has been translated into a number of different languages (first Latin, then English and other languages, see History of the Bible). However, the ancient manuscripts (written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) have been reliably copied over the centuries - with very few alterations. Old Testament How do we know the Bible has been kept intact for over 2,000 years of copying? Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, our earliest Hebrew copy of the Old Testament was the Masoretic text, dating around 800 A.D. The Dead Sea Scrolls date to the time of Jesus and were copied by the Qumran community, a Jewish sect living around the Dead Sea. We also have the Septuagint which is a Greek translation of the Old Testament dating in the second century B.C. When we compare these texts which have an 800-1000-year gap between them we are amazed that 95% of the texts are identical with only minor variations and a few discrepancies. New Testament There are tens of thousands of manuscripts from the New Testament, in part or in whole, dating from the second century A.D. to the late fifteenth century, when the printing press was invented. These manuscripts have been found in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy, making collusion unlikely. The oldest manuscript, the John Rylands manuscript, has been dated to 125 A.D. and was found in Egypt, some distance from where the New Testament was originally composed in Asia Minor. Many early Christian papyri, discovered in 1935, have been dated to 150 A.D., and include the four gospels. The Papyrus Bodmer II, discovered in 1956, has been dated to 200 A.D., and contains 14 chapters and portions of the last seven chapters of the gospel of John. The Chester Beatty biblical papyri, discovered in 1931, has been dated to 200-250 A.D. and contains the Gospels, Acts, Paul's Epistles, and Revelation. The number of manuscripts is extensive compared to other ancient historical writings, such as Caesar's " Gallic Wars " (10 Greek manuscripts, the earliest 950 years after the original), the " Annals " of Tacitus (2 manuscripts, the earliest 950 years after the original), Livy (20 manuscripts, the earliest 350 years after the original), and Plato (7 manuscripts).

Jordan battles to regain ‘priceless’ Christian relics They could be the earliest Christian writing in existence, surviving almost 2,000 years in a Jordanian cave. They could, just possibly, change our understanding of how Jesus was crucified and resurrected, and how Christianity was born. They could be the earliest Christian writing in existence, surviving almost 2,000 years in a Jordanian cave. They could, just possibly, change our understanding of how Jesus was crucified and resurrected, and how Christianity was born. A group of 70 or so “books”, each with between five and 15 lead leaves bound by lead rings, was apparently discovered in a remote arid valley in northern Jordan somewhere between 2005 and 2007. A flash flood had exposed two niches inside the cave, one of them marked with a menorah or candlestick, the ancient Jewish religious symbol. A Jordanian Bedouin opened these plugs, and what he found inside might constitute extremely rare relics of early Christianity. That is certainly the view of the Jordanian government, which claims they were smuggled into Israel by another Bedouin. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote As soon as I saw that, I was dumbstruck” End Quote Philip Davies Sheffield University The Israeli Bedouin who currently holds the books has denied smuggling them out of Jordan, and claims they have been in his family for 100 years. Jordan says it will “exert all efforts at every level” to get the relics repatriated. Incredible claims The director of the Jordan’s Department of Antiquities, Ziad al-Saad, says the books might have been made by followers of Jesus in the few decades immediately following his crucifixion. “They will really match, and perhaps be more significant than, the Dead Sea Scrolls,” says Mr Saad. “Maybe it will lead to further interpretation and authenticity checks of the material, but the initial information is very encouraging, and it seems that we are looking at a very important and significant discovery, maybe the most important discovery in the history of archaeology.”

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