87. Бессам М.М. Библия и Ислам. М., 1996. С. 64. 88. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”,82. 89. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. С. 530. 90. R.J. Montague, “Apocryphal New Testament”, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1926, 49. 91. Там же, с. 15. 92. Там же, с. 15. 93. Там же, с. 82. 94. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Евангелии и в Коране. С. 17. 95. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 99. 96. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Евангелии и в Коране. С. 17. 97. Хазрат Шер-Али. Священный Коран. Арабский текст с русским переводом. Лондон, 1987. С. 290. 98. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Коране и в Евангелии. С. 8. 99. Там же, с. 8. 100. Там же, с. 8. 101. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. С. 603. 102. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 93. 103. Журавский А.В. Иисус в Коране. С. 116. 104. Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. С. 200. 105. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 87. 106. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Евангелии и в Коране. С. 10. 107. Там же, с. 10. 108. Там же, с. 11. 109. Там же, с. 35. 110. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 67. 111. Там же, с. 67. 112. Там же, с. 67. 113. Хазрат Шер-Али. Священный Коран. Арабский текст с русским переводом. С. 52. 114. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. С. 529. 115. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharihg Your Faith with a Muslim”, 68. 116. Там же, с. 68. 117. Там же, с. 68. 118. Там же, с. 68. 119. Там же, с. 73. 120. Там же, с. 114. 121. Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. С. 116. 122. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. С. 530. 123. Хазрат Шер-Али. Священный Коран. С. 53. 124. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Евангелии и в Коране. С. 13. 125. Там же, с.14. 126. Там же, с.14. 127. N.L. Geisler and A. Saleeb, “ Answering Islam”, Michigan, 1994, 243. 128. Дон Маккери. Семья Авраама: исцеление сломанной ветви. Спб., 1998. С.230. 129. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Евангелии и в Коране. С. 21. 130. Там же, с. 22. 131. Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. С.163. 132. Соловьев В.С. Магомет. Его жизнь и религиозное учение. С.- Петербург, 1902. С. 43.


45. Там же, с. 184. 46. Там же, с. 189. 47. Там же, с. 189. 48. Карташев А.В. Вселенские соборы. М., 1991. С. 202. 49. Там же, с. 201. 50. Болотов В.В. Лекции по истории древней церкви. Т. IV. С. 190. 51. Там же, с. 190. 52. Карташев А.В. Вселенские соборы. С. 233. 53. Брокгауз Ф.А. Энциклопедический словарь. СПетербург, 1992. Т.40. С. 923. 54. Климович Л.И. Книга о Коране и его происхождении. М., 1986. С. 43. 55. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “ Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, Bethany House Pub., 1980, 11. 56. Болотов В.В. Лекции по истории древней церкви. Т. IV. С. 244. 57. Там же, с. 249. 58. Там же, с. 249. 59. Там же, с. 251. 60. Там же, с. 252. 61. Там же, с. 253. 62. Там же, с. 266–268. 63. Брокгауз Ф.А. Энциклопедический словарь. Т. 38. С. 787. 64. Там же, с. 786. 65. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. М., 1986. С. 537. 66. Абд-эль-Фади. Личность Христа в Евангелии и в Коране. Корнталь., 1985. С.11. 67. Журавский А.В. Иисус в Коране. С. 93–94. 68. Брокгауз Ф.А. Энциклопедический словарь. Т. 20. 1991. С. 886. 69. Там же, с. 886. 70. Там же, с. 886. 71. Робертсон Д.С. История христианской церкви. СПБ., 1890, т. 1, с. 43. 72. Там же, с. 45. 73. Брокгауз Ф.А. Энциклопедический словарь. Т. 36. С. 541. 74. Робертсон Д.С. История христианской церкви. Т. 1. С. 127. 75. “Относится к христианам”, – так говорит Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. М., 1986. С. 536. 76. Хазрат Шер-Али. Священный Коран. Арабский текст с русским переводом. Лондон, 1987. С. 97. 77. Журавский А.В. Иисус в Коране. С. 115. 78. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 13. 79. Эберхард Вальтер. Истинные и ложные пути христианства . М., 1976. С. 202–203. 80. A.A.A.Hagg “ Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 315. 81. Робертсон Д.С. История христианской церкви. Т.1. С. 325. 82. Лидов А.М. Восточнохристианский храм. Литургия и искусство. С.-П., 1994. С. 81. 83. Робертсон Д.С. История христианской церкви. С. 327. 84. Лидов А.М. Восточнохристианский храм. Литургия и искусство. С. 87. 85. Там же, с.93. 86. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, 20.


They attack women and children in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. We were witnesses of the terror act in Lebanon’s Tripoli just days ago which killed dozens of innocent people who were at a café. We condemn the terror attacks in Paris and we equally condemn any such attacks in any part of the world. We strongly oppose the idea of connecting these attacks to Islam. We are currently preparing for an international conference that religious figures – Christian, Muslim and Judaist – from many countries will take part in to assert that we, the representatives of the three monotheistic religions, are against terror, fanaticism and violence used under religious slogans. The conference might take place in Amman, Jordan. To a Western mind, Allahu Akbar sounds like a threat. What do Christians of the Holy Land think about them? We Christians also say Allahu Akbar. This is an expression of our understanding that the Creator is great. We don’t want this phrase to be related to terrorism and crimes. We refuse to associate these words with massacres and murders. We speak against using this phrase in this context. Those who do, they insult our religion and our religious values. Those using these words while taking some unreligious, unspiritual, uncivilized actions are harming the religion. Allahu Akbar is an expression of our faith. One must not use these words for non-religion-related purposes in order to justify violence and terror. hristian priests hold a Christmas Midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem December 25, 2014. (Reuters/Ammar Awad) Do people say Allahu Akbar in church? Of course. For us, Allah is not an Islamic term. This is a word used in Arabic to indicate the Creator who’s made the world we are living in. So when we say Allah in our prayers we mean the Creator of this world. In our prayers and pleas, in our Orthodox Christian religious ceremonies we use exactly this word. We say, glory be to Allah in all times. We say Allah a lot during our liturgy. It’s erroneous to think that the word Allah is only used by Muslims.


“No!” the boy answers through his tears. All three were beheaded. The nun said she received the video from a relative of the three boys. In another video, shot in 2013, three Christian priests are shown being led out into a field with their hands bound. A Muslim man wrestles one priest to the ground and slices his head off while several hundred Muslims yell: “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” ‘I Believe in Action’ Sister Hatune holds a malnourished boy in India, one of the dozens of countries in which her foundation works. Drawing on her own family background, Sister Hatune has recently finished work on her 13th book, “I Believe in Action,” written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Christian genocide in Turkey. In this book she compares the life of Jesus to that of Muhammad, Islam’s main prophet. “I not write from my head. All facts,” she said. “Muhammad came and he brought killing, beheading, pedophilia. He slept with a 9-year-old girl, he married when she was 6 years old. We know because she says it herself in the Hadith. In Yemen today, where Shariah is the law, they have to marry the girl before her first menstruation, maximum of age 13, because it is written.” Sister Hatune thumbs through her Quran and finds another verse that she says leads Muslims to murder Christians in the Middle East. “Twenty-five times in Quran it says to kill Christians because we are involved in polytheism,” she said, explaining that Muslims do not understand the concept of the Holy Trinity. “Also it says to not make friends with Christians.” Europe is on its way to becoming the next battleground for Islam, especially Belgium and France, where Muslims make up 6 to 10 percent of the population. Sister Hatune’s adopted country of Germany is at least 4 percent Muslim and has more than 4,000 mosques. “A mosque is not just for prayer,” the nun said. “It is to prepare to kill the unbeliever and control the world.” In the Quran there are 97 verses against the unbeliever. “And there are verses against the Christians who say God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or that Jesus is the Son of God. They have to be beheaded, the head cut off from the neck; no other interpretation. This is what the Muslims are doing. Normal Muslims, who are really Muslims, have to follow this rule,” she said. “There will never be peace on Earth if these verses of the Quran are not stopped. It is in the Quran, Hadith and sunna 36,800 times, the words ‘cut,’ ‘kill’ or ‘attack.’ How can there be peace on Earth?”


2. Там же, с. 96. 3. Там же, с. 96. 4. Журавский А.В. Христианство и ислам. М., 1990. С. 28. 5. Журавский А.В. Христианство и Ислам. М., 1990. С. 33. 6. Грюнебаум Г.Е. Классический Ислам. М. , 1986. С. 25. 7. Там же, с. 22. 8. Ислам: Энциклопедический словарь. – М.: Наука. Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1991. С. 157. 9. Там же, с. 146. 10. Там же, с. 239. 11. Родионов М. А., Серебрякова М.Н. Традиционное мировозрение у народов Передней Азии. М., 1992. С. 14. 12. Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. С. 75. 13. Корейшиты (курейшиты) – это жреческое племя, которое владело ключами от Каабы, передавая из поколения в поколение своим потомкам. 14. Соловьев В.С. Магомет. Его жизнь и религиозное учение. С Пб., 1902. С. 13. 15. Там же, с. 22. 16. Прозоров С.М. Хрестоматия по исламу. М., 1994. С. 37. 17. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. М., 1986. С. 656. 18. Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. С. 232. 19. Климович Л.И. Книга о Коране. М.,1986. С. 44. 20. Прозоров С.М. Хрестоматия по исламу. М., 1994. С. 25. 21. A.A. Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, Bethany House Publishers, 1980, 292. 22. Там же, с. 26–27. 23. Там же, с. 292. 24. Там же, с. 26. 25. Там же, с. 30. 26. Беленький М.С. Иудаизм. М., 1974. С. 74–75. 27. Прозоров С.М. Хрестоматия по исламу. М. , 1994. С. 25. 28. Климович Л.И. Книга о Коране и его происхождении и мифологии. М.,1988. С. 48. 29. Крачковский И.Ю. Коран. М., 1986. С. 552. 30. Ислам. Энциклопедический словарь. С. 239. 31. A.A.Abdul-Hagg, “Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim”, Bethany House Publish., 1980, 11. 32. Там же, с. 15. 33. Там же, с. 17. 34. Там же, с. 13. 35. Там же, с. 13. 36. Там же, с. 13. 37. Еремеев Д.Е. Ислам. Образ жизни и стиль мышления. М., 1990. С. 51. 38. Шантепи де ля Соссей Д.П. Иллюстрированная история религий. С.-Пр. монаст., 1899. С. 335. 39. Бессам М.М. Библия и Ислам. М., 1996. С. 69. 40. Болотов В.В. Лекции по истории древней церкви. М., 1994. Т. IV. С. 178. 41. Там же, с. 185. 42. Там же, с. 181. 43. Там же, с. 181. 44. Там же, с. 182.


ISIS militants parade severed heads through Mediterranean coast town of Bin Jawad - the fourth to fall to militants in Libya Source: Mail Online January 17, 2016 Gruesome convoy: ISIS militants paraded severed heads from the back of a pick-up truck after seizing control of the Libyan town of Bin Jawad (pictured, file photo). It is the fourth Libyan city to fall to the terror group.      ISIS militants paraded severed heads from the back of a pick-up truck after seizing control of a fourth Libyan city in the Mediterranean country, according to eyewitnesses. Locals say jihadists drove through the coastal town of Bin Jawad shouting 'Allahu akbar [God is great]' from the gruesome convoy. A number of residents fled in terror last week, not long after the town fell into the terror group's hands, while others were ordered into a sports stadium. Their fate is unclear. It is feared ISIS may now try to seize more oil installations in the region, according to Mark Willis at The Sunday Times . The terror group's black flag was raised in Bin Jawad the same day ISIS fighters attacked the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Sidra on January 4. Heavy weapons and suicide bombers, including a 15-year-old boy, were used as part of the assault, which left two storage tanks of crude oil on fire. Bin Jawad is 20 miles from Sidra and 36 miles from Ras Lanuf, leading to concerns the town could be used by ISIS to stage similar attacks. It was captured earlier this month, with hundreds of government workers rounded up by the terrorist group and many families forced out of their homes. One eyewitness who escaped Bin Jawad told The Sunday Times: 'They drove through the town after Friday prayers with men in the back of pick-ups holding severed heads and shouting, " Allahu akbar [God is great]. " Concern: ISIS " s black flag was raised in Bin Jawad the same day its fighters attacked the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Sidra on January 4 (file photo). It is feared the terror group may now try to seize more oil installations.      'I counted three heads.' Other residents were told their homes now 'belonged to Islamic State' and that they had to leave. Most of the 200 local men arrested had worked for security forces or government ministries, with relatives now fearing for their loved ones' safety. ISIS also raided shops, seizing cigarettes and destroying them on a large bonfire. An Egyptian worker was publicly lashed 80 times after being caught smoking on the street, while residents also described similar atrocities being carried out as those witnessed by civilians in ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria. Mail Online 22 января 2016 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


The apostle Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians writes, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers (Eph. 4:29). One day a young man who had recently married came to our church. He said, “I don’t know what’s happened to my wife—she’s become introverted, and doesn’t talk to me at all.” I asked him to bring his wife to church. When the three of us met, and I asked, “What happened?” she didn’t resolve to tell me right away. But then she related: “It was just like always. My husband came home from work, I made dinner, and set the table. He sat on the sofa, looked at me as I ran here and there, then suddenly said, “What a slob you are.” Her husband pronounced the words, then immediately forgot them. But his wife didn’t. “We drive together, and in my head the words are spinning around: “What a slob you are,” the young woman admitted. “We go to pray, and these words are in my head.” Corrupt words can sow a storm of negative emotions in a person’s soul and disrupt the spiritual order in the life of a family. Do you hear the apostle Paul’s call? Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Truly, Christians sometimes allow themselves to say corrupt words. One philologist I know who studies among others things Russian curse words told me that these words are largely of Turkish origin. These are the words that the Mongols shouted when they stormed our fortresses. Soon these words became curse words in the mouths of Russians. But in fact, the Mongols were shouting the names of their gods, their idols, hoping for their help in battle. It is similar, for example, to how Muslims shout, “Allah akbar!” In the Law of God, in the Mosaic Pentateuch is written, Make no mention of the name of other gods (Ex. 23:13). Of course, today many curse words have taken on an entirely specific meaning in our life, and we do not give them the original pagan meaning. But in fact these are like mantras in which pagan gods are summoned. The apostle Paul writes that the gods of the pagans are demons. It is written, But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils (1 Cor. 10:20). Behind every cult of worshipping one or another idol hide the demons. The apostle Paul in his first epistle inspires us, If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God (1 Pet. 4:11). That is, by watching what we say, we ensure ourselves safe passage through the first tollhouse. Because we really will have to answer for every idle word: For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matt. 12:37).


We the Arab Christians say Allah in our Arabic language as a way to identify and address the Creator in our prayers. Is this all about Christ? Was he the one to provoke a religious split in the Holy Land? Christians and Muslims recognize that Jesus Christ had been born, and they are awaiting his second coming, and the judgment day. Jews deny this however, and await their Messiah. We Christians believe that Jesus has already come. We have recently celebrated Christmas as a reminder that Jesus came into this world, that he was born in Bethlehem, and began his road here in the Holy Land for the sake of all mankind, and for the salvation of the world. So as far as we are concerned, Jesus has already come. Jews believe that he hasn’t come yet, and await his coming. This is the main disagreement between Jews and us. We believe that Jesus has already come, whereas they don’t. Despite this fact, we are not at war with Jews. We do not express aggression against Jews or anyone else in the world, despite any differences in our beliefs. We pray for those who disagree with us. When Jesus came into this world he didn’t tell us to hate, ignore, or be at war with one or the other; he didn’t tell us to kill this one or that one. He gave us one very simple instruction: to love one another. When Jesus told us to love one another this love wasn’t conditioned by what a person was like, or what he was doing. If we are indeed true Christians it is our debt to love all people, and to treat them with positivity, and with love. When we see someone who’s sinful, lost, and distant from Allah and from faith, someone who acts wrongly, then it is our duty to pray for him although he might be different from us and our religion. When we have religious disagreements with people we pray that Allah would guide them the right way. Hatred, anger, and accusations of having a wrong faith are not a part of our ethics as Christians. This is the key disagreement and difference between the Jewish religion and ours. The Jewish religion that had existed before Christ is the religion of people who were awaiting Jesus’ coming. Many Jews followed him, yet there were those who didn’t believe in him, and rejected him.


We know that Jesus was persecuted, and so were the early Christians. For instance, Herod the King killed thousands of babies in Bethlehem thinking that Jesus would be among them. The book of the Acts of the Apostles, as well as sacred tradition, talk about numerous instances of persecution of early Christians. Despite that, we see each person who disagrees with us on religion as our brother, our fellow human. Allah created all of us, he gave us life, therefore it is our duty to love each person, and to pray for those who are mistaken or are misunderstanding, so that Allah would guide them the right way. Is that why Christians and Muslims are persecuted? We don’t divide the Palestinian people based on who is Christian and who is Muslim, who is religious and who isn’t, who is left or what party they are a member of. We don’t divide the people based on convictions and religion. For the resistance it doesn’t matter whether they are Muslim or Christian. Regardless of what their political views may be, all Palestinians actively support the idea that the Palestinian people should be able to exercise their rights and achieve their dream. Yes, a number Christians have been killed since 1948 to this day. Some Christians have been driven away from their houses. Some Christian villages have been completely destroyed, and now there’s not a single house or resident there, for example, Al Galil in the Golan Heights. Many churches have been attacked in Jerusalem; there have been attempts to seize their property and lands. There are Christians in Israeli prisons – not as many as Muslims, but there are some. The Christian community is smaller in general, but we have our own martyrs who were killed and prisoners who spent years and years behind bars. Christians suffer under the Israeli occupation just the same as Muslims – the entire Palestinian population suffers under it. They don’t distinguish between us. Are there any special aspects when it comes to Christians living in the Holy Land?


Two Christian Churches in Egypt Attacked By Muslims This Week May 18, 2013 The escalation of Muslim attacks on Christian churches in Egypt continues unabated. This week two attacks were carried out, one in Alexandria and one in Menbal in Upper Egypt—both allegedly prompted by harassment of Muslim women. Yesterday the church of St. Mary, in the Dakhela district, west of Alexandria, was attacked by Molotov cocktails and bricks, causing the gate to burn and the breaking of most of the stained glass windows. One Copt was killed and several injured. According to the official police explanation, the Copt Basem Ramzy Michael was seen by the Muslim Hamada Alloshy, a registered criminal, allegedly extending his body from his balcony to gaze at the flat of Alloshy's sister, who lives on the ground floor. A quarrel broke out and when the church was attacked, hundreds of Copts hurried to the area to defend the church, among whom was 36-year-old Sedky Sherif, a father of three children. According to his nephew Rabah, who was with him at the time of his death, 1000 Copts were present and were attacked by over 20,000 Muslims, who were firing bird shots at them and throwing bricks. While the church was being attacked the Muslims were shouting " Allahu Akbar. " Security forces were sent out to diffuse the situation and disperse the crowd. They made several arrests on both sides. According to the Security report, the Copt " died of fright, " suffering a heart attack after hearing the sound of gun fire. According to his family and those who saw him, his body was full of bruises and marks from bird shots. The family and relatives of Sedky Sherif waited this morning at Kom el Dekka morgue to receive his body and the results of the autopsy. A death certificate was issued quoting cause of death as " under investigation. " Weesa Fawzy from Al-Kalema Human Rights Center said that this was the first time that a death certificate is issued and the cause of death is still under investigation. " Has he been seen by the forensics team or not, so how are they still investigating when the body is already buried? "


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