Whatever the reason, Narnia continues to be read widely by people young and old around the world today, and was recently introduced to a whole new generation through the big screen movie adaptations. " The Chronicles of Narnia has stood the test of time remarkably well, " he said. The talk was followed by a time of discussion during which McGrath noted a resurgence of interest in Lewis. This was partly due to the enduring popularity of Lewis " s writings, he said, but also because of his fascinating personal life, which included the death of his mother as a young boy, the experience of trench warfare during the First World War, and the difficulty of caring for his brother, Warren, an alcoholic, and his companion, Mrs Jane Moore, as she succumbed to dementia towards the end of her life. " People are beginning to realise [Lewis " s life] is very interesting, " said McGrath. " He was a human being who actually had a rough deal in life but still managed to do some great things. " God was able to use Lewis in wonderful ways and that is an encouraging thought. " The festival continued on Friday with a tour around Lewis " s Headington that took in the former home of his wife, Joy Davidman, and the Lewis home, The Kilns. The programme of events includes performances of a new play by Susie Stead, " Through the Wardrobe Door: The Life of CS Lewis " , a Narnia-themed children " s activity day, guided tours of Headington and Holy Trinity Church, and a celebration service on Sunday with guest preacher the Bishop of Oxford, the Right Reverend John Pritchard. The festival has been co-sponsored by The Masons Arms, the local pub frequented by the Lewis brothers, which has created an ale specially for the festival called Jack " s Delight, a reference to the name Lewis preferred over his real name, Clive. One member of the audience, noting Lewis " s aversion to fame and " fuss " , asked McGrath what he thought Lewis would make of a festival in his honour. He quipped: " It " s right to celebrate Lewis because there is so much to celebrate - whether Lewis likes it or not! "


Соч.: Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam. Lipsiae, 1825-1826. 2 vol.; Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem. Lipsiae, 1827-1830. 4 vol.; Commentarii//GGM. T. 2. P. 201-407; Die Normannen in Thessalonike: Die Eroberung von Thessalonike durch die Normannen (1185 n.Chr.)/Hrsg. H. Hunger. Graz; W.; Köln, 1955, 19672; Prooimion zum Pindarkommentar/Hrsg. A. Kambylis. Gött., 1991; The Capture of Thessaloniki/Ed. J. R. Melville-Jones. Canberra, 1988 (рец.: Cheynet J. Cl.//REB. 1990. T. 48. P. 288-289); Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem pertinentes/Ed. M. van der Valk. Leiden, 1995; Introduzione al commentario a Pindaro/Ed. M. Negri. Brescia, 2000; Курц Э. Евстафия Фессалоникийского и Константина Манасси монодии на кончину Никифора Комнина//ВВ. 1910. Т. 17. С. 283-322 [греч. текст]; Памятники визант. лит-ры IX-XIV вв. М., 1969. С. 234-242 [переводы отрывков неск. соч.]. Ист.: Μιχαλ Ακομιντου το Χωνιτου τ σωζμενα/Εκδ. Σ. Λμπρος. Αθναι, 1879. Τ. 1-2; Εθυμου Μαλκη τ σωζμενα/Εκδ. Κ. Μπνης. Αθναι, 1937. Лит.: Spata G. I siciliani in Salonica nell " anno 1185 ovvero «La espugnazione di Tessalonica» narrata dall " arcivescovo Eustazio. Palermo, 1892; Krumbacher. Geschichte. S. 156-157, 536-541; Chalandon. Comnène. Vol. 1. P. 200, 208; Vol. 2. P. 404, 612; Cohn L. Eustathios// Pauly, Wissowa. 1907. Bd. 6/1. S. 1452-1489; Κουκουλς Θ. Λαοϒραφικα εδσεις παρ τ Θεσσαλονκης Εσταθ//ΕΕΒΣ. 1924. Τ. 1. Σ. 10-11; Pritchard J. P. Fragments of the Geography of Strabo in the Commentaries of Eustathius//CPh. 1934. Vol. 29. N 1. P. 63-65; Maas P. Eustathios als Konjekturalkritiker//BZ. 1935. Bd. 35. S. 299-307; 1936. Bd. 36. S. 27-31; idem. Verschiedenes zu Eustathios//Ibid. 1952. Bd. 45. S. 1-3; Colonna. Stor. bizant. P. 45 f.; Beck. Kirche und theol. Literatur. S. 634-636; Wirth P. Das religiöse Leben in Thessalonike unter dem Episkopat des Eustathios im Urteil von Zeitgenossen//OS. 1960. Bd. 9. S. 293-295; idem. Die Flucht des Erzbischofs Eustathios aus Thessalonike//BZ. 1960. Bd. 53.


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