In this vein, Fr. Dmitry Smirnov, chairman of the Patriarchal Commission for Family and Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, noting IVF’s low success rate, terms it “absolutely unacceptable,” in that spare embryos are created and destroyed. He also speaks against surrogacy as “an affront to the human dignity of the hired mother,” and against the practice of donating sperm: “Marriage is a mystery of the two, in which there is no place for a third party.” In this point, Fr. Dimitry follows the Holy Synod’s 2000 document “The Basis of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church,” which states , The Church cannot regard as morally justified the ways to childbirth disagreeable with the design of the Creator of life. If a husband or a wife is sterile and the therapeutic and surgical methods of infertility treatment do not help the spouses, they should humbly accept childlessness as a special calling in life. In these cases, pastoral counsel should consider the adoption of a child by the spouses’ mutual consent. Among the admissible means of medical aid may be an artificial insemination by the husband’s germ cells, since it does not violate the integrity of the marital union and does not differ basically from the natural conception and takes place in the context of marital relations. However, the document goes on to state, “Manipulations involved in the donation of germ cells do violate the integrity of a person and the unique nature of marital relations by allowing of a third party to interfere… The use of donor material undermines the foundations of family relationships, since it presupposes that a child has, in addition to the “social” parents, the so-called biological ones” (XII.4). “In the end, every person, caught in some situation, is faced with the question of what is moral or immoral,” Met. Hilarion concluded. 22 мая 2017 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю:

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When couples look for families with whom they can exchange partners, when a woman is considered backward if she hasn’t been unfaithful to her husband, I think that it’s time to lay the myth of Don Juan to rest. Farewell, Don Juans and Cicciolinas, there is simply no room for you to grow in our era, you are commonplace, you are lost in the crowd and no longer stir any admiration, neither indignation, nor envy. This is because in our society, contrasts are little-by-little melting away. The concepts of good and evil have been intermingled beyond any differentiation. The white half of the Taoist yin and yang seems to have darkened, and no more than a tiny white spot flickers feebly against the black sky of sin. Arthur Rimbaud (1854—1891), a French poet and one of the founders of symbolism, prefiguring surrealism; Eugène Ionesco, a Romanian playwright who wrote in French, and is one of the founders of the theater of the absurd. Hieromonk Savatie (Bastovoi) Translation by 13 ноября 2014 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также How are the Passions Born? Andrei Gorbachev How Are the Passions Born? Andrei Gorbachev “A thousand-mile journey begins with one step,” say the Chinese. So also every passion begins with one thought, which is called prilog, or “suggestion”. This term describes a thought, but also an image, a feeling, a desire, or a state that suddenly arises in the human soul; however that is not to mean all thoughts or states, but only those aimed at separating us from God. Is internet porn to blame for millennials leaving the Church? Is internet porn to blame for millennials leaving the Church? A Christian blogger has argued that a recent study showing an inverse correlation between Internet access and faith, might be due to prevalence and accessibility to pornography. A Christian’s Freedom, the Church’s Freedom, and Religious Freedom Alexei Ilyich Osipov A Christian’s Freedom, the Church’s Freedom, and Religious Freedom Alexei Ilyich Osipov Free will is such an important quality that, when it is lost, the personality becomes completely degraded. But as long as self-awareness is preserved, no one can take authority over this freedom—not another man, nor society, nor laws, nor any regime, nor demons, nor angels, nor even God Himself. Saint Macarius of Egypt (fourth century) said: " You are created in the image and likeness of God; therefore just as God is free and creates what He wants … so are you free. Therefore, our nature is well capable of accepting both good and evil; both God’s grace, and the enemy’s powers. But it cannot be forced. " Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

14 ноября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 50th annivesary celebrations of the repose of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco 50th annivesary celebrations of the repose of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco The procession concluded with praises to St John sung before his uncorrupt relics, at the end of which Metropolitan Hilarion read the prayer to him composed by Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev), who succeeded him on the cathedra of Western America, and who initiated the uncovering of the saint’s relics, which were discovered to be uncorrupt. “The Only Voice with Which Any Orthodox Christian is Entitled to Speak is the Voice of the Church:” A Conversation with Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) Part 1 “The Only Voice with Which Any Orthodox Christian is Entitled to Speak is the Voice of the Church:” A Conversation with Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) Part 1 Jesse Dominick, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) While visiting Moscow during the month of June, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg), rector of the Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies in San Francisco and an Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, visited Sretensky Monastery for an interview with This is the first part of our interview with Father Irenei, which focuses on the nature of the human person and several of the challenges facing modern society. " I Give Thanks to the Lord: " An Interview with Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan " I Give Thanks to the Lord: " An Interview with Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan I always desired to serve in church or in a monastery, but I had no idea where or how. Most important for me was to help people and pass along what I had received from others. Simply put, I always relied on the will of God. And the Lord led me. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна

305       В своем Insight Бернард Лонерган выражает очень похожую на мысль Геринга идею подлинного общества, основанного на фундаментальных ценностях взаимного уважения, справедливости и милосердия, характеризующегося общим стремлением к позитивной трансформации и освобождению от социального греха. Космополис, как Лонерган называет такое общество, «не является груп­пой, осуждающей другие группы, это не сверхдержава правящего государства, это не организация, которая регистрирует участников, не академия, которая поддерживает мнение, не суд, который применяет правовой кодекс. [...] Это из­мерение сознания, возвышенное понимание исторического происхождения, открытие исторической ответственности»; B.J. Lonergan, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, New York: Longmans, 1957, c. 266. 306 B. Häring, Morality is for Persons: The Ethics of Christian Personalism, London: Vision, 1971, c. 81. 307 R.J. Smith, Conscience and Catholicism: the Nature and Function of Conscience in Contempo­rary Roman Catholic Moral Theology, Lanham – New York – Oxford: University Press of America, 1998, c. 84; B. Häring, Free and Faithful in Christ, T. I, c. 265–283. 308       GS, § 48; В. Häring, Marriage in the Modem World, Westminster, MD: The Newman Press, 1966, c. 71–87. 311       Идея «сознательного родительства» была предложена еще папой Пием XII в 1951 г. и получила дальнейшее развитие на Втором ватиканском соборе, см. GS § 50–51. 313 Убеждение, что медицина должна быть целостной, было принято некоторыми учеными как утопическое, так как оно выталкивает цели медицины за пределы того, что было традиционно принято за разумные рамки медицины, см. P. Schotsman, «Personalism in Medical Ethics», в Ethical Perspectives 6 (1999), no. 1, c. 10–20; B. Soane, «The Literature of Medical Ethics»: Bernard Häring, в Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (1977), c. 85–92. 317 Такое заявление нуждается в более подробном объяснении того, что имеется в виду под свободой. Случаи, когда свобода пациента угрожает жизни общества, должны интерпретироваться с четкостью понятия, с учетом не только характе­ристик человеческой личности, но прежде всего принципов пропорционально­сти и общего блага.

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450 Такое понимание прямо дается признанием род. падежа за указание на источник, как это утверждает, например Rev. Prof. Joseph Agar Beet в «The Expositor» 1898, IV, p. 281: «the genitive of God describes the source of this righteousness, as given by God, in contrast to a righteousness earned by human effert». Ср. его же Difficult Passages in Romans. 4. Death of Christ в «The Expositor» 1898, V, p. 372: «The justice or righteousness of God is the divine attribute underlying the sequence of sin and punishment», и в этом смысле «St. Paul traced to an essential element of the nature of God, viz. His justice» (р. 374–375). Так и W. Beyschlag в Neutestamentl. Theologie II, S. 183. 451 Cp. G.H. Schnedermann, De fidei notione ethica Paulina commentatio biblico-theologica, Lipsiae 1880, p. 26. 453 Значит, уже при самом своем возникновении вера предполагает нравственный подвиг в человеке, почему, «исключая сомооправдание, но не нравственную самодеятельность» (Die Lehre des Apostels Paulus von Prof. D. Wilh. Schmidt, Gutersloh 1898, S. 28), «der Glaube nicht eine Sache ist, die man bei übrigens unveränderter Gesinnung haben oder ubernehmen kann, sondern dazu eine grundsätzliche Umkehr der ganzen Grund – und Willensrichtung unerlasslich ist» (ibid., S. 59 и ср. 29 Anm.). В этом смысле «der Glaube... ist der sittlich bedingte Glaube» (S. 101) и не согласуется с понятием о «приговоре Божием, оправдывающем в противоречие внутреннему настроению судимого» (S. 28:1). «Damit ist ausgeschlossen, dass die paulinische Theologie eine Rechtfertigung aus Gott, ein δικαιον, kennt, welches ohne Rücksicht auf die wirkliche Herzensstellung des Menschen oder gar im direkten Widerspruch mit ihr in einem lediglich forensichen Akt, das will sagen, einem von dem inneren Sachverhalt unabhängigen Gottesurteil bestehe» (S. 94). Вообще «wird es evident, dass das Christenwerden dem Apostel keineswegs ohne einen wirklichen Wandel des Herzens vonstatten geht und zustande kommt, sowie, dass es sich bei der Erlösung ganz und gar nicht bloss um einen juridisch-forensischen. Akt des Gottesurteils ohne einen ihm entsprechenden Stand des Herzens des Gläubigen handelt; m. a. W. der grundsätzlich ethische Charakter des Christentums» (S. 103 и ср. сноску 456: «С этой точки зрения более правильно...» и сноску 471: «К тому же результату пришел и Rev...»).

Evangelos Chourmouzis 7 марта 2017, 07:00 What about stop judging them? What about stop writing articles regarding their not normal nature? What about accepting them and leave the judgement to the only authorized which is God? You are comparing the free will of two adults( homosexuals) with sex between people who have free will and not (children) and between human and animals (again they don " t have free will). I am Greek so I know the situation of the Orthodox Church very well. It " s exactly the opposite of what Christ taught. He said don " t judge and we judge, he said accept everyone and we accept almost no one. Very recently, on TV, a very famous Greek bishop declared that child homosexuality is an illness (they were talking about homosexual children committing suiside because of bullying) and that media is driven by the Jewish lobby. Anger, hatred and intolerance. This is the Orthodox Church of the 21st century. Congratulations J Clivas 28 июня 2015, 02:00 If male homosexuals are looking for fathers, wouldn " t you expect to see more black male homosexuals than you do? In many black households the father is rarely if ever seen; the boys are raised by mothers and grandmothers. Seble 19 апреля 2014, 21:00 Great article! Articles like this should be written more frequently on contemporary issues that is plaguing the world. Many young Christians, myself included, are looking for answers on how to approach issues like this, especially when in dialogue with other people that may or may not be partaking in this experience. Thank you for sharing this with us! Sasa Milosevic 27 ноября 2013, 05:00 Dr Pappas concludes that gay people are more depressed than heterosexuals are, but she doesn " t reveal the real reasons of such statistics. " American Journal of Epidemiology found 12-month prevalence rates for major depressive disorder (MDD) were 10.3 percent for gay men, compared to 7.2 percent for heterosexual men. Another 21-year study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry in 1999 found lifetime prevalence rates of MDD among gay, lesbian and bisexual people were 71.4 percent, compared to 38.2 percent among heterosexuals. " Minority stress, " which includes social stigma, prejudice, hiding one " s identity, internalized homophobia, and expectations of rejection play a major role in the higher rates of depression in the gay community. How to Help Because much of the depression among those in the LGBT community can be traced to adolescence, it is important for parents to foster healthy, positive, and supportive environments for their LGBT child. Parents should be willing to talk openly with their teen about any problems he is having at home or at school and be watchful of signs of bullying or violence... "

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