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Календарь Материалы 4 июня 2015 г. [Встреча с Православием/Апологетика] Иерей Станислав Распутин, в прошлом член «Армии спасения», о том, могут ли символы утолить духовную жажду, чем собрание добрых людей отличается от Церкви и миссии как естественной потребности верующего. [Встреча с Православием/Жизнь Церкви] Диакон Павел Сержантов Чередной (дежурный) священник, духовник, старец… Как и чем помогают они на различных ступенях духовного восхождения христианина? [Интернет-журнал/Книжная закладка] Протоиерей Александр Авдюгин История о том, как покаяние размягчает сердце обиженного и как болит это сердце от сорвавшегося «поганого слова». Евгений Перевалов Редакция журнала «Вода живая» сердечно поздравляет высокопреосвященнейшего митрополита Санкт-Петербургского и Ладожского Варсонофия с 60-летием! Уже больше года владыка Варсонофий управляет Санкт-Петербургской митрополией. Все, кто трудятся в епархиальном управлении и служат в храмах, которые уже успел посетить митрополит, постепенно привыкают к почерку и стилю его работы и служения. English Edition [Churches and Monasteries] Archpriest Andrew Phillips Archpriest Andrew Phillips of the Russian Church Abroad in Colchester, England, is making an appeal for support in the building of an Orthodox church in Norwich. He explains why... [News] The results of Poland’s latest presidential election were met with great cheer by the nation’s conservatives but with skepticism by the broader EU community outside the strongly conservative Poland. [News] “Termination of a human life can no longer be a collective sin of the Russian society, jointly paid for by all taxpayers. A person intending to commit such an act must not expect any material support from fellow citizens,” the statement of the World Russian People’s Council, received on Wednesday by Interfax-Religion, reads. [News] In 2014 the Russian Federation’s President Vladimir Putin proposed to examine a possibility of restoration of the Chudov Monastery and the Ascension Convent that was blown up in 1929-1930.


Everyday Heroes: An Interview with Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Архимандрит Тихон (Шевкунов) In his address to the Federal Assembly [on December 12, 2012.—Trans.], President Vladimir Putin stated: “It is painful for me to say this, but I must say it: Russian society is experiencing an evident deficit of spiritual bonds.” The dissociation between “fathers and sons,” the lack of understanding among people even of the same generation, and sometimes also the loss of Russia’s traditional moral values… Until this year we hadn’t hear anything like this from the leaders of our government. Whether we like it or not, after the Soviet period with its coercive ideology, we hurled ourselves, as usual, in the opposite direction: in this case, towards complete ideological confusion and ambiguity of meaning and purpose. While maintaining every aversion to coercive ideology, more and more people are gradually coming to the conclusion that the opposite extreme, a completely de-ideologized state, is spiritually weak and simply unsustainable. So what instead? A new ideology? That’s just what I wouldn’t want at all: an ideology labored over behind desks and obligatory for all. Fortunately, however, in the realm of human convictions and worldviews there are things that are much more significant and effective than any ideology.    For example? Eternal values. For people today that sounds a little too passionate. Perhaps it might be better to say “core values”? That’s what people today say should be actively cultivated when talking about Russia’s youth policy.          And may I ask which “core values” are most in demand among young people today? We know this from numerous opinion polls. Health comes first, then quality of life and family, then money and material goods. Security. The ability to find lucrative, interesting work. Then friends. And, finally, love for the Motherland. Well, if these are indeed the principles values of today’s young people, then our position really is worse than can be imagined. After all, if we translate this hierarchy of values from the language of sociology into Russian, this is what we hear: “Guarantee me a quality education, lucrative work, security, decent housing, and everything needed for good health—and then my friends and I will love the Motherland.”


Archive Bishop Antonije of Moravica is highly decorated by the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian government 24 July 2020 year 11:48 On 23 July 2020, Bishop Antonije of Moravica, representative of the Patriarch of Serbia to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and dean of the Representation of the Serbian Patriarchate in Moscow celebrated his 50th birthday. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent a congratulatory message to him with wishes of the abundance of spiritual gifts, good health and God’ inexhaustible aid for many years of peaceful and blessed archpastoral ministry. His Holiness honored Bishop Antonije with the Order of St. Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow, 3rd class, and will present it later. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an ordinance awarding Bishop Antonije of Moravica with the Order of Friendship ‘for his great contribution to the development of spiritual and cultural ties and educational activity.’ On July 23, Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, deputy chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), congratulated Bishop Antonije with his 50th birthday and the 14th anniversary of his episcopal ministry on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, DECR chairman. In his congratulatory speech delivered at the Church of Ss Peter and Paul, the Moscow Representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Nikolai gave a high appraisal of the work of Bishop Antonije as the head of the Representation and noted an outstanding personal contribution of Bishop Antonije to the deepening of mutual understanding and strengthening of cooperation between the Russian and Serbian Churches. Metropolitan Hilarion visited the Representation on July 12, its dedication day. While congratulating Bishop Antonije with his upcoming anniversary, he underscored that the larger part of His Grace’s life has been linked with the Russian Orthodox Church. ‘You have become a good and dear friend of our faithful. Within the walls of the Monastery of St. Sergius you have loved the Russian liturgical tradition, the Russian language and culture. The knowledge you have acquired at the Moscow Theological Academy helped you in reviving traditions of the Serbian-Russian friendship established before the Revolution. Your fatherly care for the Serbian diaspora in the countries of the canonical territory of the Moscow Patriarchate and your tireless efforts taken for the development of relations between our Churches have wrote a new page to the common history of our nations of the same faith,’ said Metropolitan Hilarion and honored Bishop Antonije with the DECR award – the medal of St. Mark of Ephesus, 1st class. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Share the post " Bishop Antonije of Moravica is highly decorated by the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian government " Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Renovation of Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem will cost 20 million Jerusalem, February 19, 2014 Italian specialists are working on renovating the roof and stained-glass panels of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is located over the cave where, according to the legend, Christ was born. The work may take from four to five years. The total cost of the renovation is estimated at million. The committee on the renovation of the church is headed by Ziyad al-Bandak, an adviser to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Christians " affairs, the press service for the Jerusalem department of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society has reported. " Our task is save everything that can be saved, for example, the main pylons of the central nave. We believe 80-90% of the roof can be restored, " Marcello Piacenti of Italy, project manager on the renovation of the roof of the basilica, said. The rest of the timber (300-400-year-old timber of the same color and density as the existing beams) has already been delivered from Italy. The beams will be coated with water-repellent and anti-fungal substances and will be packed in waterproof felt, and waterproof felt will also be put between the roof leaves and wooden structures to protect them from water and heat. The first stage of the renovation of the roof should be completed by September. Crusade-era mosaic, medieval frescos, external facades, and other parts of the basilica will then be renovated. Ziyad al-Bandak said the cost of the roof renovation is covered by Palestinian sources by more than 50%. The rest is covered by donations from the Vatican, Hungary, France, Greece, and Russia. Russia is actively involvement in the development of Bethlehem. In 2012, the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society built a culture center, where the Russian Science and Culture Center is now located. In March 2013, Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society Director Sergey Stepashin took part in the ceremony for laying down the foundation of a school, whose construction is financed by Russia and where the Russian language will be taught. The school will open its doors to students this year. Not far from these facilities, private Russian investors are building three buildings of a culture and business center with large sports grounds. The street where this center is located was named after Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia also plans to finance the historical square around the Basilica of the Nativity. The basilica is the main tourist attraction of Palestine. It is visited by some two million people every year. In June 2012, the basilica was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. It was built in the 4th century on the orders of Roman Emperor Constantine and was restored after burning down in a fire in the 6th century. 24 февраля 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Catalina 11 марта 2014, 04:00 Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Pope Francis And Vladimir Putin Discuss Catholic-Orthodox Relations And Kiss Madonna Icon At Vatican VATICAN CITY (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin showed off his religious side during a visit Monday to the Vatican, stopping to cross himself and kiss an icon of the Madonna that he gave to Pope Francis. But Moscow’s improving relations with the Vatican went only so far: Putin didn’t invite Francis to visit. Photo: RIA Novosti. Mikhail Klimentiev The Vatican said Monday that ecumenical relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches weren’t really discussed during the 35-minute discussion between Putin and Francis in the pope’s private library, though Putin brought greetings from Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. Rather, the discussions between Putin and the pope, and then Putin and the Vatican’s top diplomats, focused on Syria and the role of Christianity in society. Putin thanked Francis for his September letter to the Group of 20 meeting in St. Petersburg, in which Francis urged world leaders to abandon the “futile pursuit” of a military solution in Syria and lamented that one-sided interests had prevented a diplomatic end to the conflict. Francis mobilized hundreds of thousands of people around the globe to participate in a daylong fast and prayer for peace, as the U.S. threatened military strikes following an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack near Damascus. Moscow opposed military intervention as well. Francis gave Putin a ceramic mosaic of the Vatican gardens, and Putin presented Francis with an image of the icon of the Madonna of Vladimir, an important religious icon for the Russian Orthodox faithful. After they exchanged the gifts, Putin asked Francis if he liked the icon, and Francis said he did. Putin then crossed himself and kissed the image, and Francis followed suit. The Argentine pope is particularly devoted to Marian icons. Long-running tensions in Russia between Orthodox faithful and Catholics in Russia prevented Pope Benedict XVI and before him Pope John Paul II from achieving their long-sought dreams of a Russian pilgrimage and meeting with the Russian patriarch. Recently officials have floated the idea of a meeting in a third country, but the Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said ecumenical issues weren’t discussed Monday.


Putin Denies Sending Russian Troops to Crimea MOSCOW, March 4 (RIA Novosti) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that his country has not deployed any troops in Crimea recently and has no plans to annex the peninsula. President Vladimir Putin (right) facing journalists at the Novo-Ogaryovo residence to answer questions concerning the situation in Ukraine, March 4, 2014. Ukrainian officials and media have claimed in recent days that clandestine Russian army troops without insignias were deployed in the southeastern Ukrainian region, which has a majority ethnic Russian population. When asked about the identity of the troops, Putin told a press conference that they are “local militias.” They are wearing Russian-style fatigues because such attire is available in army shops across the former Soviet Union, Putin said. Putin said, however, that up to 22,000 Ukrainian army troops with heavy military equipment are now under the control of local militias. Ukrainian authorities earlier denied any mass desertions in Crimea-based army units. Russia’s Black Sea Fleet is based in Crimea, with a bilateral deal authorizing deployment of up to 25,000 Russian troops at the fleet’s bases. Russia has denied that the fleet’s troops are involved in the standoff. Official Moscow said earlier that it was ready to launch an invasion in Crimea and other predominantly Russian-speaking regions in eastern Ukraine to protect locals from the threat of nationalist violence in the wake of last month’s revolution in Kiev, which was spearheaded by Ukrainian nationalist groups. Speaking about a possible annexation of Crimea, Putin said it is up to the local population to decide. “I believe only residents of a territory can and should decide their own future, provided they have safety and freedom of vote,” Putin said. Crimean authorities have announced plans to hold a referendum on the peninsula’s status later this month. The majority of the local residents are Russian speakers who support close ties to Moscow, though not necessarily secession from Ukraine.


President Putin Venerates Shrines in Jerusalem and Bethlehem President Putin venerates the Stone of the Anointing During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre. At the church entrance, the head of the Russian State was welcomed by His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine, together with members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre. Among the welcoming party were also Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s office for institutions abroad, Archimandrite Isidore (Minaev), head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, as well as his deputy, Hegumen Feofan (Lukyanov) and secretary of the Mission, Hieromonk Anthony (Gutnik). Entering the church, Vladimir Putin kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud. After that the president was taken to the Kuvuklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour. Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross. President Putin presented Patriarch Theophilos with an icon of the Saviour. In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5 th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born. In the church the head of the Russian State was welcomed by Archbishop Theophylactos of Jordan (Patriarchate of Jerusalem), who told him the story of the basilica. Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters. The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.


The Russian side in this historic debate, in turn, places the emphasis on state succession. The Vladimir and Muscovite principalities were able to preserve this, eventually creating the centralized Russian state with its capital in Moscow. Meanwhile, Kiev lost its statehood for many centuries. An independent state on Ukrainian soil did not emerge again until 1991. Vladimir in Moscow: Lying, sitting and standing The political and historical battles over the new monument were not limited to statements of officials, but predictably spread to social networks. Those who supported Poroshenko emphasized that the prince of Kiev’s ties to the current capital of Russia were tenuous at best. " What does Prince Vladimir have to do with Moscow? " wondered Facebook user Mikhail V. Petrov. He also cited another popular argument of supporters of Rus-Ukraine: The coat of arms of Vladimir depicted a trident, which is the modern emblem of Ukraine. Those who do not agree with the Ukrainian president, like, for example, Facebook user Valentyna Volkova, point out that Vladimir called himself Prince of All Russia, not mentioning Ukraine, which is a more recent term. Others, like Alex Korobov, said that originally Vladimir was a prince in Novgorod (which is difficult to somehow connect with present-day Ukraine), and only later ruled in Kiev. However, some chose to adopt a more humorous interpretation – Facebook user Andrei Lukachev made a tongue-in-cheek comment to the effect that the statue of Vladimir had completed a Moscow trio along with Russian President Vladimir Putin and founder of the USSR Vladimir Lenin. " As the saying goes, we now have a lying Vladimir, a sitting Vladimir and a standing Vladimir in the center of Moscow! Like it or not, but Vladimir is the fate of Russia, " wrote Lukachev. Prince Vladimir is honored by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint and described as equal to the apostles for his special efforts in spreading the Christian faith. The prince, who ruled at the end of the 10th century in Kiev, and before that in Novgorod, is widely revered in Russia. During his reign, the ancient Russian state, Kievan Rus, significantly strengthened, expanded and adopted Byzantine Christianity as the state religion.


Putin Re-Building Destroyed Kremlin Church and Monasteries Moscow, August 1, 2014 The Chudov Monastery      Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for two monasteries and a church that were demolished during Soviet times to be rebuilt in the Kremlin, reports Charisma News. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for the Chudov (“of the Miracle”) and Voznesensky (Ascension) monasteries and a church that were demolished during Soviet times to be rebuilt in the Kremlin, the ancient fortified center of Moscow. The Chudov Monastery, long a center of book translation and learning, was built in 1358 and dedicated to the miracle (hence the name) of the Archangel Michael at Chonae. The Ascension Convent was founded in 1389 by Prince Dimitri Donskoy’s widow, Eudoxia. The Ascension Convent      At a meeting on Thursday with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and top administrators of the Kremlin site, Putin said his plan would involve tearing down a building used for administrative purposes to restore the site " s " historic appearance. " The monasteries and the church were torn down in 1929-30, a time of religious persecution under the rule of Communist dictator Josef Stalin, to make space for an administrative building. Putin’s re-building plan would reverse this damage. Putin gave no indication of the cost of construction. The Moscow Kremlin is much more than the home of the president " s office and his administration—it is the ancient historic and spiritual center of the city. In it is the famous Assumption (Uspensky) Cathedral where all the Tsars from Ivan IV to Nicholas II were crowned, as well as other ancient spiritual and cultural landmarks. It is often known as “the heart of Russia.” " Here is the idea ... to restore the historic appearance of the place with two monasteries and a church, but giving them, considering today " s realities, an exclusively cultural character, " the Kremlin " s website quoted Putin as saying.      UNESCO World Heritage Site Putin said the plan hinged on winning the support of the Russian public and UNESCO, the United Nations " cultural agency. The Kremlin, built between the 14th and 17th centuries, is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site.


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