Gregory of Nyssa, Vita  Moysis , II, §§243-244, pp.117-118 [ GNO,7.1, 118]. See also On Perfection, p.379 [ GNO,8.1, 213-214]. The idea’s origin is in Jewish Apocalyptic literature (II. Enoch 33: 1-2; cf. 28:5—although this may be a Christian interpolation, as is argued by Jean Daniélou ( The Bible and Liturgy, No translator listed (London:  Darton, Longman & Todd, 1951, 1960), p.256)) where 7 ages of 1000 years are followed by an eighth 1000 year Messianic age without end (‘1000’ is a purely symbolic number pointing to perfection). For it was one eternal day outside of the ordinary time scheme of 7 days as well as simultaneously being the first day following the Sabbath. The Epistle of Barnabas in The Didache, The Epistle of Barnabas [etc.], trans and ed. James A. Kleist, ACW. No. 6 (Westminster Maryland/London: Newman Press, Longmans, Green and Co., 1961), 15:8-9, pp.27-65 at 59-60; All of the numerous texts on the octave are given in Jean Daniélou’s The Bible and Liturgy, pp.255ff.. Ep. 55, 13, 23, Letters 1-99, The Works of Saint Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century, Part II: Letters, Volume 1: Letters 1-99, trans. and ed. Roland Teske and John E. Rotelle (Hyde Park, New York: New City Press, 2001), pp.215-236 at 227. Комментарии ( 0): Написать комментарий: Правила о комментариях Все комментарии премодерируются. Не допускаются комментарии бессодержательные, оскорбительного тона, не имеющие своей целью плодотворное развитие дискуссии. Обьём комментария не должен превышать 2000 знаков. Републикация материалов в комментариях не допускается. Просим читателей обратить внимание на то, что редакция, будучи ограничена по составу, не имеет возможности сканировать и рассылать статьи, библиограммы которых размещены в росписи статей. Более того, большинство этих статей защищены авторским правом. На просьбу выслать ту или иную статью редакция отвечать не будет. Вместе с тем мы готовы рассмотреть вопрос о взаимном сотрудничестве, если таковые предложения поступят. Прим.: Адрес электронной почты опубликован не будет и будет виден лишь модераторам.

Let us also remember that the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force (Mt. 11:12). We must never cease our efforts to warm our souls in the prayers and services of our Church, and not seek an easy, efficient way to the Kingdom of Heaven. The siren song of earthly logic and practicality has always lured Christians out of the warmth of the Church into the coldness of faithlessness and unbelief. Many have perished in that barren cold. May we reach ever higher, and delve ever deeper into the beauty, wealth, and live-giving significance of our sacred Orthodox services. Nun Cornelia (Rees) 1 июля 2011 г. ... Collected Letters of Holy Hierarch Theophan (Moscow, 1898), 2nd ed., pp. 142–144. Letter 289. Resolution " On Orthodox mission in the modern world "http://Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, November 29–December 2, 1994, Moscow. Documents and reports (Moscow 1995), 176–177. Resolution of the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2000, " On matters of the internal life and external activity of the Russian Orthodox Church, " 12. The document lists some examples of this. We will not translate them all here, but one example is: напрасно судия приидет → внезапу судия придет— " suddenly the judge shall come " . Напрасно in modern Russian means " in vain, " or " to no avail. " Letter to priest Joseph Potapov dated May 4, 1955//Prayer will save you. Material for the Life of St. Athanasius, Bishop of Kovrov (Moscow: PSTBI, 2000), 406. Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, November 29–December 2, 1994, Moscow. Documents and reports (Moscow, 1995), 82. Комментарии ;lkjasd;fklask sdpo[ije 1 мая 2014, 06:00 Is this article -- How is Our Stomach Connected With Our Life, or, Should the Church Slavonic Texts be Revised? -- (1/7/2011) actually translated by Nun Cornelia (Rees)? I am especially interested in her St Theophan quote (footnote 1) and would like to give accurate accreditation for the source ( and published text (Russian and/or English), if available) and translator. Thanks for your help.

Материал из Православной Энциклопедии под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла ДАЛЬТОН Дальтон [Долтон, англ. Dalton] Ормонд Мэддок (1866-1945), англ. искусствовед-ориенталист, специалист по раннехрист. и визант. древностям 1-й пол. ХХ в. Сотрудник Отдела британских и средневек. древностей и этнографии Британского музея . Один из первых исследователей эллинистических древностей Ср. Азии (Амударьинский клад III в. до Р. Х.). Основной интерес Д. лежал в области раннехрист., визант. и раннесредневек. искусства. Работая как переводчик, Д. подготовил к публикации с комментариями письма Сидония и труды св. Григория Турского. Д. составил ряд каталогов древностей Британского музея (в т. ч. слоновой кости, эмалей, гемм), а также обзоры восточнохрист. древностей; автор специальной лекции по христ. искусству Британских о-вов (издана в приложении к циклу лекций Й. Стржиговского о происхождении раннехристианского искусства). Изд.: Sidonius Apollinaris. Letters: Transl. with introd. and notes. Oxf., 1915. 2 vol.; Josef Strzygowski. Origin of Christian Church Art: New Facts and Principles of Research: Transl. from the German. Oxf., 1923; Gregory of Tours. History of the Franks: Transl. with an introd. Oxf., 1927. 2 vol. Соч.: Antiquities from the City of Benin and from Other Parts of West Africa in the British Museum. L., 1899 (совм. с Ch. H. Read); Cat. of Early Christian Antiquities and Objects from the Christian East in the Dep. of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography [DBMAE] of the British Museum. L., 1901; А Guide to the Early Christian and Byzantine Antiquities in the DBMAE. L., 1903; Cat. of the Ivory Carvings of the Christian Era with Examples of Mohammedan Art and Carvings in Bone in the DBMAE of of the British Museum. L., 1909; Byzant. Art and Archeology. Oxf., 1911; Franks Bequesm. L., 1912; Cat. of the Mediaeval Ivories. Camb., 1912; Byzant. Enamels in Mr. P. Morgan " s Collection/With a note by R. Fry. L., 1912; Cat. of the Engraved Gems of the Post-classical Periods in the DBMAE in the British Museum. L., 1915; East Christian Art: A Survey of the Monuments. Oxf., 1925. N. Y., 1975r; The Treasure of the Oxus: With Other Examples of Early Oriental Metal-work. L., 1926, 19643; Sir H. Read: 1857-1929. L., 1930; Byzant. Art and Archeology. N. Y., 1961. Л. А. Б. Рубрики: Ключевые слова: АЛЛЯЦИЙ Лев (1586 или 1588-1669), греч. эллинист и эрудит, один из основателей византиноведения, католич. богослов

СП – русский Синодальный перевод Библии ЕК – перевод Священного Писания Нового Завета, выполненный епископом Кассианом (Безобразовым) NJBS – The New Jerome Biblical Commentary ed. by R. E. Brown and others. New Jersey, 1994. TOB – Traduction Oeumenique de la Bible (TOB). Paris. 1988. Французский перевод Библии с комментариями. BJ – La Bible de Jerusalem. Paris. 1977. Французский перевод Библии с комментариями. BAR – The Biblical Archaeology Review. Журнал Библейско-археологического общества (США). LXX – греческих перевод Семидесяти толковников (Септуагинта). ПРИ СОСТАВЛЕНИИ КУРСА БЫЛИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНЫ СЛЕДУЮЩИЕ ТРУДЫ И ПОСОБИЯ: Barrett C.K. The New Testament Background. Batey A. Sepphoris: An Urban Portrait of Jesus.//BAR. 1992. V. 18. Brown R. An Introduction to the New Testament. Doubleday. 1997. Brown R. John, The Gospel of//The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Ed. by D. N. Freedman. Doubleday. 1992. Brown R. The Gospel According to John. V. I-II . N. Y. First published 1966. Brown R. The Death of the Messiah. Doubleday. 1994. Charpentier E. Pour lire l’Ancien Testament. Paris. 1981. Charpentier E. Pour lire le Nouveau Testament. Paris. 1981. Collins J.J. Daniel with an Introduction to Apocaliptic Literature. Michigan. 1989. Cronk G. The Message of the Bible. N.Y. 1982. DeVries L.F. Cities of the Biblical World. USA. 1998. Dunn J. Jesus Remembered. Christianity in the Making. 2003. Dunn J. The Pauline Letters.//The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation ed. by J. Barton. Cambridge. 1998. Fitzmyer J.A. Did Jesus Speak Greek?//BAR. 1992. V. 18. 5. Johnson Marshall D. The Purpose of the Biblical Genealo­gies with Special Reference to the Setting of the Genealogies of Jesus. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press. 1988. Judas, Epistle of.//The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Ed. by D. N. Freedman. Doubleday. 1992 Keall E. D. Brother of Jesus Ossuary. New Tests Bolster Case for Authenticity.//BAR. 2003. V. 29. 4. Kummel W.G. Introduction to the New Testament. 17th ed. Nashville. 1993.

Papal Letters in the Early Middle Ages. Wash., 2001; Mart í n de Agar J. T. Introducción al derecho canónico. Madrid, 2001; Bertram M. Die Dekretalen Gregors XI.: Kompilation oder Kodifikation?//Magister Raimundus: Atti d. Conv. per il IV centenario d. canonizzazione di S. Raimondo de Penyafort (1601-2001). R., 2002. P. 61-86; Hess H. The Early Development of Canon Law and the Council of Serdica. Oxf.; N. Y., 2002; Казбекова Е. В. Вклад Иннокентия IV в развитие канонического права XIII в.: (На мат-ле Новелл)//СВ. 2003. Вып. 64. С. 105-126; она же. Новеллы папы Иннокентия IV (1243-1254) и их воздействие на каноническое право: Канд. дис./ИВИ РАН. М., 2004; Murano G. Opere diffuse per Exemplar e Pecia. Turnhout, 2005; Сутермер Ф. Exemplar и pecia: Производство юридических книг в Болонье в XIII-XIV вв.//СВ. 2006. Вып. 67. С. 74-115; Ferme B. E. Introduction to the History of the Sources of Canon Law: The Ancient Law Up to the Decretum of Gratian. Montréal, 2007; Hervada J. Introduction to the Study of Canon Law. Montréal, 2007; Radding Ch., Ciaralli A. The Corpus Iuris Civilis in the Middle Ages: Manuscripts and Transmission from the 6th Cent. to the Juristic Revival. Leiden, 2007; Полдников Д. Ю. Договорные теории глоссаторов. М., 2008; он же. Договорные теории классического ius commune (XIII-XVI вв.). М., 2011; The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140-1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX/Ed. W. Hartmann, K. Pennington. Wash., 2008; Rolker Ch. Canon Law and the Letters of Ivo of Chartres. Camb., 2010; Moreau D. Non impar conciliorum extat auctoritas: L " origine de l " introduction des lettres pontificales dans le droit canonique//L " étude des correspondances dans le monde romain: De l " Antiquité classique à l " Antiquité tardive: Permanences et mutations: Actes du XXXe Colloque intern. de Lille, 20-22 nov. 2008/Éd. J. Desmulliez et al. Lille, 2011. P. 487-506. Е. В. Казбекова, А. А. Королёв, В. В. Тюшагин Рубрики: Ключевые слова: ЕПИСКОПАЛЬНАЯ СИСТЕМА церковный строй, при к-ром ключевое положение в церковном законодательстве, управлении и суде занимают епископы и соборы епископов АДВОКАТ должность, предполагающая осуществление нек-рых властных полномочий и представительство сторон в суде ЕПИСКОПСКИЕ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ постоянный коллегиальный орган власти в Римско-католической Церкви, объединяющий епископов отдельной страны или определенной территории ЕРЕСЬ [греч. - выбор, направление, учение, школа], ошибочное учение, искажающее фундаментальные основы христ. веры

“P.Vindob. G 42417(=P116): Codex Fragment of the Epistle to the Hebrews 2:9-11 & 3:3-6 Reconsidered” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 171 (2009) 65-69. “P.Mich.inv. 1568v: Fragmentary Report of Proceedings in Red Ink from Late Second Century AD Oxyrhynchus” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 46 (2009) 23-29. “A Note on the Meaning of the Term monokti,st(hj)” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 166 (2008) 22. “Reconsidering the Dates of Three Christian Letters: P.Oxy. XVIII 2193, 2194, P.Köln IV 200 and a Reference in the Historia monachorum in Aegypto” Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 54.2 (2008) 219-222. “Petition to a Beneficiarius from Late Third Century A.D. Oxyrhynchus” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 165 (2008) 186-190. “Social Banditry? Galilean Banditry from Herod until the Outbreak of the First Jewish Revolt” Scripta Classica Israelica 27 (2008) 35-53. “Beware of Bandits! Banditry and Land Travel in the Roman Empire” Journeys. The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 8.1 (2008) 1-20. “P.Vindob. G 26079: A Parchment Codex Fragment of LXX Ecclesiastes 1:14-17” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 44 (2007) 23-26. “A Jew in Celsus’ True Doctrine? An Examination of Jewish Anti-Christian Polemic in the Second Century C.E.” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 36.2 (2007) 297-315. With the discovery of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri just over a century ago a number of important texts directly relating to ancient Christianity have come to light. While certain literary texts have received considerable attention in scholarship by comparison the documentary evidence relating to Christianity has received far less attention and remains rather obscure. To help redress this imbalance, and to lend some context to the Christian literary materials, this book examines the extant Christian epistolary remains from Oxyrhynchus between the third and seventh centuries CE. Другие публикации на портале:

P. 62-63; ср. ст. Апокатастасис ). Соч.: False Witnesses Answered. Boston, 1835; A Sermon on the Principles and Methods of the Church of the Disciples. Boston, 1846; The Rendition of Anthony Burns: Its Causes and Consequences: A Discourse on Christian Politics, Delivered in Williams Hall, Boston, on Whitsunday, June 4, 1854. Boston, 1854; Orthodoxy: Its Truths and Errors. Boston; N. Y., 1866; Steps of Belief: Or, Rational Christianity Maintained against Atheism, Free Religion, and Romanism. Boston, 1870; Ten Great Religions: An Essay in Comparative Theology. Boston, 1872; Anti-Slavery Days: A Sketch of the Struggle Which Ended in the Abolition of Slavery in the United States. N. Y., 1883; Ten Great Religions: Part 2: A Comparison of All Religions. Boston; N. Y., 1883; Manual of Unitarian Belief. Boston, 1884; The Five Points of Calvinism the Five Points of the New Theology//Vexed Questions in Theology. 1886. P. 9-18; Vexed Questions in Theology: A Series of Essays. Boston, 1886; The Lord " s Prayer: Being the Last Eight Discourses of the Rev. James Freeman Clarke. L., 1888. Ист.: The Disciples " Hymn Book: A Coll. of Hymns and Chants for Public and Private Devotion/[Ed. J. F. Clarke]. Boston, 1844; Service Book: For the Use of the Church of the Disciples, Taken Principally from the Old and New Testaments/[Ed. J. F. Clarke]. Boston, 1844; Book of Worship: For the Congregation and the Home/[Ed. J. F. Clarke]. Boston; N. Y., 1852; Hale E. E., ed. James Freeman Clarke: Autobiography, Diary, and Correspondence. Boston; N. Y., 1891; The Letters of James Freeman Clarke to Margaret Fuller/Ed. J. W. Thomas. Hamburg, 1957. Библиогр.: Myerson J. James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888)//First Printings of American Authors/Ed. M. J. Bruccoli e. a. Detroit, 1979. Vol. 4. P. 93-107; Neufeldt L. N. James Freeman Clarke: Notes toward a Comprehensive Bibliography//Studies in the American Renaissance. Boston, 1982. [Vol. 6]. P. 209-226; Hodder. 2001. P. 63-68, 75-76. Лит.: Brownson O. A. [Rev.:] Clarke J.

Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf GREGORY OF NAZIANZUS GREGORY OF NAZIANZUS, “The Theologian,” monk, bishop, St. (329–389). One of the Cappadocian Fathers (q.v.), Gregory was the son of the bishop of Nazianzus and a lifelong friend of Basil the Great (q.v.), both of whom studied in Athens. Their friendship was severely strained by Basil’s use of his friends in his campaigns against the “Neo-Arians.” His tactics included filling up vacant episcopal sees with trusted acquaintances, and Gregory fell a reluctant and unhappy victim when snatched from his monastic refuge. Theologically, however, his loyalty to Basil was complete. His appointment in 379 as Bishop of Constantinople for the small party in the imperial city loyal to the Creed of Nicaea (qq.v.) provided the setting for a series of brilliant sermons, including the justly famed five Theological Orations on the Trinity (q.v.), which served to win the day for Trinitarian Orthodoxy at Constantinople and to win for Gregory himself the epithet, “the Theologian,” by which he continues to be venerated. After being appointed Bishop of Constantinople and helping to convene the Second Ecumenical Council (q.v.), he was forced to resign by an episcopal cabal led by the Patriarch of Alexandria. Gregory retired first to Nazianzus and then to his country estate in Cappadocia where he devoted his remaining years to asceticism (q.v.), correspondence, and the writing of theological poetry. While the last forms a considerable part of his remaining works, it is not usually as highly valued as his extraordinary sermons, which with his letters continue to be studied and greatly esteemed. His “Letters to Cledonius” on the Apollinarian controversy, in particular the phrase “what is not assumed is not saved,” provided an important standard for the pronouncements of later Ecumenical Councils on Christology (q.v.). Читать далее Источник: The A to Z of the Orthodox Church/Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson - Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 462 p. ISBN 1461664039 Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное

Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer.  New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973. Reflections on the Psalms. New York: Walker & Co., 1985. Философия The Abolitions of Man. New York: Macmillan, 1978. Сборники эссе The Weight of Glory and Other Adresses.  New York: Macmillan, 1980. God in the Dock. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968. Christian Reflections. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968. The World’s Last Night and Other Essays.  New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973. Present Concerns. New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1975. Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories. New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1975. Стихотворения Poems. New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1977. Narrative Poems. New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1979. Беллетристика Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold. New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1980. The Great Divorce. New York: Macmillan, 1978. The Space Trilogy, 3 vols.,  including  Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and  That Hideous Strenght. New York: Macmillan, 1986. The Pilgrim’s Regress: An Allegorical Apology for Ctristianity, Reason, and Romanticism. New York: Bantam, 1981. Беллетристика для детей The Chronicles of Narnia, 7 books, including  The Lion, the Witch and  the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’, The Silver Chair, The Horse and His Boy, The Magician’s Nephew, and  The Last Battle. New York: Macmillan, 1986. Выбранные вторичные источники Christopher, Joe R.  C. S. Lewis: An Annotated Checklist. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1964. Green, Roger Lancelyn.  C. S. Lewis, A Biography. New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1974. Schakel, Peter J.  Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. Howard, Thomas.  The Achievement of C. S. Lewis. Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw, 1980. Ford, Paul.  Companion to Narnia. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980. Purtill, Richard J. C. S.  Lewis’s Case for the Christian Faith . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980. Kilby, Clyde.  The Christian World of C.

160 Maistre Louis de. Maistre Louis de. L’Enigme René Guénon et les «Supérieurs Inconnus». P. 525. 162 Johnson К. Paul. Ibid. P. 74. Р. Борг – в 1880–1903 гг. британский вице-консул и консул в Каире; Р. Бертон (1891–1890) – английский писатель, оккультист и ди­пломат (консул в Западной Африке, Бразилии, в Дамаске и Триесте). 165 Reigle D. The Books of Kiu-te or The Tibetan Buddhist Tantras. A preliminary analysis. San Diego, 1983. 166 Блаватская Е.П. Тайная доктрина. Т. 1. С. 22; см. также: Блаватская Е.П. Разоблачённая Изида. С. 104–105. 167 Более подробно об отношениях между Блаватской и Соловьёвым см. статью А. Н. Сенкевича «Е. П. Блаватская и Вс. С. Соловьёв» в кн.: Соловьёв В. С. Совре­менная жрица Изиды. М., 1994. С. 310–321. 178 Johnson К. Paul. The Masters Revealed: Madame Blavatsky and the Myth of the Great White Lodge. P. 9–10. 186 La Polémique sur les «Supérieurs Inconnus»/Charis. Archives de l’Unicorne. Archè: Milano, 2003. P. 7. 188 Ш. Никулло (Charles Nicoullaud, 1854–1925), католик-ультрамонтан, монархист, редактор журнала «Revue International des Sociétés Secrètes» («Междуна­родное обозрение Тайных обществ»). 192 La Polémique sur les «Supérieurs Inconnus». P. 194, 196. Согласно классифика­ции Генона, эти главные «секты» располагаются в таком порядке: 1) франкмасоны, 2) карбонарии, 3) мартинисты, 4) иллюминаты, 5) теософы, 6) оккультисты раз­личного рода, 7) секты локальные или расовые. 193 The Early Teachings of the Masters, 1881–1883, Adyar, Madras, 1923 (русский перевод: Письма Мастеров Мудрости. М., 1997). 194 The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from Mahatmas M. And K. H., with an introduction by A. T. Barker, London, 1923. 196 Цит. по: Крэнстон С. Б. П. Блаватская. Жизнь и творчество основательницы современного теософского учения. Сирин (Рига), 1996. С. 263. 199 Hare Harold Edward and William Loftus. Who wrote the Mahatma Letters? London, Williams & Norgate, 1935. 200 The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett. With an introduction by A. T. Barker. London, 1924.

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