Я вовсе не выдаю себя за специалиста в английском, который к тому же не является моим родным языком. И все же да позволят мне – как самый пробный пример – еще один намек на то, что я понимаю под «возрождением». Вот стихира Недели Ваий в буквальном переводе: Six days before the Passover, Thy voice, О Lord, was heard in the depths of Hades, by which Thou hast risen Lazarus of four days; as to the children of Israel, they were shouting “Hosanna”; О our God glory to Thee» 389 . (За шесть дней до Пасхи, Твой голос, о Господи, был услышан в глубинах адовых, посредством чего Ты воздвиг и четверодневного Лазаря. Что же до детей Израилевых, то они взывали: Осанна, Боже наш, слава Тебе.) Если вспомнить, что текст должен быть пропет и, следовательно, услышан как целое, станет понятно, что все эти неизбежные в буквальном переводе «посредством чего», «что же до», бесконечные родительные падежи, тяжеловесные конструкции вроде «for which cause, the Hebrew children, bearing branches of trees in their hands, exalted him with the shout...» 390 («почему и еврейские дети, держа ветви в руках, восхваляли Его криком...») и т. п. не только снижают музыкальность песнопения (как если бы кому-то вздумалось пропеть газетный абзац), но и просто не могут передать синтетический образ, стоящий за текстом. Структура греческого языка иная: все «посредством чего», «почему и» и т.п. никогда не достигают здесь той фонетической независимости, какую они имеют в английском. Обрамляя ключевое слово или символ, они не отягощают их настолько, чтобы те совершенно исчезли в этом густом «соусе». Отсюда первое непреложное условие: «уложить» византийский период в краткие утвердительные (керигматические) предложения, сгруппировав каждое вокруг одного четкого образа и опустив все слова и даже образы, которые «годятся» в греческом тексте, но разрушают английскую фразу. Перевод может выглядеть примерно так: Six days before Pascha Thy voice was heard in Hades. It raised Lazarus. Hosanna, glory to Thee. (За шесть дней до Пасхи


Свят. Амвросий пишет: «Бог есть Творец света, а место и причина тьмы есть мир. Но добрый Творец произнес слово «свет» так, что Он мог открыть мир влитием туда светлости и так сделать его вид красивым. Внезапно, затем воздух становится светлым, и тьма исчезает в страхе от блистания ранее неведомой светлости. Блистание света, который внезапно проник во всю вселенную, преодолел тьму и, так сказать, погрузил ее в бездну» (Six Days, 1:9, р. 39). Преп. Ефрем, согласно с другими Отцами, ясно говорит нам, что этот свет не имел ничего общего с солнцем, которое было создано лишь на четвертый день: «Свет, явившийся на земле, подобен был или светлому облаку, или восходящему солнцу, или столпу, освещавшему народ еврейский в пустыне. Во всяком случае несомненно только то, что свет не мог бы рассеять обнимавшую все тьму, если бы не распространил всюду или сущность свою, или лучи, подобно восходящему солнцу. Первоначальный свет разлит был всюду, а не заключен в одном известном месте; повсюду рассеивал он тьму, не имея движения; все движение его состояло в появлении и исчезновении; по внезапном исчезновении его наступало владычество ночи, и с появлением оканчивалось ее владычество. Так свет производил и три последующие дня... Он содействовал зачатию и порождению всего, что земля должна была произвести в третий день; солнцу же, утвержденному на тверди, надлежало привести в зрелость то, что произошло уже при содействии первоначального света» (Толкование на Бытие, Гл. I, стр. 215). Быт. 1, 4 . И виде Бог свет яко добро Бог назвал каждую стадию Своего труда «добро», видя его совершенную и неиспорченную природу и, как свят. Амвросий учит, смотря вперед на совершенство всего дела: «Бог, как Судия всего дела, предвидя, что имеет произойти как нечто законченное, хвалит ту часть Своего дела, которая еще в своей начальной стадии, будучи всегда осведомленным о ее завершении... Он хвалит каждую индивидуальную часть как подходящую к тому, что должно прийти (в бытие)» (Six Days, IÏ5, р. 65). 1, 4–5 «И разлучи Бог между светом и между тьмою. И нарече Бог свет день, а тьму нарече нощь».


In the Shadow of War/Православие.Ru In the Shadow of War After over two decades of civil war, six years of tentative peace, and a year since the independence of South Sudan, new refugees from Sudan " s embattled Nuba Mountains, including a large population of Christians, give evidence of an unfolding humanitarian crisis, ethnic cleansing, and forewarnings of a broader conflict Jamie Dean Photo by Hannah McNeish/AFP/Getty Images YIDA, South Sudan—When Ali Harun Saliman fled relentless bombing and looming famine in Sudan " s Nuba Mountains seven months ago, the Episcopal pastor left nearly all his possessions but took the two things most dear: his family and most of his congregation. For nearly five days, the pastor and 34 families from his local church trekked on foot through sweltering heat and torrential downpours to cross the border into South Sudan and settle here in Yida, a remote refugee camp just a few miles away from the volatile north-south border. Less than two months after arriving, a familiar affliction followed. An Antonov bomber approached from northern Sudan and circled Yida three times before dropping its payload: four bombs that landed near the camp, and one that landed next to a thatched-roof school in the middle of camp. Thankfully, the bomb didn " t explode, but terror did: Refugees fled into the woods and the bush, some staying for hours. These days, foxholes dot the landscape of the camp " s hot sand and red dirt—a constant reminder that danger lurks just beyond the horizon. As many as 20,000 refugees live here in Yida, facing the harsh reality of starting over with few supplies and wondering if they " ll ever return home. Most have fled here from the Nuba Mountains in the state of South Kordofan, a region just over the border in northern Sudan, after South Sudan declared its independence from Sudan in 2011. The situation in the Nuba Mountains is reminiscent of the catastrophe in Darfur, where the Sudanese government executed an ethnic cleansing campaign against opposition forces and civilians during a conflict that began in 2003.


60,000 Mark Royal Days in Ekaterinburg Paul Gilbert July 17, 2015 On the evening of July 16/17, to honor the memory of the murdered Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family, more than 60.000 Orthodox faithful took part in the 20 km royal procession pilgrimage from the Church on the Blood in Ekaterinburg to the Monastery of the Royal Martyrs at Ganina Yama.      On the evening of 16/17 July, to honour the memory of the murdered Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family, more than 60,000 Orthodox faithful took part in the 20-km royal procession pilgrimage from the Church on Blood in Honour of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land in Ekaterinburg to the Monastery of the Royal Martyrs at Ganina Yama. The procession passed without incident, said " the regional newspaper " the press service of the Ekaterinburg diocese. Before the procession a Divine Liturgy was held at the Cathedral on the Blood, which was headed by Metropolitan Kirill of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye concelebrated hierarchs: Metropolitan of Tashkent and Uzbekistani Vincent, Archbishop of Sebaste Theodosius (Jerusalem Patriarchate), Bishop of Tarski and Tyukalinsk Savvatii, bishop of Glazov Igra and Victor, Bishop of Nizhny Tagil Serov and Innocent, Bishop Kamensky and Methodius of Alapaevsk. At two o " clock in the morning on July 17, residents and guests of Ekaterinburg, which included Orthodox Christians, monarchists, among others began the 20-km procession, which ended at half past six in the morning. The procession was led by Metropolitan Kirill of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, accompanied by members of his clergy. They were followed by Cossacks carrying icons and banners. This year, a group of Japanese pilgrims, dressed in samurai armour took part in the procession. The column stretched for several kilometres. Throughout the course of the procession, pilgrims were accompanied by mobile teams of assistance who provided the faithful with bottles of drinking water, and first aid. Buses were provided along the procession route for people to stop and rest, or for those who could not complete the journey. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Fredi 5 мая 2016, 06:00 I " m very happy to read that people are commemorating the Holy Royal Martyr Family. Tsar Nicholas II was a great man that I greatly admire! From an Orthodox Christian in El Salvador! Christ is Risen, my dear brothers in the Faith of the Fathers! Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Христос свидетельствует о Своем Божественном посланничестве, являя Свою власть над сатаной. Он дает знамение Своей победы, изгоняя беса из человека, который был нем. Когда словом Христовым бес был изгнан, этот человек стал тотчас же говорить — уста его отверзлись в хвале Богу. [Встреча с Православием/Святоотеческое наследие] Боящимся Бога Господь помогает идти по благому пути, который они избрали: он просвещает их ум и совесть для того, чтобы они уразумели и усвоили себе законы Господни. Следствием богобоязненности или исполнения заповедей Божиих для души нашей бывает внутренний мир и чистая, святая радость, так что душе человека богобоязненного бывает очень хорошо, благо: душа его во благих водворится. English Edition [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze The Life of St. Kozman has not been preserved. In the commemorations for this day it is mentioned only that he died a martyr’s death in the region of Kartli. Here it is fitting to note that, due to its geopolitical circumstances, Georgia has throughout history been a constant victim of foreign aggression. To give one’s life for his motherland and Faith became so customary for the Georgian people that the Georgian Church is unable to commemorate all of its martyrs by name. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Saint Ioseb (Jandierishvili) received his spiritual education at Davit-Gareji Monastery. He was endowed by the Lord with the gift of wonder-working. His prayers healed the terminally ill and demon-possessed. For his wisdom and virtue, he was consecrated bishop of Rustavi, and in 1755 enthroned as Catholicos-Patriarch. St. Ioseb remained a monk-ascetic in spite of his hierarchical rank. [Homilies and Spiritual Instruction] Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Saint Anton of Chqondidi was born to the family of Otia Dadiani, the prince of Egrisi (now Samegrelo). Anton’s mother, Gulkan, was the daughter of the prince Shoshita III of Racha. There were six children in the family: five boys and one girl. Anton’s sister, Mariam, later married King Solomon the Great of Imereti.


Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf LENT LENT. There are technically four “lents,” or fasting seasons, during the liturgical year of the Orthodox Church: the Great Lent consisting of “forty days” preceding Holy Week and Easter, the Apostles’ Fast preceding the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul (June 29th), two weeks preceding the Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15th), and the forty days in preparation for the Nativity of Christ (December 25th). It is Great Lent, however, that enjoys both chronological and liturgical primacy, and was the model for the others. A fasting period of up to a week preceding the paschal vigil appears as early as the 3rd c. Believers, according to the Apostolic Tradition (q.v.), were expected to share in the catechumens’ preparation for their Baptism (q.v.) during the Easter Vigil. The 4th c. expansion of Christianity saw this period extended to essentially its present dimensions, as is evident in the account Egeria (q.v.) gives of Lent in late 4th c. Jerusalem. As presently observed, the Orthodox Lent includes six weeks of fasting, less the Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday, which begin the Holy Week commemorating Christ’s suffering. For four Sundays prior to the fast, reckoned as beginning on a Monday, the themes that are to predominate during the forty days are brought to the believers’ attention through the reading of the Gospel lessons of the Pharisee and Publican (humility), Prodigal Son (repentance), the Last Judgment (righteous deeds and the memory of death), and forgiveness. Each of the lenten Sundays is also devoted to a particular theme. The first commemorates the final victory over iconoclasm (q.v.) in 843, the second remembers Gregory Palamas (q.v.), the champion of asceticism, the third the Holy Cross, the fourth Joh n Climacus (q.v.), and the fifth the great image of repentance, Mary of Egypt. Church services during this period reflect the themes of repentance (q.v.), godly sorrow, and entrance into the Church. They are longer, make greater use of Old Testament readings (reflecting also Lent’s origins as a preparation for Baptism), and in Russian employ melodies in the minor key and vestments of somber hue. Perhaps the characteristic service par excellence of Great Lent is the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Since the Byzantine Church forbade the celebration of the Eucharist (q.v.) during the weekdays of the fast, communion was-and is-provided the faithful through an evening service, essentially Vespers, on Wednesdays and Fridays. The communion is taken from a eucharistic host consecrated the preceding Sunday, hence the “presanctified” in the service’s title. Читать далее Источник: The A to Z of the Orthodox Church/Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson - Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 462 p. ISBN 1461664039 Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


«Из ступенек путь восхождения» свят. Григория, таким об­разом, изображает вовсе не временное происхождение человека от растений и животных, но только лишь его сходство с низшей тварью по причастию питательного и чувствующего естества, которое имеет вся земнородная тварь в данной от Бога степени. Он описывает не историю человека, но его природу. Ниже мы увидим более определенно, что на самом деле ду­мал свят. Григорий о «смешении природ», которое подразуме­вается в теории эволюции. ГЛАВА III. ШЕСТЬ ДНЕЙ (День за днем) ( Быт. 1:1–25, 2:1–3 ) Теперь обратимся к тексту Бытия и увидим вкратце, что Бог привел в бытие в течение шести дней творения. 1. День первый (Быт. 1, 1–5). «В начале…» ( Быт. 1, 1 ). Эта книга о самых первых вещах в мире. Однако здесь может так же быть мистическое значение слов, как учит свят. Амвро­сий: «Начало в таинственном смысле выражается высказы­ванием: «Аз есмь Альфа и Омега, начаток и конец» ( Откр. 1,8 )... Воистину, Тот, Кто есть начало всех вещей по дей­ствию Своего Божества, есть также и конец... Посему, в сем начале, сиречь во Христе, Бог сотворил небо и землю, Ибо «вся Тем Быша, и без Него ничтоже бысть, еже бысть» ( Ин. 1, 3 )» (Six Days, 1:15). Последующие акты творения начинаются: «И рече Бог». Свят. Василий спрашивает о значении этого и дает нам ответ: «Спрашиваем: как говорит Бог ? Так же ли, как и мы... чрез сотрясание воздуха, нужное к членораздельному дви­жению голоса делает Он ясною тайную Свою мысль? И не походит ли на басню утверждать, что Богу нужно столько околичностей для обнаружения Своей мысли? Или благочестивее будет сказать, что Божие хотение и первое устремление мысленного движения есть уже Бо­жие Слово (т.е. Христос)? Писание же изображает Бога многословно, дабы показать, что Он не только восхотел бытия твари, но и привел ее в бытие чрез некоего Содейственника. Как сказало оно в начале, так могло бы выра­зиться и обо всем, сказав: «В начале сотвори Бог небо и землю», потом могло бы сказать: «Сотвори свет», а по­том: «Сотвори твердь». Но теперь, представляя Бога пове­левающим и разглагольствующим самым умолчанием, указывает на Того, Кому Бог повелевает и с Кем разгла­гольствует... Для того, чтобы возбудить ум наш к исследо­ваниям о Лице, к Которому изречены слова, премудро и искусно употреблен этот образ разглагольствования.» (Шестоднев, III, 2, стр. 24–25).


Ukrainian church in Lvov vandalized The church was slandered as “Stalin’s Patriarchate” Lvov, Ukraine, October 25, 2018 Photo: upc.lviv.ua A church named in honor of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles St. Vladimir the Great in Lvov, Ukraine, was vandalized in the night of October 20-21, reports the site of the Lvov Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The same church has been attacked several times already this year. The humble wooden church was pasted with images of Joseph Stalin with the inscription, “The true canonical name of the Moscow Orthodox Church is ‘Stalin’s Patriarchate.’” In January, nationalistic forces picketed the church, and on February 3, the church was set on fire. The perpetrators have yet to be found. Restoration work is still underway. The diocese is calling on vandals to cease attacking the church, reminding them of the 5th paragraph of the recent statement from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, in which its Holy Synod “appeal[s] to all sides involved that they avoid appropriation of churches, monasteries, and other properties as well as every other act of violence and retaliation so that he peace and love of Christ may prevail.” Photo: upc.lviv.ua “Unfortunately, we see neither Christ’s love for others nor the desire for peace in the actions of these unknown persons who desecrated St. Vladimir’s Church,” the diocesan message reads. It also entreats the parishioners of the church to remain calm, pray, and entrust the situation to the providence of God. The message also calls on those involved in the current sectarian strife in to maintain their dignity as Christians and to remember that they were “bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:20), that they “are Christ’s” (3:23), and that they should “glorify God in [their] bod[ies], and in [their] spirit[s], which are God’s (6:20). The UN monitoring mission for human rights earlier reported that there were six attacks on canonical Ukrainian churches from May to August, though criminal cases were opened for only two of them, reports RIA-Novosti . Three men, including two “priests” of the schismatic “Kiev Patriarchate” also tried to break into a parish of the Ukrainian Church two days ago , though the priest and community were able to prevent them. Follow us on Facebook ! 25 октября 2018 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Inmates of two penal colonies receive Baptism Arkhangelsk, July 11, 2013 Clergymen provide pastoral care to the churches located in these penal institutions. On one of these visits, an important Church Sacrament, Baptism, was performed in the penal colonies of the Russian Federal Service of Execution of Punishments Administration in the Arkhangelsk region. The church at the penal colony No. 14 (the town of Velsk), dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God of Tender Feeling (Umilenie), is open seven days a week: those who need spiritual support can come and pray before the icons, and choose useful literature in the rich church library in which more than 2000 books and journals have already been collected. Frequent guests of the church, the Dean of Velsk district Father Andrew (Vermilov) and Father Dimitry (Chashin), regularly perform in the small church the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. This time, sixteen prisoners have recieved Baptism. " In August, it will be two years since the church moved to a separate building constructed especially for it. Dozens of services have been celebrated here and over 60 prisoners have been baptized. Religion helps many in this colony to become kinder, more patient, and to live in harmony with one " s soul, " commented Alexander Korotaev, head of the Department for educational work with convicts of the Federal Official Institution of the penal colony No. 14. In the Church of the penal colony No. 4 (the town of Kotlas), the Sacrament of Baptism was administered by Archpriest Sergiy (Rihter). Fr. Sergiy has thoroughly explained the rite to the convicts, so that they would be fully aware of what was happening. This time, the rector of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God united six prisoners to the Orthodox Church. " Each visit of Father Sergiy is a true event for the inmates. His missionary activity in the institution includes not only Church services; the Rector is also a member of the board of trusties at the colony. He always attends the meetings of certification committees where questions on petitions changes in punishments are considered, " explained the deputy chief of the Federal Official Institution of the penal colony No. 4, Alexander Ekimov. There is no doubt that by teaching the Gospel to inmates, they will gradually acquire the spiritual and moral values that will enable them in the future to find their way in life with dignity. Pravoslavie.ru 12 июля 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Obama Administration Cracks Down on States " Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood/Православие.Ru Obama Administration Cracks Down on States " Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood August 14, 2015      The Obama Administration says that the recent action taken by Louisiana and Alabama to defund Planned Parenthood is in violation of federal law. The two states have contacted their respective Planned Parenthood headquarters, notifying the clinics that their Medicaid provider agreement with the states will be terminated. According to LifeNews, both states gave Planned Parenthood the required 30-days notice of agreement termination--an action that either party in the agreement could have made at any time. However, the Obama Administration, through the federal Center for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS), has contacted Louisiana and Alabama, warning the states that their recent actions may place them in conflict with federal law. Department of Health and Human Services spokesman Ben Wakana stated that “Longstanding Medicaid laws prohibit states from restricting individuals who have coverage through Medicaid from receiving care from a qualified provider. By restricting which provider a woman could choose to receive care from, women could lose access to critical preventive care, such as cancer screenings.” The argument that defunding Planned Parenthood centers could result in loss of healthcare for women is one that Planned Parenthood itself has been making, still claiming it has done nothing wrong, according to Reuters, even after six videos have been released documenting Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the sale of fetal body parts. Louisiana, however, is not backing down and has explained to the CMS the reason for its termination of the state’s Medicaid provider agreement with Planned Parenthood. Mike Reed, a spokesman for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has issued a statement saying that “CMS reached out to DHH [the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals] after we canceled the Medicaid provider contract with Planned Parenthood. DHH explained to CMS why the state chose to exercise our right to cancel the contract without cause.” Jindal, who spearheaded the movement to defund Planned Parenthood in his state, is one of 17 Republican presidential candidates. 14 августа 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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