Charter of the OCA " s Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee Posted/Православие.Ru Charter of the OCA " s Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee Posted Syosset, NY [OCA] The Orthodox Church in America " s Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee (SMPAC) held a teleconference on July 6, 2010. The SMPAC advises the Office of Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (Office), which is under the authority of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah and coordinated by the Chancellor, Archpriest Alexander Garklavs. Among other important issues, the SMPAC discussed that there is a misunderstanding as to the purpose of the Committee. Some members of the Church mistakenly believe that the Committee is supposed to investigate complaints of sexual misconduct. The SMPAC is not investigating any current cases or allegations, since that goes beyond its adopted Charter. The Charter had been blessed by His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH and adopted on May 20, 2010. Previously cited in a release on the OCA website on May 27, 2010, the complete text of the Charter appears below. ORTHODOX CHURCH IN AMERICA SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHARTER The Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee (“Committee”) was created by Metropolitan JONAH on January 28, 2010 to work with and assist the Office of Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (“Office”). The Committee was initially known as the “Sexual Misconduct Allegations Review Committee.” AUTHORITY, RESPONSIBILITY AND SUPERVISION The Committee is under the authority of the Metropolitan, and is chaired by the Chancellor of the Church, who is the day-to-day supervisor of the Office. The Committee operates in an advisory capacity only and does not assume any responsibility for the handling of sexual misconduct allegations, because that responsibility properly belongs to the Diocesan Hierarchs and the Office, according to the Policies, Standards, and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct. Committee members are appointed by the Metropolitan.

21 . IV Symposium Syriacum 1984/Ed. Drijvers H. J. W., Lavenant R. e. a. 1987. (OCA 229). 22 . V Symposium Syriacum 1988/Ed. Lavenant R 1990. (OCA 236). 23 . VI Symposium Syriacum 1992/Ed. Lavenant R 1994. (OCA 247). 24 . VII Symposium Syriacum 1996/Ed. Lavenant R 1998. (OCA 256). 25 . VIII Symposium Syriacum. Sydney 2000 (в печ.) [Серия трудов сир. симпозиумов, содержащая бол. число публикаций по сир. богословию и аскетике]. 26 . Wright W. A short history of Syriac literature. L. 1894. Райт В. Краткий очерк сирийской литературы./Пер. Тураевой К. А. под ред. Коковцова П. К. СПб. 1902. 235. [Отд. изд. статьи, первоначально написанной для Брит. Энциклопедии. Практически без библ.]. Подвижники и тексты традиции Афраат TRE I. 625–635 «Персидский мудрец» Фрахат (Афраат в сирийской огласовке) писал в IV в. в пределах сироязычпого ареала персидского царства. Его отождествление со св. Иаковом Нисибинским отвергается ныне почти всеми учеными. 23 тахвиты (букв., показательства) Афраата являют автора выразителем очень архаичного семитского богословия, талантливым проповедником и экзегетом. В сочинениях Афраата собственно аскетическая или исихастская тематика – одна из центральных (см. особ. 3, 4, 7, 9-ая тахвиты). Сочинения 27 . The Homilies of Aphraates, the Persian Sage/Ed. from Syriac MSS. of the fifth and sixth centuries, in the British Museum, with an English translation by Wright W. c.a. L.; Edinburgh 1869. 28 . Aphrahats des pcrsischen Weisen Homilien/Übers., erl. Bert G. Leipzig 1888. (TU 3:3–4). 29 . Jacobi Episcopi Nisibeni Homilia de Adventu Regis Persarum adversus urbem Nisibis. Ed. Pereira E.//Orientalische Studien T. Nöldeke gewidmet. Gie βen 1906. 877–892. [Геэзские переводы под именем Иакова Нисибинского]. 30 . [Tahwyâthâ.] Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstrationes. Textum Syriacum vocalium signis instruxit, Latine vertit, notis illustravit D. Parisot Joannes. 1–2. P. 1894–1907. LXXX, coll. 1053, 489. (Patrologia Syriaca. P. 1, vols. 1–2). [Стандартное изд. с лат. пер.].

Успенский Н., Анафора. Опыт историко-литургического анализа, Бог . Труды 13 (40–147) где много другой литературы. Эта работа содержит текст (и толкование) следующ. анафор: Дидахи (55), Апост. Предания и Завещания Госп. (63), Серапиона (75), 2 редакции Василия (87), 12 Апостолов и Златоуста (95), Римская (117). Успенский Н., Историография Литургии (Машинопись). Успенский Н., Чин всенощного бдения в Греческой и Русской Церкви (Машин.) 1949. Иностранная литература OCA : Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Коллекция Понтификального Восточн.Института в Риме OCP : Orientalia Christiana Periodica, Журнал Понтификального Восточного Института в Риме Arranz M., Le «Sancta Sanctis» dans la tradition liturgique des Eglises, Archiv für Liturgiswissenschaft, 15 (1973). Bornert R., Les Commentaires byzantins de La Divine Liturgie, Paris 1966 Brightman F. E., Liturgies Eastern..., Oxford, 1896. Goar J., Eujcolovgion sive Rituale Graecorum, 2a ed.,Venetiis, 1730. Hänggi A. – Pahl I., Prex Eucharistica: Raes A., Anaphorae Orientales, Fribourg, 1968. Hanssens J. – M., Institutiones Liturgicae, II, III, appendix: De ritibus orientalibus, Roma, 1930, 1932. Jacob A., Histoire du formulaire grec de la liturgie de Saint Jean Chrysostome, 2 vol., Louvain, 1968. Jacob A., I’Euchologe de Porphyre Uspensky. Cod. Leningr. gr. 226 (X-e s.), Le Museon, 78 (1965). Janeras S., Introductio in Liturgias Orientales, Roma. Ligier L., Il Canone, Roma. Ligier L., Il Sacramento della Eucaristia, Pontificia Università Gregoriana. Roma, 1971. Mateos J., La Célébration de la Parole dans la Liturgie Byzantine, OCA 191, Rome, 1971. Mateos J., Evolution Historique de la liturgie de Saint Jean Chrysostome, Prôche Orient Chrétien,1967–1970. Mateos J., The Evolution of the Byzantine Liturgy, John XXIII Lectures, New York, 1966. Mateos J., Le Typicon de la Grande-Eglise, OCA 165, 166, Rome 1962–3. Raes A., Introductio in Liturgiam Orientalem, Roma, 1947. Paverd (van de) F., Zür Geschichte der Messliturgie in Antiocheia und Konstantinopel gegen Ende des vierten Jahrhunderts. Analyse der Quellen bei Johannes Chrysostomus, OCA 187, Rom, 1970. Skrincosky P., The Formation of the Byzantin Ukrainian Typical Liturgy. A Survey of the Development of the Byzantine-slave Liturgy in the X-XVI Centuries. John XXIII Lectures, New York, 1966.

Faithful remember victims of 9/11 terrorist attacks New York, September 11, 2010 - OCA On the second weekend of September 2010, Orthodox Christian faithful across North America and beyond offered special prayers in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. In New York, His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, celebrated a Memorial Service at the site of the former World Trade Center. Representing His Grace, Bishop Michael of the OCA Diocese of New York and New Jersey at the service was Igumen Christopher [Calin], dean of Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral on New York " s lower east side. [In the weeks and months immediately following the attack on the World Trade Center, the cathedral " s clergy and faithful had been deeply involved in ministering to attack victims and local fire department personnel and their families.] In his comments after the Memorial Service, Archbishop Demetrios emphasized that this is a day on which we remember the innocent victims who died, and that we should not allow the significance of the day to be overshadowed by any other issues or interests. He read from the Wisdom of Solomon, 3: 1-7. Also present at the service were His Grace, Bishop Savvas; Father John Romas, pastor of Saint Nicholas Church, which was destroyed when World Trade Center Tower Two collapsed [see related story at ]; five priests of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, and numerous laypersons, some of whom had lost family members in the attack. Members of the police and fire departments, as well as representatives from the embassies of Greece and Cyprus, also were in attendance. In Moscow, the annual Memorial for the Innocent Victims of Terrorism was celebrated at the OCA " s Representation Church of the Great Martyr Catherine. Archimandrite Zacchaeus invited His Excellency, Mr. John Beyrle, Ambassador of the USA to the Russian Federation, to address the gathering at the conclusion of the service. Also invited to address the faithful was Alexander P. Torshin, First Deputy of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, and Senator Sergei E. Sheblygin, President of the Saint Andrew the First Called Foundation and the Center for the National Glory of Russia, who attended in the absence of Vladimir I. Yakunin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, who annually attends the service. Following the service, Archimandrite Zacchaeus led everyone in ringing the bell that hangs in the memorial bell tower erected in honor of the 9/11 terrorism victims. A photo gallery of the service may be found at , while a video is posted at . Official website of the Orthodox Church in America 13 сентября 2010 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

OCA, ROCOR Metropolitans, hierarchs concelebrate the Divine Liturgy at ROCOR " s NYC cathedral/Православие.Ru OCA, ROCOR Metropolitans, hierarchs concelebrate the Divine Liturgy at ROCOR " s NYC cathedral December 14, 2011 ROCOR/OCA Liturgy His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, concelebrated the Divine Liturgy for the first time at the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign, New York, NY, on Saturday, December 10, 2011. The celebration marked the first time in nearly 70 years that the primates and hierarchs of the OCA and ROCOR have concelebrated. It is noteworthy that the Liturgy was celebrated on the cathedral’s Patronal Feast of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, which was present during the Divine Liturgy. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitans Jonah and Hilarion exchanged warm greetings and spoke of the historic significance and importance of the occasion. “I am profoundly grateful for this opportunity to come together, to pray together, to celebrate our brotherly love together as one Church. Truly, there is only one Church,” said Metropolitan Jonah. “God has called us to that love, to that communion with one another. It is my fervent prayer that from now on, we work together and cooperate together in many different projects and support one another in our common task. “God has seen fit over the past decades that our two Churches have received different ministries, each working in different communities of people, each bearing fruit for the Lord according to His will, and going after the vineyards which He has given to us to cultivate,” Metropolitan Jonah continued. “And now He has brought us together in a new way to constantly share in the same Eucharistic cup, working together in unity to cultivate this vineyard of North America and everywhere else that God calls us to, in preaching the Gospel of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.”

... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The First-Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) visits Sretensky Monastery The First-Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) visits Sretensky Monastery On 28 April 2009, His Beatitude, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada JONAH visited Moscow’s Sretensky Stavropegial Monastery. The First-Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) was greeted with the singing of “Christ is Risen” by Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov, superior of Sretensky Monastery, along with the brotherhood, seminarians of Sretensky Theological Seminary, and well-wishing parishioners. Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rebirth of Monastic Life in Sretensky Monastery. Hieromonk Luke: “Knowledge is a firm foundation on which to build the salvation of the soul.” Hieromonk Luke (Aule), Hieromonk John (Ludishchev) Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rebirth of Monastic Life in Sretensky Monastery. Hieromonk Luke: “Knowledge is a firm foundation on which to build the salvation of the soul.” I am grateful to the Lord, to the Mother of God and to Batiushka Tikhon that they gave me such joy and happiness—the chance to study. Knowledge is a firm foundation to use in building the salvation of one’s soul. Of course, such spiritual building is based on firm faith and fulfillment of the Gospel commandments. For us, the path of ascension to God is traveled under the guidance of the holy fathers. They teach us how to correctly fulfill the Gospel commandments. Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rebirth of Monastic Life in Sretensky Monastery. Archimandrite Tikhon. Reminiscences of Sretensky Monastery Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rebirth of Monastic Life in Sretensky Monastery. Archimandrite Tikhon. Reminiscences of Sretensky Monastery The history of Sretensky Monastery—its apogee, its desolation in the twentieth century, and its rebirth at the end of an era, in the early 1990’s—is rich and diverse. But we can always find the Lord’s instruction in whatever might happen. Here are just a few incidents from the monastery’s recent history. Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

E. Benz, Russische Heiligenlegenden. Zürich, 1953. R P. Casey, Early Russian Monasticism//OCP 19 (1953). P. 372–423. Л. Я. Денисов, Православные монастыри Российской империи. Москва, 1908. G. P. Fedotov, A Treasury of Russian Spirituality. London, 1952. E. Голубинский, История Русской Церкви. I, 2. Москва, 1904. С. 552–730. V. Kojevnikov, Les monastérs russes//Irénikon, 6 (1927). P. 146–149. I. Kologrivof, Essai sur la sainteté en Russie. Bruges, 1953. Русское издание: Иером. Иоанн Кологривов, Очерки по истории русской святости. Сиракузы, 1991. J. ezá, De monachismo secundum recentiorem legislationem Russicam//OCA 138. Roma, 1952. М. J. Rouet de Joumel, Monachisme et Monastéres Russes. Paris, 1952. I. Smolitsch, Das altrussische Mönchtum (11.–16. Jahrhundert). Gesrtalter und Gestalten. Würzburg, 1940. I. Smolitsch, Russisches Mönchtum. Entstehung, Entwicklung, Wesen. Würzburg, 1953. T. ŠPidlík, Les grands mystiques russes. Paris, 1979. Нищета J. Meyendorff, Partisans et ennemis des biens ecclésiastiques au sein du monachisme russe au XV е et XVI е siécles//Irénikon, 29 (1956). P. 28–46, 151–164. J. Meyendorff, Une controverse sur le rôle social de lÉglise. La querelle des biens ecclésiastiques au XV е siécle en Russie. Chevetogne, 1957. F. von Lilienfeld, Nil Sorskij und seine Schriften. Die Krise der Tradition in Russland Ivans III. Berlin, 1963. G. Maloney, The Spirituality of Nil Sorsky. Westmale, 1964. J. esá, De monachismo secundum recentiorem legislationem Russicam//OCA 138. Roma, 1952. P. 186 ff. T. Špidlík, Joseph de Volokolamsk. Un chapitre de la spiritualité russe//OCA 146. Roma, 1956. P. 115 ff. Старчество Игумен Иоанн (Алексеев) , Письма валаамского старца. Перепечатано из журнала Вечное за 1961 год. Хельсинки, 1984. J. Beuasobre, Russian Lettres of Direction, 1834–1860. Macarius Starets of Optino. London, 1944. S. Bolshakoff, I mistici russi. Torino, 1962. P. 162 ff.; 2 ed.: Incontro con la spiritualita russa. Torino, 1990. P. 61 ff., 129 ff. С. Четвериков, Из истории русского старчества//Путь. С. 23–49.

OCA Synod elects Archimandrite Alexander [Golitzin] as Bishop of the Bulgarian Diocese Syosset, NY, October 4, 2011 At their opening session at Saint Sergius of Radonezh Chapel here on Tuesday morning, October 4, 2011, the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America elected Archimandrite Alexander [Golitzin] to the vacant See of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese, reports the official website of the Orthodox Church in America. Archimandrite Alexander was nominated for the vacant see at the diocese’s Fifth Congress-Sobor held in Toledo, OH on Saturday, June 9, 2011. In June 2010, the diocese initiated its search for a candidate for a successor to His Eminence, the late Archbishop Kirill. At the close of the first phase of the search, the diocesan search committee had reviewed the names of 22 possible candidates. After thorough review and discussion, the list was reduced to six names. All six men were contacted and their suitability as candidates was further reviewed. The search committee then settled on two candidates — Archimandrite Alexander and Archpriest Paul Gassios. A native of Saint Innocent Church, Tarzana, CA, Archimandrite Alexander received a BA in English from the University of California at Berkeley and an M. Div. from Saint Vladimir’s Seminary. He spent seven years pursuing doctoral studies at Oxford University in England under His Eminence, Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware]. During this time, he also spent two years in Greece, including one year at Simonos Petras Monastery on Mount Athos. After receiving his D.Phil. in 1980, he returned to the US, where he was ordained to the diaconate in January 1982 and to the priesthood two years later. In 1986, he was tonsured to monastic orders. He served OCA missions in northern California and headed the Diocese of the West’s mission committee. In 1989, he took a teaching position at Milwaukee’s Marquette University in the Theology Department, a position that he holds today. The Bulgarian Diocese of the OCA includes 19 parishes and missions and one monastery. Also active in the U.S. is the Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese of America, Canada, and Australia, which is under the jurisdiction of the Bulgarian Patriarch. His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph is the diocesan prelate. 5 октября 2011 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Patriarch Kirill could visit US in near future, says Met. Hilarion Moscow, May 12, 2017 Photo:      In Washington, DC for the May 10-13 World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians, convened by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), the head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, told TASS on Thursday that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill could visit America sometime in the near future. “I really think the patriarch’s visit to the US is somewhere on the horizon,” the metropolitan stated, noting that the primate has already visited all of the autocephalous Local Orthodox Churches except for the Orthodox Church in America, currently under the leadership of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon. Such a trip would be Patriarch Kirill’s first to America, and would be especially noteworthy as it was the Moscow Patriarchate that granted autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in America in 1970. His predecessor, Patriarch Alexey II, traveled to America in 1991, where he visited St. Tikhon’s Monastery and Seminary in South Canaan, PA, and the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese chancery in Englewood, NJ, among other sites. “I think this is possible in the coming years,” Met. Hilarion stated, although adding, “We’re not discussing any specific dates yet.” He did note that the issue could be raised in conversation with Met. Tikhon, who is also attending and speaking at the Washington summit. The two hierarchs are to meet and concelebrate this coming weekend at St. Nicholas Church (OCA) in Washington, DC. For his part, Met. Tikhon said that he would be glad to receive His Holiness Patriarch Kirill in America. “I’m sure we’ll be discussing it in the future,” he stated. The two primates have concelebrated before, when Met. Tikhon was in Moscow for the patriarch’s 70th birthday celebration. Начало формы 12 мая 2017 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Editor 13 мая 2017, 17:19 Elena: We chose a picture of Patriarch Kirill and Met. Tikhon because the article is about Pat. Kirill possibly coming to America to visit the OCA. Nigeria Abraham Ifeakachukwu 13 мая 2017, 01:03 May God continue to give his church and leaders strength and add more to their wisdom. Amen. Am writing from Nigeria Lagos city please I will like to attend and visit sir. Elena Stoyanov 12 мая 2017, 23:16 Metropolitan Hilarion is not in the photograph - that is Metropolitan Tikhon of the OCA. OOOPS! Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah celebrate at the Epiphany Cathedral on the Epiphany Moscow, January 20, 2010 On January 19 th , 2011, the feast of the Holy Epiphany of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah of All America and Canada on a visit to Moscow celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo. Concelebrating were Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR); Bishop Aleksandr of Dmitrov; Bishop Tikhon of Podolsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Finance and Economic Managements; Bishop Melchizedek of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania (Orthodox Church in America); archpriest Matfei Stadnyuk, rector of the Cathedral of the Epiphany; archimandrite Zacchaeus (Wood), representative of the OCA in Moscow; archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), abbot of the Sretensky Monastery; archpriest Nikolai Balashov, DECR deputy chairman; Rev. Igor Yakimchuk, DECR secretary for inter-Orthodox relations; hieromonk Antoniy (Sevryuk), head of the personal secretariat of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; clerics of the Cathe4dral of the Epiphany and other Moscow churches. After the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah performed the Office of the Great Blessing of Waters, after which His Holiness addressed the worshippers with the primatial homily dedicated to the Epiphany of the Lord. He greeted the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America and congratulated the rector, clergy and parishioners on the Patronal Feast. Metropolitan Jonah greeted His Holiness and the plenitude of th4e Russian Orthodox Church. The divine service was followed by fraternal repast. His Holiness thanked His Beatitude for his ministry on the American continent. The Orthodox Church in America is an autocephalous Church, yet she has come into being from the Russian ecclesiastical mission, headed by Patriarch, then Bishop, Tikhon of Russia. The OCA has been independent for some forty years and is becoming the Church of the Americans thus bringing witness to the missionary labours of our fathers and forefathers, His Holiness said and wished His Beatitude and the OCA bishops unity, strength, and God’s help to maintain spiritual cordial ties with the Russian Mother Church, which is willing to support American Orthodoxy. His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah thanked His Holiness Patriarch Kirill for concelebrating the Divine Liturgy on the feast day and for support rendered by the Russian Orthodox Church to the Orthodox Church in America. DECR Communication Services 20 января 2011 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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